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Questions tagged [nedarim-shevuot]

Questions about oaths or vows that a person accepts upon oneself and obligations that stem from them

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Why doesn't Shaul kill the witch of En-Dor?

in 1 Shmuel 28 Shaul consults with a witch who causes the spirit of Shmuel to rise in a practice known as Ov. Working on the assumption that this event actually took place, as described, and that the ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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שבועה to not be מתיר נדר - is it חל?

Someone who made a שבועה saying that he will never be מתיר a נדר or a שבועה, is this חל (valid)? Question 2- what if this would indirectly cause him to transgress an עבירה?
Xavier Florentine's user avatar
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Neder (vow) not to speak

If one makes a neder (vow) not to speak, how is it able to be undone? Surely he can't do hataras nedarim (annulment of vows) since he can't speak!
Moishe's user avatar
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Translating the vow/minhag

If one mentions that he wants to act according to a specific shita (not intending to make a neder), then acts according to that shita, is that considered an act that now becomes binding to him? (...
C L's user avatar
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Who were the people who would make hachlatas in their hearts and be careful to keep them

BH Our teacher told us once that there were certain people from the Gemara correct me If I’m wrong that if they made a hachlata (decision) in their minds to do something they would do it. Would this ...
David 's user avatar
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Shevuah on Mitzvos

You can’t make a Shevuah against the mitzvos (ie: I won’t shake a Lulav). But can you make a double Shevuah, that neither goes against a mitzva, but together does(ie: I won’t shake any Lulav in this ...
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Shevuos of the past

If the Shevuah that we made at Har Sinai to keep the Mitzvos is still in effect, then are all Shevuot made in a past Gilgul still active, and we could all be violating Shevuot left and right?
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If Jews make an oath to not do mitzvot which are normally required after an action, is it binding

Inspired by the answer to this question, is it valid for Jews to Make an oath to prevent themselves from performing mitzvoth which proceed from their choices, for example vowing to not do ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Can a husband or father object to a woman becoming a Nazir

According to Halacha, a husband or a father have a right to object to their wife or daughter (if their daughter is still under their father’s authority) taking a vow. My question is, does this apply ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Help me understand this Midrash Talpiot about finding lost objects I understand you have to make a vow that you will give שמן in honour of R Meir. Also that it may not work if someone already found ...
zunior's user avatar
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Nedarim to d’rabbanan prohibitions

If one makes a Neder to do something that is prohibited D’rabbanan, and knows that it is prohibited D’rabbanan, is it considered a Neder in vain, or is one nonetheless still considered obligated to do ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Hatarat nedarim for shomrim

If someone makes a vow to someone else to become either a shomer chinam or shomer Sakhar for someone else’s property can they do hatarat nedarim for that (assuming of course they inform the person and ...
Kirk's user avatar
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Does teshuva exist for broken Nedarim?

Is there and if so, what is the teshuva process for breaking a Neder? Additionally, once the Neder is broken is it still in effect?
Nachman Berg's user avatar
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Taanit dibbur breaking

If one vows to do Taanit dibbur, when are they allowed to violate it? Could they violate it in cases of substantial financial or reputational harm? Are there any sources for this?
Kirk's user avatar
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Can a court retroactively annul a vow that was already annulled by the father/husband?

If a woman made a vow and violated it, and it was later annulled by her father/husband, can the court now annul the vow retroactively if it finds an opening, thereby exempting her from being liable?
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