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Questions tagged [plagues-makkos]

The plagues in Egypt preceding the exodus therefrom, as recounted in Exodus and elsewhere

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"God does" vs "God tells Moses to do"

In the Torah, God frequently makes miracles happen either by doing them Himself, or by telling Moses to start them. Examples of the latter are telling Moses to throw a piece of wood in the water to ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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Final Three Plagues

The last three plagues in Egypt are obviously unique compared to the previous 7. Not just in scope, but all 3 are in darkness. I’m curious if these have any special status in Jewish Theology? ...
Ryan Pierce Williams's user avatar
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Numerology in the Plagues

Going over the plagues in exodus, I notice a pattern. The first few plagues (blood, frogs, gnats / lice), are general afflictions that affect Egyptian and Hebrew alike. The next few plagues (flies, ...
Ryan Pierce Williams's user avatar
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Exodus | Death of the Firstborn | Why weren't the Hebrews' animals slain?

So I've been reading through Exodus a lot lately, and one of the things that stood out to me was the death of the firstborn of the animals during the final plague / strike. Now, the firstborn of the ...
Ryan Pierce Williams's user avatar
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Why didn't the magicians try to repeat the other plagues?

After the Magicians failed to produce lice, did the magicians try to do the rest of the plagues? If yes, why didn't the scripture mention it? If no, why didn't they try to do so?
Gembali Noach's user avatar
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East wind brought the Locusts, West wind drove them

Shemoth 10:13 - "So Moses held out his rod over the land of Egypt, and יהוה drove an east wind over the land all that day and all night; and when morning came, the east wind had brought the ...
Gembali Noach's user avatar
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Frogs or crocodiles?

Regarding the plague of frogs, there are some commentaries that render the translation as crocodiles. Yet in the text it states the frogs actually entered the bodies of the Egyptians. Small frogs ...
Ephraim77's user avatar
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One plague per month?

I just heard in a shiur that each plague happened in a different month, meaning that the 10 Makot lasted a full year. Does anyone have any sources for this?
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Plagues of Egypt mocking their gods

I've heard from a Christian that each of the plagues that Hashem brought upon Egypt corresponded to a different Egyptian god. That is to say, to mock that particular god. For example, heqet, the ...
Shababnik's user avatar
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Why did the plague of the first born work in changing Pharaoh's mind? (in light of explanation of R Albo and Sforno on Pharaoh's free will)

We are told that Hashem hardened the heart of Pharaoh in order that he would not be intimidated into letting the Jewish people go, but would still have the free will to be able to decide based on how ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Why did Pharaoh need God?

The chumash tells us that the magicians of Egypt were ale to replicate the plague of frogs: Shemos 8:3 וַיַּעֲשׂוּ־כֵן הַחַרְטֻמִּים בְּלָטֵיהֶם וַיַּעֲלוּ אֶת־הַצְפַרְדְּעִים עַל־אֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם׃ &...
The Targum's user avatar
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Ten sons of Haman and the Ten Plagues

Are there any connections made between the ten sons of Haman being killed, and the ten plagues that afflicted the Egyptians? (Also accepting peoples own chidushim on this topic. Please specify if the ...
The Targum's user avatar
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Is the Pidyon haben a debt with the Beit Hamikdash?

Is the Pidyon haben done to exempt the firstborn from his original duties to the Beit Hamikdash? I heard that, since Hashem saved the Jewish firstborns from the Makat Bechorot, when they also should ...
Renan Suchmacher's user avatar
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Why did Moshe Rabbeinu need to stretch out his hand?

At the start of the plague of darkness, G-d tells Moshe Rabbeinu to stretch out his hand towards Heaven, that there may be darkness of the land of Mitzrayim: And the L-rd said to Moshe, Stretch out ...
Shmuel's user avatar
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Why was it said by the plague of Dever that it was very hard? All of them were

I would not think Dever was the hardest compared to any of the others. Aside I think chosehch some say was the hardest. But what does it mean Dever was very hard
Ed Rosenberg's user avatar

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