I was listening to a shiur that made a very interesting connection between Agag, Homon and the whole Purim story. The rov didn't go as deep as I hoped he would in relation to Agag, and I was wondering if you're aware of any source connecting Agag to Gog or Gog umagog as a whole.

  • Just at first glance, Gog is the Monarch of Meshech & Tuval. This is related linguistically to sexual excess & material excess. This is essentially the sin related to Adam, reproduction of the species and food. Agag is the King of the Philistines. Their supervising angel is the rat or mouse עכבר. According to Pirkei Shirah that the influence of senseless destruction. That pertains to the sin of Kayin, meaning murder motivated from jealousy. Although Kayin is called a son of Adam & Chava. Tradition says he was the offspring from the seed of the serpent. Hevel was a fraternal twin. Commented Jun 24 at 0:58


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