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Questions tagged [reincarnation]

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Connection between Yitro and Malchizedek?

I remember reading somewhere a comparison between Yitro and Malchizedek. Saying they were both Goyish Kohanim who where with אברהם ומשה. Are there any sources that associate these two figures? What ...
zunior's user avatar
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Was Natan Hanavi associated with any other characters in the Torah?

I am referring to the Natan who rebuked דוד המלך. Is he associated with other characters via גילגול? If not, is he compared or contrasted with other characters in mfarshim? I am basing the idea that ...
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Tichiyas Hamesim with Gilguls [duplicate]

We learn that some people come back into this world as Gilgulim (reincarnations) to fix something they didn’t do in their past life. By techiyas Hamesim, which person comes back?
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Shevuos of the past

If the Shevuah that we made at Har Sinai to keep the Mitzvos is still in effect, then are all Shevuot made in a past Gilgul still active, and we could all be violating Shevuot left and right?
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Steipler: No more gilgulim?

I heard in a shiur that the Steipler said that there are no more gilgulim, this is the last chance. Anyone have a source?
Curious Yid's user avatar
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Reincarnation as animals

One of the doctrines of Lurianic Kabbalah is the notion of reincarnation. My question is if it is possible to reincarnate as an animal when you die as a human?
Kirk's user avatar
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Can a person's soul reincarnate into multiple bodies simultaneously?

Is it possible that a soul of some person, say John, reincarnates into multiple bodies but those bodies are all alive in the same period, so they are all alive in the same year, etc. or is this only ...
setszu's user avatar
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Reincarnation of the soul of the person that got hurt

I have heard and do not remember the source that a person who hurt another person willfully and intentionally in this world will have his soul reincarnated and will have to go through this world to ...
Avi's user avatar
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Are there any sources for the idea that reincarnation is not chronological?

The idea of reincarnation is quite widely accepted in Judaism, but I've often wondered if there is any source for the idea that it doesn't have to happen in chronological order. Eg. could I be (p)...
Moses Supposes's user avatar
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Can an entire group undergo gilgul (basically: collective reincarnation) at the same time?

There are some ideas which propose that an entire group can have their souls linked to each other, and undergo collective reincarnation. I am looking for whether there are Jewish sources that speak of ...
setszu's user avatar
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Soul mates, death and remarriage - who will we spend eternity with?

Introduction In the general concept of kabbalistic soul mates, we marry the other half of our soul (may we all be zoche to find our true zivug and have a bayit ne'eman b'yisrael). Our goal is to ...
Rabbi Kaii's user avatar
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Reincarnation into the past

Does anyone know if according to the system of reincarnation, can a soul reincarnate into the past? For example, can someone die on 12th Mar 1995 and get reincarnated on 16 June 1856?
Mars Sojourner's user avatar
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Ask about kabbalah and reincarnation [duplicate]

I confused about reincarnation and many people from other religions have the stigma that the concept of Jewish reincarnation is only made up by rabbi issac luria and it is just an ordinary human ...
Bar yarech's user avatar
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Reincarnation, the same person or not?

I’m trying to understand the concept of reincarnation In Judaism. Do the sages say we return or part of us returns, meaning part of our soul but not technically us. Or is there more then one of us, ...
Raul Valdez Jr.'s user avatar
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How could Adam HaRishon have contained all the souls that would ever be inside of him, including evil, even before the sin?

I recall a concept from the teachings of the Arizal and elsewhere that before eating of the tree of knowledge, Adam HaRishon contained all the souls that would ever exist within him, but the good and ...
ShipBuilding's user avatar

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