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Questions tagged [tamei-tahor-ritual-purity]

Questions related to the Torah concepts of *tumah* and *taharah* - ritual impurity and purity.

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Jewish Holidays and Susceptibility to Tuma due to contact with liquids [duplicate]

What is a connection between Yamim Tovim an the 7 liquids that render food susseptible to tumah? Here's the background of the question. Elsewhere the connection was presented (as written below) but ...
Y DJ's user avatar
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Relating to the Mishkan and Kodshim

Despite being the topic of almost 40 percent of the written Torah, roughly 30 percent of Mishnah, and a major theme in daily liturgy, the Mishkan/Mikdash, and related laws of Kodshim and Taharos are ...
chessprogrammer's user avatar
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Source for Korbanos Tzibbur being made by ישראלים

The כלי חמדה in his first piece on Parshas Bamidbar mentioned a concept of כל היכ�� דאפשר לאהדורי אטהרה מהדרין.loosely translated, whenever possible we try to find (use) the most Tahor. In the context ...
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Can a woman stop going to mikveh if her husband doesn't care about it?

If a husband doesn't care about tahara laws, can she skip immersing? Also what about if he is not interested in being intimate with her (and for some reason doesn't want to divorce her)? To elaborate ...
Ana's user avatar
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Which stones cannot become tamei (ritually impure)?

I understand that the Cohanim used to use stone ceilim (vessels) because stone ceilim cannot receive tumah (become ritually impure). But this begs the question what is a stone for this purpose? Can ...
James Read's user avatar
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Why must challah be tamai when it is burned?

A Star-K discussion of challah states: If one bakes without using any water, but rather bakes using only fruit juice or vegetable oil, a bracha is not recited and one cannot burn the Challah. Due to ...
Aaron100's user avatar
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Is a reassembled once-tomei earthenware vessel tohor?

An earthenware vessel which becomes tomei cannot be purified in a mikvah {see Rashi Vayikro 11:33}. The only way of purifying it is by breaking it {see Gr”a ibid}. Rambam Mishneh Torah, Vessels 18:10 ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Why are Kohanim not careful about contracting Tummas Meis from other live individuals?

Most (see for example the Tur and the Shulchan Aruch Y"D 369) rishonim (notably excepting the Raavad) hold that even in our time, kohanim are prohibited from contracting טומאת מת "anew" ...
malkizedek's user avatar
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Genetically engineered red heifer

Regarding the red heifer (parah adumah), the Mishnah says that the heifer is invalid if it has mated with a bull sent specifically to mate with it. However, if the bull does it on its own, it is ...
Maurice Mizrahi's user avatar
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While Bnei Yisrael Lived in the Desert for 40 Years How did they manage to keep ritual purity? [duplicate]

When Bnei Yisrael roamed the desert for 40 years where did they get water to bathe? to ritually purify themselves before relations. ie; the women. did they bathe in the salt water?
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Understanding ערלים comparisons

In Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer chapter 29 (uncensored version), we read: ולמה מלן, בשביל הטהרה שלא יטמאו את אדניהם במאכליהם ובמשתיהם, שכל מי שאוכל עם הערל כאלו אוכל עם הכלב, מה הכלב שלא נמול כך הערל שלא ...
Joshua Pearl's user avatar
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Does a woman who gives her eggs become yoledet

In Leviticus 12:1-4 it states that a woman is impure for 7 days after birth, known as Yoledet. This is a status with similar rules to niddah. My question is, does this Halacha apply to a woman who ...
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Shimush: Mar'os on Niddah - why does it work?

In Hilchos Niddah, expertise in מראות, examining bedikos or kesamim (intentional examinations, or accidental stains on the woman's undergarments) to decide if they are tamei - which would make the ...
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What is the source for Mikvah as it relates to Kedusha?

The Torah discusses using a Mikvah to allow oneself to be rid of ritual impurity (Tamei) to a state of purity (Tahor). Nowadays, many people go to the Mikvah (e.g, erev shabbos) to obtain a higher ...
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Parshas Vayechi: The impurity of Philistim

The Shivlei Pinches (Parshas Vayechi, 5774) shares an incredible idea about the spiritual impurity/kelipah of the Philistim (Hebrew here). The Shivlei Pinches explains, regarding Shimshon HaGibor, ...
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