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Sound Block

NorthWestTrees edited this page Oct 5, 2023 · 3 revisions


Sound Block

See below for known changes to this item and older pages.

Sound blocks when on can play an alarm sound in the area. The sound distance can be adjusted via the user interface. The block uses permissions which can be controlled via permission cards. You can also set the block name too.

Turning On and Off

You can turn on or off the block by right-clicking the block with an empty hand. The player must not be sneaking and have at least member permission to toggle the block.


You can name the block using a Name USB item. You must be sneaking and have admin permissions to be able to change the name.


You can set the permissions for the block using a Permission Card. When the block has been placed the name of the player is already added to both member and admin strings. You must be sneaking and have admin permission to be able to change the permissions for the block.


All sounds are licenced under the attribution 4.0 and 3.0 licence. We have given credit to the authors and linked to the page on the Attribution page. Some minor editing was needed to make the sounds work on a game tick speed for the loop but most sounds are like the originals.

Sound blocks have a total of five unique alarm sounds to choose from.

  • Alert
  • Future
  • Short
  • SiFi
  • Siren


Crafting Recipe

Crafting Table Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 B
Row 2 B A B
Row 3 B
ID Name Tag
A Speaker cctvcraft:recipe/speaker
B Metal Plate forge:plates/aluminum

Recipe Group

Information Value
Namespace cctvcraft
Recipe Group sound_block

Minecraft Tags

Type Tag Use
Block/item cctvcraft:sound_block Used for mechanics and recipes
Block/item cctvcraft:sound_block/off Used for mechanics and recipes for the off block
Block/item cctvcraft:sound_block/on Used for mechanics and recipes for the on block

Forge NBT

Type Name Use
String name Used to store and display the block's name
String soundName Used to define what sound should be played
Logic isBlockOn Used in mechanics to test the blocks state
Number soundTimer Used in mechanics to know how long the sound is played
Number soundMaxTime Used in mechanics to know when to play the next sound


  • 4.6.0
    • Added the block for both on/off states
    • Added the blocks GUI
    • Added five alarm sounds
    • Added Minecraft tags
    • Added Crafting Recipe
    • Added custom model
    • Added custom textures for both on/off states.##

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