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Solar Panel

NorthWestTrees edited this page Mar 13, 2023 · 1 revision


Solar Panel

** Please take a look below for known changes to this item and older pages.**


This block is used to generate energy for the Drone Charger which is converted into variables for Drones to use.

Generation Conditions

The block has some conditions for energy to generate.

  • The time of day must be during daytime hours.
  • The block above must be able to see the sky.

Generation Values

The weather plays a huge role in how much energy is generated.

Raining Thundering Energy Generation
No No 100
Yes No 50
No Yes 50
Yes Yes 25


Crafting Recipe

Crafting Table Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 A A A
Row 2 B B B
Row 3 B B B
ID Name Tag
A Solar Cell cctvcraft:recipe/solar_cell
B Wooden Board cctvcraft:recipe/wooden_board

Recipe Group

Information Value
Namespace cctvcraft
Recipe Group solar_panel

Minecraft Tags

Type Tag Use
Block/item cctvcraft:solar_panel Recipes and some mechanics

Forge NBT

  • None

Forge Energy

Setting Value
Internal Energy 0
Maximum Energy Stored 200
Maximum Engery Sent 100
Maximum Energy Recieved 100


  • 4.6.0
    • Added the tags
  • 4.3.0
    • Added the recipe group
    • Added the block
    • Added the crafting recipe
    • Created textures

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