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Electric Chain Fence

NorthWestTrees edited this page Mar 10, 2024 · 5 revisions


This page is currently updated to CCTVCraft 4.8.0 and above.

GUI Texture

Electric Chain Fence


Electric Chain Fences provide some interesting mechanics for a new fence type.
Entities that collide with this block will gain the Zapped effect which they will take damage from.


You can obtain this block by crafting them at a crafting table using Copper Wire and Aluminum Wire.


Electric Chain Fences can be climbed over like ladders both by players and other entities that try to pathfind over them.

Barbed Wire

You can add Barbed Wire on top of Electric Chain Fences to prevent players from jumping off the fence. Barbed wire also deals a bit of damage to the player which can help when needing combat.


Spiders naturally want to climb Electric Chain Fences so you can create farming mechanics mixed with barbed wire to farm string and spider eyes.


Barbed wire can be placed on top of the fence to deal damage to entities that try climbing over the fence.


This block is seen by entities as a "Fence" and they will generally not try to pathfind over the block.


Crafting Recipe

Crafting Table Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 A A
Row 2 B A B
Row 3 A A
ID Name Tag
A Aluminum Wire forge:wires/aluminum
B Copper Wire forge:wires/copper

Recipe Group

  • Namespace: cctvcraft
  • Recipe Group: electric_chain_fence
  • Recipe Category: MISC

Minecraft Tags

  • cctvcraft:electric_chain_fence
    • Tag Type: Item & Block
    • Uses: Used in recipes mainly.

Related Pages


  • 4.8.0
    • Updated crafting recipe to use copper wire and aluminum wire.
    • The crafting recipe now uses the new wire tags.
  • 4.6.0
    • Made items not take damage from the fence.
    • Updated the recipe group it now uses "chain_fences"
    • Updated the item and block textures.
    • Recipe now requires Copper Wire for Redstone Dust
  • 4.3.0
    • Before 4.3.0 Metal Wire was Iron Ingots.

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