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NorthWestTrees edited this page Oct 5, 2023 · 2 revisions



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Rounds can be used to shoot projectile bullets. Some rounds have specific effects that will affect entities or blocks or both.


Each round has 100 durabilities meaning you can use the round 100 times before it depletes and more ammo is needed.


When you craft the item you can place it inside the drone's ammo slots on the right-hand side. When you use the drone action for rounds it will use the item and shoot a projectile. When the bullet hits the block the effect will take place. With a full inventory of rounds, you can have a total of 600 shots.


Crafting recipe

Crafting table Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 A
Row 2 B
Row 3 A
ID Name Tag
A Metal Plate forge:plates/aluminum
B Resource type See below

Resource type

ID Item Name Tag
B Slime Round Slime cctvcraft:recipe/slime
B Explosive Round Firework Star cctvcraft:recipe/firework_charge
B Flame Round Blaze Powder cctvcraft:recipe/blaze_powder
B Poison Round Spider Eye cctvcraft:recipe/spider_eye
B Regular Round Gunpowder cctvcraft:recipe/gun_powder

Recipe group

Information Value
Namespace cctvcraft
Recipe group drone_round

Minecraft tags

Type Tag Use
Item cctvcraft:drone/gun/ammo/blindness Used in recipes and mechanics
Item cctvcraft:drone/gun/ammo/explosive Used in recipes and mechanics
Item cctvcraft:drone/gun/ammo/flame Used in recipes and mechanics
Item cctvcraft:drone/gun/ammo/poison Used in recipes and mechanics
Item cctvcraft:drone/gun/ammo/regular Used in recipes and mechanics


  • 4.8.0
    • Updated tags for some resources
    • Updated some of the crafting recipes to use new tags
  • 4.3.0
    • Added items
    • Added textures
    • Added tags

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