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Name USB

NorthWestTrees edited this page Mar 10, 2024 · 15 revisions


This page is currently updated to CCTVCraft 4.8.0 and above.

GUI Texture

Name USB


The Name USB is a tool that can be crafted in CCTVCraft that can change the Name Block NBT variable of some blocks.


Blocks in the cctvcraft:permissions/blocks block tag require the member to be a member or admin. To set the permission for camera blocks, small cameras, ceiling cameras, drone blocks, and sound blocks you must be in the role of member or admin of the block. Players who have admin permission for the block can use a permission card to add members or other admins to the blocks Forge NBT role variables.


To open the interface you must right-click on a block not in the cctvcraft:name_usb/blocks block tag. The field name will update to the display name of the Name USB. Type the name you wish to apply to the Name USB forge NBT tag called Name. Once you're happy with the name click the Set Name button and the text in the field will be saved to that Name USB.


Right-clicking on a block that is in the cctvcraft:name_usb/blocks block tag sets the Block NBT Name variable.

Supported Blocks

These are the kinds of blocks are the ones in the cctvcraft:name_usb/blocks tag.

  • Camera Block
  • Ceiling Camera
  • Drones
  • Small Camera
  • Sound Block


Crafting Recipe

Crafting Table Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 A C
Row 2 A B A
Row 3 A A
ID Name Tag
A Red Dye forge:dyes/red
B Copper Wire forge:wires/copper
C Aluminum Plate forge:plates/aluminum

Recipe Group

  • Namespace: cctvcraft
  • Recipe Group: name_usb
  • Recipe Category: MISC

Minecraft Tags

  • cctvcraft:tools/name_usb
    • Type: Item
    • Uses: Used in some mechanics for CCTVCraft.

Forge NBT

The Name USB uses the following Forge NBT tags.

  • Name
    • Scope: Item
    • Type: String
    • Use: Stores the text field input


As of 4.8.0, this item can unlock recipes using scoreboards and objectives.


Objective Name Objective Type Score Recipe Unlocked

Related Pages

  1. Copper Wire
  2. Metal Plate
  3. Camera Block
  4. Ceiling Camera
  5. Drones
  6. Small Camera
  7. Sound Block

External Links


  • 4.8.0
    • Added support for Sound Blocks.
    • Updated the texture.
    • Updated the recipe tags.
    • Updated the recipe group.
    • The recipe is unlocked using a new system.
    • Fixed Name USB being able to set names of devices regardless if the player is a member or admin.
  • 4.6.0
    • Updated the recipe.
    • Updated the texture.
    • Updated the recipe group.
    • Added support for Sound Blocks.
  • 4.5.0
    • Unknown

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