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Aluminum Ore

NorthWestTrees edited this page Mar 9, 2024 · 5 revisions


This page is currently updated to CCTVCraft 4.8.0 and above.

GUI Texture

Aluminum Ore


Aluminum Ore generates in the overworld naturally.

Ore Generation

It can generate in any biomes listed in the cctvcraft:ores/aluminum biome tag which includes biomes from the minecraft:is_overworld biome tag.
The ore can replace blocks listed in the cctvcraft:aluminum_ore_can_replace block tag which includes blocks from the minecraft:stone_ore_replacables block tag.
By default, the ore will generate between 0 and 128 on the Y level in veins of about 14 blocks though this number can vary.

Ore Distribution Config

In 4.8.0 Aluminum Ore has been worked into a config file under the root directory /config/cctvcraft/ore_distribution.json
The config file can be changed while in the game without needing to reboot the game.
Changes to this file will affect newly generated chunks. Existing chunks will not be updated based on the config settings.
The ore distribution config can control the ore's chance of generating and the level of which the ore generates.
This was added in so mod pack creators have a bit more control over the generation of the ore.

  • min_y: controls the minimum level at which the ore can generate.
    • The lowest possible value is -64
    • The highest possible value is 320
    • If the value is above max_y then it will be set to max_y value.
    • If the possible value is outside the bounds it will set it to the nearest possible value.
    • The default value is set to 0.
  • max_y: controls the maximum level at which the ore can generate.
    • The lowest possible value is -64.
    • The highest possible value is 320.
    • If the possible value is outside the bounds it will set it to the nearest possible value.
    • The default value is set to 128.
  • chance: controls the amount of ore per chunk
    • The lowest possible value is 0.
    • The highest possible value is 100.
    • The Math is as follows [Random Number (0 ~ 100)] ≤ [ROUND DOWN (Chance)]
    • If the possible value is outside the bounds it will set it to the nearest possible value.
    • The default setting is set to 10.


Aluminum Ore drops 1 to 5 Raw ALuminum items per block. It also drops one piece of cobblestone.
If Silktouch is used it will drop 1 Aluminum Ore block. You can also use Fortune on Aluminum Ore to get even more Raw Aluminum.


You must use a stone pickaxe or greater to break this block with drops.

Minecraft Tags

  • forge:ores/aluminum
    • Tag Type: Block & Item
    • Uses: Used in recipes mainly.


As of 4.8.0, this item can unlock recipes using scoreboards and objectives.


Objective Name Objective Type Score Recipe Unlocked
cctvcraftRecipe01 Mine Aluminum Ore 1 or higher cctvcraft:aluminum_ingot_blasting
cctvcraftRecipe01 Mine Aluminum Ore 1 or higher cctvcraft:aluminum_ingot_smelting

Related Pages


  • 4.8.0
    • Lowered the amount of ore that will be generated naturally.
    • Added config file to allow mod pack creators more control over the ore generation.
    • Updated ore block and item tags.
  • 4.6.0
    • Added the tags
    • Added the block
    • Created textures

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