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Drone Charger

NorthWestTrees edited this page Oct 5, 2023 · 3 revisions


Drone Charger

** Please take a look below for known changes to this item and older pages.**


When a Drone block is placed on top of the drone charger the drone will set its default home location to this block.

Drone Controler

Using the Drone Controler's Home action will make the drone return to its charging station.

Forge Energy

4.7.0 and Below:
When connected to a forge energy source the drone charger will store some energy. When the drone block is on top of the drone charger the drone will receive some energy in the form of variables so it can be used. The round texture on the side of the block is where the forge energy goes into the block.

Setting Value
Internal Energy 0
Maximum Energy Stored 10,000 FE
Maximum Engery Sent 10 VE/t
Maximum Energy Received 10 FE/t

4.8.0 and Above:
Drones were moved over to drone entities, and though it works the same way for converting Forge Energy (FE) to Variable Energy (VE) some key changes have been made to the block. The block now ticks every 1 tick rather than 10 ticks. The block's FE storage has been lowered and the block can now send up to 32 FE to VE to the drone if it's detected above the block. Though it can't store as much energy locally, it can send about three times more energy to the drone.

Setting Value
Internal Energy 0
Maximum Energy Stored 416 FE
Maximum Engery Sent 32 VE/t
Maximum Energy Received 32 FE/t


Crafting Recipe:

Crafting Table Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 A A A
Row 2 B B B
Row 3 B B B
ID Name Tag
A Metal Plate forge:plates/aluminum
B Wooden Board cctvcraft:recipe/wooden_board

Recipe Group:

Information Value
Namespace cctvcraft
Recipe Group drone_charger

Minecraft Tags

Type Tag Use Notes
Block/item cctvcraft:drone_charger Recipes and some mechanics 4.7.0 and before
Block/item cctvcraft:drone_charger/wooden Recipes and some mechanics 4.8.0 and after


  • 4.8.0
    • Added Wooden Drone Charger block
    • Changed Drone Charger textures, it now uses the 16x16 image size
    • Changed the Drone Charger tags to 'cctvcraft:drone_charger/wooden'
    • Changed the Drone Charger FE input side to the bottom of the block
    • Drone Entities can now be charged at the Drone Charger
    • Wooden Drone Chargers can send up to 32 VE/t
    • Wooden Drone Chargers can receive up to 32 FE/t
    • Wooden Drone Chargers can store 416 FE
    • Removed Drone Charger block
  • 4.6.0
    • Added the recipe group
    • Added the tags
  • 4.3.0
    • Added the block
    • Added GUI
    • Added the crafting recipe
    • Created textures

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