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How to get around mouse entry signal stopping at first collision?

I have a grid of Area3D objects, and when nothing is around them, they handle the mouse_entered signal exactly as I would expect. The only issue is that I also use Area3D's on other game objects, like ...
Fred Etingen's user avatar
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Enemies not registering hits from the player in Godot

I am making a 2D game where the player can attack enemies using a designated Area2D node as an attack area. I set up signals to manage attack phases and ensure ...
buzzbuzz20xx's user avatar
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Issue with AttackArea Monitoring Before Attack in Godot 2D Game

I'm developing a 2D game where the player character can attack enemies using a designated attack area (Area2D node named AttackArea). I've encountered a problem where the AttackArea is active and ...
buzzbuzz20xx's user avatar
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Detect collisions with both parent and child nodes in Godot

Using Godot 4.2.1, I have a 3D scene with a CharacterBody3D as the root. It has two children; a child CollisionShape3D, and a child CharacterBody3D with its own collision shape. ...
devil0150's user avatar
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Area2D only detecting body_exited once

I am new to game development, I am practicing by creating a pong game. I currently have an Area2D set up with a signal listening for ...
zeroparity's user avatar
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How can I make colliders-only visible in Godot?

Specifically, I'm looking for any way to see a collision-only item from a Mesh Library in a GridMap. (The tag says "tile map", which it technically isn't; but there's no option for a grid ...
Michael Macha's user avatar
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Detect intersections between an `AABB` and a `CollisionShape3D`

I thought this would be a simple matter of getting the mesh that defines the CollisionShape3D and checking if any of the triangles of the mesh intersect with the <...
beyarkay's user avatar
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Bullet not colliding with either plane or drone

i made a godot game in which theres a player and a drone, I got the shooting to work but when i tried to make it so that the bullet attacks the drone/player, it wasnt working properly. Basically i ...
Shahzaib Hassan's user avatar
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Increment score when player touches a coin's Area2D

I have created and finished my game in Godot, but I want to add a scoring system. Specifically, I want the score to increase by 1 every time the player touches a coin. However, I am not sure how to ...
Shantanu's user avatar
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Equivalent of RigidBody2D's body_exited on StaticBody2D?

I'm building a type of Pinball game using Godot 4.0. I've got two types of components relevant to this question: balls, represented as a RigidBody2D scene with <...
Jeroen's user avatar
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How can I debug a y-sort clipping issue?

OS: Mac Godot 3.5.1-stable Language GDScript I have created a Level object as a YSort. Under it I have a ColorRect, 2 Tilemaps, a Tree Scene, and the Player. The tree scene is composed of a ...
Doug Noel's user avatar
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Godot: is_on_floor always false

This is an extremely simple game (following tutorial). My code and configuration allows the actor object to fall on a platform made of tilemaps and not fall through, but the function is_on_floor() ...
user289661's user avatar
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Godot KinematicBody2D Invisible After If Statement

The reason I address this question is because of the limited documentation and support for starting devs on Godot. I do not know what is wrong with this one if statement, but after I added it, my ...
Athsmooth's user avatar
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How to differentiate between enemy and something else in Godot?

So, I have a simple 3D game with a player, an enemy, and walls. I've figured out how to detect collisions between my player (RigidBody) and an enemy or wall (Static Body). I want to know how can I ...
Programmer's user avatar
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How can I keep a node in-place while I re-parent it?

I have an object that needs to follow various Path2D paths in my scene. To do this, when it needs to follow a path, I re-parent it to a ...
yoozer8's user avatar
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Why is Area2D not detecting collisions?

I am making a sidescrolling shooter and I am working on the shooting mechanism. I have two scenes, one contains a KinematicBody2D with a Sprite, position2D and a collisionshape2D and a second ...
pion's user avatar
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How to compute the points of a CollisionPolygon2D?

Godot v3.3.1.stable.mono.official I am trying to draw a CollisionPolygon2D programmatically but I cannot resize or write the ...
pietrodito's user avatar
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How to avoid CollisionShape2D bouncing which prevents Area2D detection?

Consider the player with a rectangular CollisionShape2D: and a round enemy with a CollisionShape2D and a little bigger ...
pietrodito's user avatar
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How to transfrom CollisionPolygon2D according to the Vertex Shader applied to a Sprite?

Consider this: * KinematicBody2D - * Sprite - * CollisionPolygon2D And a vertex shader: ...
pietrodito's user avatar
4 votes
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Does collision between two Area2D work differently than collision with Rigidbody2D?

Consider a Main.tscn with: (1) a player: + Player extends Area2D |_ AnimatedSprite |_ CollisionShape2D The player has: ...
pietrodito's user avatar
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Godot raycast colliding too high

I am making an fps that uses a raycast for shooting. I used some suggestions taken from a few reddit pages, but it's mostly my own code. It was working properly, until I noticed that when you shot up ...
TheWorldSpins's user avatar
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How to make collisionshape2D work from other scene in Godot?

I have created a scene which contains Area2D, CollisionShape2D & AnimatedSprite. Then I ...
KidGameDev's user avatar
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Godot: How do I create a temporary invincible state or invincibility frames?

My issue I have been racking my head around how to achieve invincibility frames. Working in the Godot Engine I have considered a few methods for this: Setting a Timer Node when damaged to trigger the ...
Kennichi Nitta's user avatar
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Godot 3.2 Bomb explosion doesn't affect player or npc

I finished the Godot 2D game tutorial Dodge the Creeps, and i'm adding a few additional features to reinforce the things learned and make more interesting the base game. Basically i added a Scene ...
Progs's user avatar
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Collision quadrant in godot appears

I am learning to use godot following this video: Collisions with Autotiles The problem is that when I create the collision for the cliffs using tilemap, it appears me a blue quadrant indicating the ...
Juan Luis Andión Tápiz's user avatar
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body_entered signal won't emit when rigidbody collided to rigidbody

I have multiple rigidbody object floating away in the space. When they hit each other, they push away each. I want to destroy object if they hit something, but connect body_entered signal won't ...
modernator's user avatar
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Godot: 'is_on_floor' problem

I have a character in a basic platformer game and am having trouble. Whenever my character stands over two tiles on a tilemap and appears to be directly colliding with them the character's ...
Kennichi Nitta's user avatar
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How to get one KinematicBody2D to push another?

I am working in Godot 3, where my player is a KinematicBody2D. When I collide with a block which is also a KinematicBody2D I'd ...
DyingIsFun's user avatar
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How can I get the specific tile in a collision with a Tilemap?

I am developing a simple platformer, I have three types of tiles right now: Floor: does nothing on collision. Bad: makes the player lose the game. Good: makes the player beat the game. I am trying ...
Mayuso's user avatar
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