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Questions tagged [depth-buffer]

Depth buffer stores a depth (z-coordinate) of a rendered pixel of a 3D scene. Depth buffer is used in Z-buffering (management of image depth coordinates). Because of this depth buffer is often called Z-buffer.

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Why is my depth buffer texture so bright? ...
Blue Bug's user avatar
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Process of writing to the depth texture

In openGL, let's say I output one single point from the vertex shader with this value gl_Position = vec4(2.0,3.0,5.0,7.0); what exact math operations happen to "...
porente's user avatar
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Webgl: is possible to use one color buffer to unsharp masking the depth buffer?

I'm noob to webgl. After reading the tutorials at and "Introduction to Computer Graphics", i'm able to succesfully draw some stuff and the depth buffer without thirty-party ...
deblocker's user avatar
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How to enable depth test with QOpenGLWidget? It renders black screen

Currently I am writing a small application with Qt and OpenGl and I choosed QOpenGLWidget for rendering graphics. That's how I declared my widget: ...
Denis's user avatar
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An invisible object that deletes anything behind it?

I am using augmented reality to put a 3D object on top of a "camera detected" object. The 3D object can be though of as leaves that go above the real world object but also fall in front / behind / on ...
Pochi's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a homemade depth buffer?

Studying the case of isometric rendering, I'm facing a big and well-known problem : depth sorting. After many researches it seems that without tile mapping or 'height-leveling' it's impossible to ...
Zack's user avatar
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Is glxinfo saying that the 980 GTX doesn't support a 32 bit depth buffer?

I've been using the glxinfo command (glxinfo -v) to explore the supported framebuffer configurations. There are two values relating to depth, "depth" and "depthsize." According the source, it appears ...
Shadow503's user avatar
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Image-Space coherence of the z-buffer algorithm

I'm reading Hierarchical z-Buffer Visibility by Ned Greene et al. and they state that traditional Z buffering makes reasonably good use of image-space coherence in the course of scan conversion. I ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Why does reverse depth buffering provide more precision? (with DXGI_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT Datatype layout)

I lately came around methods optimizing the use of the depth buffer, as the easiest solution reverse depth buffering is mentioned but I cannot wrap my head around why I would be gaining a better depth ...
user5716904's user avatar
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SlimDX 11: Setting Multiple Render Targets

I'm using SlimDX 11 in my managed Direct3D application. I would like to implement deferred shading. I'm having trouble when I try to set a depth stencil surface and multiple render targets at the same ...
P. Avery's user avatar
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Depth Peeling implementation problem: How to render the next layer? (OpenGL)

I try to implement order-independet transparency sticking to the pseudo code in the linked paper (page 4). I can't figure out how they are able to do this in OpenGL. I am rendering the scene two ...
mskr's user avatar
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How to combine depth and stencil tests?

I have a continuous height-mapped mesh to represent landscape. I use the stencil test to create holes in the mesh. I draw holes to the stencil buffer and then use it to discard mesh fragments. ...
Yevheniy8's user avatar
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OpenGL: strange thing with depth and text rendering

TL;DR I render a scene with M,V,P matrices as always. Than I render something (in this case - text) without any matrices and using separate shaders pair on coordinates with Z = -1. Somehow it's ...
Aleksander Alekseev's user avatar
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Does Direct3D 11 enable Z-clipping/discard by default?

I'm rendering simple 2D figures in DirectX 11.1 and I cannot get Z-values to be rendered; all pixels with Z != 0 get discarded. I'm doing proper world transform as far as I know. X/Y translations work....
Hernán's user avatar
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Depth testing before fragment shader

Accoring to this, depth testing is usually performed after the fragment shader stage. Why is that? I thought that a fragment is sent with its depth value to the FS, then the depth test happens before ...
McLovin's user avatar
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