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Georeference 3D data generated using BlenderGIS

I generated a 3D model (terrain + extruded buildings) using BlenderGIS,and I was wondering if I could integrate them into an ifc project having the right georeferencing using BlenderBIM. The problem ...
aogino's user avatar
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How do I close an area using Python in Blender 4.1? [duplicate]

I want to close a panel from within my Python addon. Existing questions and answers seem to yield results that no longer work as they are very dated. The suggested code to run is: ...
Kristopher Ives's user avatar
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Is there a way to restart a modified addon without restarting blender? [closed]

This was answered 10 Years ago. Unfortunately, it doesnt work anymore. It should be a simple console command: bpy.ops.script.reload() However, it only reloads the <...
rhavin's user avatar
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Addon works from Text Editor, but fails to enable from Add-ons preferences [duplicate]

I've written very simple addon that exports triangulated and quad mesh of selected object, deleting all material slots and applying transformation. And all work fine if I run it from the Text Editor, ...
Dmitry Stogov's user avatar
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How can I instantiate a Simulation Zone input / output node's socket via python?

I couldn't find an interface like the node tree interface where I can add sockets using interface.new_socket(). In the documentation, the only method I found for ...
Trantor's user avatar
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Script for importing an OBJ file as Shape key for blender 4.1

I have blender version 4.1 I’m trying to adapt the script for my version ...
notgrilbi's user avatar
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Add text (label) to colored bar created using gpu module

I've created a colored bar using the gpu module (see picture). Here is the code. Now I would like to add some text as displayed in the image with the labels 5 Kg and 100 kg. Any suggestion? ...
Alex Mekx's user avatar
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Hard ops smart apply menu is missing

I just started using Hard ops. But it seems there is no Smart Apply in my context menu. Does anyone know what am I missing? I tried to search for this issue but I can't find anything related.
Nra's user avatar
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Automatic actions after starting addon?

I'm creating an addon in Blender using bpy. It's a side panel with a few buttons and input fields. To speed up development, I would like the addon to automatically ...
lurvas's user avatar
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How to add a collection from a Blend file via add-on code?

This is my current code: ...
Vindicator MC's user avatar
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Including external Python libraries in Blender addon

I am developing a Blender addon, which needs few external Python libraries (e.g. scipy, pandas, etc). I was wondering about the best approach for including them into a "stand-alone" software ...
Alex Mekx's user avatar
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How to determine whether the FCurve array_index is targetting a specific property?

This question is within the context of Geometry Node and drivers. Using the Python API, we can retrieve the drivers associated to Geometry Nodes of a given node tree this way: ...
Alio's user avatar
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How to change exporting scale using Python?

When we export an .stl via File>Export>STL - we see a window which has a Scale variable. This one: • This variable is named ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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Show context menu addition only for object custom properties?

I am looking for a bpy.types.?????_MT_context_menu (or similar) so that I can insert an item Copy Color Property as new Driver for a script that will help me past ...
james_t's user avatar
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How to reload ONE particular UI script? (an alternative to 'Reload Scripts' )

My add-on edits Blender's UI scripts. To apply changes to UI - edited scripts should be reloaded. For this purpose I use bpy.ops.script.reload() It does the job, ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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My Blender 4.1 whit error AttributeError: '' object has no attribute 'version_char' [closed]

is this : Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 4.1\4.1\scripts\modules\", line 376, in enable mod = importlib.import_module(...
Paulo Petris's user avatar
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How to avoid persisting bpy properties to .blend files

I have a few operators that are effectively batch scripts that perform bulk operations on objects in a scene or .blend file. Each operator is a one-shot thing that has no need for the followup ...
Foxcapades's user avatar
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How to reload UI without restarting Blender

I'm writing addon which edits default UI. To be specific - it works with VIEW3D_MT_mesh_add The functionality I need goes beyond standard ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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Placing 3D cursor using python

I want to place an object where the cursor is using python. So I need a script that place the 3D cursor where I have the cursor at that moment and then place the already selected object there. To do ...
Víctor GV's user avatar
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Is there a way to create a colored text box for StringProperty in addon UI, like the overwrite warning in Blender save-as window?

To store a user setting, I managed to access a StringProperty in my addon popup window like this: But i want to add an overwrite warning as same as the blender file save window: Is there a way to do ...
Trantor's user avatar
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Blender Addon Question - Change World Color

Is there a way to add an option to change the World Surface Color and Strength settings via a button? I already coded out the panel and everything, but maybe it's just based on the specific context, ...
FrostByte Studios's user avatar
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How can I prevent operator from blocking Blender Interactions during execution?

I'm new to Blender Python programming, and for a personal project, I'm experimenting with creating a Blender Python addon. I aim to execute an asynchronous GET request when I select a button in a ...
kernage's user avatar
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Transfer (float) vertex-attribute to vertex-weight, to allow GeoNodes to control subsequent Armature binding

In Blender 4.1 or higher, I want to write a custom modifier, which transfers values from a vertex attribute (on geometry generated by geonodes) to a vertex group (usable with other modifiers). This is ...
Mark K Cowan's user avatar
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How can I add a FloatVectorProperty to my addon layout? [duplicate]

How to properly register a FloatVectorProperty? When I do: box.prop(self, "amb_day_color") where ...
Oleg Kivasev's user avatar
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Blender 4.1 addon to add time to rendered file names

I'm trying to make an addon for Blender 4.1 that adds current seconds to rendered file name. We need it for our workflow when rendering overnight, to check later which frames had the biggest gap ...
Matt's user avatar
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Can't use Cython to compile the Core Library of GeomDL or PyMcubes using --install-option="--use-cython" since "--install-option" is depreciated

I am trying to install Cython compiled versions of GeomDL and PyMcubes packages into Blender 4.1's shipped embedded python (...
fmotion1's user avatar
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How can I expose Geometry Nodes properties in my addon panel?

I came across this question and learned that I can actually expose properties from the Blender UI in my addon panel. So I was experimenting on exposing properties of modifiers like for example the ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
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How can I pass an object (like a bmesh) to an operator or should I not do that?

I have an operator that creates a certain mesh but I want to keep things modular so I separated each operation into its own operator. Like for example, I have an operator that removes vertices that ...
Megan Love's user avatar
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multi-file add-on cannot find import

I am working toward have a multi-file add-on, as our add-on is getting pretty long. I'm starting with a trivial example to build up from and can't even get that to work. I have two files at top level ...
Janet Rossini's user avatar
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How To Capture Mouse Movements During Blender Operations

I'm looking to capture mouse movements while using specific Blender operations, such as ...
Axel Olsson's user avatar
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How to make Blender open Visual Studio on __debugbreak() instead of crashing?

Usually when I execute in system some python code that's using compiled .pyd module with __debugbreak() c++ command it shows window suggesting to open Visual Studio: But when I run similar code in ...
FamousSnake's user avatar
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Blender not booting after addon installation attempt

I tried installing this addon through its python script in Blender's text editor: There wasn't any ...
RisingSerperior's user avatar
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(Addon) check if exists an update for an addon?

I'm trying to implement a system that notifies the users when an update for my addon is available. In this case my addon is uploaded to gumroad. My thoughts about approaching this was: I thought about ...
Ommadawn's user avatar
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panel_prop Boolean Property from property group resets automatically to default value without throwing errors

the goal was to simply have a bool value to change whether or not to show a custom panel with additional settings or no, it is modifier specific the first thought was simply register it on ...
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Add-on Dev: Referencing preference variable inside another module

I'm trying to expose the VIEW_3D location of my Add-on in its preferences. So far I got the user input working showing in the preferences of my Add-on. ...
STRGnine's user avatar
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NumPy errors with compatable addons 4.1

I just upgraded to Blender 4.1 (Windows) and my addons, which say they work with 4.1, all fail because of a missing numpy.core._multiarray.umath. I don't know how ...
Lamerex2111's user avatar
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Why is my Stretch-To update button looking for Grease Pencil in Blender 4?

I've been trying to make a button to reset all the stretch-tos in my custom armature as per this question, but my previous menu work has all been in a new menu section in the sidebar of the 3D view. ...
MisterLBlends's user avatar
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I have several files in my addon. Where should I initialize the global variable?

I have several files in my addon:,,, etc. Where should I ...
Cyril's user avatar
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Color selection in palette does not update in different mode

I'm trying to create a relatively simple addon for Blender to make our workflow a little easier. I got the scripts running... kinda. I'm sure there is something about how Blender works under the hood ...
dasfrodo's user avatar
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How to highlight a vertex in Edit Mode?

I'm working on an addon, and I have an operation that manipulate vertices in some way. The problem is that after this manipulation I want the user to easily see which vertices were effected by the ...
liad inon's user avatar
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How can you access a registered class of a Blender add-on from another Blender add-on?

TL;DR: I would like to use a subclass of PropertyGroup defined in one add-on as the type of a PointerProperty property of another add-on. I have two addons, Foo and Bar like this: Foo ...
T1nk-R's user avatar
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Adding a color field in the addon Panel

I wanted to add a color field to my Blender addon panel, with which I can adjust the color input of a Principled Volume node. But i´m struggling, how I can insert such a color field there and ...
VICUBE Animation's user avatar
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Delete vertices one by one, when using the 'Add Mesh: Extra Objects' addon to plot points

I am using the 'Add Mesh: Extra Objects' addon in Blender to plot points at specified coordinates. Each point is added to a mesh of points instead of being a separate object. My goal is to implement a ...
crisplettuce's user avatar
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How to apply changes to an installed multi-file add-on without restarting .blend-file?

I was revisiting and enhancing some of the add-ons I've created in the past. I wonder, is there a way to update an installed multi-file add-on (if it has been changed) without reloading the Blender ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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Python - Attach property to current blend file

My goal I'm currently working on an addon. I'm quite new to Python, but I'm fluent in programmation in general. My addon's goal is to speed up the process of naming output files, keep track of version ...
Lutzi's user avatar
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How do I conditionally change file name during a render?

I have made a movie clip Frame change detector in the compositor, which uses a less than node result to pass a frame or render black out during animation. As I have a boolean value from the node I ...
3pointedit's user avatar
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Python Scripting Help - Add-on to auto swap materials working but with one flaw! Unrecognized materials given blank material slot

I need some help. I do not know how to code, though I’m starting to learn a bit. I have been using chat gpt to assist me in creating a custom tool as an add-on. I have gotten it to work most of the ...
Dave Schwalbach's user avatar
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Using NumPy in Blender Add-ons Without Requiring External Installation

When developing Blender add-ons, I often find myself in need of the numpy package due to its optimized algorithms for array manipulation. However, a significant ...
Harry McKenzie's user avatar
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How do I find the output names on Nodes for Python in Blender 4?

After many frustrating days I've managed to get my bake script to not crash, and now I'm banging my head against a wall to have it work with the new BSDF shaders. I knew the inputs were different, but ...
MisterLBlends's user avatar
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How does the append function in python work in Blender 4?

I'm going to keep this one more focused than my last question: Appending scripts and materials from a .blend file in an addon used to look like this: ...
MisterLBlends's user avatar

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