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Questions tagged [gwas]

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3 votes
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How to perform liftover from 38 to 37 in R?

I have some gwas summary statistics in GRCh38 that I want to lift to GRCh37. I am trying to liftover in R using this code: ...
DN1's user avatar
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GWAS in python?

A question similar to this has also been asked on Biostars I understand GWAS is done with R, but are any written in Python? I'm used to python and java, acclimating to R will take a bit of time and my ...
Katherine's user avatar
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PLINK linear association testing command with an interaction and 2 covariates term

I am trying to write the right command for my association testing using PLINK 1.9 but I could not find a clear answer so far and not sure how to wrtie it correct. I have genotype variants called and ...
entropy's user avatar
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Why does my HWE QQ plot have extreme deviation and what does it mean?

This question was also asked on Reddit I have recently completed my thesis and one of the comments was that I report on why this graph looks this way. I have tried to find a reason but the closest I ...
Shelby Labuschagne's user avatar
1 vote
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LD clump GRCh38 GWAS results

The vignette of R package ieugwasr describes a plink based wrapper function for LD clumping GWAS data using the 1000 genomes ...
Joonatan's user avatar
2 votes
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How are the "effect_allele" and "other_allele" bases chosen in a PGS file from the PGS Catalog?

How are the "effect_allele" and "other_allele" bases chosen in a PGS file from the PGS Catalog? For example, for PGS002723 (, if I set ...
Cristian Riccio's user avatar
2 votes
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Getting nearest gene from SNP data using SNP ID, CHR, and BP

I have data from a GWAS that provides me with the SNP, Chromosome, and base-pair. My data set has thousands of SNPs. What is the easiest way to find the nearest gene for each SNP using this ...
cjsterne's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to z-transform Fst and -log(p) values for genome wide selection scan?

I saw in the literature a lot genome wide scans showing $F_{ST}$ values in a 'z-transformed' format which seems to be bounded between 0 to infinity. Examples are found easily searching for 'genome-...
M. Beausoleil's user avatar
2 votes
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Genomic inflation factor distribution (lambda)

Considering that the p-value of a chi statistic(df=1) is uniform, the expected genomic inflation factor is λ=1. I show its calculation in R with the next chunk of code: ...
Gero's user avatar
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Input for --score in PLINK 1.9 when generationg PRS using GWAS summary statistics

I'm conducting a simulation and I need to obtain polygenic risk scores (PRS) using genome wide association studies (GWAS) summary statistics. It is known that the GWAS will give BETA and OR for ...
Dovini Jayasinghe's user avatar
0 votes
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Identify SNP from genetic position

I am looking for a way to obtain SNP names from their coordinates (Chromosome:BP) - very much the reverse of the question answered here: (
Gux's user avatar
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Help sought with GWAS and vcf files, lack phenotype labels

This question has also been asked on Biostars Hi, I am very new to this area, and I am taking a class about bioinformatics. For an independent project assignment, I need to do a GWAS. I am using the ...
user16548's user avatar
2 votes
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LD block labels annotation for GWAS summary data

I have a txt file summarising the result of a GWAS on an European population. Its structure is the next one: ...
Gero's user avatar
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Lifting snp rsid build 37 to 38

I’m looking to lift over a dataset of GWAS summary stats from build 37 to 38, including converting rsid. Downstream it is to be used for co-localisation with another dataset of build 38. Would anyone ...
medicalresearcher's user avatar
1 vote
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Allele effects by parental-origin estimated from genotyping array data

We are dealing with relatively large family data (> 1,000 trios) with genotyping array data. We would like to see the allele effects on children separately of mothers, fathers, and children, as in ...
PenguinPartyH0's user avatar

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