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How to perform liftover from 38 to 37 in R?

I have some gwas summary statistics in GRCh38 that I want to lift to GRCh37. I am trying to liftover in R using this code: ...
DN1's user avatar
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GWAS in python?

A question similar to this has also been asked on Biostars I understand GWAS is done with R, but are any written in Python? I'm used to python and java, acclimating to R will take a bit of time and my ...
Katherine's user avatar
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Polygenic Risk Scores

I have run a GWAS and used PRSice ( to calculate polygenic risk scores on the data collected from the GWAS. I need to check whether alcohol dependence can predict gambling ...
Shelby Labuschagne's user avatar
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GWAS phenotype data format and preprocessing

I have a set of different phenotypes which I want to use for a GWAS analysis (general linear model). I have a couple of questions and uncertainty about the phenotype data input. I have control and ...
snowflake's user avatar
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Interpreting GWAS results with different settings

I did a bunch of GWAS analysis (linear model without covariates) with applying different quality controls. How to choose the optimal settings when filtering for minor allele frequency (maf), Hardy-...
snowflake's user avatar
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GWAS MAC filter Interpretation

I am performing a GWAS analysis and try to understand the influence of the minor allele count filter.Setting the filter to 1 % gave me this plot and I am confused about the same -log10 pvalues around ~...
snowflake's user avatar
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Convert VCF to genotype table

How can I convert a VCF file into a genotype table (SNP matrix)? I have this format: ...
snowflake's user avatar
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Pandas automatically rounds GWAS P-value

I am working with a specific GWAS. If I were to run this on the command line grep <rs_id_of_interest> GWAS.txt I would see the GWAS p-value to be on the ...
Andrew Hamel's user avatar