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Questions tagged [gwas]

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15 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Estimating computing resources needed for a GWAS?

One of my dissertation papers is going to involve a GWAS. I have never actually run a GWAS before, and do not know how to estimate the computing resources I need for it. I asked someone on my ...
bluemouse's user avatar
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Input for --score in PLINK 1.9 when generationg PRS using GWAS summary statistics

I'm conducting a simulation and I need to obtain polygenic risk scores (PRS) using genome wide association studies (GWAS) summary statistics. It is known that the GWAS will give BETA and OR for ...
Dovini Jayasinghe's user avatar
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LD block labels annotation for GWAS summary data

I have a txt file summarising the result of a GWAS on an European population. Its structure is the next one: ...
Gero's user avatar
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Publicly available population specific reference panels

The publicly available reference panel for GWAS analysis is the 1000 genomes reference panel. The reference panel consists of several populations. However, I am searching for a population-specific ...
Shafayet Rahat's user avatar
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Which GWGAS Tool is 'better', MAGMA or LDSC?

I am currently doing a project regarding gene-based analysis and gene-set analysis given a certain GWAS dataset, I only know 2 well known gene-based analysis tool which is LDSC and MAGMA. As of now, I'...
Andreas Adinatha's user avatar
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PLINK linear association testing command with an interaction and 2 covariates term

I am trying to write the right command for my association testing using PLINK 1.9 but I could not find a clear answer so far and not sure how to wrtie it correct. I have genotype variants called and ...
entropy's user avatar
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Applying colocalization analysis in Asian populations

I am planning to add colocalization method as a post-GWAS analysis in my study which is solely based on east Asian populations. I have noticed that coloc, enloc and eCaviar are being commonly used for ...
7-x's user avatar
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How to chose values for QC for a GWAS?

I am running a GWAS on a large dataset. I am using the H3aBioNet QC workflow ( I have run the QC on initial parameters: MAF < 0.01 ...
Shelby Labuschagne's user avatar
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How to convert the chromosome position for insertions/deletions to rsIDs in a GWAS summary statistics?

I am trying to convert chromosome positions to rsIDs of a GWAS summary statistics file. I used bedtools intersect to merge the reference genome GRCh37 and the ...
7-x's user avatar
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Reason for linear effects dominating the difference in a quantitative trait between individual genomes

I'm an interested layman reading the paper (Hsu, Stephen, On the genetic architecture of intelligence and other quantitative traits, 2014). I'm trying to understand ...
keraC's user avatar
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What is the best QC to do on imputed UK Biobank data?

I am receiving imputed data from UK Biobank to conduct a GWAS on. Previously I have carried out GWAS on genotype data, which I have QC'd for missingness per individual and per SNP, sex discrepancy, ...
icedcoffee's user avatar
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GWAS : input files for rrBLUP package in R

I want to do a verification of the result of an RNAseq analysis of human cancer samples by GWAS, I want to use rrBLUP package in R, so I need three input file genotype, phenotype and mapping file, so ...
Zahrae's user avatar
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GWAS Rooted PCA analysis problem

I'm fairly new to plink software and wanted to get some additional practice after doing several tutorials. I obtained the data from this paper (I'm not using this paper's methods) to do some QC with ...
Brian's user avatar
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Help sought with GWAS and vcf files, lack phenotype labels

This question has also been asked on Biostars Hi, I am very new to this area, and I am taking a class about bioinformatics. For an independent project assignment, I need to do a GWAS. I am using the ...
user16548's user avatar
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GWAS phenotype data format and preprocessing

I have a set of different phenotypes which I want to use for a GWAS analysis (general linear model). I have a couple of questions and uncertainty about the phenotype data input. I have control and ...
snowflake's user avatar
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