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Jim Stogdill / Accenture

Big Data and Corporate Evolution
A meta discussion
  Conference hashtag #jaxcon
Industrial Revolution
                        Information Age
         Electricity    Computing
                                         Big Data


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What the IoT should learn from the life sciences
What the IoT should learn from the life sciencesWhat the IoT should learn from the life sciences
What the IoT should learn from the life sciences

What the Internet of Things should learn from the life sciences. About the utility of open data, ontologies and public repositories as routinely used in the academic life science, but rarely in the IoT.

data standardsiotlife science
O'Reilly Webcast: Organizing the Internet of Things - Actionable Insight Thro...
O'Reilly Webcast: Organizing the Internet of Things - Actionable Insight Thro...O'Reilly Webcast: Organizing the Internet of Things - Actionable Insight Thro...
O'Reilly Webcast: Organizing the Internet of Things - Actionable Insight Thro...

- A biologist is interested in large, unstructured IoT data to gain insights from connections between different data points, similar to how biologists study connections between biological entities. - Currently the IoT lacks common data formats, ontologies to provide context to things, and data repositories, limiting analytical flexibility and insights that can be gained. - Biologists overcame similar problems by developing standards like gene ontologies, metadata requirements, and public data repositories, enabling knowledge inference from large, diverse datasets. - Key concepts from biology that could help the IoT include developing ontologies to define thing functions, processes, and localizations in order to organize knowledge and enable inferencing across the large, diverse data generated by the Io

gene ontologydata integrationinternet of things
How to Crunch Petabytes with Hadoop and Big Data using InfoSphere BigInsights...
How to Crunch Petabytes with Hadoop and Big Data using InfoSphere BigInsights...How to Crunch Petabytes with Hadoop and Big Data using InfoSphere BigInsights...
How to Crunch Petabytes with Hadoop and Big Data using InfoSphere BigInsights...

This document discusses how to analyze large datasets using Hadoop and BigInsights. It describes how IBM's Watson uses Hadoop to distribute its workload and load information into memory from sources like 200 million pages of text, CRM data, POS data, and social media to provide distilled insights. The document provides two use case examples of how energy companies and global media firms could use big data analytics to analyze weather data and identify unauthorized streaming content.


Photo Jan Banning
bu·reau·cra·cy: organization characterized by
                 specialization of
                 functions, adherence to fixed
                 rules, and a hierarchy of

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Big data 101
Big data 101Big data 101
Big data 101

Big Data 101 provides an overview of big data concepts. It defines big data as data that is too large to fit into a typical database or spreadsheet due to its volume, variety and velocity. It discusses how data is accumulating rapidly from various sources and the challenges of storing and processing all this data. It also introduces common big data techniques like MapReduce and how they can be used to extract insights from large, unstructured data sets.

machine learningdata sciencebig data analytics
How it works- Data Science
How it works- Data ScienceHow it works- Data Science
How it works- Data Science

This document provides an overview of a data science training module that introduces students to key concepts like big data, data science components, types of data scientists, and use cases. The module covers topics such as big data scenarios, challenges, Hadoop, R programming, and machine learning. Students will learn how to analyze real-world datasets and implement machine learning algorithms in both Hadoop and R. The goal is for students to understand how to use tools and techniques to extract insights from large datasets.

Challenging Problems for Scalable Mining of Heterogeneous Social and Informat...
Challenging Problems for Scalable Mining of Heterogeneous Social and Informat...Challenging Problems for Scalable Mining of Heterogeneous Social and Informat...
Challenging Problems for Scalable Mining of Heterogeneous Social and Informat...

In today’s interconnected real world, social and informational entities are interconnected, forming gigantic, interconnected, integrated social and information networks. By structuring these data objects into multiple types, such networks become semi-structured heterogeneous social and information networks. Most real world applications that handle big data, including interconnected social media and social networks, medical information systems, online e-commerce systems, or database systems, can be structured into typed, heterogeneous social and information networks. For example, in a medical care network, objects of multiple types, such as patients, doctors, diseases, medication, and links such as visits, diagnosis, and treatments are intertwined together, providing rich information and forming heterogeneous information networks. Effective analysis of large-scale heterogeneous social and information networks poses an interesting but critical challenge. In this talk, we present a set of data mining scenarios in heterogeneous social and information networks and show that mining typed, heterogeneous networks is a new and promising research frontier in data mining research. However, such mining may raise some serious challenging problems on scalability computation. We identify a set of problems on scalable computation and calls for serious studies on such problems. This includes how to efficiently computation for (1) meta path-based similarity search, (2) rank-based clustering, (3) rank-based classification, (4) meta path-based link/relationship prediction, and (5) topical hierarchies from heterogeneous information networks. We introduce some recent efforts, discuss the trade-offs between query-independent pre-computation vs. query-dependent online computation, and point out some promising research directions.

machine learningbig datadata mining
Image source:
W-JAX Keynote - Big Data and Corporate Evolution

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An Obligatory Introduction to Data Science
An Obligatory Introduction to Data ScienceAn Obligatory Introduction to Data Science
An Obligatory Introduction to Data Science

In this presentation, Wes Eldridge will provide a general overview on data science. The talk will cover a variety of topics, Wes will start with the dirty history of the field which will help add context. After learning about the history of data and data science Wes will discuss the common roles a data scientist holds in business and organizations. Next, he will talk about how to use data in your organization and products. Finally, he'll cover some tools to help you get started in data science. After the presentation, Wes will stick around for Q/A and data discussion.

open dataanalysisdata
Bigdata analytics
Bigdata analyticsBigdata analytics
Bigdata analytics

This document discusses big data and defines it using the four Vs: volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. It states that big data is characterized by extremely large data sets that are difficult to process using traditional data processing applications. Specifically, it provides examples showing that big data is generated in huge volumes (petabytes or exabytes) at very fast rates, comes in many different forms (structured, unstructured, sensor data), and can be unreliable. The document also notes that while big data problems challenge existing technologies and algorithms, many analytics projects currently labeled as "big data" may not truly qualify. It concludes by mentioning some big data technologies like Hadoop that provide improved computing capabilities for processing large and diverse datasets.

big dataanalyticsmapreduce
Big Data 101
Big Data 101Big Data 101
Big Data 101

This document provides an overview of big data including: - Defining big data as large and complex data sets that cannot be managed with traditional database tools. - Describing the four V's of big data: volume, velocity, variety and veracity. - Providing examples of how big data is being used including by companies to manage legal spend, for litigation strategy and jury selection, and potential uses for law firms like predictive analysis and improving business development.

big data

                       HR                                            Sales

                  Admin                                                Planning

                              Ops                        Inventory

Image source
Record                Hierarchical
keeping                                     Reactive

  Efficiency          Process
                                       Cost Center
               automation         Rules
Wiring the worm


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Enabling the data driven enterprise
Enabling the data driven enterpriseEnabling the data driven enterprise
Enabling the data driven enterprise

Data-driven enterprise requires intelligent, sentient, and resilient software systems to address information processing structures to deal with rapid  fluctuations in resource demand and availability.   Communication, Collaboration and Commerce workflows at the speed of light demand always-on anti-fragile systems   Both autonomic computing and neural networks provide a next generation set of technologies to meet the needs of the data-driven enterprise at the speed of light Crypto-Security and New Digital Asset Life-cycle Managent assures the Asset’s Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability providing Privacy & Protection of Individual Rights

cloud computingartificial intelligencedatacenters
Cognitive Computing
Cognitive ComputingCognitive Computing
Cognitive Computing

Cognitive Computing: How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is transforming Data into Wisdom

artificial_intelligencecognitive computingmachine learning
2018 05 hype lightning talk
2018 05 hype lightning talk2018 05 hype lightning talk
2018 05 hype lightning talk

The document discusses emerging technologies including quantum computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchains, the internet of things, cloud computing, edge computing, and data analytics. While these technologies show promise, the document cautions against hype and notes that many technologies do not yet work as described or have practical applications. The author offers experience supporting genomics and building IT infrastructure and is available for consulting work.

Image source:
W-JAX Keynote - Big Data and Corporate Evolution
Image Source:
Complexity in
  the world

Complexity the
  boss can

   Yaneer Bar-Yam, Dynamics of Complex Systems

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Enabling the data driven enterprise
Enabling the data driven enterpriseEnabling the data driven enterprise
Enabling the data driven enterprise

Rao Mikkilineni discusses the emergence of cognitive computing models and a new cognitive infrastructure. He argues that increasing data volumes and the need for real-time insights are driving the need for intelligent, sentient, and resilient systems. The new cognitive infrastructure will include a cognitive and infrastructure agnostic control overlay, composable services, and cognitive deep learning integration. It will enable a post-hypervisor cognitive computing era with intelligent, distributed systems.

datacenterscloud computingartificial intelligence
GP-Write computing group
GP-Write computing groupGP-Write computing group
GP-Write computing group

This document provides a charter and roadmap for a Computing, Data, and Informatics Working Group. It discusses their vision of enabling data, computing, and identity services at unlimited scale. It highlights how information technology has been critical but also a source of tension in large projects like the Human Genome Project. The document outlines current enabling technologies like machine learning, blockchain, and DevOps practices. It identifies key challenge areas the working group will focus on, including identity and authorization, information security and privacy, and issues around data storage in multi-cloud environments. The working group members are then listed.

synthetic biologysciencehpc
Briefing room: An alternative for streaming data collection
Briefing room: An alternative for streaming data collectionBriefing room: An alternative for streaming data collection
Briefing room: An alternative for streaming data collection

Knowing what’s happening in your enterprise right now can mark the difference between success and failure. The key is to have a rich view of activity, such that analysts and others can explore in a fully multidimensional fashion. Benefiting from such a detailed perspective can help professionals identify the exact nature of problems or opportunities, thus enabling precise actions that make a difference quickly. Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to hear veteran Analyst Mark Madsen of Third Nature explain how a nexus of innovations for analyzing network traffic can help companies stay on top of their game. He’ll be briefed by Erik Giesa of ExtraHop, who will showcase his company’s stream analytics technology for wire data, which provides real-time, multidimensional views of network traffic. He’ll share success stories of how ExtraHop has solved otherwise intractable problems and enabled a new level of root-cause analysis.

Industrial Revolution
                        Information Age
         Electricity    Computing
                                         Big Data

                We are Here

What is   Big Data?
When the data size and
    performance requirements
  “become significant design and
decision factors for implementing a
  data management and analysis
 Roger Magoulas and Ben Lorica, O’Reilly Media
       Parallel     Learning      Privacy

                      Open              Petabytes
                                Data Exhaust
Cassandra         Hadoop
            R                          Sensors
                    Open Data
                                            Data > Algo

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Ibm 1129-the big data zoo
Ibm 1129-the big data zooIbm 1129-the big data zoo
Ibm 1129-the big data zoo

Big data offers significant opportunities for businesses but few have effectively exploited it due to challenges in dealing with the technical and management aspects of big data. An integrated enterprise platform is needed to deploy and use big data effectively alongside existing business processes and information tools. Big data should be introduced incrementally for maximum benefit.

Your brain is too small to manage your business
Your brain is too small to manage your business Your brain is too small to manage your business
Your brain is too small to manage your business

Presentation that I delivered at "Accelerate AI, Europe 2018" in London on Sept 19, 2018. My focus is on socio-cultural perspective as well as proving information about various tools, vendors and partners available to help companies get started using AI.

The intentionally emergent enterprise
The intentionally emergent enterpriseThe intentionally emergent enterprise
The intentionally emergent enterprise

The document discusses how corporations can become more innovative by adopting post-bureaucratic models that allow for emergent and networked behaviors. It argues that intentionally enabling emergence through open source practices, low barriers to participation, and generative systems can produce unanticipated innovation from broad audiences. The key is impedance matching organizations to the decentralized world through policies, architectures, and cultures that enhance long-tail contribution from self-organizing groups.

open sourceopen hardware
Image source:
New kinds of data

                      Complex, Unstructured

Relational, Transactional

       Source: An IDC White Paper - sponsored by EMC. As the Economy Contracts, the Digital Universe Expands. May 2009..
New kinds of data

 Traditional                      People’s
Transactional          New          Data”
  Enterprise        “Internal”
    Data               Data

                X   10-100X      ≥ 10^3 X
Why now?



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Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity ConferenceDevops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference

Presented at Velocity Conference in September in New York City. The information age is replacing the industrial age and corporations are going through changes as big as their original adoption of bureaucracy as an organizing principle. This talk describes the notion of "Intentional Emergence" in a corporate setting. The idea that managers and technologists should create conditions for emergent outcomes rather than always focusing on the outcome itself. DevOps and other mechanisms for a more dynamic IT culture are important to this end.

Philly Emerging Tech 2011 Intentional Emergence
Philly Emerging Tech 2011 Intentional EmergencePhilly Emerging Tech 2011 Intentional Emergence
Philly Emerging Tech 2011 Intentional Emergence

This document discusses how organizations can transition from traditional bureaucratic models to more emergent, networked models that are better suited for the information age. It notes that fully centralized planning is not feasible for complex systems, and that allowing for more decentralized, emergent processes can enhance flexibility and growth. The key aspects discussed include: - Adopting more permeable boundaries and "post-bureaucratic" internal characteristics at the organizational edge - Distinguishing between the planned core and more emergent, networked surroundings/edge - Making choices that increase a system's "generativity" through openness, low barriers to participation, and community involvement - Impedance matching the organization with the decentralized,

Corporate Evolution (Strata NY 2013)
Corporate Evolution (Strata NY 2013)Corporate Evolution (Strata NY 2013)
Corporate Evolution (Strata NY 2013)

This document discusses how corporations can leverage digital technologies to enhance their intelligence. It suggests that a corporation's intelligence (IQcorp) depends on factors like fluid intelligence (Gf), crystallized intelligence (Gc), quantitative reasoning (Gq), memory (Gsm/Glr), processing speed (Gs), and decision speed (Gt). While humans currently excel in areas like fluid intelligence, digital technologies can augment corporations in other factors like crystallized intelligence, memory, and processing speed through techniques such as analytics, machine learning, and collaborative workflows. The document argues that through a symbiotic human-machine relationship, corporations can develop super-human levels of intelligence.

Ideal Gas Law adapted to data:

“The demand for data will expand to
   fill the supply of cheap disk.”
W-JAX Keynote - Big Data and Corporate Evolution
New Huge
             Sources of
  Open                        Enterprise
 Source                        Shifting
Software                        Focus

                          Cheap storage
                           and parallel
   The Web
Image source:

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Refactoring, Emergent Design & Evolutionary Architecture
Refactoring, Emergent Design & Evolutionary ArchitectureRefactoring, Emergent Design & Evolutionary Architecture
Refactoring, Emergent Design & Evolutionary Architecture

The document discusses refactoring, emergent design, and evolutionary architecture. It begins with an overview of refactoring, defining it as restructuring software by applying behavior-preserving transformations to improve code qualities like simplicity and modifiability without changing external behavior. The goal of refactoring is to minimize complexity and duplication through iterative application of refactorings. Scaling involves techniques like emergent design, managing technical debt, and evolutionary architecture. The document is divided into three parts that cover refactoring fundamentals, refactoring at scale, and special refactoring topics.

design principlesemergent designevolutionary architecture
Coding Is Maneuver
Coding Is  ManeuverCoding Is  Maneuver
Coding Is Maneuver

The document discusses several key points about cyber warfare and coding: 1. Coding is a form of maneuver in cyber warfare, as code can be changed and adapted quickly to respond to new threats or vulnerabilities. Technological agility will be important in cyber warfare where there are no compensating physical assets. 2. Cyber situational awareness is different than traditional battlespace awareness, but they should still be related. Integrating cyber and physical target data will be important for coordination. 3. Culture is important in cyber operations and cannot be done in isolation. Participating in communities of practice and using open source tools and techniques will be necessary to learn from others and adapt quickly to changes.

Intelligent Big Data analytics for the future.
Intelligent Big Data analytics for the future.Intelligent Big Data analytics for the future.
Intelligent Big Data analytics for the future.

A peek into the next level of big data analytics. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning combined with big-data.

bigdatamachine learning
W-JAX Keynote - Big Data and Corporate Evolution
Test      Hypothesize

Orient   Observe

Decide   Act
Industrial Revolution
                                                        Information Age
         Electricity                                      Computing
                                                                                              Big Data

                       Brain image soruce:

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Introduction to Big Data An analogy between Sugar Cane & Big Data
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Introduction to Big Data An analogy between Sugar Cane & Big Data

Big data is large and complex data that exceeds the processing capacity of conventional database systems. It is characterized by high volume, velocity, and variety of data. An enterprise can leverage big data through an analytical use to gain new insights, or through enabling new data-driven products and services. An analogy compares an enterprise's big data architecture to a sugar cane factory that acquires, organizes, analyzes, and generates business intelligence from big data sources to create value for the organization. NoSQL databases are complementary to rather than replacements for relational databases in big data solutions.

big data
Semantic, Cognitive, and Perceptual Computing – three intertwined strands of ...
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Semantic, Cognitive, and Perceptual Computing – three intertwined strands of ...

Keynote at Web Intelligence 2017: Video: Paper: Abstract: While Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and others engage in OpenAI discussions of whether or not AI, robots, and machines will replace humans, proponents of human-centric computing continue to extend work in which humans and machine partner in contextualized and personalized processing of multimodal data to derive actionable information. In this talk, we discuss how maturing towards the emerging paradigms of semantic computing (SC), cognitive computing (CC), and perceptual computing (PC) provides a continuum through which to exploit the ever-increasing and growing diversity of data that could enhance people’s daily lives. SC and CC sift through raw data to personalize it according to context and individual users, creating abstractions that move the data closer to what humans can readily understand and apply in decision-making. PC, which interacts with the surrounding environment to collect data that is relevant and useful in understanding the outside world, is characterized by interpretative and exploratory activities that are supported by the use of prior/background knowledge. Using the examples of personalized digital health and a smart city, we will demonstrate how the trio of these computing paradigms form complementary capabilities that will enable the development of the next generation of intelligent systems. For background:

semantic computingsemantic webcognitive computing
Life of a data scientist (pub)
Life of a data scientist (pub)Life of a data scientist (pub)
Life of a data scientist (pub)

The document discusses the role and responsibilities of a data scientist. It describes how data scientists take large amounts of messy data and use skills in math, statistics, and programming to organize and analyze the data to uncover solutions to business problems. An effective data scientist has strong skills in both statistics and software engineering. The document also outlines the scientific process that data scientists follow, including developing algorithms and models, testing hypotheses on data, deploying solutions, and continuously monitoring and improving based on results.

data sciencedata scientistonline test
Industrial Revolution
                                                        Information Age
         Electricity                                      Computing
                                                                                              Big Data

   Dispositional Automated                                                         Intelligent
                       Brain image soruce:
IQcorporation ≈

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A Journey Through The Far Side Of Data Science
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A Journey Through The Far Side Of Data Science

This document summarizes a presentation on data science and artificial intelligence. It discusses how AI is transforming businesses in many ways, including automating repetitive tasks, improving customer experiences, and driving revenue growth. It also mentions that while data is important, AI is needed to transform organizations through intelligent process optimization and innovation. The document provides examples of how various companies are applying AI in sales, customer service, and other areas. It emphasizes that AI strategies should focus on innovation, identifying high-impact use cases, and developing people's data science skills.

Sample Paper.doc.doc
Sample Paper.doc.docSample Paper.doc.doc
Sample Paper.doc.doc

The document provides an overview of data mining and web mining techniques. It discusses how data mining uses statistical analysis, machine learning, and other techniques to extract patterns and correlations from large datasets. The document also presents results from a case study that analyzed web traffic statistics and visitor behavior on a website to gain insights on how to improve the user experience. Clustering algorithms were used to classify users and generate a web mining model. The case study demonstrated that data mining can efficiently analyze large amounts of web data and provide useful information for website optimization.

pattern recognitionmachine learning
Big data: understanding the present
Big data: understanding the presentBig data: understanding the present
Big data: understanding the present

Slides for an introductory course on Big Data Tools for Artificial Intelligence. This first set of slides introduces the concept of big data and the current context.

artificial intelligencehadoopmachine learning
IQcorporation ≈
Emergent                       Agile
Sensing, exter
  nal focus                              Hypothesize
                                          and Test
    Maps and Images
                                    Profit Center
“The two spaces point to
different ages in brain
evolution, one in which
dispositions sufficed to
guide adequate behavior
and another in which
maps gave rise to images
and to an upgrade of the
quality of behavior. Today
they are seamlessly
From Self Comes to Mind
Constructing the Conscious Brain,
Antonio Damasio
Image source:

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Analytics as a Service in SL
Analytics as a Service in SLAnalytics as a Service in SL
Analytics as a Service in SL

This document discusses enabling analytics as a service (AaaS) on IBM SoftLayer Cloud. It describes how various analytical platforms and workloads have been modernized, migrated, and deployed on the SoftLayer Cloud to provide analytics capabilities as a service. Specifically, it outlines big data analytics platforms like Cloudera, Hortonworks, MapR, and IBM BigInsights that have been implemented on the cloud. It also discusses real-time analytics platforms like VoltDB and Apache Storm that have been deployed on SoftLayer Cloud to enable real-time analytics and processing of fast data streams.

Big Data Testing Using Hadoop Platform
Big Data Testing Using Hadoop PlatformBig Data Testing Using Hadoop Platform
Big Data Testing Using Hadoop Platform

The document discusses big data testing using the Hadoop platform. It describes how Hadoop, along with technologies like HDFS, MapReduce, YARN, Pig, and Spark, provides tools for efficiently storing, processing, and analyzing large volumes of structured and unstructured data distributed across clusters of machines. These technologies allow organizations to leverage big data to gain valuable insights by enabling parallel computation of massive datasets.

Over the past weeks we have been examining the inference process- big.docx
Over the past weeks we have been examining the inference process- big.docxOver the past weeks we have been examining the inference process- big.docx
Over the past weeks we have been examining the inference process- big.docx

Over the past weeks we have been examining the inference process, big data (which feeds this process) and now the inter-dependent nature of digital devices in a digital age. I invite you to follow the links below and explore the constructs of Information Overload and Machine Data. Find others of your own, as well. Do either of these constructs resonate with you? How do they interact with the erosion of boundaries between work and home life that many of you have referenced? How does our dependence on digital devices feed machine data and big data? How does it compromise our personal security? Try weaving one of these ideas into your thinking about ICT. The links are: Big Data Means Information Overload Machine Data and Operational Intelligence Solution hadoop .

Vielen Dank!
         Jim Stogdill

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W-JAX Keynote - Big Data and Corporate Evolution

Editor's Notes

  1. Hi I’m… Welcome to my talk on Big Data and Corporate Evolution
  2. Please feel free to contact me or tweet at me or about this talk while I’m up here.
  3. I might be taking a bit of a risk with this talk, because rather than diving into the technology behind “big data” I’m going to try to talk about big data in the context of the industrial age and our continuing transition into the information age. Then I want to explore the impact of big data on evolution of the corporate form.The industrial age is often split into the periods that were based on steam and electricity. The information age also has significant moments of technological discontinuity, and one of my arguments here is that “big data” is one of themThis is a talk about what the corporation was, and what is becoming. And how the idea of Big Data might influence it. My core argument is that big data isn’t just another technology trend that will come and go, but that like the Internet before it, it is a major discontinuity and will cause major changes in the form of the corporation. . It isn’t a technology, it is a technology epoch.
  4. Let’s go back to the industrial age. It was an era of vast change when we harnessed first steam and then electricity to achieve huge increases in productivity.
  5. And it was the first time in human history to see a sustained growth in GDP. For the first time ever the average human got wealthier.
  6. It was an era characterized by ever more specializedwork that often occurred in huge industrial settings.To coordinate the efforts of all of that specialized labor across these vast enterprises, we used lots of rules and hierarchy of authority. At scale the corporation was no longer the exercise of an owner’s will, it was a kind of organism.
  7. An organism whose systems of control were based on the bureaucracy they adapted from governments. Bureaucracy, literally “desks” from the French, consisted of functional departments focused on specific tasks of the organization. They held and moved paper between them for a combination of record keeping and control.
  8. In short, bureaucracy is an … Thecorporation and bureaucracy became synonymous during the industrial revolution.
  9. So, getting back to the subject of this talk, let’s make an evolutionary analogy. At that stage, a bureaucracy of functional departments based on paper memory and signaling, the corporation was something like a nematode, an incredibly plentiful and diverse but very simple worm with a simple nervous system.It turns out that over 16,000 nematode species are parasitic, but that is not relevant to my talk.
  10. An typical nematode nervous system consists of only 302 neurons. In fact, its core pharyngeal nervous system (essentially its brain) contains only 20, yet it is able to effectively manage homeostasis, direct movement, detect information in its environment, and create complex responses. Of course the nematode isn’t “conscious” of any of this. These are dispositional responses; essentially deterministic reflexes encoded in the simple network. The worm has dispositions to move toward food for example. These dispositions aren’t unlike the rules and processes encoded in corporate bureaucracy. They too are adequate to manage its response to market and other stimuli. At least those that fall within a range of expected conditions.
  11. In1954, Joe Glickauf of Arthur Anderson implemented a payroll system for General Electric on a UNIVAC 1. This is one of the first general purpose computers used to automate a traditionally paper-based business process in the U.S. (and the beginning of IT consulting). Systems like this were adopted rapidly throughout the 1950’s and thus began the corporate shift into the information age.
  12. Of course, even after corporations began to rely on computers for a variety of data processing tasks, business remained bureaucratic. Which is to say still hierarchical, based on fixed rules, and specialized functions.
  13. In fact, as we automated those existing bureaucratic components, we usually just adapted the previous paper based systems into code. Invoices and trades and accounts and inventories and etc. migrated into the machine. We emptied our filing cabinets into database tables but we didn’t immediately change much about how the business worked.
  14. If we summarizethe high-level characteristics of information technology over this phase of the information age, it might look like this. Essentially mirroring the bureaucracy it was automating, and for most industries, focusing on costs and efficiency.
  15. During those first projects in the 1950’s we didn’t fundamentally evolve the worm’s nervous system, we mostly set about digitizing it in its existing form. Substituting digital automation, controls, and record keeping for paper. In fact, that’s mostly what we’ve all been doing for the last 55 years, wiring the worm and automating bureaucracy.And while for a long time we didn’t really change the characteristic nature of the corporation. It remained dispositional and reactive, it did become more responsive, efficient, and scalable.And all of this workwas a departure point in the corporation’s evolutionary history That digital foundation would become the substrate on which further evolutionary processes could occur.
  16. And then, right in the middle of this process, about 30 years ago or so, Leonard Kleinrock, Lawrence Roberts, Robert Kahn, and Vint Cerf invented the computer network that ultimately became the internet, and by the mid to late 90’s these technologies began to have an impact on the corporation…
  17. Now instead of just automating internal processes, we began to focus on integration with trading partners, etc.
  18. Our little worm was beginning to sense, and in very rudimentary ways, interact with its more remote surroundings. It could see further and respond faster.
  19. But that network connectivity isn’t just changing the corporation’s external interactions. With the rise of new communication and collaboration mechanisms it is changing how we organize internally, if not intentionally, then in an ad hoc emergent way. More and more we are ignoring our org charts and organizing organically in direct response to the work. Finally, bureaucracy began to give way to other models of organization and some business, particularly on the web and other information focused industries, were beginning to fundamentally change what it meant to be a business.
  20. And we *needed* that increasing internal organizational complexity. A hierarchical organization can never be smarter than those at the top, but our worm’s extended ecosystem is not too complex for that small group to deal with.So we need internal structures, processes, and time cycles that are better able to cope.
  21. Ok, so we’ve made it to the part of the information age that is based on computing and internetworking and are about to enter the period of big data. So, let’s take a moment to talk about what big data is. We’ll come back to our meta discussion after this short explanatory digression.
  22. This term is getting a lot of mileage these days, but what does it mean?
  23. Here Is one definition. It’s a pretty good one I think.
  24. But that’s probably way too specific to really capture what is going on… There isn’t really a single definition right now. As a term, “big data” is more like a word cloud of related ideas that are influencing significant changes in how we store, manage, and analyze information in the corporate enterprise.Let’s just skim a few of these…
  25. And it all probably started with web logs, back when someone at Amazon or wherever said “You know, these are useful for more than just troubleshooting web servers.”Logs, the first big data source, provided direct observation of customer behavior in near real time. That is a powerful thing, and companies away from the web are waking up to the possibilities of similar kinds of data in other domains.Path Intelligence in retail, Progressive insurance, Set top boxes, smart meters, phone location data (traffic monitoring), hardware and software heartbeat / phone home data, video and audio, …Some of this data is data that they already had, but just viewed it in an operational context until now, and some of it is newly acquired data. Where they are purposely designing products to not just serve their customers but to also capture new forms of useful data.
  26. Since that time we’ve seen massive growth in non-transactional, and generally less structured, sources of data that are greatly outstripping the growth in core transaction activity. These data sources are dwarfing traditional And to reiterate, it’s not just web logs, it’s all kinds of semi-structured and unstructured data that once would have been considered useless from an analytical point of view. The corporate enterprise is discovering the value in all kinds of data beyond the transaction – geo-locations, unstructured text (e.g. twitter), machine logs, sensor data, … other “data exhaust” from our increasingly digital lives…
  27. And let’s not forget “other people’s data” – even bigger still. Our worm is beginning to see the outside world and the outside world generates a LOT of data. We all know about things like using twitter and other social streams to conduct sentiment analysis, but governments are opening up massive data sets through their open data initiatives and companies like Infochimps and Microsoft are creating data markets that make all kinds of massive data sets available.Traditional = enterprise data. Usually transactional records originating in an OLTP system. New, unstructured data. Previously thrown away or ignored. Things like web and server logs, VRU records, …Other People’s Data. The result of open data initiatives, data brokers, etc. Often unstructured web or social media data.
  28. Why is it happening now? What is causing our basic architecture for data storage to change?Storage is getting cheaper faster than networks are getting faster, and while CPU’s are getting faster, they are doing it with multiple cores. Moore’s law on a single core is basically dead – and that is driving architectures toward parallelism. It’s happening later in the corporate enterprise, but we are going to be following the path the web blazed, the future is parallel.
  29. The first implication of all that cheap disk is that we are going to fill it up. We’ll always fill it up.
  30. The other implication is that the data on those disks is going to be heavy and is going to tend to stay put. That’s why we are seeing architectures like Hadoop become popular, because unlike the traditional RDBMS where you run a query to move the data to the analyst, we are going to leave the data where it is and send the analytical algorithm to local compute nodes.No longer just a “persistence layer” in our applications, data is going to be the platform on which future applications are built.
  31. Beyond that relationship between disk, cpu, and network, there is a whole confluence of forces that will make us think differently about data. And in fact, data is going to be much more central to our enterprise. One of the important ones that I want to point out here is the shifting enterprise IT focus – from an inward / cost focus we can expect to be more and more focused on using data to enhance revenue. We are going to experience significant cultural changes as even every day corporate IT jobs take on more of the characteristics of web and product orientation.
  32. Once an enterprise has all this data, what are they doing with it? If we can process it at scale we can conduct all kinds of analysis: machine learning, statistics at scale, “data science”, behavioral analysis, … in short, reasoning.
  33. Which brings us to the other popular term in this space, Data Science. Data science is about applying a facsimile of the scientific method to our data with the goal of turning data into products. We won’t just be recording the sale of products, or automating that sale, data and its analysis will be a core component of the products we build and sell, whether we are on the web or in more traditional industries.Think about how web companies turn real time data analytics into re-ordered search results for example, then apply that kind of thinking to other businesses.Or as Brian Dolan of Fox Interactive Media says “I turn XML into cash”
  34. But it’s not enough to analyze data. For it to impact the products we make and sell, we have to close the loop – whether it be an “act” step at the end of the scientific method, or …
  35. …or the OODA loop (if you are familiar with that term). It’s not just the data and our ability to analyze it at scale, it’s the closing of the loop of your choice. It’s making the data analysis an inline process – moving beyond dispositional responses to much more intelligence.For example, on the web if you back up your analytics with strong agile development and devops you can nearly continuously deploy new features. Or even better, the applications themselves can be data and analytically driven. This will look different in other industries, but expect to look for new data sources, new sources of feedback, and new ways to close the insight to product loop more quickly.On the web this loop is becoming more and more automated. Data comes in, is analyzed (reasoned on), decisions are made and deployed into the product automatically.That may not happen in your industry, but more data will give you more ways to more rapidly change your interface to your customers.The latter bits of this cycle are like motor nerves in an animal. You have to be able to act on what you learn and think.
  36. So, let’s get back to our meta story about corporate evolution. Big data is giving corporations the ability to greatly increase the sensing resolution of their environments, to understand the behaviors it sees, and to predict future behaviors to create more attractive products. In a very real sense the corporation is developing the ability to map its environment and reason on those maps.
  37. When it comes to its primary businesses, the analytically-enabled corporation may turn out to be smarter than the collection of humans that run it.The corporation is a legal fiction that permits a large group of people whose efforts are coordinated to appear before the law as a single entity. Historically its organized labor was much greater than the individual labor of its participants, but it’s organized sum total intelligence was less than the sum of the intelligence of its participants. Generally a corporation could be no smarter in the marketplace than the smartest person at the top. But the combination of less hierarchical, more participative organization, and closed big data feedback loops to product are changing that. The corporation is becoming smarter. It is evolving the early beginnings of something like a mind.
  38. So, we are at a point of discontinuity. For fifty years we’ve focused on bureaucracy automation.
  39. But now we are shifting our focus. Let’s make up an absurdly difficult to say word to capture the goal of IT in the future. Our jobs are going to be migrating from making the corporation more efficient, to more intelligent.
  40. So, prepare to set down your ESB and grab a compute cluster full of data.To make companies smarter our jobs are going to be changing. We are going to be processing existing data, acquiring external data, and looking for ways to create more. You may find yourself designing product features for their data gathering potential.In addition to growing data, we will be building more and smarter ways to process it and analyze it. And don’t forget, we will be re-architecting our systems, processes, and culture to be able to act on what we learn in real time. Our corporate organism doesn’t just need a brain, it needs motor neurons as well.An intelligent corporation is one with a post-dispositional mind wired to action, one that participates in closed loops.
  41. And now our primary job is to keep making it smarter.
  42. As the corporation evolves the characteristics of its information technology evolve with it.
  43. This doesn’t mean that our current jobs disappear. Far from it. The corporation will have “vestigial IT” too just like the human brain still has dispositional regions. After all, we still pull our hands away from a hot stove without thinking about it first, and companies will continue to automatically resupply empty shelves. Our existing automation and transactional systems will still be there working in concert with this new “big data” layer of sensing, mapping, and reasoning.
  44. Ok, so let me leave you with a silly picture. to show how this new company will combine traditional dispositional and new “image mapping” and reasoning capabilities in a single architecture. Big data doesn’t do away with any of the current things that corporate I.T. does, but it adds to the overall architecture by adding memory and reason to the existing dispositionally oriented systems.