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The Intentionally Emergent Enterprise
Jim Stogdill
Open InfraShare Summit
May 15, 2013
The intentionally emergent enterprise
The intentionally emergent enterprise
The intentionally emergent enterprise

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Ppt 1 sources of innovation
Ppt 1 sources of innovationPpt 1 sources of innovation
Ppt 1 sources of innovation

Innovation can arise from many sources, including individuals, universities, government labs, non-profits, and firms. An even more important source is the linkages between these entities through networks and collaboration. Any innovation may emerge from one source or from the connections between sources. Sources of innovation can be thought of as a complex system with innovations coming from individual components or their interactions.

Osimo policy 20odessa
Osimo policy 20odessaOsimo policy 20odessa
Osimo policy 20odessa

This document discusses policy 2.0, which aims to make policymaking more open, evidence-based, and collaborative. It argues that policy 2.0 utilizes open data and crowdsourcing to better understand problems, generate policy ideas, and evaluate policies. The document outlines challenges in governance that policy 2.0 seeks to address and provides examples of tools and design principles to facilitate more emergent, peer-to-peer policymaking. It also acknowledges potential issues like spam, conflicts, and ensuring ideas are implemented.

The Role of Entrepreneurs in Sustaining OSS Communities
The Role of Entrepreneurs in Sustaining OSS CommunitiesThe Role of Entrepreneurs in Sustaining OSS Communities
The Role of Entrepreneurs in Sustaining OSS Communities

Keynote from the Open Source Software Conference 2016 - OSS 2016 in Gothenburg, Sweden May,

Q: The corporate enterprise and silicon valley
both have the same technologies available
to them.
So why do they deliver innovation so
Top Down Bottom Up
The intentionally emergent enterprise
It’s not the OO loop.

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The Future Proof Enterprise
The Future Proof EnterpriseThe Future Proof Enterprise
The Future Proof Enterprise

Blog link here >> (context/introduction of the presentation) This is the presentation I used for my talk at the IDCAMP. I tried to put together two things: - an analysis of the new practices we need to create enduring and impacting enterprise in a time of radical change - a practical 10 rules guide to be adopted. All the material produced on my own is CC-BY-NC.

enterprisesocial innovationsharing economy
Social Now 2019 : Digital Leadership
Social Now 2019 : Digital LeadershipSocial Now 2019 : Digital Leadership
Social Now 2019 : Digital Leadership

In large organisations, digital fluency, confidence and knowledge are still lacking at senior levels, but the answer is not just to appoint a more digital CDO or CTO to fill the gap. Instead, we need practical models for distributing digital leadership among those who understand it and who are involved in development, and we need to clear that ‘digital’ is now everybody’s responsibility. Change agents and local digital teams are often at the forefront of adopting new ways of working and creating elements of digital strategy, and they should be teaching and guiding traditional leaders, rather than asking for permission and being satisfied with brief moments of attention from above. The greatest challenge for any leader today is transforming their organisational architecture and culture to meet the challenges of the digital age. This talk will share a practical model for distributed digital leadership, some insights into the challenges and opportunities of this approach, and some thoughts on how digital change agents should take control of the agenda and challenge their leaders to do better.

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Innovation in a time of radical changes
Innovation in a time of radical changesInnovation in a time of radical changes
Innovation in a time of radical changes

This is the presentation I've made during Joe Justice's Workshop in Rome, for the Wikispeed European Tour organized by Ouishare in Rome, Barcelona and Paris. Here's a related post

social enterpriselean startuphacking
The intentionally emergent enterprise
Q: So, why is maneuver in
the corporate enterprise so
difficult? Why can even
simple projects feel like
pushing rope?
Photo Jan Banning
organization characterized by
specialization of functions,
adherence to fixed rules, and
a hierarchy of authority.

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Catalyzing Innovation
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Catalyzing Innovation

This document discusses fostering innovation through culture, ecosystems, and participation. Section I focuses on culture, ecosystems, and participation in driving interactions and engagement. Section II discusses concept proposals to surface innovative perspectives by contextualizing trends to an organization's core business. Section III explores leveraging technology like machine learning to improve processes and leveraging corporate social responsibility to develop innovative solutions for customer ecosystems in need. The overall document provides a framework for encouraging innovation through recognizing contributors, engaging ecosystems with concept proposals, and applying technology and CSR principles.

Digital disruption & transformation
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Digital disruption & transformation

The document discusses digital disruption and transformation. It defines big bang disruption as a dramatic new innovation that can deliver products or services that are cheaper and better. It also discusses the mindset needed for digital transformation and the traits and competencies of digital transformation leaders. The areas of digital transformation include business activities, processes, models, ecosystems, and assets. Finally, the document outlines steps for developing a digital strategy, including researching local problems, building prototypes, launching beta versions, marketing for conversions, and campaigning for mass adoption.

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TOWARDS A CO-CREATIVE WORLD one mobile entrepreneurship lab at a time
TOWARDS  A CO-CREATIVE WORLD one mobile entrepreneurship lab at a time TOWARDS  A CO-CREATIVE WORLD one mobile entrepreneurship lab at a time
TOWARDS A CO-CREATIVE WORLD one mobile entrepreneurship lab at a time

The document discusses the Mobile Entrepreneurship Initiative, which aims to promote mobile startups in developing countries through entrepreneurship labs. It provides examples of successful mobile startups in Africa like Farmerline, MedAfrica, and KopoKopo that were helped by these labs. The document also identifies some lessons learned, such as that product development skills are often lacking and greater collaboration is needed between labs. It concludes by recommending the creation of regional startup clusters, cross-lab collaborations and tools, and supportive policies to further encourage mobile entrepreneurship.

entrepreneurshipworld wide webco-creation
The intentionally emergent enterprise
Bureaucracy is a low band
pass filter with delay.
Meta Context Part I
The Industrial Age

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2012-11 Somewhere Beyond The Cloud...
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BYOD - Bring your Own Dreams ! Présentation de par Yves Leblond de iKe Consulting à la Conference ADBS du 15/11/2012

Fueling Long Term G-Local Innovation
Fueling Long Term G-Local InnovationFueling Long Term G-Local Innovation
Fueling Long Term G-Local Innovation

On Tuesday the 23rd of October, I had the honor and pleasure to speak on the subject of gLocality and innovation at the Udine’s DITEDI (District of Digital Technologies) born in a corner of Italy where the concentration of companies that are somehow involved in innovation and digital is awesome, one of the largest in Europe. During my speech, I first introduced the correlation between the digitization of the economy, democratization, cooperation and resilience (in a context of access to resources that will become increasingly problematic in the future) and then moved on to the topic of companies transformation. Generating a more resilient culture of entrepreneurship, striving for a "Future Proof Enterprise" (I already dealt with this in the past) the very same long term business that Fred Wilson is teaching in the Valley thanks to its "How to stay in business Forever " skillshare class: this is the innovation to look for right now. This innovation quest, however, passes not only trough the acquisition of new learning tools, (such as lean thinking and agile practice) but also trough a more or less radical cultural change as local administrators have correctly guessed during the introduction. I finished with three clear rules to be followed: enable cross-fertlizzation through physically and logically shared creative contexts (such as Coworking, Fablabs or Hackerspaces) focus on your own unique culture, nurture local, trustable relations and seek for local impact,in the long-term foster an entrepreneurial mindset and teach job creation rather than job search (“make a job”). original content on

digital fabricationmitpeer-to-peer
Discussing the Global Commision on Internet Governance statement, Toward a So...
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Discussing the Global Commision on Internet Governance statement, Toward a So...

The Global Commission on Internet Governance ( published a statement 15th April 2015 for the Global Conference on Cyberspace meeting in The Hague. It calls on the global community to build a new social compact between citizens and their elected representatives, the judiciary, law enforcement and intelligence agencies, business, civil society and the Internet technical community, with the goal of restoring trust and enhancing confidence in the Internet. This stack frames my contribution to a discussion of the statement at the Web Science Institute event 8th June 2015.


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Chapter 3
Chapter 3Chapter 3
Chapter 3

This document discusses different types and patterns of innovation. It describes the differences between product and process innovation, radical and incremental innovation, competence-enhancing and competence-destroying innovation, and architectural and component innovation. It also discusses how the rate of technological improvement and adoption often follows an S-curve pattern over time. However, using S-curves to precisely predict the limits of a technology or the timing of switching to a new technology can be misleading due to varying investment levels and comparison benchmarks.

DevOps is not enough - Embedding DevOps in a broader context
DevOps is not enough - Embedding DevOps in a broader contextDevOps is not enough - Embedding DevOps in a broader context
DevOps is not enough - Embedding DevOps in a broader context

DevOps is not enough on its own to address the challenges of today's highly dynamic markets. While DevOps aims to optimize flow, feedback loops, and continuous learning, embedding it in a broader context is needed. This requires rethinking IT approaches to focus on goals like speed, effectiveness, and continuous improvement. Achieving these goals involves changes across processes, governance, organization, people, and technology, not just DevOps practices alone.

Products And Platforms In The Age Of Communities
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Products And Platforms In The Age Of Communities

A very straighforward presentation about how all stages of product lifecyle are being platformized for greater community interaction. Presentated at Hub Day conference in Paris on June 2014.

The intentionally emergent enterprise
Wiring the worm

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Moving from Social Technology towards an Operating System for the Organisation
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Moving from Social Technology towards an Operating System for the Organisation

This document discusses moving from using social technologies in organizations to developing an "operating system" approach. It argues that while social tools are useful, organizations also need to change their underlying structure to be more adaptive, customer-centric, networked and data-driven. The document provides examples of agile and platform-based approaches from software that could inspire organizational transformation, focusing on distributed and iterative processes. The goal is for organizations to develop capabilities for continuous change and responsiveness like a connected "operating system".

The hi:project: empowering you, empowering us, with a more human web
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The hi:project: empowering you, empowering us, with a more human web

We pioneer the human interface, the successor to the user interface. We celebrate the human not the user, the individual not the worker, the person not the consumer, helping everyone contribute more value to and derive more value from society and the organizations in their lives.

uiuxpersonal data
Philly Emerging Tech 2011 Intentional Emergence
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Philly Emerging Tech 2011 Intentional Emergence

This document discusses how organizations can transition from traditional bureaucratic models to more emergent, networked models that are better suited for the information age. It notes that fully centralized planning is not feasible for complex systems, and that allowing for more decentralized, emergent processes can enhance flexibility and growth. The key aspects discussed include: - Adopting more permeable boundaries and "post-bureaucratic" internal characteristics at the organizational edge - Distinguishing between the planned core and more emergent, networked surroundings/edge - Making choices that increase a system's "generativity" through openness, low barriers to participation, and community involvement - Impedance matching the organization with the decentralized,

Meta Context Part II
The Information Age

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This white paper unpacks Mozilla’s theory of change for supporting the development of more trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI).

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This is my current work and thinking on how to do Scrum within heavily regulated industries like healthcare, government, and finance. For more information join my community at

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This document summarizes the results of a survey about drivers and impediments to digital transformation. Over 82% of respondents agreed there is a big shift happening in enterprise technology. While 55% said their organization takes a "cloud first" approach, 74% still have network drives for file sharing. Respondents believed the main reasons older systems are still running are integration complexity (49%), business criticality (43%), and that transition is seen as a short-term problem (22%). Over the next 12 months, most organizations plan to move more workloads to the cloud.

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The resulting research paper from the August 2020 market surveying of 1000s of IT professionals around the current state of affairs and what is happening over the next 18-14 months.

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The great collision of open source, cloud technologies, with agile, creative ...
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The great collision of open source, cloud technologies, with agile, creative ...

The document discusses how open source, cloud technologies, and agile delivery methods are creating disruptive changes. It notes that these changes are occurring faster than most companies can adapt to. Secondly, it emphasizes that organizations need to embrace constant change and plan for how their organization will change, rather than plan for specific changes. Finally, it argues that agile methodologies are necessary for organizations to maintain a sustainable pace of development in today's quickly changing environment.

open sourceagilecloud
Image Source:
It takes a network to build a

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Digital disruption is a top-of-mind issue in the C-suites of every industry. Senior executives of traditional firms are looking over their shoulders and wondering if they are in the crosshairs of a digital insurgent.

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A presentation I made for a group of marketing executives from a variety of Swedish companies in February 2011.

Pragmatic devops
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This document discusses the importance of DevOps practices for companies. It notes that software is becoming increasingly important, with every company essentially becoming a software company. It also highlights how difficult it is to predict what customers want, and that most new ideas and changes either have no effect or a negative effect. Therefore, it argues that companies need the ability to rapidly test and adapt based on feedback from customers. This requires close collaboration between development and operations teams, as well as software-defined infrastructure that allows for quick changes and experiments. The document advocates for a DevOps approach of cross-functional teams and cooperation to efficiently release changes and learn from failures.

Q: So, does the network age
allow us (even require us) to
adopt technology-enabled
post-bureaucratic corporate
models? And build the
technology to support them?
Company: Planned,
Market: Emergent,
Expansionist, …
characteristics are
becoming “post-
bureaucratic” with
more permeable

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Summary of the Book Exponential organizations
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Happy Morning I have made a small attempt to summarize this book after reading this number of times. In this book Salim Ismail gives a deep dive – Exponential Organizations where he shows how any company, from Startup to a multi-national , can become exponential. The author unveils years of research learning how organizations can accelerate growth through use of Technology. The goal of the book is to provide you with the knowledge to leverage assets such as big data, communities, algorithms, and new technology to achieve performance ten times better than your competition. It is good book for entrepreneurs who need a guide for harnessing and strategizing the hyper growth of a company that feeds off of modern technology in the 21st century and beyond. Because we focus on accelerating technologies and the future we identified an infection point in how we build businesses that has never noticed before. Most CEOs see innovation as product or service innovation. But there is also process innovation, social innovation, organizational innovation, management innovation, business model innovation etc. Those business that do not evolve , will not survive Happy Reading

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Innovation in Future Enterprise, by David Osimo
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Innovation in Future Enterprise, by David Osimo

This document discusses trends in innovation, including the sharing economy, big data, and social computing. It provides examples of how companies like Kodak and Instagram demonstrate how innovation is changing. The sharing economy is leveraging unused assets and network effects to create services. Big data is growing exponentially in terms of volume, variety, and velocity. Social computing uses enterprise 2.0 approaches to access micro-expertise within organizations. These trends are enabling new, data-driven business models and approaches to open innovation within large companies. Skills and processes are needed to design inclusive innovation processes and implement platforms that can monitor and evaluate these new approaches.

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This document provides a summary of key trends and developments in information technology based on research from various organizations. It discusses emerging technologies like silicon photonics, memristors, and metamaterials that could enable faster and more energy efficient computing. It also covers trends toward more formally verified and permission-based operating systems for improved security. Large-scale data analysis and improved algorithms are allowing organizations to gain new insights. Social networking usage is surpassing email and mobile apps are being used more than web browsers. This represents a shift to a more social and mobile era of computing.

cloud social networks photonics networks collabora
Market: Emergent,
Expansionist, …
Enterprise Core:
Edge: Impedance
matched hybrid.
C2  A2

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The Path to Self-Disruption
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The document outlines nine key steps that companies can take as part of a digital transformation journey to disrupt themselves before competitors do. The steps include: 1) designing an end-game disruptive business model, 2) analyzing gaps between the current and future models, 3) determining how to execute the transition, 4) architecting new technology, 5) auditing legacy systems, 6) building out a dual-speed IT architecture, 7) establishing a data security strategy, 8) maintaining security during transformation, and 9) using transformation as an opportunity to escalate security standards across the enterprise. Taking these steps can help traditional firms successfully transition to competing in the new digital landscape.

hewlett packard enterprise
Understanding & Mapping Corporate Networks with Open Data
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Understanding & Mapping Corporate Networks with Open Data

1) The document discusses understanding and mapping corporate networks through OpenCorporates, the largest open database of company information. 2) It introduces the Octopus tool for visually mapping corporate networks from open data and demonstrates its abilities by mapping BP's corporate network. 3) The presentation encourages participants to get involved by sharing their work mapping networks, starting new network mappings, hosting Octopus-athons, finding new data sources, analyzing existing data, and telling stories revealed by the data to further the goal of corporate transparency.

open dataopen company datacorporate networks

Driverless buses are being tested in Kista, Sweden through a collaboration between communications firm Ericsson, the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, IBM, and others. The document discusses the emergence of open innovation 2.0, which involves greater collaboration between universities, industry, governments, and communities using new technologies to solve problems. It provides 12 design principles for organizations to adopt open innovation practices, including establishing shared goals, testing prototypes, and improving innovation processes.

C2 A2
“It is no exaggeration to say that if we had had to rely on
conscious central planning for the growth of our industrial
system, it would never have reached the degree of
differentiation, complexity, and flexibility it has attained.
Any further growth of its complexity, therefore, far from
making central direction more necessary, makes it more
important than ever that we should use a technique which
does not depend on conscious control.”
Friedrich Hayak, The Road to Serfdom
Constructal Law:
For a finite-size system to persist in time (to live) it must
evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the
imposed currents that flow through it.
-From Design in Nature
More and more of the “currents” imposed on the modern
corporate enterprise are informational and digital.
Emergence happens best
when it’s planned.

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This slide deck was used at my presentation during PM Labs in Moscow on Nov 18th 2010. The purpose of this session was to demonstrate best in class practices for IT product and service development. It showed tools and techniques that allow project and product managers to select most promising idea, develop, and successfully launch it in the market

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Industries, businesses and business models are being radically changed as a consequence of all the technological developments sweeping the world. I am writing a series of papers that cover the implications of all of this for how boards go about doing their work. The first paper is a general overview of these developments.

Maximising the opportunities offered by emerging technologies within the chan...
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The Australian University sector is heading down the path of seemingly inevitable and fundamental change in both its operating model and role within society. The forces at play are numerous and diverse, fueled in part by the capabilities of modern technologies. These include factors such as increasing global competition for tertiary students, the shift towards a self-funded corporate operating model whilst having to retain academic independence and rigor – all in an environment of the increasing commoditisation of knowledge and intellectual property through emerging vehicles such as MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses). In the midst of these structural changes, how well Australian Universities navigate through the current swathe of emerging and potentially disruptive technologies whilst mitigating the longer term systemic risks associated with their adoption is not necessarily a trivial exercise. In this session, Rob Livingstone offered some practical insights into how CIOs of ‘the University of the future’ can play an active part in helping their institutions thrive in the new environment by maximising the upside potential of new and emerging technologies with known cost and risk, whilst simultaneously managing the multiple versions of reality that exist in the new IT environment.

mooccauditemerging technology
Traditional Enterprise /
High Hurdle
Cost focus
Capital budget
Revenue focus
Low Hurdle
Variable cost/self funded
The Paradox of Control
Gall’s Law: A complex system that works is
invariably found to have evolved
from a simple system that worked.
Q: Assuming a Normal distribution,
how many developers must have the
opportunity to self select for (or
invent) a project in order to have a
90% confidence that at least 1% of
the actual participants will be 5 σ
above the mean? You know, the
crazy smart ones.
The ones you

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Peter Bihr is developing a trustmark for IoT devices as a Mozilla IoT Fellow. The trustmark aims to increase transparency and empower consumers to make informed decisions about connected products. It will evaluate IoT devices on 5 dimensions - privacy & data practices, transparency, security, openness, and sustainability. Compliance is determined by companies publicly documenting how their products meet standards in each dimension. The trustmark is pledge-based and decentralized, with the goal of raising industry standards for responsible and human-centric IoT development. The first prototype will focus on voice-enabled IoT devices.

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This document discusses how corporations can leverage digital technologies to enhance their intelligence. It suggests that a corporation's intelligence (IQcorp) depends on factors like fluid intelligence (Gf), crystallized intelligence (Gc), quantitative reasoning (Gq), memory (Gsm/Glr), processing speed (Gs), and decision speed (Gt). While humans currently excel in areas like fluid intelligence, digital technologies can augment corporations in other factors like crystallized intelligence, memory, and processing speed through techniques such as analytics, machine learning, and collaborative workflows. The document argues that through a symbiotic human-machine relationship, corporations can develop super-human levels of intelligence.

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The skunk works of
“One” starts
Building the long tail of IT contribution.
On purpose.
Generativity = “a system’s
capacity to produce
unanticipated change
through unfiltered
contributions from broad
and varied audiences.”
The intentionally emergent enterprise

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Slides for a talk at the FIRST / CEP round table meeting on 11/12/10 in NYC. I will post my speaker notes elsewhere.

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Transition from industrial to network age means Army IT isn't just about doing C2 better, it's about enabling internal small world networks and emergence.

SOA, OTD, and Web 2.0 = Collaboration
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Presented at Strategic Research Institute's 8th Annual Defense & Aerospace Investor & Corporate Development Conference

Make choices, investments, and policies that
increase generativity.
Some things that contribute to generativity
Low hurdles
for initial
project start
Small world
20% time Variable
Open Data
Open API’s
The intentionally emergent enterprise
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Open Source in the DoD; Build It
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This document discusses building open source software in the Department of Defense and encourages contractors to adopt more open source practices. It outlines three ways that government-funded source code could be made openly available, including having the government assert rights and share the code. Contractors are encouraged to release their copyrights to open source communities to delight customers, do more with less, and hire great developers. Examples are given of projects that benefited from becoming more open source. The document raises questions about whether adopting open source means complying with community processes, being prepared to work with people who see an ethical dimension, and how to deal with other groups forking openly released code.

Coding Is Maneuver
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The document discusses several key points about cyber warfare and coding: 1. Coding is a form of maneuver in cyber warfare, as code can be changed and adapted quickly to respond to new threats or vulnerabilities. Technological agility will be important in cyber warfare where there are no compensating physical assets. 2. Cyber situational awareness is different than traditional battlespace awareness, but they should still be related. Integrating cyber and physical target data will be important for coordination. 3. Culture is important in cyber operations and cannot be done in isolation. Participating in communities of practice and using open source tools and techniques will be necessary to learn from others and adapt quickly to changes.

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Everything that I found interesting about machines behaving intelligently during June 2024

Q: At your workplace, what
changes to policy,
architecture, technology, or
culture would enhance long
tail emergence?
Q: How can we better
impedance match our
organizations to the
decentralized and emergent
world we are immersed in?
Recognizing that the scope of IT has become too great to
effectively centrally plan and manage, information
technology policy makers must work to explicitly enable
emergent development in the enterprise. Emergent
capabilities won’t be expected to replace the systematic
development of core line of business applications, but it
will complement them by enabling locally relevant
innovation. Such a strategy would enable “long tail”
contributions throughout the enterprise and ultimately
would also improve the way large programs are
delivered. The goal is apparent agility even if the
enterprise’s supporting IT substrate evolves at a more
measured pace.
Suggested Reading

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Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

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Thank You
Jim Stogdill

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The intentionally emergent enterprise

Editor's Notes

  1. Is open hardware strictlya technology choice? Just a commodity approach to saving money and avoidingvendor lock in?
  2. Or, is it part of a silicon valley’s beachhead inside your organization?
  3. Or, perhaps it is even a culture virus. As you and the people working for you adopt these technologies and participate in their communities will they be avector for silicon valley thinking to enter your company? I suspect both.
  4. The center of gravity of effort is different. This is partially due to legacy requirements embedded in larger organizations, but it’s not the whole story. It’s certainly also about how they approach risk avoidance.
  5. Why does it matter? You’ve probably heard of Boyd’s OODA loop. The organization that can make sense of its surroundings (market, competition, …) and respond more quickly wins. It’s like playing chess where your opponent gets two moves to each of yours.
  6. But it’s not called the OO loop reason. If you can’t follow through to action it’s useless. Slow to code is like a fighter jet with a great radar and no stick for the pilot.With Big Data and all the myriad sensors we can access for data now on the web and elsewhere, we have new ways to Observe and Orient to our world. However, the “act” in often happens in software now. That’s where we make our decisions concrete either in real time or in the next generation of our business, so we need to build systems that are platform for maneuver and open systems / open software contribute to that.
  7. In the military they have this notion of maneuver warfare, and on the battlefield maneuver happens in space and time. But increasingly maneuver in the strategic sense (and even in the tactical sense as it relates to cyber warfare and defense) happens in the rapid development of software.The more our businesses become digital businesses, the more this becomes true for us too.
  8. Of course the easy answer is “Bureaucracy.” And while that might be a bit of a cop out, let’s explore it a bit further.- Idea: Bureaucracy is the perceived antidote to risk in an environment where hurdles are high.
  9. Does your IT/IS department look anything like this? Architecture, development, requirements, program management, operations, maintenance… All of these separations of take a tax on initiative and ensure the continued top down approach to development (and maneuver) continues.. Are they necessary or just vestiges of the past? Are we applying new technologies to these vestigial organizations? Or are we using them to build something new?
  10. And its impact on maneuver is predictable.
  11. This talk, as you’ve probably guessed, really isn’t about technology. It’s about culture and how technology is an enabler to a massive shift in our world. So, since we’ve already gone abstract, let’s go really meta for a bit.
  12. Bureaucracy is much maligned, but it grew up to deal with the organizational challenges of the industrial age. And it was effective at organizing these guys to run …
  13. …this. The scale of these enterprises in terms of labor was enormous and it was an enormous challenge to coordinate their efforts.Btw, I visited the Ford truck plant that currently occupies the upper right hand corner of this picture last week, and while highly automated the people that built this would recognize it.
  14. And that coordination of labor and the industrialization that went with it led to this. While the individual’s experience of bureaucracy may feel like one of those creatures from the Alien series stuck to your face, the industrial revolution and its organizing methods have led to the first sustained growth in individual wealth in the history of humanity.This chart makes me a fan of bureaucracy, but perhaps it’s an idea whose time is passing.
  15. And here’s the really interesting meta point… James Watt and his contemporaries thought they were inventing a form of locomotion. Like engineers everywhere they focused on the practical aspects of their work, but in fact they were also unleashing a number of social gravitational forces.
  16. Their machines and consequent industrialization needed labor – and lots of people left behind their dispersed agrarian lifestyles to concentrate in cities.
  17. And that concentration made radically different kinds of political organization possible. Because in a pre-internet and telephony time they could now communicate and form dense networks. In a sense, the machine led directlyto political movements around the world. Three out of four of our “big” political isms sprang directly from the modernism made possible by all those machines and the bureaucracies that sprang up to organize us around them. Those structures also informed the corporate structures that we operate in.
  18. They weren’t just creating political systems either, they were creating entire new modes of thought … Reductionism, for example, the notion that understanding could come from the decomposition of complexity into component parts came from our understanding of industrial age machine. Today these threads still run through our thinking – they are cognitive filters we probably aren’t even aware of – and probably interfere with our ability to understand complex dynamic systems where many of the “secrets” are in the time-variant patterns rather than fixed state or structure.
  19. Which leads us back to the modernist enterprise that we are gradually replacing. The very large systems integrator I used to work for has spent the last forty plus years digitizing the corporate bureaucracy. From the first corporate payroll system to today they’ve been about the reimplementation of traditional bureaucracy in silicon and copper and every step along the way has been essentially hierarchical, reductionist, planned… Even today it’s in vogue to talk about the “industrialization” of IT – to mean somehow getting it sorted out. When large companies develop software for bureaucracies they do it bureaucratically.
  20. The corporate enterprise, like any system, evolves. And it’s current level evolutionary maturity is probably about at the stage of the nematode; and we’ve been building its neural network. The nematode (or c. elegans) is widely studied because of its simple neural structures, structures that are focused on the very narrow regulation of homeostasis via on stimulus and response. The corporate digitalization of essentially neural processes are at a similar stage – with a focus on corporate homeostasis and the reimplementation of previously human-driven systems with productivity enhancing IT. But in many cases we haven’t changed the fundamental underlying organization or operation, we’ve just digitized them. (Note: there is some over simplification here. Collaboration tools etc. are beginning to make possible shadow organizations and networked modes of interaction, but the fundamental “big systems” like ERP’s are about digitizing former structures).
  21. Some 30 years ago or so Leonard Kleinrock, Lawrence Roberts, Robert Kahn, and Vint Cerf thought they were building a computer network…Actually, given the time, and the reaction to the technocrats running the Vietnam war at the time, I think these guys were more aware of what they were doing in a meta sense than perhaps James Watt and his contemporaries were, but still… they might not have fully understood the implications of their work. However…
  22. Tthe changes they have wrought are every bit is as dramatic as those caused by the steam engine and industrial revolution before it. The network age is ushering in a period of decentralized organizations…
  23. …strained national sovereignty and rule of law
  24. The long tail enablement of markets…
  25. …utterly surprising forms of collective production…
  26. new forms of political and governmental participation…
  27. The emergenceof new kinds of complex non-linear (social) systems…
  28. non-state (or tacitly-state-sponsored) cyber conflict and on and on…
  29. The industrial age informed and created one kind of social fabric, the network / information age is creating another.The network age doesn’t just extend industrialization, it leaves it behind. Modernism and reductionism may be in their final steep decline. They are being supplanted by a new kind of network empiricism that will exert its own gravitational force on our social and organizational fabric. George Bush, with his perfect illustrations of reductionism (“You are with us or against us”) will probably be our last president of the modernist era. Reductionism remains intuitively appealing to us as humans in need of simple narratives of cause and effect but is increasingly out of step with our complex networked world.
  30. And all of this is arriving inside of our traditional bureaucracies and causing them to evolve into hybrid hierarchy / networks. The post-bureaucratic enterprise.Bureaucracy is beginning to give way to other models of organization and some business, particularly on the web and other information focused industries, are beginning to fundamentally change what it means to be a business.
  31. Talk aboutConway’s law
  32. This leads us to a new, and more important, question. And I guess the point of this talk is to encourage us to think of open systems, open software, and open hardware as more than just cheap alternatives to the offerings from tier one vendors. in the context of this shift from modernism to a post-post-modern expansionist mindset. As futures go this one has been happening for a long time, but it’s beginning to happen with vigor inside of corporate organizations.
  33. For example. We are in the habit of thinking of agile methods as in contrast to the waterfall model. But agile software development isn’t a software development methodology, it’s the post-bureaucratic shop floor quality circle applied to software. It’s as much (or more) about post-bureaucratic organizational models as it is about software per se.
  34. Back to this broader question of the impact of the network age on the enterprise. We are used to thinking of the corporate enterprise as nice neat packets of planning immersed in the broader emergent market mediated by price signals. This separation of planned from emergent has worked well, and seems to have a natural balance that shifts with technology, organizational methods etc. But if there weren’t some natural limits to the expansion of planning and control Russia would still be a communist endeavor with a planned economy and General Electric would have stayed on an acquisition path until they owned everything.
  35. So, in a way this means that we are intentionally blurring the boundaries of our organizations. You can see this in the way we participate in open communities now – for example many employees of Yahoo for a long time probably felt more affinity to the Hadoop project than to their employer.
  36. So, here’s the core point of Intentional Emergence, at least as it applies to organizational and IT architecture, design the edge to better “impedance match” with the surrounding ecosystem. This means giving it both planning (intentional) and emergent properties.
  37. As the corporate ecosystem becomes more connected the emergent challenges go beyond price. Increased corporate size and complexity, and more networked post-bureaucratic internal structures are making it very difficult for corporations to deal with all of the complexity they face. In fact, the bureaucratic model is further strained when the complexity exceeds the ability of the strategic corporate leadership to deal with in their decision making. (C is the complexity that management must deal with, C0 is the ability of a single person or small group to deal with complexity). When C is above C0 things come apart. The worst possible case is that C > C0 and you either don’t recognize it or refuse to accept it.
  38. From command and control to act and adapt.
  39. Our jobs in management are to modulate thisschizophrenia, to find the right balance.
  40. Hayak was talking about markets here, but as complexity becomes more and more part of our landscape it seems to be applicable to the internals of the corporate enterprise and the IT systems that enable it.
  41. So, we ask ourselves, how can we promote make it easier for flows of information to develop? For the river delta to form?
  42. The result is a new aspirational enterprise software zeitgeist. Consider how an IT infrastructure approach can support it.
  43. As technologists we have a natural tendency toward reductionist thought. Computers are rational after all. So it is our nature to deal with system failure by trying harder to control things. In technology this can often be counterproductive. More emphasis on governance for example can simply extend timelines and the risk absorbed with longer timelines is greater than the risk reduction you get from the governance. It is possible to squeeze too hard…
  44. So instead of control, let’s focus on facilitation. Gall’s Law gives us a hint about what to facilitate. Building on Gall’s law, since there is no guarantee that simple systems will work, the implication is to build lots of little systems and attempt to facilitate adoption of successful work. Or… “let a thousand flowers bloom.”
  45. It’s just math
  46. If that Gall’s law idea is true, then what we want is lots of starts with an ecosystem of support that leads to adoption. On the web this is enabled with cheap hosting, open source software, ready venture capital, ubiquitous web distribution… Is it possible to replicate a similar ecosystem inside a company in order to achieve a cognitive force multiplier?
  47. Just to be clear, we aren’t talking about eliminating the head of the traditional IT project distribution, but we are talking about intentionally enabling a long tail. A single person with modest skills should be able to start the process of solving his or her own problems in code, and then if the project is adopted and useful it can grow back towards the head.
  48. And how do we do this? Generativity is a nice term used by Jonathan Zittrain to describe a set of attributes that encourage wide contribution.
  49. Leverage: How strongly a system or technology leverages a set of possible tasks, meaning it makes our difficult tasks easier.Adaptability: adaptability to a range of tasks. The ease with which it can be modified to broaden its range of usesEase of Mastery: Compare the mastery that is needed to use an airplane and to use a paperAccessibility / Transferability:The easier it is to obtain the technology, tools and information necessary to achieve mastery - and convey changes to others - the more generative a system is
  50. Recap slide
  51. They aren’t just (or even mostly) about technology. Lots of things from technology to policy and organization contribute. Even something as simple as how time tracking is implemented can have a big impact on how generative a system is. In technology, the “approachability” is critical – for example a runtime mapping api (e.g. openmaps or google maps) is much more generative than a disk with ESRI server code on it.
  52. If you want an example of generativity… Finding inspiration in unusual places. Scratch is inspirational because it has some interesting properties – the IP sharing approach is built in to the IDE (every project goes to a gallery), it is highly social in a way that supports co-learning, the tools are nicely sandboxed and designed for the capability curve…
  53. With Carlos and Paul in mind, we proposed to the U.S. Army that instead of always building end use case systems, that they build a platform called the “battle command innovation platform”, whose end uses would not be known in advance, and provide tools, runtimes, and content to build usable systems in the field. We were looking to do something much more than just a PaaS runtime. There were strong community and content components to the vision that were targeted at the kind of users we expected to find in that “skunk works of one.”
  54. We started with a question. Let’s finish with a couple. I didn’t talk much about the technologies because I wanted to focus on the ideas. The ideas lead to an invisible hand that can operate in your environment.