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DevOps and Intentional 
Jim Stogdill 
September 16, 2014
intentional: done on purpose. 
emergence: the arising of novel and 
coherent structures, patterns and 
properties during the process of self-organization 
in complex systems.
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference

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Digital Networks & Platform Business Models (Masterclass)
Digital Networks & Platform Business Models (Masterclass)Digital Networks & Platform Business Models (Masterclass)
Digital Networks & Platform Business Models (Masterclass)

Slides from a Masterclass I did at WeFab in São Paulo, for business executives and entrepreneurs: 1) Introduction 2) The Long Tail of Production 3) Uberization? No: Platform Economy 4) Open, Collaborative & Decentralized 5) Exercise: The Platform Design Toolkit

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Disruptive Innovation
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Disruptive Innovation

Presentation on how disruptive innovation can work with references to disruptive models from the past and current disruptions occurring

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Emerging Trend #4 | Disruption
Emerging Trend #4 | DisruptionEmerging Trend #4 | Disruption
Emerging Trend #4 | Disruption

La disruption n’est pas seulement un mot tendance. C’est aussi une réalité qui bouscule tous les grands acteurs du marché. Que signifie-t-elle exactement ? Quels sont ses effets positifs et négatifs et comment la gérer ?

Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
Q: The traditional corporate / government 
enterprises have the same technologies as 
Silicon Valley. 
So why do they deliver innovation so 
Top Down Bottom Up
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference

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Chapter 2 Schilling 2017 Sources of Innovation
Chapter 2 Schilling 2017 Sources of InnovationChapter 2 Schilling 2017 Sources of Innovation
Chapter 2 Schilling 2017 Sources of Innovation

Individuals, firms, universities, government laboratories, and private non-profit organizations can all be sources of innovation. Firms are well-suited for innovation activities because they have greater resources than individuals and a system to direct those resources. Innovation can come from individuals, either as lone inventors or users designing solutions to meet their own needs. Universities and government laboratories also contribute to innovation through research efforts. Regional clusters can spur innovation through proximity that facilitates knowledge exchange, as seen in technology hubs like Silicon Valley.

Summary of the Book Exponential organizations
Summary of the Book Exponential organizationsSummary of the Book Exponential organizations
Summary of the Book Exponential organizations

Happy Morning I have made a small attempt to summarize this book after reading this number of times. In this book Salim Ismail gives a deep dive – Exponential Organizations where he shows how any company, from Startup to a multi-national , can become exponential. The author unveils years of research learning how organizations can accelerate growth through use of Technology. The goal of the book is to provide you with the knowledge to leverage assets such as big data, communities, algorithms, and new technology to achieve performance ten times better than your competition. It is good book for entrepreneurs who need a guide for harnessing and strategizing the hyper growth of a company that feeds off of modern technology in the 21st century and beyond. Because we focus on accelerating technologies and the future we identified an infection point in how we build businesses that has never noticed before. Most CEOs see innovation as product or service innovation. But there is also process innovation, social innovation, organizational innovation, management innovation, business model innovation etc. Those business that do not evolve , will not survive Happy Reading

business modelexponentialgrowth
Ppt 1 sources of innovation
Ppt 1 sources of innovationPpt 1 sources of innovation
Ppt 1 sources of innovation

Innovation can arise from many sources, including individuals, universities, government labs, non-profits, and firms. An even more important source is the linkages between these entities through networks and collaboration. Any innovation may emerge from one source or from the connections between sources. Sources of innovation can be thought of as a complex system with innovations coming from individual components or their interactions.

Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
Industrial Age -> Network Age 
Centralized -> Decentralized 
Planned -> Generative 
Hierarchical -> Flat, Networked 
Modernist -> Post Modernist 
Sovereign -> Interdependent 
Modular, Readily Deconstructed -> Complex 
Establishment-> Counterculture 
Reductionist -> Expansionist 
Designed-> Emergent 
Open-> Proprietary 
Mass-> Information

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Work in the Platform Economy

Presentation by Tuomo Alasoini, Chief Adviser, Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation). The presentation consists of remarks based literature and presentations at the BRIE-ETLA & SWiPE seminar. The seminar was held on 30 August 2016 in the Business and Work in the Era of Digital Platforms research seminar in Helsinki, Finland, where SWiPE, Smart Work in the Platform Economy research project was launched. The seminar was hosted jointly by BRIE-ETLA and SWiPE research projects.

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The Future Proof Enterprise
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The Future Proof Enterprise

Blog link here >> (context/introduction of the presentation) This is the presentation I used for my talk at the IDCAMP. I tried to put together two things: - an analysis of the new practices we need to create enduring and impacting enterprise in a time of radical change - a practical 10 rules guide to be adopted. All the material produced on my own is CC-BY-NC.

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The 10x Effect - Unlocking the Business Transforming Secrets of Exponenital
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The 10x Effect - Unlocking the Business Transforming Secrets of Exponenital

Our world is on the precipice of a major paradigm shift in business. The age of cumbersome corporate giants is coming to a close. And the age of the agile exponential business is coming online. The pace and scope of growth in technology has made the status quo model of scarcity-centered business almost completely obsolete. On the flip side, these ever-accelerating technologies are allowing abundance-minded businesses to do far more with far less. Embracing exponential practices like cloud computing, crowd-sourcing, and staff-on-demand have allowed a new generation of companies to experience unprecedented growth, scalability, and agility. But how can embracing these exponential changes affect positive change in your business?

Organizational fitness: 
Goals + 
internal state + 
dynamic environment 
2) Must change 
in response 
1) Is Changing
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
Orient Observe 
It’s not the OO loop.
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference

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The document outlines six main forces driving change: 1) the innovation cycle fueled by needs, technology, and new applications, 2) new forms of collaboration enabled by social technology, and 3) increasing speed of technological innovation and resulting changes in consumer behavior and interdependence. Swarm intelligence, with people working simultaneously from different places to find answers, is an example of new collaboration, while rapid technological advances lead to quick changes in media usage.

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Innovation in a time of radical changes

This is the presentation I've made during Joe Justice's Workshop in Rome, for the Wikispeed European Tour organized by Ouishare in Rome, Barcelona and Paris. Here's a related post

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We Are Running Our Organizations on Old Data
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We Are Running Our Organizations on Old Data

- Organizations are running on "old code" and relying on traditional practices that limit their ability to adapt and innovate. New types of data from technologies like AI, machine learning, IoT, and computer vision will require organizations to fundamentally rethink how they are structured and make decisions. - To take advantage of new opportunities, organizations need to be reprogrammed and move away from static, echo-chamber thinking. They must challenge existing assumptions, processes, business models and consider outliers in order to solve new types of problems. This will require distributing decision making and a real-time approach not possible with current structures.

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Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
Q: Why is maneuver, fast 
transients, or whatever in the 
corporate enterprise so difficult? 
Why can even simple projects 
feel like pushing rope?
Photo Jan Banning 

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Innovator Interview: John Jackson, President
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Innovator Interview: John Jackson, President

John Jackson is the president of Police Futures International, which aims to bring foresight practices to law enforcement. He discusses how innovation occurs differently in the public sector due to risk aversion and the focus on equity over efficiency. Changing leadership mindsets is the biggest challenge to innovation. Successful innovations often spread through word of mouth at conferences. Advice includes giving teams permission to envision the future and leveraging networks to share approaches to common issues.

Schilling (2017pp.43 66) types and patterns of innovation (chapter 3)
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1. Tesla Motors was a $3.2 billion company in 2015 that had created two remarkable electric cars. While not yet profitable, sales were growing rapidly. Tesla had repaid government loans ahead of major auto companies. 2. Tesla's first prototype was the Roadster, an electric sports car based on the Lotus Elise. It had powerful acceleration and a range of about 220 miles per charge. 3. Tesla's Model S, introduced in 2008, was a high-performance electric sedan intended to attract more mainstream buyers. It cost $500 million to develop but received a $465 million government loan to promote energy independence.

Discussing the Global Commision on Internet Governance statement, Toward a So...
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The Global Commission on Internet Governance ( published a statement 15th April 2015 for the Global Conference on Cyberspace meeting in The Hague. It calls on the global community to build a new social compact between citizens and their elected representatives, the judiciary, law enforcement and intelligence agencies, business, civil society and the Internet technical community, with the goal of restoring trust and enhancing confidence in the Internet. This stack frames my contribution to a discussion of the statement at the Web Science Institute event 8th June 2015.

organization characterized by 
specialization of functions, 
adherence to fixed rules, and a 
hierarchy of authority. 
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
Photo Jan Banning

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Chapter 3 Schilling 2017 Types and Patterns of Innovation
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This document discusses different types and patterns of innovation. It describes the differences between product and process innovation, radical and incremental innovation, competence-enhancing and competence-destroying innovation, and architectural and component innovation. It also discusses how innovations can be analyzed using dimensions like radicalness and newness. Finally, it covers how the performance and adoption of technologies often follow S-curve patterns over time, and how S-curves can provide insights but also have limitations as a predictive tool.

Catalyzing Innovation
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Catalyzing Innovation

This document discusses fostering innovation through culture, ecosystems, and participation. Section I focuses on culture, ecosystems, and participation in driving interactions and engagement. Section II discusses concept proposals to surface innovative perspectives by contextualizing trends to an organization's core business. Section III explores leveraging technology like machine learning to improve processes and leveraging corporate social responsibility to develop innovative solutions for customer ecosystems in need. The overall document provides a framework for encouraging innovation through recognizing contributors, engaging ecosystems with concept proposals, and applying technology and CSR principles.

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This is a presentation of intermediary results from a German R&D project about "Open Innovation and Organizational Competences"

Bureaucracy is a low band pass 
filter, with delay.
a brief aside:
Image Source:

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This article describes how to assess your organizations readiness for networked era effectiveness and provides a step by step guide of how to do it!

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Yaneer Bar-Yam, Dynamics of Complex Systems
And, maybe it takes a network 
to build a network to interact 
with a network.
Constructal Law: 
For a finite-size system to persist in time (to live) 
it must evolve in such a way that it provides 
easier access to the imposed currents that flow 
through it. 
-From Design in Nature 
More and more of the “currents” imposed on the 
modern corporate enterprise are informational and 
If you want information flow, architect 
your systems to promote connections

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The resulting research paper from the August 2020 market surveying of 1000s of IT professionals around the current state of affairs and what is happening over the next 18-14 months.

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This document summarizes the results of a survey about drivers and impediments to digital transformation. Over 82% of respondents agreed there is a big shift happening in enterprise technology. While 55% said their organization takes a "cloud first" approach, 74% still have network drives for file sharing. Respondents believed the main reasons older systems are still running are integration complexity (49%), business criticality (43%), and that transition is seen as a short-term problem (22%). Over the next 12 months, most organizations plan to move more workloads to the cloud.

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“It is no exaggeration to say that if we had had to rely on 
conscious central planning for the growth of our industrial 
system, it would never have reached the degree of 
differentiation, complexity, and flexibility it has attained. 
Any further growth of its complexity, therefore, far from making 
central direction more necessary, makes it more important than 
ever that we should use a technique which does not depend on 
conscious control.” 
Friedrich Hayak, The Road to Serfdom
Company: Planned, 
Market: Emergent, 
Expansionist, …
characteristics are 
becoming “post-bureaucratic” 
more permeable 
Market: Emergent, 
Expansionist, … 
Enterprise Core: 
Edge: Impedance 
matched hybrid. 

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The Paradox of Control
Gall’s Law: A complex system that works 
is invariably found to have 
evolved from a simple system 
that worked. 
So, we need to make lots of little 
systems. And help them grow, 
adapting quickly as they do.
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
The skunk works of One

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“One” starts 
Building the long tail of IT contribution. On 
Generativity = “a system’s 
capacity to produce 
unanticipated change 
through unfiltered 
contributions from broad 
and varied audiences.”
Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
Some things that contribute to 
Open Source 
Low hurdles 
for initial 
project start 
Small world 
Open Data 
Open API’s 
Simple rules 
20% time Variable Cost 

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This document discusses the importance of managers understanding and participating in information system (IS) decisions. It notes that IS enable changes to how people work together and are part of most business aspects. Disruptive technologies like digitization, mobile devices, and the World Wide Web have increased reach and social/political impact. The document includes quotes from Steve Wozniak and Bill Gates about the unexpected growth of computing and technology. It argues that future corporations will need to be flexible, agile, and able to reallocate resources like marketplaces. Workers will need skills like vision, creativity, communication, and analytical skills to gather information and drive innovation.

Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference
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Q: What changes to policy, 
architecture, technology, or 
culture would enhance long tail 
emergence in the company you 
work for?

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This document discusses the importance of managers understanding and participating in information system (IS) decisions. It notes that IS enable changes to how people work together and are part of most business aspects. Disruptive technologies like digitization, mobile devices, and the World Wide Web have increased reach and social/political impact. The document includes quotes from Steve Wozniak and Bill Gates about the unexpected growth of computing and technology. It argues that future corporations will need to be flexible, agile, and able to reallocate resources quickly like a marketplace. Workers will need skills like vision, creativity, communication, information gathering, and flexibility to drive innovation.

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This document discusses how connection and collaboration can drive innovation. It argues that legacy IT systems made simple data integration difficult, focusing more on historical data than enabling knowledge sharing. True innovation now comes from unexpected connections between specialists from different fields and disciplines. The future of IT is in connected workflows and mobility, not just desktop computing. For innovation to thrive, systems must be open, customizable, and incentivize knowledge sharing between diverse contributors in online communities. Trust and security are also important for connections to provide value instead of just modernizing existing IT.

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This article discusses 3 key predictions about how cloud computing will change business and IT: 1. Cloud computing will enable more inter-company business processes and emergence of "business ecosystems" of companies with complementary strengths. 2. Cloud computing provides an "exoskeleton model" of sourcing IT capabilities externally rather than internally, allowing smaller companies and industries access to sophisticated IT. 3. Cloud computing will give rise to "business process utilities" - companies providing common processes like sales tax calculation on a massive scale.

Q: How can we better 
impedance match our 
organizations to the 
decentralized and emergent 
world we are immersed in?
“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the 
ability to hold two opposed ideas in the 
mind at the same time, and still retain the 
ability to function.” 
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Thank You 
Jim Stogdill 

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Devops and Intentional Emergence - Velocity Conference

  • 1. DevOps and Intentional Emergence Jim Stogdill Velocity September 16, 2014
  • 2. intentional: done on purpose. deliberate. emergence: the arising of novel and coherent structures, patterns and properties during the process of self-organization in complex systems.
  • 6. Q: The traditional corporate / government enterprises have the same technologies as Silicon Valley. So why do they deliver innovation so differently?
  • 12. Industrial Age -> Network Age Centralized -> Decentralized Planned -> Generative Hierarchical -> Flat, Networked Modernist -> Post Modernist Sovereign -> Interdependent Modular, Readily Deconstructed -> Complex Establishment-> Counterculture Reductionist -> Expansionist Designed-> Emergent Open-> Proprietary Mass-> Information
  • 13. Organizational fitness: Goals + internal state + dynamic environment 2) Must change in response 1) Is Changing
  • 15. Orient Observe It’s not the OO loop.
  • 19. Q: Why is maneuver, fast transients, or whatever in the corporate enterprise so difficult? Why can even simple projects feel like pushing rope?
  • 20. Photo Jan Banning A:
  • 21. organization characterized by specialization of functions, adherence to fixed rules, and a hierarchy of authority. bu·reau·cra·cy:
  • 24. Photo Jan Banning
  • 25. Bureaucracy is a low band pass filter, with delay.
  • 29. Yaneer Bar-Yam, Dynamics of Complex Systems
  • 30. And, maybe it takes a network to build a network to interact with a network.
  • 31. Constructal Law: For a finite-size system to persist in time (to live) it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it. -From Design in Nature More and more of the “currents” imposed on the modern corporate enterprise are informational and digital.
  • 32. If you want information flow, architect your systems to promote connections
  • 33. “It is no exaggeration to say that if we had had to rely on conscious central planning for the growth of our industrial system, it would never have reached the degree of differentiation, complexity, and flexibility it has attained. … Any further growth of its complexity, therefore, far from making central direction more necessary, makes it more important than ever that we should use a technique which does not depend on conscious control.” Friedrich Hayak, The Road to Serfdom
  • 34. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Company: Planned, Hierarchical, Reductionist, Bureaucratic… Market: Emergent, Networked, Expansionist, …
  • 35. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Internal characteristics are becoming “post-bureaucratic” with more permeable boundaries.
  • 36. Surroundings Market: Emergent, Networked, Expansionist, … Enterprise Core: planned, hierarchical, reductionist Edge: Impedance matched hybrid. Intentionally emergent.
  • 37. The Paradox of Control
  • 38. Gall’s Law: A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. So, we need to make lots of little systems. And help them grow, adapting quickly as they do.
  • 40. The skunk works of One
  • 41. “One” starts here Building the long tail of IT contribution. On purpose.
  • 42. Generativity = “a system’s capacity to produce unanticipated change through unfiltered contributions from broad and varied audiences.”
  • 44. Some things that contribute to generativity Open Source Software Open Standards Runtime Platforms Low hurdles for initial project start Small world networks Open Data Open API’s Simple rules 20% time Variable Cost … Community
  • 48. Q: What changes to policy, architecture, technology, or culture would enhance long tail emergence in the company you work for?
  • 49. Q: How can we better impedance match our organizations to the decentralized and emergent world we are immersed in?
  • 50. “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • 51. Thank You Jim Stogdill @jstogdill

Editor's Notes

  1. This talk is about creating fertile soil for emergence in the traditional corporate enterprise where DevOps is one of the important enablers. Ask for people’s backgrounds: “Web” or “Enterprise”
  2. Let’s start with a definition to baseline the discussion.
  3. In a nutshell I think the web (and Silicon Valley) represent an emergent way of doing business …
  4. … while the corporate enterprise remains stubbornly planned and reductionist. The information age is rewarding the former and causing pain to the latter in at least some quarters - pain that is beginning to force change. This talk is about broadening the way we think about that change.
  5. If I’m honest, this session isn’t really about DevOps. I’ve been exploring these and related ideas for a while, and for this go around I just added DevOps to the title so that the Velocity editorial team would notice it. On the other hand, this talk in whatever version, has always been at least partially about DevOps even when I didn’t put that in the title. None of these talks have been definitive, prescriptive. They are all me wrestling with the ideas out loud.
  6. My interest in this topic started with this question. I was doing work for the government / DoD and I was struck by the fact that, despite big budgets, they couldn’t seem to make great thing happen quickly.
  7. The answer has something to do with how they go about things. The center of effort just seems different in the two environments. Part of that might be scale and maturity, but that doesn’t seem to tell the whole story.
  8. It’s much deeper than process and tools. The differences seem to be more about world view, culture, and evolutionary path. Silicon Valley and the corporate enterprise aren’t just two stacks and two approaches to technology, they are different evolutionary lines, the manifestation of different adaptive schemes that succeeded in different evolutionary contexts (you might not like the corporate enterprise, but it is largely a successful form). Aside: evolution makes a good framing for the discussion of progress, because evolution is in the direction of increasing complexity (on average). As the dynamic environment becomes more complex, the organizations interacting with it become more complex too to adapt. Hierarchy and bureaucracy have built in limits to the complexity that they can handle so this transition is qualitative.
  9. This should be obvious - but sometimes we miss the big things in our focus on the minute - the industrial age is in transition into the information age and the things that made those environments different are fading. As the industrial age unfolded, railroad networks connected markets and made the rise of national brands possible. Digital networks are connecting everyone and everything and will make even more dramatic changes possible. Rapidly changing the scale and nature of the dynamic environment in which they operate.
  10. More than just hierarchy, rules, and specialization though, bureaucracy was our first corporate systems architecture. It was the original technology stack that businesses used for passing messages, storing state, and processing data. Say what you will, but bureaucracy was a successful evolutionary adaptation.
  11. Unfortunately, in today’s networked and fast moving dynamic environment, bureaucracy remains a low band filter with delay, only the big project bass notes get through, slowly, and its impact on maneuver is predictable. It was effectively adapted for the industrial age, but as a rationalist product of reductionist, modernist, centralized, hierarchy it is increasingly out of step with our decentralizing expansionist world.
  12. Btw, you may notice that I tend to mix metaphors and draw ideas from lots of places…I find useful analogies in the second law of thermodynamics, from evolution, complex adaptive systems, theories of intelligence, neuroscience, military strategy and etc. I take inspiration from Col John Boyd. He is known as a grand strategist, but I think of him as a grand synthesizer. People who attended his lectures describe the breadth of his source material and that his talks were as much about the intellectual journey as they were about the end strategy. I make absolutely no claims of being like Boyd, but I like the way his thinking gave permission to look far afield for analogy and inspiration.
  13. Ok, back to the topic, sometimes I think talk about silicon valley, the enterprise, open, closed, ITIL, DevOps, centralized, decentralized, etc. are really just code words for the culture struggle between modernism and post modernism in the workplace. And it’s a struggle that isn’t confined there. It’s throughout our society. The industrial age informed and created one kind of social fabric, the network / information age is creating another. The network age doesn’t just extend industrialization, it leaves it behind. Modernism and reductionism may be in their final steep decline. They are being supplanted by a new kind of network empiricism that will exert its own gravitational force on our social and organizational fabric. George Bush, with his perfect illustrations of reductionism (“You are with us or against us”) will probably be our last president of the modernist era. Reductionism remains intuitively appealing to us as humans in need of simple narratives of cause and effect but is increasingly out of step with our complex networked world.
  14. So let’s go through a few different ideas that apply to this transforming enterprise. Bureaucracy hasn’t sat completely still. The network is making its way into our traditional bureaucracies and and is causing them to evolve into hybrid hierarchy / networks, some form or another of a post-bureaucratic enterprise. Often this isn’t on purpose of course, it lacks the “intentional part” - these networks are overlays on to the hierarchy of the official organization chart.
  15. And we *need* that increasing internal organizational complexity because a hierarchical organization can never be smarter than the people who run it, but our extended ecosystem is just too complex for that small group of managers to understand and react to. So we need internal structures, processes, and time cycles that are better able to cope. We need the corporation to be smarter than the people that run it. And in fact, smarter than the sum of all of the people in it.
  16. We must be both emergent and planned. The greatest challenge to our organizations is being able to hold both of those ideas in our cultural minds at the same time.