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                  end of IT as usual:                                        Let’s go for a walk
              going to change everything
                                    Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
                                        Research Fellow



                                                                 Digitization is creating a second economy that’s vast,
            In 1930, Keynes wrote a famous essay
                                                                automatic, and invisible—thereby bringing the biggest
        “Economic possibilities for our grandchildren”                   change since the Industrial Revolution

                                                                                    Nicolaus Copernicus
                              `                                                              `

                                                            3                                                             4

Copyright 2011@STKI             Do not reproduce or copy                                                                         11/19/2011

              Main Changers since 2000                                          What is happening ?
      • Shifts around changes in process or distribution:
        – Mobile phone versus Landline
        – Google Search versus Catalog
        – Online Trading/Travel versus Broker/Agent
        – Multi-touch screen versus stylus/keyboard
                               `                                                            `
        – iPad/Tablet versus PC
        – Kindle/eBook versus Paperbook
        – Online News/Streams versus Newspaper
        – Email/SMS/Facebook versus Mail/Telephone

              Products and Services in IT                   Big change or IMPLOSION
                                                            First Technological Implosion            Second Technological Implosion
                                                                1982-1986                                      2011 -2015
                                                            •   PC Ecosystem                    •   No-wintel Devices Ecosystem
                                                            •   Client/server Ecosystem         •   Client/server V2 Ecosystem
                                                            •   LAN/WAN Ecosystem               •   Cloud Services Ecosystem
                                                            •   Internet/Web Ecosystem          •   Analytic tools/appliances for data
                                                            •   X86 Ecosystem                       management Ecosystem
                                                            •   Relational DBMS Ecosystem
                                                                                            `   •   NO-SQL DBMS Ecosystem
                                                                                                •   Social Commerce Ecosystem


Copyright 2011@STKI             Do not reproduce or copy                                                                      11/19/2011

         5th Generation Of Computing                                      Albert Einstein said about IT:
         1970s      1980s     1990s   2000s       2012+
       Autocratic Personal:   Web:    SOA:    Consumerization:

                                `                                                                   `


              Will IT change ? Will CIO’s ?                         What is happening to IT out there ?
                                                                 • logically structured thinking;   • unstructured approach to tasks
                                                                   analyzing and controlling          ('multitasking'); emotional
                                                                   processes                          responses; social being

                                `                                                                   `


Copyright 2011@STKI                               Do not reproduce or copy                                                           11/19/2011

                   Main Tech Game Changers                                                              2011: my pocket’s contents
      • Consumerized and Social IT
         – workers use technology outside of IT's control, and it's likely to be much better.
         – IT has to learn how to manage and take advantage of mobile, social, collaboration,
           and self-service technology.
      • XaaS "everything-as-a-service"
         – New IT service acquisition and consumption models.
         – Lean IT, cloud (bunker) models
      • App Internet
         – new architecture that leverages cloud-tethered, context-aware mobile devices that
                                                  `                                                                 `
           interact with each other and our enterprises.
         – users are shifting away from the monolithic to small, tailored, and integrated bits of
           functionality that they can get as needed for whatever device.
      • Big Data
         – techniques and technologies that make handling data at extreme scale affordable
         – doing more, with more data, more cheaply.

             In 2012 :                   we will carry only 1                                         Something’s Happening Here
                                                                                                    Personal Computers

                                                  `                                                                 `

                                                                                                    Personal Computing


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Introducing the Internet of Things: lecture @IULM UniversityIntroducing the Internet of Things: lecture @IULM University
Introducing the Internet of Things: lecture @IULM University

This document discusses the Internet of Things (IoT) and how connected devices and sensors will continue to proliferate and connect physical objects to the internet. It notes that while internet access is widespread, the number of connected objects is still small compared to unconnected objects. It envisions that the next revolution will be connecting previously unconnected objects and networks of sensors. It discusses how technologies like mobile phones, social networks, open hardware, and self-tracking are enabling more connectivity between people, devices, and data. The size of the IoT market is forecasted to grow exponentially in the coming years.

iulminternet of things
Mobile retailing - if you don't do it, someone else will
Mobile retailing - if you don't do it, someone else willMobile retailing - if you don't do it, someone else will
Mobile retailing - if you don't do it, someone else will

The document discusses how mobile technology is influencing the retail industry. It finds that retail is the industry most impacted by digital disruption. Mobile devices allow customers to check prices and reviews in-store, influencing their purchasing decisions. The constant connectivity of consumers means retailers must meet customer expectations across online and in-store shopping. To adapt, retailers should provide customers with product information on their preferred mobile channels and gain insights into customer shopping behaviors through mobile analytics. The challenges of an omnichannel customer experience require retailers to rethink their physical stores, pricing, and staff training to remain competitive in the new mobile era.

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These are the slides I used during our Webinar entitled "What's New in Adobe Technical Communication Suite 3. For the Webinar recording, visit

Copyright 2011@STKI      Do not reproduce or copy                                             11/19/2011

         Something’s Happening Here                       ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ Revisited?
                                                         1943 – Maslow          2011 – 20xx
      Personal Computers
                                                         Actualization           Personal
                         `                                               `       Shelter

                                                                               Food / Water

      Personal Computing

                Game Changer                               IT is Consumerized ……….

                       Consumerized IT
                      • “Personal” connectivity
                      • Personal Mobile Computing
                      • Cloud based applications
                         `                                               `

                   Knowledge Individuals
                      • Always connected
                      • Technology Savvy
                      • Multitasked

                                                    19                                          20

Copyright 2011@STKI           Do not reproduce or copy                                                                                   11/19/2011

              IT is Consumerized ……….                             Things my grandson taught me:
                                                   •    Touch screens change the way we see the world
                                                         – He has never used a mouse only devices with touch screens, which is why
                                                           he assumes that any screen is a touch screen
                                                         – He prefers to navigate surfaces to retrieve information instead of diving
                                                           into nested structures.
                                                   •    Voice (Siri is a huge deal)
                                                         – We talk to our phone all the time – so it should understand us, and pull up
                                                           some good animal videos when we ask.
                                                   •    Linear TV is dead
                              `                          – We passively consume TV without interruption, ads and what's next.
                                                         – For kids today TV is about watching what they want, when they want
                                                   •    Games are social
                                                         – Bakery Story
                                                   •    The alive web will be huge:
                                                         – You don’t just call people to talk to them, you call people to share an
                                                           experience, show them your room and generally spend time together
                                                              • Google’s Hangouts


          Consumerization is redefining how
                                                       STKI’s Jewish “philosopher” of the year
             organizations provision IT
      • Up to 2011, IT ordered and                     • In 1959, Prof. Drucker coined the term
        delivered technology and the                     “knowledge worker”
        business used it.
      • Now employees are solving
        business problems using technology
                              `                                                                          `
        that they master first at home and
        then bring to work.
                                                       • In 2011 we can coin the term:
      • IT must find ways to accommodate
        this self-provisioned technology.                  “knowledge individual”

Copyright 2011@STKI                Do not reproduce or copy                                                            11/19/2011

       How does the knowledge individual make
                                                                Future “retail” environment
                  decisions today:
                                                                               •   U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a
                                                                                   new patent application entitled
                                                                                   • “Social Networking in Shopping
           Company sends                                                                      Environments”
           “future rewards”

                                   `                                               `

                                              25                                                                              26

                                                                Are You Ready for the New
                              Game Changer
                                                                 Peer-to-Peer Economy?

                                 E-bizz                       transactions happen between individuals
                                                                or a group of individuals and not only
                                                                between corporations and individuals.

                                   `                                               `

                                                                      196,802 soho ( up to 9
                                                                     companies employees)

Copyright 2011@STKI                          Do not reproduce or copy                                    11/19/2011

      Simple business app                                         Mobile payment app market is booming
      Square handles security and meets
      all PCI security standards to ensure
         payments are safe and secure.

                                             `                                      `

                                                 29                                     30

                                         E-bizz                             Game Changer

                                                                                 New IT department

                                             `                                      `

                                                                                   IT Unbundled and
                                                                                  in Business Services



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Copyright 2011@STKI                                  Do not reproduce or copy                                                                                            11/19/2011

                        Do what Clients want?                                                                     Do what Clients want?

                                                     `                                                                                `

                       Packaged Software vs.
                                                                                                       Gap Analysis vs. System Analysis
                     Custom-Developed Systems
                                   Source: ComputerEconomics 2011                                 Client needs
                                                                                                                     Gap Analysis         ~90% quite happy

                                                                                                                                              17% maintenance =
                                                          Large Orgs                                                                        somebody else headache
      Percentage of application functionality from
              custom-developed systems                                    30%
                                                                                                                 Demands mng, design,
                                                                                                                   develop, testing   Different needs  Gap Analysis

                                                                                                                        Time                 Organizations attention time:
                                                               Large Orgs                   63%                                              • Project mng
      Percentage of application functionality from                                                                                           • Regulation
            commercial software packages                            Midsize           70%                                                    • ~17% Maintenance

Copyright 2011@STKI                         Do not reproduce or copy                                             11/19/2011

                     Two New IT functions:                                            The new IT
       manage the flow of products, services and information
      • Business Relationship                   • Bunker Manager
        Manager                                   – Does more and at a higher
        – Defines value from the                    quality, but with less
          customers perspective and                 effort, cost and delivery
          expresses value in terms of             – Thinks about constantly
          a specific product or service             improving the flow of
        – People he has:                    `       value through processes                `
           • Service Architects/Designers         – Eliminates waste so all
           • Collaboration and Social               activities create value for
             Media Specialists                      the customer by
           • Business Intelligence                  breakthrough and                                          Client/user
             Architects                             continuous improvement
           • Business Technology                    projects
             Brokers/Analyst                                                                    Packaged

             Building of a lean IT “bunker”                                       Bunker Architectures

                                            `                                              `


Copyright 2011@STKI    Do not reproduce or copy                                                         11/19/2011

           4 types: Enterprise Clouds               Who will be the winner (PaaS)?

                       `                                                                `   Platform

                                             Over ¾ of vendor (new) applications will
                                              be developed using PaaS ecosystems

                                        41                                                                42

            CURATED COMPUTING                              tech wars or religion wars

                       `                                                                `

                                        43                                                                44

Copyright 2011@STKI              Do not reproduce or copy                                                             11/19/2011

                                                                           Growth: Digital Highway
                                                                    Availability of cellular and line high-speed broadband
                                                                      Broadband related growth (innovation)
                                                                     and availability of several (>2) aquatic lines to Italy
                                                                      will bewill push differentiator in 2010-2012
                                                                               the big INNOVATION 2012-2014

                                 `                                                           `


               Growth: Digital Highway                                     Growth: Digital Highway
        Availability of cellular and line high-speed broadband      Availability of cellular and line high-speed broadband
          Broadband related growth (innovation)
         and availability of several (>2) aquatic lines to Italy      Broadband related growth (innovation)
                                                                     and availability of several (>2) aquatic lines to Italy
          will bewill push differentiator in 2010-2012
                   the big INNOVATION 2012-2014                       will bewill push differentiator in 2010-2012
                                                                               the big INNOVATION 2012-2014

                                 `                                                           `


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PLM and IT consumerization
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2012 ux lx-workshop_0.3-2

ow do you design experiences that transcend a single device, or even a family of devices? How do you create experiences that exist simultaneously in your hand and in the cloud? Using plentiful examples drawn from cutting edge products and the history of technology, this workshop describes underlying trends, shows the latest developments and asks some broader questions.

user experience designubicompubiquitous computing
Copyright 2011@STKI                  Do not reproduce or copy                                  11/19/2011

                   Game Changer                           The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet

                      The App Internet:
                      New OS for the internet
                                     `                                       `

                                                   49                                               50

       Mobile Appliances as “internet OS client”                 And wow wow wow

                  (from GPS or cell antennas)
                                     `                                       `
                (from Google)

                       (from Waze)

                  (from Google Streets)

                                                   51                                               52

Copyright 2011@STKI                               Do not reproduce or copy                                                          11/19/2011

               Consumer Cloud Applications                                                             Game Changer

                                                                                                          Post PC era:
                                                                                                          New generation
                                                                                                          of appliances
                                                  `                                                                `
                                                               Google Docs offline

                                                                                                            By 2013:
                                                                                                            100 million tablets
                                                                                                            1 billion smartphones


       When will we have “Industrial Information” Machines ?                                         The rule: +/-30 years
              It takes time not only for people to adopt
             technologies into their daily routines but also
              for technologists to figure out how to make

                                            33 years
                                                  `                                                                `

                                                                The Austin 7 was produced
                                                                from 1922 through to 1939
       The Karl Benz Patent Motorwagen 1885,.                    by the Austin Motor Company.

                                                                                                55                                    56

Copyright 2011@STKI              Do not reproduce or copy                                                               11/19/2011

       User Interface Revolution – Touch / Sound / Move Era
          Say hello to the coming “invisible interfaces”                        2012: Sound is in
                                                                                     Wireless        Connected      Sound
                                                                                     Speakers        Car Audio   Recognition +


                                 `                                                               `
                                                                                                                    Creation +
                                                               4B+ Bluetooth
                                                              Enabled Devices

             2012: Face recognition is in                                         Kindle Fire as a ????

                                 `                                                               `


Copyright 2011@STKI         Do not reproduce or copy                                                                                                        11/19/2011

                                                                           What about Productivity Software for
            What do people want ?
                                                                                 non-wintel machines?

                           `                                                                                        `

               Game Changer                                                                           Client Devices

                  Mobile Apps:                                                                                                       Client/Server V2
                                                                                                                                     1. Most apps work on/off line
              The value of mobile is in the apps                    Terminals V 2                                                    2. Most of the time connected
                                                                                                                                     3. Uses cloud/local applications
                                                                    WEB/Browser client
              "specialized local apps running in conjunction        2 types of applications:
                                                                    1. Off-line: processing and
              with cloud-based services (private/public) "          storage local
                                                                    2. Always connected:
                                                                                                                             Client/Server V1
              across smartphones, tablets, and other
                                                                    browser based applications
                                                                                                                    `           2 types of applications:
                                                                                                                             1. Off-line: processing and storage local
              location aware devices                                          Terminals V1                                   2. Always connected : data and
                                                                              Always connected                                  processing @server; GUI++ @client
                                                                              I/O only at the local

                                                                                                      1. Communications/networking
                                                                                                      2. Processor/storage
                                                                                                      3. Power /battery


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My five-minute ignite-style talk for the Reframe IA workshop. Please note, for SlideShare purposes, I had to embed my notes into the slides, because PowerPoint wasn't behaving with other options. (Information about the workshop:

information architecture#ias13#reframeia
Copyright 2011@STKI    Do not reproduce or copy                                                 11/19/2011

          Will we ever get an answer?          Two types of “personal computing”

                            Who wins the
                           HTML5 vs. Native
                            SDK debate?
                       `                                            `

             Location aware apps                          In the future?

                       `                                            `

                                                            applications based on connections

Copyright 2011@STKI                            Do not reproduce or copy                                                            11/19/2011

                                      Web 3.0                                                Game Changer

                                                                                              BIG     DATA
                                                                                              Information over Process
                                                                                              Information management, data analytics,
                                                                                              and knowledge worker enablement
                                                                                                    In this information age, the firms
                                               `                                                      `

                                                                                                    that best turn information to their
      Web 1.0: involved go search, get data and some limited interactivity                          advantage will dominate their
      Web 2.0: involves real identities and real relationships
                                                                                                    competition. And big data will play
      Web 3.0: will be real identities generating massive amounts of data                           a big part in helping them do it.

                                                                                   69                                                     70

                             Big Data Analysis                                          From Data to Information

               ERP                       Core                  BI

                      HR                       `                                                      `

             Logistic                                               Your
                                     Very Strategic        Competitive Advantage
                                     “Core of core”               is HERE


Copyright 2011@STKI                              Do not reproduce or copy                                                                                         11/19/2011

          WEB 3 marks the transition from the left                                            Very high volume, high speed, unstructured
                 brain to the right brain                                                                   data analysis
      •   The focus is verbal, processing            •   Focuses on the visual, and
          information in an analytical and               processes information in an
          sequential way, looking first at the           intuitive and simultaneous way,
          pieces then putting them together              looking first at the whole picture
          to get the whole.                              then the details.

                                                         non-verbal and intuitive,
                  verbal and analytical
                                                         using pictures rather than words.
                                                 `                                                                 `


                                          Big Data                                               Where do we use BIG DATA tools
      • what is big data?          • What is new about big
        – techniques and             data?
          technologies that make      – firms effectively utilize less
          handling data at              than 5% of available data
          extreme scale affordable    – The other 95%. was simply
                                                            too expensive to deal with
           – It is about big volume,
             velocity, variety, and
                                                 `        – Big data is affordable but                             `

             variability                                    requires new processes
                                                            and may totally redefine
           – Only when at least 2 of the                    data governance
             4 characteristics above are
             together that big data
             becomes attractive

Copyright 2011@STKI                    Do not reproduce or copy                                                                  11/19/2011

                   Game Changer (GALIT)                                   IT vs. Consumerization
                             •   Web 2 + 3 + 4
                             •   Social Capital Management
                             •   Social Networks
                             •   Crowd Sourcing
                                      `                                                   `


         Our life style and expectations have
                                                                           Beyond Social Media
                                                                                                             It’s okay
                                                                                                             to fail as
                                                                                                              long as
                                                                                                             you do it

                                                                                                       Your               Enough
                                                                                 People do          employees             already
                                                                               business with        need to be            with the
                                      `                                         people, not
                                                                                          `           digital             useless
                                                                                companies            citizens,             email
                                                                                                        too                chains
      Business users have better technology at home
      than at work; bring their own mobile devices to work; expect
      constant access to workplace info
           Your workforce is mobile and loving it
                                          79                                                   80


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How do you design experiences that transcend a single device, or even a family of devices? How do you create experiences that exist simultaneously in your hand and in the cloud? Using plentiful examples drawn from cutting edge products and the history of technology, this workshop describe underlying trends, show the latest developments and ask some broader questions.

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Enterprise 2.0
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Enterprise 2.0

The document discusses the concept of Enterprise 2.0. It defines Enterprise 2.0 as combining user-centric culture, new processes, and supporting technologies within a company. This allows companies to embrace employees' participation and sharing in ways that create new opportunities. The document provides examples of how Web 2.0 created new markets and chances that were not originally planned. It aims to explain how companies can successfully adopt Enterprise 2.0 approaches.

Innovating through public sector information
Innovating through public sector informationInnovating through public sector information
Innovating through public sector information

Slides from a seminar presented at the London School of Economics, in conjunction with an accompanying presentation from Nigel Shadbolt

Copyright 2011@STKI                               Do not reproduce or copy                                                                                                           11/19/2011

                                                                                                     Gamification AND Future Enterprise SW
                                Social Business
                                                                                                                User Experiences
                                                                                                   Game-like mechanisms can improve engagement
                                                                                                   and participation in the enterprise
                                                                                                   • Training
                                                                                                   • Knowledge sharing
                                                  `                                                • Customer loyalty programs               `

                                                                                                   • Virtual goods and currencies

                                                                                                                                                       Gamification – a new Sherriff in town!

                                                       81                                                                                         82

                 Points                      Badges                     Leaderboards
           tracking, feedback             goals, rewards                 competition

                                                  `                                                                                          `

       You have an activity you wish your users to do and therefore give points for it. You have
       badges or levels users get for certain points or activities. And to create some             add game elements to work tasks, which »gameifies« software debugging with points and
       competition between users, you throw in a leaderboard for good measure                      badges earned for the number and quality of bugs you report.

                                                       83                                                                                         84

Copyright 2011@STKI                           Do not reproduce or copy                                                                                                        11/19/2011


                                              `                                                                                          `

                                                                                              bring the concept of »checking in« from Foursquare or Gowalla to stores or
        set yourself financial goals and track your progress towards them                     products in stores, again complete with points, leaderboards and other game elements


                  Future “retail” environment                                                       When Telco Becomes A Better Bank
                                          •   U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a
                                              new patent application entitled
                                              • “Social Networking in Shopping

                                              `                                                                                          `

                                                                                                                Mobile Payments without App Store - Perfect Sense


Copyright 2011@STKI                              Do not reproduce or copy                                           11/19/2011

                              Facebook Places                               Location based services

       The check-in icon only shows up on the day of
            the event and only when users are
       geographically close to the specified address.

                                                `                                      `

                                                                  89                                                     90

                         Find us on Facebook                                   The reality today

                                                `                                      `

                                                                                           Resource: Commonwealth Bank


Copyright 2011@STKI             Do not reproduce or copy                                                                                   11/19/2011

                        Reality today                                                                   New reality

                                                                                               ‫משכנתא‬           ‫טאבו‬        ‫בנקים‬
                 ‫טאבו‬                            ‫מנהל מקרקעי ישראל‬

          ‫משכנתא‬                                    ‫חברת חשמל‬
                                `                                                                                `

           ‫עורכי דין‬                                ‫בנקים‬

                           ‫חברת בזק‬

                        New reality                                                          The process today

                                                                     1.   Taboo,
                                                                          Bank..              2. Organization
                                                                                                                       3.   Scanning
                                `                                                                                `

                                                                                                                            4.1 Computer
                                                                                                    4.2 Disk
                                                                     4.3 Return files or destroy

                                      Resource: Commonwealth Bank


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The document discusses how robots and automation are disrupting traditional employment and the viability of the 401(k) retirement plan. It notes that as robots replace human workers, unemployment and under-employment are rising. This makes relying on 401(k) contributions for retirement risky as contributions depend on steady employment and income. The document proposes an "Irregular Employment Accumulation Account" as a better option for self-employed or irregularly employed individuals. It would allow flexible contributions and withdrawals to adapt to changing income levels. The document also discusses issues with universal life insurance policies and how some policies now require increased premiums to maintain coverage due to lower than projected returns and dividends.

whole life insurance401kinsurance
Mobile game changer 2011
Mobile game changer 2011Mobile game changer 2011
Mobile game changer 2011

The document discusses several technological trends that will reshape the future in the coming years: 1. The rise of "knowledge individuals" who are always connected via mobile devices and cloud services, blurring work and personal lives. 2. Dramatic reductions in the cost of storage and bandwidth will enable virtually unlimited sharing of information online. 3. Mobile applications and specialized devices will replace the PC as the primary means of internet access, ushering in a "post-PC" era. 4. Social networks and user-generated content will continue growing in importance both personally and professionally through platforms like Facebook. 5. Location-based services and embedded sensors will create new types of applications using real-time

Copyright 2011@STKI        Do not reproduce or copy                      11/19/2011

            The process tomorrow                      Ecm- new reality
                A world without paper

                           `                                 `

               THANK             YOU



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Enterprise 2.0
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Enterprise 2.0
Innovating through public sector information
Innovating through public sector informationInnovating through public sector information
Innovating through public sector information
Jerry Fishenden
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Jenny Ambrozek
February 2012 Newsletter Pacific Advisors
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February 2012 Newsletter Pacific Advisors

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Mobile retailing - if you don't do it, someone else will
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Enterprise 2.0
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Jerry Fishenden
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What is happening now in IT.....

  • 1. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 end of IT as usual: Let’s go for a walk going to change everything Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf Research Fellow ` 2 Digitization is creating a second economy that’s vast, In 1930, Keynes wrote a famous essay automatic, and invisible—thereby bringing the biggest “Economic possibilities for our grandchildren” change since the Industrial Revolution Nicolaus Copernicus ` ` 1514 3 4 1
  • 2. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Main Changers since 2000 What is happening ? • Shifts around changes in process or distribution: – Mobile phone versus Landline – Google Search versus Catalog – Online Trading/Travel versus Broker/Agent – Multi-touch screen versus stylus/keyboard ` ` – iPad/Tablet versus PC – Kindle/eBook versus Paperbook – Online News/Streams versus Newspaper – Email/SMS/Facebook versus Mail/Telephone Products and Services in IT Big change or IMPLOSION First Technological Implosion Second Technological Implosion 1982-1986 2011 -2015 • PC Ecosystem • No-wintel Devices Ecosystem • Client/server Ecosystem • Client/server V2 Ecosystem • LAN/WAN Ecosystem • Cloud Services Ecosystem • Internet/Web Ecosystem • Analytic tools/appliances for data • X86 Ecosystem management Ecosystem ` • Relational DBMS Ecosystem ` • NO-SQL DBMS Ecosystem • Social Commerce Ecosystem 8 2
  • 3. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 5th Generation Of Computing Albert Einstein said about IT: 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2012+ Autocratic Personal: Web: SOA: Consumerization: Centralized Computing ` ` 10 Will IT change ? Will CIO’s ? What is happening to IT out there ? • logically structured thinking; • unstructured approach to tasks analyzing and controlling ('multitasking'); emotional processes responses; social being ` ` 11 3
  • 4. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Main Tech Game Changers 2011: my pocket’s contents • Consumerized and Social IT – workers use technology outside of IT's control, and it's likely to be much better. – IT has to learn how to manage and take advantage of mobile, social, collaboration, and self-service technology. • XaaS "everything-as-a-service" – New IT service acquisition and consumption models. – Lean IT, cloud (bunker) models • App Internet – new architecture that leverages cloud-tethered, context-aware mobile devices that ` ` interact with each other and our enterprises. – users are shifting away from the monolithic to small, tailored, and integrated bits of functionality that they can get as needed for whatever device. • Big Data – techniques and technologies that make handling data at extreme scale affordable – doing more, with more data, more cheaply. In 2012 : we will carry only 1 Something’s Happening Here Personal Computers ` ` Personal Computing 4
  • 5. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Something’s Happening Here ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ Revisited? 1943 – Maslow 2011 – 20xx Personal Computers Self- Actualization Personal Computing Esteem ` ` Shelter Belonging Safety Food / Water Physiological Personal Computing Game Changer IT is Consumerized ………. Consumerized IT • “Personal” connectivity • Personal Mobile Computing • Cloud based applications ` ` Knowledge Individuals • Always connected • Technology Savvy • Multitasked 19 20 5
  • 6. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 IT is Consumerized ………. Things my grandson taught me: • Touch screens change the way we see the world – He has never used a mouse only devices with touch screens, which is why he assumes that any screen is a touch screen – He prefers to navigate surfaces to retrieve information instead of diving into nested structures. • Voice (Siri is a huge deal) – We talk to our phone all the time – so it should understand us, and pull up some good animal videos when we ask. • Linear TV is dead ` – We passively consume TV without interruption, ads and what's next. ` – For kids today TV is about watching what they want, when they want • Games are social – Bakery Story • The alive web will be huge: – You don’t just call people to talk to them, you call people to share an experience, show them your room and generally spend time together • • Google’s Hangouts 21 Consumerization is redefining how STKI’s Jewish “philosopher” of the year organizations provision IT • Up to 2011, IT ordered and • In 1959, Prof. Drucker coined the term delivered technology and the “knowledge worker” business used it. • Now employees are solving business problems using technology ` ` that they master first at home and then bring to work. • In 2011 we can coin the term: • IT must find ways to accommodate this self-provisioned technology. “knowledge individual” 24 6
  • 7. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 How does the knowledge individual make Future “retail” environment decisions today: • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a new patent application entitled • “Social Networking in Shopping Company sends Environments” “future rewards” ` ` 25 26 Are You Ready for the New Game Changer Peer-to-Peer Economy? E-bizz transactions happen between individuals or a group of individuals and not only between corporations and individuals. ` ` 196,802 soho ( up to 9 companies employees) 27 7
  • 8. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Simple business app Mobile payment app market is booming Square handles security and meets all PCI security standards to ensure payments are safe and secure. ` ` 29 30 E-bizz Game Changer New IT department ` ` IT Unbundled and Embedded in Business Services 32 8
  • 9. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Do what Clients want? Do what Clients want? ` ` Packaged Software vs. Gap Analysis vs. System Analysis Custom-Developed Systems Source: ComputerEconomics 2011 Client needs Gap Analysis ~90% quite happy 17% maintenance = 37% Large Orgs somebody else headache Percentage of application functionality from custom-developed systems 30% Midsize Demands mng, design, ` develop, testing Different needs  Gap Analysis ` Time Organizations attention time: Large Orgs 63% • Project mng Percentage of application functionality from • Regulation commercial software packages Midsize 70% • ~17% Maintenance 9
  • 10. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Two New IT functions: The new IT manage the flow of products, services and information • Business Relationship • Bunker Manager Manager – Does more and at a higher – Defines value from the quality, but with less customers perspective and effort, cost and delivery expresses value in terms of – Thinks about constantly a specific product or service improving the flow of – People he has: ` value through processes ` • Service Architects/Designers – Eliminates waste so all • Collaboration and Social activities create value for Media Specialists the customer by • Business Intelligence breakthrough and Client/user Architects continuous improvement • Business Technology projects Brokers/Analyst Packaged Application Building of a lean IT “bunker” Bunker Architectures ` ` 40 10
  • 11. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 4 types: Enterprise Clouds Who will be the winner (PaaS)? Curated Developer ` ` Platform Over ¾ of vendor (new) applications will be developed using PaaS ecosystems 2011-2012 41 42 CURATED COMPUTING tech wars or religion wars ` ` 43 44 11
  • 12. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Growth: Digital Highway Availability of cellular and line high-speed broadband Broadband related growth (innovation) and availability of several (>2) aquatic lines to Italy will bewill push differentiator in 2010-2012 the big INNOVATION 2012-2014 ` ` 45 Growth: Digital Highway Growth: Digital Highway Availability of cellular and line high-speed broadband Availability of cellular and line high-speed broadband Broadband related growth (innovation) and availability of several (>2) aquatic lines to Italy Broadband related growth (innovation) and availability of several (>2) aquatic lines to Italy will bewill push differentiator in 2010-2012 the big INNOVATION 2012-2014 will bewill push differentiator in 2010-2012 the big INNOVATION 2012-2014 ` ` 12
  • 13. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Game Changer The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet The App Internet: New OS for the internet ` ` 49 50 Mobile Appliances as “internet OS client” And wow wow wow (from GPS or cell antennas) ` ` (from Google) (from Waze) (from Google Streets) 51 52 13
  • 14. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Consumer Cloud Applications Game Changer Post PC era: New generation of appliances ` ` Google Docs offline By 2013: 100 million tablets 1 billion smartphones 54 When will we have “Industrial Information” Machines ? The rule: +/-30 years It takes time not only for people to adopt technologies into their daily routines but also for technologists to figure out how to make things 33 years ` ` The Austin 7 was produced from 1922 through to 1939 The Karl Benz Patent Motorwagen 1885,. by the Austin Motor Company. 55 56 14
  • 15. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 User Interface Revolution – Touch / Sound / Move Era Say hello to the coming “invisible interfaces” 2012: Sound is in Wireless Connected Sound Speakers Car Audio Recognition + Understanding Noise Cancellation Sound ` ` Creation + Sharing 4B+ Bluetooth Enabled Devices ONLINE AUDIO 2012: Face recognition is in Kindle Fire as a ???? ` ` $199.00 15
  • 16. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 What about Productivity Software for What do people want ? non-wintel machines? ` ` Game Changer Client Devices Mobile Apps: Client/Server V2 1. Most apps work on/off line The value of mobile is in the apps Terminals V 2 2. Most of the time connected 3. Uses cloud/local applications WEB/Browser client "specialized local apps running in conjunction 2 types of applications: 1. Off-line: processing and with cloud-based services (private/public) " storage local 2. Always connected: Client/Server V1 across smartphones, tablets, and other ` browser based applications ` 2 types of applications: 1. Off-line: processing and storage local location aware devices Terminals V1 2. Always connected : data and Always connected processing @server; GUI++ @client I/O only at the local ADVANCES/COST 1. Communications/networking 2. Processor/storage 3. Power /battery 63 16
  • 17. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Will we ever get an answer? Two types of “personal computing” Who wins the HTML5 vs. Native SDK debate? ` ` Location aware apps In the future? ` ` People Connected applications based on connections 17
  • 18. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Web 3.0 Game Changer BIG DATA Information over Process Information management, data analytics, and knowledge worker enablement In this information age, the firms ` ` that best turn information to their Web 1.0: involved go search, get data and some limited interactivity advantage will dominate their Web 2.0: involves real identities and real relationships competition. And big data will play Web 3.0: will be real identities generating massive amounts of data a big part in helping them do it. 69 70 Big Data Analysis From Data to Information ERP Core BI Finance HR ` ` Logistic Your Very Strategic Competitive Advantage “Core of core” is HERE 71 18
  • 19. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 WEB 3 marks the transition from the left Very high volume, high speed, unstructured brain to the right brain data analysis • The focus is verbal, processing • Focuses on the visual, and information in an analytical and processes information in an sequential way, looking first at the intuitive and simultaneous way, pieces then putting them together looking first at the whole picture to get the whole. then the details. non-verbal and intuitive, verbal and analytical using pictures rather than words. ` ` 74 Big Data Where do we use BIG DATA tools • what is big data? • What is new about big – techniques and data? technologies that make – firms effectively utilize less handling data at than 5% of available data extreme scale affordable – The other 95%. was simply too expensive to deal with – It is about big volume, velocity, variety, and ` – Big data is affordable but ` variability requires new processes and may totally redefine – Only when at least 2 of the data governance 4 characteristics above are together that big data becomes attractive 19
  • 20. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Game Changer (GALIT) IT vs. Consumerization • Web 2 + 3 + 4 • Social Capital Management • Social Networks • Crowd Sourcing • ` ` Facebook 77 78 Our life style and expectations have Beyond Social Media changed It’s okay to fail as long as you do it quickly Your Enough People do employees already business with need to be with the ` people, not ` digital useless companies citizens, email too chains Business users have better technology at home than at work; bring their own mobile devices to work; expect constant access to workplace info Your workforce is mobile and loving it 79 80 20
  • 21. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Gamification AND Future Enterprise SW Social Business User Experiences Game-like mechanisms can improve engagement and participation in the enterprise • Training • Knowledge sharing ` • Customer loyalty programs ` • Virtual goods and currencies Gamification – a new Sherriff in town! 81 82 Foursquare Points Badges Leaderboards tracking, feedback goals, rewards competition ` ` You have an activity you wish your users to do and therefore give points for it. You have badges or levels users get for certain points or activities. And to create some add game elements to work tasks, which »gameifies« software debugging with points and competition between users, you throw in a leaderboard for good measure badges earned for the number and quality of bugs you report. 83 84 21
  • 22. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 BarcodeHero ` ` bring the concept of »checking in« from Foursquare or Gowalla to stores or set yourself financial goals and track your progress towards them products in stores, again complete with points, leaderboards and other game elements 86 Future “retail” environment When Telco Becomes A Better Bank • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a new patent application entitled • “Social Networking in Shopping Environments” ` ` Mobile Payments without App Store - Perfect Sense 87 88 22
  • 23. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Facebook Places Location based services The check-in icon only shows up on the day of the event and only when users are geographically close to the specified address. ` ` 89 90 Find us on Facebook The reality today ` ` Resource: Commonwealth Bank 91 91 23
  • 24. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 Reality today New reality ‫משכנתא‬ ‫טאבו‬ ‫בנקים‬ ‫טאבו‬ ‫מנהל מקרקעי ישראל‬ ‫משכנתא‬ ‫חברת חשמל‬ ` ` ‫עורכי דין‬ ‫בנקים‬ ‫חברת בזק‬ New reality The process today 1. Taboo, Bank.. 2. Organization 3. Scanning ` ` 4.1 Computer 4.2 Disk 4.3 Return files or destroy them Resource: Commonwealth Bank 24
  • 25. Copyright 2011@STKI Do not reproduce or copy 11/19/2011 The process tomorrow Ecm- new reality A world without paper ` ` THANK YOU ` 25