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                STUDY MATERIAL
                    WEB TECHNOLOGY
                        DEPARTMENT OF            IT

                                    R S
                                 Vel Tech
     Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College
     Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College

                                SEM - VIII

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UNITS                                                                   PAGE NO.

I.    Introduction                                                             06

II.   Dynamic HTML                                                            106

III. Multimedia                                                               169

IV.   Database- ASP – XML                                                     218

V.    Servlets and JSP                                                        289

                     # 42 & 60, Avadi – Veltech Road, Avadi, Chennai – 62.

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∗   Student Strength of Vel Tech increased from 413 to 10579, between 1997 and 2010.
∗   Our heartfelt gratitude to AICTE for sanctioning highest number of seats and highest number of courses for the
    academic year 2009 – 2010 in Tamil Nadu, India.
∗   Consistent success on academic performance by achieving 97% - 100% in University examination results during
    the past 4 academic years.
∗   Tie-up with Oracle Corporation for conducting training programmes & qualifying our students for International
∗   Permission obtained to start Cisco Networking Academy Programmes in our College campus.
∗   Satyam Ventures R&D Centre located in Vel Tech Engineering College premises.
∗   Signed MOU with FL Smidth for placements, Project and Training.
∗   Signed MOU with British Council for Promotion of High Proficiency in Business English, of the University of
    Cambridge, UK (BEC).
∗   Signed MOU with NASSCOM.
∗   Signed MOU with INVICTUS TECHNOLOGY for projects & Placements.
∗   Signed MOU with SUTHERLAND GLOBAL SERVICES for Training & Placements.
∗   Signed MOU with Tmi First for Training & Placements.

VELTECH, VEL TECH MULTI TECH engineering colleges Accredited by TCS
(ARTS & SCIENCE) Accredited by CTS.

campus annually to recruit our final year Engineering, Diploma, Medical and Management Students.

                                    Preface to the First Edition

        This edition is a sincere and co-ordinated effort which we hope has made a
great difference in the quality of the material. “Giving the best to the students,

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making optimum use of available technical facilities & intellectual strength” has
always been the motto of our institutions. In this edition the best staff across the
group of colleges has been chosen to develop specific units. Hence the material, as a
whole is the merge of the intellectual capacities of our faculties across the group of
Institutions. 45 to 60, two mark questions and 15 to 20, sixteen mark questions for
each unit are available in this material.

Prepared By :        Mr. P. Vijay Anand.
                     Asst. Professor.
                     Mr. Mahesh
                     Asst. Professor.

IT1451               WEB TECHNOLOGY
UNIT I        INTRODUCTION                                                                 8

History of the Internet and World Wide Web – HTML 4 protocols – HTTP, SMTP, POP3, MIME, IMAP.
Introduction to JAVA Scripts – Object Based Scripting for the web. Structures – Functions – Arrays –

UNIT II       DYNAMIC HTML                                                                 9

Introduction – Object refers, Collectors all and Children. Dynamic style, Dynamic position, frames,
navigator, Event Model – On check – On load – Onenor – Mouse rel – Form process – Event Bubblers –
Filters – Transport with the Filter – Creating Images – Adding shadows – Creating Gradients – Creating

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Motion with Blur – Data Binding – Simple Data Binding – Moving with a record set – Sorting table data –
Binding of an Image and table.

UNIT III      MULTIMEDIA                                                                      9

Audio and video speech synthesis and recognition - Electronic Commerce – E-Business Model – E-
Marketing – Online Payments and Security – Web Servers – HTTP request types – System Architecture –
Client Side Scripting and Server side Scripting – Accessing Web servers – IIS – Apache web server.

UNIT IV       DATABASE- ASP – XML                                                             10

Database, Relational Database model – Overview, SQL – ASP – Working of ASP – Objects – File System
Objects – Session tracking and cookies – ADO – Access a Database from ASP – Server side Active-X
Components – Web Resources – XML – Structure in Data – Name spaces – DTD – Vocabularies – DOM

UNIT V        SERVLETS AND JSP                                                                9

Introduction – Servlet Overview Architecture – Handling HTTP Request – Get and post request –
redirecting request – multi-tier applications – JSP – Overview – Objects – scripting – Standard Actions –

1. Deitel & Deitel, Goldberg, “Internet and world wide web – How to Program”, Pearson Education Asia,

1. Eric Ladd, Jim O’ Donnel, “Using HTML 4, XML and JAVA”, Prentice Hall of India – QUE, 1999.
2. Aferganatel, “Web Programming: Desktop Management”, PHI, 2004.
3. Rajkamal, “Web Technology”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001.

                                              UNIT – I
                                HISTORY OF THE INTERNET
                                              PART – A

1. What is ARPA what was key benefit of ARPANET?

       Advanced Research project agency of the Department of defense. The key benefit of
ARPANET was that it enabled the researchers to communicate quickly and easily through
electronic mail to facilitate a world wide comm.

2. What is the primary goal of ARPANET.

    To allow multiple users to send and receive information simultaneously over the
communication paths eg. Phone lines.
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3. What is packet switching?

      Packet switching is a Network operation technique in which digital data was sent in small
bundles called as packets along with the address information to be routed to their destinations.

4. What is TCP. How it is used?

      TCP is the transmission control protocol used for communicating over the ARPANET. It
mainly insures the proper routing of messages from sender to receiver and their on time arrival.

5. What is IP.

       The communication if different Networks was accomplished truly with the development of
Its Internet protocol used for creating networks of networks, the current architectures of the

6. Application use of Internet

 Universities
 Research Institutions
 Military /Defence Area
 Business.

7. Define WWW.

       Word Wide Web allows computer users to locate and view multimedia based documents
like documents with text, graphics, animations, audios (or) videos on do almost any subject. It was
developed by Timberners – Lee of CERN in 1990.

8. What is the use of Internet?

      The internet mixes computing and comm. Technologies and provides instant and
convenient worldwide accessible information’s.

9. What is W3C.

       Word Wide Web consortium decided to developing nor proprietary, interoperable
technologies for the world wide web. The primary goal is to make the web universally accessible –
regardless of ability, language or culture. The WSC is also a standardization organization web
technologies standardized by the WSC are called Recommendations which is a document that
specifies a technology’s role, syntax rules.

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10. What is the use of Java script?
   i)        Java script is an object –based scripting lang for with strong. (Proper software support
             for engineering techniques)
   ii)       It introduces client side scripting which makes web pages more dynamic and
   iii)      It provides the programming foundation for the more complex server side scripting.

11. What is structured programming.

      A Disciplined approach to write programs that are clearer and easier to test, degdebug and

12. Give examples for client based web Applications clients and server based web applications.
Client based web applications clients
   i)    XHTML
   ii)   Java script
   iii)  DHTML
   iv)   Mash
   v)    Dream
   vi)   XML
Server based web applications

   1.     Web servers
   2.     Databases
   3.     Asp-NET
   4.     CGI
   5.     Perl
   6.     AHP
   7.     cold fusion

13. What is web Browser?

       Web browsers are software programs that allow users to access the web’s rich multimedia
content to access the tremendous amount of information available on the web.
e.g. Microsoft IE and Netscape

14. Explain the following protocols.

i) MIME (multipurpose internet Mail Extension)

Basic idea is to continue to use the RFC 822 format, but to add structure to the message body and
define encoding rules form non- ASCII messages.

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ii) SMTP is a simple ASCII protocol

      Within the Internet, email is delivered by having the source machine wstablish a TCP
connection to port 25 of the destination machine. Listerining to this port is an email daemon that
speaks SMTP which accepts incoming connections & copies messages from them into appropriate
mailboxes. If a message cannot be delivered an error report containing the first part of the
undelivered message is returned to the sender.

iii) POP – Post Office Protocol is a simple protocol used for fetching email from a remote mailbox
and to store it on the user’s local machine to be read later. The user to log in, log out, fetch
messages and delete messages. The protocol itself consists of ASCII text and has something of the
flavor of SMTP.

iv) IMAP (Interactive Mail Access Protocol) this is a more ophisticated delivery protocol which
was designed to help the suer who uses multiple computers, perhaps a work station in the office, a
pc at home and a laptop on the road. The basic idea behind IMAP is for the email server to
maintain a central respository that can be accessed from any machine.
 MIME defines five new message headers.
   (i)     MIME – version  Identifies the MIME version.
   (ii)    Content – Description  Human – readable string telling what is in the message.
   (iii)   Content – Id:  Unique – identifier
   (iv)    Content – transfer – encoding  How the body is wrapped for transmission.
   (v)     Content – Type  nature of message.

15. What do you mean by XHTML elements?
       The spacing displayed by a browser in a web page is determined by the XHTML element
used to format the page.

16. What is the use of <script> tag?
       The <script> tag indicates to the browser that the text that follows is part of a script.
Attribute type specifies the scripting language used in the script – such as Java script.

17. What is the use of browser’s Document object?

       The browser’s document object represents the XHTML document currently being displayed
in the browser. The document object allows a script programmer to specify XHTML text to be
displayed in the XHTML document.

     The browser contains a complete set of objects that allow script programmers to access and
manipulated every element of an XHTML document.

18. What does the window object’s prompt method denote?

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       The window object’s prompt method displays a dialog into which the user can type a
value. The first argument is a message (called a prompt) that directs the user to take a specific
action. The optional second argument is the default string to display in the text field.

19. Write Java script statements to accomplish each of the following tasks.

   a)  var c, this IsAVariable, q76354, number
   b)  value = window . prompt(“Enter an integer”, “0”);
   c)  var age = parseInt(string value);
   d)  if (number !=7)
       window . alert( “The variable number is not equal to 7”);
    e) document . write ln (“This is a Java Script program”);
    f) document. Write ln (“This is a<br />Java Script program”);
20. Write a statement (or comment) to accomplish each of the following tasks.

   a)     // Calculate the product of three integers
   b)     var x,y,z, result;
   c)     var xVal, yval, zval;
   d)     xval=window. Prompt (“enter first integer:’, “0”);
   e)     yVal =window. Prompt (“Enter second inter;”, “0”);
   f)     zVal = window. Prompt (“Enter third integer;”, “0”);
   g)     x= parseInt(xVal);

21. What is definite repetition?

       Counter controlled repetition is often called as definite repetition, because the number of
repetitions is known before the loop begins executing.

22. Give the rules for forming structures programs.

   i.        Begin with “Simplest flowchart”
   ii.       Any rectangle (action) can be replaced by 2 rectangles (actions) in sequence.
   iii.      Any rectangle (action) can be replaced by any control structure (sequence if, if…else,
             switch, while, do….while or for)
   iv.       Rules 2&3 may be applied as often in any order.

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                                               PART – B

1. Explain in detail about the Equality and Relational operators in Java script with an example

        The section introduces a version of Java Script’s If statement that allows a program to make
a decision based on the truth or falsity of a condition. if the condition is met (i.e., the condition is
true). The statement in the body of the if statement is executed. If the condition is not met (i.e., the
condition is false), the statement in the body of the if statement is not executed. We will see an
example shortly.

        Conditions in if statements can be formed by using the equality operators and relational
operators summarized in fig. The relational operators all have the same level of precedence and
associate from left to right. The equality operators both have the same level of precedence, which
is lower than the precedence of the relational operators. The equality operators also associate from
left to right.

                                 Java script
   Standard algebraic                                Sample Java
                                 equality or                              Meaning of Java script
   equality operator or                                 Script
                                  relational                                   condition
    relational operator                               condition
         =                          ==                    X==y               X is equal to y
         ≠                          !=                    X!=y               X is not equal to y
         >                          >                     X>y                X is greater than y
         <                          <                     X<y                X is less than y
         ≥                          >=                    x>=y               X is greater than or
                                                                             equal to y
         ≤                          <=                    X<=y                X is less than or
                                                                             equal to y

                      Figure: Equality and relational operators

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Common Programming Error:

      Reversing the operators !=, >=and <=, as in =!, =>and =<, respectively, is a syntax error.

Common Programming Error:

       Confusing the equality operator, ==, with the assignment operator, =, is a logic error. The
equality operator should be read as “is equal to,” and the assignment operator should be read as
“gets” or “gets the value of.” Some people prefer to read the equality operator as “double equals”
or “equals equals”.

       The script in figure uses four if statements to display a time-sensitive greeting on a
welcome page. The script obtains the local time from the user’s computer and converts it to a 12-
hour clock format. Using this value, the script displays as appropriate greeting for the current
time of day. The script and sample output are shown in figure.
   1. <? xml version =”1.0”?>
   2. <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 //EN”
   3. 11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd>
   8. <html xmlns =>
   9.       <head>
   10.            <title> Using Relations Operators </title>
   12.            <script type = “text/javascropt”>
   13.                </div><div id=VEL TECH                      VEL TECH MULTI TECH                        VEL TECH HIGH TECH

   26.      if ( hour >= 12 )
   27.      {
   28.         // convert to a 12 hour clock
   29.         hour = hour – 12;
   31.        // determine whether it is before 6 PM
   32.        if ( hour < 6 )
   33.           document. write ( “<h1> Good Afternoon, “ );
   35.        // determine whether it is after 6 PM
   36.        if ( hour >= 6 )
   37.           document. write ( “<h1> Good Evening, “ )
   38.       }
   40.       document. write ln( name +
   41.           “ , welcome to Javascript programming ! </h1>” );
   42.       // -- >
   43.      </script>
   45.    </head>
   47.    <body>
   48.       <p> Click Refresh (or Reload) to run this script again. </p>
   49.    </body>
   50.    </html>

                   Figure: Using equality and relational operators (part 2 of 2)

       Lines 14-16 declare the variables used in the script. Remember that variables may be
declared in one declaration or in multiple declarations. If more than one variable is declared in a
single declaration (as in this example), the names are separated by commas (,). This list of names

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is referred to as a comma-separated list. Once again, note the comment at the end of each line,
indicting the purpose of each variable in the program. Also not that some of the variables are
assigned a value in the declaration. JavaScript allows you to assign a value to a variable when the
variable is declared.

        Line 15 sets the variable now to a new Date object, which contains information about the
current local time. In section 7.2, we introduced the document object, an object that encapsulates
data pertaining to the current Web page. Programmers may choose to use other objects to
perform specific tasks or obtain particular pieces of information. Here, we use JavaScript’s built-in
Date object to acquire the current local time. We create a new instance of an object by using the
new operator followed by the type of the object, Date, and a pair of parentheses. Some objects
require that arguments be placed in the parentheses to specify details about the object to be
created. In this case, we leave the parentheses empty to create a default Date object containing
information about the current date and time. After line 15 executes, the variable now refers to the
new Date object. [Note: We did not need to use the new operator when we used the document
and window objects because these objects always are created by the browser] line 16 sets the
variable hour to an integer equal to the current hour (in a 24-hour clock format) returned by the
Date object’s getHours method. Please refer to Chapter 12 for a more detailed discussion of the
Date object’s attributes and methods, and of objects in general. As in the preceding example, the
script uses window. prompt to allow the user to enter a name to display as part of the greeting
(line 19).

        To display the correct time-sensitive greeting, the script must determine whether the user is
visiting the page during the morning, afternoon or evening. The first if statement (line 22-23)
compares the value of variable hour with the integer value12. if hour is less than 12, then the user
is visiting the page during the morning, and the statement at line 23 outputs the string “Good
morning”. If this condition is not met, line 23 is not executed. Line 26 determines whether hour is
greater than or equal to 12. if hour is greater than or equal to 12, then the user is visiting the page
in either the afternoon or the evening. Lines 27-38 execute to further determine the appropriate
greeting. If hour is less than 12, then the JavaScript interpreter does not execute these lines and
continues to line40.

        The {in line 27 begins a block of statements (lines 27-38) that are all executed together if
hour is greater than or equal to 12. Line 29 subtracts 12 from hour, converting the current hour
from a 24-hour clock format to a 12-hour clock format. The if statement (line 32) determines
whether hour is now less than 6. If it is, then the time is between noon and 6 PM, and line 33
outputs the string “Good Afternoon”. If hour is greater than or equal to 6, the time is between 6
PM and midnight, and the script outputs the greeting “Good Evening” (lines 36-37). The brace} in
line 38 ends the block of statements associated with the if statement in line 26. Note that if
statements can be nested, i.e., one if statement can be placed inside another if statement. The if
statements that determine whether the user is visiting the page in the afternoon or the evening
(lines 32-33 and lines 36-37) only execute if the script has already established that hour is greater
than or equal to 12 (line 26). If the script has already determined the current time of day to be
morning, these additional comparisons are not performed. Finally, lines 40-41 display the
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remaining part of the greeting, which does not depend on the time of day.
Note the indentation of the if statements throughout the program. Such indentation enhances
program readability.

Good Programming Practice:

      Indent the statement in the body of an if statement to make the body of the statement stand
out and to enhance program readability.

Good Programming Practice:

       Place only one statement per line in a program. This format enhances program readability.

Common programming Error:

       Forgetting the left and right parentheses for the condition in an if statement is a syntax
error. The parentheses are required.

       Note that there is no semicolon (;) at the end of the first line of each if statement. Including
such a semicolon would result in a logic error at execution time. For example,

              If ( hour < 12 ) ;
                  document. write ( “<h1> Good Morning, “);

would actually be interpreted by JavaScript erroneously as
             if ( hour < 12 )
             document. write ( “<h1> Good Morning, “ );

       Where the semicolon on the line by itself – called the empty statement – is the statement to
execute it the condition in the if statement is true. When the empty statement executes, no task is
performed in the program. The program then continues with the next statement, which executes
regardless of whether the condition is true of false.
2. Explain in detail about the history of the Internet.

       In the late 1960s, one of the authors (HMD) was a graduate student at MIT. His research at
MIT’s Project Mac (now the Laboratory for Computer Science – the home of the Word Wide Web
Consortium) was funded by ARPA- the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of
Defense. ARPA sponsored a conference at which several dozen ARPA – funded graduate student
were brought together at the University of illionols at Urbana-Champaign to meet and share
ideas. During the conference. ARPA rolled out the blue prints of networking the main computers
systems of about a dozen ARPA – funded universities and research institutions. They wee to be
connected with communications lines operating at a then – stunning 56Kbps (i.e., 56,000 bits per
second) – this at a time when most people (of the few who could) were connecting over telephone

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lines to computers at a rate of 110 bits per second. HMD vividly recalls the excitement at the
conference. Researchers at Harvard talked about communicating with the Univac
1180”supercomputer” at the University of Utah to handle calculations related to their computer
graphics research. Many other intriguing possibilities were raised. Academic research was on the
verge of taking a giant leap forward. Shortly after this conference, ARPA proceeded to implement
the ARPANET, the grandparent of today’s Internet.

        Things worked out differently from what as originally planned. Rather than the primary
benefit of researchers sharing one other’s computers, it rapidly became clear that enabling
researchers to communicate quickly and easily via what became known as electronic mail (e-mail,
for short) was the key benefit of the ARPANET. This is true even to day on the Internet, as e-mail
facilities communication of all kinds among hundreds of millions of people world wide.

       One of the primary goals of ARPANET was to allow multiple users to send and receive
information simultaneously over the same communications paths (e.g., phone lines). The network
operated with a technique called packet switching, in which digital data was sent in small
bundles called packets. The packets contained address, error control and sequencing information.
The address information allowed packets contained address, error control and sequencing
information. The address information allowed packets to be routed to their destinations. The
sequencing information helped reassemble the packets ( which, because of complex routing
mechanisms, could actually arrive out of order) into their original order for presentation to the
recipient. Packets form different senders were intermixed on the same lines. This packet –
switching technique greatly reduced transmission costs, as compared with the cost of dedicated
communications lines.

       The network was designed to operate without centralized control if a portion of the
network failed, the remaining working portions would still route packets from senders to receiver
over alternative paths.

       The protocols for communicating over the ARPANET became known as TCP –the
Transmission Control Protocol. TCP ensured that messages were properly routed from sender to
receiver and that they arrived intact.

       As the Internet evolved, organizations worldwide were implementing their own networks
for both intraorganization (i.e., within the organization) and interorganzation (i.e., between
organizations) communications. A wide variety of networking hardware and software appeared .
one challenge was to get these different networks to communicate. ARPANET accomplished this
with the development of IP – the Internet Protocol, truly creating a “network of networks,” the
current architecture of the Internet. The combined set of protocols is now commonly called

      Initially, Internet use was limited to universities and research institutions; then the military
began using the Internet. Eventually, the government decided to allow access to the Internet for
commercial purposes. Initially, there was resentment in the research and military communities –
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these groups were concerned that response times would become poor as “ the Net” became
saturated with users.

       In fact, the exact opposite has occurred. Businesses rapidly realized that they could tune
their operations and offer new and better services to their clients. So they started spending vast
amount of money to develop and enhance the Internet. This generated fierce competition among
communications carriers and hardware and software suppliers to meet this demand. The result is
that bandwidth (i.e., the information carrying capacity) on the Internet has increased
tremendously and costs have decreased significantly.

3. Write a simple program to print a line of text in a web page and explain the tags.

       Java Script uses notations that may appear strange to nonprogrammers. We begin by
considering a simple script (or program) that displays the text “Welcome to Java Script
programming!” in the body of an XHTML document. The internet Explorer Web browser contains
a Java Script interpreter, which processes the commands written in Java Script. The Java Script
code and its output are shown in Fig.

          1. <7xml version = “1.0”7>
          2. <IDOCTYPE html PUBLIC” =//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict /EN”
          3. 1/DTD/xhtml 1-strict .dtd >
          5. <!- - Fig. 7.1 : welcome. html - - >
          6. <!- - Displaying the line of text - - >
          8. <html xmlns = http://www.w3 org/1999/xhtml>
          9. <head>
          10. <title> A First Program in Java Script / title>
          12. <script type = “text/java script “>
          13. <! - -
          14. document. Written ln (
          15. “<hl= Welcome to Java script programming !</hl>”);
          16. // - - >
          17. </script>
          19. </ head ><body></body>
          20. </html>

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                                Figure: First program in Java Script

       This program illustrates several important Java Script features. We consider each line of the
XHTML document and script in detail. As in the preceding chapters, we have given each XHTML
document line numbers for the reader’s convenience; the line numbers are not part of the XHTML
document or of the Java Script programs. Lines 14-15 do the “real work” of the script, namely,
displaying the phrase Welcome to Java Script programming! In the Web page. However, let us
consider each line in order.

       Line 9 indicates the beginning of the <head> section of the XHTML document. For the
moment, the Java Script code we write will appear in the <head> section. The browser interprets
the contents of the <head> section first, so the Java Script programs we write there will execute
before the <body> of the XHTML document displays. In later chapters on Java script and in the
chapters on dynamic HTML, we illustrate inline scripting, in which Java Script code is written in
the <body> of an XHML document.

        Line 11 is simply in blank line to separate the <script> tag in line 12 from the other XHTML
elements. This effect helps the script sand out in the XHTML document and makes the document
easier to read.
        Line 12 uses the <script> tag to indicate to the browser that the text which follows is par of
a script. The type attribute specifies the type of files as well as the scripting language used in the
script – in this case, a text file written in Java script. Both Microsoft internet Explorer and Netscape
use Java Script as the default scripting language. [Note Even though Microsoft calls the language
Jscript, the type attribute specifies java script, to adhere to the ECMA Script standard]

        Line 13 contains the XHTML comment tag <! - -, some older Web browsers do not support
scripting. In such browsers, the actual text of a script often will display in the Web page. To
prevent this from happening, many script programmers enclose the script code in an XHTML
comment, so that browsers which do not support scripts ignore the scripts. The syntax used is as
<script type = “text / java script”>
<!- -
script code here
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/ / - ->
       When a browser that does not support scripts encounters the preceding code, it ignore the
<script> and </script> tags and the script code in the XHTML comment. Browsers that do
support scripting will inter prêt the Java Script code as expected. [ Note Some browsers require
the Java Script single – line comment / / before the ending XHTML comment delimiter (- - >) to
interpret the script properly.]
       Lines 14-15 instruct the browser’s Java Script interpreter to perform an action, namely, to
display in the Web page the string of characters contained between the double quotation
(“)marks. A string is come times called a character string, a message or a string literal. We refer
to characters between double quotation marks generically as strings. Individual white space
characters between words in a string are not ignored by the browser. However, if consecutive
spaces appear in a string, browsers condense then to a single space. Also, in most cases, browsers
ignore leading white space characters (i.e., white space at the beginning of a string).

       Line 14-15 use the browser’s document object, which represents the XHTML document the
browser is currently displaying. The document object allows a script programmer to specify text
to display in the XHTML document. The browser contains a complete set of objects that allow
script programmers to access and manipulate every element of and XHTML document. In the next
several chapters, we over view some of these objects. Chapter 13-18 provide in – depth coverage of
many more objects that a script programmer can manipulate.

       An object resides in the computer’s memory and contains information used by the script.
The term object normally implies that attributes (data) and behaviours ( methods) are associated
with the object. The object’s method use the attributes’ data to perform useful actions for the client
of the object (I.e., the script that calls the methods). A method may require additional information
(arguments) to perform its action; this information is enclosed in parentheses after the name of the
method in the script. In lines 14-15, we call the document object’s write in method to write a line
of XHTML markup in the XHTML document. The parentheses following the method name write
ln contain the arguments that method write ln requires (in this case, the string of XHTML that the
browser is to display). Method write ln instructs the browser to display the argument string. If the
string contains XHTML elements, the browser displays the phrase welcome to Java Script
Programming ! as an h1- level XHTML heading, because the phrase is enclosed in an h1 element.

       The code elements in lines 14-15, including document. Write ln its argument in the
parentheses ( the string) and the semicolon (;), together are called a Statement. Every statement
should end with a semicolon (also known as the statement terminator), although this practice is
not required by Java Script. Line 17 indicates the end of the script.

4. Explain the 3 selection statement in detail with example.
i) If selection statement
ii) If else
iii) While repetition statement
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      A selection structure is used to choose among alternative courses of action in a program.
For example, suppose that the passing grade on an examination is 60 (out of 100). Then the
pseudocode statement

       If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
              Print “Passed”

        Determines whether the condition “student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60” is true or
false. If the condition is true, then “Passed” is printed, and the next pseudocode statement in order
is “ performed” (remember that pseudocode is not a real programming language). If the condition
is false, the print statement is ignored, and the next pseudocode statement in order is performed.
Note that the second line of this selection structure is indented. Such indentation is optional, but it
is highly recommended, because it emphasizes the inherent structure of structured programs. The
Java Script interpreter ignores white space characters – blanks, tabs and new lines used for
indentation and vertical spacing. Programmers insert these white space characters to enhance
program clarity.

if ( student Grade >= 60)
   document. Write in (“Passed”);

        Note that the Java Script code corresponds closely to the pseudocode. This similarity is the
reason that pseudocode is a useful program – development tool. The statement in the body of the
if statement outputs the character string “Passed” in the XHTML document.

        The flow chart in fig. illustrates the single – selection if statement. This flowchart contains
what is perhaps the most important flow charting symbol – the diamond symbol (or decision
symbol), which indicates that a decision is to be made. The decision symbol contains an
expression, such as a condition, that can be either true or false. The decision symbol has to flow
lines emerging from it. One indicates the path to follow in the program when the expression in
the symbol is true; the other indicates the path to follow in the program when the expression is
false. A decision can be made on any expression that evaluates to a value of Java script’s Boolean
type (i.e., any expression that evaluates to true or false).

                                  grade >=60                Print “passed”


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                        Fig. Flow charting the single – selection if statement.

       Note that the if statement is a single – entry/ single – exit control structure. We will soon
learn that the flow charts for the remaining control structures also contain ( besides small circle
symbols and flow lines) only rectangle symbols, to indicate the actions to be performed, and
diamond symbols, to indicate decisions to be made. This type of flow chart represents the action /
decision model of programming.

       We can envision eight bins, each containing only the control structures of one of the eight
types. These control structures are empty. Nothing is written in the rectangles or in the diamonds.
The programmer’s task, then, is to assemble a program from as many of each type of control
structure as the algorithm demands, combining the control structures in only two possible ways
(stacking or nesting), then filling in the actions and decisions in a manner appropriate for the
algorithm. We will discuss the variety of ways in which action and decisions may be written.
       The if selection statement performs an indicated action only when the conditions evaluates
to true; otherwise, the action is skipped. The if …else selection statement allows the programmer
to specify that different action is to be performed when the conditions is true than when the
condition is false. For example, the pseudocode statement

      If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
      Print “Passed”

      Print “Failed”.

       Prints passed if the student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60 and prints Failed if the
student’s grade is less than 60. In either case, after printing occurs, the next pseudocode statement
in sequence (i.e., the next statement after the whole if …else structure) is performed. Note that the
body of the Else part of the structure is also indented.

      The indication convention you choose should be applied carefully throughout your
programs ( both in pseudocode and in Java script). It is difficult to read programs that do not use
uniform spacing conventions.

The preceding pseudocode if …Else statement may be written in Java script as

If ( student Grade >=60)
  document. Write ln (“Passed”);
   document. write ln (“Failed”);

       The flow chart in fig. nicely illustrates the flow of control in the if ….else statement. Once
again, note that the only symbols in the flow chart ( besides small circles and arrows) are
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rectangles ( for actions) and a diamond ( for a decision). We continue to emphasize this action/
decision model of computing. Imagine again a deep bin containing as many empty double –
selection structures as might be needed to build a Java Script algorithm. The programmer’s job is
to assemble the selection structures ( by stacking and nesting) with other control structure
required by the algorithm and to fill in the empty rectangles and empty diamonds with actions
and decisions appropriate to the algorithm’s implementation.

                                      false   grade >=60       True

                     Print “Failed”                                   Print “passed”

                    Flow charting the double – selection if ….else statement.

        Java Script provides an operator, called the conditional operator(?:), that is closely related
to the if …else statement. The operator ?: is Java script’s only ternary operator – it takes three
operands. The operands together with the ?: from a conditional expression. The first operand is a
Boolean expression. The second is the value for the conditional expression if the condition
evaluates to true and the third is the value for the conditional expression if the condition evaluates
to false. For example, the statement

       Document. write ln (
            Student Grade >=60? “passed”:”Failed”);

      Contains a conditional expression that evaluates to the string “Passed” if the condition
student Grade >= 60 is true and evaluates to the string “Failed” if the condition is false. Thus, this
statement with the conditional operator performs essentially the same operation as the preceding
if …else statement. the precedence of the conditional operator is low, so the entire conditional
expression is normally placed in parentheses to ensure that it evaluates correctly.

Nested if … else statements test for multiple cases by placing if …else statements inside if…else

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statements. For example, the following pseudocode statement will print A for exam grades greater
than or equal to 90, B for grades in the range 80 to 89, C for grades in the range 70 to 79, D for
grades in the range 60 to 69 and F for all other grades:

       If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 90
              Print “A”
If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 80
Print “B”
If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 70
Print “C”
If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60
Print “F”

This pseudocode may be written in Java script as

If ( Student Grade >=90)
document. Write ln (“A”);
If (student Grade >=80);
Document. write ln(“B”)

If (student Grade >=70);
Document. write ln(“C”)

If (student Grade >=60);
Document. write ln(“D”)

Document. write ln(“F”)

If student Grade is greater than or equal to 90, the first four conditions will be true, but only the
document. write in installment after the first test will execute. After that particular document.
write ln executes, the else part of the outer if … else statements is skipped.

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Most Java Script programmers prefer to write the preceding if structure as

If ( grade >=90)
document. write ln (“A”);

else If ( grade >=80)
document. write ln (“B”);

else If ( grade >=70)
document. write ln (“C”);

else If ( grade >=60)
document. write ln (“D”);

document. write ln (“F”);

       The two forms are equivalent. The latter form is popular because it avoids the deep
indentation of the code to the right. Such deep indentation often leaves little room on a line,
forcing lines to be split and decreasing program readability.

       It is important to note that the Java Script interpreter always associates an else with the
previous if, unless told to do otherwise by the placement of braces ({ }). This situation is referred to
as the dangling – else problem. For example,

If (X>5)
       If (y>5)
              document. write ln (“x and Y are >5”);
       document. writeln (“x” is <= 5”);
appears to indicate with its indentation that if x is greater than 5, the if structure in its body
determines whether y is also greater than 5. If so, the body of the nested if structure outputs the
string “x and y are >5”. Otherwise, it appears that if X is not greater than 5, the else part of the if
… else structure outputs the string “x is <=5”.

Beware! The preceding nested if statement does not execute as it appears. The interpreter actually
interprets the preceding statement as

If (x>5)
       If (y>5)
              Document . writeln (“x and y are >5”);
       Document .write ln (“x is <=5”);

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        In which the body of the first if statement is a nested if …. Else statement. This statement
tests whether x is greater than 5. if so, execution continues by testing whether y is also greater than
5. if the second condition is true, the proper string – “x and y are > 5 “ – is displayed. However, if
the second condition is false, the string “x is <=5” is displayed, even though we know that x is
greater than 5.

To force the preceding nested if statement to execute as it was intended originally, the statement
must be written as follows:

If (x>5)
       if (y>5)
              document . write ln (“x and y are >5”);
       document. write ln(“x is <=5”);

        The braces ({}) indicate to the interpreter that the second if statement is in the body of the
first if statement and that the else is matched with the first if statement. In Exercise you will
investigate the dangling – else problem further.

       The if selection statement expects only one statement in its body. To include several
statements in the body of an if, enclose the statements in braces ({ and }). A set of statements
contained within a pair of braces is called block (sometimes known as a compound statement).

The following example includes a block in the else part of an if ….else statement:

If ( grade >=60)
        Document.write ln(“Passed”);
        document.write ln (“Failed < br/>”):
        document.write ln(“You must take this course again.”);

In this case, if grade is less than 60, the program executes both statements in the body of the else
and prints

You must take this course again.
Note the braces surrounding the two statements in the else clause. These braces are important.
Without them, the statement

Document.write ln (“You must take this course again.”);
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Would be outside the body of the else part of the if and would execute regardless of whether the
grade is less than 60.

       Syntax errors (e.g., when one brace in a block in left out of the program) are caught by the
interpreter when it attempts to interpret the code containing the syntax error. A logic error (e.g.,
the one caused when both braces around a block are left out of the program) also has its effect at
execution time. A fatal logic error causes a program to fail and terminate prematurely. A nonfatal
logic error allows a program to continue executing, but the program produces incorrect results.

A repetition structure (also known as a loop) allows the programmer to specify that script is to
repeat an action while some condition remains true. The pseudocode statement
       While there are more items on my shopping list
       Purchase next item and cross it off my list

       Describes the repetitions that occurs during a shopping trip. The condition “there are more
items on my shopping list” may be true or false, if it is true, then the action “Purchase next item
and cross it off my list” is performed. This action will be performed repeatedly while the condition
remains true. The statement(s) contained in the While structure may be a single statement or a
block. Eventually, the condition becomes false ( i.e., when the last item on the shopping list has
been purchased and crossed off the list). At this point the repletion terminates, and the first
pseudocode statement after the repetition structure executes.

As an example of a while statement, consider a program segment designed to find the first power
of 2 large than 1000, Variable product begins with the value 2. the statement is as follows:
Var product = 2;
While ( product <= 1000 )
Product =2* product;

       When the while statement finishes executing, product contains the result 1024. The
flowchart in fig. illustrates the flow of control of the preceding while repetition statement. Once
again, note that (besides small circles and arrows) the flowchart contains only a rectangle symbol
and a diamond symbol.

                                                 True   Product = 2 * product
                                Product <=1000


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                           Fig. Flowcharting the while repetition statement

         When the script enters the while statement, product is 2. the script repeatedly multiplies
variable product by 2. So product takes on the value 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512 and 1024
successively. When product becomes 1024, the condition product <= 1000 in the while statement
becomes false. This terminates the repetition, with 1024 as product’s final value. Execution
continues with the next statement after the while statement. [Note: If a while statement’s condition
is initially false, the body statement(s) will never execute.]

      The flowchart clearly shows the repetition. The flow line emerging from the rectangle
wraps back to the decision, which the script tests each time through the loop until the decision
eventually becomes false. At this point, the while statements exits, and control passes to the next
statement in the program.

5. Explain in detail about the counter controlled repetition.

Consider the following problem statement:

       A class of ten students took a quiz. The grades (integers in the range 0 to 100) for this quiz
       are available to you. Determine the class average on the quiz.

       The class average is equal to the sum of the grades divided by the number of students (10 in
this case). The algorithm for solving this problem on a computer must input each of the grades.
Perform the averaging calculation and display the result.
        Let us use pseudocode to list the actions to execute and specify the order in which the
actions should execute. We use counter – controlled repetition to input the grades one at a time.
this techniques uses a variable called a counter to control the number of times a set of statements
executes. In this example, repetition terminates when the counter exceeds 10. In this section, we
present a pseudocode algorithm (fig.) and corresponding program (fig.) In the next section, we
show how to develop pseudocode algorithms. Counter – controlled repetition often is called
definite repetition. Because the number of repetitions is known before the loop begins executing.
        Note the references in the algorithm to a total and a counter. A total is a variable in which a
script accumulates the sum of a series of values. A counter is a variable a script uses to count – in
this case, to count the number of grades entered. Variables that store totals should normally be
initialized to zero before they are used in a program.

Set total to zero
Set grade counter to one

While grade counter is less than or equal to ten
In put the west grade
Add the grade into the total
Add one to the grade counter
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Set the class average to the total divided by ten
Print the class average
Fig. pseudocode algorithm that uses counter – controlled repetition to solve the class average
    1. <?xml version = “1.0”?>
    2. <100CTYPE html PUBLIC “//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict // EN’
    3. >
    5. <!- - Fig. average html - - >
    6. <!- - Class Average program - - >
    8. <html xmlns = “http: //”>
    9. <head>
    10. <title> Class Average program</title>
    12. <script type =”text/javascript”>
    13. <!- -
    14. var total,     // sum of grades
    15. grade counter, // number of grades entered
    16. grade value, // grade value
    17. average,       // average of all grades
    18. grade;         // grade typed by user
    20. // initialization phase
    21. total = 0;            // clear total
    22. grade Counter = 1; // prepare to loop
    24. // processing phase
    25. while (grade Counter <= 10) { // loop 10 times
    27. // prompt for input and read grade from user
    28. grade = window. Prompt( enter integer grade:’, “0”);
    30. // convert grade from a string to an integer
    31. grade value = parseInt ( grade );
    33. // add grade value to total
    34. total = total + grade value;
    36. // add 1 to grade counter
    37. grade counter = grade counter +1;
    38. }
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   40. // Termination phase
   41. average = total /10; //calculate the average
   43. // display average of exam grades
   44. document. write ln(
   45. “<hl>Class average is “+average + “</h1>”);
   46. // - - >
   47. </script>
   49. </head>
   50. <body>
   51. <p>Click Refresh ( or Reload) to run the script again <p>
   52. </body>
   53. </html>

This dialog is displayed 10 times user input is 100.88, 93,55,68,77,83,95,73 and 62

           Fig. Counter –controlled repetition to calculate a class average (part 2 ot 2).

        Lines 14-18 declare variables total, grade Counter, grade value, average and grade. The
variable grade will store the string the user types into the prompt dialog. The variable grade value
will store the integer value of the grade the user enters in a prompt dialog.

       Lines 21-22 are assignment statements that initialize total to 0 and grade Counter to 1. Note
that variables total and grade Counter are initialized before they are used in a calculation.
Uninitialized variables used in calculations result in logic errors and produce the value NaN(not a

      Line 25 indicates that the while statement continues iterating while the value of grade
Counter is less than or equal to 10. Line 28 corresponds to the pseudocode statement “input the
next grade.” The statement displays a prompt dialog with the prompt “Enter integer grade:’ on
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the screen.

       After the user enters the grade. Line 31 converts it from a string to an integer. We must
convert the string to an integer in this example; otherwise, the addition statement in line 34 will be
string- concentration statement rather than a numeric sum.

       Next, the program updates the total with the new grade value entered by the user. Line 34
adds grade value to the previous value of total and assigns the result to total. This statement
seems a bit strange, because it does not follow the rule of algebra. Keep in mind that Java Script
operator precedence evaluates the addition (+) operation before the assignment (=) operation. the
value of the expression on the right side of the assignment operator always replaces the value of
the variable on the left side of the assignment operator.

        The program now is ready to increment the variable grade Counter to indicate that a grade
has been processed and to ready the next grade from the user. Line 37 adds 1 to grade Counter, so
the condition in the while statement will eventually become false and terminate the loop. After
this statement executes, the program continues by testing the condition in the while statement in
line 25. If the condition is still true, the statements in lines 28-37 repeat. Otherwise the program
continues execution with the first statement in sequence after the body of the loop (i.e., line 41).

       Line 41 assigns the results of the average calculation to variable average. Lines 44-45 write a
line of XHTML text in the document that displays the string “Class average is “ followed by the
value of variable average as an <h1> head in the browser.

       Execute the script in Internet Explorer by double clicking the XHTML document (from
Windows Explorer). This script reads only integer values from the user. In the sample program
execution in fig. the sum of the values entered (100,88,93,55,68,77,83,95,73 and 62) is 794. Although
the script reads only integers, the averaging calculation in the program does not produce an
integer. Rather, the calculation produces a floating – point number (i.e., a number containing a
decimal point). The average of the 10 integers input by the user in this example is 79.4.

       Java Script actually represents all numbers as floating – point numbers in memory.
Floating- point numbers often develop though division, as shown in this example. When we
divide 10 by 3, the result 3.3333333…., with the sequence of 3s repeating infinitely. The computer
allocates only a fixed amount of space to hold such a value, so the stored floating – point value can
be only an approximation. Despite the fact that floating – point numbers are not always 100%
precise, they have numerous applications. For example, when we speak of a “normal” body
temperature of 98.6, we do not need to be precise to a large number of digits. When we view the
temperature on a thermometer and read it as 98.6, it may actually be 98.5999473210643. The point
here is that few applications require high – precision floating – point values, so calling this
number simply 98.6 is fine for most applications.

6. Explain in detail about the Top down step wise refinement.
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Let us generalize the class average problem. Consider the following problem:

       Develop a class – averaging program that will process an arbitrary number of grades each
       time the program is run.
In the first class – average example, the number of grades (10) was known in advance. In this
example, no indication is given of how many grades the user will enter. The program must
process an arbitrary number of grades. How can be program determine when to stop the input of
grades? How will it know when to calculated and is play the class average?

       One way to solve this problem is to use a special value called a sentinel value (also called a
signal value, a dummy value or a flag value) to indicate the end of data entry. The user types in
grades until all legitimate grades have been entered. Then the user types the sentinel value to
indicate that the last grade has been entered. Sentinel – controlled repetition is often called
indefinite repetition, because the number of repetitions is not known before the loop begins

       Clearly, one must choose a sentinel value that cannot be confused with an acceptable input
value. Because grades on a quiz are normally nonnegative integers from 0 to 100, -1 is an
acceptable sentinel value for this problem. Thus, an execution of the class – average program
might process a stream of inputs such as 95,96,75,74,89 and -1. The program would computer and
print the class average for the grades 95,96,75,74 and 89 (-1 is the sentinel value, so it should not
enter into the average calculation).

      We approach the class – average program with a technique called top-down, stepwise
refinement, a technique that is essential to the development of well – structured algorithms. We
begin with a pseudo code representation of the top:

       Determine the class average for the quiz

        The top is a single statement that conveys the overall purpose the program. As such, the
top is, in effect, a complete representation of a program. Unfortunately, the top rarely conveys a
sufficient amount of detail from which to write the Java Script algorithm. Therefore we must begin
a refinement process. First,. We divide the top into a series of smaller tasks and list them in the
order in which they need to be performed, crating the following fits refinement:
        Initialize variables
        Input, sum up and count the quiz grades
        Calculate and print the class average

Here, only the sequence structure is used; the steps listed are to be executed in order, one after the

       To proceed to the next level of refinement (the second refinement), we commit to specific
variables. We need running total of the numbers, a count of how many numbers have been
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processed, a variable to receive the string representation of each grade as it is input, a variable to
store the value of the grade after it is converted to an integer and a variable to hold the calculated
average. The pseudocode statement

     Initialize variables
May be refined as follows:
     Initialize total to zero
     Initialize grade Counter to zero

       Note that only the variables total and grade Counter are initialized before they are used; the
variables average, grade and grade value ( for the calculated average, the user input and the
integer representation of the grade, respectively) need not be initialized, because their values are
determined as they are calculated or input.

       The pseudocode statement
       Input, sum up and count the quiz grades

       Requires a repletion structure (a loop) that successively inputs each grade. We do not know
in advance how many grades are to be processed, so we will use sentinel – controlled repetition.
The user at the key board will enter legitimate grades, one at a time. after entering the last
legitimate grade, the user will enter the sentinel value. The program will test for the sentinel
value. The program will test for the sentinel value after the user enters each grade and will
terminate the loop when the sentinel value is encountered. The second refinement of the
preceding pseudocode statement is then

       Input the first grade (possibly the sentinel)
       While the user has not as yet entered the sentinel
       Add this grade into the running total
       Add one to the grade counter
       Input the next grade (possibly the sentinel)

       Note that in pseudocode, we do not use braces around the pseudocode that forms the body
of the wile structure. We simply indent the pseudocode under the while, to show that it belongs to
the body of the while. Remember, pseudocode is only an informal program- development aid.

       The pseudocode statement
       Calculate and print the class average

May be refined as follows:

       If the counter is not equal to zero
       Set the average to the total divided by the counter
       Print the average
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       Print “No grades were entered”

      Note that we are testing for the possibility of division by zero – a logic error that, if
undetected, would cause the program to produce invalid. The complete second refinement of the
pseudocode algorithm for the class – average problem is shown in fig.

Initialize total to zero
Initialize grade Counter to zero

Input the first grade ( possibly the sentinel)
While the user has not as yet entered the sentinel
Add this grade intro the running total
Add one to the grade counter
Input the next grade (possibly the sentinel)

If the counter is not equal to zero
        Set the average to the total divided by the counter
Print the average
Print “No grades were entered”

Fig. Sentinel – controlled repetition to solve the class – average problem

       The pseudocode algorithm in fig. solves the more general class-averaging problem. This
algorithm was developed after only two refinements. Sometimes more refinements. Sometimes
more refinements are necessary.

       Figure shows the Java Script program and a sample execution. Although each grade is an
integer, the averaging calculation is likely to produce a number with a decimal point ( a real

       In this example, we seen that control structure may be stacked on top of one another (in
sequence) just as a child stacks building blocks. The while statement ( line 33-46) is followed
immediately by an if …else statement ( lines 49-57) in sequence. Much of the code in this program
is identical to the code in fig. so we concentrate in this example on the new features.

       Line 23 initializes grade Counter to 0, because no grades have been entered yet. Remember
that the program uses sentinel – controlled repetition. To keep an accurate record of the number of
grades entered. The script increments grade Counter only after processing a valid grade value.

   1. <?xml version =”1.0”?>
   2. <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC”-//W3C//DTD DHTML 1.0 Strict // EN”
   3. “http:/ 1/DTD/xhtml 1- strict.dtd”>
VEL TECH                       VEL TECH MULTI TECH                       VEL TECH HIGH TECH

 5. <!- - fig. average 2, html
 6. <!- - sentinel – controlled Repetition - - >
 8. <html xmlns=>
 9. <head>
 10. <title> class Average Program:
 11. Sentinel – controlled Repetition </title>
 13. Z<script type =”text/javascript”>
 14. <! - -
 15. var grade counter, // number of grades entered
 16.     grade value, // grade value
 17.     total,            // sum of grades
 18.     average,        // average of all grades
 19.     grade;          // grade typed by user
 21.     // Initialization phase
 22.     total =0;
 23.     grade Counter = 0; // prepare to loop
 25.     // Processing phase
 26. // prompt for input and read grade from use n
 27. grade = window.prompt(
 28. “Enter Integer Grade, -1 to quite:’, “0”);
 30. // convert grade from a string to an integer
 31. grade value – parseInt (grade);
 33. while (gradevalue !=-1){
 34. // add gradevalue to total
 35. total = total + grade value;
 37. // add 1 to grade counter
 38. grade counter = grade counter +1;
 40. // prompt for input and read grade from user
 41. grade = window. Prompt(
 42. “Enter Integer Grade, -1 to Quit:”, “0”);
 44. // convert grade from a string to an integer
 45. grade value = parselnt ( grade);
 46. }
 48. // Termination phase
VEL TECH                       VEL TECH MULTI TECH                           VEL TECH HIGH TECH

   49. if ( grade Counter !=0){
   50. average = total / grade Counter;
   51. average = total / grade Counter;
   53. // display average of exam grades
   54. document. write ln(
   55. }
   56. else
   57. document. writeln ( “<p>No grade were entered </p>”):
   58. //
   59. </script>
   60. </head>
   62. <body>
   63. <p> Click Refresh ( or Reload) to run the script again </p>
   64. </body>
   65. </html>
                   Fig. Sentinel – controlled repetition to calculate a class average
This dialog is displayed four times user input is 97,88,72 and -1

                 Fig. Sentinel – controlled repetition to calculate a class average.

        Note the difference in program logic for sentinel – controlled repetition as compared with
the counter – controlled repetition in fig. In counter –controlled repetition, we read a value from
the user during each iteration of the while statement’s body for the specified number of iterations.
In sentinel – controlled repletion, we read one value ( lines 27-28) and convert it to an integer ( line
31) before the program reaches the while statement. the script uses this value to determine
whether the program’s flow of control should enter the body of the while statement. if the while
statement’s condition is false (i.e., the user typed the sentinel as the first grade), the script ignores
the body of the while statement (i.e., no grades were entered). If, on the other hand, the condition
is true, the body begins execution and processes the value entered by the user (i.e., adds the value
VEL TECH                       VEL TECH MULTI TECH                           VEL TECH HIGH TECH
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to the total in line 35). After processing the value, the script increments grade Counter by 1 ( line
38)), inputs the next grade from the user (lines 41-42) and converts the grade to an integer ( line
45), before the end of the while statement’s body. When the script reaches the closing right brace
(}) of the body in line 46, execution continues with the next test of the condition of the while
statement ( line 33), using the new value just entered by the user to determine whether the while
statement’s body should execute again. Note that the next value always is input from the user
immediately before the script evaluates the condition of the while statement. this order allows us
to determine whether the value just entered by the user is the sentinel value before processing it
(i.e., adding it to the total). If the value entered is the sentinel value, the while statement
terminates and the script does not add the value to the total.

Note the block in the while loop in fig. without the braces, the last four statements in the body of
the loop would fall out side of the loop, causing the computer to interpret the code incorrectly, as

While ( grade value !=-1)
// add gradevalue to total
total = total + gradevalue;
// add 1 to grade Counter
grade Counter = grade Counter +1;
// prompt for input and read grade from user
grade = window. Prompt(
“Enter integer Grade, 1 to quite:’, “0”);
//convert grade from a string to an integer
grade value = parselnt (grade );

This interpretation would cause an infinite loop in the program if the user does not input the
sentinel – 1 as the input value in lines 27-28 (i.e., before the while statement).

7. Discuss in detail how the top – down step wise refinement for Nested control structures.

       Let us work through another complete problem. We will once again formulate the
algorithm using pseudocode and top-down, stepwise refinement, and we will write a
corresponding Java Script program.

Consider the following problem statement:

       A college offers a course that prepares students for the state licensing exam for real estate
brokers. Last year, several of the students who completed this course took the licensing
examination. Naturally, the college wants to know how well its students did on the exam. You
have been asked to write a program to summarize the results. You have been given a list of these
10 students. Next to each name is written a 1 if the student passed the exam and a 2 if the student
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Your program should analyze the results of the exam as follows:

   1. Input each test result (i.e., a 1 or a 2). Display the message “ Enter result” on the screen each
      time the program requests another test result.
   2. Count the number of test results of each type.
   3. Display a summary of the test results indicating the number of students who passed and
      the number of students who failed.
   4. If more than eight students passed the exam, print the message “Raise tuition”.

After reading the problem statement carefully, we make the following observations about the

   1. The program must process test results for 10 students. A counter – controlled loop will be
   2. Each test results is a number – either a 1 or 2. Each time the program reads a test result, the
      program must determine whether the number is a 1 or a 2. We test for a 1 in our algorithm.
      If the number is not a 1, we assume that it is a 2. ( An exercise at the end of the chapter
      considers the consequences of this assumption.)
   3. Two counters are used to keep tack of the exam results – one to count the number of
      students who passed the exam and one to count the number of students who failed the

       After the program processes all the results, it must decide whether more than eight
students passed the exam. Let us proceed with top-down, stepwise refinement. We begin with a
pseudocode representation of the top:
       Analyze exam results and decide whether tuition should be raised
Once again, it is important to emphasize that the top is a complete representation of the program,
but that several refinements are necessary before the pseudocode can be evolved naturally into a
Java Script program. Our first refinement is as follows:

          Initialize variables
          Input the ten exam grads and count passes and failures
          Pint a summary of the exam results and decide whether tuition should be raised

       Here, too, even though we have a complete representation of the entire program, further
refinement is necessary. We now commit to specific variables. Counters are needed to record the
passes and failures: a counter will be used to control the looping process, and a variable is needed
to store the user input. The pseudocode statement.

          Initialize variables

May be refined as follows:
VEL TECH                         VEL TECH MULTI TECH                       VEL TECH HIGH TECH
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       Initialize passes to zero
       Initialize failures to zero
       Initialize student to one

Note that only the counters for the number of passes, the number of failures and the number of
students are initialized. The pseudocode statement

       Input the ten quiz grades and count passes and failures requires a loop that successively
inputs the result of each exam. Here, it is known in advance that there are precisely 10 exam
results, so counter- controlled looping is appropriate. Inside the loop (i.e., nested within the loop),
a double- selection structure will determine whether each exam result is a pass or a failure and
will increment the appropriate counter accordingly. The refinement of the preceding pseudocode
statement is then

       while student counter is less than or equal to ten
       Input the next exam result
       If the student passed
       Add one to passes
       Add one to failures
       Add one to student counter

Note the use of blank lines to set off the if ….Else control structure to improve program
readability. The pseudocode statement.

Print a summary of the exam results and decide whether tuition should be raised

may be refined as follows:

Print the number of passes
Print the number of failures
If more than eight students passed
       Print”Raise tuition”

      The complete second refinement appears in fig. Note that blank lines are also used to set off
the While statement for program readability

Initialize passes to zero
Initialize failures to zero
Initialize student to one

While student counter is less than or equal to ten
Input the next exam result
VEL TECH                        VEL TECH MULTI TECH                        VEL TECH HIGH TECH
VEL TECH                     VEL TECH MULTI TECH                      VEL TECH HIGH TECH

If the student passed
Add one to passes
Add one to failures
Add one to student counter
Print the number of passes
Print the number of failures
If more than eight students passed
Print “Raise tuition”

Fig. Examination – results problem pseudocode.

      The pseudocode is now refined sufficiently for conversion to Java Script. The Java Script
program and two sample executions are shown in fig.

   1. <?xml version =”1.0”?>
   2. <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC”-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict // EN”
   3. “http:/ 1/DTD/xhtml 1- strict.dtd”>
   5. <!- - fig. analysis 2, html - - >
   6. <!- - Analyzing Exam Results - - >
   8. <html xmlns=”>
   9. <head>
   10. <title> Analysis of Examination Results </title>
   12. <script type =”text/javascript”>
   13. <! - -
   14. // initializing variables in declarations
   15. var passes =0, // number of passes
   16. Failures =0, // number of Failures
   17.     Student =1, // student counter
   18.     result ; // one exam result

   figure. Examination- results Calculation program in Java Script.

   20.    // process 10 students; counter – controlled Toop
   21.   while (student <= 10) {
   22.    result = window. Prompt(
   23. “ Enter result (1-pass, Z- fail)”, “0”);
   25. If ( result = = “1”)
   26. passes = passes +1;

VEL TECH                     VEL TECH MULTI TECH                      VEL TECH HIGH TECH
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   27. else
   28. failures = failures +1;
   30. student = student +1;
   31. }
   33. // termination phase
   34. document write ln (“<h1>Examination Results </h1>”);
   35. document written ln (
   36. “ passed ;” + passes +”<br/>failed:”+failures);
   38. if ( passes > 8)
   39. document. write ln (“<br />Raise Tuition”);
   40. //- - >
   41. </script>
   43. <head>
   44. <body>
   45. <p> Click Refresh (or Reload) to run the script again </p>
   46. </body>
   47. </html>

This dialog is displayed 10 times. User input is 1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, and 1.

                   Fig: Examination- results calculation program in Java script.

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The dialog is displayed 10 times user input is 1,2,1,2,2,1,2,2,1, and 1.

                   Fig. Examination- results Calculation program in Java script.

       Lines 15-18 declare the variable s used to process the examination results. Note that Java
script allows variable initialization to be incorporated into declarations ( passes is assigned 0,
failures is assigned 0 and student is assigned 1). Some programs may require initialization at the
beginning of each repetition; such initialization would normally occur in assignment statements.

       The processing of the exam results occurs in the while statement in lines 21-31. Note that
the if … else statement in lines 25-28 in the loop tests only whether the exam result was 1; it
assumes that all other exam results are 2. normally, you should validate the values input by the
user (i.e., determine whether the values are correct). In the exercises, we ask you to modify this
example to validate the input values to ensure that they are either 1 or 2.

8. (I) Write a Java Script statement or a set of statement to accomplish each of the following

a) Sum the odd integers between 1 and 99. Use a for statement Assume that the variables sum
and count have been declared.

b) Calculate the value of 2.5 raised to the power of 3. Use the pow method.

c) Print the integers from 1 to 20 by using a while loop and the counter variable x. Assume that
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the variable X has been declared, but not initialized. Print only five integers per line [Hint: Use
the calculation X%5. when the value of this expression is 0, use document. write (“<br/>”) to
output a line break in the XHTML document.]

d) Repeat exercise (C) but using a for statement.

          a) sum=0;
          for ( count =1; count <= 99; count +=2)
          sum +=count;
          b) Math.pow(2,5,3)
          c) X=1;
              While (x<=20){
              Document. write (“<br/>”);
          d) For (x=1;x<=20;X++){
              If(x%5= =0)
              for (x=1;x<=20;x++)
              if (x%5 ==0)
              document. write (x+”<br/>”);
              document. write (X+””);

(II) Find the error in each of the following code segments, and explain how to correct it:

          a) x=1;

       while (x<=10);
       b) for (y= .1;y!=1.0;y+=.1)
       document. write (y+””);
       c) Switch (n) {
       Case 1:
       Document. write ln (“The number is 1”);
       Case 2:
       Document. write ln ( “The number is 2”);
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          Document . write ln (“The number is not 1 or 2”);
          d) The following code should print the values from1 to 10:
          While (n<10)
          Document. writeln(n++);

   a) Error: The semicolon after the while header causes an infinite loop, and there is a missing
       left brace.
       Correction: Replace the semicolon by a {, or remove both the ; and the }.
   b) Error: Using a floating – point number to control a for repetition statement may not work,
       because floating – point number are represented approximately by most computers.
   Correction: use an integer, and perform the proper calculation to get the values you desire
   For (y=1;y!=10;y++)
   Document. writeln(y/10);
   c) Error: Missing break statement in the statements for the first case.
   Correction and a break statement at the end of the statement for the first case. Note that this
   missing statement is not necessarily an error if the programmer wants the statement of case 2:
   to execute every time the case1; statement executes.
   d) Error: Improper relational operator used in the while repetition – continuation condition.
       Correction: use <= rather than <, or change 10 to 11.

9. Explain in detail about structured programming.

        Just as architects design buildings by employing the collective wisdom of their profession,
so should programmers design programs. Our field is younger than architecture, and our
collective wisdom is considerably sparser. We have learned that structured programming
produces programs that are easier to understand than unstructured program and thus are easier
to test, debug, modify and even prove correct in a mathematical sense.

       Flow charts reveal the structured nature of programs or the lack thereof. Connecting
individual flowchart symbols arbitrarily can lead to unstructured programs. Therefore, the
programming profession has chosen to combine flow chart symbols to form a limited set of
control structures and to build structured programs by properly combining control structures in
two simple ways.

      For simplicity, only single – entry/single-exit control structures are used- that is, there is
only one way to enter and one way to exit each control structure. Connecting control structures in
sequence to form structured programs is simple: the exit point of one control structure is
connected to the entry point of the next control structure (i.e., the control structure are simply
placed one after another in a program). We have called this process control structure stacking.

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The rules for forming structured programs also allow for control structures to be nested. Figure
summarizes Java script’s control structures. Small circles are used in the figure to indicate the
single entry point and the single exit point of each structure.

          Fig. single entry / single – exit sequence, selection and repetition structures.

       Figure shows the rules for forming properly structured programs. The rules assume that
the rectangle flowchart symbol may be used to indicate any action. Including input/ output.
[Note: An oval flowchart symbol indicate the beginning and end of a process.]

       Applying the rules in fig. always results in a structured flowchart with a neat building –
block – like appearance. For example, repeatedly applying rule 2 to the simplest flowchart (fig.)
results in a structured flowchart containing many rectangles in sequence (fig.) Note that Rule 2
generates a stack of control structures; so let us call rule 2 the stacking rule.

Rules for Forming structured programs

   1. Begin with the “simplest flowchart” (fig)
   2. Any reactance (action) can be replaced by two rectangles (actions) in sequence.
   3. Any rectangle (action) can be replaced by any control structures (sequence, if, if … else,
      switch, while, so …. While or for).
   4. Rules 2 and 3 may be applied as often as you like and in any order.
                          Fig. Forming rules for structured programs.

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                                         Fig. Simplest flow chart

                  Rule 2                Rule 2              Rule 2


                Fig. Repeatedly applying Rule 2 of fig. to the simplest flowchart.

        Rules 3 is called the nesting rule. Repeatedly applying Rule 3 to the simplest flowchart
results in a flowchart with nearly nested control structures. For example, in fig. the reactance in
                                  Rule 3
the simplest flowchart is first replaced with a double – selection (fi…else) structure. Then Rule 3 is
applied again to both of the rectangle in the double – selection structure by replacing each of
these rectangles with double – selection structure. The dashed box around each of the double –
selection structures represents the rectangle in the original simplest flow chart that was replaced.

                           Rule 3                                              Rule 3

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                       Fig. Applying Rule 3 of fig. to the simplest flow chart

       Rule 4 generates larger, more involved and more deeply nested structures. the flow charts
that emerge from applying the rules in fig. constitute the set of all possible structured flow charts
and thus the set of all possible structured programs.

       The beauty of the structured approach is that we use only seven simple single – entry/
single – exit prices and assemble them in only two simple ways. Figure shows the kinds of stacked
building blocks that emerge from applying rule 2 and the kinds of nested building blocks that
emerge from applying the Rule 3. The figure also shows the kind of overlapped building blocks
that cannot appear in structured flowcharts (because of the elimination of the go to statement).
             Stacked building blocks                         Nested building blocks

                     Over lapping building blocks (illegal
                     in structured programs

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                       Fig. Stacked, nested and overlapped building blocks.

If the rules in fig. are followed, an unstructured flow chart ( like the one in fig.) cannot be crated. If
you are uncertain about whether a particular flowchart is structured, apply the rules of fig. in
reverse to try to reduce the flowchart to the simplest flowchart. If the flowchart is reducible to the
simplest flowchart, the original flow chart is structured; other wise, it is not.

                                     Fig. unstructured flow chart

Structured programming promotes simplicity. Bohm and Jacopini have given us the result that
only three forms of control are needed:

   •   Sequence
   •   Selection
   •   Repetition

Sequence is trivial. Selection is implemented in one of three ways:
   •  If statement ( single selection)
   •  If …else statement ( double selection)
   •  Switch statement (multiple selection)

       In fact, it is straight forward to prove that the if statement is sufficient to provide any form
of selection; everything that can be done with the if …else statement and the switch statement can
be implemented by combining if statements (although perhaps not as smoothly).

Repetition is implemented in one of four ways:

   •   While statement
   •   Do…while statement

VEL TECH                        VEL TECH MULTI TECH                           VEL TECH HIGH TECH
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  • 1. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH STUDY MATERIAL WEB TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF IT R S Vel Tech Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College Vel Tech High Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College SEM - VIII VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 1
  • 2. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH INDEX UNITS PAGE NO. I. Introduction 06 II. Dynamic HTML 106 III. Multimedia 169 IV. Database- ASP – XML 218 V. Servlets and JSP 289 # 42 & 60, Avadi – Veltech Road, Avadi, Chennai – 62. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 2 R S
  • 3. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Phone : 044 26840603 email : 26841601 website : 26840766 ∗ Student Strength of Vel Tech increased from 413 to 10579, between 1997 and 2010. ∗ Our heartfelt gratitude to AICTE for sanctioning highest number of seats and highest number of courses for the academic year 2009 – 2010 in Tamil Nadu, India. ∗ Consistent success on academic performance by achieving 97% - 100% in University examination results during the past 4 academic years. ∗ Tie-up with Oracle Corporation for conducting training programmes & qualifying our students for International Certifications. ∗ Permission obtained to start Cisco Networking Academy Programmes in our College campus. ∗ Satyam Ventures R&D Centre located in Vel Tech Engineering College premises. ∗ Signed MOU with FL Smidth for placements, Project and Training. ∗ Signed MOU with British Council for Promotion of High Proficiency in Business English, of the University of Cambridge, UK (BEC). ∗ Signed MOU with NASSCOM. ∗ Signed MOU with INVICTUS TECHNOLOGY for projects & Placements. ∗ Signed MOU with SUTHERLAND GLOBAL SERVICES for Training & Placements. ∗ Signed MOU with Tmi First for Training & Placements. VELTECH, VEL TECH MULTI TECH engineering colleges Accredited by TCS VEL TECH, VEL TECH MULTI TECH, VEL TECH HIGH TECH, engineering colleges & VEL SRI RANGA SANKU (ARTS & SCIENCE) Accredited by CTS. Companies Such as TCS, INFOSYS TECHNOLOGIES, IBM, WIPRO TECHNOLOGIES, KEANE SOFTWARE & T INFOTECH, ACCENTURE, HCL TECHNOLOGIES, TCE Consulting Engineers, SIEMENS, BIRLASOFT, MPHASIS(EDS), APOLLO HOSPITALS, CLAYTON, ASHOK LEYLAND, IDEA AE & E, SATYAM VENTURES, UNITED ENGINEERS, ETA-ASCON, CARBORANDUM UNIVERSAL, CIPLA, FUTURE GROUP, DELPHI-TVS DIESEL SYSTEMS, ICICI PRULIFE, ICICI LOMBARD, HWASHIN, HYUNDAI, TATA CHEMICAL LTD, RECKITT BENKIZER, MURUGAPPA GROUP, POLARIS, FOXCONN, LIONBRIDGE, USHA FIRE SAFETY, MALCO, YOUTELECOM, HONEYWELL, MANDOBRAKES, DEXTERITY, HEXAWARE, TEMENOS, RBS, NAVIA MARKETS, EUREKHA FORBES, RELIANCE INFOCOMM, NUMERIC POWER SYSTEMS, ORCHID CHEMICALS, JEEVAN DIESEL, AMALGAMATION CLUTCH VALEO, SAINT GOBAIN, SONA GROUP, NOKIA, NICHOLAS PHARIMAL, SKH METALS, ASIA MOTOR WORKS, PEROT, BRITANNIA, YOKAGAWA FED BY, JEEVAN DIESEL visit our campus annually to recruit our final year Engineering, Diploma, Medical and Management Students. Preface to the First Edition This edition is a sincere and co-ordinated effort which we hope has made a great difference in the quality of the material. “Giving the best to the students, VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 3
  • 4. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH making optimum use of available technical facilities & intellectual strength” has always been the motto of our institutions. In this edition the best staff across the group of colleges has been chosen to develop specific units. Hence the material, as a whole is the merge of the intellectual capacities of our faculties across the group of Institutions. 45 to 60, two mark questions and 15 to 20, sixteen mark questions for each unit are available in this material. Prepared By : Mr. P. Vijay Anand. Asst. Professor. Mr. Mahesh Asst. Professor. IT1451 WEB TECHNOLOGY UNIT I INTRODUCTION 8 History of the Internet and World Wide Web – HTML 4 protocols – HTTP, SMTP, POP3, MIME, IMAP. Introduction to JAVA Scripts – Object Based Scripting for the web. Structures – Functions – Arrays – Objects. UNIT II DYNAMIC HTML 9 Introduction – Object refers, Collectors all and Children. Dynamic style, Dynamic position, frames, navigator, Event Model – On check – On load – Onenor – Mouse rel – Form process – Event Bubblers – Filters – Transport with the Filter – Creating Images – Adding shadows – Creating Gradients – Creating VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 4
  • 5. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Motion with Blur – Data Binding – Simple Data Binding – Moving with a record set – Sorting table data – Binding of an Image and table. UNIT III MULTIMEDIA 9 Audio and video speech synthesis and recognition - Electronic Commerce – E-Business Model – E- Marketing – Online Payments and Security – Web Servers – HTTP request types – System Architecture – Client Side Scripting and Server side Scripting – Accessing Web servers – IIS – Apache web server. UNIT IV DATABASE- ASP – XML 10 Database, Relational Database model – Overview, SQL – ASP – Working of ASP – Objects – File System Objects – Session tracking and cookies – ADO – Access a Database from ASP – Server side Active-X Components – Web Resources – XML – Structure in Data – Name spaces – DTD – Vocabularies – DOM methods. UNIT V SERVLETS AND JSP 9 Introduction – Servlet Overview Architecture – Handling HTTP Request – Get and post request – redirecting request – multi-tier applications – JSP – Overview – Objects – scripting – Standard Actions – Directives. TEXT BOOK 1. Deitel & Deitel, Goldberg, “Internet and world wide web – How to Program”, Pearson Education Asia, 2001. REFERENCES 1. Eric Ladd, Jim O’ Donnel, “Using HTML 4, XML and JAVA”, Prentice Hall of India – QUE, 1999. 2. Aferganatel, “Web Programming: Desktop Management”, PHI, 2004. 3. Rajkamal, “Web Technology”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001. UNIT – I HISTORY OF THE INTERNET PART – A 1. What is ARPA what was key benefit of ARPANET? Advanced Research project agency of the Department of defense. The key benefit of ARPANET was that it enabled the researchers to communicate quickly and easily through electronic mail to facilitate a world wide comm. 2. What is the primary goal of ARPANET. To allow multiple users to send and receive information simultaneously over the communication paths eg. Phone lines. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 5
  • 6. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 3. What is packet switching? Packet switching is a Network operation technique in which digital data was sent in small bundles called as packets along with the address information to be routed to their destinations. 4. What is TCP. How it is used? TCP is the transmission control protocol used for communicating over the ARPANET. It mainly insures the proper routing of messages from sender to receiver and their on time arrival. 5. What is IP. The communication if different Networks was accomplished truly with the development of Its Internet protocol used for creating networks of networks, the current architectures of the internet. 6. Application use of Internet  Universities  Research Institutions  Military /Defence Area  Business. 7. Define WWW. Word Wide Web allows computer users to locate and view multimedia based documents like documents with text, graphics, animations, audios (or) videos on do almost any subject. It was developed by Timberners – Lee of CERN in 1990. 8. What is the use of Internet? The internet mixes computing and comm. Technologies and provides instant and convenient worldwide accessible information’s. 9. What is W3C. Word Wide Web consortium decided to developing nor proprietary, interoperable technologies for the world wide web. The primary goal is to make the web universally accessible – regardless of ability, language or culture. The WSC is also a standardization organization web technologies standardized by the WSC are called Recommendations which is a document that specifies a technology’s role, syntax rules. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 6
  • 7. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 10. What is the use of Java script? i) Java script is an object –based scripting lang for with strong. (Proper software support for engineering techniques) ii) It introduces client side scripting which makes web pages more dynamic and interactive. iii) It provides the programming foundation for the more complex server side scripting. 11. What is structured programming. A Disciplined approach to write programs that are clearer and easier to test, degdebug and modify. 12. Give examples for client based web Applications clients and server based web applications. Client based web applications clients i) XHTML ii) Java script iii) DHTML iv) Mash v) Dream vi) XML Server based web applications 1. Web servers 2. Databases 3. Asp-NET 4. CGI 5. Perl 6. AHP 7. cold fusion 13. What is web Browser? Web browsers are software programs that allow users to access the web’s rich multimedia content to access the tremendous amount of information available on the web. e.g. Microsoft IE and Netscape 14. Explain the following protocols. i) MIME (multipurpose internet Mail Extension) Basic idea is to continue to use the RFC 822 format, but to add structure to the message body and define encoding rules form non- ASCII messages. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 7
  • 8. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH ii) SMTP is a simple ASCII protocol Within the Internet, email is delivered by having the source machine wstablish a TCP connection to port 25 of the destination machine. Listerining to this port is an email daemon that speaks SMTP which accepts incoming connections & copies messages from them into appropriate mailboxes. If a message cannot be delivered an error report containing the first part of the undelivered message is returned to the sender. iii) POP – Post Office Protocol is a simple protocol used for fetching email from a remote mailbox and to store it on the user’s local machine to be read later. The user to log in, log out, fetch messages and delete messages. The protocol itself consists of ASCII text and has something of the flavor of SMTP. iv) IMAP (Interactive Mail Access Protocol) this is a more ophisticated delivery protocol which was designed to help the suer who uses multiple computers, perhaps a work station in the office, a pc at home and a laptop on the road. The basic idea behind IMAP is for the email server to maintain a central respository that can be accessed from any machine. MIME defines five new message headers. (i) MIME – version  Identifies the MIME version. (ii) Content – Description  Human – readable string telling what is in the message. (iii) Content – Id:  Unique – identifier (iv) Content – transfer – encoding  How the body is wrapped for transmission. (v) Content – Type  nature of message. 15. What do you mean by XHTML elements? The spacing displayed by a browser in a web page is determined by the XHTML element used to format the page. 16. What is the use of <script> tag? The <script> tag indicates to the browser that the text that follows is part of a script. Attribute type specifies the scripting language used in the script – such as Java script. 17. What is the use of browser’s Document object? The browser’s document object represents the XHTML document currently being displayed in the browser. The document object allows a script programmer to specify XHTML text to be displayed in the XHTML document. The browser contains a complete set of objects that allow script programmers to access and manipulated every element of an XHTML document. 18. What does the window object’s prompt method denote? VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 8
  • 9. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH The window object’s prompt method displays a dialog into which the user can type a value. The first argument is a message (called a prompt) that directs the user to take a specific action. The optional second argument is the default string to display in the text field. 19. Write Java script statements to accomplish each of the following tasks. a) var c, this IsAVariable, q76354, number b) value = window . prompt(“Enter an integer”, “0”); c) var age = parseInt(string value); d) if (number !=7) window . alert( “The variable number is not equal to 7”); e) document . write ln (“This is a Java Script program”); f) document. Write ln (“This is a<br />Java Script program”); 20. Write a statement (or comment) to accomplish each of the following tasks. a) // Calculate the product of three integers b) var x,y,z, result; c) var xVal, yval, zval; d) xval=window. Prompt (“enter first integer:’, “0”); e) yVal =window. Prompt (“Enter second inter;”, “0”); f) zVal = window. Prompt (“Enter third integer;”, “0”); g) x= parseInt(xVal); 21. What is definite repetition? Counter controlled repetition is often called as definite repetition, because the number of repetitions is known before the loop begins executing. 22. Give the rules for forming structures programs. i. Begin with “Simplest flowchart” ii. Any rectangle (action) can be replaced by 2 rectangles (actions) in sequence. iii. Any rectangle (action) can be replaced by any control structure (sequence if, if…else, switch, while, do….while or for) iv. Rules 2&3 may be applied as often in any order. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 9
  • 10. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH PART – B 1. Explain in detail about the Equality and Relational operators in Java script with an example program. The section introduces a version of Java Script’s If statement that allows a program to make a decision based on the truth or falsity of a condition. if the condition is met (i.e., the condition is true). The statement in the body of the if statement is executed. If the condition is not met (i.e., the condition is false), the statement in the body of the if statement is not executed. We will see an example shortly. Conditions in if statements can be formed by using the equality operators and relational operators summarized in fig. The relational operators all have the same level of precedence and associate from left to right. The equality operators both have the same level of precedence, which is lower than the precedence of the relational operators. The equality operators also associate from left to right. Java script Standard algebraic Sample Java equality or Meaning of Java script equality operator or Script relational condition relational operator condition operator Equality operators = == X==y X is equal to y ≠ != X!=y X is not equal to y Relational operators > > X>y X is greater than y < < X<y X is less than y ≥ >= x>=y X is greater than or equal to y ≤ <= X<=y X is less than or equal to y Figure: Equality and relational operators VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 10
  • 11. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Common Programming Error: Reversing the operators !=, >=and <=, as in =!, =>and =<, respectively, is a syntax error. Common Programming Error: Confusing the equality operator, ==, with the assignment operator, =, is a logic error. The equality operator should be read as “is equal to,” and the assignment operator should be read as “gets” or “gets the value of.” Some people prefer to read the equality operator as “double equals” or “equals equals”. The script in figure uses four if statements to display a time-sensitive greeting on a welcome page. The script obtains the local time from the user’s computer and converts it to a 12- hour clock format. Using this value, the script displays as appropriate greeting for the current time of day. The script and sample output are shown in figure. 1. <? xml version =”1.0”?> 2. <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 //EN” 3. 11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd> 4. 5. <!-- fig. welcome 6. html --> 6. <!-- Using Relational Operators --> 7. 8. <html xmlns => 9. <head> 10. <title> Using Relations Operators </title> 11. 12. <script type = “text/javascropt”> 13. <!-- 14. var name, //string entered by the user 15. now = new Date (), //current date and time 16. hour = now.getHours(); //current hour (0-23) 17. 18. // read, the name from the prompt box as a string, 19. name=window. prompt( “please enter your name”, “GalAnt” ); 20. 21. // determine whether it is morning 22. if ( hour < 12 ) 23. document.write ( “<h1>Good Morning, “); 24. 25. // determine whether the time is PM VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 11
  • 12. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 26. if ( hour >= 12 ) 27. { 28. // convert to a 12 hour clock 29. hour = hour – 12; 30. 31. // determine whether it is before 6 PM 32. if ( hour < 6 ) 33. document. write ( “<h1> Good Afternoon, “ ); 34. 35. // determine whether it is after 6 PM 36. if ( hour >= 6 ) 37. document. write ( “<h1> Good Evening, “ ) 38. } 39. 40. document. write ln( name + 41. “ , welcome to Javascript programming ! </h1>” ); 42. // -- > 43. </script> 44. 45. </head> 46. 47. <body> 48. <p> Click Refresh (or Reload) to run this script again. </p> 49. </body> 50. </html> Figure: Using equality and relational operators (part 2 of 2) Lines 14-16 declare the variables used in the script. Remember that variables may be declared in one declaration or in multiple declarations. If more than one variable is declared in a single declaration (as in this example), the names are separated by commas (,). This list of names VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 12
  • 13. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH is referred to as a comma-separated list. Once again, note the comment at the end of each line, indicting the purpose of each variable in the program. Also not that some of the variables are assigned a value in the declaration. JavaScript allows you to assign a value to a variable when the variable is declared. Line 15 sets the variable now to a new Date object, which contains information about the current local time. In section 7.2, we introduced the document object, an object that encapsulates data pertaining to the current Web page. Programmers may choose to use other objects to perform specific tasks or obtain particular pieces of information. Here, we use JavaScript’s built-in Date object to acquire the current local time. We create a new instance of an object by using the new operator followed by the type of the object, Date, and a pair of parentheses. Some objects require that arguments be placed in the parentheses to specify details about the object to be created. In this case, we leave the parentheses empty to create a default Date object containing information about the current date and time. After line 15 executes, the variable now refers to the new Date object. [Note: We did not need to use the new operator when we used the document and window objects because these objects always are created by the browser] line 16 sets the variable hour to an integer equal to the current hour (in a 24-hour clock format) returned by the Date object’s getHours method. Please refer to Chapter 12 for a more detailed discussion of the Date object’s attributes and methods, and of objects in general. As in the preceding example, the script uses window. prompt to allow the user to enter a name to display as part of the greeting (line 19). To display the correct time-sensitive greeting, the script must determine whether the user is visiting the page during the morning, afternoon or evening. The first if statement (line 22-23) compares the value of variable hour with the integer value12. if hour is less than 12, then the user is visiting the page during the morning, and the statement at line 23 outputs the string “Good morning”. If this condition is not met, line 23 is not executed. Line 26 determines whether hour is greater than or equal to 12. if hour is greater than or equal to 12, then the user is visiting the page in either the afternoon or the evening. Lines 27-38 execute to further determine the appropriate greeting. If hour is less than 12, then the JavaScript interpreter does not execute these lines and continues to line40. The {in line 27 begins a block of statements (lines 27-38) that are all executed together if hour is greater than or equal to 12. Line 29 subtracts 12 from hour, converting the current hour from a 24-hour clock format to a 12-hour clock format. The if statement (line 32) determines whether hour is now less than 6. If it is, then the time is between noon and 6 PM, and line 33 outputs the string “Good Afternoon”. If hour is greater than or equal to 6, the time is between 6 PM and midnight, and the script outputs the greeting “Good Evening” (lines 36-37). The brace} in line 38 ends the block of statements associated with the if statement in line 26. Note that if statements can be nested, i.e., one if statement can be placed inside another if statement. The if statements that determine whether the user is visiting the page in the afternoon or the evening (lines 32-33 and lines 36-37) only execute if the script has already established that hour is greater than or equal to 12 (line 26). If the script has already determined the current time of day to be morning, these additional comparisons are not performed. Finally, lines 40-41 display the VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 13
  • 14. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH remaining part of the greeting, which does not depend on the time of day. Note the indentation of the if statements throughout the program. Such indentation enhances program readability. Good Programming Practice: Indent the statement in the body of an if statement to make the body of the statement stand out and to enhance program readability. Good Programming Practice: Place only one statement per line in a program. This format enhances program readability. Common programming Error: Forgetting the left and right parentheses for the condition in an if statement is a syntax error. The parentheses are required. Note that there is no semicolon (;) at the end of the first line of each if statement. Including such a semicolon would result in a logic error at execution time. For example, If ( hour < 12 ) ; document. write ( “<h1> Good Morning, “); would actually be interpreted by JavaScript erroneously as if ( hour < 12 ) ; document. write ( “<h1> Good Morning, “ ); Where the semicolon on the line by itself – called the empty statement – is the statement to execute it the condition in the if statement is true. When the empty statement executes, no task is performed in the program. The program then continues with the next statement, which executes regardless of whether the condition is true of false. 2. Explain in detail about the history of the Internet. In the late 1960s, one of the authors (HMD) was a graduate student at MIT. His research at MIT’s Project Mac (now the Laboratory for Computer Science – the home of the Word Wide Web Consortium) was funded by ARPA- the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense. ARPA sponsored a conference at which several dozen ARPA – funded graduate student were brought together at the University of illionols at Urbana-Champaign to meet and share ideas. During the conference. ARPA rolled out the blue prints of networking the main computers systems of about a dozen ARPA – funded universities and research institutions. They wee to be connected with communications lines operating at a then – stunning 56Kbps (i.e., 56,000 bits per second) – this at a time when most people (of the few who could) were connecting over telephone VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 14
  • 15. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH lines to computers at a rate of 110 bits per second. HMD vividly recalls the excitement at the conference. Researchers at Harvard talked about communicating with the Univac 1180”supercomputer” at the University of Utah to handle calculations related to their computer graphics research. Many other intriguing possibilities were raised. Academic research was on the verge of taking a giant leap forward. Shortly after this conference, ARPA proceeded to implement the ARPANET, the grandparent of today’s Internet. Things worked out differently from what as originally planned. Rather than the primary benefit of researchers sharing one other’s computers, it rapidly became clear that enabling researchers to communicate quickly and easily via what became known as electronic mail (e-mail, for short) was the key benefit of the ARPANET. This is true even to day on the Internet, as e-mail facilities communication of all kinds among hundreds of millions of people world wide. One of the primary goals of ARPANET was to allow multiple users to send and receive information simultaneously over the same communications paths (e.g., phone lines). The network operated with a technique called packet switching, in which digital data was sent in small bundles called packets. The packets contained address, error control and sequencing information. The address information allowed packets contained address, error control and sequencing information. The address information allowed packets to be routed to their destinations. The sequencing information helped reassemble the packets ( which, because of complex routing mechanisms, could actually arrive out of order) into their original order for presentation to the recipient. Packets form different senders were intermixed on the same lines. This packet – switching technique greatly reduced transmission costs, as compared with the cost of dedicated communications lines. The network was designed to operate without centralized control if a portion of the network failed, the remaining working portions would still route packets from senders to receiver over alternative paths. The protocols for communicating over the ARPANET became known as TCP –the Transmission Control Protocol. TCP ensured that messages were properly routed from sender to receiver and that they arrived intact. As the Internet evolved, organizations worldwide were implementing their own networks for both intraorganization (i.e., within the organization) and interorganzation (i.e., between organizations) communications. A wide variety of networking hardware and software appeared . one challenge was to get these different networks to communicate. ARPANET accomplished this with the development of IP – the Internet Protocol, truly creating a “network of networks,” the current architecture of the Internet. The combined set of protocols is now commonly called TCP/IP. Initially, Internet use was limited to universities and research institutions; then the military began using the Internet. Eventually, the government decided to allow access to the Internet for commercial purposes. Initially, there was resentment in the research and military communities – VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 15
  • 16. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH these groups were concerned that response times would become poor as “ the Net” became saturated with users. In fact, the exact opposite has occurred. Businesses rapidly realized that they could tune their operations and offer new and better services to their clients. So they started spending vast amount of money to develop and enhance the Internet. This generated fierce competition among communications carriers and hardware and software suppliers to meet this demand. The result is that bandwidth (i.e., the information carrying capacity) on the Internet has increased tremendously and costs have decreased significantly. 3. Write a simple program to print a line of text in a web page and explain the tags. Java Script uses notations that may appear strange to nonprogrammers. We begin by considering a simple script (or program) that displays the text “Welcome to Java Script programming!” in the body of an XHTML document. The internet Explorer Web browser contains a Java Script interpreter, which processes the commands written in Java Script. The Java Script code and its output are shown in Fig. 1. <7xml version = “1.0”7> 2. <IDOCTYPE html PUBLIC” =//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict /EN” 3. 1/DTD/xhtml 1-strict .dtd > 4. 5. <!- - Fig. 7.1 : welcome. html - - > 6. <!- - Displaying the line of text - - > 7. 8. <html xmlns = http://www.w3 org/1999/xhtml> 9. <head> 10. <title> A First Program in Java Script / title> 11. 12. <script type = “text/java script “> 13. <! - - 14. document. Written ln ( 15. “<hl= Welcome to Java script programming !</hl>”); 16. // - - > 17. </script> 18. 19. </ head ><body></body> 20. </html> VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 16
  • 17. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Figure: First program in Java Script This program illustrates several important Java Script features. We consider each line of the XHTML document and script in detail. As in the preceding chapters, we have given each XHTML document line numbers for the reader’s convenience; the line numbers are not part of the XHTML document or of the Java Script programs. Lines 14-15 do the “real work” of the script, namely, displaying the phrase Welcome to Java Script programming! In the Web page. However, let us consider each line in order. Line 9 indicates the beginning of the <head> section of the XHTML document. For the moment, the Java Script code we write will appear in the <head> section. The browser interprets the contents of the <head> section first, so the Java Script programs we write there will execute before the <body> of the XHTML document displays. In later chapters on Java script and in the chapters on dynamic HTML, we illustrate inline scripting, in which Java Script code is written in the <body> of an XHML document. Line 11 is simply in blank line to separate the <script> tag in line 12 from the other XHTML elements. This effect helps the script sand out in the XHTML document and makes the document easier to read. Line 12 uses the <script> tag to indicate to the browser that the text which follows is par of a script. The type attribute specifies the type of files as well as the scripting language used in the script – in this case, a text file written in Java script. Both Microsoft internet Explorer and Netscape use Java Script as the default scripting language. [Note Even though Microsoft calls the language Jscript, the type attribute specifies java script, to adhere to the ECMA Script standard] Line 13 contains the XHTML comment tag <! - -, some older Web browsers do not support scripting. In such browsers, the actual text of a script often will display in the Web page. To prevent this from happening, many script programmers enclose the script code in an XHTML comment, so that browsers which do not support scripts ignore the scripts. The syntax used is as follows: <script type = “text / java script”> <!- - script code here VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 17
  • 18. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH / / - -> </script> When a browser that does not support scripts encounters the preceding code, it ignore the <script> and </script> tags and the script code in the XHTML comment. Browsers that do support scripting will inter prêt the Java Script code as expected. [ Note Some browsers require the Java Script single – line comment / / before the ending XHTML comment delimiter (- - >) to interpret the script properly.] Lines 14-15 instruct the browser’s Java Script interpreter to perform an action, namely, to display in the Web page the string of characters contained between the double quotation (“)marks. A string is come times called a character string, a message or a string literal. We refer to characters between double quotation marks generically as strings. Individual white space characters between words in a string are not ignored by the browser. However, if consecutive spaces appear in a string, browsers condense then to a single space. Also, in most cases, browsers ignore leading white space characters (i.e., white space at the beginning of a string). Line 14-15 use the browser’s document object, which represents the XHTML document the browser is currently displaying. The document object allows a script programmer to specify text to display in the XHTML document. The browser contains a complete set of objects that allow script programmers to access and manipulate every element of and XHTML document. In the next several chapters, we over view some of these objects. Chapter 13-18 provide in – depth coverage of many more objects that a script programmer can manipulate. An object resides in the computer’s memory and contains information used by the script. The term object normally implies that attributes (data) and behaviours ( methods) are associated with the object. The object’s method use the attributes’ data to perform useful actions for the client of the object (I.e., the script that calls the methods). A method may require additional information (arguments) to perform its action; this information is enclosed in parentheses after the name of the method in the script. In lines 14-15, we call the document object’s write in method to write a line of XHTML markup in the XHTML document. The parentheses following the method name write ln contain the arguments that method write ln requires (in this case, the string of XHTML that the browser is to display). Method write ln instructs the browser to display the argument string. If the string contains XHTML elements, the browser displays the phrase welcome to Java Script Programming ! as an h1- level XHTML heading, because the phrase is enclosed in an h1 element. The code elements in lines 14-15, including document. Write ln its argument in the parentheses ( the string) and the semicolon (;), together are called a Statement. Every statement should end with a semicolon (also known as the statement terminator), although this practice is not required by Java Script. Line 17 indicates the end of the script. 4. Explain the 3 selection statement in detail with example. i) If selection statement ii) If else iii) While repetition statement VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 18
  • 19. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH A selection structure is used to choose among alternative courses of action in a program. For example, suppose that the passing grade on an examination is 60 (out of 100). Then the pseudocode statement If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60 Print “Passed” Determines whether the condition “student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60” is true or false. If the condition is true, then “Passed” is printed, and the next pseudocode statement in order is “ performed” (remember that pseudocode is not a real programming language). If the condition is false, the print statement is ignored, and the next pseudocode statement in order is performed. Note that the second line of this selection structure is indented. Such indentation is optional, but it is highly recommended, because it emphasizes the inherent structure of structured programs. The Java Script interpreter ignores white space characters – blanks, tabs and new lines used for indentation and vertical spacing. Programmers insert these white space characters to enhance program clarity. if ( student Grade >= 60) document. Write in (“Passed”); Note that the Java Script code corresponds closely to the pseudocode. This similarity is the reason that pseudocode is a useful program – development tool. The statement in the body of the if statement outputs the character string “Passed” in the XHTML document. The flow chart in fig. illustrates the single – selection if statement. This flowchart contains what is perhaps the most important flow charting symbol – the diamond symbol (or decision symbol), which indicates that a decision is to be made. The decision symbol contains an expression, such as a condition, that can be either true or false. The decision symbol has to flow lines emerging from it. One indicates the path to follow in the program when the expression in the symbol is true; the other indicates the path to follow in the program when the expression is false. A decision can be made on any expression that evaluates to a value of Java script’s Boolean type (i.e., any expression that evaluates to true or false). grade >=60 Print “passed” false VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 19
  • 20. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Fig. Flow charting the single – selection if statement. Note that the if statement is a single ��� entry/ single – exit control structure. We will soon learn that the flow charts for the remaining control structures also contain ( besides small circle symbols and flow lines) only rectangle symbols, to indicate the actions to be performed, and diamond symbols, to indicate decisions to be made. This type of flow chart represents the action / decision model of programming. We can envision eight bins, each containing only the control structures of one of the eight types. These control structures are empty. Nothing is written in the rectangles or in the diamonds. The programmer’s task, then, is to assemble a program from as many of each type of control structure as the algorithm demands, combining the control structures in only two possible ways (stacking or nesting), then filling in the actions and decisions in a manner appropriate for the algorithm. We will discuss the variety of ways in which action and decisions may be written. The if selection statement performs an indicated action only when the conditions evaluates to true; otherwise, the action is skipped. The if …else selection statement allows the programmer to specify that different action is to be performed when the conditions is true than when the condition is false. For example, the pseudocode statement If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60 Print “Passed” Else Print “Failed”. Prints passed if the student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60 and prints Failed if the student’s grade is less than 60. In either case, after printing occurs, the next pseudocode statement in sequence (i.e., the next statement after the whole if …else structure) is performed. Note that the body of the Else part of the structure is also indented. The indication convention you choose should be applied carefully throughout your programs ( both in pseudocode and in Java script). It is difficult to read programs that do not use uniform spacing conventions. The preceding pseudocode if …Else statement may be written in Java script as If ( student Grade >=60) document. Write ln (“Passed”); else document. write ln (“Failed”); The flow chart in fig. nicely illustrates the flow of control in the if ….else statement. Once again, note that the only symbols in the flow chart ( besides small circles and arrows) are VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 20
  • 21. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH rectangles ( for actions) and a diamond ( for a decision). We continue to emphasize this action/ decision model of computing. Imagine again a deep bin containing as many empty double – selection structures as might be needed to build a Java Script algorithm. The programmer’s job is to assemble the selection structures ( by stacking and nesting) with other control structure required by the algorithm and to fill in the empty rectangles and empty diamonds with actions and decisions appropriate to the algorithm’s implementation. false grade >=60 True Print “Failed” Print “passed” Flow charting the double – selection if ….else statement. Java Script provides an operator, called the conditional operator(?:), that is closely related to the if …else statement. The operator ?: is Java script’s only ternary operator – it takes three operands. The operands together with the ?: from a conditional expression. The first operand is a Boolean expression. The second is the value for the conditional expression if the condition evaluates to true and the third is the value for the conditional expression if the condition evaluates to false. For example, the statement Document. write ln ( Student Grade >=60? “passed”:”Failed”); Contains a conditional expression that evaluates to the string “Passed” if the condition student Grade >= 60 is true and evaluates to the string “Failed” if the condition is false. Thus, this statement with the conditional operator performs essentially the same operation as the preceding if …else statement. the precedence of the conditional operator is low, so the entire conditional expression is normally placed in parentheses to ensure that it evaluates correctly. Nested if … else statements test for multiple cases by placing if …else statements inside if…else VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 21
  • 22. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH statements. For example, the following pseudocode statement will print A for exam grades greater than or equal to 90, B for grades in the range 80 to 89, C for grades in the range 70 to 79, D for grades in the range 60 to 69 and F for all other grades: If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 90 Print “A” Else If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 80 Print “B” Else If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 70 Print “C” Else If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60 Print”D” Else Print “F” This pseudocode may be written in Java script as If ( Student Grade >=90) document. Write ln (“A”); else If (student Grade >=80); Document. write ln(“B”) else If (student Grade >=70); Document. write ln(“C”) else If (student Grade >=60); Document. write ln(“D”) else Document. write ln(“F”) If student Grade is greater than or equal to 90, the first four conditions will be true, but only the document. write in installment after the first test will execute. After that particular document. write ln executes, the else part of the outer if … else statements is skipped. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 22
  • 23. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Most Java Script programmers prefer to write the preceding if structure as If ( grade >=90) document. write ln (“A”); else If ( grade >=80) document. write ln (“B”); else If ( grade >=70) document. write ln (“C”); else If ( grade >=60) document. write ln (“D”); else document. write ln (“F”); The two forms are equivalent. The latter form is popular because it avoids the deep indentation of the code to the right. Such deep indentation often leaves little room on a line, forcing lines to be split and decreasing program readability. It is important to note that the Java Script interpreter always associates an else with the previous if, unless told to do otherwise by the placement of braces ({ }). This situation is referred to as the dangling – else problem. For example, If (X>5) If (y>5) document. write ln (“x and Y are >5”); else document. writeln (“x” is <= 5”); appears to indicate with its indentation that if x is greater than 5, the if structure in its body determines whether y is also greater than 5. If so, the body of the nested if structure outputs the string “x and y are >5”. Otherwise, it appears that if X is not greater than 5, the else part of the if … else structure outputs the string “x is <=5”. Beware! The preceding nested if statement does not execute as it appears. The interpreter actually interprets the preceding statement as If (x>5) If (y>5) Document . writeln (“x and y are >5”); Else Document .write ln (“x is <=5”); VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 23
  • 24. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH In which the body of the first if statement is a nested if …. Else statement. This statement tests whether x is greater than 5. if so, execution continues by testing whether y is also greater than 5. if the second condition is true, the proper string – “x and y are > 5 “ – is displayed. However, if the second condition is false, the string “x is <=5” is displayed, even though we know that x is greater than 5. To force the preceding nested if statement to execute as it was intended originally, the statement must be written as follows: If (x>5) { if (y>5) document . write ln (“x and y are >5”); } else document. write ln(“x is <=5”); The braces ({}) indicate to the interpreter that the second if statement is in the body of the first if statement and that the else is matched with the first if statement. In Exercise you will investigate the dangling – else problem further. The if selection statement expects only one statement in its body. To include several statements in the body of an if, enclose the statements in braces ({ and }). A set of statements contained within a pair of braces is called block (sometimes known as a compound statement). The following example includes a block in the else part of an if ….else statement: If ( grade >=60) Document.write ln(“Passed”); Else { document.write ln (“Failed < br/>”): document.write ln(“You must take this course again.”); } In this case, if grade is less than 60, the program executes both statements in the body of the else and prints Failed. You must take this course again. Note the braces surrounding the two statements in the else clause. These braces are important. Without them, the statement Document.write ln (“You must take this course again.”); VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 24
  • 25. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Would be outside the body of the else part of the if and would execute regardless of whether the grade is less than 60. Syntax errors (e.g., when one brace in a block in left out of the program) are caught by the interpreter when it attempts to interpret the code containing the syntax error. A logic error (e.g., the one caused when both braces around a block are left out of the program) also has its effect at execution time. A fatal logic error causes a program to fail and terminate prematurely. A nonfatal logic error allows a program to continue executing, but the program produces incorrect results. A repetition structure (also known as a loop) allows the programmer to specify that script is to repeat an action while some condition remains true. The pseudocode statement While there are more items on my shopping list Purchase next item and cross it off my list Describes the repetitions that occurs during a shopping trip. The condition “there are more items on my shopping list” may be true or false, if it is true, then the action “Purchase next item and cross it off my list” is performed. This action will be performed repeatedly while the condition remains true. The statement(s) contained in the While structure may be a single statement or a block. Eventually, the condition becomes false ( i.e., when the last item on the shopping list has been purchased and crossed off the list). At this point the repletion terminates, and the first pseudocode statement after the repetition structure executes. As an example of a while statement, consider a program segment designed to find the first power of 2 large than 1000, Variable product begins with the value 2. the statement is as follows: Var product = 2; While ( product <= 1000 ) Product =2* product; When the while statement finishes executing, product contains the result 1024. The flowchart in fig. illustrates the flow of control of the preceding while repetition statement. Once again, note that (besides small circles and arrows) the flowchart contains only a rectangle symbol and a diamond symbol. True Product = 2 * product Product <=1000 False VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 25
  • 26. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Fig. Flowcharting the while repetition statement When the script enters the while statement, product is 2. the script repeatedly multiplies variable product by 2. So product takes on the value 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512 and 1024 successively. When product becomes 1024, the condition product <= 1000 in the while statement becomes false. This terminates the repetition, with 1024 as product’s final value. Execution continues with the next statement after the while statement. [Note: If a while statement’s condition is initially false, the body statement(s) will never execute.] The flowchart clearly shows the repetition. The flow line emerging from the rectangle wraps back to the decision, which the script tests each time through the loop until the decision eventually becomes false. At this point, the while statements exits, and control passes to the next statement in the program. 5. Explain in detail about the counter controlled repetition. Consider the following problem statement: A class of ten students took a quiz. The grades (integers in the range 0 to 100) for this quiz are available to you. Determine the class average on the quiz. The class average is equal to the sum of the grades divided by the number of students (10 in this case). The algorithm for solving this problem on a computer must input each of the grades. Perform the averaging calculation and display the result. Let us use pseudocode to list the actions to execute and specify the order in which the actions should execute. We use counter – controlled repetition to input the grades one at a time. this techniques uses a variable called a counter to control the number of times a set of statements executes. In this example, repetition terminates when the counter exceeds 10. In this section, we present a pseudocode algorithm (fig.) and corresponding program (fig.) In the next section, we show how to develop pseudocode algorithms. Counter – controlled repetition often is called definite repetition. Because the number of repetitions is known before the loop begins executing. Note the references in the algorithm to a total and a counter. A total is a variable in which a script accumulates the sum of a series of values. A counter is a variable a script uses to count – in this case, to count the number of grades entered. Variables that store totals should normally be initialized to zero before they are used in a program. Set total to zero Set grade counter to one While grade counter is less than or equal to ten In put the west grade Add the grade into the total Add one to the grade counter VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 26
  • 27. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Set the class average to the total divided by ten Print the class average Fig. pseudocode algorithm that uses counter – controlled repetition to solve the class average problem. 1. <?xml version = “1.0”?> 2. <100CTYPE html PUBLIC “//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict // EN’ 3. > 4. 5. <!- - Fig. average html - - > 6. <!- - Class Average program - - > 7. 8. <html xmlns = “http: //”> 9. <head> 10. <title> Class Average program</title> 11. 12. <script type =”text/javascript”> 13. <!- - 14. var total, // sum of grades 15. grade counter, // number of grades entered 16. grade value, // grade value 17. average, // average of all grades 18. grade; // grade typed by user 19. 20. // initialization phase 21. total = 0; // clear total 22. grade Counter = 1; // prepare to loop 23. 24. // processing phase 25. while (grade Counter <= 10) { // loop 10 times 26. 27. // prompt for input and read grade from user 28. grade = window. Prompt( enter integer grade:’, “0”); 29. 30. // convert grade from a string to an integer 31. grade value = parseInt ( grade ); 32. 33. // add grade value to total 34. total = total + grade value; 35. 36. // add 1 to grade counter 37. grade counter = grade counter +1; 38. } 39. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 27
  • 28. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 40. // Termination phase 41. average = total /10; //calculate the average 42. 43. // display average of exam grades 44. document. write ln( 45. “<hl>Class average is “+average + “</h1>”); 46. // - - > 47. </script> 48. 49. </head> 50. <body> 51. <p>Click Refresh ( or Reload) to run the script again <p> 52. </body> 53. </html> This dialog is displayed 10 times user input is 100.88, 93,55,68,77,83,95,73 and 62 Fig. Counter –controlled repetition to calculate a class average (part 2 ot 2). Lines 14-18 declare variables total, grade Counter, grade value, average and grade. The variable grade will store the string the user types into the prompt dialog. The variable grade value will store the integer value of the grade the user enters in a prompt dialog. Lines 21-22 are assignment statements that initialize total to 0 and grade Counter to 1. Note that variables total and grade Counter are initialized before they are used in a calculation. Uninitialized variables used in calculations result in logic errors and produce the value NaN(not a number). Line 25 indicates that the while statement continues iterating while the value of grade Counter is less than or equal to 10. Line 28 corresponds to the pseudocode statement “input the next grade.” The statement displays a prompt dialog with the prompt “Enter integer grade:’ on VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 28
  • 29. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH the screen. After the user enters the grade. Line 31 converts it from a string to an integer. We must convert the string to an integer in this example; otherwise, the addition statement in line 34 will be string- concentration statement rather than a numeric sum. Next, the program updates the total with the new grade value entered by the user. Line 34 adds grade value to the previous value of total and assigns the result to total. This statement seems a bit strange, because it does not follow the rule of algebra. Keep in mind that Java Script operator precedence evaluates the addition (+) operation before the assignment (=) operation. the value of the expression on the right side of the assignment operator always replaces the value of the variable on the left side of the assignment operator. The program now is ready to increment the variable grade Counter to indicate that a grade has been processed and to ready the next grade from the user. Line 37 adds 1 to grade Counter, so the condition in the while statement will eventually become false and terminate the loop. After this statement executes, the program continues by testing the condition in the while statement in line 25. If the condition is still true, the statements in lines 28-37 repeat. Otherwise the program continues execution with the first statement in sequence after the body of the loop (i.e., line 41). Line 41 assigns the results of the average calculation to variable average. Lines 44-45 write a line of XHTML text in the document that displays the string “Class average is “ followed by the value of variable average as an <h1> head in the browser. Execute the script in Internet Explorer by double clicking the XHTML document (from Windows Explorer). This script reads only integer values from the user. In the sample program execution in fig. the sum of the values entered (100,88,93,55,68,77,83,95,73 and 62) is 794. Although the script reads only integers, the averaging calculation in the program does not produce an integer. Rather, the calculation produces a floating – point number (i.e., a number containing a decimal point). The average of the 10 integers input by the user in this example is 79.4. Java Script actually represents all numbers as floating – point numbers in memory. Floating- point numbers often develop though division, as shown in this example. When we divide 10 by 3, the result 3.3333333…., with the sequence of 3s repeating infinitely. The computer allocates only a fixed amount of space to hold such a value, so the stored floating – point value can be only an approximation. Despite the fact that floating – point numbers are not always 100% precise, they have numerous applications. For example, when we speak of a “normal” body temperature of 98.6, we do not need to be precise to a large number of digits. When we view the temperature on a thermometer and read it as 98.6, it may actually be 98.5999473210643. The point here is that few applications require high – precision floating – point values, so calling this number simply 98.6 is fine for most applications. 6. Explain in detail about the Top down step wise refinement. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 29
  • 30. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Let us generalize the class average problem. Consider the following problem: Develop a class – averaging program that will process an arbitrary number of grades each time the program is run. In the first class – average example, the number of grades (10) was known in advance. In this example, no indication is given of how many grades the user will enter. The program must process an arbitrary number of grades. How can be program determine when to stop the input of grades? How will it know when to calculated and is play the class average? One way to solve this problem is to use a special value called a sentinel value (also called a signal value, a dummy value or a flag value) to indicate the end of data entry. The user types in grades until all legitimate grades have been entered. Then the user types the sentinel value to indicate that the last grade has been entered. Sentinel – controlled repetition is often called indefinite repetition, because the number of repetitions is not known before the loop begins executing. Clearly, one must choose a sentinel value that cannot be confused with an acceptable input value. Because grades on a quiz are normally nonnegative integers from 0 to 100, -1 is an acceptable sentinel value for this problem. Thus, an execution of the class – average program might process a stream of inputs such as 95,96,75,74,89 and -1. The program would computer and print the class average for the grades 95,96,75,74 and 89 (-1 is the sentinel value, so it should not enter into the average calculation). We approach the class – average program with a technique called top-down, stepwise refinement, a technique that is essential to the development of well – structured algorithms. We begin with a pseudo code representation of the top: Determine the class average for the quiz The top is a single statement that conveys the overall purpose the program. As such, the top is, in effect, a complete representation of a program. Unfortunately, the top rarely conveys a sufficient amount of detail from which to write the Java Script algorithm. Therefore we must begin a refinement process. First,. We divide the top into a series of smaller tasks and list them in the order in which they need to be performed, crating the following fits refinement: Initialize variables Input, sum up and count the quiz grades Calculate and print the class average Here, only the sequence structure is used; the steps listed are to be executed in order, one after the other. To proceed to the next level of refinement (the second refinement), we commit to specific variables. We need running total of the numbers, a count of how many numbers have been VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 30
  • 31. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH processed, a variable to receive the string representation of each grade as it is input, a variable to store the value of the grade after it is converted to an integer and a variable to hold the calculated average. The pseudocode statement Initialize variables May be refined as follows: Initialize total to zero Initialize grade Counter to zero Note that only the variables total and grade Counter are initialized before they are used; the variables average, grade and grade value ( for the calculated average, the user input and the integer representation of the grade, respectively) need not be initialized, because their values are determined as they are calculated or input. The pseudocode statement Input, sum up and count the quiz grades Requires a repletion structure (a loop) that successively inputs each grade. We do not know in advance how many grades are to be processed, so we will use sentinel – controlled repetition. The user at the key board will enter legitimate grades, one at a time. after entering the last legitimate grade, the user will enter the sentinel value. The program will test for the sentinel value. The program will test for the sentinel value after the user enters each grade and will terminate the loop when the sentinel value is encountered. The second refinement of the preceding pseudocode statement is then Input the first grade (possibly the sentinel) While the user has not as yet entered the sentinel Add this grade into the running total Add one to the grade counter Input the next grade (possibly the sentinel) Note that in pseudocode, we do not use braces around the pseudocode that forms the body of the wile structure. We simply indent the pseudocode under the while, to show that it belongs to the body of the while. Remember, pseudocode is only an informal program- development aid. The pseudocode statement Calculate and print the class average May be refined as follows: If the counter is not equal to zero Set the average to the total divided by the counter Print the average Else VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 31
  • 32. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Print “No grades were entered” Note that we are testing for the possibility of division by zero – a logic error that, if undetected, would cause the program to produce invalid. The complete second refinement of the pseudocode algorithm for the class – average problem is shown in fig. Initialize total to zero Initialize grade Counter to zero Input the first grade ( possibly the sentinel) While the user has not as yet entered the sentinel Add this grade intro the running total Add one to the grade counter Input the next grade (possibly the sentinel) If the counter is not equal to zero Set the average to the total divided by the counter Print the average Else Print “No grades were entered” Fig. Sentinel – controlled repetition to solve the class – average problem The pseudocode algorithm in fig. solves the more general class-averaging problem. This algorithm was developed after only two refinements. Sometimes more refinements. Sometimes more refinements are necessary. Figure shows the Java Script program and a sample execution. Although each grade is an integer, the averaging calculation is likely to produce a number with a decimal point ( a real number). In this example, we seen that control structure may be stacked on top of one another (in sequence) just as a child stacks building blocks. The while statement ( line 33-46) is followed immediately by an if …else statement ( lines 49-57) in sequence. Much of the code in this program is identical to the code in fig. so we concentrate in this example on the new features. Line 23 initializes grade Counter to 0, because no grades have been entered yet. Remember that the program uses sentinel – controlled repetition. To keep an accurate record of the number of grades entered. The script increments grade Counter only after processing a valid grade value. 1. <?xml version =”1.0”?> 2. <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC”-//W3C//DTD DHTML 1.0 Strict // EN” 3. “http:/ 1/DTD/xhtml 1- strict.dtd”> 4. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 32
  • 33. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 5. <!- - fig. average 2, html 6. <!- - sentinel – controlled Repetition - - > 7. 8. <html xmlns=> 9. <head> 10. <title> class Average Program: 11. Sentinel – controlled Repetition </title> 12. 13. Z<script type =”text/javascript”> 14. <! - - 15. var grade counter, // number of grades entered 16. grade value, // grade value 17. total, // sum of grades 18. average, // average of all grades 19. grade; // grade typed by user 20. 21. // Initialization phase 22. total =0; 23. grade Counter = 0; // prepare to loop 24. 25. // Processing phase 26. // prompt for input and read grade from use n 27. grade = window.prompt( 28. “Enter Integer Grade, -1 to quite:’, “0”); 29. 30. // convert grade from a string to an integer 31. grade value – parseInt (grade); 32. 33. while (gradevalue !=-1){ 34. // add gradevalue to total 35. total = total + grade value; 36. 37. // add 1 to grade counter 38. grade counter = grade counter +1; 39. 40. // prompt for input and read grade from user 41. grade = window. Prompt( 42. “Enter Integer Grade, -1 to Quit:”, “0”); 43. 44. // convert grade from a string to an integer 45. grade value = parselnt ( grade); 46. } 47. 48. // Termination phase VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 33
  • 34. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 49. if ( grade Counter !=0){ 50. average = total / grade Counter; 51. average = total / grade Counter; 52. 53. // display average of exam grades 54. document. write ln( 55. } 56. else 57. document. writeln ( “<p>No grade were entered </p>”): 58. // 59. </script> 60. </head> 61. 62. <body> 63. <p> Click Refresh ( or Reload) to run the script again </p> 64. </body> 65. </html> Fig. Sentinel – controlled repetition to calculate a class average This dialog is displayed four times user input is 97,88,72 and -1 Fig. Sentinel – controlled repetition to calculate a class average. Note the difference in program logic for sentinel – controlled repetition as compared with the counter – controlled repetition in fig. In counter –controlled repetition, we read a value from the user during each iteration of the while statement’s body for the specified number of iterations. In sentinel – controlled repletion, we read one value ( lines 27-28) and convert it to an integer ( line 31) before the program reaches the while statement. the script uses this value to determine whether the program’s flow of control should enter the body of the while statement. if the while statement’s condition is false (i.e., the user typed the sentinel as the first grade), the script ignores the body of the while statement (i.e., no grades were entered). If, on the other hand, the condition is true, the body begins execution and processes the value entered by the user (i.e., adds the value VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 34
  • 35. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH to the total in line 35). After processing the value, the script increments grade Counter by 1 ( line 38)), inputs the next grade from the user (lines 41-42) and converts the grade to an integer ( line 45), before the end of the while statement’s body. When the script reaches the closing right brace (}) of the body in line 46, execution continues with the next test of the condition of the while statement ( line 33), using the new value just entered by the user to determine whether the while statement’s body should execute again. Note that the next value always is input from the user immediately before the script evaluates the condition of the while statement. this order allows us to determine whether the value just entered by the user is the sentinel value before processing it (i.e., adding it to the total). If the value entered is the sentinel value, the while statement terminates and the script does not add the value to the total. Note the block in the while loop in fig. without the braces, the last four statements in the body of the loop would fall out side of the loop, causing the computer to interpret the code incorrectly, as follows: While ( grade value !=-1) // add gradevalue to total total = total + gradevalue; // add 1 to grade Counter grade Counter = grade Counter +1; // prompt for input and read grade from user grade = window. Prompt( “Enter integer Grade, 1 to quite:’, “0”); //convert grade from a string to an integer grade value = parselnt (grade ); This interpretation would cause an infinite loop in the program if the user does not input the sentinel – 1 as the input value in lines 27-28 (i.e., before the while statement). 7. Discuss in detail how the top – down step wise refinement for Nested control structures. Let us work through another complete problem. We will once again formulate the algorithm using pseudocode and top-down, stepwise refinement, and we will write a corresponding Java Script program. Consider the following problem statement: A college offers a course that prepares students for the state licensing exam for real estate brokers. Last year, several of the students who completed this course took the licensing examination. Naturally, the college wants to know how well its students did on the exam. You have been asked to write a program to summarize the results. You have been given a list of these 10 students. Next to each name is written a 1 if the student passed the exam and a 2 if the student VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 35
  • 36. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH failed. Your program should analyze the results of the exam as follows: 1. Input each test result (i.e., a 1 or a 2). Display the message “ Enter result” on the screen each time the program requests another test result. 2. Count the number of test results of each type. 3. Display a summary of the test results indicating the number of students who passed and the number of students who failed. 4. If more than eight students passed the exam, print the message “Raise tuition”. After reading the problem statement carefully, we make the following observations about the problem: 1. The program must process test results for 10 students. A counter – controlled loop will be used. 2. Each test results is a number – either a 1 or 2. Each time the program reads a test result, the program must determine whether the number is a 1 or a 2. We test for a 1 in our algorithm. If the number is not a 1, we assume that it is a 2. ( An exercise at the end of the chapter considers the consequences of this assumption.) 3. Two counters are used to keep tack of the exam results – one to count the number of students who passed the exam and one to count the number of students who failed the exam. After the program processes all the results, it must decide whether more than eight students passed the exam. Let us proceed with top-down, stepwise refinement. We begin with a pseudocode representation of the top: Analyze exam results and decide whether tuition should be raised Once again, it is important to emphasize that the top is a complete representation of the program, but that several refinements are necessary before the pseudocode can be evolved naturally into a Java Script program. Our first refinement is as follows: Initialize variables Input the ten exam grads and count passes and failures Pint a summary of the exam results and decide whether tuition should be raised Here, too, even though we have a complete representation of the entire program, further refinement is necessary. We now commit to specific variables. Counters are needed to record the passes and failures: a counter will be used to control the looping process, and a variable is needed to store the user input. The pseudocode statement. Initialize variables May be refined as follows: VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 36
  • 37. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Initialize passes to zero Initialize failures to zero Initialize student to one Note that only the counters for the number of passes, the number of failures and the number of students are initialized. The pseudocode statement Input the ten quiz grades and count passes and failures requires a loop that successively inputs the result of each exam. Here, it is known in advance that there are precisely 10 exam results, so counter- controlled looping is appropriate. Inside the loop (i.e., nested within the loop), a double- selection structure will determine whether each exam result is a pass or a failure and will increment the appropriate counter accordingly. The refinement of the preceding pseudocode statement is then while student counter is less than or equal to ten Input the next exam result If the student passed Add one to passes Else Add one to failures Add one to student counter Note the use of blank lines to set off the if ….Else control structure to improve program readability. The pseudocode statement. Print a summary of the exam results and decide whether tuition should be raised may be refined as follows: Print the number of passes Print the number of failures If more than eight students passed Print”Raise tuition” The complete second refinement appears in fig. Note that blank lines are also used to set off the While statement for program readability Initialize passes to zero Initialize failures to zero Initialize student to one While student counter is less than or equal to ten Input the next exam result VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 37
  • 38. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH If the student passed Add one to passes Else Add one to failures Add one to student counter Print the number of passes Print the number of failures If more than eight students passed Print “Raise tuition” Fig. Examination – results problem pseudocode. The pseudocode is now refined sufficiently for conversion to Java Script. The Java Script program and two sample executions are shown in fig. 1. <?xml version =”1.0”?> 2. <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC”-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict // EN” 3. “http:/ 1/DTD/xhtml 1- strict.dtd”> 4. 5. <!- - fig. analysis 2, html - - > 6. <!- - Analyzing Exam Results - - > 7. 8. <html xmlns=”> 9. <head> 10. <title> Analysis of Examination Results </title> 11. 12. <script type =”text/javascript”> 13. <! - - 14. // initializing variables in declarations 15. var passes =0, // number of passes 16. Failures =0, // number of Failures 17. Student =1, // student counter 18. result ; // one exam result figure. Examination- results Calculation program in Java Script. 19. 20. // process 10 students; counter – controlled Toop 21. while (student <= 10) { 22. result = window. Prompt( 23. “ Enter result (1-pass, Z- fail)”, “0”); 24. 25. If ( result = = “1”) 26. passes = passes +1; VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 38
  • 39. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 27. else 28. failures = failures +1; 29. 30. student = student +1; 31. } 32. 33. // termination phase 34. document write ln (“<h1>Examination Results </h1>”); 35. document written ln ( 36. “ passed ;” + passes +”<br/>failed:”+failures); 37. 38. if ( passes > 8) 39. document. write ln (“<br />Raise Tuition”); 40. //- - > 41. </script> 42. 43. <head> 44. <body> 45. <p> Click Refresh (or Reload) to run the script again </p> 46. </body> 47. </html> This dialog is displayed 10 times. User input is 1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, and 1. Fig: Examination- results calculation program in Java script. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 39
  • 40. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH The dialog is displayed 10 times user input is 1,2,1,2,2,1,2,2,1, and 1. Fig. Examination- results Calculation program in Java script. Lines 15-18 declare the variable s used to process the examination results. Note that Java script allows variable initialization to be incorporated into declarations ( passes is assigned 0, failures is assigned 0 and student is assigned 1). Some programs may require initialization at the beginning of each repetition; such initialization would normally occur in assignment statements. The processing of the exam results occurs in the while statement in lines 21-31. Note that the if … else statement in lines 25-28 in the loop tests only whether the exam result was 1; it assumes that all other exam results are 2. normally, you should validate the values input by the user (i.e., determine whether the values are correct). In the exercises, we ask you to modify this example to validate the input values to ensure that they are either 1 or 2. 8. (I) Write a Java Script statement or a set of statement to accomplish each of the following tasks: a) Sum the odd integers between 1 and 99. Use a for statement Assume that the variables sum and count have been declared. b) Calculate the value of 2.5 raised to the power of 3. Use the pow method. c) Print the integers from 1 to 20 by using a while loop and the counter variable x. Assume that VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 40
  • 41. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH the variable X has been declared, but not initialized. Print only five integers per line [Hint: Use the calculation X%5. when the value of this expression is 0, use document. write (“<br/>”) to output a line break in the XHTML document.] d) Repeat exercise (C) but using a for statement. a) sum=0; for ( count =1; count <= 99; count +=2) sum +=count; b) Math.pow(2,5,3) c) X=1; While (x<=20){ Document. write (“<br/>”); ++X; } d) For (x=1;x<=20;X++){ Document.write(x+””); If(x%5= =0) Document.write(“<br/>”); } or for (x=1;x<=20;x++) if (x%5 ==0) document. write (x+”<br/>”); else document. write (X+””); (II) Find the error in each of the following code segments, and explain how to correct it: a) x=1; while (x<=10); X++; } b) for (y= .1;y!=1.0;y+=.1) document. write (y+””); c) Switch (n) { Case 1: Document. write ln (“The number is 1”); Case 2: Document. write ln ( “The number is 2”); VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 41
  • 42. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Break; Default; Document . write ln (“The number is not 1 or 2”); Break; } d) The following code should print the values from1 to 10: n=1; While (n<10) Document. writeln(n++); a) Error: The semicolon after the while header causes an infinite loop, and there is a missing left brace. Correction: Replace the semicolon by a {, or remove both the ; and the }. b) Error: Using a floating – point number to control a for repetition statement may not work, because floating – point number are represented approximately by most computers. Correction: use an integer, and perform the proper calculation to get the values you desire For (y=1;y!=10;y++) Document. writeln(y/10); c) Error: Missing break statement in the statements for the first case. Correction and a break statement at the end of the statement for the first case. Note that this missing statement is not necessarily an error if the programmer wants the statement of case 2: to execute every time the case1; statement executes. d) Error: Improper relational operator used in the while repetition – continuation condition. Correction: use <= rather than <, or change 10 to 11. 9. Explain in detail about structured programming. Just as architects design buildings by employing the collective wisdom of their profession, so should programmers design programs. Our field is younger than architecture, and our collective wisdom is considerably sparser. We have learned that structured programming produces programs that are easier to understand than unstructured program and thus are easier to test, debug, modify and even prove correct in a mathematical sense. Flow charts reveal the structured nature of programs or the lack thereof. Connecting individual flowchart symbols arbitrarily can lead to unstructured programs. Therefore, the programming profession has chosen to combine flow chart symbols to form a limited set of control structures and to build structured programs by properly combining control structures in two simple ways. For simplicity, only single – entry/single-exit control structures are used- that is, there is only one way to enter and one way to exit each control structure. Connecting control structures in sequence to form structured programs is simple: the exit point of one control structure is connected to the entry point of the next control structure (i.e., the control structure are simply placed one after another in a program). We have called this process control structure stacking. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 42
  • 43. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH The rules for forming structured programs also allow for control structures to be nested. Figure summarizes Java script’s control structures. Small circles are used in the figure to indicate the single entry point and the single exit point of each structure. Fig. single entry / single – exit sequence, selection and repetition structures. Figure shows the rules for forming properly structured programs. The rules assume that the rectangle flowchart symbol may be used to indicate any action. Including input/ output. [Note: An oval flowchart symbol indicate the beginning and end of a process.] Applying the rules in fig. always results in a structured flowchart with a neat building – block – like appearance. For example, repeatedly applying rule 2 to the simplest flowchart (fig.) results in a structured flowchart containing many rectangles in sequence (fig.) Note that Rule 2 generates a stack of control structures; so let us call rule 2 the stacking rule. Rules for Forming structured programs 1. Begin with the “simplest flowchart” (fig) 2. Any reactance (action) can be replaced by two rectangles (actions) in sequence. 3. Any rectangle (action) can be replaced by any control structures (sequence, if, if … else, switch, while, so …. While or for). 4. Rules 2 and 3 may be applied as often as you like and in any order. Fig. Forming rules for structured programs. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 43
  • 44. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Fig. Simplest flow chart Rule 2 Rule 2 Rule 2 . . . Fig. Repeatedly applying Rule 2 of fig. to the simplest flowchart. Rules 3 is called the nesting rule. Repeatedly applying Rule 3 to the simplest flowchart results in a flowchart with nearly nested control structures. For example, in fig. the reactance in Rule 3 the simplest flowchart is first replaced with a double – selection (fi…else) structure. Then Rule 3 is applied again to both of the rectangle in the double – selection structure by replacing each of these rectangles with double – selection structure. The dashed box around each of the double – selection structures represents the rectangle in the original simplest flow chart that was replaced. Rule 3 Rule 3 VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 44
  • 45. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Fig. Applying Rule 3 of fig. to the simplest flow chart Rule 4 generates larger, more involved and more deeply nested structures. the flow charts that emerge from applying the rules in fig. constitute the set of all possible structured flow charts and thus the set of all possible structured programs. The beauty of the structured approach is that we use only seven simple single – entry/ single – exit prices and assemble them in only two simple ways. Figure shows the kinds of stacked building blocks that emerge from applying rule 2 and the kinds of nested building blocks that emerge from applying the Rule 3. The figure also shows the kind of overlapped building blocks that cannot appear in structured flowcharts (because of the elimination of the go to statement). Stacked building blocks Nested building blocks Over lapping building blocks (illegal in structured programs VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 45
  • 46. VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH Fig. Stacked, nested and overlapped building blocks. If the rules in fig. are followed, an unstructured flow chart ( like the one in fig.) cannot be crated. If you are uncertain about whether a particular flowchart is structured, apply the rules of fig. in reverse to try to reduce the flowchart to the simplest flowchart. If the flowchart is reducible to the simplest flowchart, the original flow chart is structured; other wise, it is not. Fig. unstructured flow chart Structured programming promotes simplicity. Bohm and Jacopini have given us the result that only three forms of control are needed: • Sequence • Selection • Repetition Sequence is trivial. Selection is implemented in one of three ways: • If statement ( single selection) • If …else statement ( double selection) • Switch statement (multiple selection) In fact, it is straight forward to prove that the if statement is sufficient to provide any form of selection; everything that can be done with the if …else statement and the switch statement can be implemented by combining if statements (although perhaps not as smoothly). Repetition is implemented in one of four ways: • While statement • Do…while statement VEL TECH VEL TECH MULTI TECH VEL TECH HIGH TECH 46