SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Web Technologies are the Techniques
  using which we can access various
 resources on the Web.
Web technologies related to the interface
 between web servers and their clients.
 This information includes markup
 languages, programming interfaces and
 languages, and standards for document
 identification and display.
 It facilitates communication, secure
 information sharing and collaboration on the
 World Wide Web .
 The basic Web technologies
 that are used to implement the Web
 portion of Web Services :
          Core Web Technologies
Some Historical Details

Start of standard groups :
Core Web Technologies :
 Core Web Technologies  enable linking
 and sharing documents

Web Server
 Eg – HTTPd (HTTP Daemon)
Web Browser
 Eg – NCSA Mosaic
Netscape Communication Suite :
 Netscape Messenger
 Netscape Composer
 Netscape Conference

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Server Side VS Client Side
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Server Side VS Client Side

Client-side and server-side, what are they and what are their differences? This guide will answer the age-old question -

Introduction to Web Technology
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Introduction to Web Technology

Introduction to WWW, History of Web Protocols governing web Cyber Crime Cyber Laws IT Act 2000 Web Development Strategies, Planning and Development Web Applications Web Development Process Web Team

history of webweb applicationsintroduction to www
Domain name system
Domain name systemDomain name system
Domain name system

The document discusses the Domain Name System (DNS) which maps domain names to IP addresses. It describes how DNS works hierarchically with a root server at the top level, below which are generic, country-specific and other domain levels. DNS servers store and distribute this mapping information across multiple computers to avoid a single point of failure. Primary DNS servers store and update zone files mapping domain names to IP addresses, while secondary servers transfer this information from primary servers.

domain name systemcomputer networkname server
Websites :
World Wide Web is a Grand global
 collection of Websites and Internet
 interconnects all the Sites.
Hypertext Document.
  – HTML – HyperText Markup Language
  – CSS – Cascading Style Sheets
  – JavaScript
XML is a software and hardware
 independent tool for carrying
How the Web Works

Your computer must have
 communications hardware
 with installed drivers (software)
 – Modem card, ex: 56k Modem
 – Network or NIC card, ex: Linksys
 – Wireless Network card
How the Web Works

 Your computer must have Web browser
  – AOL Online Software
  – Microsoft Internet Explorer
  – Netscape Navigator
  – Other web services require
   mail programs (Outlook) or
   File Transfer programs
How the Web Works

Your computer must be logged into the
 – Dialup has dialed, connected & user
   has logged in
 – DSL/Satellite/Cable modem is on and

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How the Web Works
How the Web WorksHow the Web Works
How the Web Works

This presentation is based on the first chapter of our textbook Fundamentals of Web Development. The book is published by Addison-Wesley. It can be purchased via This book is intended to be used as a textbook on web development suitable for intermediate to upper-level computing students. It may also be of interest to a non-student reader wanting a single book that encompasses the entire breadth of contemporary web development. This book will be the first in what will hopefully be a textbook series. Each book in the series will have the same topics and coverage but each will use a different web development environment. The first book in the series will use PHP. To learn more about the book, visit

data centerserver farmixp
TCP/IP Network ppt
TCP/IP Network pptTCP/IP Network ppt
TCP/IP Network ppt

The document provides an overview of the TCP/IP model, describing each layer from application to network. The application layer allows programs access to networked services and contains high-level protocols like TCP and UDP. The transport layer handles reliable delivery via protocols like TCP and UDP. The internet layer organizes routing with the IP protocol. The network layer consists of device drivers and network interface cards that communicate with the physical transmission media.

1. web technology basics
1. web technology basics1. web technology basics
1. web technology basics

This document outlines the course content for an introduction to web technology course. The course covers basic web terminology, HTML, CSS, and web hosting. It is divided into 4 units: 1) Basic web concepts including the internet, browsers, servers, domains and URLs 2) An introduction to HTML5 including page structure, tags, and multimedia 3) An introduction to CSS including style sheets, selectors, properties and layouts 4) Web publishing and hosting including the need for hosting, different hosting options, and steps to host a website.

web technologyhtmlcss
Simple Architecture –
Networked – value grows with data,
 Services, users .
Simple for Users – Text , Graphics and
Powerful – for people and Machines

The main revolutionary Web
 Technologies :
 Web 2.0
 Web 3.0
Today's Latest web technologies :
 Ruby on Rails

    Web Technology have led to :
   Web development
   Evolution of web-based communities :
    social-networking sites,
    video-sharing sites,
    wikis, blogs.
   Business Revolution
Limited Interactivity
Lack of Skills
Security Risks
Browser Compatibility
Lack of Web Development Tools

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Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript
Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScriptWeb Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript
Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript

With the commercialization of the web, web development has become one of the blooming industries. Learning web development enables you to create attractive websites using HTML, CSS, JQuery and JavaScript. Web development includes developing simple and complex web-based applications, electronic businesses and social networking sites. Being a web developer you can deliver applications as web services which is only available in desktop applications.

World wide web architecture presentation
World wide web architecture presentationWorld wide web architecture presentation
World wide web architecture presentation

The document discusses the basic concepts of web architecture including HTML, URIs, HTTP, cookies, database-driven websites, AJAX, web services, XML, and JSON. It explains that Tim Berners-Lee developed HTML, URLs, and HTTP in 1989 to allow scientists to browse each other's papers on the internet. The web uses a two-tiered client-server architecture with the browser displaying content from the web server.

education software engineering computer science
Server configuration
Server configurationServer configuration
Server configuration

The document discusses File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Network File System (NFS), and Samba server configuration. It provides details on FTP such as its history, components, modes, and how to configure an FTP server in Linux. It describes NFS including its history, versions, configuration files, and steps to configure NFS client and server. It also explains Samba, its components, purpose, and how to configure a Samba server using both command line and graphical tools.


Most Web pages remote or local are a
 combination of those Web technologies :
  – Raw content, placed inside…
  – HTML tags, formatted with…
  – CSS rules, interactivity produced by…
  – JavaScript scripts
Newer technologies like DHTML,
 XHTML, and XML are based on these
  – A little knowledge now can prepare

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Web Tech

  • 1. INTRODUCTION Web Technologies are the Techniques using which we can access various resources on the Web. Web technologies related to the interface between web servers and their clients. This information includes markup languages, programming interfaces and languages, and standards for document identification and display.
  • 2.  It facilitates communication, secure information sharing and collaboration on the World Wide Web .  The basic Web technologies that are used to implement the Web portion of Web Services : Core Web Technologies Tunneling Firewalls
  • 3. Some Historical Details Start of standard groups : TCP, IP, TCP/IP, TELNET,FTP SMTP Archie Gopher Core Web Technologies : Core Web Technologies  enable linking and sharing documents
  • 4. CHARACTERISTICS Web Server Eg – HTTPd (HTTP Daemon) Web Browser Eg – NCSA Mosaic Netscape Communication Suite : Netscape Messenger Netscape Composer Netscape Conference Firewalls
  • 5. WEBSITES AND MARK UP LANGUAGES Websites : World Wide Web is a Grand global collection of Websites and Internet interconnects all the Sites. Hypertext Document. – HTML – HyperText Markup Language – CSS – Cascading Style Sheets – JavaScript XML is a software and hardware independent tool for carrying
  • 6. How the Web Works Your computer must have communications hardware with installed drivers (software) – Modem card, ex: 56k Modem – Network or NIC card, ex: Linksys * – Wireless Network card
  • 7. How the Web Works  Your computer must have Web browser software – AOL Online Software – Microsoft Internet Explorer – Netscape Navigator – Other web services require mail programs (Outlook) or File Transfer programs (WS_FTP)
  • 8. How the Web Works Your computer must be logged into the Web – Dialup has dialed, connected & user has logged in OR – DSL/Satellite/Cable modem is on and connected
  • 9. WHAT LED TO WEB TECHNOLOGIES SUCCESS Simple Architecture – HTTP,URL,HTML Networked – value grows with data, Services, users . Simple for Users – Text , Graphics and Links Powerful – for people and Machines
  • 10. EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES The main revolutionary Web Technologies : Web 2.0 Web 3.0 Today's Latest web technologies : AJAX Ruby Ruby on Rails
  • 11. ADVANTAGES Web Technology have led to :  Web development  Evolution of web-based communities : social-networking sites, video-sharing sites, wikis, blogs.  Business Revolution
  • 12. CHALLENGES ENCOUNTERED USING WEB TECHNOLOGIES Limited Interactivity Lack of Skills Security Risks Browser Compatibility Lack of Web Development Tools Standardization
  • 13. SUMMARY Most Web pages remote or local are a combination of those Web technologies : – Raw content, placed inside… – HTML tags, formatted with… – CSS rules, interactivity produced by… – JavaScript scripts Newer technologies like DHTML, XHTML, and XML are based on these – A little knowledge now can prepare