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Web Technology
Prepared By:
Aashish Jain
Asst. Professor, CSE
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture Number Topic Description
Lecture-1 Introduction to WWW, History of Web
Lecture-2 Protocols governing web
Lecture-3 Cyber Crime
Lecture-4 Cyber Laws
Lecture-5 IT Act 2000
Lecture-6 Web Development Strategies, Planning and Development
Lecture-7 Web Applications
Lecture-8 Web Development Process
Lecture-9 Web Team
Lecture No. 1
Introduction to WWW
• Affectionately called “The Web”
• It is a collection of information stored on the networked computers over the
• Individual document pages on the World Wide Web are called web pages and
are accessed with a software application running on
the user's computer, commonly called a web browser.
• Web pages may contain text, images, videos,
and other multimedia components, as well as
web navigation features consisting of hyperlinks.
• The WWW was proposed in 1991 by Tim
Berners-Lee at CERN.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 1
Web or Internet?
• Web or Internet, both are not the same things.
• The Internet is a collection of computers or networking devices connecting
 Devices can communicate with each other.
• The Web is a collection of documents that are interconnected by hyper-links.
 These documents are accessed by web browsers and provided by web
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut

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The document discusses web servers and their key components and functions. It covers: 1) The definition of a web server as a program that generates and transmits responses to client requests for web resources by parsing requests, authorizing access, and constructing responses. 2) How web servers handle client requests through steps like parsing requests, authorizing access, and transmitting responses. They can also dynamically generate responses through server-side includes and server scripts. 3) Techniques web servers use like access control through authentication and authorization, passing data to scripts, using cookies, caching responses, and allocating resources through event-driven, process-driven, and hybrid architectures.

web servers
Front end web development
Front end web developmentFront end web development
Front end web development

This document provides an overview of front-end web development. It begins by listing topics that will be covered, including what a website is, web development, front-end and back-end development, and languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It then defines a website and provides examples. It describes web development as building and maintaining websites and apps that run in browsers. It defines front-end development as producing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that users directly see and interact with on a website or app. Back-end development refers to server-side code that communicates with databases and browsers. It also provides overviews of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and their uses in web development.

front endweb developmenthtml5
Lecture No. 1
Web Terminologies
• Client
• Any computer on the network that requests services from another computer on
the network.
• Server
• Any computer that receives requests from client computers, processes and sends
the output.
• Web Page
• Any page that is hosted on the Internet.
•Web Site
• Collection of interlinked web pages that is hosted on the Internet.
• Web Development
• The process of creating, modifying web pages.
•Web Browser
• A program that receives information from the web. E.g. IE, Chrome, Mozilla etc.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 1
How does the web work?
• The web information is stored in the web pages. (In HTML Format)
• The web pages are stored in the computers called web servers. (In the web
server file system.)
• The computer reading the pages is called web clients with specific web
browsers. ( IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari, Opera etc.)
• The web server waits for the request from the web clients over the Internet.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Client Server
HTML Codes
Program /
Lecture No. 1
Who defines Web standard?
• The web standards are not defined or setup by the browser companies or
Microsoft, but the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
• W3C’s long term goals for the web are:
 Universal Access: To make the web accessible to all by promoting
technologies that take into account the vast differences in culture,
languages, education, ability, material resources, and physical limitations
of users on all continents.
 Semantic Web: To develop a software environment that permits each
user to make the best use of the resources available on the Web.
 Web of Trust: To guide the web’s development with careful
consideration for the novel legal, commercial, and social issues raised by
this technology.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 2
History of web
History of Internet
• The Internet grew out of many developments in computer networking and
telecommunications research.
• Early projects undertaken in early 1960’s by the US military (known as
• Started with a dozen of Networked computer systems of universities and
institutions, allowing computers to be shared.
• Allowing fast communication between researchers through Emails.
• Only people in the government, military and academic had access to the
• In 1991, the National Science Foundation (NFS) gradually started backing
off from its subsidy of the backbone network, then allowed commercial access
to the internet.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut

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Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a markup language used to style and lay out web documents. There are three types of CSS: external style sheets, internal style sheets, and inline styles. External style sheets are ideal for applying styles to many pages, internal style sheets are used for styling a single document with unique styles, and inline styles are applied directly to HTML elements but lose advantages of style sheets.

sheetexternal sheetcss
Lecture No. 2
History of web
History of Internet
• With commercial access to the Internet, businesses and all kinds of agencies
began to use the Internet to communicate, exchange data and distribute
• A host of businesses called Internet Service Providers (ISPs) sprang up. ISPs
provide dialup access to the Internet; an individual or a business opens an
account with the ISP, dials into the ISP's computer and via the ISP's computer
connects to the Internet.
• Internet traffic grew,
• Many businesses spent heavily to improve the internet, therefore to
better service their customers.
• Big competition among communication carriers, hardware and software
• As a result, Internet’s bandwidth climbed high, & cost went down
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 1
History of web
History of World Wide Web
• WWW allows computer users to locate and display multimedia-based
• Introduced in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee of CERN (Geneva).
• The portable browser is released by CERN as freeware in 1992.
• In 1993, CERN produces Web server software with basic protection
• Tim Berners-Lee and Laboratory of Computer Science (LCS) of MIT start
the W3C Consortium in US. It is modeled after the X consortium.
• Sun Microsystems in 1995, produces HotJava, a browser which incorporates
interactive objects.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 2
Protocols Governing Web
• Protocols are the set of conventions governing the processing and especially
the data in an electronic communication system.
• The different protocols governing the web are:
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
• Protocol used to access data on the WWW.
• Uses one TCP connection on well known port -80.
• Two types of HTTP messages: Request, Response
• Used to transport HTML pages from web servers to web browsers.
• Transfer data in the form of plain text, hypertext, audio, video, and so on.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 2
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
User request document from browser.
Searching for the document.
Open connection of web server.
Send request.
Send response.
Display web page.

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The document provides an overview of web development. It discusses how the web was created in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee and the initial technologies of HTTP, HTML, and URLs. It then explains how a basic web application works with a browser connecting to a web server to request and receive HTML files and other resources. The document also summarizes key concepts in web development including front-end versus back-end code, common programming languages and frameworks, database usage, and standards that allow interoperability across systems.

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Introduction To Web Technology
Introduction To Web TechnologyIntroduction To Web Technology
Introduction To Web Technology

This document provides an overview of web technology concepts and requirements for developing a website. It discusses how the web works from a user perspective, including necessary hardware, software, and internet connections. It then explains in more detail how information is transmitted and received through web requests and responses. Examples are given of common web applications and how e-commerce transactions are processed securely. Lastly, it outlines key requirements to collect from business owners regarding the goals and functionality needed for their website.

Html presentation
Html presentationHtml presentation
Html presentation

Tim Berners-Lee, a physicist working at CERN, invented HTML in the late 1980s as a way for researchers to share and collaborate on information. The earliest versions of HTML included basic markup tags but lacked features like tables. Subsequent versions in the 1990s, such as HTML 3.2, HTML 4, and HTML 4.01, added support for additional elements, tags, and features to enhance the functionality and capabilities of HTML. HTML is not a programming language but a markup language that uses tags to define the structure and layout of web pages.

Lecture No. 2
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol)
• TCP/IP is a set of protocols developed to allow cooperating computers to
share resources across a network.
• They provide a few basic services that everyone needs (File transfer,
electronic mail, remote logon, etc…) across a very large number of clients and
server systems.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
• An unreliable connection less protocol used to control the management of
application level services between computers.
• It is used for transport by some applications, which must provide their own
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 2
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
• It allows file transfer between two computers with login required.
• FTP allows you to copy any kind of computer file (text, software, images,
sounds, etc..) from one computer to another via a network using the Internet.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
• It is used to transport mail over Internet.
• It is an application layer protocol, not a transport layer protocol.
POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version 3)
• This protocol is used by clients to access an internet mail server to get mail.
• It is not a transport layer protocol.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 2
IMAP4 (Internet Mail Access Protocol Version 4)
• This protocol is used by clients to access an internet mail server to get mail.
• It is not a transport layer protocol.
• It is used to remotely open a session on another computer.
• It relies on TCP for transport.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
• It is a method of assigning and controlling the IP addresses of computers on a
given network.
• It is a server-based service that automatically assigns IP numbers when a
computer boots.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 3
Cyber Crime
• Cyber crime refers to all the activities done with criminal intent in
cyberspace or using the medium of Internet.
• Crime committed using a computer and the
Internet to steal a person’s identity or sell
contraband or stalk victims or disrupt
operations with malevolent programs.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut

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The document covers various topics related to CSS including CSS introduction, syntax, selectors, inclusion methods, setting backgrounds, fonts, manipulating text, and working with images. Key points include how CSS handles web page styling, the advantages of CSS, CSS versions, associating styles using embedded, inline, external and imported CSS, and properties for backgrounds, fonts, text formatting, and images.

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Introduction to Web Development
Introduction to Web DevelopmentIntroduction to Web Development
Introduction to Web Development

This document provides an introduction to web development technologies including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. It explains that HTML is the standard markup language used to structure web pages, CSS is used to style web pages, and JavaScript adds interactivity. It also distinguishes between client-side and server-side technologies, noting that JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are client-side and run in the browser, while server-side languages like PHP run on the web server. The document provides examples of how each technology works and is used to build dynamic web pages.

Lecture No. 3
Cyber Crime
•Types of Cyber crime:
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Credit card frauds
Sale of illegal articles-narcotics,
weapons, wildlife
Online gambling
Intellectual Property crimes-
software piracy, copyright infringement,
trademarks violations,
theft of computer source code
Email spoofing
Cyber terrorism
Lecture No. 3
Cyber Crime Variants
• Hacking:
“Hacking” is a crime, which entails cracking systems and gaining
unauthorized access to the data stored in them.
• Hacker:
Hacker (programmer subculture), who combines excellence, playfulness,
cleverness, and exploration in performed activities.
• Cyber Squatting:
Cyber squatting is the act of registering a famous domain name and then
setting it for a fortune.
• Phishing:
Phishing is just one of the many frauds on the Internet, trying to fool people
in to parting with their money.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 3
Cyber Crime Variants
 Phishing refers to the receipt of unsolicited emails by customers of
Financial Institutions, requesting them to enter their username, password
or other personal information to access their account for some reason.
 The fraudster then has access to the customer’s online bank account and to
the funds contained in that account.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 3
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Cyber Crime Variants
 How it Works?

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Introduction to html

This document provides an introduction to HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and describes some basic HTML tags and elements. It discusses how to structure an HTML document using tags like <html>, <head>, <title>, and <body>. It also covers text formatting tags, headings, paragraphs, hyperlinks, images, and more. The document contains examples of HTML code and the rendered output to demonstrate how various tags are used.


This document provides an overview of JavaScript and the DOM (Document Object Model) for a web programming course. It introduces JavaScript as a scripting language used to add interactivity to HTML pages. It describes what JavaScript can do, such as dynamically updating text and reacting to events. It also covers JavaScript syntax, variables, operators, functions, and objects. A significant portion of the document is devoted to explaining the DOM and how it allows JavaScript to access and modify HTML elements and structure programmatically.

Html ppt
Html pptHtml ppt
Html ppt

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language that is used to structure and present content on the World Wide Web. It was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1980. The document defines various HTML tags such as headings, paragraphs, bold, italics, lists, images, and links. It provides examples of how to use each tag, including the opening and closing syntax. Common tags discussed include <h1> for main headings, <p> for paragraphs, <b> for bold text, <i> for italics, <ol> for ordered lists, <ul> for unordered lists, and <a> for creating links between pages.

Lecture No. 3
Cyber Crime Variants
• Cyber Stalking:
 Cyber stalking is use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk
 This term is used interchangeably with online harassment and online abuse.
 Stalking generally involves harassing or threatening behavior that an
individual engages in repeatedly, such as following a person, appearing at a
person’s home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving
written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person’s property.
• Vishing:
 Vishing is the criminal practice of using social engineering and Voice over
IP (VoIP) to gain access to private personal and financial information from the
public for the financial reward.
 This term is combination of Voice and phishing.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 4
Cyber Laws
• Cyber law is a system of law and regulation for the cyber
• Cyber law refers to all the legal and regulatory aspects of the Internet and the
World Wide Web.
• Cyber laws applicable to World Wide are:
Intellectual Property Law:
 Intellectual property is a legal field that refers to creations of the mind such
as musical, literary, and artistic works; inventions; and symbols, names,
images and designs used in commerce, including copyrights, trademarks,
patents, and related rights.
 Intellectual property rights give creators exclusive rights to their creations,
thereby providing an incentive for the author or inventor to develop and share
the information rather than keep it secret.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 4
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Cyber Laws
Privacy Law:
 Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or
information about themselves and thereby reveal themselves selectively.
 The right against unsanctioned invasion of privacy by the government,
corporations or individuals is part of cyber laws.
Freedom of Expression:
 It is the right not confined to verbal speech but is understood to protect any
act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the
medium used.
Lecture No. 4
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Cyber Laws
 In law, jurisdiction is the practical authority granted to a formally
constituted legal body or to a political leader to deal with and make
pronouncements on legal matters and, by implication, to administer justice
within a defined area of responsibility.
 Any cyber crime is also subject to the legal body constituted.

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The document provides an overview of web design, including: 1) The basic components of websites like pages, links, and browsers are introduced. 2) Effective site structure is important - pages should be logically grouped and linked together to meet a site's purpose. 3) Consistent page layout across a site helps users navigate, typically using standard colors, fonts, and positioning of elements. 4) Additional features like images, tables, forms, scripts, and multimedia can enrich sites, though some require certain browsers or plugins. 5) Completed sites must be uploaded to web servers for public access over the internet.

web design
Components of the Internet and the World Wide Web
Components of the Internet and the World Wide WebComponents of the Internet and the World Wide Web
Components of the Internet and the World Wide Web

The document defines key terms related to the internet and world wide web, then provides a brief history and overview of their development and major components. It discusses how the internet began as a US military network called ARPANET in the 1950s-60s and later expanded. Key components include servers, IP addresses, browsers, DNS, top-level domains, and ISPs. The document also outlines how users connect to the internet and what activities can be done online. For the world wide web, it defines terms like websites and URLs, and discusses its origins in the 1980s and foundational technologies like HTTP, HTML, and web servers.

Lecture No. 4
The need for Cyber Laws in India
• The coming of the Internet led to the emergence of
numerous ticklish legal issues and problems which
necessitated the enactment of Cyber laws.
• The existing laws of India, even with the most benevolent and liberal
interpretation, could not be interpreted in the light of the emerging cyberspace.
• None of the existing laws gave any legal validity or sanction to the activities
in Cyberspace.
• Internet requires an enabling and supportive legal infrastructure in tune with
the times.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 5
IT Act 2000
• Enacted on 17th May 2000- India is 12th nation in the world to adopt cyber
• The objectives of IT Act are:
 To provide legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of
electronic data interchange, and other means of electronic communication,
commonly referred to as ‘Electronic Commerce’.
 To facilitate electronic filing of documents with government agencies
and e-Payments.
Civil Wrongs under IT Act
Chapter IX of IT Act, Section 43
• Whoever without permission of owner of the computer
 Secures Access (Mere unauthorized access)
 Downloads, copies, extracts any data
 Introduces or causes to be introduced any viruses or contaminant
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 5
IT Act 2000
Civil Wrongs under IT Act
 Damages or causes to be damaged any computer resource
 Denies or causes denial of access by any means
 Charges the services availed by a person to the account of another
person by tampering or manipulating any computer resource
Data Diddling
• Changing data prior or during input into a computer
• Section 66 and 43 (d) of the IT Act covers the offence of data diddling
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 5
IT Act 2000
Section 46 IT Act
• It states that an adjudicating officer shall be adjudging whether a person
has committed a contravention of any of the provisions of the said Act, by
holding an inquiry.
Section 47 IT Act
• This Act lays down that while adjudging the quantum of compensation
under this Act, the adjudicating officer shall have due regard to the
amount of gain of unfair advantage and the amount of loss caused to any
person as a result of the default.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut

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This document provides information about Amber Bhaumik including their name, class, and roll numbers. It then lists and defines several key topics relating to the history and evolution of the internet including how the internet works, common uses, the world wide web, web browsers and servers, HTTP, intranets, search engines, and more. It describes the internet as a network of networks that connects computers globally and allows for communication and sharing of data and resources.

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The document defines and explains key concepts related to the internet: - The internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use TCP/IP to communicate. It carries a vast range of information and services like the World Wide Web, email, file sharing, and more. - The anatomy of the internet involves browsers connecting to servers via ISPs, with DNS servers locating IP addresses and routing traffic between networks of servers that host websites, email, databases and more. - The growth of the internet began in the 1960s with early research networks, and expanded through the 1980s with standardization of TCP/IP and growth of academic and research networks. By the 1990s it was fully commercialized and the

Lecture No. 5
IT Act 2000
Offences & Relevant Sections under IT Act
• Tampering with source code documents: Section 65
 Most important asset of software companies
 Computer Source Code means the listing of programmes, computer
commands, design and layout
 Ingredients
 Knowledge or intention
 Concealment, destruction, alteration
 Computer source code required to be kept or maintained by law.
 Punishment
 Imprisonment up to three years and/ or fine up to Rs. 2 lakh
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 5
IT Act 2000
• Hacking with Computer Systems, Data Alteration: Section 66
 Ingredients
 Intention or knowledge to cause wrongful loss or damage to the
public or any person
 Destruction, deletion, alteration, diminishing value or injuriously
affecting information residing in a computer resource
 Punishment
 Imprisonment up to three years and/ or fine up to Rs. 2 lakh
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 5
IT Act 2000
• Publishing obscene information (Pornography): Section 67
 Ingredients
 Publishing or transmitting or causing obscene material to be published
in the electronic form
 Punishment
 On first conviction
 Imprison of either description up to five years and fine up to Rs. 1
On subsequent conviction
 Imprison of either description up to ten years and fine up to Rs. 2 Lakh
 Section Covers
 Internet Service Providers, Search Engines
 Pornographic Websites
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 5
IT Act 2000
• Decryption of Information: Section 69
 Ingredients
 Controller issues order to government agency to intercept any
information transmitted through any computer resource.
 Person in charge of the computer resource fails to extend all
facilities and technical assistance to decrypt information
 Order is issued in the interest of the:
 Integrity of India
 The security of state
 Friendly relations with foreign states
 Public order or preventing incitement for commission of a cognizable
 Punishment
 Imprisonment up to seven years
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut

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The document provides an overview of the history and development of the internet and world wide web. It discusses how Tim Berners-Lee first developed the idea for a hypertext-based information system in 1989 while working at CERN. It then outlines the development of key technologies and protocols that led to the creation of the internet, including ARPANET, TCP/IP, domain name addressing, HTML, and HTTP. The document also distinguishes between related terms like the internet, intranets, and the world wide web.

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The document provides information about the internet including its origin, components, services, protocols, and impact. It describes how the internet began as a US Department of Defense network called ARPANET that later expanded to include universities and research institutions. Key components that enable the internet include clients, servers, networks, and nodes. Services like email, FTP, and the World Wide Web allow sharing of information. Protocols like IP and TCP/IP define how data is transmitted. The rise of the World Wide Web in the 1990s increased accessibility of internet resources. The internet has significantly impacted society through online communication, commerce, and access to information but has also enabled new forms of cybercrime.

Lecture No. 5
IT Act 2000
• Un-authorized access to protected systems: Section 70
 Ingredients
 Securing unauthorized access or attempting to secure unauthorized
access to protected systems
Acts covered by this section
 Switching computer on/ off
 Using installed software/ hardware
 Installing software/ hardware
 Port scanning
 Punishment
 Imprisonment up to ten years and/ or fine
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 5
IT Act 2000
• Misinterpretation to the controller or the certifying authority: Section 71
• Breach of confidentiality and privacy: Section 72
• Publishing digital signature certificate false in certain particulars:
Section 73
• Publication for Fraudulent purpose: Section 74
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 5
IT Act 2000
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Computer Related Crimes under IPC and Special Laws
Sending threatening messages by email Sec 503 IPC
Sending defamatory messages by email Sec 499, 500 IPC
Forgery of electronic records Sec 463, 470, 471 IPC
Bogus websites, cyber frauds Sec 420 IPC
Email spoofing Sec 416, 417, 463 IPC
Online sale of Drugs NDPS Act
Web - Jacking Sec. 383 IPC
Online sale of Arms Arms Act
Lecture No. 5
IT Act 2000
• Presumptions in Law
 In any proceedings involving a secure electronic record, the court shall
presume, unless contrary is proved, that the secure electronic record has
not been altered since the specific point of time, to which the secure status
 The law also presumes that in any proceedings, involving secure digital
signature, the court shall presume, unless the country is proved, that the
secure digital signature is affixed by the subscriber with the intention of
signing or approving the electronic record.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut

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This document discusses the Internet and its history and applications. It provides the following key points: - The Internet began as a US Department of Defense project in the 1960s and has since grown to be a global network connecting millions of computers worldwide. It allows for sharing and exchanging of information. - The World Wide Web is a service within the Internet that connects websites through hyperlinks. It was invented in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee and made publicly accessible through the Mosaic browser in 1993. - Websites contain pages written in HTML that can include text, images, and other multimedia. Each page has a unique URL that identifies its location and allows users to access the information through browsers like Internet Explorer

internethistory of internet

So, this was our FIRST SEMESTER presentation on "Internet". Everyone is familiar with the word internet so, in this presentation we have tried to gather more and more information about internet from reliable sources so as to enhance knowledge. hope this will help you!!!!

#internet #global #world #communication

This document provides an overview of the key concepts related to the Internet and web design. It defines the Internet as a worldwide network connecting thousands of smaller networks. It describes popular Internet features like email, newsgroups, chats, and e-commerce. It also outlines how to connect to the Internet, download files, use hyperlinks, and access websites via browsers. Finally, it discusses factors that can affect browser performance like computer speed, modem type, and bandwidth.

Lecture No. 6
Web Development Strategies
Creating websites for individual and corporate world
Define your project, understand and communicate the project’s mission,
objectives, risks and requirements. A project can be defined quickly and easily
by following the steps:
 Write a project mission statement
 A mission statement tells that, for whom and how the website is going to
 Identify the project’s objectives
 Objectives must be SMART, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic,
Time limited
 Objectives need to be written down in order to be effective.
 It defines what you to achieve by creating the website.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 6
Web Development Strategies
 Identify your targeted users
 The kind of content that you will create for the website will be determined
by the users for whom you want to visit the website.
 The ways to reach your targeted users are: Market Research, Focus
Groups, Understanding Intranet audiences etc.
 Determine the scope of the project
 The scope of your project should be limited to what you can accomplish
within the allotted time and budget.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 6
Planning and Process Development
Planning is the only way to ensure that the web project that is to be designed
will meet its objectives in the given time and budget. Different planning are as
• Early Planning
 Early planning is done to present a strategic plan to the client.
 Early planning is done to define the project in the best possible way in terms of
the objectives and the user’s needs and expectations.
 To build a successful web project, development team must know the audience
so that they must understand the client’s needs.
• Creative and Content Planning
 Creating the Concept: looks of website, its tone, and other kind of features it
 Communicating the Concept: explaining the concept between team members.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 6
Planning and Process Development
 Usability study: How well the interface is designed.
 Site architecture and Schematics: How the pages of the site is linked to each
other and what element of content live on each page.
• Technical Planning
 The technical team investigates the technical requirements of the project
 Develops a strategy for building features of the site such as databases,
shockwave movies, transaction systems and script of all kinds.
• Production Planning
 Comprises of pre-production planning and post-production planning
 Pre-production planning: all the members must know the requirements and
scope of the project before beginning with the project.
 Post-production planning: It is done for handing over the project to the client.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut

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Internet Presentation
Internet PresentationInternet Presentation
Internet Presentation

The document provides an introduction to the internet, including a brief history and explanation of basic protocols. It discusses the world wide web and how it is part of the internet. It also covers topics like internet ownership, milestones in internet development, common internet services, how to read URLs, getting domain names, identifying computers online, bandwidth speeds, hypertext, creating web pages, browsers, and some bioinformatics resources available on the internet.

Internet tech &amp; web prog. p1,2,3-ver1
Internet tech &amp; web prog.  p1,2,3-ver1Internet tech &amp; web prog.  p1,2,3-ver1
Internet tech &amp; web prog. p1,2,3-ver1

This document provides information about an "Internet Techniques & Web programming" course taught by Prof. Taymoor Mohamed Nazmy at Ain Shams University in Egypt. The course covers topics like navigating the internet, search engines, HTML, XML, Java, TCP/IP, and web security. It consists of 5 parts delivered through presentations, with exams accounting for 30% of the grade, labs 30%, and a final exam 40%. The course aims to improve students' knowledge of internet and web technologies.

web technology and internet
Internet 130615022622-phpapp02
Internet 130615022622-phpapp02Internet 130615022622-phpapp02
Internet 130615022622-phpapp02

The document provides information about the history and development of the Internet. It discusses how the Internet originated from the ARPANET network developed by the US Department of Defense in the 1960s for research purposes. It then explains how ARPANET evolved into the Internet over time as networking technology advanced and more computers and networks became connected. The document also outlines some of the key events and innovations that led to the widespread adoption of the Internet, such as the introduction of TCP/IP protocols and the creation of the World Wide Web.

Lecture No. 7
Web Applications
• Web is the popular name for conducting business.
• Web Applications use the Internet’s infrastructure to deliver their
• Today web is used in various fields:
 E-commerce
 Business to Business applications
 Online education
 Electronic Data Interchange
Customer registration
 Marketing and sales
 Online order
 Online payment (e-cash).
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 7
Web Applications
Why we use web applications?
• Lower maintenance and production costs.
• Easily accessible
• Web applications run in web browser and web servers, they do not depend on
installing client software on each user’s computer.
• Reduces the time and cost.
• Not limited to any specific application.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 7
Web Applications
Types of Web Applications
• Brochure web applications
 composed of static web pages
• Service oriented applications
 contain the programming logic to implement the specific service
• Data intensive applications
 provide an interface to browse and query large amount of data
• Information system applications
 combine the service oriented applications and data intensive
applications e.g., online banking system
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 7
Web Applications
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut

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ipinternet programmingcs8651

The document provides an overview of the history and development of the Internet. It discusses how the Internet originated from the ARPANET network created by the U.S. Department of Defense in the 1960s to enable communication between researchers even if parts of the network failed. It describes how standards like TCP/IP were developed in the 1970s and 1980s, allowing the Internet to grow rapidly from around 1,000 hosts in 1984 to over 200 million hosts by 2002. The document also summarizes how the Internet works, including topics like browsers, URLs, domain names, and different ways users can access the Internet through connections like LAN servers, dial-up, or online services.

Module 1 Basic.pptx
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Module 1 Basic.pptx

The document outlines the syllabus for the CSE2067 - Web Technology course, including introductions to XHTML, clients and servers, URLs, web browsers, web servers, and the basics of the World Wide Web. It also discusses the history and components of the Internet, hardware and software requirements, domain names, DNS, and the different types of servers used on the web. The basics of web pages, hyperlinks, and URL formats are introduced as well.

Lecture No. 8
Web Development Process
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Design &
and Update
Lecture No. 8
Web Development Process
• Identification of target audience.
• How the site is going to help the business.
• Consideration about all the resources such as hardware, software, people and
 Inputs
• Interview with the client.
• Mails and supporting documents by the client, discussions, recorded telephone
conversations etc.
 Outputs
• Work plan
• Cost estimation
• Team requirements
• Supporting documents
• Hardware, software requirements
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 8
Web Development Process
Specification Building
• Covering up each and every element of the requirement, creation of
specification documents.
• Consultation to find out additional requirements.
• Preparation of a complete written proposal.
 Inputs
• Report from the analysis team.
 Outputs
• Complete requirement specification to the team members and customer
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 8
Web Development Process
Design & Development
• Layouts and navigation scheme is designed.
• Development of test plans and procedure for quality assurance.
• Client approval on design and development plans is required.
• Prototyping of content materials, graphics etc. is designed
 Inputs
• Requirement Specifications.
 Outputs
• Site designed with templates, images and prototype.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut

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Introduction to Internet By Anamika
Introduction to Internet By AnamikaIntroduction to Internet By Anamika
Introduction to Internet By Anamika

The document provides an introduction to key concepts related to the internet. It discusses the history and development of the internet from ARPANET in 1969. It also describes important internet protocols like TCP and IP. It explains how different groups govern and coordinate the internet. It outlines the basic hardware, software, and connections needed to access the internet, including modems, data transfer media, internet service providers, and web browsers. Finally, it defines important terms like websites, web addresses, URLs, and how information is transmitted and coded on the world wide web.

introduction to the internet

The document provides an overview of the history and workings of the internet. It discusses how ARPAnet was developed in the 1960s as a military network which later became the foundation for the commercial internet. It describes important internet protocols like TCP/IP, HTTP, and DNS. It also explains client-server architecture, IP addressing, URLs, web browsers, search engines, and common uses of the internet like email, e-commerce, and social media.

internetbrowsersearch engine optimization

The document discusses the history and evolution of the internet from its origins as the ARPANET network established by the US Department of Defense in the 1960s to connect research institutions. It then traces the development of technologies like packet switching and the World Wide Web that enabled the internet's growth. The summary concludes by noting that while the internet has expanded dramatically and connected billions of users worldwide, it remains without any central ownership or control.

#living in i.t era
Lecture No. 8
Web Development Process
Content Writing
• There are professional developer who can write industry specific and relevant
content for the site.
 Inputs
• Design Templates.
 Outputs
• Site with formatted content.
• The developer should understand the design and navigation by preparing
code for the website.
 Inputs
• The site with form and requirement specifications.
 Outputs
• Database driven functions with the sites, coding documents.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 8
Web Development Process
• Intensive testing is required because these applications function as multiuser
system with bandwidth limitations.
• Integration Testing
• Stress Testing
• Scalability Testing
• Load Testing
• Cross- Browser Compatibility Testing
 Inputs
• Requirement Specifications and Technical documents.
 Outputs
• Testing report and completed application or website.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 8
Web Development Process
• It is an ongoing activity.
• It involves advertising the project.
 Inputs
• Completed site and client e-mails.
 Outputs
• Promotion of the site with having advertisements published on carious promotional
Maintenance and Update
• It is an ongoing activity, has to be done on regular basis to keep the content fresh.
 Inputs
• Completed site, content or functions to be updated, reanalysis code.
 Outputs
• Updated application, support documents.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web team began with web masters, people who did everything from coding
the page to maintaining the web server.
There are basically two types of web teams:
• Server Side
Hired by a company to develop a website.
• Client Side
Part of the company that is putting together the website.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut

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Networks are collections of computers, software, and hardware that are all connected to help their users work together. A network enables users to share files and resources, such as printers, as well as send messages electronically (e-mail) to each other. Computer networks fall into two main types: client/server networks and peer-to-peer networks.

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Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
The Project
manager is
• Scoping the
• Developing
the project
• Scheduling
• Allocating
• Budgeting
• Managing
the team
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
A technical lead is
responsible for the technical
aspects of the website.

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Let's start with Java- Basic Concepts
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Let's start with Java- Basic Concepts

This presentation contains the basic concepts of Java. An attempt to help people to learn the basics.

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Introduction to Active Server Pages (ASP) ASP.NET Java Server Pages (JSP), JSP Processing JSP Life Cycle, JSP Application Design Tomcat Server, JSP Components: Scriptlets, Directives JSP Actions JSP Implicit Objects, Sharing Data between JSP Pages Session Tracking JSP Error Handling and Debugging COM/DCOM

tomcat serverjsp implicit objectsjsp processing
JavaScript, VBScript, AJAX, CGI
JavaScript, VBScript, AJAX, CGIJavaScript, VBScript, AJAX, CGI
JavaScript, VBScript, AJAX, CGI

The document discusses JavaScript topics that will be covered in a web technology course. It outlines 10 lectures covering JavaScript introduction, variables, operators, conditional and loop statements, functions, event handling, objects, cookies, forms validation, AJAX, and VBScript. The first lecture defines JavaScript, what it can do, and provides simple examples of JavaScript code embedded in HTML and using external JavaScript files. It also covers variable declaration, local and global variables.

Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
The web
specialist is
the site
guide etc.
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
The creative
lead is
the creative
concept of
the site,
making the
site’s design
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
The web
designer is
responsible for
creating the
look and feel
of the site and
how images
need to be
made for the
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
LeadA production
transforms the
artwork that
the designer
creates into
web ready art.

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For Ad post Contact : Bangalore @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 0000000000 ❤꧂@ℂall @Girls Service Vip Top Model Safe

Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
A quality
assurance lead
makes sure
that the
meets the
specified in
the scope
document and
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
of account
manager are:
• Selling in
• Providing the
project team
with the
insight and
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
A programmer develops
application for the web

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Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
A network
engineer is
responsible for
setting up and
configuring a web
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
architect is
responsible for
visually to
users to
how to interact
with the site
and finding the
information as
per users need.
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
A tester tests the web
project based on the test
plan that QA lead writes.
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut

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by Dss
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Social media management system project report.pdf
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Social media management system project report.pdf

The project "Social Media Platform in Object-Oriented Modeling" aims to design and model a robust and scalable social media platform using object-oriented modeling principles. In the age of digital communication, social media platforms have become indispensable for connecting people, sharing content, and fostering online communities. However, their complex nature requires meticulous planning and organization.This project addresses the challenge of creating a feature-rich and user-friendly social media platform by applying key object-oriented modeling concepts. It entails the identification and definition of essential objects such as "User," "Post," "Comment," and "Notification," each encapsulating specific attributes and behaviors. Relationships between these objects, such as friendships, content interactions, and notifications, are meticulously established.The project emphasizes encapsulation to maintain data integrity, inheritance for shared behaviors among objects, and polymorphism for flexible content handling. Use case diagrams depict user interactions, while sequence diagrams showcase the flow of interactions during critical scenarios. Class diagrams provide an overarching view of the system's architecture, including classes, attributes, and methods .By undertaking this project, we aim to create a modular, maintainable, and user-centric social media platform that adheres to best practices in object-oriented modeling. Such a platform will offer users a seamless and secure online social experience while facilitating future enhancements and adaptability to changing user needs.

computer technologycomputer scienceproject management
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
A security expert
provides security
strategy for websites.
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
An audio engineer
designs sounds for
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
images and
them in
format to the
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Creates artwork that is in 3-D.

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Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
The media buyer
provides the web
specifications of
the media buy so
that the
can be designed
based on the
sizes of the
media buy.
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Person who gives
the consumer’s
insight to the
team to help the
creative team
understand the
mind of the
target audience.
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
Necessary skills for web team
The following skills must necessarily be covered while making a web team:
• Project Management Skills
Ability to manage the manpower, resources, budget and other things so that the
desired site can be built in the given time and in the given budget.
• Information Design/ architecture Skills
Ability to design a usable and useful interface that includes how the user will
interact with the interface and will navigate the site.
• Graphic Design Skills
Ability to transform the information design into visual design.
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
Lecture No. 9
Web Team
• Content Development Skills
Ability to develop both written and interactive content for websites.
• Programming Skills
Ability to create web pages using HTML, JavaScript and other client/ server
scripting languages.
• Technical/ network Infrastructure Skills
Ability to understand the requirements for serving a web site on the Internet
and to recommend the best strategy based on the client’s or stakeholder’s
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut

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This study primarily aimed to determine the best practices of clothing businesses to use it as a foundation of strategic business advancements. Moreover, the frequency with which the business's best practices are tracked, which best practices are the most targeted of the apparel firms to be retained, and how does best practices can be used as strategic business advancement. The respondents of the study is the owners of clothing businesses in Talavera, Nueva Ecija. Data were collected and analyzed using a quantitative approach and utilizing a descriptive research design. Unveiling best practices of clothing businesses as a foundation for strategic business advancement through statistical analysis: frequency and percentage, and weighted means analyzing the data in terms of identifying the most to the least important performance indicators of the businesses among all of the variables. Based on the survey conducted on clothing businesses in Talavera, Nueva Ecija, several best practices emerge across different areas of business operations. These practices are categorized into three main sections, section one being the Business Profile and Legal Requirements, followed by the tracking of indicators in terms of Product, Place, Promotion, and Price, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) covering finance, marketing, production, technical, and distribution aspects. The research study delved into identifying the core best practices of clothing businesses, serving as a strategic guide for their advancement. Through meticulous analysis, several key findings emerged. Firstly, prioritizing product factors, such as maintaining optimal stock levels and maximizing customer satisfaction, was deemed essential for driving sales and fostering loyalty. Additionally, selecting the right store location was crucial for visibility and accessibility, directly impacting footfall and sales. Vigilance towards competitors and demographic shifts was highlighted as essential for maintaining relevance. Understanding the relationship between marketing spend and customer acquisition proved pivotal for optimizing budgets and achieving a higher ROI. Strategic analysis of profit margins across clothing items emerged as crucial for maximizing profitability and revenue. Creating a positive customer experience, investing in employee training, and implementing effective inventory management practices were also identified as critical success factors. In essence, these findings underscored the holistic approach needed for sustainable growth in the clothing business, emphasizing the importance of product management, marketing strategies, customer experience, and operational efficiency.

best practicesclothing businesskey performance indicators
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Thank you
Any Queries……??
Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut

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Introduction to Web Technology

  • 2. QIP-3 UNIT-I Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Lecture Number Topic Description Lecture-1 Introduction to WWW, History of Web Lecture-2 Protocols governing web Lecture-3 Cyber Crime Lecture-4 Cyber Laws Lecture-5 IT Act 2000 Lecture-6 Web Development Strategies, Planning and Development Lecture-7 Web Applications Lecture-8 Web Development Process Lecture-9 Web Team
  • 3. Lecture No. 1 Introduction to WWW • Affectionately called “The Web” • It is a collection of information stored on the networked computers over the world. • Individual document pages on the World Wide Web are called web pages and are accessed with a software application running on the user's computer, commonly called a web browser. • Web pages may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia components, as well as web navigation features consisting of hyperlinks. • The WWW was proposed in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 4. Lecture No. 1 Web or Internet? • Web or Internet, both are not the same things. • The Internet is a collection of computers or networking devices connecting together.  Devices can communicate with each other. • The Web is a collection of documents that are interconnected by hyper-links.  These documents are accessed by web browsers and provided by web servers. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 5. Lecture No. 1 Web Terminologies • Client • Any computer on the network that requests services from another computer on the network. • Server • Any computer that receives requests from client computers, processes and sends the output. • Web Page • Any page that is hosted on the Internet. •Web Site • Collection of interlinked web pages that is hosted on the Internet. • Web Development • The process of creating, modifying web pages. •Web Browser • A program that receives information from the web. E.g. IE, Chrome, Mozilla etc. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 6. Lecture No. 1 How does the web work? • The web information is stored in the web pages. (In HTML Format) • The web pages are stored in the computers called web servers. (In the web server file system.) • The computer reading the pages is called web clients with specific web browsers. ( IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari, Opera etc.) • The web server waits for the request from the web clients over the Internet. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Client Server Request Response HTML Codes <html> … </html> Program / Scripts
  • 7. Lecture No. 1 Who defines Web standard? • The web standards are not defined or setup by the browser companies or Microsoft, but the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). • W3C’s long term goals for the web are:  Universal Access: To make the web accessible to all by promoting technologies that take into account the vast differences in culture, languages, education, ability, material resources, and physical limitations of users on all continents.  Semantic Web: To develop a software environment that permits each user to make the best use of the resources available on the Web.  Web of Trust: To guide the web’s development with careful consideration for the novel legal, commercial, and social issues raised by this technology. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 8. Lecture No. 2 History of web History of Internet • The Internet grew out of many developments in computer networking and telecommunications research. • Early projects undertaken in early 1960’s by the US military (known as DARPAnet). • Started with a dozen of Networked computer systems of universities and institutions, allowing computers to be shared. • Allowing fast communication between researchers through Emails. • Only people in the government, military and academic had access to the network. • In 1991, the National Science Foundation (NFS) gradually started backing off from its subsidy of the backbone network, then allowed commercial access to the internet. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 9. Lecture No. 2 History of web History of Internet • With commercial access to the Internet, businesses and all kinds of agencies began to use the Internet to communicate, exchange data and distribute information. • A host of businesses called Internet Service Providers (ISPs) sprang up. ISPs provide dialup access to the Internet; an individual or a business opens an account with the ISP, dials into the ISP's computer and via the ISP's computer connects to the Internet. • Internet traffic grew, • Many businesses spent heavily to improve the internet, therefore to better service their customers. • Big competition among communication carriers, hardware and software suppliers. • As a result, Internet’s bandwidth climbed high, & cost went down Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 10. Lecture No. 1 History of web History of World Wide Web • WWW allows computer users to locate and display multimedia-based documents. • Introduced in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee of CERN (Geneva). • The portable browser is released by CERN as freeware in 1992. • In 1993, CERN produces Web server software with basic protection mechanism. • Tim Berners-Lee and Laboratory of Computer Science (LCS) of MIT start the W3C Consortium in US. It is modeled after the X consortium. • Sun Microsystems in 1995, produces HotJava, a browser which incorporates interactive objects. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 11. Lecture No. 2 Protocols Governing Web • Protocols are the set of conventions governing the processing and especially the data in an electronic communication system. • The different protocols governing the web are: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) • Protocol used to access data on the WWW. • Uses one TCP connection on well known port -80. • Two types of HTTP messages: Request, Response • Used to transport HTML pages from web servers to web browsers. • Transfer data in the form of plain text, hypertext, audio, video, and so on. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 12. Lecture No. 2 HTTP Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut 1 2 3 4 5 6 USER WEB SERVER BROWSER User request document from browser. Searching for the document. Open connection of web server. Send request. Send response. Display web page.
  • 13. Lecture No. 2 TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol) • TCP/IP is a set of protocols developed to allow cooperating computers to share resources across a network. • They provide a few basic services that everyone needs (File transfer, electronic mail, remote logon, etc…) across a very large number of clients and server systems. UDP (User Datagram Protocol) • An unreliable connection less protocol used to control the management of application level services between computers. • It is used for transport by some applications, which must provide their own reliability. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 14. Lecture No. 2 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) • It allows file transfer between two computers with login required. • FTP allows you to copy any kind of computer file (text, software, images, sounds, etc..) from one computer to another via a network using the Internet. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) • It is used to transport mail over Internet. • It is an application layer protocol, not a transport layer protocol. POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version 3) • This protocol is used by clients to access an internet mail server to get mail. • It is not a transport layer protocol. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 15. Lecture No. 2 IMAP4 (Internet Mail Access Protocol Version 4) • This protocol is used by clients to access an internet mail server to get mail. • It is not a transport layer protocol. TELNET • It is used to remotely open a session on another computer. • It relies on TCP for transport. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) • It is a method of assigning and controlling the IP addresses of computers on a given network. • It is a server-based service that automatically assigns IP numbers when a computer boots. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 16. Lecture No. 3 Cyber Crime • Cyber crime refers to all the activities done with criminal intent in cyberspace or using the medium of Internet. • Crime committed using a computer and the Internet to steal a person’s identity or sell contraband or stalk victims or disrupt operations with malevolent programs. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 17. Lecture No. 3 Cyber Crime •Types of Cyber crime: Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Credit card frauds Sale of illegal articles-narcotics, weapons, wildlife Online gambling Intellectual Property crimes- software piracy, copyright infringement, trademarks violations, theft of computer source code Email spoofing Forgery Phishing Cyber terrorism
  • 18. Lecture No. 3 Cyber Crime Variants • Hacking: “Hacking” is a crime, which entails cracking systems and gaining unauthorized access to the data stored in them. • Hacker: Hacker (programmer subculture), who combines excellence, playfulness, cleverness, and exploration in performed activities. • Cyber Squatting: Cyber squatting is the act of registering a famous domain name and then setting it for a fortune. • Phishing: Phishing is just one of the many frauds on the Internet, trying to fool people in to parting with their money. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 19. Lecture No. 3 Cyber Crime Variants  Phishing refers to the receipt of unsolicited emails by customers of Financial Institutions, requesting them to enter their username, password or other personal information to access their account for some reason.  The fraudster then has access to the customer’s online bank account and to the funds contained in that account. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 20. Lecture No. 3 Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Cyber Crime Variants  How it Works?
  • 21. Lecture No. 3 Cyber Crime Variants • Cyber Stalking:  Cyber stalking is use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk someone.  This term is used interchangeably with online harassment and online abuse.  Stalking generally involves harassing or threatening behavior that an individual engages in repeatedly, such as following a person, appearing at a person’s home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person’s property. • Vishing:  Vishing is the criminal practice of using social engineering and Voice over IP (VoIP) to gain access to private personal and financial information from the public for the financial reward.  This term is combination of Voice and phishing. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 22. Lecture No. 4 Cyber Laws • Cyber law is a system of law and regulation for the cyber space. • Cyber law refers to all the legal and regulatory aspects of the Internet and the World Wide Web. • Cyber laws applicable to World Wide are: Intellectual Property Law:  Intellectual property is a legal field that refers to creations of the mind such as musical, literary, and artistic works; inventions; and symbols, names, images and designs used in commerce, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, and related rights.  Intellectual property rights give creators exclusive rights to their creations, thereby providing an incentive for the author or inventor to develop and share the information rather than keep it secret. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 23. Lecture No. 4 Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Cyber Laws Privacy Law:  Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby reveal themselves selectively.  The right against unsanctioned invasion of privacy by the government, corporations or individuals is part of cyber laws. Freedom of Expression:  It is the right not confined to verbal speech but is understood to protect any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.
  • 24. Lecture No. 4 Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Cyber Laws Jurisdiction:  In law, jurisdiction is the practical authority granted to a formally constituted legal body or to a political leader to deal with and make pronouncements on legal matters and, by implication, to administer justice within a defined area of responsibility.  Any cyber crime is also subject to the legal body constituted.
  • 25. Lecture No. 4 The need for Cyber Laws in India • The coming of the Internet led to the emergence of numerous ticklish legal issues and problems which necessitated the enactment of Cyber laws. • The existing laws of India, even with the most benevolent and liberal interpretation, could not be interpreted in the light of the emerging cyberspace. • None of the existing laws gave any legal validity or sanction to the activities in Cyberspace. • Internet requires an enabling and supportive legal infrastructure in tune with the times. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 26. Lecture No. 5 IT Act 2000 • Enacted on 17th May 2000- India is 12th nation in the world to adopt cyber laws. • The objectives of IT Act are:  To provide legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic data interchange, and other means of electronic communication, commonly referred to as ‘Electronic Commerce’.  To facilitate electronic filing of documents with government agencies and e-Payments. Civil Wrongs under IT Act Chapter IX of IT Act, Section 43 • Whoever without permission of owner of the computer  Secures Access (Mere unauthorized access)  Downloads, copies, extracts any data  Introduces or causes to be introduced any viruses or contaminant Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 27. Lecture No. 5 IT Act 2000 Civil Wrongs under IT Act  Damages or causes to be damaged any computer resource  Denies or causes denial of access by any means  Charges the services availed by a person to the account of another person by tampering or manipulating any computer resource Data Diddling • Changing data prior or during input into a computer • Section 66 and 43 (d) of the IT Act covers the offence of data diddling Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 28. Lecture No. 5 IT Act 2000 Section 46 IT Act • It states that an adjudicating officer shall be adjudging whether a person has committed a contravention of any of the provisions of the said Act, by holding an inquiry. Section 47 IT Act • This Act lays down that while adjudging the quantum of compensation under this Act, the adjudicating officer shall have due regard to the amount of gain of unfair advantage and the amount of loss caused to any person as a result of the default. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 29. Lecture No. 5 IT Act 2000 Offences & Relevant Sections under IT Act • Tampering with source code documents: Section 65  Most important asset of software companies  Computer Source Code means the listing of programmes, computer commands, design and layout  Ingredients  Knowledge or intention  Concealment, destruction, alteration  Computer source code required to be kept or maintained by law.  Punishment  Imprisonment up to three years and/ or fine up to Rs. 2 lakh Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 30. Lecture No. 5 IT Act 2000 • Hacking with Computer Systems, Data Alteration: Section 66  Ingredients  Intention or knowledge to cause wrongful loss or damage to the public or any person  Destruction, deletion, alteration, diminishing value or injuriously affecting information residing in a computer resource  Punishment  Imprisonment up to three years and/ or fine up to Rs. 2 lakh Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 31. Lecture No. 5 IT Act 2000 • Publishing obscene information (Pornography): Section 67  Ingredients  Publishing or transmitting or causing obscene material to be published in the electronic form  Punishment  On first conviction  Imprison of either description up to five years and fine up to Rs. 1 Lakh On subsequent conviction  Imprison of either description up to ten years and fine up to Rs. 2 Lakh  Section Covers  Internet Service Providers, Search Engines  Pornographic Websites Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 32. Lecture No. 5 IT Act 2000 • Decryption of Information: Section 69  Ingredients  Controller issues order to government agency to intercept any information transmitted through any computer resource.  Person in charge of the computer resource fails to extend all facilities and technical assistance to decrypt information  Order is issued in the interest of the:  Integrity of India  The security of state  Friendly relations with foreign states  Public order or preventing incitement for commission of a cognizable offence  Punishment  Imprisonment up to seven years Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 33. Lecture No. 5 IT Act 2000 • Un-authorized access to protected systems: Section 70  Ingredients  Securing unauthorized access or attempting to secure unauthorized access to protected systems Acts covered by this section  Switching computer on/ off  Using installed software/ hardware  Installing software/ hardware  Port scanning  Punishment  Imprisonment up to ten years and/ or fine Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 34. Lecture No. 5 IT Act 2000 • Misinterpretation to the controller or the certifying authority: Section 71 • Breach of confidentiality and privacy: Section 72 • Publishing digital signature certificate false in certain particulars: Section 73 • Publication for Fraudulent purpose: Section 74 Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 35. Lecture No. 5 IT Act 2000 Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Computer Related Crimes under IPC and Special Laws Sending threatening messages by email Sec 503 IPC Sending defamatory messages by email Sec 499, 500 IPC Forgery of electronic records Sec 463, 470, 471 IPC Bogus websites, cyber frauds Sec 420 IPC Email spoofing Sec 416, 417, 463 IPC Online sale of Drugs NDPS Act Web - Jacking Sec. 383 IPC Online sale of Arms Arms Act
  • 36. Lecture No. 5 IT Act 2000 • Presumptions in Law  In any proceedings involving a secure electronic record, the court shall presume, unless contrary is proved, that the secure electronic record has not been altered since the specific point of time, to which the secure status relates  The law also presumes that in any proceedings, involving secure digital signature, the court shall presume, unless the country is proved, that the secure digital signature is affixed by the subscriber with the intention of signing or approving the electronic record. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 37. Lecture No. 6 Web Development Strategies Creating websites for individual and corporate world Define your project, understand and communicate the project’s mission, objectives, risks and requirements. A project can be defined quickly and easily by following the steps:  Write a project mission statement  A mission statement tells that, for whom and how the website is going to solve.  Identify the project’s objectives  Objectives must be SMART, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time limited  Objectives need to be written down in order to be effective.  It defines what you to achieve by creating the website. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 38. Lecture No. 6 Web Development Strategies  Identify your targeted users  The kind of content that you will create for the website will be determined by the users for whom you want to visit the website.  The ways to reach your targeted users are: Market Research, Focus Groups, Understanding Intranet audiences etc.  Determine the scope of the project  The scope of your project should be limited to what you can accomplish within the allotted time and budget. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 39. Lecture No. 6 Planning and Process Development Planning is the only way to ensure that the web project that is to be designed will meet its objectives in the given time and budget. Different planning are as follows: • Early Planning  Early planning is done to present a strategic plan to the client.  Early planning is done to define the project in the best possible way in terms of the objectives and the user’s needs and expectations.  To build a successful web project, development team must know the audience so that they must understand the client’s needs. • Creative and Content Planning  Creating the Concept: looks of website, its tone, and other kind of features it offers  Communicating the Concept: explaining the concept between team members. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 40. Lecture No. 6 Planning and Process Development  Usability study: How well the interface is designed.  Site architecture and Schematics: How the pages of the site is linked to each other and what element of content live on each page. • Technical Planning  The technical team investigates the technical requirements of the project  Develops a strategy for building features of the site such as databases, shockwave movies, transaction systems and script of all kinds. • Production Planning  Comprises of pre-production planning and post-production planning  Pre-production planning: all the members must know the requirements and scope of the project before beginning with the project.  Post-production planning: It is done for handing over the project to the client. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 41. Lecture No. 7 Web Applications • Web is the popular name for conducting business. • Web Applications use the Internet’s infrastructure to deliver their functionality. • Today web is used in various fields:  E-commerce  Business to Business applications  Online education  Electronic Data Interchange Customer registration  Marketing and sales  Online order  Online payment (e-cash). Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 42. Lecture No. 7 Web Applications Why we use web applications? • Lower maintenance and production costs. • Easily accessible • Web applications run in web browser and web servers, they do not depend on installing client software on each user’s computer. • Reduces the time and cost. • Not limited to any specific application. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 43. Lecture No. 7 Web Applications Types of Web Applications • Brochure web applications  composed of static web pages • Service oriented applications  contain the programming logic to implement the specific service • Data intensive applications  provide an interface to browse and query large amount of data • Information system applications  combine the service oriented applications and data intensive applications e.g., online banking system Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 44. Lecture No. 7 Web Applications Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut DatabaseASP Server Database Spreadsheet Web Server Mail Server
  • 45. Lecture No. 8 Web Development Process Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Analysis Specifications Building Design & Development Content Writing Coding Testing Promotion Maintenance and Update
  • 46. Lecture No. 8 Web Development Process Analysis • Identification of target audience. • How the site is going to help the business. • Consideration about all the resources such as hardware, software, people and data.  Inputs • Interview with the client. • Mails and supporting documents by the client, discussions, recorded telephone conversations etc.  Outputs • Work plan • Cost estimation • Team requirements • Supporting documents • Hardware, software requirements Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 47. Lecture No. 8 Web Development Process Specification Building • Covering up each and every element of the requirement, creation of specification documents. • Consultation to find out additional requirements. • Preparation of a complete written proposal.  Inputs • Report from the analysis team.  Outputs • Complete requirement specification to the team members and customer representatives. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 48. Lecture No. 8 Web Development Process Design & Development • Layouts and navigation scheme is designed. • Development of test plans and procedure for quality assurance. • Client approval on design and development plans is required. • Prototyping of content materials, graphics etc. is designed  Inputs • Requirement Specifications.  Outputs • Site designed with templates, images and prototype. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 49. Lecture No. 8 Web Development Process Content Writing • There are professional developer who can write industry specific and relevant content for the site.  Inputs • Design Templates.  Outputs • Site with formatted content. Coding • The developer should understand the design and navigation by preparing code for the website.  Inputs • The site with form and requirement specifications.  Outputs • Database driven functions with the sites, coding documents. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 50. Lecture No. 8 Web Development Process Testing • Intensive testing is required because these applications function as multiuser system with bandwidth limitations. • Integration Testing • Stress Testing • Scalability Testing • Load Testing • Cross- Browser Compatibility Testing  Inputs • Requirement Specifications and Technical documents.  Outputs • Testing report and completed application or website. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 51. Lecture No. 8 Web Development Process Promotion • It is an ongoing activity. • It involves advertising the project.  Inputs • Completed site and client e-mails.  Outputs • Promotion of the site with having advertisements published on carious promotional sites. Maintenance and Update • It is an ongoing activity, has to be done on regular basis to keep the content fresh.  Inputs • Completed site, content or functions to be updated, reanalysis code.  Outputs • Updated application, support documents. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 52. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web team began with web masters, people who did everything from coding the page to maintaining the web server. There are basically two types of web teams: • Server Side Hired by a company to develop a website. • Client Side Part of the company that is putting together the website. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 53. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Web Team Core Team members Special Team members Extended Team members
  • 54. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Core Team Members Project Manager Technical Lead Web Production Specialist Creative Lead Designer Production Artist Quality Assurance Lead
  • 55. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Core Team Members Project Manager Technical Lead Web Production Specialist Creative Lead Designer Production Artist Quality Assurance Lead The Project manager is responsible for: • Scoping the work • Developing the project plan • Scheduling • Allocating Resources • Budgeting • Managing the team
  • 56. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Core Team Members Project Manager Technical Lead Web Production Specialist Creative Lead Designer Production Artist Quality Assurance Lead A technical lead is responsible for the technical aspects of the website.
  • 57. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Core Team Members Project Manager Technical Lead Web Production Specialist Creative Lead Designer Production Artist Quality Assurance Lead The web production specialist is responsible for integrating the site using HTML or JavaScript, creating web production guide etc.
  • 58. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Core Team Members Project Manager Technical Lead Web Production Specialist Creative Lead Designer Production Artist Quality Assurance Lead The creative lead is responsible for determining the creative concept of the site, making the site’s design etc.
  • 59. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Core Team Members Project Manager Technical Lead Web Production Specialist Creative Lead Designer Production Artist Quality Assurance Lead The web designer is responsible for creating the look and feel of the site and understanding how images need to be made for the web.
  • 60. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Core Team Members Project Manager Technical Lead Web Production Specialist Creative Lead Designer Production Artist Quality Assurance LeadA production artist transforms the artwork that the designer creates into web ready art.
  • 61. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Core Team Members Project Manager Technical Lead Web Production Specialist Creative Lead Designer Production Artist Quality Assurance Lead A quality assurance lead makes sure that the product delivered meets the criteria specified in the scope document and functional specifications.
  • 62. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Extended Team Members Account Manager Programmer Network Engineer Information Architect Tester
  • 63. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Extended Team Members Account Manager Programmer Network Engineer Information Architect Tester The responsibilities of account manager are: • Selling in different products • Providing the project team with the necessary consumer insight and information
  • 64. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Extended Team Members Account Manager Programmer Network Engineer Information Architect Tester A programmer develops application for the web project.
  • 65. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Extended Team Members Account Manager Programmer Network Engineer Information Architect Tester A network engineer is responsible for setting up and configuring a web server
  • 66. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Extended Team Members Account Manager Programmer Network Engineer Information Architect Tester An information architect is responsible for displaying information visually to users to understand how to interact with the site and finding the information as per users need.
  • 67. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Extended Team Members Account Manager Programmer Network Engineer Information Architect Tester A tester tests the web project based on the test plan that QA lead writes.
  • 68. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Special Team Members Security Expert Audio Engineer Video Engineer 3D Modelers Media Buyers Strategic Planner
  • 69. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Special Team Members Security Expert Audio Engineer Video Engineer 3D Modelers Media Buyers Strategic Planner A security expert provides security strategy for websites.
  • 70. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Special Team Members Security Expert Audio Engineer Video Engineer 3D Modelers Media Buyers Strategic Planner An audio engineer designs sounds for websites.
  • 71. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Special Team Members Security Expert Audio Engineer Video Engineer 3D Modelers Media Buyers Strategic Planner Creates video images and delivers them in digital format to the creative lead.
  • 72. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Special Team Members Security Expert Audio Engineer Video Engineer 3D Modelers Media Buyers Strategic Planner Creates artwork that is in 3-D.
  • 73. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Special Team Members Security Expert Audio Engineer Video Engineer 3D Modelers Media Buyers Strategic Planner The media buyer provides the web team specifications of the media buy so that the advertisements can be designed based on the sizes of the media buy.
  • 74. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut Special Team Members Security Expert Audio Engineer Video Engineer 3D Modelers Media Buyers Strategic Planner Person who gives the consumer’s insight to the team to help the creative team understand the mind of the target audience.
  • 75. Lecture No. 9 Web Team Necessary skills for web team The following skills must necessarily be covered while making a web team: • Project Management Skills Ability to manage the manpower, resources, budget and other things so that the desired site can be built in the given time and in the given budget. • Information Design/ architecture Skills Ability to design a usable and useful interface that includes how the user will interact with the interface and will navigate the site. • Graphic Design Skills Ability to transform the information design into visual design. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 76. Lecture No. 9 Web Team • Content Development Skills Ability to develop both written and interactive content for websites. • Programming Skills Ability to create web pages using HTML, JavaScript and other client/ server scripting languages. • Technical/ network Infrastructure Skills Ability to understand the requirements for serving a web site on the Internet and to recommend the best strategy based on the client’s or stakeholder’s needs. Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut
  • 77. Thank you Any Queries……?? Web Technology (ECS-604) @ Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut