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<web-components> Web back to future </web-components> 
by Anna Khabibullina
_ Web Components and their parts 
_ X-Browser Support 
_ Demo 
_ Best Practices
.About Me 
_ Co-founder of DA-14 Web Dev Team 
_ Web Engineer 
_ Open Source Contributor 
_ Social Person
.What I work on 
_ SaaS application(assistive 
_ (No) libraries 
_ No frameworks 
_ UX design matters 
_ Accessibility in mind 
.Welcome every problem as opportunity 
_ Better understanding 
_ R&D challenges 
_ Taking advantage of new technologies 
_ Experimental features 
_ X-browser support for modern browsers
.Web Components Made Of Rainbows 
Set of cutting edge [draft] standards 
proposed by Google that make it 
possible to build secure reusable 
widgets using web platform 
.Web Components 
Comprised of four parts: 
_ Templates 
_ Custom Elements 
_ HTML Imports 
_ Shadow DOM
Templates: Standardizing client-side templating 
_ Why? : Maximize code reusability and maintainability. 
_ How? : Declare inert chunks of cloneable DOM with <template>. 
_ Inert markup 
<template id="cells-to-repeat"> 
<td>Some content!</td> 
_ Activate template 
var t = document.querySelector('template').content; 
var clone = document.importNode(t, true); 
.Web Components 
Custom Elements 
HTML Imports 
Shadow DOM
Custom Elements: Sexy markup 
_ Why? : There is nothing modern in <div> soup. 
_ How? : Define new types of HTML elements and their APIs. 
Custom Elements 
_ JavaScript 
var CustomElementProto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); 
var XFoo = document.registerElement('x-custom-da-14', { 
prototype: CustomElementProto 
var xfoo = new XFoo(); 
.Web Components 
Custom Elements 
HTML Imports 
Shadow DOM
HTML Imports: Simple way to load HTML elements 
_ Why? : The web's most basic content, HTML, requires the 
greatest amount of effort to work with. 
_ How? : Import HTML components via <link rel="import">. 
HTML Imports 
<link rel="import" href="/path/to/import.html"> 
<script> … </script> import.html 
<div id="blog-post">...</div> 
var c = document.querySelector('link[rel="import"]').import; access content
HTML Imports 
Yo dawg. I hear you like imports, so I included an import in your import.
.Web Components 
Custom Elements 
HTML Imports 
Shadow DOM
Shadow DOM: Separating content from presentation 
_ Why? : DOM tree encapsulation problem. 
_ How? : Think about DOM hosting DOM, which hosts more DOM. 
Shadow DOM 
_ Video player 
<video controls="" autoplay="" name="media"> 
<source src="http://localhost:1000/media" type="audio/mpeg"> 
Shadow DOM 
.Web Components 
Standardizing client-side templating 
Custom Elements 
Sexy markup 
HTML Imports 
Simple way to load HTML elements 
Shadow DOM 
Separating content from presentation
.Web Components
.Best Practices 
_ Namespacing(, 
_ Mimic built-in elements as closely as possible 
_ Don't put too much in Shadow DOM 
_ Don't create more custom elements than you need 
_ Accessibility 
_ Performance 
_ Testing 
.X-Browser Support 
_ X-TAG 
A gallery to display Web Components 
created by the community. 
Component catalog for a mainstream 
HTML audience.
.Web Components Supporting Cast: Awesome Future Web 
_ document.querySelectorAll() 
_ Object.observe() 
_ MutationObserver 
_ CSS variables, calc()
..YYoouurr t tuurnr…nD…is Dcoisvecro!ver!
.Useful links 

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Web Components: back to the future

  • 1. <web-components> Web back to future </web-components> by Anna Khabibullina
  • 2. .Agenda _ Web Components and their parts _ X-Browser Support _ Demo _ Best Practices
  • 3. .About Me _ Co-founder of DA-14 Web Dev Team _ Web Engineer _ Open Source Contributor _ Social Person
  • 4. .What I work on _ SaaS application(assistive tool) _ (No) libraries _ No frameworks _ UX design matters _ Accessibility in mind .Welcome every problem as opportunity _ Better understanding _ R&D challenges _ Taking advantage of new technologies _ Experimental features _ X-browser support for modern browsers
  • 5. .Web Components Made Of Rainbows Set of cutting edge [draft] standards proposed by Google that make it possible to build secure reusable widgets using web platform technologies.
  • 6. .Web Components Comprised of four parts: _ Templates _ Custom Elements _ HTML Imports _ Shadow DOM
  • 7. Templates: Standardizing client-side templating _ Why? : Maximize code reusability and maintainability. _ How? : Declare inert chunks of cloneable DOM with <template>. _
  • 8. Templates _ Inert markup <table> <tr> <template id="cells-to-repeat"> <td>Some content!</td> </template> </tr> </table> _ Activate template var t = document.querySelector('template').content; var clone = document.importNode(t, true); document.body.appendChild(clone);
  • 9. .Web Components Templates Custom Elements HTML Imports Shadow DOM
  • 10. Custom Elements: Sexy markup _ Why? : There is nothing modern in <div> soup. _ How? : Define new types of HTML elements and their APIs. _
  • 11. Custom Elements _ JavaScript var CustomElementProto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); var XFoo = document.registerElement('x-custom-da-14', { prototype: CustomElementProto }); var xfoo = new XFoo(); document.body.appendChild(xfoo); _ HTML <x-custom-da-14></x-custom-da-14>
  • 12. .Web Components Templates Custom Elements HTML Imports Shadow DOM
  • 13. HTML Imports: Simple way to load HTML elements _ Why? : The web's most basic content, HTML, requires the greatest amount of effort to work with. _ How? : Import HTML components via <link rel="import">. _
  • 14. HTML Imports index.html <head> <link rel="import" href="/path/to/import.html"> </head> <body> … </body> <script> … </script> import.html … <div id="blog-post">...</div> var c = document.querySelector('link[rel="import"]').import; access content
  • 15. HTML Imports Yo dawg. I hear you like imports, so I included an import in your import.
  • 16. .Web Components Templates Custom Elements HTML Imports Shadow DOM
  • 17. Shadow DOM: Separating content from presentation _ Why? : DOM tree encapsulation problem. _ How? : Think about DOM hosting DOM, which hosts more DOM. _ s/shadowdom
  • 18. Shadow DOM _ Video player <video controls="" autoplay="" name="media"> <source src="http://localhost:1000/media" type="audio/mpeg"> </video>
  • 19. Shadow DOM _
  • 20. .Web Components Templates Standardizing client-side templating Custom Elements Sexy markup HTML Imports Simple way to load HTML elements Shadow DOM Separating content from presentation
  • 22. .Best Practices _ Namespacing(, _ Mimic built-in elements as closely as possible _ Don't put too much in Shadow DOM _ Don't create more custom elements than you need ….. _ Accessibility _ Performance _ Testing _ practices/
  • 23. .X-Browser Support _ X-TAG _ POLYMER http://www.polymer-project. _ org/ _ BOSONIC
  • 24. .Demo _ CUSTOMELEMENTS.IO A gallery to display Web Components created by the community. _ COMPONENT KITCHEN Component catalog for a mainstream HTML audience.
  • 25. .Web Components Supporting Cast: Awesome Future Web _ document.querySelectorAll() _ Object.observe() _ MutationObserver _ CSS variables, calc()
  • 26. ..YYoouurr t tuurnr…nD…is Dcoisvecro!ver!
  • 27. .Useful links _ _ _ _ _ at-jsconf-us/ _ _ _ _

Editor's Notes

  1. Кто такая я и почему я сейчас рассказываю про веб компоненты…
  2. Если описание моего проекта перекликается с вашим, то это значит, что вам тоже можно присмотреться к web components.
  3. Все 4 части можно использовать отдельно, но
  4. Тема шаблонизации в Вебе не нова, бекенд - фронтенд.
  5. Контент шаблона не находится в ДОМе, все запросы querySelector() или getElementById() не выберут детей Можно разместить где угодно в документе <head>, <body>, or <frameset
  6. Чтобы избежать конфликтов, согласно стандарту, кастомные элементы должны содержать дефис в своём названии. По-умолчанию они наследуют HTMLElement.
  7. Простое АПИ, которое давно должно было появится.
  8. CORS
  9. Простое АПИ, которое давно должно было появится.
  10. http://localhost:1000/media
  12. Темплейты - фрагменты HTML, которые программист собирается использовать в будущем. Custom позволят писать модульный, удобочитаемый код на высоком уровне. HTMl Imports Импорт фрагментов разметки из других файлов. Shadow DOM - Инструмент инкапсуляции HTML.
  13. Темплейты - фрагменты HTML, которые программист собирается использовать в будущем. Custom позволят писать модульный, удобочитаемый код на высоком уровне. HTMl Imports Импорт фрагментов разметки из других файлов. Shadow DOM - Инструмент инкапсуляции HTML.
  14. http://localhost:8000/site/chess-test/bower_components/chess-board/index.html
  15. На мой взгляд, Web Components — это следующий шаг. Разработчики смогут создавать интерактивные виджеты. Их легко поддерживать, переиспользовать, интегрировать. Изучайте и дерзайте!