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Web Components 
Jeff Tapper 
Digital Primates 
@jefftapper / @digitalprimates
Who am I? 
• Senior Consultant at Digital Primates 
– Building next generation client applications 
• Developing Internet applications for 19 years 
• Author of 12 books on Internet technologies
Who are you?
What are Web Components? 
Web Components are an attempt to let 
you write custom components that can be 
used like this: 
<my-super-cool-chart id="coolChart"> 
</ my-super-cool-chart > 

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This document provides an overview and demonstration of Bootstrap, an open-source front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites and applications. It discusses Bootstrap's support for responsive design using LESS, its grid system, and included UI components like buttons, forms, navigation, and more. The document also demonstrates how to get started with a basic Bootstrap template and use its grid system, breakpoints, containers and columns. Finally, it mentions some tools for working with Bootstrap and provides details on Font Awesome, an icon library that is often used along with Bootstrap.

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This document provides an overview of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) including what CSS is, how to write CSS code, and the different ways to include CSS in an HTML document. CSS allows separation of document content from page layout and visual design. CSS code uses selectors, properties, and values to style HTML elements. Styles can be included inline, internally in the <head> using <style> tags, or externally in a .css file linked via the <link> tag. Inheritance rules determine which styles take precedence.

What is Polymer? 
A library built on top of Web Components. 
Allows us to use Web Components today in modern browsers 
which don’t yet support Web Components 
3 main pieces 
• A set of polyfills 
• Web application framework 
• Set of UI components
What are we covering? 
Web Components, specifically: 
What in the world are web components? 
What problem are they trying to solve? 
How do they work? 
Can I actually use these things? 
What does it mean to my app/development process?
Life on the Edge 
Web Components are beyond leading edge. 
As of this moment, they do not work in their entirety in any 
A good portion of the functionality is available in Chrome 
Canary if you turn on all of the experimental WebKit and 
JavaScript features
So, is it real? 
Even though Web Components are not fully supported in 
any browser, and are only partially supported in some 
browsers, Polymer and Polyfills allow use in many 
modern browsers today

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Where can I use this today?
So why do I care? 
A few minor reasons you may like the idea, first: 
• Manageable Reuse 
• Hiding complexity and implementation 
• Dealing with duplicated IDs 
• Dealing with CSS scoping / propagation 
Ease of Distribution 
Appropriate technology choices 
• Markup in markup, not in code
How does it work? 
Web Components are a series of editors draft 
• Shadow DOM 
• Custom Elements 
• HTML Imports 
Example Application 
• Let’s look at a sample application built using a 
series of Web Components 
• Combination of custom components, and 
those provided by the polymer-project

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What is HTML? HTML stands for "Hypertext Markup Language". A standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages. Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for creating the Web pages and Web Applications. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) & JavaScript for creating World Wide Web pages. HTML is a computer language devised to allow website creation. These websites can then be viewed by anyone else connected to the Internet. HTML is relatively easy to learn & it consists of a series of short codes typed into a text-file by the site author — these are the tags. The text is then saved as a html file, and viewed through a browser.

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The presentation provides an introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM) and how it allows JavaScript to access and modify HTML documents. It discusses how the DOM presents an HTML document as a tree structure, and how JavaScript can then restructure the document by adding, removing, or changing elements. It also gives examples of how DOM properties and methods allow accessing and manipulating specific nodes, such as changing the background color of the document body.

The concept of templates is prolific and nearly self-explanatory. 
Their use takes a bit more effort: 
Inactive DOM Fragment 
Easily Clone-able 
Easily Change-able
Built In Templates 
You define them with the template element 
<template id="productTemplate"> 
<img src=""> 
<div class="name"></div> 
<div class="description"></div> 
This is parsed but it’s not active. It’s not rendered.
Shadow DOM 
Shadow DOM is at the heart of the whole component 
It’s encapsulation 
Its used by the browsers today to implement their own 
Ultimately its about hiding implementation details and 
exposing an interface
Shadow DOM 
The name and the technical explanation 
sometimes get in the way of the concept. 
Put simply, the user sees this: 
Photo by Photo by: Mark Kaelin/TechRepublic

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HTML is a markup language used to define the structure and layout of web pages. CSS is used to style and lay out HTML elements, and JavaScript can be used to program behaviors and interactions in web pages. jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, animations, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development.

Shadow DOM 
The browser sees this: 
Photo by Photo by: Mark Kaelin/TechRepublic
Shadow Host/Root
The Shadow also forms a boundary. Styles don’t cross 
unless you let them. So you to keep control of this area

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This document provides an introduction to HTML and CSS. It defines HTML as a markup language used to structure web pages with tags, and CSS as a style sheet language used to describe how HTML elements are displayed. It lists common HTML elements like headings, paragraphs, and divs that can be block or inline, and describes how CSS can be applied internally, inline, or via external stylesheets to control things like colors, fonts, and layout. Key differences between HTML and CSS are also outlined, with HTML for structure and CSS for presentation.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) allows styling and layout of HTML documents by separating the presentation from the content, making it possible to change the look of an entire website by editing one CSS file. CSS uses selectors to apply specific styles to HTML elements via declarations that set properties like color, font, size and more. Styles are defined in CSS files and can be applied to HTML documents via internal, external, and inline styling methods.

css idcsslists
This, by default, goes both ways… meaning we aren’t 
worried about collisions. 
Outside styles don’t 
affect shadow content 
Styles defined in here 
are scoped locally
HTML Imports 
• HTML imports are about importing and sharing HTML 
• Why? Well, reuse, it facilitates the reuse of templates 
and provides us a fundamental need if we are going to 
share an encapsulated chunk we might call a 
• <link rel="import" href="goodies.html">
HTML Imports 
• Last word on this… 
• Imports aren’t supported pretty much anywhere yet, 
however, there are polyfills. 
• Imports are blocking. So, your page will act as though it 
needs this content before it can render.
Custom Elements 
• Elements are the key to putting this together. 
• Custom Elements are DOM elements that can be 
defined by a developer. 
• They are allowed to manage state and provide a 
scriptable interface. 
• In other words, they are the shell of what will become 
our component

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The document provides an introduction to HTML, covering topics such as what HTML is, how web pages work, common programs used to write HTML, how browsers display web pages, basic HTML tags, formatting of HTML documents, and more. Key points include: - HTML is the standard markup language used to create web pages - Web pages are stored on servers and viewed in browsers using HTTP - Popular programs for writing HTML include Notepad, Textpad, Dreamweaver - Browsers fetch and display pages using HTML tags to control formatting - Basic HTML tags include headings, paragraphs, line breaks, comments - Links, images, backgrounds, and other elements are added using tags


Web hosting involves companies that maintain servers to allow users to put websites on the internet. When choosing a web host, it is important to consider factors like data storage needs, technical support availability, uptime guarantees, security measures offered, and platform flexibility. Potential hosts should be contacted directly to assess customer service before signing up. Hidden fees, transfer limits, and lengthy contracts are things to watch out for.

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Intensivo 80h - Links Patrocinados
Intensivo 80h - Links PatrocinadosIntensivo 80h - Links Patrocinados
Intensivo 80h - Links Patrocinados

O documento resume um curso sobre links patrocinados no Google AdWords, abordando: 1) o mercado de e-commerce no Brasil; 2) o perfil do e-consumidor; 3) por que investir em mídia online; 4) mecanismos de busca na internet; 5) o que é Search Engine Marketing; 6) ferramentas do Google AdWords para anúncios em buscas, sites e redes sociais.

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Custom Elements 
• Defining a custom element like this: 
<polymer-element extends="button" name="fancy-button"> 
• Allows you to use that custom element in your 
own markup: 
Custom Elements 
• You can use the concepts we previously discussed, 
templates, Shadow DOM, etc. from within a custom 
• Further, custom elements give you a set of Lifecycle 
callbacks so you can know things like when you are 
inserted into the DOM, removed and ready. 
• This means you can define the visual aspects of a 
custom element in mark up and the code in script.
• @polymer – officical twitter of the polymer 
• @digitalprimates 
• @jefftapper

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Web Components

  • 1. Web Components Jeff Tapper Digital Primates @jefftapper / @digitalprimates
  • 2. Who am I? • Senior Consultant at Digital Primates – Building next generation client applications • Developing Internet applications for 19 years • Author of 12 books on Internet technologies
  • 4. What are Web Components? Web Components are an attempt to let you write custom components that can be used like this: <body> Sales:<br> <my-super-cool-chart id="coolChart"> </ my-super-cool-chart > </body>
  • 5. What is Polymer? A library built on top of Web Components. Allows us to use Web Components today in modern browsers which don’t yet support Web Components 3 main pieces • A set of polyfills • Web application framework • Set of UI components
  • 6. What are we covering? Web Components, specifically: What in the world are web components? What problem are they trying to solve? How do they work? Can I actually use these things? What does it mean to my app/development process?
  • 7. Life on the Edge Web Components are beyond leading edge. As of this moment, they do not work in their entirety in any browser A good portion of the functionality is available in Chrome Canary if you turn on all of the experimental WebKit and JavaScript features
  • 8. So, is it real? Even though Web Components are not fully supported in any browser, and are only partially supported in some browsers, Polymer and Polyfills allow use in many modern browsers today
  • 9. Where can I use this today?
  • 10. So why do I care? A few minor reasons you may like the idea, first: Encapsulation • Manageable Reuse • Hiding complexity and implementation • Dealing with duplicated IDs • Dealing with CSS scoping / propagation Ease of Distribution Appropriate technology choices • Markup in markup, not in code
  • 11. How does it work? Web Components are a series of editors draft specifications: • Shadow DOM – • Custom Elements – • HTML Imports –
  • 12. Example Application • Let’s look at a sample application built using a series of Web Components • Combination of custom components, and those provided by the polymer-project
  • 13. Templates The concept of templates is prolific and nearly self-explanatory. Their use takes a bit more effort: Inactive DOM Fragment Easily Clone-able Easily Change-able
  • 14. Built In Templates You define them with the template element <template id="productTemplate"> <div> <img src=""> <div class="name"></div> <div class="description"></div> </div> </template> This is parsed but it’s not active. It’s not rendered.
  • 15. Shadow DOM Shadow DOM is at the heart of the whole component concepts It’s encapsulation Its used by the browsers today to implement their own controls Ultimately its about hiding implementation details and exposing an interface
  • 16. Shadow DOM The name and the technical explanation sometimes get in the way of the concept. Put simply, the user sees this: Photo by Photo by: Mark Kaelin/TechRepublic
  • 17. Shadow DOM The browser sees this: Photo by Photo by: Mark Kaelin/TechRepublic
  • 20. Styles The Shadow also forms a boundary. Styles don’t cross unless you let them. So you to keep control of this area
  • 21. Styles This, by default, goes both ways… meaning we aren’t worried about collisions. Outside styles don’t affect shadow content Styles defined in here are scoped locally
  • 22. HTML Imports • HTML imports are about importing and sharing HTML content. • Why? Well, reuse, it facilitates the reuse of templates and provides us a fundamental need if we are going to share an encapsulated chunk we might call a component. • <link rel="import" href="goodies.html">
  • 23. HTML Imports • Last word on this… • Imports aren’t supported pretty much anywhere yet, however, there are polyfills. • Imports are blocking. So, your page will act as though it needs this content before it can render.
  • 24. Custom Elements • Elements are the key to putting this together. • Custom Elements are DOM elements that can be defined by a developer. • They are allowed to manage state and provide a scriptable interface. • In other words, they are the shell of what will become our component
  • 25. Custom Elements • Defining a custom element like this: <polymer-element extends="button" name="fancy-button"> </polymer-element> • Allows you to use that custom element in your own markup: <div> <fancy-button></fancy-button> </div>
  • 26. Custom Elements • You can use the concepts we previously discussed, templates, Shadow DOM, etc. from within a custom element. • Further, custom elements give you a set of Lifecycle callbacks so you can know things like when you are inserted into the DOM, removed and ready. • This means you can define the visual aspects of a custom element in mark up and the code in script.
  • 27. Resources • • • @polymer – officical twitter of the polymer project • @digitalprimates • @jefftapper