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Other libraries
Polymer vs
Jakub Škvára
Full-stack Engineer @ Shipito
“jQuery for web components”
Polymer - use your own HTML elements

<link rel="import"

<google-map latitude="50.066354" longitude="14.402736"
Polymer element
<dom-module id="my-element">
<link rel="import" type="css" href="my-element.css">
<p>My element</p>
is: 'my-element'

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Building a Secure App with Google Polymer and Java / Spring
Building a Secure App with Google Polymer and Java / SpringBuilding a Secure App with Google Polymer and Java / Spring
Building a Secure App with Google Polymer and Java / Spring

Polymer is the latest web framework out of Google. Designed completely around the emerging Web Components standards, it has the lofty goal of making it easy to build apps based on these low level primitives. Along with Polymer comes a new set of Elements (buttons, dialog boxes and such) based on the ideas of "Material Design". These technologies together make it easy to build responsive, componentized "Single Page" web applications that work for browsers on PCs or mobile devices. But what about the backend, and how do we make these apps secure? In this talk Scott Deeg will take you through an introduction to Polmyer and its related technologies, and then through the build out of a full blown cloud based app with a secure, ReSTful backend based on Spring ReST, Spring Cloud, and Spring Security and using Thymeleaf for backend rendering jobs. At the end he will show the principles applied in a tool he's currently building. The talk will be mainly code walk through and demo, and assumes familiarity with Java/Spring and JavaScript.

Booting up with polymer
Booting up with polymerBooting up with polymer
Booting up with polymer

In this presentation we'll take a look at building a full stack web application using Polymer and Web Components. After a quick introduction to Polymer, we’ll see how we can handle things like authentication, pagination of large data sets, and adapting our UI to different viewports. We’ll also review what’s needed for moving our app to production and optimizing our User Experience with quick load times and transition animations.

web componentsvaadinspring
The rise of Polymer and Web Components (Kostas Karolemeas) - GreeceJS #17
The rise of Polymer and Web Components (Kostas Karolemeas) - GreeceJS #17The rise of Polymer and Web Components (Kostas Karolemeas) - GreeceJS #17
The rise of Polymer and Web Components (Kostas Karolemeas) - GreeceJS #17

Google Polymer builds a comprehensive web platform on the foundation of the emerging standard of Web Components.

Components benefits

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Levent-Gurses' Introduction to Web Components & Polymer
Levent-Gurses' Introduction to Web Components & PolymerLevent-Gurses' Introduction to Web Components & Polymer
Levent-Gurses' Introduction to Web Components & Polymer

This is in a developer-focused session on developing iOS apps with Web Components and Google Polymer. Web Components usher in a new era of web development based on encapsulated and interoperable custom elements that extend HTML itself. Built atop these new standards, Polymer makes it easier and faster to create anything from a button to a complete application across desktop, mobile, and beyond.


Polymer is a library for creating reusable web components. It allows developers to define custom elements with associated JavaScript behaviors to provide sophisticated user interfaces. Key features include defining local DOM, data binding with templates, declaring custom element properties, and composing elements from other elements. Properties support default values, configuration from markup, and two-way data binding for dynamic updates.

Web Components
Web ComponentsWeb Components
Web Components

Web Components are like Lego bricks. Easy to assemble and every piece simply fits together. But there is even more to it. Being able to create your own HTML-Tags with encapsulated style & logic changes the way you think about structuring your web applications. Get a sneak peek on how to develop scalable & maintainable applications in the future.

Polymer advantages
Speed of development
Rich forms

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Polymer - Welcome to the Future @ PyGrunn 08/07/2014
Polymer - Welcome to the Future @ PyGrunn 08/07/2014Polymer - Welcome to the Future @ PyGrunn 08/07/2014
Polymer - Welcome to the Future @ PyGrunn 08/07/2014

Polymers are large molecules, created of many subunits, and together they can compose larger elements that are fundamental to biological structure and function. This is exactly the idea behind Polymer. To create custom HTML elements, as encapsulated, reusable components that work across desktop and mobile. To achieve this, Polymer uses the latest web technologies, such as Web Components, Shadow DOM, HTML templates and imports.

polymerweb componentshtml imports
Web Components + Backbone: a Game-Changing Combination
Web Components + Backbone: a Game-Changing CombinationWeb Components + Backbone: a Game-Changing Combination
Web Components + Backbone: a Game-Changing Combination

Web Components promise to change how we think about modularity on the web, and when combined with the structure and organization of Backbone.js we can create portable, dynamic, encapsulated UI modules that fit into any web application.

backbone.jsjavascriptweb components
Web Components and Modular CSS
Web Components and Modular CSSWeb Components and Modular CSS
Web Components and Modular CSS

Given at CSS Dev Conf 2014 in New Orleans on October 14, 2014. This full presentation written with Web Components can be viewed with Chrome 36+ online at The source of the presentation is available on GitHub:

cssweb componentsjs
Special elements
Material design
Angular vs Polymer vs React
Angular Directives
angular.module('helloWorldDirective', [])
.controller('Controller', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.hello = {who: 'Devfest'};
.directive('myHelloWorld', function() {
return {
template: 'Hello {{hello.who}}'
<div ng-controller="Controller">

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Unlock the next era of UI design with Polymer
Unlock the next era of UI design with PolymerUnlock the next era of UI design with Polymer
Unlock the next era of UI design with Polymer

Entering the multi-screen era means rethinking how we build our applications. Producing a few PSDs doesn't cut it anymore, we have to start seeing the things we design as components within larger systems. Join us to learn how to use Polymer to revolutionize your design process. With these new tools we can create the UIs of the future, and shorten the time between concept and reality.

Introduction to Web Components
Introduction to Web ComponentsIntroduction to Web Components
Introduction to Web Components

Web Components allow developers to build reusable custom elements that encapsulate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They include features like Shadow DOM for encapsulation, templates for stamping out repeated sections, HTML imports for modular code, and custom elements for defining new types of elements. Polymer makes it easy to build web applications using these new web component standards by providing polyfills and a set of pre-built reusable elements.

web componentshtmljavascript
A brave new web - A talk about Web Components
A brave new web - A talk about Web ComponentsA brave new web - A talk about Web Components
A brave new web - A talk about Web Components

The document discusses emerging web component technologies including templates, shadow DOM, custom elements, and HTML imports. It provides examples of how each technology addresses limitations of past approaches like jQuery plugins and Angular directives by allowing developers to build reusable, encapsulated widgets and components using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These new standards enable building complex web UIs in a modular, component-based way.

web componentshtml5polymer
Angular vs Polymer
● MVC Framework
● $scope
● Angular template system
● View Library
● encapsulation (Shadow DOM)
● W3C standards + Polyfills
● Angular 2.0 directives - same as Polymer Web Components
● Different binding system
○ Changes from Polymer don’t push changes to Angular
○ bindPolymer and ng-polymer-elements directives for
Angular + Polymer
<input type="text" ng-model="text"/>
<input is="iron-input" ng-model="text"/>
<paper-input ng-model="text""></paper-input>
React Components
var HelloWorld = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div className="helloWorld">
Hello {this.props.who}!
<HelloWorld who="Lviv" />,
React vs Polymer
● Virtual DOM
● Server-side rendering
● One-way data flow
● Custom Elements
● Portability
● Two-way data binding

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The Future of CSS with Web Components
The Future of CSS with Web ComponentsThe Future of CSS with Web Components
The Future of CSS with Web Components

This document discusses the future of CSS and web development with web components. It introduces some key concepts in web components like templates, shadow DOM, custom elements, and HTML imports. Templates allow creating hidden chunks of HTML, shadow DOM provides encapsulation for styling, custom elements define new HTML tags, and HTML imports bundle related scripts and styles. Web components aim to address issues with current frontend development approaches and enable more modular and reusable code with standards like templates, shadow DOM, and custom elements. Polyfills can provide support for these features in older browsers. Popular web component libraries include Polymer and Mozilla Brick which provide pre-built reusable elements.

web componentscss
Custom Elements with Polymer Web Components #econfpsu16
Custom Elements with Polymer Web Components #econfpsu16Custom Elements with Polymer Web Components #econfpsu16
Custom Elements with Polymer Web Components #econfpsu16

If you haven’t explored Web Components yet, you’re missing out on a powerful tool that can greatly enhance reusability of common web elements throughout your websites and web applications. As Comcast has been updating our web properties to unify under a single UX, using Web Components with Polymer has helped make that process much more efficient. In nearly 2 years while creating hundreds of our own custom elements, we’ve learned a lot about the benefits & drawbacks to Polymer along the way. This case study will introduce Polymer & Web Components, demonstrate when Polymer is useful, when other options should be considered, and what it takes to deploy Polymer components to millions of customers.

Web Components Everywhere
Web Components EverywhereWeb Components Everywhere
Web Components Everywhere

Presentation about the native browser way for building web components. We look at examples and the pros and cons of doing it natively and using a library. At the end we look at the Angular way of wrapping custom components into Custom Elements.

● Render Web Components with React
● react-polymer library
React + Polymer
import polymerReact from 'polymer-react';
import React from 'react';
import {PaperInput} from 'polymer-react/input';
<PaperInput value={this.state.value} onChange={this.valueChanged} />
Angular Polymer React
Shadow DOMNormal DOM Virtual DOM
DOM updates
functions that
manipulate the DOM
$watch Tree comparison

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The Complementarity of React and Web Components
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The Complementarity of React and Web Components

On Github: The component driven, performance focused approach of React is a perfect complement to the modularity and portability of native HTML Web Components. At first glance, React and Web Components might seem like two radically different solutions to the same problem. But when combined properly they complement each other to create an extremely powerful, expressive framework for developing complex web applications.

reactreact.jsshadow dom
Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon Europe 2014
Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon Europe 2014Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon Europe 2014
Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon Europe 2014

The document discusses modern web application development workflows. It begins by looking at past workflows that lacked structure and organization. It then introduces Node.js as a JavaScript runtime and describes how JavaScript tools like Yeoman, Bower, Grunt and Gulp help provide structure, manage dependencies, automate tasks and enforce best practices. The document provides an overview of how these tools work and how they can be used to improve development workflows.

The Structure of Web Code: A Case For Polymer, November 1, 2014
The Structure of Web Code: A Case For Polymer, November 1, 2014The Structure of Web Code: A Case For Polymer, November 1, 2014
The Structure of Web Code: A Case For Polymer, November 1, 2014

About using Polymer ( to achieve better structure of the frontend code than with other tools. Part of the Dublin GDG Dev Fest.

gdg devfest polymer web
Component stylesCSS styles Page or inline
<template>HTML string,
<script> or
external file
<content>Transclusion props.children
Data binding

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Polymer Code Lab in Dart - DevFest Kraków 2014
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Polymer Code Lab in Dart - DevFest Kraków 2014

This document discusses Polymer, a library for building web components. Polymer leverages emerging web standards like web components, HTML imports, and templates. It allows for data binding and reusability through custom elements. Polymer works on Chrome 36+ through polyfills and provides developer productivity through separation of concerns between DOM, JavaScript, and CSS. Examples of Polymer usage and links to documentation are also provided.

HTML5, The Open Web, and what it means for you - Altran
HTML5, The Open Web, and what it means for you - AltranHTML5, The Open Web, and what it means for you - Altran
HTML5, The Open Web, and what it means for you - Altran

This document discusses HTML5 and related topics. It provides code examples of new HTML5 elements like <header>, <article>, and <canvas>. It demonstrates how to add semantics, draw shapes, and load images onto a canvas. It also mentions new APIs for video, custom data attributes, and live regions for accessibility. The goal is to introduce HTML5 and showcase its capabilities for building engaging web content.

Александр Кашеверов - Polymer
Александр Кашеверов - PolymerАлександр Кашеверов - Polymer
Александр Кашеверов - Polymer

This document discusses web components and the Polymer library. It begins with an introduction to web components, including custom elements, templates, shadow DOM, and HTML imports. It then discusses the Polymer library and how it adds support for web components in browsers as well as additional features like pre-built elements. The document provides examples of using paper elements and iron elements in Polymer. It concludes by comparing Polymer to alternatives and frameworks like Angular, and provides some example code and useful links.

Life cycle
(Created, Ready)
(compile + link)
Mount + update
Let’s try polymer
with your current framework
Workshop: Let's build a new
Polymer application
Tomorrow 16:00
Community hall
Thank you!

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Desbravando Web Components
Desbravando Web ComponentsDesbravando Web Components
Desbravando Web Components

Apresentada no GDG Recife - itshackademic Desbravamos Web Components e Polymer, mostrando as especificação, com muito live code e toda a mágica de Web Components.

HTML5 workshop, part 1
HTML5 workshop, part 1HTML5 workshop, part 1
HTML5 workshop, part 1

This document discusses HTML5 and related web technologies. It introduces HTML5 semantics like header, nav, article, section, aside, and figure. It demonstrates using these elements to mark up a simple web page. It also covers HTML5 features like video, canvas, and SVG for rich media, as well as JavaScript APIs and libraries for manipulating these elements. Finally, it addresses questions around browser support for HTML5 and ensuring websites will work across browsers.

Web components - An Introduction
Web components - An IntroductionWeb components - An Introduction
Web components - An Introduction

An introduction to Web Components describes why we should use web components for Web App development and how Polymer Javascript library from Google can help build web components faster.

web components and polymer

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