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AEM6 Component Development 
Adobe Experience Manager 
@GabrielWalt, Product Manager
Specification open sourced to GitHub. 
Implementation donated to Apache Sling. 
Follow @sightlyio on Twitter. 
Adobe Experience Manager
Project Efficiency estimated that it reduced their project 
costs by about 25% 
JSP Project 
Adobe Experience Manager 
Sightly HTML 
Management Sightly 
Effort / Cost
Development Workflow 
Improves project efficiency by removing the pain of 
JSP and Java development 
Adobe Experience Manager 
Static HTML being 
handed over… 
Front-end Developer 
Java Developer 
– Java/OSGi 
– Business logic

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CIRCUIT 2015 - Content API's For AEM Sites
CIRCUIT 2015 - Content API's For AEM SitesCIRCUIT 2015 - Content API's For AEM Sites
CIRCUIT 2015 - Content API's For AEM Sites

Bryan Williams - ICF Interactive Many sites need to expose their AEM repository content through a flexible remote API whether it be for consumption by mobile apps, third parties, etc. This presentation will walk through setting up a custom, extensible, secure and testable API utilizing various open source tools that are at your disposal.

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Three WEM Dev Tricks
Three WEM Dev TricksThree WEM Dev Tricks
Three WEM Dev Tricks

The document discusses three developer tricks for CQ5/WEM: 1) front-end optimization techniques like concatenating, minifying, and gzipping client-side libraries, 2) mobile detection using the Wireless Universal Resource File to determine device capabilities and serve tailored content, and 3) mobile content synchronization to keep mobile versions of content in sync with their desktop counterparts.

CQ Provisionning & Authoring
CQ Provisionning & AuthoringCQ Provisionning & Authoring
CQ Provisionning & Authoring

Adobe Experience Manager (CQ) Provisionning & Authoring §1 Authentication - Best Practices - Authentication Handler - Login Module §2 Resource Provisioning - Best Practices - Blueprints - From Actions & Workflows §3 Author Scalability - Vertical - Horizontal

cq5adobe experience managerauthoring
Development Workflow 
Improves project efficiency by removing the pain of 
JSP and Java development 
Adobe Experience Manager 
Front-end Developer 
Java Developer 
– Java/OSGi 
– Business logic 
APIs to OSGi bundles
Development Workflow 
Can be edited by front-end devs: 
✓ Client Libraries (CSS & JS) 
✕ JSP (markup & logic) 
✓ HTML markup (Sightly template) 
✓ View logic (server-side JS, or Java) 
Adobe Experience Manager 
Sightly basic example 
<a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> 
Adobe Experience Manager 
Sightly basic example 
<a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> 
Adobe Experience Manager 
2︎ 3︎ 
1︎ Automatic contextual HTML escaping and XSS protection of all variables 
2︎ Fallback value if property is empty 
3︎ Remove HTML attribute if value is empty

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HTML5: the new frontier of the web
HTML5: the new frontier of the webHTML5: the new frontier of the web
HTML5: the new frontier of the web

The document discusses various technologies for building web applications, including HTML5. It begins by explaining the anatomy of a web app, including the server-side components and use of backend services. It then covers different types of apps - native, web, and hybrid. A large portion of the document focuses on HTML5, describing new structural elements, forms, multimedia capabilities like audio and video, local storage options, and geolocation. It concludes by mentioning technologies like PhoneGap/Cordova for building cross-platform apps and WebSockets for real-time connections.

html5mobile application developmentgoogle chrome
Dynamic Components using Single-Page-Application Concepts in AEM/CQ
Dynamic Components using Single-Page-Application Concepts in AEM/CQDynamic Components using Single-Page-Application Concepts in AEM/CQ
Dynamic Components using Single-Page-Application Concepts in AEM/CQ

This document summarizes a presentation on developing dynamic components in AEM using single-page application concepts. It discusses how traditional approaches to dynamic components can be tricky when components need to communicate and update frequently. An SPA approach treats each component as a module that handles its own data fetching and updating independently via AJAX calls. On page load, the server returns only static markup and components get dynamic data by making POST requests to a controller returning JSON. This allows for perceived faster interactions and easier front-end/back-end separation compared to full page reloads. Examples demonstrate rendering templates, initialization scripts, and a sample controller class to retrieve and return dynamic component data.

HTML5 and CSS3 refresher
HTML5 and CSS3 refresherHTML5 and CSS3 refresher
HTML5 and CSS3 refresher

Anatomy of a web app HTML5 CSS3 This presentation has been developed in the context of the Mobile Applications Development course, DISIM, University of L'Aquila (Italy), Spring 2014.

html5css3mobile application development
Sightly VS JSP 
<a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> 
JSP – Scriptlets 
Adobe Experience Manager 
<%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%> 
<a href="<%= xssAPI.getValidHref(properties.get("link", "#")) %>" <% 
String title = properties.get("jcr:title", ""); 
if (title.length() > 0) { 
%>title="<%= xssAPI.encodeForHTMLAttr(title) %>"<% 
} %>> 
<%= xssAPI.encodeForHTML(properties.get("jcr:description", "")) %> 
Please try again…
<a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> 
Adobe Experience Manager 
JSP – Expression Language & JSTL 
<%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%> 
<a href="${!empty ? xss:href( : '#'}" 
<c:if test="${!empty properties['jcr:title']}"> 
Still complex 
Sightly VS JSP 
No automatic security
<a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> 
Adobe Experience Manager 
JSP – Custom Tag Libraries 
<%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%> 
<a href="<out:href property='link' default='#'/>" 
No automatic security 
<c:if test="${!empty properties['jcr:title']}"> 
title="<out:attr property='jcr:title'/>" 
<out:text property='jcr:description'/> 
Many tags within tags 
Sightly VS JSP
<a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> 
Adobe Experience Manager 
JSP – TagLibs for whole HTML elements 
<%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%> 
<my:text property="jcr:description"/> 
What does it really do? 
Sightly VS JSP

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Ruby On Rails Tutorial

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Advanced Visualforce Webinar
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Advanced Visualforce Webinar

Visualforce is a powerful tool for building custom user interfaces, but with great power comes great responsibility. Making your pages lean and fast is essential to a great user experience and high adoption rates. This webinar will focus on some advanced Visualforce topics to help you improve page efficiency. This session is tailored for experienced developers who are already familiar with the Visualforce framework. Watch this webinar to learn about: :: Viewstate :: JavaScript Remoting :: Asynchronous Apex :: Streaming API

10 jsp-scripting-elements
10 jsp-scripting-elements10 jsp-scripting-elements
10 jsp-scripting-elements

The document discusses different ways to invoke Java code from JSP pages, including JSP expressions, scriptlets, and declarations. It provides examples of each and explains how they correspond to code in the generated servlet class. Expressions output a value, scriptlets can contain multiple statements, and declarations define fields and methods in the servlet class. The document also compares using JSP pages versus servlets for similar tasks and recommends limiting Java code in JSP pages.

<a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> 
Adobe Experience Manager 
Sightly FTW!
Building Blocks 
Expression Language 
Block Statements 
<p data-sly-test="${isVisible}">is visible</p> 
Adobe Experience Manager
Literals (positive integers, booleans, strings, arrays) 
${true} ${false} 
${'Hello World'} ${"Hello World"} 
${[1, 2, 3]} ${[42, true, 'Hello World']} 
Variables (and accessing object properties) 
${properties['my property']} 
The available objects are the same ones as in JSP with global.jsp 
Adobe Experience Manager
Expression Operators 
Logical operations (not, and, or) 
${conditionOne || conditionTwo} 
${conditionOne && conditionTwo} 
Equality / Inequality (only for same types) 
${varOne == varTwo} ${varOne != varTwo} 
Comparison (only for integers) 
${varOne < varTwo} ${varOne > varTwo} 
${varOne <= varTwo} ${varOne >= varTwo} 
Adobe Experience Manager

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AEM 6.0 - Author UI Customization & Features
AEM 6.0 - Author UI Customization & FeaturesAEM 6.0 - Author UI Customization & Features
AEM 6.0 - Author UI Customization & Features

This document discusses various features and customization options for the AEM 6.0 user interface. It covers the Sling resource merger which allows overlaying and customizing nodes, adding and hiding links from the left rail, adding buttons to the console, modifying search filters, using metadata properties as tags, and customizing asset editor metadata templates. It provides examples of how to customize and overlay nodes in the /libs path with custom configurations in the /apps path. The document also includes some additional useful information and links for AEM UI customization.

aem 6 customizationaem 6.0cq
Modern development paradigms
Modern development paradigmsModern development paradigms
Modern development paradigms

This presentation is about a lecture I gave within the "Software systems and services" immigration course at the Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila (Italy):

splsoftware engineering. teaching resourcessoa
Angular JS
Angular JSAngular JS
Angular JS

The document provides an overview of HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, Git, and a demo application that teaches AngularJS development in steps. It explains key concepts like HTML structure, tags and attributes, CSS selectors and styles, JS variables, arrays, objects, and functions, Angular data binding, modules, controllers, filters, and directives. It also demonstrates how to set up an Angular app, manipulate the DOM with JS, install and use Git for version control, and check out branches in the demo app that implement features in stages.

angularjsweb developmentfrontend technology
Expression Operators 
${myChoice ? varOne : varTwo} 
${varOne && (varTwo || varThree)} 
Adobe Experience Manager
Expression Options 
Options allow to manipulate the result of an expression, 
or to pass parameters to a block statement. 
Everything after the @ are comma separated options 
${myVar @ optOne, optTwo} 
Options can have a value (literals or variables) 
${myVar @ optOne='value', optTwo=[1, 2, 3]} 
Parametric expression (containing only options) 
${@ optOne='value', optTwo=[1, 2, 3]} 
Adobe Experience Manager
Expression Options 
String formatting 
${'Page {0} of {1}' @ format=[current, total]} 
${'Page' @ i18n} 
${'Page' @ i18n, hint='Translation Hint'} 
${'Page' @ i18n, locale='en-US'} 
Array Join 
${['one', 'two'] @ join='; '} 
Adobe Experience Manager
Test Statement 
Conditionally removes the element and it's content 
<p data-sly-test="${properties.showText}">text</p> 
Adobe Experience Manager

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Crx 2.2 Deep-DiveCrx 2.2 Deep-Dive
Crx 2.2 Deep-Dive

Covering: - What is a Content Repository and how does it work - Comparison to relational database - Why stable APIs are important and what to do if they are not - Benefits of the open and transparent development - Oh boy.. can I see it already! - Why Sling is called Sling - Various ways to deploy and develop code - Deployment options and clustering

jcrjackrabbitcontent repository
Struts N E W
Struts N E WStruts N E W
Struts N E W

This document provides an introduction and overview of Struts, an MVC framework for Java web applications. It discusses Struts' main components and design patterns, including: - Struts acts as an MVC framework, providing utilities for web app development using the MVC pattern. - The framework has 3 main components - Controller, View, and Model. - Struts uses the standard MVC design of separating data, presentation, and business logic into separate but interacting elements.

A quick guide to Css and java script
A quick guide to Css and  java scriptA quick guide to Css and  java script
A quick guide to Css and java script

This document provides information about cascading style sheets (CSS). It discusses the different ways to apply stylesheets, including inline, embedded, and external stylesheets. It explains that CSS controls the layout, fonts, colors and overall appearance of web pages. CSS allows separation of design from content and makes pages load faster. The document also covers CSS syntax, selectors, properties and values. Common CSS selectors for HTML elements like headings, paragraphs and horizontal rules are listed along with their properties.

a quick guide to css and java script
List Statement 
Repeats the content for each enumerable property 
<ol data-sly-list="${currentPage.listChildren}"> 
<li>Triangle Page</li> 
<li>Square Page</li> 
Adobe Experience Manager
Include Statement 
Includes the rendering of the indicated template (Sightly, JSP, ESP, etc.) 
<section data-sly-include="path/to/template.html"></section> 
Adobe Experience Manager
Resource Statement 
Includes the result of the indicated resource 
<article data-sly-resource="path/to/resource"></article> 
Adobe Experience Manager
Resource Statement Options 
Manipulating selectors (selectors, addSelectors, removeSelectors) 
<article data-sly-resource="${'path/to/resource' @ 
Overriding the resource type 
<article data-sly-resource="${'path/to/resource' @ 
Changing WCM mode 
<article data-sly-resource="${'path/to/resource' @ 
Adobe Experience Manager

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HTML 5 Step By Step - EbookHTML 5 Step By Step - Ebook
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Today’s designers when asked about HTML5 do hesitate to answer because of the lack of knowledge about HTML5.A Free Ebook On HTML 5 Step by Step Guide..

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[2015/2016] Backbone JS
[2015/2016] Backbone JS[2015/2016] Backbone JS
[2015/2016] Backbone JS

This presentation has been developed in the context of the Mobile Applications Development course, DISIM, University of L'Aquila (Italy), Spring 2016.

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Modular Test-driven SPAs with Spring and AngularJS
Modular Test-driven SPAs with Spring and AngularJSModular Test-driven SPAs with Spring and AngularJS
Modular Test-driven SPAs with Spring and AngularJS

The document discusses creating modular test-driven single page applications (SPAs) using Spring and AngularJS. It provides an overview of AngularJS concepts and how to integrate AngularJS with Spring, including building and deploying AngularJS apps, modularization, and testing. It also covers AngularJS basics like models, views, controllers, directives, and modules.

Unwrap Statement 
Removes the host element while retaining its content 
<article data-sly-resource="path/to/resource" 
Adobe Experience Manager 
Use unwrap only when there’s no other way to write your template, 
to make it correspond as much as possible to the output.
Text, Attr & Elem Statements 
Replaces the content, attribute or element name 
<div class="active" title="Lorem ipsum" 
Adobe Experience Manager 
data-sly-text="${content}">Lorem ipsum</div> 
<span class="active" title="Hi!">Hello World</span> 
Use element and attribute with care as they allow to define parts of the 
markup from the logic, which can lessen the separation of concerns.
Use Statement 
Initializes a helper object 
<div data-sly-use.nav="navigation.js">${}</div> 
<div>Hello World</div> 
Use data-sly-use when data preparation is needed. 
To avoid unnecessary abstraction layers, prefer to access the variables 
directly from the template when possible. 
Adobe Experience Manager
Server-side JavaScript logic 
<div data-sly-use.nav="navigation.js">${}</div> 
/* navigation.js */ 
use(function () { 
return { 
Adobe Experience Manager 
foo: "Hello World" 
Like for the Sightly template, the objects available in the logic file are 
the same ones as in JSP with global.jsp

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The Rails Way
The Rails WayThe Rails Way
The Rails Way

The document discusses best practices for building web applications using the Ruby on Rails framework. It covers topics like asset pipeline for concatenating and minifying assets, CoffeeScript and SASS for high-level languages, content negotiation for different formats, partials for view components, AJAX, caching, and solving the N+1 query problem through includes and batch loading.

ruby rails
Session 5 : intro to jsp - Giáo trình Bách Khoa Aptech
Session 5 : intro to jsp  - Giáo trình Bách Khoa AptechSession 5 : intro to jsp  - Giáo trình Bách Khoa Aptech
Session 5 : intro to jsp - Giáo trình Bách Khoa Aptech

This document provides an introduction to Java Server Pages (JSP) technology. It outlines the objectives and key concepts of JSP including the request-response cycle, life cycle, elements/tags, implicit objects, and action tags. JSP pages are converted into servlets and allow for separating presentation logic from business logic by embedding Java code within HTML pages using special tags. The document also compares JSP to servlets and provides examples of common JSP directives, tags, and beans.

Jsp servlets
Jsp servletsJsp servlets
Jsp servlets

The document discusses Java servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP). It describes servlets as Java programs that run on a web or application server between the HTTP client and server. JSP is described as a dynamic web page that mixes HTML and Java code enclosed in special tags. The document outlines the servlet/JSP lifecycle of init, service, and destroy phases. It provides examples of JSP tags like scriptlets, declarations, comments, directives, and implicit objects to access request parameters and session attributes.

<div data-sly-use.nav="Navigation">${}</div> 
/* */ 
package apps.site_name.component_name; 
import com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUse; 
public class Navigation extends WCMUse { 
private String foo; 
public void activate() throws Exception { 
Adobe Experience Manager 
foo = "Hello World"; 
public String getFoo() { 
return foo; 
Java logic 
When the Java file is 
located in the content 
repository, next to the 
Sightly template, only 
the class name is 
But when embedded 
in an OSGi bundle, the 
fully qualified Java 
class name is needed. 
The Java class either has to extend WCMUse, or it 
has to be adaptable from request or from resource.
What kind of Use-API? 
Model logic 
This logic is not tied to a template and is potentially reusable among components. 
It should aim to form a stable API that changes little, even in case of a full redesign. 
➔ Java located in OSGi bundle 
View logic 
This logic is specific to the templates and is likely to change if the design changes. 
It is thus a good practice to locate it in the content repository, next to the template. 
➔ JavaScript located in component 
If components are to be maintained by front-end devs (typically with Brackets). 
➔ Java located in component 
If performance is critical (e.g. when many requests are not cached by the dispatcher). 
Adobe Experience Manager
Template & Call Statement 
<template"${@ class, text}"> 
<span class="${class}">${text}</span> 
<div data-sly-use.tmpl="template.html" 
Adobe Experience Manager 
data-sly-call="${ @ class='example', 
<div><span class="example">Hi</span></div>
Display Context Option 
The context option offers control over escaping and XSS protection. 
Allowing some HTML markup (filtering out scripts) 
<div>${properties.jcr:description @ context='html'}</div> 
Adding URI validation protection to other attributes than src or href 
<p data-link="${link @ context='uri'}">text</p> 
Adobe Experience Manager

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Opencast Admin UI - Introduction to developing using AngularJS
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This presentation is intended to help developers anticipating using and potentially extending the new Admin UI get a hands-on introduction into the Angular JS portion of the software. It has been presented in the form of a workshop and therefore the last slides (starting with the 22) could seem a bit abstract.

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Display Context Option 
<a href="${myLink}" title="${myTitle}">${myContent}</a> 
<script> var foo = "${myVar @ context='scriptString'}"; </string> 
<style> a { font-family: "${myFont @ context='styleString'}"; } </style> 
Most useful contexts and what they do: 
number XSSAPI.getValidNumber 
uri XSSAPI.getValidHref (default for src and href attributes) 
attribute XSSAPI.encodeForHTMLAttribute (default for other attributes) 
text XSSAPI.encodeForHTML (default for element content) 
scriptString XSSAPI.encodeForJSString 
styleString XSSAPI.encodeForCSSString 
html XSSAPI.filterHTML 
unsafe disables all protection, use at your own risk. 
Adobe Experience Manager
Display Context Option 
<a href="${myLink}" title="${myTitle}">${myContent}</a> 
<script> var foo = "${myVar @ context='scriptString'}"; </string> 
<style> a { font-family: "${myFont @ context='styleString'}"; } </style> 
Preferred method for each context: 
– src and href attributes: number, uri, attribute, unsafe 
– other attributes: number, uri, attribute, unsafe 
– element content: number, text, html, unsafe 
– JS scripts ⊛: number, uri, scriptString, unsafe 
– CSS styles ⊛: number, uri, styleString, unsafe 
⊛ An explicit context is required for script and style contexts. 
Don’t set the context manually unless you understand what you are doing. 
Adobe Experience Manager
Adobe Experience Manager 
Sightly FAQ 
What does Sightly enable that isn’t possible with JSP? 
– Systematic state-of-the-art protection against cross-site scripting injection. 
– Possibility for front-end developers to easily participate on AEM projects. 
– Flexible and powerful templating and view logic binding features. 
– Tailored to the Sling use-case. 
Will JSP go away? 
– As of today, there are no plans for that.
IDE & Developer Mode 
• Improve learning curve and efficiency of developers 
• An IDE plugin for each developer role 
Adobe Experience Manager 
Brackets plugin 
for the Front-End developers 
Eclipse plugin 
for the Java developers

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Stripes presentation for the Portuguese JUG session at JavaPT09 event. Last version available at Speaker Deck:

Work on file system + transparent sync & content editing 
Adobe Experience Manager 
IDE Sync 
Version Control 
System (Git / Svn) File System 
manual pull 
Brackets / Eclipse 
auto push 
IDE works on 
the File System
Adobe Experience Manager 
– Documentation 
– Specification 
– Sightly AEM Page Example (requires instance on localhost:4502) 
– TodoMVC Example 
– Live Sightly execution environment 
– Sightly Brackets extension 
– AEM Developer Tools for Eclipse 
– AEM Developer Mode
EVOLVE'14 | Enhance | Gabriel Walt | Sightly Component Development

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EVOLVE'14 | Enhance | Gabriel Walt | Sightly Component Development

  • 1. AEM6 Component Development Adobe Experience Manager @GabrielWalt, Product Manager
  • 2. Specification open sourced to GitHub. Implementation donated to Apache Sling. Follow @sightlyio on Twitter. Adobe Experience Manager
  • 3. Project Efficiency estimated that it reduced their project costs by about 25% JSP Project Adobe Experience Manager Design HTML/CSS Template JSP Logic Java Design HTML/CSS Template Sightly HTML Logic Use-API Project Management Sightly Management ~25% Effort / Cost
  • 4. Development Workflow Improves project efficiency by removing the pain of JSP and Java development Adobe Experience Manager Design HTML/CSS Component Business Logic Inefficient Static HTML being handed over… Front-end Developer – HTML – CSS/JS Java Developer – Java/OSGi – Business logic
  • 5. Development Workflow Improves project efficiency by removing the pain of JSP and Java development Adobe Experience Manager Design HTML/CSS Component Business Logic Front-end Developer – HTML – CSS/JS Java Developer – Java/OSGi – Business logic Efficient APIs to OSGi bundles
  • 6. Development Workflow Can be edited by front-end devs: ✓ Client Libraries (CSS & JS) ✕ JSP (markup & logic) ✓ HTML markup (Sightly template) ✓ View logic (server-side JS, or Java) Adobe Experience Manager Component
  • 7. Sightly basic example <a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> Adobe Experience Manager ${properties.jcr:description} </a>
  • 8. Sightly basic example <a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> Adobe Experience Manager ${properties.jcr:description} </a> 1︎ 2︎ 3︎ 1︎ Automatic contextual HTML escaping and XSS protection of all variables 2︎ Fallback value if property is empty 3︎ Remove HTML attribute if value is empty
  • 9. Sightly VS JSP Sightly <a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> JSP – Scriptlets Adobe Experience Manager ${properties.jcr:description} </a> <%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%> <a href="<%= xssAPI.getValidHref(properties.get("link", "#")) %>" <% String title = properties.get("jcr:title", ""); if (title.length() > 0) { %>title="<%= xssAPI.encodeForHTMLAttr(title) %>"<% } %>> <%= xssAPI.encodeForHTML(properties.get("jcr:description", "")) %> </a> Please try again…
  • 10. Sightly <a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> Adobe Experience Manager ${properties.jcr:description} </a> JSP – Expression Language & JSTL <%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%> <a href="${!empty ? xss:href( : '#'}" <c:if test="${!empty properties['jcr:title']}"> title="${xss:attr(properties['jcr:title'])}" </c:if> > ${xss:text(properties['jcr:description'])} </a> Still complex Sightly VS JSP No automatic security
  • 11. Sightly <a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> Adobe Experience Manager ${properties.jcr:description} </a> JSP – Custom Tag Libraries <%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%> <a href="<out:href property='link' default='#'/>" No automatic security <c:if test="${!empty properties['jcr:title']}"> title="<out:attr property='jcr:title'/>" </c:if> > <out:text property='jcr:description'/> </a> Many tags within tags Sightly VS JSP
  • 12. Sightly <a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> Adobe Experience Manager ${properties.jcr:description} </a> JSP – TagLibs for whole HTML elements <%@include file="/libs/foundation/global.jsp"%> <my:link urlProperty="link" urlDefault="#" titleProperty="jcr:title"> <my:text property="jcr:description"/> </my:link> What does it really do? Sightly VS JSP
  • 13. Sightly <a href="${ || '#'}" title="${properties.jcr:title}"> Adobe Experience Manager ${properties.jcr:description} </a> Readable Explicit Secure Sightly FTW!
  • 14. Building Blocks Expression Language ${properties.myProperty} Block Statements <p data-sly-test="${isVisible}">is visible</p> Adobe Experience Manager
  • 15. Expressions Literals (positive integers, booleans, strings, arrays) ${42} ${true} ${false} ${'Hello World'} ${"Hello World"} ${[1, 2, 3]} ${[42, true, 'Hello World']} Variables (and accessing object properties) ${myVar} ${properties.propName} ${properties.jcr:title} ${properties['my property']} ${properties[myVar]} The available objects are the same ones as in JSP with global.jsp Adobe Experience Manager
  • 16. Expression Operators Logical operations (not, and, or) ${!myVar} ${conditionOne || conditionTwo} ${conditionOne && conditionTwo} Equality / Inequality (only for same types) ${varOne == varTwo} ${varOne != varTwo} Comparison (only for integers) ${varOne < varTwo} ${varOne > varTwo} ${varOne <= varTwo} ${varOne >= varTwo} Adobe Experience Manager
  • 17. Expression Operators Conditional ${myChoice ? varOne : varTwo} Grouping ${varOne && (varTwo || varThree)} Adobe Experience Manager
  • 18. Expression Options Options allow to manipulate the result of an expression, or to pass parameters to a block statement. Everything after the @ are comma separated options ${myVar @ optOne, optTwo} Options can have a value (literals or variables) ${myVar @ optOne='value', optTwo=[1, 2, 3]} Parametric expression (containing only options) ${@ optOne='value', optTwo=[1, 2, 3]} Adobe Experience Manager
  • 19. Expression Options String formatting ${'Page {0} of {1}' @ format=[current, total]} Internationalization ${'Page' @ i18n} ${'Page' @ i18n, hint='Translation Hint'} ${'Page' @ i18n, locale='en-US'} Array Join ${['one', 'two'] @ join='; '} Adobe Experience Manager
  • 20. Test Statement Conditionally removes the element and it's content <p data-sly-test="${properties.showText}">text</p> Output <p>text</p> Adobe Experience Manager
  • 21. List Statement Repeats the content for each enumerable property <ol data-sly-list="${currentPage.listChildren}"> <li>${item.title}</li> </ol> Output <ol> <li>Triangle Page</li> <li>Square Page</li> </ol> Adobe Experience Manager
  • 22. Include Statement Includes the rendering of the indicated template (Sightly, JSP, ESP, etc.) <section data-sly-include="path/to/template.html"></section> Output <section><!-- Result of the rendered resource --></section> Adobe Experience Manager
  • 23. Resource Statement Includes the result of the indicated resource <article data-sly-resource="path/to/resource"></article> Output <article><!-- Result of the rendered resource --></article> Adobe Experience Manager
  • 24. Resource Statement Options Manipulating selectors (selectors, addSelectors, removeSelectors) <article data-sly-resource="${'path/to/resource' @ selectors='mobile'}"></article> Overriding the resource type <article data-sly-resource="${'path/to/resource' @ resourceType='my/resource/type'}"></article> Changing WCM mode <article data-sly-resource="${'path/to/resource' @ wcmmode='disabled'}"></article> Adobe Experience Manager
  • 25. Unwrap Statement Removes the host element while retaining its content <article data-sly-resource="path/to/resource" Adobe Experience Manager data-sly-unwrap></article> Output <!-- Result of the rendered resource --> Use unwrap only when there’s no other way to write your template, to make it correspond as much as possible to the output.
  • 26. Text, Attr & Elem Statements Replaces the content, attribute or element name <div class="active" title="Lorem ipsum" Adobe Experience Manager data-sly-element="${elementName}" data-sly-attribute.title="${title}" data-sly-text="${content}">Lorem ipsum</div> Output <span class="active" title="Hi!">Hello World</span> Use element and attribute with care as they allow to define parts of the markup from the logic, which can lessen the separation of concerns.
  • 27. Use Statement Initializes a helper object <div data-sly-use.nav="navigation.js">${}</div> Output <div>Hello World</div> Use data-sly-use when data preparation is needed. To avoid unnecessary abstraction layers, prefer to access the variables directly from the template when possible. Adobe Experience Manager
  • 28. Server-side JavaScript logic <!-- template.html --> <div data-sly-use.nav="navigation.js">${}</div> /* navigation.js */ use(function () { return { Adobe Experience Manager foo: "Hello World" }; }); Like for the Sightly template, the objects available in the logic file are the same ones as in JSP with global.jsp
  • 29. <!-- template.html --> <div data-sly-use.nav="Navigation">${}</div> /* */ package apps.site_name.component_name; import com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUse; public class Navigation extends WCMUse { private String foo; @Override public void activate() throws Exception { Adobe Experience Manager foo = "Hello World"; } public String getFoo() { return foo; } } Java logic When the Java file is located in the content repository, next to the Sightly template, only the class name is needed. But when embedded in an OSGi bundle, the fully qualified Java class name is needed. The Java class either has to extend WCMUse, or it has to be adaptable from request or from resource.
  • 30. What kind of Use-API? Model logic This logic is not tied to a template and is potentially reusable among components. It should aim to form a stable API that changes little, even in case of a full redesign. ➔ Java located in OSGi bundle View logic This logic is specific to the templates and is likely to change if the design changes. It is thus a good practice to locate it in the content repository, next to the template. ➔ JavaScript located in component If components are to be maintained by front-end devs (typically with Brackets). ➔ Java located in component If performance is critical (e.g. when many requests are not cached by the dispatcher). Adobe Experience Manager
  • 31. Template & Call Statement <!-- template.html --> <template"${@ class, text}"> <span class="${class}">${text}</span> </template> <!-- other-file.html --> <div data-sly-use.tmpl="template.html" Adobe Experience Manager data-sly-call="${ @ class='example', text='Hi'}"></div> Output <div><span class="example">Hi</span></div>
  • 32. Display Context Option The context option offers control over escaping and XSS protection. Allowing some HTML markup (filtering out scripts) <div>${properties.jcr:description @ context='html'}</div> Adding URI validation protection to other attributes than src or href <p data-link="${link @ context='uri'}">text</p> Adobe Experience Manager
  • 33. Display Context Option <a href="${myLink}" title="${myTitle}">${myContent}</a> <script> var foo = "${myVar @ context='scriptString'}"; </string> <style> a { font-family: "${myFont @ context='styleString'}"; } </style> Most useful contexts and what they do: number XSSAPI.getValidNumber uri XSSAPI.getValidHref (default for src and href attributes) attribute XSSAPI.encodeForHTMLAttribute (default for other attributes) text XSSAPI.encodeForHTML (default for element content) scriptString XSSAPI.encodeForJSString styleString XSSAPI.encodeForCSSString html XSSAPI.filterHTML unsafe disables all protection, use at your own risk. safer Adobe Experience Manager
  • 34. Display Context Option <a href="${myLink}" title="${myTitle}">${myContent}</a> <script> var foo = "${myVar @ context='scriptString'}"; </string> <style> a { font-family: "${myFont @ context='styleString'}"; } </style> Preferred method for each context: – src and href attributes: number, uri, attribute, unsafe – other attributes: number, uri, attribute, unsafe – element content: number, text, html, unsafe – JS scripts ⊛: number, uri, scriptString, unsafe – CSS styles ⊛: number, uri, styleString, unsafe ⊛ An explicit context is required for script and style contexts. Don’t set the context manually unless you understand what you are doing. Adobe Experience Manager
  • 35. Adobe Experience Manager Sightly FAQ What does Sightly enable that isn’t possible with JSP? – Systematic state-of-the-art protection against cross-site scripting injection. – Possibility for front-end developers to easily participate on AEM projects. – Flexible and powerful templating and view logic binding features. – Tailored to the Sling use-case. Will JSP go away? – As of today, there are no plans for that.
  • 36. IDE & Developer Mode • Improve learning curve and efficiency of developers • An IDE plugin for each developer role Adobe Experience Manager Brackets plugin for the Front-End developers Eclipse plugin for the Java developers
  • 37. Work on file system + transparent sync & content editing Adobe Experience Manager IDE Sync Version Control System (Git / Svn) File System Content Repository sync manual pull Brackets / Eclipse IDE auto push IDE works on the File System
  • 38. Adobe Experience Manager Resources Sightly – Documentation – Specification – Sightly AEM Page Example (requires instance on localhost:4502) – TodoMVC Example Tools – Live Sightly execution environment – Sightly Brackets extension – AEM Developer Tools for Eclipse – AEM Developer Mode