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The Modern Java Web Developer Bootcamp
Matt Raible •

Photos by The Amazing Trish McGinity
Who is Matt Raible?

Founder of AppFuse

Father, Skier, Cyclist

Web Framework Connoisseur

Bus Lover

Blogger on
How about You?
Have you developed a Struts 1
application? Used PHP?

Have you every written CSS from

Why do you hate JavaScript?

What’s your favorite JavaScript

What do you want to learn from this talk?

Topic Inspiration
Inspired by Ben Evan’s and Martijn Verburg’s The Well-Grounded
Java Developer

Developing with Java 7

Vital techniques

Polyglot programming on the JVM

Crafting the polyglot project


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Developing, Testing and Scaling with Apache Camel - UberConf 2015
Developing, Testing and Scaling with Apache Camel - UberConf 2015Developing, Testing and Scaling with Apache Camel - UberConf 2015
Developing, Testing and Scaling with Apache Camel - UberConf 2015

Apache Camel is an integration framework that allows you to define routing and mediation rules in a number of domain-specific languages. This presentation shows how I used Apache Camel to replace IBM Message Broker on a project. It includes information on how routes were developed using Camel’s Java API and how Camel can be integrated with Spring Boot. It also covers unit, integration and load testing (using Gatling) of these services. Finally, it touches on monitoring with hawtio and New Relic.

spring-bootenterprise integrationtesting
Laravel 8 export data as excel file with example
Laravel 8 export data as excel file with exampleLaravel 8 export data as excel file with example
Laravel 8 export data as excel file with example

In this step-by-step guide of Laravel 8 export data as excel file, learn how to implement Excel export functionality in Laravel.

laravel 8excel fileprogramming
React && React Native workshop
React && React Native workshopReact && React Native workshop
React && React Native workshop

This document provides an introduction to React and React Native. It begins with an overview of ReactJS, including its motivation as a library for building user interfaces and key concepts like components, the virtual DOM, JSX, immutability, and one-way data flow. It then covers React Native, explaining how it uses native components to render interfaces for mobile rather than HTML/CSS. The document concludes with exercises for creating basic React and React Native apps.

The Modern Java Web Developer


The Modern JVM Web Developer
Starts with Fast Hardware

Uses IntelliJ IDEA

Leverages HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3

Creates High Performance Web Sites

For Mobile Devices, in the Cloud

And cares about Security

Fast Hardware



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Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016
Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, JHipster, and JWT - Rich Web 2016

Microservices are all the rage and being deployed by many Java Hipsters. If you’re working on a large team that needs different release cycles for product components, microservices can be a blessing. If you’re working at your VW Restoration Shop and running its online store with your own software, having five services to manage and deploy can be a real pain. Share your knowledge and experience about microservices in this informative and code-heavy talk. We’ll use JHipster (a Yeoman generator) to create Angular + Spring Boot apps on separate instances with a unified front-end. I’ll also show you options for securing your API gateway and individual applications using JWT. Heroku, Kubernetes, Docker, ELK, Spring Cloud, Stormpath; there will be plenty of interesting demos to see!

Ten practical ways to improve front-end performance
Ten practical ways to improve front-end performanceTen practical ways to improve front-end performance
Ten practical ways to improve front-end performance

Conference talk presented at PHP South Coast 2017. Ten concrete ways to improve web performance, split between quick tactical wins and longer-term overarching strategies.

#NoXML: Eliminating XML in Spring Projects - SpringOne 2GX 2015
#NoXML: Eliminating XML in Spring Projects - SpringOne 2GX 2015#NoXML: Eliminating XML in Spring Projects - SpringOne 2GX 2015
#NoXML: Eliminating XML in Spring Projects - SpringOne 2GX 2015

Many Spring projects exist that leverage XML for their configuration and bean definitions. Most Java web applications use a web.xml to configure their servlets, filters and listeners. This session shows you how you can eliminate XML by configuring your Spring beans with JavaConfig and annotations. It also shows how you can remove your web.xml and configure your web components with Java.

IntelliJ IDEA


Supports Emmet (aka Zen Coding)
<div id=page> !
<div class=logo></div> !
<ul id=navigation> !
<li><a href=></a></li>
<li><a href=></a></li>
<li><a href=></a></li>
<li><a href=></a></li>
<li><a href=></a></li>
</ul> !


Java 7 and 8
Strings in switch statements

Diamond Syntax

Try with resources

Improved exception handling with multi-catch

NIO.2: Path, Files and Asynchronous I/O
Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(logs, access.log); !
BufferReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);


Java 7 and 8
Parallel Collections

JSR 310 Date and Time API

Functional Interfaces with default method

Lambda Expressions (a.k.a. Closures)


// sort a list by lastName !
List<Person> persons = ...; !
persons.sort((p1, p2) -> !

Nashorn JavaScript Engine


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Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Ember.js
Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Ember.jsAvoiding Common Pitfalls in Ember.js
Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Ember.js

1. Common routing pitfalls in Ember.js include incorrectly using resources vs routes, not understanding the validation vs setup phase of routing, and assuming route nesting matches template nesting. 2. Other common mistakes include forgetting to use the property helper with computed properties, not passing actions correctly to components, and having invalid JSON that silently fails in Ember Data. 3. Debugging challenges include swallowed promise errors and not using the debugger, console.log, or Ember Inspector tools effectively. Understanding function scope, native array methods, and action bubbling in CoffeeScript can also trip developers up.

Integrating React.js Into a PHP Application
Integrating React.js Into a PHP ApplicationIntegrating React.js Into a PHP Application
Integrating React.js Into a PHP Application

React.js has taken the web development world by storm, and for good reason: React offers a declarative, component-oriented approach to building highly-scalable web UIs. But how can we take advantage of a JavaScript library like React in our server-side PHP applications. In this talk l cover the different ways React.js can be integrated into an existing PHP web application: from a client-side only approach to multiple techniques that support full server-side rendering with a Node.js server or PHP’s v8js. I also discuss the trade-offs in each of these designs and the challenges involved with adding React to a PHP site. Most importantly, I consider the higher-level issue of how to improve view cohesion across the client-server divide in a PHP application.

React Native - Workshop
React Native - WorkshopReact Native - Workshop
React Native - Workshop

Workshop sobre React Native realizado pela Vizir Software Studio ( para Natura. OVERVIEW Desenvolvimento nativo Desenvolvimento híbrido Frameworks disponíveis Ionic NativeScript Xamarin React Native REACT & REACT NATIVE Componentes React Components Lifecycle Tudo pode ser Javascript JSX CSS em JSON Virtual DOM Benefícios Futuro REACT NATIVE Componentes & APIs Comunidade Utilizando bibliotecas nativas Comportamentos específicos de cada plataforma Ferramentas Code Push RNPM BOAS PRÁTICAS Fluxo de dados da aplicação Testando seus componentes Como estruturamos as aplicações GITHUB SAMPLE APP

hybrid appsreact-nativeandroid
Java 8 Parallelism
The Modern JVM Web Developer is aware of...
%s/Hibernate/Spring Data

Servlet 3

@WebServlet, @WebFilter, @WebListener

Asynchronous Servlets

WebApplicationInitializer (to eliminate web.xml)

REST and Functional Programming

Reactive Applications
“Users expect millisecond response times and 100% uptime. Data
needs are expanding into the petabytes.”

The Reactive Manifesto


Key Building Blocks
Observable Models

Event Streams

Stateful Clients



Recommended for you

React Nativeはクロスプラットフォームモバイルアプリ開発の夢を見るか #DroidKaigi
React Nativeはクロスプラットフォームモバイルアプリ開発の夢を見るか #DroidKaigiReact Nativeはクロスプラットフォームモバイルアプリ開発の夢を見るか #DroidKaigi
React Nativeはクロスプラットフォームモバイルアプリ開発の夢を見るか #DroidKaigi

This document summarizes a presentation about React Native given at DroidKaigi 2017. It discusses how React Native allows building native Android and iOS apps using React by rendering UI components to native platform views. It describes how React Native maps React components to native platform views, implements native modules to access platform features, and uses the JavaScript bridge to allow calling native code from JavaScript. It highlights how React Native enables writing once and deploying to both Android and iOS with shared JavaScript code.

Introduction to VueJS & The WordPress REST API
Introduction to VueJS & The WordPress REST APIIntroduction to VueJS & The WordPress REST API
Introduction to VueJS & The WordPress REST API

Slides from Josh Pollock's WordCamp Miami 2017 talk. This is a basic introduction to using VueJS with the WordPress REST API. For live code examples and more:

Microservices with Spring Boot
Microservices with Spring BootMicroservices with Spring Boot
Microservices with Spring Boot

Josh Long is a Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal. He discusses various Spring and microservices related topics including: - The single responsibility principle and how it relates to microservices and Unix tools. - Exposing services simply using REST which has no strict rules but embraces HTTP verbs and status codes. - The Richardson Maturity Model for grading APIs on their REST compliance from Level 0 to Level 3. - Security topics like OAuth, SSL/TLS, and ensuring applications are production ready with monitoring and management.




Venkat Subramaniam

“Scala is like the dragon in Avatar. It will try to kill you, but if you master
it, you can fly great distances with it and have a wonderful time.”


Scala Basics
def starts a method

variables are started with var or val

variables are defined with name:type 

semicolons are not required
Scala vs. Java
public class Car { !
private final int year; !
private int miles; !
public int getYear() { return year; } !
public int getMiles() { return miles; } !
public void setMiles(int theMiles) { miles = theMiles; } !
public Car(int theYear, int theMiles) { !
year = theYear; !
miles = theMiles; !
} !



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Angular 2 Migration - JHipster Meetup 6
Angular 2 Migration - JHipster Meetup 6Angular 2 Migration - JHipster Meetup 6
Angular 2 Migration - JHipster Meetup 6

How JHipster migrated from AngularJS 1.x to Angular 2 ? William Marques and Flavien Cathala, JHipster Core Team Member show you how !

Choosing a Javascript Framework
Choosing a Javascript FrameworkChoosing a Javascript Framework
Choosing a Javascript Framework

Pam Selle Co-author of Choosing a JavaScript Framework, Tuesday, Oct 20th 4:20 pm - Design/UX/UI

ato2015open sourceall things open
Using ReactJS in AngularJS
Using ReactJS in AngularJSUsing ReactJS in AngularJS
Using ReactJS in AngularJS

The document discusses integrating ReactJS with AngularJS. It describes using directives to render React components, dependency injection with React components, and using JSX syntax with components. It also covers data modeling approaches, comparing Angular's digest cycle to React's virtual DOM, and questions around performance comparisons.

Scala vs. Java

class Car(val year: Int, var miles: Int)


What about Groovy?


Groovy is still hot...


But sliding to Scala



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React native
React nativeReact native
React native

React Native allows developers to build mobile apps using React with native platform capabilities. It uses native components instead of web views, making apps feel and perform like native ones. The document discusses what React Native is, how to set up a development environment, build a basic app, add libraries, handle common errors, and React Native fundamentals like components, styles, layout, events, and touch handling.

react nativemobile development
Web App Security for Java Developers - UberConf 2021
Web App Security for Java Developers - UberConf 2021Web App Security for Java Developers - UberConf 2021
Web App Security for Java Developers - UberConf 2021

Web app security is not just authentication and authorization. It's also the things you do to protect your web app from attackers with their XSS (cross-site scripting), SQL injection, DoS/DDoS attacks, and CSRF (cross-site request forgery), to name a few. Web app security is a central component of any web-based business. The internet exposes web apps to attacks from different locations and various levels of scale and complexity. Web application security deals specifically with the security surrounding websites, web applications, and web services such as APIs. In this presentation, you'll learn seven ways to better web app security, using Spring Security for code samples. You'll also see some quick demos of Spring Boot, Angular, and JHipster with Okta.

The Modern Java Web Developer - JavaOne 2013
The Modern Java Web Developer - JavaOne 2013The Modern Java Web Developer - JavaOne 2013
The Modern Java Web Developer - JavaOne 2013

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular JS, Bootstrap, Mobile, CoffeeScript, GitHub, functional programming, Page Speed, Apache, JSON with Jackson, caching, REST, Security, load testing, profiling, Wro4j, Heroku, Cloudbees, AWS. These are just some of the buzzwords that a Java web developer hears on a daily basis. This talk is designed to expose you to a plethora of technologies that you might've heard about, but haven't learned yet. We'll concentrate on the most important web developer skills, as well as UI tips and tricks to make you a better front-end engineer. Some of the most valuable engineers these days have front-end JS/CSS skills, as well as backend Java skills.

Or not?

* November 12, 2013 12:00


Groovy and Scala at Devoxx







Learning Scala
Scala for the Impatient - Cay Horstmann

Programming in Scala, 2nd Edition - Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, and
Bill Venners

Functional Programming Principles in Scala

September 16th 2013 (7 weeks long)

Signup at

The Java Language
“Java remains – in spite of the fragmented programming language
landscape – a viable, growing language.”



Recommended for you

Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - Devoxx France 2013
Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - Devoxx France 2013Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - Devoxx France 2013
Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - Devoxx France 2013

A comparison on JVM Web Frameworks. Includes strategies for choosing and results from research by InfoQ and Also, lots of pretty graphs. See blog post about this presentation at and video recording at

Java Web Application Security - Denver JUG 2013
Java Web Application Security - Denver JUG 2013Java Web Application Security - Denver JUG 2013
Java Web Application Security - Denver JUG 2013

During this presentation, you'll learn how to implement authentication in your Java web applications using good ol' Java EE 6 Security, Spring Security and Apache Shiro. You'll also learn how to secure your REST API with OAuth and lock it down with SSL. After learning how to integrate security, I'll show how to use Zed Attack Proxy to pentest your app and fix vulnerabilities.

spring securitysecurityapache shiro
The Modern Java Web Developer - Denver JUG 2013
The Modern Java Web Developer - Denver JUG 2013The Modern Java Web Developer - Denver JUG 2013
The Modern Java Web Developer - Denver JUG 2013

HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular JS, Bootstrap, Mobile, CoffeeScript, GitHub, functional programming, Page Speed, Apache, JSON with Jackson, caching, REST, Security, load testing, profiling, Wro4j, Heroku, Cloudbees, AWS. These are just some of the buzzwords that a Java web developer hears on a daily basis. This talk is designed to expose you to a plethora of technologies that you might've heard about, but haven't learned yet. We'll concentrate on the most important web developer skills, as well as UI tips and tricks to make you a better front-end engineer. Some of the most valuable engineers these days have front-end JS/CSS skills, as well as backend Java skills.

and ... it’s still the most popular!


The Services Developer


Document Your API


Document Your API



Recommended for you

Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - February 2014
Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - February 2014Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - February 2014
Comparing JVM Web Frameworks - February 2014

My Comparing JVM Web Frameworks talk as presented at Denver's Open Source User Group (@dosug) and vJUG (@virtualjug). Covers the history of web frameworks as well as various methods for choosing one. Video on YouTube at

Get Hip with JHipster - Denver JUG 2015
Get Hip with JHipster - Denver JUG 2015Get Hip with JHipster - Denver JUG 2015
Get Hip with JHipster - Denver JUG 2015

My presentation as delivered at the Denver Java User Group on April 8, 2015. Building a modern web (or mobile) application requires a lot of tools, frameworks and techniques. This session shows how JHipster unites popular frameworks like AngularJS, Spring Boot and Bootstrap. Using Yeoman, a scaffolding tool for modern webapps, JHipster will generate a project for you and allow you to use Java 7 or 8, SQL or NoSQL databases, Spring profiles, Maven or Gradle, Grunt or Gulp.js, WebSockets and BrowserSync. It also supports a number of different authentication mechanisms: classic session-based auth, OAuth 2.0, or token-based authentication. For cloud deployments, JHipster includes out-of-the-box support for Cloud Foundry, Heroku and Openshift.

Java Web Application Security with Java EE, Spring Security and Apache Shiro ...
Java Web Application Security with Java EE, Spring Security and Apache Shiro ...Java Web Application Security with Java EE, Spring Security and Apache Shiro ...
Java Web Application Security with Java EE, Spring Security and Apache Shiro ...

This presentation shows you how to implement authentication in your Java web applications using Java EE 7 Security, Spring Security and Apache Shiro. It also touches on best practices for securing a REST API and using SSL.

Fast APIs



Jobs on
JVM API Frameworks, November 2013










Spring MVC

JVM API Frameworks, November 2013











Spring MVC




Recommended for you

The Art of Angular in 2016 - Devoxx UK 2016
The Art of Angular in 2016 - Devoxx UK 2016The Art of Angular in 2016 - Devoxx UK 2016
The Art of Angular in 2016 - Devoxx UK 2016

Angular is one of today's hottest JavaScript MVC Frameworks. In this session, we explore its next version: Angular 2. You'll see how to build and test Angular 2 components with TypeScript, as well as how to develop forms with validation. Finally, you'll learn about related Angular 2 projects and be on your way to becoming an Angular 2 Artist!

Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - Devoxx France 2016
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - Devoxx France 2016Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - Devoxx France 2016
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - Devoxx France 2016

The document promotes the JHipster development tool for generating Spring Boot and AngularJS projects and provides an overview of its features such as entity generation, authentication, deployment options, and testing tools. It also demonstrates generating a blog application using JHipster and discusses how JHipster can help developers stay on top of the latest trends in Java and web development.

Introduction to Hardware with littleBits
Introduction to Hardware with littleBitsIntroduction to Hardware with littleBits
Introduction to Hardware with littleBits

Presentation originally given at the Devoxx4Kids Meetup in Denver, CO by Tack Mobile with Assembly Workspace.

Job Trends


Job Trends with Spring MVC


Mailing List Traffic
October 2013













Tagged Questions (November 10, 2013)













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Apache Camel Introduction & What's in the box
Apache Camel Introduction & What's in the boxApache Camel Introduction & What's in the box
Apache Camel Introduction & What's in the box

Slides from JavaBin talk in Grimstad Norway, presented by Claus Ibsen in February 2016. This slide deck is full up to date with latest Apache Camel 2.16.2 release and includes additional slides to present many of the features that Apache Camel provides out of the box.

apache camelintegration
HTML5 with Play Scala, CoffeeScript and Jade - Devoxx 2011
HTML5 with Play Scala, CoffeeScript and Jade - Devoxx 2011HTML5 with Play Scala, CoffeeScript and Jade - Devoxx 2011
HTML5 with Play Scala, CoffeeScript and Jade - Devoxx 2011

HTML5 Development with Play Scala, CoffeeScript and Jade Presentation from Devoxx 2011. Discusses these technologies, as well as my story of using them to develop an HTML5 Fitness Tracking application.

JMS Introduction
JMS IntroductionJMS Introduction
JMS Introduction

This document provides an overview of JMS (Java Message Service) concepts and ActiveMQ configuration and usage. It discusses JMS programming models, message types, persistence, transactions, ActiveMQ broker configuration including persistence, clustering and monitoring. It also summarizes performance tests comparing ActiveMQ to other messaging systems.

But if want to remain a Web Developer...


Modern Principles
HTTP Overview
Request / Response Protocol



HTTP Secure



HTTP Methods
1.0 defined GET, POST and HEAD

1.1 defined added OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, TRACE and CONNECT

Safe methods: HEAD, GET, OPTIONS and TRACE

Idempotent: PUT and DELETE

Insecure: TRACE, TRACK and DEBUG



Recommended for you

Java Server Faces (JSF) - advanced
Java Server Faces (JSF) - advancedJava Server Faces (JSF) - advanced
Java Server Faces (JSF) - advanced

JSF (JavaServer Faces) provides an event model, validation model, and conversion model to handle user input and events in web applications. The event model defines different event types like action, value change, and phase events that allow components to notify listeners of user interactions. The validation model validates user input on UI components using standard and custom validators. The conversion model converts between view data types like strings and model data types using standard and custom converters.

Introduction to WebSockets
Introduction to WebSocketsIntroduction to WebSockets
Introduction to WebSockets

WebSocket is a protocol that provides bidirectional communication over a single TCP connection. It uses an HTTP handshake to establish a connection and then transmits messages as frames that can contain text or binary data. The frames include a header with metadata like opcode and payload length. WebSocket aims to provide a standard for browser-based applications that require real-time data updates from a server.

The HTML5 WebSocket API
The HTML5 WebSocket APIThe HTML5 WebSocket API
The HTML5 WebSocket API

The HTML5 WebSocket API allows for true full-duplex communication between a client and server. It uses the WebSocket protocol which provides a standardized way for the client to "upgrade" an HTTP connection to a WebSocket connection, allowing for messages to be sent in either direction at any time with very little overhead. This enables real-time applications that were previously difficult to achieve with traditional HTTP requests. Common server implementations include Kaazing WebSocket Gateway, Jetty, and Node.js. The JavaScript API provides an easy way for clients to connect, send, and receive messages via a WebSocket connection.

SPDY and HTTP 2.0
Allows client and server to compress request and response headers

Allows multiple, simultaneously multiplexed requests over a single

Allows the server to actively push resources to the client that it knows
the client will need

The initial draft of HTTP 2.0 is based on a straight copy of SPDY


The Modern Java Web Developer Bootcamp - Devoxx 2013
The Modern Java Web Developer Bootcamp - Devoxx 2013
Browser Tools
Firebug for FireFox

Chrome Developer Tools

Elements & Console


PageSpeed Insights


Recommended for you

The Art of AngularJS - DeRailed 2014
The Art of AngularJS - DeRailed 2014The Art of AngularJS - DeRailed 2014
The Art of AngularJS - DeRailed 2014

AngularJS is one of today's hottest JavaScript MVC Frameworks. In this session, we'll explore many concepts it brings to the world of client-side development: dependency injection, directives, filters, routing and two-way data binding. We'll also look at its recommended testing tools and build systems. Finally, you'll learn about my experience developing several real-world applications using AngularJS, HTML5 and Bootstrap.

JMS - Java Messaging Service
JMS - Java Messaging ServiceJMS - Java Messaging Service
JMS - Java Messaging Service

Overview of JMS messaging API. JMS (Java Messaging Service) is an API for asynchronous message based communication between Java based applications. JMS implementations (instances that implement the JMS API) are called JMS providers. JMS defines two messaging domains. Point-to-point queues are typically used between one or multiple message senders and a single message receiver. Topics are multi-point queues where messages are distributed to multiple receivers. As such topics resemble a black board. Like many other message oriented middleware technologies, JMS provides advanced functions like persistent message delivery mode or different message acknowledgment modes. Additionally, messages can be sent and received in a transacted mode thus ensuring that either all or no messages are sent and received. JMS integrates into EJB (Enterprise Java Beans) through message driven beans.

jndimdbjms provider
Domain object model
Domain object modelDomain object model
Domain object model

This document discusses domain modeling and provides guidance on creating domain models using UML class diagrams. It defines a domain model as a visual representation of conceptual classes or real-world objects in a problem domain. It notes that identifying conceptual classes is key to object-oriented analysis. The document outlines best practices for developing a domain model, such as identifying classes, adding necessary associations and attributes, and applying analysis patterns. It warns against including irrelevant features or modeling classes as attributes.

How do you write HTML5?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<article> <aside> <section>
<header> <footer> <nav>
<audio> <canvas> <video>
<datalist> <details>
<applet> <center> <font>
<frame> <frameset>


HTML5 Forms
<form> !
<input type=text placeholder=Enter your search terms> !
<input type=submit value=Search> !
<form> !
<input type=text autofocus> !
<input type=submit value=Search> !
<form> !
<input type=text required> !
<input type=submit value=Search> !
HTML5 Forms
<form> !
<input type=email> !
<input type=submit value=Go> !



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Lecture 6 Web Sockets
Lecture 6   Web SocketsLecture 6   Web Sockets
Lecture 6 Web Sockets

This document discusses WebSockets and their APIs. It introduces WebSockets as enabling bi-directional, full-duplex communications over TCP, in contrast to traditional HTTP interactions which are half-duplex. It then covers the WebSocket handshake process, APIs for WebSocket in JavaScript and Java, and how to create and use WebSocket endpoints programmatically and using annotations in Java.

jeeweb sockets
Vaadin & Web Components
Vaadin & Web ComponentsVaadin & Web Components
Vaadin & Web Components

My presentation at DevNexus 2015 on how Vaadin will be leveraging Web Components, Polymer and Angular JS 2 in the future.

gwtweb componentsvaadin
DEVBCN_Jakarta EE! The future of enterprise application behind the myths. _Al...
DEVBCN_Jakarta EE! The future of enterprise application behind the myths.
_Al...DEVBCN_Jakarta EE! The future of enterprise application behind the myths.
DEVBCN_Jakarta EE! The future of enterprise application behind the myths. _Al...

The document discusses the realities and myths surrounding Java Enterprise applications and Jakarta EE. It notes that Java EE applications can be difficult to rewrite from scratch due to years of accumulated code. It also outlines strategies for moving legacy Java EE applications forward, such as splitting backends into modular services, using REST APIs and frameworks like Spring Boot. The document emphasizes the importance of communication between stakeholders with different perspectives to successfully evolve applications over time.

HTML5 Killer Features
Editable Text
HTML5 Killer Features


HTML5 Storage
Web Storage APIs: localStorage / sessionStorage

Web SQL Database


Application Cache

File* APIs


Simple key / value store

Persistent through page reloads

Great for storing user preferences

Avoids HTTP overhead of cookies
localStorage.setItem('key', value);



Recommended for you

CSS3: Are you experienced?
CSS3: Are you experienced?CSS3: Are you experienced?
CSS3: Are you experienced?

Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects which CSS and HTML5 features are supported by the user's browser. It allows for progressive enhancement by applying features when supported and providing alternatives when not. This helps websites work on a wide range of browsers while still taking advantage of newer features for supported browsers.

Yeoman AngularJS and D3 - A solid stack for web apps
Yeoman AngularJS and D3 - A solid stack for web appsYeoman AngularJS and D3 - A solid stack for web apps
Yeoman AngularJS and D3 - A solid stack for web apps

This was a course given in Bangalore India for JSChannel conf 2013. It encompases the use of angular js and d3 in a harmonious way and gives an overview over each of the frameworks / libraries.

Angular js mobile jsday 2014 - Verona 14 may
Angular js mobile   jsday 2014 - Verona 14 mayAngular js mobile   jsday 2014 - Verona 14 may
Angular js mobile jsday 2014 - Verona 14 may

Building a responsive mobile application with AngularJs. Tips and Tricks. How to use Ionic and AppGyver to fill the Cordova performance gap.

Same as localStorage

Lasts for browser session

New window / tab starts new session

Great for sensitive data (e.g. banking)

Excellent use case: auto-save <textarea>


Other Storage APIs
Web SQL Database


	 Not supported by IE9, iOS or Safari

Application Cache

File APIs


Browser Support	


CSS3 Secrets
Animated Transitions

Rounded Corners

Drop Shadows

Gradient Colors

transform: rotateY(180deg);
border-radius: 8px 8px 0 0;
box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px 4px;

Styling based on sibling count

More cursors for better usability

Custom Checkboxes and Radio Buttons



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Front End Development for Back End Java Developers - Jfokus 2020
Front End Development for Back End Java Developers - Jfokus 2020Front End Development for Back End Java Developers - Jfokus 2020
Front End Development for Back End Java Developers - Jfokus 2020

The document is a presentation about front end development for back end Java developers. It discusses topics like JavaScript, TypeScript, build tools, CSS frameworks, front end performance, and progressive web apps. It also provides introductions and comparisons of popular JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue. The presentation encourages attendees to learn new front end skills and try building something with a front end framework.

frontendweb developmentangular
The Ultimate Getting Started with Angular Workshop - Devoxx France 2017
The Ultimate Getting Started with Angular Workshop - Devoxx France 2017The Ultimate Getting Started with Angular Workshop - Devoxx France 2017
The Ultimate Getting Started with Angular Workshop - Devoxx France 2017

These slides are from a workshop I did at Devoxx France 2017. I showed how to set up an Angular development environment from scratch, develop a simple app, test it, integrating CSS frameworks (Angular Material and Bootstrap 4), secure it with OpenID Connect, and deploy it to the cloud. Source code and tutorial:

Web is the New Mobile: Building Progressive Web Apps - Erica Stanley - Codemo...
Web is the New Mobile: Building Progressive Web Apps - Erica Stanley - Codemo...Web is the New Mobile: Building Progressive Web Apps - Erica Stanley - Codemo...
Web is the New Mobile: Building Progressive Web Apps - Erica Stanley - Codemo...

Progressive web apps combine the best of the web with the best of native mobile apps. These apps create increasingly more informed experiences, the more the user interacts with the app, without the need to download a native app. Progressive web apps include features like app store free installation, connectivity independent experiences, push notifications, background synching, additional security and performance gains. In this session we’ll dive into the technologies behind these next-gen web features and learn how they’re driving the evolution of the web.

codemotion rome 2017
CSS3 Media Queries
/* Smartphones (portrait and landscape) ----------- */ !
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) !
and (max-device-width: 854px) { !
body { !
padding: 10px; !
} !
textarea { !
width: 90%; !
} !
} !
/* iPad (portrait and landscape) ----------- */ !
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 768px) !
and (max-device-width: 1024px) { !
body { !
padding-top: 50px; !
} !
Cool HTML5 Demos


The Good Parts


Dynamic Objects

Loose Typing

Object Literals


JavaScript Tips



Recommended for you

Intro To Django
Intro To DjangoIntro To Django
Intro To Django

This document introduces and summarizes Django, an open-source web framework written in Python. It highlights key features of Django, including its automated administration interface, object-relational mapper (ORM), generic views, forms, URL configuration, templates, internationalization support, and built-in user authentication. The document also discusses how Django aims to minimize the time it takes to develop software through automation, reusable apps, and other features. Examples are provided of large sites built with Django to demonstrate its performance and scalability.

From Idea to App (or “How we roll at Small Town Heroes”)
From Idea to App (or “How we roll at Small Town Heroes”)From Idea to App (or “How we roll at Small Town Heroes”)
From Idea to App (or “How we roll at Small Town Heroes”)

Guestlecture I gave to the students ICT at Odisee, explaining the app development process, how we do certain things at Small Town Heroes, and how we implement QA throughout our process.

JavaScript Revolution - 5/Nov/13 - PrDC Saskatoon, SK
JavaScript Revolution - 5/Nov/13 - PrDC Saskatoon, SKJavaScript Revolution - 5/Nov/13 - PrDC Saskatoon, SK
JavaScript Revolution - 5/Nov/13 - PrDC Saskatoon, SK

Slides from presentation delivered at Prairie Dev Con 2013 in Saskatoon, SK entitled JavaScript Revolution: The New Age of Software Development.

JavaScript Programming Patterns
The Old-School Way


Module Pattern

Revealing Module Pattern

Custom Objects

Lazy Function Definition


Revealing Module Pattern

JavaScript Distribution in Top 10,000 Sites

Recommended for you

JavaScript Like It’s 2013
JavaScript Like It’s 2013JavaScript Like It’s 2013
JavaScript Like It’s 2013

This document discusses strategies for improving JavaScript development in 2013 and beyond. It recommends: 1) Knowing your language thoroughly by reading documentation 2) Learning to use developer tools like Firebug and DevTools effectively 3) Building applications with future-proofing in mind through techniques like feature detection instead of browser detection.

Familiar HTML5 - 事例とサンプルコードから学ぶ 身近で普通に使わているHTML5
Familiar HTML5 - 事例とサンプルコードから学ぶ 身近で普通に使わているHTML5Familiar HTML5 - 事例とサンプルコードから学ぶ 身近で普通に使わているHTML5
Familiar HTML5 - 事例とサンプルコードから学ぶ 身近で普通に使わているHTML5

Familiar HTML5 事例とサンプルコードから学ぶ 身近で普通に使わているHTML5 HTML5 Conference Miyazaki 2013 2013/02/10 ひらい さだあき @sada_h

Viridians on Rails
Viridians on RailsViridians on Rails
Viridians on Rails

The document discusses software as a service (SAAS) and why the company Viridian chose to use the Ruby on Rails web application framework. It notes that Rails allows for lower entry costs than other options due to reduced server maintenance needs and flexibility. It also summarizes some key advantages of Rails like its convention over configuration approach and support for modern technologies. The document provides resources for learning Rails including dev environments, tutorials, and open source projects to review.

jQuery CDN at


$(document).on(‘click’, ‘#selector’, function() {})

jQuery UI for Dialogs, Sliders, Calendars

$.ajax and $(‘#div’).load(url)


A JavaScript MVW Framework

From Google, MIT Licensed

Data-binding, Controllers, Dependency Injection

Localization, Components, Testable

Angular-seed for Scaffolding

Great Documentation and Community

AngularJS Basics



Recommended for you


This document outlines a front-end developer roadmap to guide users in properly starting with web development. It covers the most important building blocks of the web like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, frameworks like React, and tools like Git. It also provides project ideas and recommends joining JS Mastery Pro courses to master skills and technologies that employers are looking for to advance one's career.

frontend developerroadmapjs roadmap
Swagger Code Generation
Swagger Code GenerationSwagger Code Generation
Swagger Code Generation

The document describes an event called Plain Concepts Tech Day that included several presentations and topics: CSS Grid Layout, developing multiplatform applications with Xamarin, Docker basics, real-time bus tracking with Azure Relay, .NET Core and Raspberry Pi, generating API clients from OpenAPI specifications, and continuous delivery with Visual Studio Team Services. It also provides an overview of the OpenAPI Specification, its history and evolution, and Swagger/NSWAG tools for generating clients and documentation from OpenAPI files.

Gestire la qualità del codice con Visual Studio, SonarQube ed Azure Devops
Gestire la qualità del codice con Visual Studio, SonarQube ed Azure DevopsGestire la qualità del codice con Visual Studio, SonarQube ed Azure Devops
Gestire la qualità del codice con Visual Studio, SonarQube ed Azure Devops

Come tenere sotto controllo la qualità del proprio codice tramite gli analizzatori di Sonar Qube sia dentro visual studio, sia tramite analisi automatiche del codice fatte tramite Azure DevOps Pipeoine

microsoft visual studiovisual studio alm
Choosing a JavaScript MVC Framework
Simplified by one man: Addy Osmani

Journey Through The JavaScript MVC Jungle

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns


Or Just Choose AngularJS
My Angular JS Experience
AngularJS Deep Dive


Recommended for you

Front End Development for Back End Developers - Devoxx UK 2017
 Front End Development for Back End Developers - Devoxx UK 2017 Front End Development for Back End Developers - Devoxx UK 2017
Front End Development for Back End Developers - Devoxx UK 2017

Are you a backend developer that’s being pushed into front end development? Are you frustrated with all JavaScript frameworks and build tools you have to learn to be a good UI developer? If so, this session is for you! We’ll explore the tools of the trade for fronted development (npm, yarn, Gulp, Webpack, Yeoman) and learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We’ll dive into the intricacies of Bootstrap, Material Design, ES6, and TypeScript. Finally, after getting you up to speed with all this new tech, we’ll show how it can all be found and integrated through the fine and dandy JHipster project.

Choose Your Own Adventure with JHipster & Kubernetes - Denver JUG 2020
Choose Your Own Adventure with JHipster & Kubernetes - Denver JUG 2020Choose Your Own Adventure with JHipster & Kubernetes - Denver JUG 2020
Choose Your Own Adventure with JHipster & Kubernetes - Denver JUG 2020

Remember the choose your own adventure books that you used to read as a kid? This session is a reincarnation of a choose your own adventure book as a conference talk! You'll learn about Spring Boot, Docker, and Kubernetes in this talk, along with the choices you make in the following areas: * What kind of application architecture to build? Monolith or microservices? * Would you like to use Java or Kotlin? * MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB? * Spring MVC or Spring WebFlux? * Angular, React, or Vue.js? * PWA or mobile app? * Istio with Kubernetes or Kubernetes without Istio? GitHub repos of demos: * Monolith: * Microservices:

Getting Started with J2EE, A Roadmap
Getting Started with J2EE, A RoadmapGetting Started with J2EE, A Roadmap
Getting Started with J2EE, A Roadmap

J2EE Getting started What is involved to be a J2EE Developer, This presentation gives an overview of Technologies and Arch in General. And shows where Spring,Struts,Hibernate,Webservices,MVC fit

j2ee trainingj2ee architectureintroduction to java
Web Components


Custom Elements

Shadow DOM




Web Application Framework

Set of UI Components


Polymer Bare Bones
Good-looking websites by default

Layouts, navs, pagination, buttons

Mobile First (aka Responsive Design)

Awesome jQuery Plugins / Components



Recommended for you

Keep Identities in Sync the SCIMple Way - ApacheCon NA 2022
Keep Identities in Sync the SCIMple Way - ApacheCon NA 2022Keep Identities in Sync the SCIMple Way - ApacheCon NA 2022
Keep Identities in Sync the SCIMple Way - ApacheCon NA 2022

What if keeping your user stores in sync across domains was as simple as running "java -jar"? With Apache SCIMPle, it is! Apache SCIMple is a SCIM 2.0-compliant server powered by Spring Boot 3. You can run it standalone or embedded in your existing app. It exposes user management REST endpoints and handles the hassle of user synchronization for you. If your identity provider supports SCIM, use the simple way! GitHub example: Demo script:

Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Belfast JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Belfast JUG 2022Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Belfast JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Belfast JUG 2022

You've figured out how to split up your backend services into microservices and scale your teams to the moon, right? But what about the frontend? Are you still building monoliths for your UI? If so, you might want to check out micro frontends—basically extensions to the microservices pattern, where the concept is extended to the frontend. Find out how to package and deploy your microservices and their UIs in the same artifact, as well as make it possible to test and develop them independently. In this live session, Matt will show you how to build a microservices and micro frontends architecture using Angular, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud. Related blog post: GitHub repo:

Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022

The document discusses micro frontends for Java microservices. It provides an overview of microservices and frameworks like Spring and JHipster that can be used to develop microservices in Java. It then introduces the concept of micro frontends as an architecture for microservice applications and demonstrates how to build a sample application with micro frontends using JHipster. It also covers securing microservices with OAuth 2.1 and shows a live demo of creating and running microservice applications with JHipster.

Bootstrap 3 Deep Dive

High Performance Web Sites
1. Make Fewer HTTP Requests

2. Use a Content Delivery Network

3. Add Expires Headers

4. Gzip Components

5. Put Stylesheets at the Top

6. Put Scripts at the Bottom

7. Avoid CSS Expressions


High Performance Web Sites
8. Make JavaScript and CSS External

9. Reduce DNS Lookups

10. Minify JavaScript

11. Avoid Redirects

12. Remove Duplicates Scripts

13. Configure ETags

14. Make Ajax Cacheable


The Modern Java Web Developer Bootcamp - Devoxx 2013

Recommended for you

Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Cork JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Cork JUG 2022Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Cork JUG 2022
Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Cork JUG 2022

You've figured out how to split up your backend services into microservices and scale your teams to the moon, right? But what about the frontend? Are you still building monoliths for your UI? If so, you might want to check out micro frontends—basically extensions to the microservices pattern, where the concept is extended to the frontend. Find out how to package and deploy your microservices and their UIs in the same artifact, as well as make it possible to test and develop them independently. In this live session, Matt will show you how to build a microservices and micro frontends architecture using Angular, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud. Related blog post: GitHub repo:

Comparing Native Java REST API Frameworks - Seattle JUG 2022
Comparing Native Java REST API Frameworks - Seattle JUG 2022Comparing Native Java REST API Frameworks - Seattle JUG 2022
Comparing Native Java REST API Frameworks - Seattle JUG 2022

Use Spring Boot! No, use Micronaut!! Nooooo, Quarkus is the best!!! What about Helidon? There are a lot of developers praising the hottest, and fastest, Java REST frameworks: Micronaut, Quarkus, Spring Boot, and Helidon. In this session, you'll learn how to do the following with each framework: ✅ Build a REST API ✅ Secure your API with OAuth 2.0 ✅ Optimize for production with Docker and GraalVM I'll also share some performance numbers and pretty graphs to compare community metrics. Related blog post: Helidon companion post: GitHub repo:

Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster - Spring I/O 2022
Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster - Spring I/O 2022Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster - Spring I/O 2022
Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster - Spring I/O 2022

Microservice architectures are all the rage in JavaLand. They allow teams to develop services independently and deploy autonomously. Why microservices? IF you are developing a large/complex application AND you need to deliver it rapidly, frequently, and reliably over a long period of time THEN the Microservice Architecture is often a good choice. Reactive architectures are becoming increasingly popular for organizations that need to do more, with less hardware. Reactive programming allows you to build systems that are resilient to high load. In this session, I'll show you how to use JHipster to create a reactive microservices architecture with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Keycloak, and run it all in Docker. You will leave with the know-how to create your own resilient apps! Related blog post: YouTube demo: GitHub repo:

microservicesreactive programmingspring-boot
My Page Speed Experience
Biggest Problem is HTTP Requests

Minify and Concatenate

GZipping has biggest score gain

Expires Headers for Browser Caching

Use Apache or Nginx

Image Sprites for CSS is great


Open Source Java project for optimization of
web resources

Provides concatenation and minimization of
JS and CSS

Gzip, YUI Compressor, JsHint, JsHint,
CssLint, LESS, SASS, CoffeeScript, Dojo
WebJars and UrlRewrite Filter
WebJars: client-side web libraries packages in JARs

Servlet 3, Play 2, Grails, Dropwizard, Spring MVC, Tapestry and Wicket

UrlRewriteFilter: like Apache’s mod_rewrite

Clean URLs and just about everything else

Spring MVC’s <default-servlet-handler/> is your friend


Versioning Static Assets with UrlRewriteFilter

Adding web resource fingerprinting to AppFuse
with wro4j



Recommended for you

Comparing Native Java REST API Frameworks - Devoxx France 2022
Comparing Native Java REST API Frameworks - Devoxx France 2022Comparing Native Java REST API Frameworks - Devoxx France 2022
Comparing Native Java REST API Frameworks - Devoxx France 2022

Use Spring Boot! No, use Micronaut!! Nooooo, Quarkus is the best!!! What about Helidon? There are a lot of developers praising the hottest, and fastest, Java REST frameworks: Micronaut, Quarkus, Spring Boot, and Helidon. In this session, you'll learn how to do the following with each framework: ✅ Build a REST API ✅ Secure your API with OAuth 2.0 ✅ Optimize for production with Docker and GraalVM I'll also share some performance numbers and pretty graphs to compare community metrics. Related blog post: Helidon companion post: GitHub repo:

Lock That Sh*t Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Devne...
Lock That Sh*t Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Devne...Lock That Sh*t Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Devne...
Lock That Sh*t Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Devne...

In this session, you'll learn about recommended patterns for securing your backend APIs, the infrastructure they run on, and your SPAs and mobile apps. The world is no longer a place where you just need to secure your apps’ UI. You need to pay attention to your dependency pipeline and open-source frameworks, too. Once you have the app built, with secure-by-design code, what about the cloud it runs on? Are the servers secure? What about the accounts you use to access them? If you lock all that sh*t down, how do you codify your solution so you can transport it cloud-to-cloud, or back to on-premises? This session will explore these concepts and many more!

Native Java with Spring Boot and JHipster - Garden State JUG 2021
Native Java with Spring Boot and JHipster - Garden State JUG 2021Native Java with Spring Boot and JHipster - Garden State JUG 2021
Native Java with Spring Boot and JHipster - Garden State JUG 2021

Do you want to deploy your Spring Boot apps in a serverless environment and have them start up in milliseconds? Of course, you do! In this talk, Josh Long and Matt Raible will introduce you to Spring Native. They'll teach you all about how it can compile Spring Boot apps into native binaries that start faster than a speeding bullet! You'll learn about native testing support with JUnit 5 and the pros and cons of native vs JVM deployments. This talk will also highlight a customer, the JHipster project. JHipster generates Spring Boot-based monoliths and microservices. You'll learn about the project's experience with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring WebFlux, and Spring Native. It ain't easy being a Java Hipster, but the Spring ecosystem does simplify the process quite a bit. Recording on YouTube: Examples on GitHub: Writeup on LinkedIn:

But what about nginx?
An open-source, high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy, as
well as an IMAP/POP3 proxy server

Powers Netflix,, GitHub and Heroku
Apache Gzip and Expires Headers
mod_pagespeed -

Automatically applies web performance best practices w/o modification

Improving AppFuse’s PageSpeed with Apache

Configured mod_deflate, mod_expires and turned on KeepAlive

PageSpeed went from 24 to 96!

YSlow went from 90 to 98

Page Speed Deep Dive
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>!
    SetOutputFilter DEFLATE!
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain text/html text/xml text/css
application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/rss+xml application/javascript
    DeflateCompressionLevel 9!
    BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html!
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4.0[678] no-gzip!
BrowserMatch bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html!
DeflateFilterNote Input instream!
DeflateFilterNote Output outstream!
DeflateFilterNote Ratio ratio!
LogFormat '%r %{outstream}n/%{instream}n (%{ratio}n%%)' deflate!

Recommended for you

Java REST API Framework Comparison - PWX 2021
Java REST API Framework Comparison - PWX 2021Java REST API Framework Comparison - PWX 2021
Java REST API Framework Comparison - PWX 2021

Use Spring Boot! No, use Micronaut!! Nooooo, Quarkus is the best!!! There's a lot of developers praising the hottest, and fastest, Java REST frameworks: Micronaut, Quarkus, and Spring Boot. In this session, you'll learn how to do the following with each framework: ✅ Build a REST API ✅ Secure your API with OAuth 2.0 ✅ Optimize for production with Docker and GraalVM I'll also share some performance numbers and pretty graphs to compare community metrics. Related blog post:

Web App Security for Java Developers - PWX 2021
Web App Security for Java Developers - PWX 2021Web App Security for Java Developers - PWX 2021
Web App Security for Java Developers - PWX 2021

Web app security is not just authentication and authorization. It's also the things you do to protect your web app from attackers with their XSS (cross-site scripting), SQL injection, DoS/DDoS attacks, and CSRF (cross-site request forgery), to name a few. Web app security is a central component of any web-based business. The internet exposes web apps to attacks from different locations and various levels of scale and complexity. Web application security deals specifically with the security surrounding websites, web applications, and web services such as APIs. In this presentation, you'll learn seven ways to better web app security, using Spring Security for code samples. You'll also see some quick demos of Spring Boot, Angular, and JHipster with Keycloak, Auth0, and Okta.

Mobile App Development with Ionic, React Native, and JHipster - Connect.Tech ...
Mobile App Development with Ionic, React Native, and JHipster - Connect.Tech ...Mobile App Development with Ionic, React Native, and JHipster - Connect.Tech ...
Mobile App Development with Ionic, React Native, and JHipster - Connect.Tech ...

Mobile development offers a lot of options. To develop native apps, you can use Java or Kotlin on Android. On iOS, you can use Objective C or Swift. There are other options, too. You can build hybrid mobile apps and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). Hybrid mobile apps are those created with web technologies (HTML, JavaScript, and CSS) that look like native apps. PWAs have the ability to work offline and act like mobile apps. In this talk, we'll explore a few different mobile technologies: PWAs, React Native, and Ionic (with Angular). You'll walk away with knowledge of how to build mobile + Spring Boot apps in minutes with JHipster. * GitHub repo: * Demo script:

<IfModule mod_expires.c>!
    ExpiresActive On!
    <FilesMatch .(jpe?g|png|gif|js|css)$>!
        ExpiresDefault access plus 1 week!
    ExpiresByType image/jpeg access plus 1 week!
    ExpiresByType image/png access plus 1 week!
    ExpiresByType image/gif access plus 1 week!
    ExpiresByType text/css access plus 1 week!
    ExpiresByType application/javascript access plus 1 week!
    ExpiresByType application/x-javascript access plus 1 week!
PageSpeed with Apache
Load Testing
Performance Monitoring



Recommended for you

Lock That Shit Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Joker...
Lock That Shit Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Joker...Lock That Shit Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Joker...
Lock That Shit Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Joker...

In this session, you'll learn about recommended patterns for securing your backend APIs, the infrastructure they run on, and your SPAs and mobile apps. The world is no longer a place where you just need to secure your apps’ UI. You need to pay attention to your dependency pipeline and open-source frameworks, too. Once you have the app built, with secure-by-design code, what about the cloud it runs on? Are the servers secure? What about the accounts you use to access them? If you lock all that sh*t down, how do you codify your solution so you can transport it cloud-to-cloud, or back to on-premises? This session will explore these concepts and many more! Delivered at JokerConf on October 28, 2021 at 11am MDT:*t-down-auth-security-patterns-for-apps-apis-and-infra/

Java REST API Framework Comparison - UberConf 2021
Java REST API Framework Comparison - UberConf 2021Java REST API Framework Comparison - UberConf 2021
Java REST API Framework Comparison - UberConf 2021

Use Spring Boot! No, use Micronaut!! Nooooo, Quarkus is the best!!! There's a lot of developers praising the hottest, and fastest, Java REST frameworks: Micronaut, Quarkus, and Spring Boot. In this session, you'll learn how to do the following with each framework: ✅ Build a REST API ✅ Secure your API with OAuth 2.0 ✅ Optimize for production with Docker and GraalVM I'll also share some performance numbers and pretty graphs to compare community metrics. Related blog post:

Native Java with Spring Boot and JHipster - SF JUG 2021
Native Java with Spring Boot and JHipster - SF JUG 2021Native Java with Spring Boot and JHipster - SF JUG 2021
Native Java with Spring Boot and JHipster - SF JUG 2021

Do you want to deploy your Spring Boot apps in a serverless environment and have them start up in milliseconds? Of course, you do! In this talk, Josh Long and Matt Raible will introduce you to Spring Native. They'll teach you all about how it can compile Spring Boot apps into native binaries that start faster than a speeding bullet! You'll learn about native testing support with JUnit 5 and the pros and cons of native vs JVM deployments. This talk will also highlight a customer, the JHipster project. JHipster generates Spring Boot-based monoliths and microservices. You'll learn about the project's experience with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring WebFlux, and Spring Native. It ain't easy being a Java Hipster, but the Spring ecosystem does simplify the process quite a bit. Recording on YouTube: Examples on GitHub: Writeup on LinkedIn:

Google Analytics


DIY with Metrics
Application Architecture
Server to Client

Performance implications




Ajaxified Body with pjax
Mobile Devices
If developing a mobile app with web

Use PhoneGap or Sencha Touch

Otherwise, add a viewport meta tag
<meta name=viewport content=width=devicewidth, initial-scale=1.0>



Recommended for you

Lock That Shit Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Sprin...
Lock That Shit Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Sprin...Lock That Shit Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Sprin...
Lock That Shit Down! Auth Security Patterns for Apps, APIs, and Infra - Sprin...

In this session, you'll learn about recommended patterns for securing your backend APIs, the infrastructure they run on, and your SPAs and mobile apps. The world is no longer a place where you just need to secure your apps’ UI. You need to pay attention to your dependency pipeline and open source frameworks, too. Once you have the app built, with secure-by-design code, what about the cloud it runs on? Are the servers secure? What about the accounts you use to access them? If you lock all that sh*t down, how do you codify your solution so you can transport it cloud-to-cloud, or back to on-premises? This session will explore these concepts and many more!

Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster - Denver JUG 2021
Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster - Denver JUG 2021Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster - Denver JUG 2021
Reactive Java Microservices with Spring Boot and JHipster - Denver JUG 2021

Microservice architectures are all the rage in JavaLand. They allow teams to develop services independently and deploy autonomously. Why microservices? IF you are developing a large/complex application AND you need to deliver it rapidly, frequently, and reliably over a long period of time THEN the Microservice Architecture is often a good choice Reactive architectures are becoming increasingly popular for organizations that need to do more, with less hardware. Reactive programming allows you to build systems that are resilient to high loads. In this session, I'll show you how to use JHipster to create a reactive microservices architecture with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Keycloak, and run it all in Docker. You will leave with the know-how to create your own resilient apps! Related blog post: YouTube demo: YouTube recording: GitHub repo:

reactivereactive programmingjava
Get Hip with JHipster - Colorado Springs Open Source User Group 2021
Get Hip with JHipster - Colorado Springs Open Source User Group 2021Get Hip with JHipster - Colorado Springs Open Source User Group 2021
Get Hip with JHipster - Colorado Springs Open Source User Group 2021

JHipster is bad-ass. It's an Apache-licensed open source project that allows you to generate Spring Boot APIs and Angular (or React/Vue) apps. It has a vibrant community and ecosystem with support for deploying to many cloud providers and using the latest DevOps buzzwords, like Docker and K8s. This session will show you JHipster, why it's cool, and show you how to create an app with it. JHipster 7 Demo: JHipster 7 Tutorial:

Mobile Devices - CSS3 Media Queries
/* Smartphones (portrait and landscape) ----------*/ !
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px) and
(max-device-width: 854px) { !
/* Smartphone rules */!
} !
/* iPad (portrait and landscape) ----------- */ !
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 768px) and
(max-device-width: 1024px) { !
/* Tablet rules */!


Mobile Devices - Hide Address Bar
<script type=text/javascript> !
// Hide address bar for smartphones !
/Mobile/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !location.hash !
&& setTimeout(function () { !
if (!pageYOffset) window.scrollTo(0, 1); !
}, 1000); !


Mobile Devices - Disable Focus Zoom
(function(doc) { !
var addEvent = 'addEventListener', !
type = 'gesturestart', !
qsa = 'querySelectorAll', !
scales = [1, 1], !
meta = qsa in doc ? doc[qsa]('meta[name=viewport]') : []; !
function fix() { !
meta.content = 'width=device-width,minimum-scale=' + !
scales[0] + ',maximum-scale=' + scales[1]; !
doc.removeEventListener(type, fix, true); !
} !
if ((meta = meta[meta.length - 1]) && addEvent in doc) { !
fix(); !
scales = [.25, 1.6]; !
doc[addEvent](type, fix, true); !
} !
Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs

Mobile Safari on iOS 3+, Chrome on iOS 5+, Chrome on Android, Opera
Mobile 11.5+, Android Browser since Android 2, PlayBook OS 1+ 



Recommended for you

JHipster and Okta - JHipster Virtual Meetup December 2020
JHipster and Okta - JHipster Virtual Meetup December 2020JHipster and Okta - JHipster Virtual Meetup December 2020
JHipster and Okta - JHipster Virtual Meetup December 2020

YouTube video: When I first started working at Okta, I refactored JHipster's OAuth support to move from authentication on the client to the server, leveraging Spring Security. This allowed for easier client integration since we didn't need to worry about finding an OIDC client for each frontend framework. Fast forward four years and JHipster's OAuth 2.0 and OIDC support is first-class! It uses Keycloak in a Docker container by default, but it's easy to switch to another identity provider (IdP) thanks to Spring Boot. Other blueprints like Micronaut, Quarkus, Node.js, and .NET support OAuth and OIDC too! This presentation explains what OAuth 2.0 and OIDC is, gives an overview of JHipster’s OAuth implementation, and provides three quick demos with Keycloak, the Okta CLI, and Heroku. See for Okta + JHipster tutorials and screencasts! 邏 You also might enjoy my What the Heck is OAuth? blog post:

Java REST API Comparison: Micronaut, Quarkus, and Spring Boot - 2020
Java REST API Comparison: Micronaut, Quarkus, and Spring Boot - 2020Java REST API Comparison: Micronaut, Quarkus, and Spring Boot - 2020
Java REST API Comparison: Micronaut, Quarkus, and Spring Boot - 2020

Matt Raible compares the Java web frameworks Micronaut, Quarkus, and Spring Boot for building REST APIs. He demonstrates how to quickly get started with each framework, secure APIs with OAuth 2.1 and JWTs, build Docker images, and go native with GraalVM. Performance tests show Quarkus has the fastest startup time while Spring Boot has the largest community support in areas like Stack Overflow questions, GitHub stars, and jobs on Indeed.

Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems

Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

My Mobile App Experience




Background Modes


Lessons Learned
Develop Mobile Client first

Develop Web Client as a one-page app

Don’t rely on the internet for mobile

Keep static assets local for faster startup

Bleeding edge can be painful



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Your comprehensive guide to RPA in healthcare for 2024. Explore the benefits, use cases, and emerging trends of robotic process automation. Understand the challenges and prepare for the future of healthcare automation

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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The Cloud


The Cloud
Supports Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Java, Python and Scala


The Cloud
Supports Spring, Grails, Scala, Play, Node.js, Ruby/Rails/

Services: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ


The Cloud

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These fighter aircraft have uses outside of traditional combat situations. They are essential in defending India's territorial integrity, averting dangers, and delivering aid to those in need during natural calamities. Additionally, the IAF improves its interoperability and fortifies international military alliances by working together and conducting joint exercises with other air forces.

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Apache TomEE


Security Matters
Be aware of SQL and Content Injection

Disable Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Don’t give too much information in error pages and exceptions

Stop unvalidated redirects and forwards

Always use https if your application has private data

Understand what browsers have to deal with

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a worldwide
not-for-profit charitable organization focused on improving the security
of software.

At OWASP you’ll find free and open ...

Application security tools, complete books, standard security controls
and libraries, cutting edge research

OWASP Top 10
1. Injection Flaws

6. Sensitive Data Exposure

2. Broken Authentication

7. Missing Access Controls

3. XSS


4. Direct Object Reference

9. Using Components with

5. Security Misconfiguration

10.Unvalidated Redirects



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7 Security (Mis)Configurations in web.xml
1. Error pages not configured

2. Authentication & Authorization Bypass

3. SSL Not Configured

4. Not Using the Secure Flag


7 Security (Mis)Configurations in web.xml
5. Not Using the HttpOnly Flag

6. Using URL Parameters for Session

7. Not Setting a Session Timeout


Zed Attack Proxy - ZAP
Fixing Vulnerabilities

<form action="${ctx}/j_security_check" id="loginForm" !
method="post" autocomplete="off">!



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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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Profile portofolio

Content Security Policy
Content Security Policy
An HTTP Header with whitelist of trusted content

Bans inline <script> tags, inline event handlers and javascript: URLs

No eval(), new Function(), setTimeout or setInterval

Supported in Chrome 16+, Safari 6+, and Firefox 4+, and (very) limited
in IE 10


The Modern JVM Web Developer
Starts with Fast Hardware

Uses IntelliJ IDEA

Leverages HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3

Creates High Performance Web Sites

For Mobile Devices, in the Cloud

And cares about Security

Staying Modern

Attend Conferences

Submit a talk!



Get Paid

Open Source

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Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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Technology doesn’t create success…


People do.


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Matt Raible
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Matt Raible
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Makarand Bhatambarekar

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