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Teragrid and Physics Research

                Ralph Roskies,
               Scientific Director
      Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
                March 20,2009

High Performance Computing is
    Transforming Physics Research

• TeraGrid ties together the high end computational
  resources (supercomputing, storage, visualization,
  data collections, science gateways) provided by
  NSF for the nation’s researchers,
• Supported by computing and technology experts,
  many who have science PhDs and speak the users’
• World-class facilities, on a much larger scale than
  ever before, present major new opportunities for
  physics researchers to carry out computations that
  would have been infeasible just a few years ago.

TeraGrid Map

Hardware must be heterogeneous
• Different capabilities
• Different vendors

• Potential for great burden on people trying to use
  more than one system.


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AI models for Ice Classification - ExtremeEarth Open Workshop
AI models for Ice Classification - ExtremeEarth Open WorkshopAI models for Ice Classification - ExtremeEarth Open Workshop
AI models for Ice Classification - ExtremeEarth Open Workshop

(1) Deep learning algorithms show potential for sea ice classification from SAR images but face challenges from scarce and inaccurate training data. (2) Researchers generated training datasets by manually labeling SAR image patches with ice types, assisted by optical images. (3) A modified VGG-16 network trained on augmented SAR patch data achieved 97.3% accuracy classifying ice vs water.

extremeearthbig dataearth observation
How HPC and large-scale data analytics are transforming experimental science
How HPC and large-scale data analytics are transforming experimental scienceHow HPC and large-scale data analytics are transforming experimental science
How HPC and large-scale data analytics are transforming experimental science

In this deck from DataTech19, Debbie Bard from NERSC presents: Supercomputing and the scientist: How HPC and large-scale data analytics are transforming experimental science. "Debbie Bard leads the Data Science Engagement Group NERSC. NERSC is the mission supercomputing center for the USA Department of Energy, and supports over 7000 scientists and 700 projects with supercomputing needs. A native of the UK, her career spans research in particle physics, cosmology and computing on both sides of the Atlantic. She obtained her PhD at Edinburgh University, and has worked at Imperial College London as well as the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) in the USA, before joining the Data Department at NERSC, where she focuses on data-intensive computing and research, including supercomputing for experimental science and machine learning at scale." Watch the video: Sign up for our insideHPC Newsletter:

The World Wide Distributed Computing Architecture of the LHC Datagrid
The World Wide Distributed Computing Architecture of the LHC DatagridThe World Wide Distributed Computing Architecture of the LHC Datagrid
The World Wide Distributed Computing Architecture of the LHC Datagrid

This document provides an overview of distributed data management for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments at CERN. It discusses the worldwide computing grid that is used to store, process, and analyze the immense volumes of data produced by the LHC experiments each year. The grid consists of Tier 0, 1, and 2 computing centers around the world. It has enabled scientists from many collaborating institutions to work together on data from the LHC experiments.

lhc datagrid
Integrated View for Users

• Single signon,
• Single application form for access (it’s free- more later)
• Single ticket system (especially useful for problems
 between systems)
• Coordinated user support (find experts at any site)
• Simplified data movement; (e.g. compute in one place,
 analyze in another)
• Makes data sharing easy

Diversity of Resources (not exhaustive)
• Very Powerful Tightly Coupled Distributed Memory
  – Trk2a-Texas (TACC)- Ranger (62,976 cores, 579 Teraflops, 123 TB memory)
  – Trk2b-Tennessee (NICS)- Kraken (Cray XT5, 66,048 cores, 608 teraflops, over
    1 petaflop later in 2009).
• Shared Memory
  – NCSA- Cobalt, Altix, 8 TF, 3 TB shared memory
  – PSC- Pople- Altix, 5 Tflop, 1.5 TB shared memory
• Clusters with Infiniband
  – NCSA-Abe- 90 Tflops
  – TACC-Lonestar- 61 Tflops
  – LONI-Queen Bee 51 Tflops
• Condor Pool (Loosely Coupled)
  – Purdue- up to 22,000 cpus
• Visualization Resources
  – Purdue-TeraDRE-48 node nVIDIA GPUs
  – TACC-Spur- 32 nVIDIA GPUs
• Various Storage Resources
Resources to come

• Recognize that science is being increasingly data
  driven (LHC, LSST, …)
• PSC- large shared memory system
• Track2D being competed
  – A data-intensive HPC system
  – An experimental HPC system
  – A pool of loosely coupled grid computing resources
  – An experimental, high-performance grid test-bed
• Track1 System at NCSA- 10 Pflop peak, 1 Pflop
  sustained on serious applications in 2011

Some Example Impacts on Physics

(not overlapping with the presentations to follow)


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Report to the NAC
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Report to the NAC

12.03.08 Information Technology Infrastructure Committee (ITIC) Report to the NAC Larry Smarr Chair ITIC

NPOESS Program Overview
NPOESS Program OverviewNPOESS Program Overview
NPOESS Program Overview

This document provides an overview of the NPOESS Program. NPOESS is a tri-agency program between NOAA, NASA, and the Department of Defense to develop the next generation of US polar-orbiting environmental satellites. The goal is to converge the DoD and NOAA satellite programs to achieve cost savings while incorporating new technologies. NPOESS will provide global environmental data for weather forecasting, climate monitoring, and other applications. The first NPOESS satellite is scheduled for launch in 2013 and the system is expected to operate through 2026. The NPP satellite launching in 2011 will help reduce risks for NPOESS.

npoessconcept of operationsarchitecture
Lattice QCD- MILC collaboration

• Improved precision on “standard model”,
  required to uncover new physics.
• Need larger lattices, lighter quarks
• Frequent algorithmic improvements
• UseTeraGrid resources at NICS, PSC,
  NCSA, TACC; DOE resources at Argonne,
  NERSC, specialized QCD machine at
  Brookhaven, cluster at Fermilab

Store results with The International Lattice Data Grid (ILDG), an
international organization which provides standards, services, methods
and tools that facilitates the sharing and interchange of lattice QCD
gauge configurations among scientific collaborations (US, UK, Japan,
Germany, Italy, France, and Australia) .

Astrophysics-Mike Norman et al UCSD

• Small (1 part in 105) spatial
  inhomogeneities 380,000 years after the
  Big Bang, as revealed by WMAP
  Satellite data, get transformed by
  gravitation into the pattern of severe
  inhomogeneities (galaxies, stars, voids
  etc.) that we see today.
• Uniform meshes won’t do, must zoom in
  on dense regions to capture the key
  physical processes- gravitation
  (including dark matter), shock heating
  and radiative cooling of gas. So need an
  adaptive mesh refinement scheme (they
  use 7 levels of mesh refinement).

                                             The filamentary structure in this simulation in a
                                             cube 1.5 billion light years on a side is also
                                             seen in real life observations such as the
                                             Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

Astrophysics (cont’d)

• Need large shared memory capabilities for generating initial
  conditions, (adaptive mesh refinement is very hard to load-
  balance on distributed memory machines); then the largest
  distributed memory machines (Ranger & Kraken) for the
  simulation; shared memory again for data analysis and
  visualization; and need long term archival storage for
  configurations – so lots of data movement between sites.
• TeraGrid helped make major improvements in the scaling
  and efficiency of the code (ENZO), and in the visualization
  tools which are being stressed at these volumes.

Nanoscale Electronic Structure
             (nanoHUB, Klimeck, Purdue)

• Challenge of designing microprocessors and other
  devices with nanoscale components. Need quantum
  mechanics for quantum dots, resonant tunneling diodes,
  and nanowires.
• Largest codes operate at the petascale (NEMO-3D,
  OMEN), using 32,768 cores of Ranger, and generally use
  resources at NCSA, PSC, IU,ORNL and Purdue.
• Developing modeling and simulation tools and a simple
  user interface (Gateways) for non-expert users. hosts more than 90 tools, had >6200 users,
  ran>300,000 simulations, supported 44 classes, in 2008.
• Will benefit from improved metascheduling capabilities to
  be implemented this year in TeraGrid because want
  interactive response for the simple calculations.
• Communities develop the Gateways- TG helps interface
  that to TG resources.

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The ADF Modeling Suite is a fully integrated software package for computational chemistry developed by Software for Chemistry & Materials. It contains modules for molecular and periodic DFT (ADF and BAND), semi-empirical methods (DFTB and MOPAC), reactive molecular dynamics (ReaxFF), and fluid thermodynamics (COSMO-RS). The suite has an excellent graphical user interface that makes setup and analysis easy across different calculation types on Windows, Mac, and Linux. It is used widely in academia and industry for research in areas like inorganic chemistry, materials science, pharma, and nanoscience.

reaxffcosmo-rsgraphical user interface
Polar Use Case - ExtremeEarth Open Workshop
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Polar Use Case - ExtremeEarth Open Workshop

This document provides an overview of an ExtremeEarth project that aims to apply deep learning techniques to classify sea ice in polar regions using satellite imagery. The project has received funding from the European Union. It discusses challenges in classifying sea ice from SAR imagery compared to optical imagery. It outlines user requirements for sea ice products, including high resolution (300m or better) and frequent updates (near real-time). The document describes workflows using the Polar Thematic Exploitation Platform (Polar TEP) for large-scale sea ice mapping using Copernicus satellite data and machine learning algorithms. It also discusses exploitation of results, including the impact of Polar TEP and efforts to facilitate the polar machine learning community.

extremeearthbig dataearth observation
Hybrid Cloud for CERN
Hybrid Cloud for CERN Hybrid Cloud for CERN
Hybrid Cloud for CERN

Hybrid Cloud for CERN Experience with Open Telecom Cloud and OpenStack 1) CERN uses a hybrid cloud approach combining on-premise resources with public clouds like the Open Telecom Cloud to address its increasing computing needs for projects like the LHC. 2) A pilot project using the Open Telecom Cloud was successful but identified some issues around networking and storage. 3) CERN is now participating in the HNSciCloud project to jointly procure innovative hybrid cloud services that fully integrate commercial clouds with in-house and European e-infrastructure resources.

european open science cloudcloudhybrid cloud
Aquaporins - Schulten group,UIUC

• Aquaporins are proteins which conduct large
  volumes of water through cell walls while
  filtering out charged particles like hydrogen
• Start with known crystal structure, simulate
  12 nanoseconds of molecular dynamics of
  over 100,000 atoms, using NAMD
• Water moves through aquaporin channels in
  single file. Oxygen leads the way in. At the
  most constricted point of channel, water
  molecule flips. Protons can’t do this.
Aquaporin Mechanism

            Animation pointed to by 2003 Nobel
            chemistry prize announcement for
            structure of aquaporins (Peter Agre)

            The simulation helped explain how
            the structure led to the function
Users and Usage

2008 TeraGrid Usage By Discipline


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ADF modeling suite: DFT to MD software for chemistry and materials
ADF modeling suite: DFT to MD software for chemistry and materialsADF modeling suite: DFT to MD software for chemistry and materials
ADF modeling suite: DFT to MD software for chemistry and materials

Key benefits ADF modeling suite One-stop modeling shop Excellent software suite for tackling the most challenging problems in materials science and chemistry. Easy set up and analysis with GUI. Fast computational toolbox Working with hardware vendors, we optimize our codes for desktop computers and parallel supercomputers. Latest algorithms. Heavy elements, spectroscopy, organic electronics High-quality all-electron Slater basis sets for all elements. Accurate relativity. Many spectroscopic properties, from NMR to X-ray. Unique organic electronics tools: charge transport, phosphorescence. Understand chemical bonding Unique insight in chemical bonds with many chemical analysis tools. Balanced charge decomposition schemes and density analysis tools. Hassle-free installation, free trial With parallel binaries for all popular platforms, the entire ADF suite installs out of the box. Try out our powerful modeling tools for free: Discuss your science with experts With decades of experience, our expert support team (PhDs in chemistry & physics) will help you with any queries that may arise.

modeling suiteperiodic dftdft
Chemistry and Materials with the ADF modeling suite
Chemistry and Materials with the ADF modeling suiteChemistry and Materials with the ADF modeling suite
Chemistry and Materials with the ADF modeling suite

Introductory slides for workshop at George Washington University: ADF for molecular properties, BAND for periodic DFT, DFTB for large electronic structure calculations and ReaxFF for molecular dynamics. Get started with the excellent graphical interface.

computational chemistrymolecular modelingdensity functional theory
CloudLightning and the OPM-based Use Case
CloudLightning and the OPM-based Use CaseCloudLightning and the OPM-based Use Case
CloudLightning and the OPM-based Use Case

This is a presentation by Prof. Anne Elster at the International Workshop on Open Source Supercomputing held in conjunction with the 2017 ISC High Performance Computing Conference.

If you’re not yet a TeraGrid user and
constraining your research to fit into
       your local capabilities…

• Consider TeraGrid. Getting time is easy.
• It’s free
• We’ll even help you with coding and optimization
• See
• Don’t be constrained by what appears possible today.
  Think about your problem and talk to us.

Training (also free)

March 12 - 13, 2009 Parallel Optimization and Scientific
  Visualization for Ranger
March 19 - 20, 2009 OSG Grid Site Administrators Workshop
March 23 - 26, 2009 PSC/Intel Multi-core Programming and
  Performance Tuning Workshop
March 24, 2009 C Programming Basics for HPC (TACC)
April 13 - 16, 2009 2009 Cray XT5 Quad-core Workshop
April 21, 2009 Fortran 90/95 Programming for HPC (TACC)
June 22 - 26, 2009 TeraGrid '09

For fuller schedule see:

Campus Champions Program

•   Campus advocate for TeraGrid and CI
•   TeraGrid ombudsman for local users
•   Training program for campus representatives
•   Quick start-up accounts for campus
•   TeraGrid contacts for problem resolution
•   Over 31 campuses signed on, more in discussions
•   We’re looking for interested campuses!
     –See Laura McGinnis

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TeraGrid and Physics Research

  • 1. Teragrid and Physics Research Ralph Roskies, Scientific Director Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center March 20,2009 1
  • 2. High Performance Computing is Transforming Physics Research • TeraGrid ties together the high end computational resources (supercomputing, storage, visualization, data collections, science gateways) provided by NSF for the nation’s researchers, • Supported by computing and technology experts, many who have science PhDs and speak the users’ language. • World-class facilities, on a much larger scale than ever before, present major new opportunities for physics researchers to carry out computations that would have been infeasible just a few years ago. 2
  • 4. Hardware must be heterogeneous • Different capabilities • Different vendors • Potential for great burden on people trying to use more than one system. 4
  • 5. Integrated View for Users • Single signon, • Single application form for access (it’s free- more later) • Single ticket system (especially useful for problems between systems) • Coordinated user support (find experts at any site) • Simplified data movement; (e.g. compute in one place, analyze in another) • Makes data sharing easy 5
  • 6. Diversity of Resources (not exhaustive) • Very Powerful Tightly Coupled Distributed Memory – Trk2a-Texas (TACC)- Ranger (62,976 cores, 579 Teraflops, 123 TB memory) – Trk2b-Tennessee (NICS)- Kraken (Cray XT5, 66,048 cores, 608 teraflops, over 1 petaflop later in 2009). • Shared Memory – NCSA- Cobalt, Altix, 8 TF, 3 TB shared memory – PSC- Pople- Altix, 5 Tflop, 1.5 TB shared memory • Clusters with Infiniband – NCSA-Abe- 90 Tflops – TACC-Lonestar- 61 Tflops – LONI-Queen Bee 51 Tflops • Condor Pool (Loosely Coupled) – Purdue- up to 22,000 cpus • Visualization Resources – Purdue-TeraDRE-48 node nVIDIA GPUs – TACC-Spur- 32 nVIDIA GPUs • Various Storage Resources 6
  • 7. Resources to come • Recognize that science is being increasingly data driven (LHC, LSST, …) • PSC- large shared memory system • Track2D being competed – A data-intensive HPC system – An experimental HPC system – A pool of loosely coupled grid computing resources – An experimental, high-performance grid test-bed • Track1 System at NCSA- 10 Pflop peak, 1 Pflop sustained on serious applications in 2011 7
  • 8. Some Example Impacts on Physics (not overlapping with the presentations to follow) 8
  • 9. Lattice QCD- MILC collaboration • Improved precision on “standard model”, required to uncover new physics. • Need larger lattices, lighter quarks • Frequent algorithmic improvements • UseTeraGrid resources at NICS, PSC, NCSA, TACC; DOE resources at Argonne, NERSC, specialized QCD machine at Brookhaven, cluster at Fermilab Store results with The International Lattice Data Grid (ILDG), an international organization which provides standards, services, methods and tools that facilitates the sharing and interchange of lattice QCD gauge configurations among scientific collaborations (US, UK, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, and Australia) . 9
  • 10. Astrophysics-Mike Norman et al UCSD • Small (1 part in 105) spatial inhomogeneities 380,000 years after the Big Bang, as revealed by WMAP Satellite data, get transformed by gravitation into the pattern of severe inhomogeneities (galaxies, stars, voids etc.) that we see today. • Uniform meshes won’t do, must zoom in on dense regions to capture the key physical processes- gravitation (including dark matter), shock heating and radiative cooling of gas. So need an adaptive mesh refinement scheme (they use 7 levels of mesh refinement). The filamentary structure in this simulation in a cube 1.5 billion light years on a side is also seen in real life observations such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. 10
  • 11. Astrophysics (cont’d) • Need large shared memory capabilities for generating initial conditions, (adaptive mesh refinement is very hard to load- balance on distributed memory machines); then the largest distributed memory machines (Ranger & Kraken) for the simulation; shared memory again for data analysis and visualization; and need long term archival storage for configurations – so lots of data movement between sites. • TeraGrid helped make major improvements in the scaling and efficiency of the code (ENZO), and in the visualization tools which are being stressed at these volumes. 11
  • 12. Nanoscale Electronic Structure (nanoHUB, Klimeck, Purdue) • Challenge of designing microprocessors and other devices with nanoscale components. Need quantum mechanics for quantum dots, resonant tunneling diodes, and nanowires. • Largest codes operate at the petascale (NEMO-3D, OMEN), using 32,768 cores of Ranger, and generally use resources at NCSA, PSC, IU,ORNL and Purdue. • Developing modeling and simulation tools and a simple user interface (Gateways) for non-expert users. hosts more than 90 tools, had >6200 users, ran>300,000 simulations, supported 44 classes, in 2008. • Will benefit from improved metascheduling capabilities to be implemented this year in TeraGrid because want interactive response for the simple calculations. • Communities develop the Gateways- TG helps interface that to TG resources. 12
  • 13. Aquaporins - Schulten group,UIUC • Aquaporins are proteins which conduct large volumes of water through cell walls while filtering out charged particles like hydrogen ions. • Start with known crystal structure, simulate 12 nanoseconds of molecular dynamics of over 100,000 atoms, using NAMD • Water moves through aquaporin channels in single file. Oxygen leads the way in. At the most constricted point of channel, water molecule flips. Protons can’t do this.
  • 14. Aquaporin Mechanism Animation pointed to by 2003 Nobel chemistry prize announcement for structure of aquaporins (Peter Agre) The simulation helped explain how the structure led to the function
  • 16. 2008 TeraGrid Usage By Discipline 16
  • 17. If you’re not yet a TeraGrid user and constraining your research to fit into your local capabilities… • Consider TeraGrid. Getting time is easy. • It’s free • We’ll even help you with coding and optimization • See • Don’t be constrained by what appears possible today. Think about your problem and talk to us. 17
  • 18. Training (also free) March 12 - 13, 2009 Parallel Optimization and Scientific Visualization for Ranger March 19 - 20, 2009 OSG Grid Site Administrators Workshop March 23 - 26, 2009 PSC/Intel Multi-core Programming and Performance Tuning Workshop March 24, 2009 C Programming Basics for HPC (TACC) April 13 - 16, 2009 2009 Cray XT5 Quad-core Workshop (NICS) April 21, 2009 Fortran 90/95 Programming for HPC (TACC) June 22 - 26, 2009 TeraGrid '09 For fuller schedule see: 18
  • 19. Campus Champions Program • Campus advocate for TeraGrid and CI • TeraGrid ombudsman for local users • Training program for campus representatives • Quick start-up accounts for campus • TeraGrid contacts for problem resolution • Over 31 campuses signed on, more in discussions • We’re looking for interested campuses! –See Laura McGinnis