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Science and Cyberinfrastructure  in the Data-Dominated Era  Symposium #1610, How Computational Science Is Tackling the Grand Challenges Facing Science and Society  San Diego, CA February 22, 2010 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor,  Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
Abstract The NSF Supercomputer Centers program not only directly stimulated a hundred-fold increase in the number of U.S. university computational scientists and engineers, but it also facilitated the emergence of the Internet, Web, scientific visualization, and synchronous collaboration.  I will show how two NSF-funded grand challenges, one in basic scientific research (cosmological evolution) and one in computer science (super high bandwidth optical networks) are interweaving to enable new modes of discovery. Today we are living in a data-dominated world where supercomputers and increasingly distributed scientific instruments generate terabytes to petabytes of data. It was in response to this challenge that the NSF funded the OptIPuter project to research how user-controlled 10Gbps dedicated lightpaths (or “lambdas”) could provide direct access to global data repositories, scientific instruments, and computational resources from “OptIPortals,” PC clusters which provide scalable visualization, computing, and storage in the user's campus laboratory. The use of dedicated lightpaths over fiber optic cables enables individual researchers to experience “clear channel” 10,000 megabits/sec, 100-1000 times faster than over today’s shared Internet—a critical capability for data-intensive science. The seven-year OptIPuter computer science research project is now over, but it stimulated a national and global build-out of dedicated fiber optic networks. U.S. universities now have access to high bandwidth lambdas through the National LambdaRail, Internet2's Dynamic Circuit Services, and the Global Lambda Integrated Facility. A few pioneering campuses are now building on-campus lightpaths to connect the data-intensive researchers, data generators, and vast storage systems to each other on campus, as well as to the national network campus gateways.  I will show how this next generation cyberinfrastructure is being used to support cosmological simulations containing 64 billion zones on remote NSF-funded TeraGrid facilities coupled to the end-users laboratory by national fiber networks.  I will review how increasingly powerful NSF supercomputers have allowed for more and more realistic cosmological models over the last two decades. The 25 years of innovation in information infrastructure and scientific simulation that NSF has funded has steadily pushed out the frontier of knowledge while transforming our society and economy.
NCSA Telnet--“Hide the Cray” Paradigm That We Still Use Today NCSA Telnet -- Interactive Access  From Macintosh or PC Computer  To Telnet Hosts on TCP/IP Networks Allows for Simultaneous Connections  To Numerous Computers on The Net Standard File Transfer Server (FTP)  Lets You Transfer Files to and from Remote Machines and Other Users John Kogut Simulating  Quantum Chromodynamics He Uses a Mac—The Mac Uses the Cray Source: Larry Smarr 1985 Data  Generator Data  Portal Data  Transmission
Launching the Nation’s Information Infrastructure: NSFnet Supernetwork and the Six NSF Supercomputers NCSA NSFNET 56 Kb/s Backbone (1986-8) PSC NCAR CTC JVNC SDSC Supernetwork Backbone: 56kbps is 50 Times Faster than 1200 bps PC Modem!

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Why Teraflop Supercomputers Matter  For Accurate Science & Engineering Simulations FLOating Point OperationS per Spatial Point Ten Variables Hundred Operations Per Updated Variable One Thousand FLOPS per Updated Spatial Point One Dimensional Dynamics For 1000 Spatial Points Need MEGAFLOP Two Dimensions For 1000x1000 Spatial Points Need GIGAFLOP Three Dimensions For 1000x1000x1000 Spatial Points Need TERAFLOP Three Dimensions + Adaptive Mesh Refinement Need PETAFLOP
Today Dedicated 10,000Mbps Supernetworks  Tie Together State and Regional Fiber Infrastructure NLR 40 x 10Gb Wavelengths  Expanding with Darkstrand to 80 Interconnects  Two Dozen  State and Regional Optical Networks Internet2 Dynamic Circuit Network  Is Now Available
NSF’s OptIPuter Project: Using Supernetworks  to Meet the Needs of Data-Intensive Researchers OptIPortal–  Termination Device  for the OptIPuter Global Backplane Calit2 (UCSD, UCI), SDSC, and UIC Leads—Larry Smarr PI Univ. Partners: NCSA, USC, SDSU, NW, TA&M, UvA, SARA, KISTI, AIST Industry: IBM, Sun, Telcordia, Chiaro, Calient, Glimmerglass, Lucent
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Great Leap Forward-1994 Thinking Machines CM5  (512-cpu MPP) Simulation of X-ray clusters in a 3D cube 170 Mpc/h on a side and Cartesian grid of size 512 3 Bryan & Norman (1998), ApJ Source: Michael Norman, SDSC, UCSD
The Power of Adaptive Mesh Refinement-2006 IBM Power4 cluster (64 node, 8-way SMP) Simulation of X-ray clusters in a 3D cube 512 Mpc/h on a side with 7-level AMR for an effective resolution of 65,562 3 Norman et al. (2007) Source: Michael Norman, SDSC, UCSD
Adaptive Grids Resolve Individual Galaxy Collisions  as Clusters Form in 15 Million Light Year Volume Source: Simulation: Mike Norman and Brian O’Shea; Animation: Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Matthew Hall, Stuart Levy, Jeff Carpenter, Lorne Leonard-NCSA  SGI Altix DSM cluster (512 cpu)
Exploring Cosmology With Supercomputers, Supernetworks, and Supervisualization 4096 3  Particle/Cell Hydrodynamic Cosmology Simulation NICS Kraken (XT5) 16,384 cores Output 148 TB Movie Output (0.25 TB/file) 80 TB Diagnostic Dumps (8 TB/file) Science:  Norman, Harkness,Paschos SDSC Visualization:  Insley, ANL; Wagner SDSC ANL  *  Calit2  *  LBNL  *  NICS  *  ORNL  *   SDSC Intergalactic Medium on 2 GLyr Scale Source: Mike Norman, SDSC

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Project StarGate Goals: Combining Supercomputers and Supernetworks Create an “End-to-End” 10Gbps Workflow Explore Use of OptIPortals as Petascale Supercomputer “Scalable Workstations” Exploit Dynamic 10Gbps Circuits on ESnet Connect Hardware Resources at ORNL, ANL, SDSC Show that Data Need Not be Trapped by the Network “Event Horizon” [email_address] Rick Wagner Mike Norman ANL  *  Calit2  *  LBNL  *  NICS  *  ORNL  *   SDSC Source: Michael Norman, SDSC, UCSD
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Project StarGate Credits Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (ESnet) Eli Dart San Diego Supercomputer Center Science application Michael Norman Rick Wagner (coordinator) Network Tom Hutton Oak Ridge National Laboratory Susan Hicks National Institute for Computational Sciences Nathaniel Mendoza Argonne National Laboratory Network/Systems Linda Winkler  Loren Jan Wilson Visualization Joseph Insley Eric Olsen Mark Hereld Michael Papka [email_address] Larry Smarr (Overall Concept) Brian Dunne (Networking) Joe Keefe (OptIPortal) Kai Doerr, Falko Kuester (CGLX) ANL  *  Calit2  *  LBNL  *  NICS  *  ORNL  *   SDSC

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You Can Download This Presentation  at

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  • 1. Science and Cyberinfrastructure in the Data-Dominated Era Symposium #1610, How Computational Science Is Tackling the Grand Challenges Facing Science and Society San Diego, CA February 22, 2010 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
  • 2. Abstract The NSF Supercomputer Centers program not only directly stimulated a hundred-fold increase in the number of U.S. university computational scientists and engineers, but it also facilitated the emergence of the Internet, Web, scientific visualization, and synchronous collaboration. I will show how two NSF-funded grand challenges, one in basic scientific research (cosmological evolution) and one in computer science (super high bandwidth optical networks) are interweaving to enable new modes of discovery. Today we are living in a data-dominated world where supercomputers and increasingly distributed scientific instruments generate terabytes to petabytes of data. It was in response to this challenge that the NSF funded the OptIPuter project to research how user-controlled 10Gbps dedicated lightpaths (or “lambdas”) could provide direct access to global data repositories, scientific instruments, and computational resources from “OptIPortals,” PC clusters which provide scalable visualization, computing, and storage in the user's campus laboratory. The use of dedicated lightpaths over fiber optic cables enables individual researchers to experience “clear channel” 10,000 megabits/sec, 100-1000 times faster than over today’s shared Internet—a critical capability for data-intensive science. The seven-year OptIPuter computer science research project is now over, but it stimulated a national and global build-out of dedicated fiber optic networks. U.S. universities now have access to high bandwidth lambdas through the National LambdaRail, Internet2's Dynamic Circuit Services, and the Global Lambda Integrated Facility. A few pioneering campuses are now building on-campus lightpaths to connect the data-intensive researchers, data generators, and vast storage systems to each other on campus, as well as to the national network campus gateways. I will show how this next generation cyberinfrastructure is being used to support cosmological simulations containing 64 billion zones on remote NSF-funded TeraGrid facilities coupled to the end-users laboratory by national fiber networks. I will review how increasingly powerful NSF supercomputers have allowed for more and more realistic cosmological models over the last two decades. The 25 years of innovation in information infrastructure and scientific simulation that NSF has funded has steadily pushed out the frontier of knowledge while transforming our society and economy.
  • 3. NCSA Telnet--“Hide the Cray” Paradigm That We Still Use Today NCSA Telnet -- Interactive Access From Macintosh or PC Computer To Telnet Hosts on TCP/IP Networks Allows for Simultaneous Connections To Numerous Computers on The Net Standard File Transfer Server (FTP) Lets You Transfer Files to and from Remote Machines and Other Users John Kogut Simulating Quantum Chromodynamics He Uses a Mac—The Mac Uses the Cray Source: Larry Smarr 1985 Data Generator Data Portal Data Transmission
  • 4. Launching the Nation’s Information Infrastructure: NSFnet Supernetwork and the Six NSF Supercomputers NCSA NSFNET 56 Kb/s Backbone (1986-8) PSC NCAR CTC JVNC SDSC Supernetwork Backbone: 56kbps is 50 Times Faster than 1200 bps PC Modem!
  • 5. Why Teraflop Supercomputers Matter For Accurate Science & Engineering Simulations FLOating Point OperationS per Spatial Point Ten Variables Hundred Operations Per Updated Variable One Thousand FLOPS per Updated Spatial Point One Dimensional Dynamics For 1000 Spatial Points Need MEGAFLOP Two Dimensions For 1000x1000 Spatial Points Need GIGAFLOP Three Dimensions For 1000x1000x1000 Spatial Points Need TERAFLOP Three Dimensions + Adaptive Mesh Refinement Need PETAFLOP
  • 6. Today Dedicated 10,000Mbps Supernetworks Tie Together State and Regional Fiber Infrastructure NLR 40 x 10Gb Wavelengths Expanding with Darkstrand to 80 Interconnects Two Dozen State and Regional Optical Networks Internet2 Dynamic Circuit Network Is Now Available
  • 7. NSF’s OptIPuter Project: Using Supernetworks to Meet the Needs of Data-Intensive Researchers OptIPortal– Termination Device for the OptIPuter Global Backplane Calit2 (UCSD, UCI), SDSC, and UIC Leads—Larry Smarr PI Univ. Partners: NCSA, USC, SDSU, NW, TA&M, UvA, SARA, KISTI, AIST Industry: IBM, Sun, Telcordia, Chiaro, Calient, Glimmerglass, Lucent
  • 8. Short History of Cosmological Supercomputing: Early Days -1993 Convex C3880 (8-way SMP) GigaFLOPs Simulation of X-ray clusters in a 3D cube 85 Mpc/h on a side and Cartesian grid of size 270 3 Bryan, Cen, Norman, Ostriker, Stone (1994), ApJ Source: Michael Norman, SDSC, UCSD
  • 9. Great Leap Forward-1994 Thinking Machines CM5 (512-cpu MPP) Simulation of X-ray clusters in a 3D cube 170 Mpc/h on a side and Cartesian grid of size 512 3 Bryan & Norman (1998), ApJ Source: Michael Norman, SDSC, UCSD
  • 10. The Power of Adaptive Mesh Refinement-2006 IBM Power4 cluster (64 node, 8-way SMP) Simulation of X-ray clusters in a 3D cube 512 Mpc/h on a side with 7-level AMR for an effective resolution of 65,562 3 Norman et al. (2007) Source: Michael Norman, SDSC, UCSD
  • 11. Adaptive Grids Resolve Individual Galaxy Collisions as Clusters Form in 15 Million Light Year Volume Source: Simulation: Mike Norman and Brian O’Shea; Animation: Donna Cox, Robert Patterson, Matthew Hall, Stuart Levy, Jeff Carpenter, Lorne Leonard-NCSA SGI Altix DSM cluster (512 cpu)
  • 12. Exploring Cosmology With Supercomputers, Supernetworks, and Supervisualization 4096 3 Particle/Cell Hydrodynamic Cosmology Simulation NICS Kraken (XT5) 16,384 cores Output 148 TB Movie Output (0.25 TB/file) 80 TB Diagnostic Dumps (8 TB/file) Science: Norman, Harkness,Paschos SDSC Visualization: Insley, ANL; Wagner SDSC ANL * Calit2 * LBNL * NICS * ORNL * SDSC Intergalactic Medium on 2 GLyr Scale Source: Mike Norman, SDSC
  • 13. Enormous Detail in Simulation: Full Simulation with Blowup of a 1/512 Subcube
  • 14. Project StarGate Goals: Combining Supercomputers and Supernetworks Create an “End-to-End” 10Gbps Workflow Explore Use of OptIPortals as Petascale Supercomputer “Scalable Workstations” Exploit Dynamic 10Gbps Circuits on ESnet Connect Hardware Resources at ORNL, ANL, SDSC Show that Data Need Not be Trapped by the Network “Event Horizon” [email_address] Rick Wagner Mike Norman ANL * Calit2 * LBNL * NICS * ORNL * SDSC Source: Michael Norman, SDSC, UCSD
  • 15. Using Supernetworks to Couple End User’s OptIPortal to Remote Supercomputers and Visualization Servers *ANL * Calit2 * LBNL * NICS * ORNL * SDSC Source: Mike Norman, SDSC From 1985 to Project StarGate NICS ORNL NSF TeraGrid Kraken Cray XT5 8,256 Compute Nodes 99,072 Compute Cores 129 TB RAM simulation Argonne NL DOE Eureka 100 Dual Quad Core Xeon Servers 200 NVIDIA Quadro FX GPUs in 50 Quadro Plex S4 1U enclosures 3.2 TB RAM rendering SDSC Calit2/SDSC OptIPortal1 20 30” (2560 x 1600 pixel) LCD panels 10 NVIDIA Quadro FX 4600 graphics cards > 80 megapixels 10 Gb/s network throughout visualization ESnet 10 Gb/s fiber optic network
  • 16. Project StarGate Credits Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (ESnet) Eli Dart San Diego Supercomputer Center Science application Michael Norman Rick Wagner (coordinator) Network Tom Hutton Oak Ridge National Laboratory Susan Hicks National Institute for Computational Sciences Nathaniel Mendoza Argonne National Laboratory Network/Systems Linda Winkler Loren Jan Wilson Visualization Joseph Insley Eric Olsen Mark Hereld Michael Papka [email_address] Larry Smarr (Overall Concept) Brian Dunne (Networking) Joe Keefe (OptIPortal) Kai Doerr, Falko Kuester (CGLX) ANL * Calit2 * LBNL * NICS * ORNL * SDSC
  • 17. Blue Waters is a Sustained PetaFLOPs Supercomputer One Million Times the Convex 3880 of 1993! Planned for 2011-2012 Science Self-consistent simulation of the formation of the first galaxies and cosmic ionization Scale of Simulations AMR: 1536 3 base grid, 10 levels of refinement Cartesian: 6400 3 with radiation transport Source: Michael Norman, SDSC, UCSD
  • 18. Academic Research “OptIPlatform” Cyberinfrastructure: A 10Gbps “End-to-End” Lightpath Cloud National LambdaRail Campus Optical Switch Data Repositories & Clusters HPC HD/4k Video Images HD/4k Video Cams End User OptIPortal 10G Lightpath HD/4k Telepresence Instruments
  • 19. High Definition Video Connected OptIPortals: Virtual Working Spaces for Data Intensive Research Source: Falko Kuester, Kai Doerr Calit2; Michael Sims, NASA NASA Ames Lunar Science Institute Mountain View, CA NASA Interest in Supporting Virtual Institutes LifeSize HD
  • 20. You Can Download This Presentation at