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“The Pacific Research Platform
Two Years In”
Welcome and Overview Talk
to the Pacific Research Platform “PRPv2” Workshop 2017
University of California, San Diego
February 21, 2017
Dr. Larry Smarr
Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
Harry E. Gruber Professor,
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
Initially Proposed PRP Multi-Campus Science Driver Teams
• Biomedical
– Cancer Genomics Hub/Browser( UCSC/SDSC project over, connecting PRP to U. Chicago)
– Microbiome and Integrative ‘Omics (UCSD, Caltech, UCSF, UCD)
– Integrative Structural Biology (UCSF, NERSC, SDSC)
• Earth Sciences
– Data Analysis and Simulation for Earthquakes and Natural Disasters (Phase II)
– Climate Modeling: NCAR/UCAR (UCSD, NCAR)
– California/Nevada Regional Climate Data Analysis (UCI, UCSD, NCAR)
– CO2 Subsurface Modeling (SDSC)
• Particle Physics (UCD, UCI, UCSC, UCSD, others soon)
• Astronomy and Astrophysics
– Telescope Surveys (NERSC connected to PRP) (Phase II)
– Galaxy Evolution (UCI, UCSC) (Phase II)
– Gravitational Wave Astronomy (Caltech, UCSD)
• Scalable Visualization, Virtual Reality, and Ultra-Res Video (UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCSD)
100 Gbps FIONA at UCSC Connects the UCSC Hyades Cluster
to the NERSC Supercomputer at LBNL
Supporting UCSC Remote Access
to Large Data Subsets
of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)
and AGORA Galaxy Simulation Data
Produced at NERSC.
250 images per night
800GB per night
Shawfeng Dong, UCSC Cyberengineer
UCSC Feb 7, 2017
Global Scientific Instruments Will Produce Ultralarge Datasets Continuously
Requiring Dedicated Optic Fiber and Supercomputers
Square Kilometer Array Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
Tracks ~40B Objects,
Creates 10M Alerts/Night
Within 1 Minute of Observing

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The Interplay of Workflow Execution and Resource Provisioning
The Interplay of Workflow Execution and Resource ProvisioningThe Interplay of Workflow Execution and Resource Provisioning
The Interplay of Workflow Execution and Resource Provisioning

This talk will examine issues of workflow execution, in particular using the Pegasus Workflow Management System, on distributed resources and how these resources can be provisioned ahead of the workflow execution. Pegasus was designed, implemented and supported to provide abstractions that enable scientists to focus on structuring their computations without worrying about the details of the target cyberinfrastructure. To support these workflow abstractions Pegasus provides automation capabilities that seamlessly map workflows onto target resources, sparing scientists the overhead of managing the data flow, job scheduling, fault recovery and adaptation of their applications. In some cases, it is beneficial to provision the resources ahead of the workflow execution, enabling the re-use of resources across workflow tasks. The talk will examine the benefits of resource provisioning for workflow execution.

scientific workflowdistributed computinghpc
Big data at experimental facilities
Big data at experimental facilitiesBig data at experimental facilities
Big data at experimental facilities

1) Scientists at the Advanced Photon Source use the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility for data reconstruction and analysis from experimental facilities in real-time or near real-time. This provides feedback during experiments. 2) Using the Swift parallel scripting language and ALCF supercomputers like Mira, scientists can process terabytes of data from experiments in minutes rather than hours or days. This enables errors to be detected and addressed during experiments. 3) Key applications discussed include near-field high-energy X-ray diffraction microscopy, X-ray nano/microtomography, and determining crystal structures from diffuse scattering images through simulation and optimization. The workflows developed provide significant time savings and improved experimental outcomes.

Many Task Applications for Grids and Supercomputers
Many Task Applications for Grids and SupercomputersMany Task Applications for Grids and Supercomputers
Many Task Applications for Grids and Supercomputers

The document discusses how new supercomputing applications are increasingly focused on "logistical" issues like executing many communication-intensive tasks over large shared datasets, rather than "heroic" computations of a single task. It argues that new programming models and tools are needed to efficiently manage large numbers of tasks, complex data dependencies, and failures at extreme scales of petascale and exascale computers. Examples of applications that could benefit include parameter studies, ensemble simulations, data analysis, and scientific workflows involving millions of tasks.

sicortexbg/pblue gene
20x40G PRP-connected
WAVE@UC San Diego
PRP Will Enable
Distributed Virtual Reality
MerWAVE @UC Merced
UC Merced’s VR CAVE:
Merced WAVE
• Transferring 5 CAVECam Images Over
10 Gbit/sec Fiber Path From UCSD to UC Merced:
– Total Data Size: 1.96 GBytes
– Transfer Took 2.17 seconds
– Transfer Rate: 924.49 MBytes/sec (~8Gbit/sec)
• This Transfer Would Have Taken:
– 21 Seconds Over 1Gbit/sec Connection
(Regular Ethernet)
– 5.35 Minutes Over 50Mbit/sec Connection
(Residential Internet)
PRP Will Link the Laboratories of
the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
The Second FIONette was Deployed at the PEER Facility at UC Berkeley,
and its Performance is Being Monitored
John Graham Installing FIONette at PEER Feb 10, 2017

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High Performance Cyberinfrastructure Enabling Data-Driven Science Supporting ...
High Performance Cyberinfrastructure Enabling Data-Driven Science Supporting ...High Performance Cyberinfrastructure Enabling Data-Driven Science Supporting ...
High Performance Cyberinfrastructure Enabling Data-Driven Science Supporting ...

11.05.13 Invited Presentation Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine Salk Institute, La Jolla Larry Smarr, Calit2 & Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2 Title: High Performance Cyberinfrastructure Enabling Data-Driven Science Supporting Stem Cell Research

stem cellregenerative medicine
Database of Topological Materials and Spin-orbit Spillage
Database of Topological Materials and Spin-orbit SpillageDatabase of Topological Materials and Spin-orbit Spillage
Database of Topological Materials and Spin-orbit Spillage

We present the results of a high-throughput, first principles search for topological materials based on identifying materials with band inversion induced by spin-orbit coupling. Out of the currently available 30000 materials in our database, we investigate more than 4507 non-magnetic materials having heavy atoms and low bandgaps. We compute the spillage between the spin-orbit and non-spin-orbit wave functions, resulting in more than 1699 high-spillage candidate materials. We demonstrate that in addition to Z2 topological insulators, this screening method successfully identifies many semimetals and topological crystalline insulators. Our approach is applicable to the investigation of disordered or distorted materials, because it is not based on symmetry considerations, and it can be extended to magnetic materials. After our first screening step, we use Wannier-interpolation to calculate the topological invariants and to search for band crossings in our candidate materials. We discuss some individual example materials, as well as trends throughout our dataset, that is available at JARVIS-DFT website:

topologytopologically non-trivial materialstopological insulators
Accelerating Discovery via Science Services
Accelerating Discovery via Science ServicesAccelerating Discovery via Science Services
Accelerating Discovery via Science Services

[A talk presented at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on October 15, 2015] We have made much progress over the past decade toward harnessing the collective power of IT resources distributed across the globe. In big-science projects in high-energy physics, astronomy, and climate, thousands work daily within virtual computing systems with global scope. But we now face a far greater challenge: Exploding data volumes and powerful simulation tools mean that many more--ultimately most?--researchers will soon require capabilities not so different from those used by such big-science teams. How are we to meet these needs? Must every lab be filled with computers and every researcher become an IT specialist? Perhaps the solution is rather to move research IT out of the lab entirely: to develop suites of science services to which researchers can dispatch mundane but time-consuming tasks, and thus to achieve economies of scale and reduce cognitive load. I explore the past, current, and potential future of large-scale outsourcing and automation for science, and suggest opportunities and challenges for today’s researchers. I use examples from Globus and other projects to demonstrate what can be achieved.

Cancer Genomics Hub (UCSC) is Housed in SDSC:
Large Data Flows to End Users at UCSC, UCB, UCSF, …
Data Source: David Haussler,
Brad Smith, UCSC
Jan 2016
30,000 TB
Per Year
Slide on Cancer Genomics
Newly Added PRP Multi-Campus Science Driver Teams
• Biomedical
– Cryo Electronic Microscopy (UCB/LLNL, UCD,UCLA, UCSD, UCSF)
– Bioinformatics (UCD)
– High-Resolution Microscopy (UCR, UCSD, NSCC)
• Computer Science and Engineering /Electrical and Computer Engineering, etc.
– JupyterHub (UCB, UCSD)
– Deep Learning (UCB, UCSD, UIC)
– Drones, Terrestrial Modeling/GIS (UCSD, UCM)
– Contextual Robotics (new)
• High Performance Wireless Research and Education Networks
– UCSD/SIO, UCI, UCR, UCM, CENIC, others tbd.
• Humanities and Social Sciences
– Preserving Cultural Heritage
PRP First Application: Distributed IPython/Jupyter Notebooks:
Cross-Platform, Browser-Based Application Interleaves Code, Text, & Images
Lua Kernel
IRKernel (for the R language)
Calico Project
• kernels implemented in Mono,
including Java, IronPython, Boo,
Logo, BASIC, and many others
Clojure Kernel
Hy Kernel
Redis Kernel
jove, a kernel for io.js
Calysto Scheme
Calysto Processing
Mochi Kernel
Lua (used in Splash)
Spark Kernel
Skulpt Python Kernel
MetaKernel Bash
MetaKernel Python
Brython Kernel
IVisual VPython Kernel
Source: John Graham, QI

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How HPC and large-scale data analytics are transforming experimental science
How HPC and large-scale data analytics are transforming experimental scienceHow HPC and large-scale data analytics are transforming experimental science
How HPC and large-scale data analytics are transforming experimental science

In this deck from DataTech19, Debbie Bard from NERSC presents: Supercomputing and the scientist: How HPC and large-scale data analytics are transforming experimental science. "Debbie Bard leads the Data Science Engagement Group NERSC. NERSC is the mission supercomputing center for the USA Department of Energy, and supports over 7000 scientists and 700 projects with supercomputing needs. A native of the UK, her career spans research in particle physics, cosmology and computing on both sides of the Atlantic. She obtained her PhD at Edinburgh University, and has worked at Imperial College London as well as the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) in the USA, before joining the Data Department at NERSC, where she focuses on data-intensive computing and research, including supercomputing for experimental science and machine learning at scale." Watch the video: Sign up for our insideHPC Newsletter:

Data Mining to Discovery for Inorganic Solids: Software Tools and Applications
Data Mining to Discovery for Inorganic Solids: Software Tools and ApplicationsData Mining to Discovery for Inorganic Solids: Software Tools and Applications
Data Mining to Discovery for Inorganic Solids: Software Tools and Applications

This document summarizes several projects from Anubhav Jain at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory related to using artificial intelligence and data mining for materials science. It discusses (1) developing interpretable descriptors of crystal structure based on local environments, (2) the matminer toolkit for connecting materials data to machine learning algorithms, and (3) the atomate/Rocketsled software for running high-throughput density functional theory calculations on supercomputers. It also briefly outlines a project to develop a text mining database for materials science literature.

Toward a National Research Platform
Toward a National Research PlatformToward a National Research Platform
Toward a National Research Platform

The document summarizes Dr. Larry Smarr's presentation on the Pacific Research Platform (PRP) and its role in working toward a national research platform. It describes how PRP has connected research teams and devices across multiple UC campuses for over 15 years. It also details PRP's innovations like Flash I/O Network Appliances (FIONAs) and use of Kubernetes to manage distributed resources. Finally, it outlines opportunities to further integrate PRP with the Open Science Grid and expand the platform internationally through partnerships.

GPU JupyterHub:
2 x 14-core CPUs
Nvidia K80 GPU
Dual 40GbE NICs
And a Trusted Platform
GPU JupyterHub:
1 x 18-core CPUs
Nvidia K80 GPU
Dual 40GbE NICs
And a Trusted Platform
PRP UC-JupyterHub Backbone
UCB Next Step: Deploy Across PRP UCSD
Source: John Graham, Calit2
Cryo-electron Microscopy (cryo-EM)
Has Driven a “Resolution Revolution” in the Last Five Years
Exposure (every 60 seconds):
X & Y dimensions: 7420 x 7676 pixels
Frames per movie: 10 - 50
Size: 3 - 10 GB per movie
Every 24 hours:
Number of movies: ~1400
Data size: ~5 TB
Typical datasets:
Length of time: 2 - 6 days
Total size: 10 - 30 TB
Each Cryo-EM ‘Image’ is Actually a Movie
Source: Michael A. Cianfrocco,
Elizabeth Villa, & Andres Leschziner, UCSD
~20 microscopes in CA
UC Davis
UC Santa Cruz
SF Bay
UC Berkeley, LBNL,
UCSF, Stanford
San Diego
Using PRP to Connect Cryo-EM across California
With End Users and Computational Facilities
Long term:
‣ Partner with cryo-EM facilities to stream data
straight from microscopes (over PRP) to SDSC
‣ Perform all cryo-EM analysis (from micrographs
to 3D models) via web browser on SDSC
‣ Expand computing to other XSEDE resources
(e.g. Xstream)
Short term:
‣ Provide 2D and 3D analysis on particle stacks on
Comet at SDSC
Source: Michael A. Cianfrocco, UCSD3 supercomputer centers
DoE Labs
Note: This diagram represents a subset of sites and connections.
* Institutions with
Active Archaeology Programs
“In an ideal world –
Extremely high bandwidth to
move large cultural heritage
datasets around the PRP cloud for
processing & viewing in CAVEs
around PRP with Unlimited Storage
for permanent archiving.”
-Tom Levy, UCSD
PRP is NOT Just for Big Data Science and Engineering:
Linking Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Datasets
Building on CENIC’s Expansion
To Libraries, Museums,
and Cultural Sites

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Creating a Big Data Machine Learning Platform in California

Big Data Tech Forum: Big Data Enabling Technologies and Applications San Diego Chinese American Science and Engineering Association (SDCASEA) Sanford Consortium La Jolla, CA December 2, 2017

Cognitive Engine: Boosting Scientific Discovery
Cognitive Engine:  Boosting Scientific DiscoveryCognitive Engine:  Boosting Scientific Discovery
Cognitive Engine: Boosting Scientific Discovery

Xiaolin (Andy) Li, University of Florida, Presentation at Cognitive Systems Institute Group April 28, 2016

university of floridacognitive systems institutecognitive computing
Polar Domain Discovery with Sparkler - EarthCube
Polar Domain Discovery with Sparkler - EarthCubePolar Domain Discovery with Sparkler - EarthCube
Polar Domain Discovery with Sparkler - EarthCube

Polar Deep Insights with Domain Discovery and Sparkler (Spark Crawler). Presented at EarthCube All Hands Meeting 2017! #ECAHM2017 #USCDataScience #IRDS

polar deep insightsdomain discoverynithin krishna
Linking Libraries at UCB, UCLA, UCM and UCSD with CAVE
48 Megapixel CAVE Kiosk for UCSD
UCSD Library Review, June 24 Megapixel UCM Library
Installation, July
PRP Backbone Sets Stage for 2017 Expansion
of HPWREN, Connected to CENIC, into Orange and Riverside Counties
• PRP CENIC 100G Link
– DTN FIONAs Endpoints
– Data Redundancy
– Disaster Recovery
– High Availability
– Network Redundancy
• Anchor to CENIC at UCI
– PRP FIONA Connects to
CalREN-HPR Network
– Data Replication Site
• Potential Future UCR
CENIC Anchor
Source: Frank Vernon,
Greg Hidley, UCSD

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The Pacific Research Platform
 Two Years In

  • 1. “The Pacific Research Platform Two Years In” Welcome and Overview Talk to the Pacific Research Platform “PRPv2” Workshop 2017 University of California, San Diego February 21, 2017 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
  • 2. Initially Proposed PRP Multi-Campus Science Driver Teams • Biomedical – Cancer Genomics Hub/Browser( UCSC/SDSC project over, connecting PRP to U. Chicago) – Microbiome and Integrative ‘Omics (UCSD, Caltech, UCSF, UCD) – Integrative Structural Biology (UCSF, NERSC, SDSC) • Earth Sciences – Data Analysis and Simulation for Earthquakes and Natural Disasters (Phase II) – Climate Modeling: NCAR/UCAR (UCSD, NCAR) – California/Nevada Regional Climate Data Analysis (UCI, UCSD, NCAR) – CO2 Subsurface Modeling (SDSC) • Particle Physics (UCD, UCI, UCSC, UCSD, others soon) • Astronomy and Astrophysics – Telescope Surveys (NERSC connected to PRP) (Phase II) – Galaxy Evolution (UCI, UCSC) (Phase II) – Gravitational Wave Astronomy (Caltech, UCSD) • Scalable Visualization, Virtual Reality, and Ultra-Res Video (UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCSD)
  • 3. 100 Gbps FIONA at UCSC Connects the UCSC Hyades Cluster to the NERSC Supercomputer at LBNL Supporting UCSC Remote Access to Large Data Subsets of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and AGORA Galaxy Simulation Data Produced at NERSC. 250 images per night 800GB per night Shawfeng Dong, UCSC Cyberengineer UCSC Feb 7, 2017
  • 4. Global Scientific Instruments Will Produce Ultralarge Datasets Continuously Requiring Dedicated Optic Fiber and Supercomputers Square Kilometer Array Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Tracks ~40B Objects, Creates 10M Alerts/Night Within 1 Minute of Observing 2x40Gb/s
  • 5. 40G FIONAs 20x40G PRP-connected WAVE@UC San Diego PRP Will Enable Distributed Virtual Reality PRP MerWAVE @UC Merced
  • 6. UC Merced’s VR CAVE: Merced WAVE • Transferring 5 CAVECam Images Over 10 Gbit/sec Fiber Path From UCSD to UC Merced: – Total Data Size: 1.96 GBytes – Transfer Took 2.17 seconds – Transfer Rate: 924.49 MBytes/sec (~8Gbit/sec) • This Transfer Would Have Taken: – 21 Seconds Over 1Gbit/sec Connection (Regular Ethernet) – 5.35 Minutes Over 50Mbit/sec Connection (Residential Internet)
  • 7. PRP Will Link the Laboratories of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
  • 8. The Second FIONette was Deployed at the PEER Facility at UC Berkeley, and its Performance is Being Monitored John Graham Installing FIONette at PEER Feb 10, 2017
  • 9. Cancer Genomics Hub (UCSC) is Housed in SDSC: Large Data Flows to End Users at UCSC, UCB, UCSF, … 1G 8G Data Source: David Haussler, Brad Smith, UCSC 15G Jan 2016 30,000 TB Per Year
  • 10. Slide on Cancer Genomics
  • 11. Newly Added PRP Multi-Campus Science Driver Teams • Biomedical – Cryo Electronic Microscopy (UCB/LLNL, UCD,UCLA, UCSD, UCSF) – Bioinformatics (UCD) – High-Resolution Microscopy (UCR, UCSD, NSCC) • Computer Science and Engineering /Electrical and Computer Engineering, etc. – JupyterHub (UCB, UCSD) – Deep Learning (UCB, UCSD, UIC) – Drones, Terrestrial Modeling/GIS (UCSD, UCM) – Contextual Robotics (new) • High Performance Wireless Research and Education Networks – UCSD/SIO, UCI, UCR, UCM, CENIC, others tbd. • Humanities and Social Sciences – Preserving Cultural Heritage
  • 12. PRP First Application: Distributed IPython/Jupyter Notebooks: Cross-Platform, Browser-Based Application Interleaves Code, Text, & Images IJulia IHaskell IFSharp IRuby IGo IScala IMathics Ialdor LuaJIT/Torch Lua Kernel IRKernel (for the R language) IErlang IOCaml IForth IPerl IPerl6 Ioctave Calico Project • kernels implemented in Mono, including Java, IronPython, Boo, Logo, BASIC, and many others IScilab IMatlab ICSharp Bash Clojure Kernel Hy Kernel Redis Kernel jove, a kernel for io.js IJavascript Calysto Scheme Calysto Processing idl_kernel Mochi Kernel Lua (used in Splash) Spark Kernel Skulpt Python Kernel MetaKernel Bash MetaKernel Python Brython Kernel IVisual VPython Kernel Source: John Graham, QI
  • 13. GPU JupyterHub: 2 x 14-core CPUs 256GB RAM 1.2TB FLASH 3.8TB SSD Nvidia K80 GPU Dual 40GbE NICs And a Trusted Platform Module GPU JupyterHub: 1 x 18-core CPUs 128GB RAM 3.8TB SSD Nvidia K80 GPU Dual 40GbE NICs And a Trusted Platform Module PRP UC-JupyterHub Backbone UCB Next Step: Deploy Across PRP UCSD Source: John Graham, Calit2
  • 14. Cryo-electron Microscopy (cryo-EM) Has Driven a “Resolution Revolution” in the Last Five Years Exposure (every 60 seconds): X & Y dimensions: 7420 x 7676 pixels Frames per movie: 10 - 50 Size: 3 - 10 GB per movie Every 24 hours: Number of movies: ~1400 Data size: ~5 TB Typical datasets: Length of time: 2 - 6 days Total size: 10 - 30 TB Each Cryo-EM ‘Image’ is Actually a Movie Source: Michael A. Cianfrocco, Elizabeth Villa, & Andres Leschziner, UCSD
  • 15. ~20 microscopes in CA UCLA UC Davis UC Santa Cruz SF Bay UC Berkeley, LBNL, UCSF, Stanford San Diego UCSD, TSRI, Salk * * SDSC NERSC *Xstream Using PRP to Connect Cryo-EM across California With End Users and Computational Facilities Long term: ‣ Partner with cryo-EM facilities to stream data straight from microscopes (over PRP) to SDSC ‣ Perform all cryo-EM analysis (from micrographs to 3D models) via web browser on SDSC ‣ Expand computing to other XSEDE resources (e.g. Xstream) Short term: ‣ Provide 2D and 3D analysis on particle stacks on Comet at SDSC Source: Michael A. Cianfrocco, UCSD3 supercomputer centers
  • 16. UCD UCSF Stanford NASA AMES/ NREN UCSC UCSB Caltech USC UCLA UCI UCSD SDSU UCR Esnet DoE Labs UW/ PNWGP Seattle Berkeley UCM Los Nettos Internet2 Internet2 Seattle Note: This diagram represents a subset of sites and connections. * Institutions with Active Archaeology Programs “In an ideal world – Extremely high bandwidth to move large cultural heritage datasets around the PRP cloud for processing & viewing in CAVEs around PRP with Unlimited Storage for permanent archiving.” -Tom Levy, UCSD PRP is NOT Just for Big Data Science and Engineering: Linking Cultural Heritage and Archaeology Datasets Building on CENIC’s Expansion To Libraries, Museums, and Cultural Sites
  • 17. Linking Libraries at UCB, UCLA, UCM and UCSD with CAVE Kiosks 48 Megapixel CAVE Kiosk for UCSD Library UCSD Library Review, June 24 Megapixel UCM Library Installation, July
  • 18. PRP Backbone Sets Stage for 2017 Expansion of HPWREN, Connected to CENIC, into Orange and Riverside Counties • PRP CENIC 100G Link UCSD to SDSU – DTN FIONAs Endpoints – Data Redundancy – Disaster Recovery – High Availability – Network Redundancy • Anchor to CENIC at UCI – PRP FIONA Connects to CalREN-HPR Network – Data Replication Site • Potential Future UCR CENIC Anchor UCR UCI UCSD SDSU Source: Frank Vernon, Greg Hidley, UCSD

Editor's Notes

  1. Campus Cyberinfrastructure – Network Infrastructure and Engineering (CC-NIE) Campus Cyberinfrastructure – Infrastructure, Innovation, and Engineering (CC-IIE) Campus Cyberinfrastructure – Data, Networking, and Innovation (CC-DNI) NSF 15-534 incorporates Data Infrastructure Building Blocks (CC-DNI-DIBBs) – Multi-Campus / Multi-Institution Model Implementation from Program Solicitation NSF 14-530
  2. Campus Cyberinfrastructure – Network Infrastructure and Engineering (CC-NIE) Campus Cyberinfrastructure – Infrastructure, Innovation, and Engineering (CC-IIE) Campus Cyberinfrastructure – Data, Networking, and Innovation (CC-DNI) NSF 15-534 incorporates Data Infrastructure Building Blocks (CC-DNI-DIBBs) – Multi-Campus / Multi-Institution Model Implementation from Program Solicitation NSF 14-530
  3. We already have 11 major research universities in California poised to partner.