SlideShare a Scribd company logo
• Internet is a very different place than five years ago
• 75% of buying decisions are now made online
• Mobile devices are making it easier for consumers to
shop any time, anywhere
• According to Sagepay online spending topped £13bn
last Christmas
Times are changing!
Now is the time to take a good
look at your online presence
Megatrends for 2015 and Beyond
6Areas to
focus on
Website Performance
Better Search Results
Website Design & Usability
Importance of Content
Engagement, Calls to Action and Conversions
Social Media integration

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Launching a Free-to-Play Game: Strategies, Risks, and Pitfalls
Launching a Free-to-Play Game: Strategies, Risks, and PitfallsLaunching a Free-to-Play Game: Strategies, Risks, and Pitfalls
Launching a Free-to-Play Game: Strategies, Risks, and Pitfalls

This document summarizes a presentation about launching free-to-play mobile games. It discusses the challenges of discovery on app stores dominated by a few large developers and networks. It then analyzes the mobile gaming market in four quadrants based on marketing approach and financial requirements. Case studies of three successful games are presented that exemplify different quadrants: Crossy Road using virality, Marvel: Contest of Champions leveraging an existing brand, and Cookie Jam focusing on sustainable growth. The conclusion emphasizes choosing a quadrant-aligned strategy and focusing on product-market fit over short-term downloads.

How To Succeed With Rewarded Video Ads
How To Succeed With Rewarded Video AdsHow To Succeed With Rewarded Video Ads
How To Succeed With Rewarded Video Ads

Did you know that only 1% of the app store makes money through ads? A major reason for this is a reliance on traditional banners and interstitial ads – ad formats that have lower eCPMs than newer, high-engagement formats. Enter Rewarded Video ads where users can opt to watch a video in exchange for virtual goods or gifts within the app! Rewarded video is seeing huge adoption within the game developer community with the added benefit that often encourages players to stay with a game longer than they might otherwise. And developers are seeing their CTRs and eCPMs increase 2-3x after integrating rewarded video ads. Also big brands and large publishers want to acquire users through video ads thus creating a massive demand pool. Read this webinar to hear the latest insights from InMobi’s global experience increasing the value of monetization for game and app developers, specifically: -How you can implement and monetize with Rewarded Video ads. -What the right placements for your Rewarded Video ads are. -How much money you can earn using Rewarded Video ads. -How it works for different types of games and can it work for non-gaming apps? [Spoiler: Yes!] -Reward management and the types of rewards that are effective.

webinarmobile advertisingmobile marketing
Branch<>Prolific Webinar: Building an Effective Mobile Growth Stack
Branch<>Prolific Webinar: Building an Effective Mobile Growth StackBranch<>Prolific Webinar: Building an Effective Mobile Growth Stack
Branch<>Prolific Webinar: Building an Effective Mobile Growth Stack

With almost every 2 out of 3 digital media minutes spent on mobile*, it has become more pressing than ever for brands to devise an effective digital strategy to capture the mobile opportunity. However, navigating the sea of tools and services available is daunting, often times requiring cross-department collaboration and a painful process of trial-and-error to build the right mobile growth stack for your business. We believe in the agile approach in tackling this challenge. Prolific's Director of Strategy and Growth Al Harnisch and Branch's Chief Revenue Officer Eric Stein shares an in-depth discussion on the following topics: -Key components of a typical Mobile Growth Stack for enterprises -Examples of a great starting point vs a mature mobile growth stack -The cross-channel/platform nature of the modern mobile consumer -Best practices for mapping out your channel strategies to drive growth and engagement -Case study of a major US retailer and their mobile growth stack

mobile marketingmobile growthenterprise
Website Performance
Website Performance
Better Search Results
Website Design &
Importance of
Engagement, Calls to
Action & Conversions
Social Media
Website Performance
• Do you know how many people visit your website and
where they come from?
• Do you know what devices they use to view your site?
• Have you got specific goals for your website (sales,
email sign-ups, downloads or watching a video etc) ?
• What key metrics do you use to measure the
performance of your website?
• Do you regularly review your website’s performance
and its achievements against your goals?
• Do you know what Google really thinks about your
Web Performance Megatrends
• Your visitors expectations
just got higher
• Tolerance levels just got
• First impressions count
• Site speed, page size, server
errors, and broken links all
make a difference
Loading . .
Site Performance Impacts Revenues
Poor experience =
abandoned sessions
Repetitive poor
experiences = lost
customer for life
Most web users expect a home page to load in ½ a second or less

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Adobe Digital Index Q1 2015 Digital Video Report
Adobe Digital Index Q1 2015 Digital Video ReportAdobe Digital Index Q1 2015 Digital Video Report
Adobe Digital Index Q1 2015 Digital Video Report

Driven by an increase in the number of connected TV devices (Roku, Apple TV, X-Box One, and Smart TV's) given as gifts during the 2014 holiday season, the first quarter of 2015 continued the record breaking trend of viewers watching video content on devices plugged in to the Internet. Video viewing behaviors shifted in year-over-year (YoY) terms and varied depending on the type of content being viewed; which ranged from free video clips supported primarily by advertising (Online Video) to premium shows accessed through an authenticated app-based or TV subscription service (TV Everywhere). This report covers both the established and the evolving trends within the digital video viewing space. It aims to provide insightful viewpoints for content providers, consumers, and advertisers.

tv everywhereadobe digital indexdigital marketing
Q1 2015 Mobile Commerce Index (MCI) - Branding Brand
Q1 2015 Mobile Commerce Index (MCI) - Branding BrandQ1 2015 Mobile Commerce Index (MCI) - Branding Brand
Q1 2015 Mobile Commerce Index (MCI) - Branding Brand

In the first quarter of 2015, 100 mobile retail sites saw over 279 million visits and $233 million in revenue, increases of 19% and 32% respectively from the fourth quarter of 2014. The mobile share of total online revenue remained at 28% despite the end of the holiday season. iOS devices accounted for 59% of smartphone traffic and 70% of tablet traffic, while the top five devices made up the majority of traffic on both smartphones and tablets.

branding brandconversionmobile commerce
ADV 420 Final Presentation
ADV 420 Final PresentationADV 420 Final Presentation
ADV 420 Final Presentation

The Intel campaign aims to give consumers insight into the company by showing production and research processes with the slogan "You Are Intel". It will target young professionals aged 18-30 interested in technology across major social media platforms. Key performance indicators include website visits, Facebook page likes, and mobile app downloads. The campaign budget is 10% of Intel's revenue and will run for one year from May with social media ads 4 times a week and daily banner ads.

Performance Quick Wins
• For some websites,
improving performance
may actually be the
optimisation that has
the biggest impact on
organic traffic
e.g. compressing images,
fixing broken links and
404 errors
Your New Best Friends
Digital is 100% measurable
If you can measure it – you can manage it!
Google Analytics Key Metrics
• Number of unique visitors
• Ratio of organic, referral & direct
• Bounce rates
• PPC vs Organic
• Time on site
• Page speed
• Desktop vs Mobile use
• Goals met & Conversion rate
Google Webmaster Tools
• Identify performance issues such as:-
– page speed
– page size
– server errors
– and broken links
• Suggest HTML improvements
• Shows who links to you, search engine
position and click through rates (CTR)

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Decoding Monetization Models For Social & Chat Apps
Decoding Monetization Models For Social & Chat AppsDecoding Monetization Models For Social & Chat Apps
Decoding Monetization Models For Social & Chat Apps

The social networking category has exploded on the app stores with each app catering to different purposes - be it for dating, maintaining professional acquaintances, sharing posts anonymously or even just keeping for keeping different aspects of your life separate. Across the globe, developers are exploring unique monetization models which allow them to grow beyond the traditional paid downloads or subscription methods.

webinarnative advertisingad monetization
ADV 420 Final Presentation
ADV 420 Final PresentationADV 420 Final Presentation
ADV 420 Final Presentation

The Intel campaign aims to give consumers insight into the company by showing production and research processes with the slogan "You Are Intel". It will target young professionals aged 18-30 interested in technology across major social media platforms. Key performance indicators include website visits, Facebook likes, and mobile app downloads. The campaign budget is 10% of Intel's revenue and will run for one year from May with social media ads 4 times a week and daily banner ads.

eMarketer Webinar: The Multiscreen, Multitasking Consumer
eMarketer Webinar: The Multiscreen, Multitasking Consumer eMarketer Webinar: The Multiscreen, Multitasking Consumer
eMarketer Webinar: The Multiscreen, Multitasking Consumer

As digital devices take an increasingly prominent place in the lives of consumers, media use is becoming characterized more by the simultaneous use of multiple devices than the influence of one. Topics in this webinar include: How are marketers addressing these multiscreen usage patterns? How important is mobile in driving simultaneous media use? What is the impact of the proliferation of digital screens on traditional media? What are the demographics of simultaneous media use?

multiscreenbest practicespaul verna
Enhancing Your Search Presence
Website Performance
Better Search Results
Website Design &
Importance of
Engagement, Calls to
Action & Conversions
Social Media
Enhancing Your Search Presence
• Are you aware of how your website appears in the search
results – on desktop; on a smartphone; logged in to Google or
not logged in?
• Are you still focusing your SEO on ranking for specific
• What is semantic web and how does it impact on your online
• Have you checked to see if the performance of your website is
affecting your search results?
• Do you know who is linking to your website?
• Are you using sitemaps, rich snippets and additional tagging?
SEO Megatrends
• Search is constantly changing
• Mobile search & wearable technology
• Local search
• Personalised search / logged in to Google
• Less about keywords
• Knowledge Graph & Semantic search
(understanding meaning & intent)
• Paid Advertising – Adwords / PPC
• Enhanced search results
• Google is trying to keep us within its search
• Recently Google started penalising sites in
mobile search results for NOT being mobile
Search is Changing

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Affiliate Adventures in Mobile Commerce
Affiliate Adventures in Mobile CommerceAffiliate Adventures in Mobile Commerce
Affiliate Adventures in Mobile Commerce

This presentation is from Affiliate Summit West 2016 (January 10-12, 2016 in Las Vegas, NV). Session description: Learn about the latest trends and opportunities driving mobile eCommerce growth, how advertisers and networks are maneuvering, and what affiliates can do to make sure they aren’t left in the dust.

affiliate summit west 2016#asw16
Unlock the power of mobile advertising
Unlock the power of mobile advertisingUnlock the power of mobile advertising
Unlock the power of mobile advertising

Last year, mobile outpaced the desktop internet usage and in the year ahead of us, it is expected that mobile ad spend will top $100 billion worldwide, which accounts for 51% of the total digital market. Despite this incredible growth and a consumer behaviour that is screaming for better interaction with brands, a lot of companies are still hesitant, when it comes to investing in mobile and respond to their consumer needs. In this webinar we go in depth with, how to take advantage of mobile advertising the best way and market to the consumer in the moment of need. We also talk about, how to measure and optimise mobile advertising the best way and keep track of the performance.

marketingmobile advertisingmobile
2 id mobile leadership program - mobile market
2  id   mobile leadership program - mobile market2  id   mobile leadership program - mobile market
2 id mobile leadership program - mobile market

APAC is the largest and fastest growing smartphone market in the world. Mobile usage is exploding in the region, with the average user spending over 2.5 hours per day on their smartphone. There are now over 1.2 billion internet users in APAC, relying on increasing sources of information to make purchase decisions. This growing mobile market represents a major opportunity for online retail sales in APAC to more than double to over $400 billion by 2018.

mobile leadership program
Classic SEO
page 1 result
The future of competitiveness in search is
based on your ability to differentiate.
SEO - Change of Mindset
Away from keyword stuffing and page 1 ranking
to ….
….providing high-quality and very relevant
content that your targeted audiences will
actually read or use
…. connecting and building relationships
through your content
Change of Mindset
• Titles & Meta Descriptions still matter – but
really as a display factor and how they
encourage your target audience to click through

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Samsung - Social Media Strategies (Digital Marketing Today: S17)
Samsung - Social Media Strategies (Digital Marketing Today: S17)Samsung - Social Media Strategies (Digital Marketing Today: S17)
Samsung - Social Media Strategies (Digital Marketing Today: S17)

The document outlines Samsung's social media campaigns on Instagram with the mission of "Inspire the World, Create the Future". It describes three campaigns - #VRscholarship to promote education among college students, #ilikeS8 to cultivate user involvement by holding a photo contest for the new Samsung S8, and #igotsamsung to promote purchase of Samsung electronics by showing how they make life more convenient. Each campaign lists its objective, focus, application (hashtag) and featured activities.

Winning Strategies for Going Global
Winning Strategies for Going GlobalWinning Strategies for Going Global
Winning Strategies for Going Global

This document discusses strategies for international expansion across different business models. It provides Zomato's approach as an example, starting in India and now operating in over 20 countries. Key aspects discussed include evaluating market potential and resources, using organic or inorganic growth, and localizing the product for each market through customized features and content in local languages. The challenges of expanding into different categories like social/messaging, online-to-offline, gaming, and B2B are also summarized. Localization goes beyond just translation and requires understanding regulatory frameworks, cultural norms, and customizing themes, graphics and gameplay to each local market.

inmobiglobal marketingmarketing strategy
2012 Benchmarks
2012 Benchmarks2012 Benchmarks
2012 Benchmarks

Expandables are the most common rich media format on both handsets and tablets, appearing in 60% and 64% of ads respectively. While interstitials are slightly more popular on tablets than handsets, expandables are more than twice as common as banners. Expand rates are highest for mobile web and iPad in-app ads at 1.6% and 1.5%. Adding video can improve engagement rates by 35%, and tablets have more than double the video than handset ads. Pharmaceutical ads have significantly longer average expansion times than automotive or entertainment ads.

Customer Buying Decisions
• Customers can start the buying journey from
any point
– Search, social, YouTube, forums, magazine,
product review, recommendations.
Website Design & Usability
Website Performance
Better Search Results
Website Design &
Importance of
Engagement, Calls to
Action & Conversions
Social Media
Website Design & Usability
• Does every page of your website work on both tablets and
mobile phones?
• Is the design, layout and organisation of the site
professional and consistent across all devices
• How easy is it for your visitors to scan your pages for
important information?
• Is your navigation clear and well organised?
• Do you offer a rich online experience when compared to
your competitors?
• Are you using any of the latest trends in web design e.g.
infinite scrolling pages, parallax designs?
• Do you test how different layouts and styling can impact on
your websites performance?
Web Design Megatrends
• Impact of mobiles
• Lots of different screens sizes
• Click vs touch & swipe
• Large imagery & less is more
• Beautiful typography
• Parallax scrolling site
• Responsive design
• User experience matters more than ever

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Mobile Ad Summit Presentation
Mobile Ad Summit PresentationMobile Ad Summit Presentation
Mobile Ad Summit Presentation

This presentation was given at the Advertising Week Mobile Ad Summit in September 2009. For the full effect please download, as there are a number of animated builds within the PowerPoint.

Animodules on the GO 2015
Animodules on the GO 2015 Animodules on the GO 2015
Animodules on the GO 2015

Animodules on the GO: Peace by Piece Uniting Communities through Collaborative Art and Interactive NFC Technology.

nfcwearable nfc iotwearable nfc
Online Marketing presentation
Online Marketing presentation Online Marketing presentation
Online Marketing presentation

This document provides an overview of various online marketing strategies including SEO, PPC, social media marketing and mobile marketing. It discusses how to implement SEO by setting up analytics, keyword research and on-page optimization. It also covers how PPC works, how to calculate ROI and improve quality score. Additionally, it summarizes how to setup social media profiles, engage audiences and measure success. Lastly, it touches on optimizing websites for mobile, trends in mobile usage and improving the mobile user experience.

seaseosocial media
Mobility Changes Everything
Mobility changes everything
People need an excuse to fire up a laptop. The sofa is
where your business case for a mobile strategy exists.
60% of desktop search starts on a mobile device
• Design – adapting designs to a smaller screen
• Development – not all devices work the same
• Navigation – touchscreen navigation changes the way we use
the web
• Content – mobile users want accessible content, faster,
simple, without the distortion of elements
Mobility Means …

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Does Your Website Stink?
Does Your Website Stink?Does Your Website Stink?
Does Your Website Stink?

The document provides an overview of OXIEM Marketing Technology and advice for improving websites that may not be performing well. It discusses trends in digital marketing like the growth of mobile and social media. It then lists signs that a website may need improvement and provides tips for planning an effective redesign, including focusing on branding, key goals, usability, and content management. Examples are given of website redesigns that improved conversion and search engine optimization.

web designusabilitysearch engine marketing
SESOME's take on Online Brand Building
SESOME's take on Online Brand BuildingSESOME's take on Online Brand Building
SESOME's take on Online Brand Building

Our take on marketing, branding and how the power shift has tipped in favour of the consumer. Looking at the various marketing channels, how the interelate, how search and new technology will change this forever.

inbound marketingmarketseo
Discover Your Searchability Factor by SEO King
Discover Your Searchability Factor by SEO KingDiscover Your Searchability Factor by SEO King
Discover Your Searchability Factor by SEO King

The document provides information about Eugene Macarius, who is described as a digital marketing strategist and SEO consultant. It lists his professional experiences, which include roles at Standard Chartered Bank and Catholic Church of Singapore, as well as implementing customer relationship and loyalty programs. It also notes that he manages 360 digital marketing campaigns for businesses, is a mentor for various programs, and is certified in search engine optimization. The document appears to be profiling Eugene Macarius and his background and qualifications in digital marketing.

businesssmall businessmarketing
Key Take Away Points
• Build mobile into your website strategy
• It’s all about the user experience – particularly
on mobiles
Importance of Content
Website Performance
Better Search Results
Website Design &
Importance of
Engagement, Calls to
Action & Conversions
Social Media
Importance of Content
• How well do you know your audience?
• Have you got a story to tell?
• Do you have a content strategy?
• How regularly are you creating content and how
well is it shared?
• What different types of content are you creating
and distributing? Articles, downloads, email
newsletters, videos, infographics, expert
Content Megatrends
• Content and story-telling is King
• Content presentation matters
• Established content publishers – newspapers
and news sites e.g. BBC, Sky
• Highly targeted & shareable content –
Buzzfeed – the king of the viral content space
• Individuals are emerging as content producers
with their own business models

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Online marketing workshop april13
Online marketing workshop april13Online marketing workshop april13
Online marketing workshop april13

This document provides an agenda and overview for an online marketing workshop presented by Sam Shetty in April 2013. The workshop covers various topics related to online marketing including search engine optimization (SEO), Google Analytics, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, mobile websites, and conversion rate optimization. It also discusses trends in online spending in Australia, the changing consumer purchase journey, and how to focus online marketing efforts on consumer needs and goals rather than just promoting the business.

Improving website conversions
Improving website conversionsImproving website conversions
Improving website conversions

This document discusses optimizing conversion rates (CRO) on websites and mobile sites. It provides tips for CRO including testing different elements like headlines, offers, and calls-to-action through A/B split tests and analytics. Mobile site optimization tips are given like ensuring buttons are big, isolated, reachable by thumb. The document also discusses how the purchase journey has changed and is now non-linear across channels with consumers in control.

melbournemobile internet show

Webtage is a digital marketing solutions provider focused on delivering brands and growing businesses. They provide strategies and services for digital marketing, website design and development, online visibility optimization through SEO, social media, content marketing and search marketing, conversion rate optimization, and creative services. Their approach focuses on partnering with clients using passionate, creative and analytical staff to launch, optimize and grow clients' digital presence and achieve top line growth through smart digital marketing.

• Content drives visitors
• People like fresh content
• Search engines like fresh content
• More content means more
tickets in the online lottery
Importance of Content
Different Types of Content
White Papers
Video Speaks Louder Than Words
• Video is used to
animate a site but
increasingly used to
replace explanatory
text which takes time
to read
• Videos are also easily
shared on social

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Selling internationally with digital marketing 1.8
Selling internationally with digital marketing 1.8Selling internationally with digital marketing 1.8
Selling internationally with digital marketing 1.8

The document discusses strategies for effective international digital marketing. It emphasizes the importance of localizing content for different countries and cultures. Key recommendations include translating website content, customizing keywords and paid ads for local audiences, and optimizing sites and campaigns for mobile users. International digital marketing requires deep understanding of local consumer behaviors and customs to build successful global online operations.

Selling internationally with digital marketing 1.7
Selling internationally with digital marketing 1.7Selling internationally with digital marketing 1.7
Selling internationally with digital marketing 1.7

This document discusses strategies for international digital marketing. It emphasizes the importance of localizing content for different countries and cultures. Key recommendations include translating website content and digital ads into local languages, considering regional dialects and customs, developing country-specific keyword strategies, and optimizing sites, URLs and sitemaps for each market. The document also reviews tactics like SEO, PPC, social media, mobile marketing and affiliate marketing, providing tips for effective implementation and measurement of results for international customers.

How To Build a Website That Converts Traffic into Qualified Leads
How To Build a Website That Converts Traffic into Qualified LeadsHow To Build a Website That Converts Traffic into Qualified Leads
How To Build a Website That Converts Traffic into Qualified Leads

This presentation gives you the process to build a website that will convert traffic into qualified leads. The process begins with marketing strategy and planning. This is to work out your marketing messages and your target audience. We show you how to profile your target audience using persona mapping. This is the secrete of website conversion.

marketing strategyperson profilingstrategic marketing
Build Useful, Link-Worthy Pages
• Great web pages are those that :-
– fulfil a compelling value proposition
– position you as an expert
– solve a problem for their users
– or add something of value in a unique way
• You can get a long way by:-
– making your pages as useful as possible
– and by finding the most visually pleasing medium to
tell a story
– creating linkable assets enhance your search rankings
Example -
Engagement, Calls to Action &
Website Performance
Better Search Results
Website Design &
Importance of
Engagement, Calls to
Action & Conversions
Social Media
Engagement, Calls to Action &
• Is the purpose of your website and the critical actions
you want your visitors to take clear within 5 seconds of
• Do you have a primary call to action on every page of
your website?
• How do you measure conversions on your website and
social media and do you have a monetary value for
each one?
• How easy is it for me to find your contact information
or place an order?
• Are your online forms only asking for the essential
information you need to respond?

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Building Effective Websites: My Brother Built It, Why Doesn’t It WORK?
Building Effective Websites: My Brother Built It, Why Doesn’t It WORK?Building Effective Websites: My Brother Built It, Why Doesn’t It WORK?
Building Effective Websites: My Brother Built It, Why Doesn’t It WORK?

From the 2014 National Kitchen and Bath Association Kitchen & Bath Industry Show. Your website and SEO – Have you ever wondered, “How effective is my company’s website?” The Marketing RELEVANCE team runs across companies every day that had their website built by a relative, typically their brother or brother-in-law. This is great if your brother or brother-in-law works for an Internet marketing company, but chances are, he doesn’t. Many of these companies don’t see results from their websites and simply have a hard time proving or justifying the effectiveness of their sites. In the worst cases, they can’t get their sites to work at all. During this seminar on websites and SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Carol Morgan and Mitch Levinson of Marketing RELEVANCE will cover the five most common reasons why Web sites do not produce leads, prospects or buyers: (i) Not built to drive traffic, (ii) Difficult to Navigate, (iii) Content and Branding, (iv) Proper Call to Action, and (v) Tracking and Analytics.

carol morgandigital marketingtracking
Building Effective Websites: My Brother Built It, Why Doesn’t It WORK?
Building Effective Websites: My Brother Built It, Why Doesn’t It WORK?Building Effective Websites: My Brother Built It, Why Doesn’t It WORK?
Building Effective Websites: My Brother Built It, Why Doesn’t It WORK?

From the 2014 National Kitchen and Bath Association Kitchen & Bath Industry Show. Your website and SEO – Have you ever wondered, “How effective is my company’s website?” The Marketing RELEVANCE team runs across companies every day that had their website built by a relative, typically their brother or brother-in-law. This is great if your brother or brother-in-law works for an Internet marketing company, but chances are, he doesn’t. Many of these companies don’t see results from their websites and simply have a hard time proving or justifying the effectiveness of their sites. In the worst cases, they can’t get their sites to work at all. During this seminar on websites and SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Carol Morgan and Mitch Levinson of Marketing RELEVANCE will cover the five most common reasons why Web sites do not produce leads, prospects or buyers: (i) Not built to drive traffic, (ii) Difficult to Navigate, (iii) Content and Branding, (iv) Proper Call to Action, and (v) Tracking and Analytics.

carol morganmitch levinsondigital marketing
Beyond digital to grow your building products brand
Beyond digital to grow your building products brandBeyond digital to grow your building products brand
Beyond digital to grow your building products brand

Covering why technology and the internet have changed buyer behaviour, what the strategic risks and opportunities and what you need to do as a business to thrive during this period of digital shift

marketing strategyconstruction marketingbuilding materials
• Conversion design is something that guides
the visitor towards completing that one
specific action, using persuasive design and
psychological triggers to turn them in to
Design for Conversions
• Establish a goal for each page and measure it!
• Analyse your audience and exceed
• The art of persuasion, language and colour is
so important in the use of selling!
Design for Conversions
Improving Call to Action Language
Before After
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Watch video Take the 2 minute tour

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Improving the Success of Your Website - Mid Am January 2013
Improving the Success of Your Website - Mid Am January 2013Improving the Success of Your Website - Mid Am January 2013
Improving the Success of Your Website - Mid Am January 2013

Improving the Success of Your Website presentation delivered by Shane Fell of Top Floor Technologies at the 2013 Mid Am Horticultural Trade Show at Navy Pier in Chicago.

Digital Retail Training Session Two
Digital Retail Training Session TwoDigital Retail Training Session Two
Digital Retail Training Session Two

The document provides an overview of various topics related to online and digital marketing. It discusses setting up an effective online presence through websites, social media, content marketing and online advertising. Key points covered include planning a website, making websites convert visitors into customers, using search engine optimization, analyzing website analytics, leveraging different social media platforms, and utilizing online advertising options like banner ads, Google Display ads and ads on Facebook and Twitter. The document aims to educate on developing a successful online marketing strategy and presence.

Top 3 SEO Strategies for 2013 Revealed
Top 3 SEO Strategies for 2013 RevealedTop 3 SEO Strategies for 2013 Revealed
Top 3 SEO Strategies for 2013 Revealed

Webinar presentation by Ajax Union experts David Gscheidle and Sarah Mogin on April 10, 2013 at noon EDT. Produced by Small Business Expo and hosted by Gary Jesch of WebinarsOnFire - covers lots of ground in Search Optimization - get on webinar via

seosearch engine optimizationwebinars on fire
Using Social Media with your website
Website Performance
Better Search Results
Website Design &
Importance of
Engagement, Calls to
Action & Conversions
Social Media
Using Social Media with your Website
• How well is your social media use aligned with your
content and search engine strategy?
• Have you chosen your social media tools based on
what your target customers are using?
• Do you know when the best time to tweet or post a
message for maximum engagement?
• How do you measure the effectiveness of your social
media use?
Social Media Megatrends
• Imagery & video are driving social media use
• Social media is increasingly being recognised
for its income-generating potential
• All major social media platforms offer paid
• Social media provides trust and authority
signals to search engines e.g. Google+

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Synergize Your Online Platforms
Synergize Your Online PlatformsSynergize Your Online Platforms
Synergize Your Online Platforms

A consistent message across platforms, especially your website and Facebook business page makes all the difference in reaching potential and returning clients. There is value in creating an online strategy to accurately reflect the experience which you offer customers in your brick & mortar store. Platforms such as Google Business and other social channels will also be discussed.

rjo winter showshane o'neillfruchtman marketing
How to Increase Your Site Usability to Drive Leads
How to Increase Your Site Usability to Drive LeadsHow to Increase Your Site Usability to Drive Leads
How to Increase Your Site Usability to Drive Leads

It’s 2019 and ranking factors are all about the user (and more intuitive than ever). Is your site user-friendly and easy to use? How are you guiding your customers’ journey? In this slideshow, we walk through analyzing your site’s usability and what functionalities you can use to your advantage. - How site usability has become a major ranking factor - What ideal site usability looks like - How to guide the customer journey through site functionality and drive leads

digital marketingwebsite designseo
Marketing Professional Services
Marketing Professional ServicesMarketing Professional Services
Marketing Professional Services

There are two main aspects to building long-term success on the web: discovering and solidifying your brand’s identity, and amplifying your brand’s message. The first step consists of conducting a brand audit, designing your visual identity and developing a unique positioning statement. The second step begins with a look at your brand’s ideal clients and current strategies, and then moves into creating client-focused content and promoting that content through a mix of paid and organic methods.

digital marketingprofessional service marketingsplat
• You now have the
ability to reach out
and communicate
on a personal level
with your target
audience on a daily
Social Media = Game Changer
• Increase exposure
• Increase traffic
• Develop loyal following
• Generate leads
• Provide outstanding customer
• Grow business partnerships
• Reduce marketing expenses
• Improve sales
Benefits of Social Media
YouTube LinkedIn
Pinterest Instagram
StumbleUpon Digg
Popular Social Media Sites
• Social media needs to be integrated and work hand-
in-hand with all your other marketing and PR
• Encourage engagement and interaction
• At a basic level ensure your website, blog and email
newsletter include social “share” buttons for people
to easily share your content on ALL their social
Sharing is Caring

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Opportunities And Scope of Promoting Businesses Of Bangladesh Using Ineternet

How to Utilize Search , Social and Other Online Promotion Tools for Promoting Businesses from Bangladesh Online. This was presented at AdComm - the leading Advertising Company in Bangladesh By Abul Kashem

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Measuring your online success 25 march barnstaple

This document provides an overview of Google Analytics and how it can be used to measure the success of a website. It discusses setting up a Google Analytics account and inserting the tracking code onto website pages. It then outlines the key performance indicators that can be measured, including number of visitors, bounce rate, time on site, ratio of mobile/desktop users, acquisition channels, non-branded search terms, landing pages, and conversion rates. Screenshots are included showing how to access these metrics in the Google Analytics interface.

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This document discusses how businesses can benefit from superfast broadband and provides information about support services available. It lists benefits like competitive advantage, increased productivity, access to new markets, and efficiency. Eligibility criteria apply for businesses to access support services. The support includes advice and specialist help to help growth businesses maximize opportunities from superfast broadband and associated technologies. Contact details are provided to find out more.

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Superfast mega trends dorset jan 2015

  • 2. • Internet is a very different place than five years ago • 75% of buying decisions are now made online • Mobile devices are making it easier for consumers to shop any time, anywhere • According to Sagepay online spending topped £13bn last Christmas Times are changing! KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 3. Now is the time to take a good look at your online presence KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 4. Megatrends for 2015 and Beyond 6Areas to focus on Website Performance Better Search Results Website Design & Usability Importance of Content Engagement, Calls to Action and Conversions Social Media integration 1 2 3 4 5 6 KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 5. Website Performance 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Website Performance Better Search Results Website Design & Usability Importance of Content Engagement, Calls to Action & Conversions Social Media Integration KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 6. Website Performance • Do you know how many people visit your website and where they come from? • Do you know what devices they use to view your site? • Have you got specific goals for your website (sales, email sign-ups, downloads or watching a video etc) ? • What key metrics do you use to measure the performance of your website? • Do you regularly review your website’s performance and its achievements against your goals? • Do you know what Google really thinks about your website? KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 7. Web Performance Megatrends • Your visitors expectations just got higher • Tolerance levels just got lower • First impressions count • Site speed, page size, server errors, and broken links all make a difference Loading . . KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 8. Site Performance Impacts Revenues Poor experience = abandoned sessions Repetitive poor experiences = lost customer for life KEY MULTIMEDIA Most web users expect a home page to load in ½ a second or less
  • 9. Performance Quick Wins • For some websites, improving performance may actually be the optimisation that has the biggest impact on organic traffic e.g. compressing images, fixing broken links and 404 errors KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 10. Your New Best Friends Digital is 100% measurable If you can measure it – you can manage it! KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 11. Google Analytics Key Metrics • Number of unique visitors • Ratio of organic, referral & direct • Bounce rates • PPC vs Organic • Time on site • Page speed • Desktop vs Mobile use • Goals met & Conversion rate KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 12. Google Webmaster Tools • Identify performance issues such as:- – page speed – page size – server errors – and broken links • Suggest HTML improvements • Shows who links to you, search engine position and click through rates (CTR) KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 13. Enhancing Your Search Presence 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Website Performance Better Search Results Website Design & Usability Importance of Content Engagement, Calls to Action & Conversions Social Media Integration KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 14. Enhancing Your Search Presence • Are you aware of how your website appears in the search results – on desktop; on a smartphone; logged in to Google or not logged in? • Are you still focusing your SEO on ranking for specific keywords? • What is semantic web and how does it impact on your online presence? • Have you checked to see if the performance of your website is affecting your search results? • Do you know who is linking to your website? • Are you using sitemaps, rich snippets and additional tagging? KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 15. SEO Megatrends • Search is constantly changing • Mobile search & wearable technology • Local search • Personalised search / logged in to Google • Less about keywords • Knowledge Graph & Semantic search (understanding meaning & intent) • Paid Advertising – Adwords / PPC • Enhanced search results • Google is trying to keep us within its search environment • Recently Google started penalising sites in mobile search results for NOT being mobile friendly KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 17. Classic SEO page 1 result KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 18. FUTURE OF SEO The future of competitiveness in search is based on your ability to differentiate. KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 19. SEO - Change of Mindset Away from keyword stuffing and page 1 ranking to …. ….providing high-quality and very relevant content that your targeted audiences will actually read or use …. connecting and building relationships through your content KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 20. Change of Mindset • Titles & Meta Descriptions still matter – but really as a display factor and how they encourage your target audience to click through KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 21. Customer Buying Decisions • Customers can start the buying journey from any point – Search, social, YouTube, forums, magazine, product review, recommendations.
  • 22. Website Design & Usability KEY MULTIMEDIA 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Website Performance Better Search Results Website Design & Usability Importance of Content Engagement, Calls to Action & Conversions Social Media Integration
  • 23. Website Design & Usability • Does every page of your website work on both tablets and mobile phones? • Is the design, layout and organisation of the site professional and consistent across all devices • How easy is it for your visitors to scan your pages for important information? • Is your navigation clear and well organised? • Do you offer a rich online experience when compared to your competitors? • Are you using any of the latest trends in web design e.g. infinite scrolling pages, parallax designs? • Do you test how different layouts and styling can impact on your websites performance? KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 24. Web Design Megatrends • Impact of mobiles • Lots of different screens sizes • Click vs touch & swipe • Large imagery & less is more • Beautiful typography • Parallax scrolling site • Responsive design • User experience matters more than ever KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 26. Mobility changes everything KEY MULTIMEDIA People need an excuse to fire up a laptop. The sofa is where your business case for a mobile strategy exists. 60% of desktop search starts on a mobile device
  • 27. • Design – adapting designs to a smaller screen • Development – not all devices work the same • Navigation – touchscreen navigation changes the way we use the web • Content – mobile users want accessible content, faster, simple, without the distortion of elements Mobility Means … KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 29. Key Take Away Points • Build mobile into your website strategy • It’s all about the user experience – particularly on mobiles KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 30. Importance of Content KEY MULTIMEDIA 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Website Performance Better Search Results Website Design & Usability Importance of Content Engagement, Calls to Action & Conversions Social Media Integration
  • 31. Importance of Content • How well do you know your audience? • Have you got a story to tell? • Do you have a content strategy? • How regularly are you creating content and how well is it shared? • What different types of content are you creating and distributing? Articles, downloads, email newsletters, videos, infographics, expert documents? KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 32. Content Megatrends • Content and story-telling is King • Content presentation matters • Established content publishers – newspapers and news sites e.g. BBC, Sky • Highly targeted & shareable content – Buzzfeed – the king of the viral content space • Individuals are emerging as content producers with their own business models KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 34. • Content drives visitors • People like fresh content • Search engines like fresh content • More content means more tickets in the online lottery Importance of Content KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 35. Different Types of Content Articles Reports Interviews White Papers Videos Infographics KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 36. Video Speaks Louder Than Words • Video is used to animate a site but increasingly used to replace explanatory text which takes time to read • Videos are also easily shared on social networks KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 37. Build Useful, Link-Worthy Pages • Great web pages are those that :- – fulfil a compelling value proposition – position you as an expert – solve a problem for their users – or add something of value in a unique way • You can get a long way by:- – making your pages as useful as possible – and by finding the most visually pleasing medium to tell a story – creating linkable assets enhance your search rankings KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 39. Engagement, Calls to Action & Conversions KEY MULTIMEDIA 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Website Performance Better Search Results Website Design & Usability Importance of Content Engagement, Calls to Action & Conversions Social Media Integration
  • 40. Engagement, Calls to Action & Conversions • Is the purpose of your website and the critical actions you want your visitors to take clear within 5 seconds of viewing? • Do you have a primary call to action on every page of your website? • How do you measure conversions on your website and social media and do you have a monetary value for each one? • How easy is it for me to find your contact information or place an order? • Are your online forms only asking for the essential information you need to respond? KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 41. • Conversion design is something that guides the visitor towards completing that one specific action, using persuasive design and psychological triggers to turn them in to customers. Design for Conversions KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 42. • Establish a goal for each page and measure it! • Analyse your audience and exceed expectations • The art of persuasion, language and colour is so important in the use of selling! Design for Conversions KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 43. Improving Call to Action Language KEY MULTIMEDIA Before After Sign up Get your Free account Click here Want to know more? Buy now Buy online for £19.95 Watch video Take the 2 minute tour
  • 46. Using Social Media with your website KEY MULTIMEDIA 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Website Performance Better Search Results Website Design & Usability Importance of Content Engagement, Calls to Action & Conversions Social Media Integration
  • 47. Using Social Media with your Website • How well is your social media use aligned with your content and search engine strategy? • Have you chosen your social media tools based on what your target customers are using? • Do you know when the best time to tweet or post a message for maximum engagement? • How do you measure the effectiveness of your social media use? KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 48. Social Media Megatrends • Imagery & video are driving social media use • Social media is increasingly being recognised for its income-generating potential • All major social media platforms offer paid advertising • Social media provides trust and authority signals to search engines e.g. Google+ KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 49. • You now have the ability to reach out and communicate on a personal level with your target audience on a daily basis Social Media = Game Changer KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 50. • Increase exposure • Increase traffic • Develop loyal following • Generate leads • Provide outstanding customer service • Grow business partnerships • Reduce marketing expenses • Improve sales Benefits of Social Media KEY MULTIMEDIA Benefits
  • 51. Facebook Twitter YouTube LinkedIn Google+ Pinterest Instagram Snapchat StumbleUpon Digg Slideshare Popular Social Media Sites KEY MULTIMEDIA
  • 52. • Social media needs to be integrated and work hand- in-hand with all your other marketing and PR initiatives • Encourage engagement and interaction • At a basic level ensure your website, blog and email newsletter include social “share” buttons for people to easily share your content on ALL their social networks. Sharing is Caring KEY MULTIMEDIA