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Startup IDEAS
Every startup
begins with an idea
Links in websites can be ranked like
citations in academic papers
Professionals need an online
presence and social network

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Mom Test - Customer Development - 30m
Mom Test - Customer Development - 30mMom Test - Customer Development - 30m
Mom Test - Customer Development - 30m

For more on the practicalities of customer development and asking good questions, check out the full book at

salescustdevlean startup
A Playbook for Achieving Product-Market Fit
A Playbook for Achieving Product-Market FitA Playbook for Achieving Product-Market Fit
A Playbook for Achieving Product-Market Fit

Dan Olsen, The Lean Product Playbook , @danolsen Room: C260 Everyone working on a new product is trying to achieve the same goal: product-market fit. Although product-market fit is one of the most important Lean Startup concepts, it’s also the least well defined. Dan Olsen shares the top advice from his book The Lean Product Playbook, including the Product-Market Fit Pyramid: an actionable model that breaks product-market fit down into 5 key elements. Dan also explains the Lean Product Process, a 6-step methodology with practical guidance on how to achieve product-market fit, illustrated with a real-world case study.

lean startuplean startup conference 2015
WTF - Why the Future Is Up to Us - pptx version
WTF - Why the Future Is Up to Us - pptx versionWTF - Why the Future Is Up to Us - pptx version
WTF - Why the Future Is Up to Us - pptx version

This is the talk I gave January 12, 2017 at the G20/OECD Conference on the Digital Future in Berlin. I talk about fitness landscapes as applied to technology and business, the role of unchecked financialization in the state of our politics and economy, and why technology really wants to create jobs, not destroy them. (There is a separate PDF version, but some readers said the notes were too fuzzy to read.)

jobs economy technology policy on-demand ai future
This is a
talk about
coming up
with ideas
And picking
a good one
through validation
It’s based on
the book,

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Lean Product Discovery
Lean Product DiscoveryLean Product Discovery
Lean Product Discovery

Would you like to be able to increase the adoption rate of your product? In this session, we will introduce you to cutting edge concepts and techniques to shift your product development process from output to outcome driven. We will combine elements of Lean Startup, Product Discovery, and Experiment Driven Development to accelerate learning to quickly build products customer love.

lean startuplean product discoveryagile
Lean Startup 101
Lean Startup 101Lean Startup 101
Lean Startup 101

Phil Dillard, Black Ant, @PhilD0210 The objective of the Lean Startup 101 training is to introduce the concepts, terminology and approaches — and, to help organizations overcome resistance accepting the new approach so that exploration and learning can begin. This practical, interactive session will provide a solid foundation for advanced sessions, including the Lean Startup 201 & 301. This training is designed for practitioners in both the enterprise and in startups who are relatively new to the Lean Startup approach or who are seeking a quick refresher. Lean Startup 101 is a perfect way to kick off your week of Lean Startup! Thanks to Lean Startup Co.’s law firm, Orrick, for being the sponsor for this track.

lean startuplean startup conference 2015
Full Program & Tools to Accelerate an Internal Innovation Project - by Board ...
Full Program & Tools to Accelerate an Internal Innovation Project - by Board ...Full Program & Tools to Accelerate an Internal Innovation Project - by Board ...
Full Program & Tools to Accelerate an Internal Innovation Project - by Board ...

By Board of Innovation ( - Full program & tools available. A step by step approach to accelerate an internal innovation project in your company.

board of innovationinnovationbusiness model
1. Inspiration
2. Knowledge
3. Environment
4. Problem
5. Market
6. MVP
1. Inspiration
2. Knowledge
3. Environment
4. Problem
5. Market
6. MVP

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Minimum Viable Product
Minimum Viable ProductMinimum Viable Product
Minimum Viable Product

The minimum viable product (MVP) is the minimum set of features needed to learn from early adopters and avoid building products that nobody wants. It maximizes learning per dollar spent and is probably much more minimum than you think. An MVP allows achieving a big vision in small increments through iteration without going in circles chasing what customers think they want. The unit of progress is validated learning about customers through techniques like smoke testing landing pages, in-product split testing, and customer discovery to minimize the total time in the build-measure-learn loop.

How to think like a startup
How to think like a startupHow to think like a startup
How to think like a startup

The document discusses how startup entrepreneurs think and operate. It notes that startups like Airbnb and Uber were started due to identifying shortages or problems. It emphasizes that startups focus on providing customer benefit, eliminating waste, and creating value. It also highlights that startups operate with speed, embracing failure fast and pivoting quickly, with transparency and by breaking rules. Startups succeed by moving rapidly, with minimal processes and instead prioritizing speed above all else.

Minimum viable product
Minimum viable productMinimum viable product
Minimum viable product

This document provides steps to create a minimum viable product (MVP): 1. Build a prototype (e.g. landing page, video, basic app) to test hypotheses and ideas with minimal effort. Tools include Google Forms, Balsamiq, LaunchRock, WordPress. 2. Expose the prototype to customers and measure behaviors and data using tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, KissMetrics. Track metrics regularly to determine if the idea is worth pursuing. 3. Analyze customer data and behaviors to develop new hypotheses and ideas. Prioritize next steps and features using tools like Google Sheets and Trello. Determine if raising money to build the next iteration is needed.

mvplean startupstartup weekend
Where do ideas
come from?
Is it from a
flash of insight?
Thomas Edison and a light bulb
Isaac Newton and an apple

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11 big strategy ideas
11 big strategy ideas11 big strategy ideas
11 big strategy ideas

Effective decision-making, problem solving and planning are key qualities of a high-performing professional

career developmentcareerintheblack
The Hierarchy of Engagement
The Hierarchy of EngagementThe Hierarchy of Engagement
The Hierarchy of Engagement

Building an enduring, multi-billion dollar consumer technology company is hard. As an investor, knowing which startups have the potential to be massive and long-lasting is also hard. From both perspectives, identifying companies with this potential is a combination of “art” and “science” — the art is understanding how products work, and the science is knowing how to measure it. At the earliest stages of a company, it comes down to understanding how a product is built to maximize and leverage user engagement. In this presentation, Sarah Tavel shares her "Hierarchy of Engagement" framework she uses to evaluate non-transactional consumer companies she is looking to invest in.

productproduct managementengagement
Startups are Hard. Like, Really Hard. @luketucker
Startups are Hard. Like, Really Hard. @luketuckerStartups are Hard. Like, Really Hard. @luketucker
Startups are Hard. Like, Really Hard. @luketucker

This list is more or less a curation of tips I've surfaced from my reading or research and from what I've observed from being around some incredible investors and successful entrepreneurs. Note, this advice is geared towards ideation through product-market fit level startups, but the life tips are universally applicable I would say. When possible, I tried to make the tip "actionable", which I define as something that's able to be done; or an action having practical value. So, in no particular order, I give you the Startup and Life Tips for Entrepreneurs: a Journal of Thoughts...

Archimedes and “Eureka!”
Actually, most historians believe
the “Eureka!” story is made up.
An apple did not hit Newton. He
studied gravity for 20 years.
Edison didn’t invent the light bulb,
but an affordable filament.

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Strong but wrong
Strong but wrongStrong but wrong
Strong but wrong

We all know that incredible outcomes are only ever the result of brave choices. But being brave means giving yourself room to fail. Fail spectacularly and fail often. And for that failure to not be the kind of thing you lose your job over. Which means you need to build room for mistakes into your process so you can fail forwards, keep being brave, and make some exceptional stuff as a result.

content marketing
The Invincible Company
The Invincible CompanyThe Invincible Company
The Invincible Company

1. The document discusses how companies can become "invincible" by constantly reinventing themselves, competing on superior business models, and transcending industry boundaries. It introduces tools from the book like the Culture Map and Portfolio Map to help companies manage business model innovation and establish an innovation culture. 2. The Portfolio Map is used to manage a company's portfolio of business ideas by assessing their expected return, death/disruption risk, and innovation risk to help determine which ideas to explore or exploit. 3. The book provides strategies for companies to compete on business model patterns, establish an ambidextrous culture that balances exploration and exploitation, and manage business model innovation.

business model canvasportfolio managementinnovation culture
How I got 2.5 Million views on Slideshare (by @nickdemey - Board of Innovation)
How I got 2.5 Million views on Slideshare (by @nickdemey - Board of Innovation)How I got 2.5 Million views on Slideshare (by @nickdemey - Board of Innovation)
How I got 2.5 Million views on Slideshare (by @nickdemey - Board of Innovation)

This document provides tips for creating engaging slide decks on SlideShare that garner many views. It recommends focusing on quality over quantity when creating each slide, using compelling images and headlines, and including calls to action throughout. It also suggests experimenting with sharing techniques and doing so in waves to build momentum. The goal is to create decks that are optimized for sharing and spread across multiple channels over time.

business innovationtipspresentation
After testing thousands
of materials.
“I have not failed. I've
just found 10,000 ways
that won't work.”
– Thomas Edison
Ideas are not just flashes of
insight. They grow and evolve.
Which means first, you must
plant seeds

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The role of Design Thinking
The role of Design ThinkingThe role of Design Thinking
The role of Design Thinking

I gave a talk on the role of Design Thinking to leaders in the financial industry. The focus was on user centric thinking to innovate financial products and digital services. (all case material is removed)

digital servicesdesign thinkingdigital
10 Insightful Quotes On Designing A Better Customer Experience
10 Insightful Quotes On Designing A Better Customer Experience10 Insightful Quotes On Designing A Better Customer Experience
10 Insightful Quotes On Designing A Better Customer Experience

In an ever-changing landscape of one digital disruption after another, companies and organisations are looking for new ways to understand their target markets and engage them better. Increasingly they invest in user experience (UX) and customer experience design (CX) capabilities by working with a specialist UX agency or developing their own UX lab. Some UX practitioners are touting leaner and faster ways of developing customer-centric products and services, via methodologies such as guerilla research, rapid prototyping and Agile UX. Others seek innovation and fulfilment by spending more time in research, being more inclusive, and designing for social goods. Experience is more than just an interface. It is a relationship, as well as a series of touch points between your brand and your customer. Here are our top 10 highlights and takeaways from the recent UX Australia conference to help you transform your customer experience design. For full article, continue reading at

market researchcustomer servicebrand
Come (in)validare la vostra idea di business con 4 test
Come (in)validare la vostra idea di business con 4 testCome (in)validare la vostra idea di business con 4 test
Come (in)validare la vostra idea di business con 4 test

testate le vostre idee di business online in cinque piccoli test a basso costo

start upweb marketingstrategic management
The seeds of ideas are
1. Inspiration
2. Knowledge
3. Environment
4. Problem
5. Market
6. MVP
What do the following
songs have in common?
Startup Ideas and Validation

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An Example of a Lean Startup: The Past, Present and Future
An Example of a Lean Startup: The Past, Present and FutureAn Example of a Lean Startup: The Past, Present and Future
An Example of a Lean Startup: The Past, Present and Future

An Example of a Lean Startup: The Past, Present and Future of the Open Drug Discovery Teams Mobile App

lean start-upmobile appoddt
Business Communication:: Course notes topic 1-210613 024331
Business Communication:: Course notes   topic 1-210613 024331Business Communication:: Course notes   topic 1-210613 024331
Business Communication:: Course notes topic 1-210613 024331

Communication is defined as the process of exchanging information between two or more parties. It is essential for organizations as it keeps members informed, coordinates efforts to achieve goals, and is the lifeblood that allows organizations to function. Effective communication in organizations is a two-way process that allows information to flow both downward from management to subordinates, and upward from subordinates to management. This two-way communication is important for developing understanding between parties, improving morale, and ensuring the organization works efficiently to achieve its objectives.

Business and entrepreneurship for pkbn 2017
Business and entrepreneurship for pkbn 2017Business and entrepreneurship for pkbn 2017
Business and entrepreneurship for pkbn 2017

This document provides an overview of a business and entrepreneurship module for a national service program. It includes topics such as business ideas, legal processes, research and planning, and finances. The module will be delivered through lectures, sharing, discussions, and group presentations. It introduces concepts like entrepreneurship, reasons for starting a business, identifying business opportunities, business structures, costs, funding sources, market research, and financial management. Examples are provided around starting a nasi katok business to illustrate concepts like organization, roles and responsibilities, operations, and break-even analysis.

Startup Ideas and Validation
Startup Ideas and Validation
Startup Ideas and Validation
They are all based on the
exact same 4 chords

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Identification Of Opportunities And Preparation Of Business Plan 1
Identification Of Opportunities And Preparation Of Business Plan 1Identification Of Opportunities And Preparation Of Business Plan 1
Identification Of Opportunities And Preparation Of Business Plan 1

The document outlines the steps involved in developing a business plan, including identifying opportunities, conducting an environmental and SWOT analysis, developing a vision and mission statement, and determining strategies, objectives, and actions. It discusses analyzing external factors and how they affect customers. The business plan conveys the organization's prospects, products/services, market, and how it will achieve its vision. It provides guidelines for developing the various components of an effective business plan.

Notes managerial communication part 1 mba 1st sem by babasab patil (karrisatte)
Notes managerial communication part 1  mba 1st sem by babasab patil (karrisatte)Notes managerial communication part 1  mba 1st sem by babasab patil (karrisatte)
Notes managerial communication part 1 mba 1st sem by babasab patil (karrisatte)

Managerial communication is important for several reasons. Good communication allows information to be passed along clearly so mistakes can be prevented. It also helps build good relationships and allows people to understand each other's feelings and needs. Effective communication helps people convince others and get what they need. It gives self-esteem and helps people think and organize their thoughts better. Communication skills are important for students and employees, and good communicators often get higher paying jobs. Both internal communication within an organization and external communication with outside parties are important for business. Formal and informal communication networks exist, and the type of network impacts how information flows within a company.

Entrepreneurship development in india
Entrepreneurship development in indiaEntrepreneurship development in india
Entrepreneurship development in india

The document discusses entrepreneurship development in India. It covers various approaches to entrepreneurship development like human resource development and entrepreneurship development programs. It describes the objectives and need for entrepreneurship development programs. Some common misconceptions about such programs are also mentioned. Various methods, phases and aspects of structuring entrepreneurship development programs are outlined. Finally, the roles of different institutions in promoting entrepreneurship development in India like NIESBUD, SISI, SIDO, NSIC and EDII are briefly discussed.

entrepreneurship development in indiainstitutes supporing entrepreneurship development
And so are dozens of
other hit songs
Axis of Awesome
4 Chord Song
Top 100 movies, 2000 - 2009
74 of them were sequels,
remakes, or adaptations

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This lesson on Physical Distribution includes the nature and objectives of the Physical Distribution and also differentiated with Marketing Channels. This logistics management integrates parts of the managerial functions of warehousing, transportation and organizational responsibility of the marketer in the processing and inventory of orders.

Physical distribution
Physical distributionPhysical distribution
Physical distribution

This document discusses physical supply and distribution, which concerns moving goods from suppliers to manufacturers as inbound movement, and from manufacturers to customers as outbound movement. It also discusses transportation methods companies use to deliver goods to customers, either directly or through intermediaries like wholesalers, warehouses, and transportation companies. Key concepts covered are total cost, customer service through factors like time, dependability, and convenience, and balancing distribution costs with customer service.

Entrepreneurship development
Entrepreneurship developmentEntrepreneurship development
Entrepreneurship development

This document provides an overview of entrepreneurship development. It defines entrepreneurship as using private initiative to start a new business or grow an existing one. Entrepreneurship development focuses on training and programs to enhance entrepreneurial skills and knowledge to generate employment and economic growth. The document discusses the characteristics of entrepreneurs, competencies needed for entrepreneurship like knowledge, skills, attitudes, and factors to consider when starting an enterprise such as market assessment, growth strategies, and profitability measures. It emphasizes the important role of entrepreneurship in strengthening economic growth and modernization.

Startup Ideas and Validation
The sequel to a movie based on a
cartoon based on a US toy based
on Japanese toy.
Microsoft Windows (~1990)
Apple Mac OS (~1984)

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Startup India, Standup India Guidelines for Entrepreneurship
Startup India, Standup India Guidelines for EntrepreneurshipStartup India, Standup India Guidelines for Entrepreneurship
Startup India, Standup India Guidelines for Entrepreneurship

Highlighting the importance of the Stand Up India Scheme, Hon’ble Prime minister said that the job seeker has to become a job creator. Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi announced that the initiative envisages loans to at least two aspiring entrepreneurs from the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Women categories. It was also announced that the loan shall be in the ten lakh to one crore rupee range. A startup India hub will be created as a single point of contact for the entire startup ecosystem to enable knowledge exchange and access to funding. Startup India campaign is based on an action plan aimed at promoting bank financing for start-up ventures to boost entrepreneurship and encourage start ups with jobs creation. Tags Entrepreneur’s Start-Up, best business ideas to make money, best business to start with little money, Best New Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs, Best New Small Business Ideas and Opportunities to Start, Business Ideas in India up to 1 Cr, Business Ideas with Low Investment, Business Startup Investors, Good Small Business Ideas with Low Investment, Highly Profitable Business Ideas, How to Start Your First Business, Low Cost Business Ideas, How to Start a Small Business, Low Cost Business Opportunities and Startup Ideas, Making Money by Making Something, manufacturing business ideas with low investment, most profitable manufacturing business to start, Most Profitable Small-Business Industries, Most Profitable Small Scale Business Ideas to Start, Need a Business Idea?, New Business Ideas in India, new manufacturing business ideas with medium investment, Profit Making Running Business, Profitable Manufacturing Business with Low Investment, Profitable Small Business Manufacturing Ideas, Profitable Small Scale Business Ideas and Investment, Self-Employed Business Ideas You Can Start, Self-Made Millionaires: Best Small Business ideas, small business ideas list, Small investment big profit making, Small Manufacturing Business - Startup Business, small manufacturing business from home, small manufacturing business ideas that cost little to start, Small Scale Business Ideas List in India, Small Scale Manufacturing Business Ideas That Cost Little to Start, small scale manufacturing in villages, start up business in India, start up business opportunities, startup business ideas, startup business plan, startup ideas India, start-up ideas that have earned lakhs & crores, Startups & High-Growth Businesses, The most profitable private business sectors, top small business ideas, What is the best manufacturing business to start in India?, What is the best manufacturing business to start with 10 lakhs in India, Which small scale industry is best to start in India now?, How to Start a Startup in India, Industrial Project Report, Project consultant, Project consultancy, Process technology books, Business consultancy,

Start Up PPt
Start Up PPtStart Up PPt
Start Up PPt

This document is an advertisement for StartUp Media Pvt. Limited, an Indian media company based in Pune. It provides services such as advertising, graphic design, event management, documentary film production, and online marketing. The document promotes StartUp Media as a partner to help clients enhance brand awareness, engage target audiences, and add authenticity to communication through creative ideas and a global reach. It includes contact information for Nitin Beohar in new business development.

India Startup Report
India Startup ReportIndia Startup Report
India Startup Report

Interested in starting a company in India? Here's a quick 15 minute guide to India's startup ecosystem. -- World Startup Report

Xerox Alto (~1973)
Stanford NLS (~1968)
Startup Ideas and Validation
Not the first search engine (Yahoo,
Altavista, Excite, etc.)

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Techniques To Spark Great Ideas.Dec.10
Techniques To Spark Great Ideas.Dec.10Techniques To Spark Great Ideas.Dec.10
Techniques To Spark Great Ideas.Dec.10

We all have the capability to be innovative. The challenge is how to channel the creativity of both individuals and organisations to deliver exceptional fundraising results. This presentation shares innovation inspiration from the charity and corporate sectors to help you develop a personal attitude for innovation and develop ideas for your fundraising.

Ability of Creativity
Ability of CreativityAbility of Creativity
Ability of Creativity

This document provides information about creativity and creative thinking. It defines creativity as the ability to produce novel and useful ideas or work. It discusses different types of creativity and lists steps involved in creative thinking. It also outlines tests that are used to measure creativity, such as unusual uses tests and remote associates tests. Finally, it discusses obstacles to creativity such as perceptual, cultural and emotional blocks.

Sessions D & J: Main Presentation for "Igniting Innovative Thinking & Action"
Sessions D & J: Main Presentation for "Igniting Innovative Thinking & Action"Sessions D & J: Main Presentation for "Igniting Innovative Thinking & Action"
Sessions D & J: Main Presentation for "Igniting Innovative Thinking & Action"

Sessions D & J: Igniting Innovative Thinking & Action (parts one and two) presented by Jeanne Larson, president, The Incubator.

risk takingjeanne larsoncreativity
Key idea copied from bibliometrics
and citation analysis
Not the first social network
(SixDegrees, Friendster)
Not the first professional network
(Ryze, Xing)
This talk is
a remix of my

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The document provides a collection of quotes and sayings related to taking action, experimenting, failing, and innovating. Some key ideas expressed are: - Start doing things now rather than planning excessively. Intelligent action is better than inaction. - Experiment frequently and be willing to fail, as failure is an important part of the learning process. Try new things even if you might screw them up. - Pursue bold missions and hire unusual people who can drive innovative change through experimentation.

Ideation and Social Entrepreneurship in Latin America
Ideation and Social Entrepreneurship in Latin AmericaIdeation and Social Entrepreneurship in Latin America
Ideation and Social Entrepreneurship in Latin America

This document outlines an ideation workshop focused on identifying business opportunities in Colombia. It discusses developing creative confidence and provides tools for solving complex problems in a better way. The workshop covers mindsets for different creative stages, generating many ideas through brainstorming and building on others' ideas, and selecting ideas that are both unique and valuable. The goal is to help participants change their lives and develop great ideas for future businesses by scoping problems, generating solutions, and pitching ideas.

The New Conditions for Creativity
The New Conditions for Creativity The New Conditions for Creativity
The New Conditions for Creativity

Creativity is a discipline we need more than. But the right conditions are needed for it to thrive. Taking a look at academia, science and recent writing about ideas- this presentation uncovers the 11 conditions required for creativity to flourish.

My book is
a remix of
other books
Startup Ideas and Validation

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Make Your Passion A Success Slides For Liverpool Event
Make Your Passion A Success Slides For Liverpool EventMake Your Passion A Success Slides For Liverpool Event
Make Your Passion A Success Slides For Liverpool Event

At we create powerful marketing and sales training lessons for clients - here is an example of just one of them

marketing and sales workshopsdan sodergrengreat marketing workshops
Creativity and Problem Solving
Creativity and Problem SolvingCreativity and Problem Solving
Creativity and Problem Solving

This document provides information on creativity and innovation training for South Ayrshire Council. It discusses the importance of innovation, generating creative options to improve the council, and applying creative techniques in a practical setting. Various creative thinking tools and problem solving models are presented, such as the 6 Thinking Hats technique for parallel thinking during meetings. The goal is to help council employees think differently and promote a culture of innovation.

Brainstorming is bad. Let's replace it.
Brainstorming is bad. Let's replace it.Brainstorming is bad. Let's replace it.
Brainstorming is bad. Let's replace it.

Why is brainstorming such an engrained part of agency life? And why haven't we modernized a 60+ year old idea?

group thinkadvertisingbrainstorm
Ideas are connections between the
knowledge in your mind
The more you know, the more
connections are possible
To form connects, you need
the right environment
1. Inspiration
2. Knowledge
3. Environment
4. Problem
5. Market
6. MVP

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Achieving Personal Success
Achieving Personal SuccessAchieving Personal Success
Achieving Personal Success

Innovation for personal growth, Creativity, Growth, Learning,personal success , thirsty for knowledge , be confient , international traveller , tortoise brain , brain power , treat life as an experiment , attitude of wisdom , risk , self motivation , self improvement , dedication , growth , skills , knowlege , innovation made personal , leadership and management

growththirsty for knowledgeself improvement
Where Do Good Ideas Come From. Lucy Gower.2012 Final
Where Do Good Ideas Come From. Lucy Gower.2012 FinalWhere Do Good Ideas Come From. Lucy Gower.2012 Final
Where Do Good Ideas Come From. Lucy Gower.2012 Final

Fundraising is tough. Unless, as individuals and organisations we develop our creative thinking and innovation skills our fundraising will lag behind. Innovation isn’t about a genius working in isolation. Good ideas are formed from a series of previously unconnected connections. So how do you increase your chances of making those connections and developing ideas?

Higher thinking
Higher thinkingHigher thinking
Higher thinking

This document discusses the importance of higher thinking and thinking outside the box. It provides exercises to practice inside and outside the box thinking, such as connecting dots with lines or coming up with uses for random words. It encourages being curious, making connections, and considering all possibilities to develop higher thinking skills.

inner strengthcreativityself challenge
Throughout history, we often
see multiple discovery
Calculus: Isaac Newton and
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
Evolution: Charles Darwin and
Alfred Russel Wallace
Telephone: Elisha Gray and
Alexander Graham Bell

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How to-have-a-briljant-brainstorm-110803085738-phpapp02
How to-have-a-briljant-brainstorm-110803085738-phpapp02How to-have-a-briljant-brainstorm-110803085738-phpapp02
How to-have-a-briljant-brainstorm-110803085738-phpapp02

This document provides various brainstorming methods that can be used to generate new ideas and solutions for problems. It describes over 20 different techniques including challenging assumptions, rolestorming, mind mapping, SWOT analysis, random input, and generating 101 ideas. The overall message is that applying different creative thinking approaches can help get out of mental ruts and think outside the box to achieve the best results for any given issue.

Day 33 creative thinking skill
Day 33   creative thinking skillDay 33   creative thinking skill
Day 33 creative thinking skill

This document summarizes two TED talks on creative thinking. The first talk discusses a study which found that taking a walk before engaging in a creativity test led to more ideas. The second talk discusses habits of original thinkers, finding that they are quick to start projects but slow to finish, manage idea doubts rather than self doubts, and try many ideas through failure. The document also provides context on the writer's challenge to share daily lessons on life skills from a previous challenge.

Demystifying Creativity: a handbook for left brainers.
Demystifying Creativity:  a handbook for left brainers.Demystifying Creativity:  a handbook for left brainers.
Demystifying Creativity: a handbook for left brainers.

The document provides a framework for creative problem solving aimed at "left brainers". It begins by addressing common refrains from left-brainers that they are not creative. The goals are then to demystify creativity and provide a useful framework. This framework involves four steps: Define, Know, Collaborate, and Invert. Various techniques are described for each step, such as using the "five whys" to get to the root problem, gathering relevant knowledge from three categories, using a "six hat" team approach, and thinking about the problem from different perspectives. The document argues that creativity comes from structured processes and knowledge rather than being random or a "hollow exhortation".

marketing and advertisingcreativity
“I invented nothing new. I
simply assembled the
discoveries of other men
behind whom were centuries
of work. Had I worked 50 or
10 or even 5 years before, I
would have failed. So it is
with every new thing.
Progress happens when all
the factors that make for it
are ready, and then it is
inevitable. To teach that a
comparatively few men are
responsible for the greatest
forward steps of mankind is
the worst sort of nonsense.”
– Henry Ford
The environment plays a huge
role in coming up with ideas
The key ingredients:
1. Keep an idea journal
2. Get away from work
3. Add constraints
4. Live in the future
5. Look for pain
6. Talk to others

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Innovation - so good it hurts!
Innovation - so good it hurts! Innovation - so good it hurts!
Innovation - so good it hurts!

This document discusses innovation and provides examples to test thinking in different ways. It begins with questions about putting animals in a refrigerator to test logical thinking. It then discusses signs that a market is ready for innovation and provides exercises to encourage innovative thinking, such as drawing Humpty Dumpty or creating new hairstyles. The document concludes with tips for creating a culture where innovation can thrive, such as leading from the top and constantly looking for new ideas, and ways innovation can be stifled like slow decision making and conformity.

Idea spotting by Sam Harrison (Book Review)
Idea spotting by Sam Harrison (Book Review)Idea spotting by Sam Harrison (Book Review)
Idea spotting by Sam Harrison (Book Review)

This document provides guidance on finding ideas through exploration and association. It encourages the reader to keep an open mind, freely explore different environments and experiences, and make new associations between old and new ideas. Specific tips include observing people and media, asking questions, listening without distractions, capturing ideas in a notebook, networking, learning from failures, and looking for ideas in unexpected places. The overall message is that being open to fresh experiences and connections can lead to spotting new ideas.

GE372: Week Five
GE372: Week FiveGE372: Week Five
GE372: Week Five

The document provides an overview of a lesson on creative thinking, brainstorming, and peer review. It discusses stages of the creative process including searching for challenges, expressing problems, investigating issues, and producing ideas. It describes techniques for stimulating creativity like being observant, noting dissatisfactions, and recognizing opportunities in controversy. Brainstorming and group work are presented as ways to generate ideas, and constructive peer feedback is emphasized as important for improving work. Characteristics of creative people like being dynamic, daring, resourceful, and independent are outlined. The document assigns homework on applying critical thinking to solve societal challenges and forming an informed citizenry through creative and critical thinking.

The key ingredients:
1. Keep an idea journal
2. Get away from work
3. Add constraints
4. Live in the future
5. Look for pain
6. Talk to others
Not a diary, but a way to log ideas
whenever you have them.
No filters. Don’t judge your ideas.
Just write them down.
Write down not only ideas, but
also problems and questions.

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This summary provides an overview of tips for creative thinking: - Attend events like Creative Mornings talks which provide inspiration over breakfast and discussing new topics each month. Being around other creative people boosts your own creativity. - Consider your creativity type - practical or fantastic - and when you're best at each. Practical creativity works best mid-morning while fantastic creativity with more unusual ideas happens when tired in the afternoon. - Once an idea hits, discuss it with others to get feedback and collaborate. Working alone can only get you so far. - When hits of inspiration dry up, have a notebook to record ideas for later. Focus on less creative tasks during slumps. -


This document outlines 7 steps to clear thinking proposed by Edward de Bono: 1. PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting) helps overcome biases by considering pros, cons, and interesting aspects of ideas. 2. CAF (Considering All Factors) ensures all relevant details are considered when making decisions. 3. C&S (Consequences and Sequel) involves imagining short- and long-term outcomes of decisions to better evaluate options. 4. AGO (Aims, Goals, Objectives) involves defining goals to help find creative solutions and avoid hidden objectives that hinder progress. 5. FIP (First Important Priorities) helps prior

Cloud adoption fails - 5 ways deployments go wrong and 5 solutions
Cloud adoption fails - 5 ways deployments go wrong and 5 solutionsCloud adoption fails - 5 ways deployments go wrong and 5 solutions
Cloud adoption fails - 5 ways deployments go wrong and 5 solutions

"All happy cloud deployments are alike; each unhappy cloud deployment is unhappy in its own way." — Leo Tolstoy, Site Reliability Engineer At Gruntwork, I've had the chance to see the cloud adoption journeys of hundreds of companies, from tiny startups to Fortune 50 giants. I've seen those journeys go well. I've seen those journeys go poorly. In this talk, I discuss a few of the ways cloud adoption can go horribly wrong (massive cost overruns, endless death marches, security disasters), and more importantly, how you can get it right. To help you get it right, we looked at the cloud journeys that were successful and extracted from them the patterns they had in common. We distilled all this experience down into something called the Gruntwork Production Framework, which defines five concrete steps you can follow to adopt the cloud at your own company—and hopefully, to end up with your very own happy cloud deployment.

A UC Davis study by
Dean Kean Simonton
found eminent achievers
produce not only more
“great” works, but also
more “bad” ones.
“The best way to have a
good idea is to have a lot
of ideas.”
– Linus Pauling
Review periodically. This is how
ideas grow and evolve.
The key ingredients:
1. Keep an idea journal
2. Get away from work
3. Add constraints
4. Live in the future
5. Look for pain
6. Talk to others

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How to test infrastructure code: automated testing for Terraform, Kubernetes,...
How to test infrastructure code: automated testing for Terraform, Kubernetes,...How to test infrastructure code: automated testing for Terraform, Kubernetes,...
How to test infrastructure code: automated testing for Terraform, Kubernetes,...

This talk is a step-by-step, live-coding class on how to write automated tests for infrastructure code, including the code you write for use with tools such as Terraform, Kubernetes, Docker, and Packer. Topics covered include unit tests, integration tests, end-to-end tests, test parallelism, retries, error handling, static analysis, and more.

Lessons learned from writing over 300,000 lines of infrastructure code
Lessons learned from writing over 300,000 lines of infrastructure codeLessons learned from writing over 300,000 lines of infrastructure code
Lessons learned from writing over 300,000 lines of infrastructure code

This talk is a concise masterclass on how to write infrastructure code. I share key lessons from the “Infrastructure Cookbook” we developed at Gruntwork while creating and maintaining a library of over 300,000 lines of infrastructure code that’s used in production by hundreds of companies. Come and hear our war stories, laugh about all the mistakes we’ve made along the way, and learn what Terraform, Packer, Docker, and Go look like in the wild.

devopsdockerinfrastructure as code
Gruntwork Executive Summary
Gruntwork Executive SummaryGruntwork Executive Summary
Gruntwork Executive Summary

A brief overview of what we do at Gruntwork. Learn what we mean by "DevOps as a Service" and how you can get your entire infrastructure, defined as code, in about a day.

devopsdevops as a serviceinfrastructure as code
First, work intensely to load the
problem into your mind.
Then get away from work.
Einstein had his best ideas during
violin breaks.
Some people get ideas in the
shower. I get mine on walks.

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Reusable, composable, battle-tested Terraform modules
Reusable, composable, battle-tested Terraform modulesReusable, composable, battle-tested Terraform modules
Reusable, composable, battle-tested Terraform modules

Listen up, developers. You are not special. Your infrastructure is not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You have the same tech debt as everyone else. This is a talk about a better way to build and manage infrastructure: Terraform Modules. It goes over how to build infrastructure as code, package that code into reusable modules, design clean and flexible APIs for those modules, write automated tests for the modules, and combine multiple modules into an end-to-end techs tack in minutes. You can find the video here:

The Truth About Startups: What I wish someone had told me about entrepreneurs...
The Truth About Startups: What I wish someone had told me about entrepreneurs...The Truth About Startups: What I wish someone had told me about entrepreneurs...
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This is the talk I gave at MIT's Martin Center for Entrepreneurship. It's a talk I wish someone gave me when I was in college to help me think about the role of entrepreneurship and startups in my career. You can find the video of the talk here:

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An intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon ECS
An intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon ECSAn intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon ECS
An intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon ECS

This talk is a very quick intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon's EC2 Container Service (ECS). In just 15 minutes, you'll see how to take two apps (a Rails frontend and a Sinatra backend), package them as Docker containers, run them using Amazon ECS, and to define all of the infrastructure-as-code using Terraform.

The key ingredients:
1. Keep an idea journal
2. Get away from work
3. Add constraints
4. Live in the future
5. Look for pain
6. Talk to others
Try this exercise from Made to
In 15 seconds, write down as
many things that are white as you
can think of.
Do the exercise again, but this
time, write down white things in
your refrigerator.

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Comprehensive Terraform Training
Comprehensive Terraform TrainingComprehensive Terraform Training
Comprehensive Terraform Training

A comprehensive walkthrough of how to manage infrastructure-as-code using Terraform. This presentation includes an introduction to Terraform, a discussion of how to manage Terraform state, how to use Terraform modules, an overview of best practices (e.g. isolation, versioning, loops, if-statements), and a list of gotchas to look out for. For a written and more in-depth version of this presentation, check out the "Comprehensive Guide to Terraform" blog post series:

Infrastructure as code: running microservices on AWS using Docker, Terraform,...
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This is a talk about managing your software and infrastructure-as-code that walks through a real-world example of deploying microservices on AWS using Docker, Terraform, and ECS.

Agility Requires Safety
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Agility Requires Safety

To go faster in a car, you need not only a powerful engine, but also safety mechanisms like brakes, air bags, and seat belts. This is a talk about the safety mechanisms that allow you to build software faster. It's based on the book "Hello, Startup" ( You can find the video of the talk here:

Which was easier?
Constraints breed creativity
Someone once challenged Ernest
Hemmingway to write a story in just
6 words. The result:
For sale: baby shoes, never worn.

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A Guide to Hiring for your Startup
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A Guide to Hiring for your Startup

A guide to hiring based on my book, "Hello, Startup". Learn who to hire, where to find them, how to interview them, and how to make an offer they can't refuse. Recording: Book:

hiringstart upentrepreneur
Startup DNA: Speed Wins
Startup DNA: Speed WinsStartup DNA: Speed Wins
Startup DNA: Speed Wins

This is an excerpt from my talk "Startup DNA" ( that just focuses on the "Speed Wins" concept. For more info, check out my book "Hello, Startup: A Programmer's Guide to Building Products, Technologies, and Teams" at

leanstart upproducts
Node.js vs Play Framework (with Japanese subtitles)
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Node.js vs Play Framework (with Japanese subtitles)

Video: Here's the showdown you've been waiting for: Node.js vs Play Framework. Both are popular open source web frameworks that are built for developer productivity, asynchronous I/O, and the real time web. But which one is easier to learn, test, deploy, debug, and scale? Should you pick Javascript or Scala? The Google v8 engine or the JVM? NPM or Ivy? Grunt or SBT? Two frameworks enter, one framework leaves. This version of the presentation has Japanese subtitles. For the English only version, see

javaweb developmentjavascript
If no ideas are coming to mind, try
narrowing the problem space
The key ingredients:
1. Keep an idea journal
2. Get away from work
3. Add constraints
4. Live in the future
5. Look for pain
6. Talk to others
“Live in the future, then
build what’s missing.”
– Paul Graham
But how exactly do you
live in the future?

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Node.js vs Play Framework
Node.js vs Play FrameworkNode.js vs Play Framework
Node.js vs Play Framework

Video: Here's the showdown you've been waiting for: Node.js vs Play Framework. Both are popular open source web frameworks that are built for developer productivity, asynchronous I/O, and the real time web. But which one is easier to learn, test, deploy, debug, and scale? Should you pick Javascript or Scala? The Google v8 engine or the JVM? NPM or Ivy? Grunt or SBT? Two frameworks enter, one framework leaves. This is the English version of the presentation. For the version with Japanese subtitles, see

javascriptnode.jsplay framework
Rapid prototyping
Rapid prototypingRapid prototyping
Rapid prototyping

This document discusses rapid prototyping techniques for quickly building products from ideas. Rapid prototyping allows developers to build products faster through instant feedback on code changes and leveraging existing open source libraries. It is suggested that dynamic languages, interactive development environments, and pushing code to the browser can provide very fast feedback. While prototypes may be thrown away, the rapid trial and error process of prototyping can lead to higher quality products and better engineers through continuously improving ideas.

software engineeringlinkedinrapid prototyping
Composable and streamable Play apps
Composable and streamable Play appsComposable and streamable Play apps
Composable and streamable Play apps

Web pages can get very complex and slow. In this talk, I share how we solve some of these problems at LinkedIn by leveraging composition and streaming in the Play Framework. This was my keynote for Ping Conference 2014 ( ): the video is on ustream ( ) and the sample code is on github ( ).

play frameworkcompositionstreaming
At Xerox PARC, they used to
play the Wayne Gretzky Game
“Skate to where the puck
is going to be, not where
it has been.”
– Wayne Gretzky
Startup Ideas and Validation
The key ingredients:
1. Keep an idea journal
2. Get away from work
3. Add constraints
4. Live in the future
5. Look for pain
6. Talk to others

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Play Framework: async I/O with Java and Scala
Play Framework: async I/O with Java and ScalaPlay Framework: async I/O with Java and Scala
Play Framework: async I/O with Java and Scala

This document discusses asynchronous I/O in Java and Scala using the Play Framework. It describes how LinkedIn uses a service-oriented architecture with hundreds of services making requests to each other. It then covers how Play supports non-blocking I/O using asynchronous code, promises, and futures to allow parallel requests without blocking threads. Key points covered include using map and flatMap to transform promises and futures, handling errors and timeouts, and the benefits of non-blocking I/O for scalability.

play frameworkjavalinkedin
The Play Framework at LinkedIn
The Play Framework at LinkedInThe Play Framework at LinkedIn
The Play Framework at LinkedIn

Video of the presentation: At LinkedIn, we have started to use the Play Framework to build front-end and back-end services at massive scale. Play does things a little differently: it's a Java and Scala web framework, but it doesn't follow the servlet spec; it's fairly new, but it runs on top of robust technologies like Akka and Netty; it uses a thread pool, but it's built for non-blocking I/O and reactive programming; most importantly, it's high performance, but also high productivity. We've found that the Play Framework is one of the few frameworks that is able to maintain the delicate balance of performance, reliability, and developer productivity. In the Java and Scala world, nothing even comes close. In this talk, I'll share what we've learned so far, including details of rapid iteration with Java and Scala, the story behind async I/O on the JVM, support for real time web apps (comet, WebSockets), and integrating Play into a large existing codebase.

play frameworkweb developmentjava
Kings of Code Hack Battle
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Kings of Code Hack Battle

LinkedIn is sponsoring the Kings of Code Hack Battle at the 2013 Next Web Conference. What will you do for the "business hack" challenge?

Where there is
pain, there is
“This is stupid,
there must be a
better way”
– Mahmoud
“Is this how the world should be?”
– Reid Hoffman
The key ingredients:
1. Keep an idea journal
2. Get away from work
3. Add constraints
4. Live in the future
5. Look for pain
6. Talk to others

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Hackdays and [in]cubator
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Hackdays and [in]cubator

This is the story of the Hackday and[in]cubator programs at LinkedIn; this is the story of scalable, best-of-breed methods for driving innovation; this is the story of transformation: of your career, company, and the world. Video of the live presentation:

My Business Pitch (Defining my Business Project)
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My Business Pitch (Defining my Business Project)

In this Presentation me as an organic dietitian, dedicated to promoting health and wellness through organic nutrition. My business provides personalized diet plans and nutrition counseling that prioritize organic, whole foods. Leveraging my background in plant science and AI in agriculture, I offer scientifically-backed, sustainable dietary recommendations tailored to individual needs. Through my services, clients can achieve their health goals while supporting eco-friendly practices and local organic farmers. Join me in fostering a healthier lifestyle and a more sustainable future with organic nutrition.

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The importance of fintech is multifaceted and extends across various sectors. One key aspect is financial inclusion. Fintech has the potential to bring financial services

fintechfinancial technologyfinancial services
Don’t keep your ideas secret.
If someone could beat you just by
hearing your idea, it wasn’t a
defensible idea to begin with.
Two minds are greater than one
Just explaining your ideas out
loud will reveal new ideas

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Even if the other person isn’t an
expert in that domain
Even if the other person isn’t a
person (rubber duck debugging)
1. Inspiration
2. Knowledge
3. Environment
4. Problem
5. Market
6. MVP
“The surprising fact is that
companies large
and small, established
corporate giants as well as
brand new startups, fail in
9 out of 10 attempts to
their new products.”

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India has emerged as one of the world's fastest-growing startup ecosystems, with thousands of new startups being launched across various sectors every year.

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CB insights looked at the post-
mortems of 100+ failed startups
The #1 cause of failure:
“no market need”
Don’t spend years working on the
wrong problem
It’s easy to find something that
sounds like a problem, but isn’t

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degree Certificate of University of Western Ontariodegree Certificate of University of Western Ontario
degree Certificate of University of Western Ontario

原版一模一样【微信:741003700 】【(uwo毕业证书)加拿大西安大略大学毕业证成绩单】【微信:741003700 】学位证,留信学历认证(真实可查,永久存档)原件一模一样纸张工艺/offer、在读证明、外壳等材料/诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本,帮您解决无法毕业带来的各种难题!外壳,原版制作,诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本。行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备。十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,包您满意。 本公司拥有海外各大学样板无数,能完美还原。 1:1完美还原海外各大学毕业材料上的工艺:水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕、激光镭射、紫外荧光、温感、复印防伪等防伪工艺。材料咨询办理、认证咨询办理请加学历顾问Q/微741003700 【主营项目】 一.毕业证【q微741003700】成绩单、使馆认证、教育部认证、雅思托福成绩单、学生卡等! 二.真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,不成功不收费) 三.真实教育部学历学位认证(教育部存档!教育部留服网站永久可查) 四.办理各国各大学文凭(一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) 如果您处于以下几种情况: ◇在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业……拿不到官方毕业证【q/微741003700】 ◇面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; ◇不清楚认证流程以及材料该如何准备; ◇回国时间很长,忘记办理; ◇回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; ◇企事业单位必须要求办理的 ◇需要报考公务员、购买免税车、落转户口 ◇申请留学生创业基金 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 办理(uwo毕业证书)加拿大西安大略大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】外观非常简单,由纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(uwo毕业证书)加拿大西安大略大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(uwo毕业证书)加拿大西安大略大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(uwo毕业证书)加拿大西安大略大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

Development of Motor Skills with Sensory Toys.pptx
Development of Motor Skills with Sensory Toys.pptxDevelopment of Motor Skills with Sensory Toys.pptx
Development of Motor Skills with Sensory Toys.pptx

Diversity in Toys is an online toy shop that brings together unique and custom toys, art supplies, accessories, inclusive toys, and many more. Our goal is to make available toys that enable children to see themselves reflected as a positive member in society, and have these available in one single location.

sensory toyssensory toys for kidssensory toys for infants
Consider the dental industry
Problems to solve:
Healthy teeth, healthy gums
Startup Ideas and Validation
Problems to solve:
white teeth, fresh breath

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Bussiness portfolio Assignment: A brief description to my business logo, des...
Bussiness portfolio Assignment: A brief description to  my business logo, des...Bussiness portfolio Assignment: A brief description to  my business logo, des...
Bussiness portfolio Assignment: A brief description to my business logo, des...

This Presentation discusses about my organic dietitian business that is represented by a vibrant green leaf logo, symbolizing health, growth, and sustainability, with a clean and modern design reflecting our commitment to eco-friendly practices. We offer flexible pricing options, including Basic, Standard, and Premium plans, to accommodate various needs and budgets. Our marketing strategies focus on a strong online presence, content marketing, and collaborations with local organic farmers and fitness centers. Our services include personalized diet plans, nutrition counseling, educational workshops, and fitness integration, all tailored to promote healthier lifestyles and sustainable practices, helping clients achieve their health goals while supporting the environment.

portfoliobusiness marketingbusiness logo
Art of Selling (Developing and Expanding Your Bussiness Goals)
Art of Selling (Developing and Expanding Your Bussiness Goals)Art of Selling (Developing and Expanding Your Bussiness Goals)
Art of Selling (Developing and Expanding Your Bussiness Goals)

Mastering the art of selling as an organic dietitian (specifically taking an account of this Presentation, you may consider your own defined/dreamed Bussiness goal) involves effectively communicating the benefits of organic nutrition (your own business goal) . This includes understanding clients' unique needs, offering personalized diet plans, and emphasizing the health advantages of organic foods. Building trust through transparency, showcasing success stories, and providing ongoing education about sustainable practices are key strategies. By demonstrating expertise and delivering exceptional customer service, you can inspire clients to invest in their health through your services and foster long-term relationships.

sellingbusinessbusiness client
degree Certificate of York University
degree Certificate of York Universitydegree Certificate of York University
degree Certificate of York University

原版一模一样【微信:741003700 】【(yu毕业证书)加拿大约克大学毕业证成绩单】【微信:741003700 】学位证,留信学历认证(真实可查,永久存档)原件一模一样纸张工艺/offer、在读证明、外壳等材料/诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本,帮您解决无法毕业带来的各种难题!外壳,原版制作,诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本。行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备。十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,包您满意。 本公司拥有海外各大学样板无数,能完美还原。 1:1完美还原海外各大学毕业材料上的工艺:水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕、激光镭射、紫外荧光、温感、复印防伪等防伪工艺。材料咨询办理、认证咨询办理请加学历顾问Q/微741003700 【主营项目】 一.毕业证【q微741003700】成绩单、使馆认证、教育部认证、雅思托福成绩单、学生卡等! 二.真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,不成功不收费) 三.真实教育部学历学位认证(教育部存档!教育部留服网站永久可查) 四.办理各国各大学文凭(一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟��进度) 如果您处于以下几种情况: ◇在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业……拿不到官方毕业证【q/微741003700】 ◇面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; ◇不清楚认证流程以及材料该如何准备; ◇回国时间很长,忘记办理; ◇回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; ◇企事业单位必须要求办理的 ◇需要报考公务员、购买免税车、落转户口 ◇申请留学生创业基金 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 办理(yu毕业证书)加拿大约克大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】外观非常简单,由纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(yu毕业证书)加拿大约克大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(yu毕业证书)加拿大约克大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(yu毕业证书)加拿大约克大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

Startup Ideas and Validation
Startup Ideas and Validation
Wrong problem means wrong
products, marketing, sales
“People don't want to
buy a quarter-inch
drill. They want a
quarter-inch hole!”
– Theodore Levitt

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原版一模一样【微信:741003700 】【(uoft毕业证书)加拿大多伦多大学毕业证成绩单】【微信:741003700 】学位证,留信学历认证(真实可查,永久存档)原件一模一样纸张工艺/offer、在读证明、外壳等材料/诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本,帮您解决无法毕业带来的各种难题!外壳,原版制作,诚信可靠,可直接看成品样本。行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备。十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,包您满意。 本公司拥有海外各大学样板无数,能完美还原。 1:1完美还原海外各大学毕业材料上的工艺:水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠。文字图案浮雕、激光镭射、紫外荧光、温感、复印防伪等防伪工艺。材料咨询办理、认证咨询办理请加学历顾问Q/微741003700 【主营项目】 一.毕业证【q微741003700】成绩单、使馆认证、教育部认证、雅思托福成绩单、学生卡等! 二.真实使馆公证(即留学回国人员证明,不成功不收费) 三.真实教育部学历学位认证(教育部存档!教育部留服网站永久可查) 四.办理各国各大学文凭(一对一专业服务,可全程监控跟踪进度) 如果您处于以下几种情况: ◇在校期间,因各种原因未能顺利毕业……拿不到官方毕业证【q/微741003700】 ◇面对父母的压力,希望尽快拿到; ◇不清楚认证流程以及材料该如何准备; ◇回国时间很长,忘记办理; ◇回国马上就要找工作,办给用人单位看; ◇企事业单位必须要求办理的 ◇需要报考公务员、购买免税车、落转户口 ◇申请留学生创业基金 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 办理(uoft毕业证书)加拿大多伦多大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】外观非常简单,由纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(uoft毕业证书)加拿大多伦多大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(uoft毕业证书)加拿大多伦多大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(uoft毕业证书)加拿大多伦多大学毕业证【微信:741003700 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

How to validate you’re solving the
right problem:
1. Ask who will buy it?
2. Ask the 5 whys
3. Ask why now?
4. Ask why you?
How to validate you’re solving the
right problem:
1. Ask who will buy it?
2. Ask the 5 whys
3. Ask why now?
4. Ask why you?
Find a customer before you build
the product
Don’t build anything until they
commit to buying it.

Recommended for you

Who would buy a non-existent
product? An earlyvangelist.
1. They have a problem.
2. They’re aware of the problem.
3. They built an interim solution.
4. They have money to spend.
To find these customers, you’ll
have to get out of the building
How to validate you’re solving the
right problem:
1. Ask who will buy it?
2. Ask the 5 whys
3. Ask why now?
4. Ask why you?

Recommended for you

Startup Ideas and Validation
If you ask people what coffee they
like, most would say,
“a dark, rich, hearty roast.”
But what most people actually like
is milky, weak coffee.
“If I had asked
people what they
wanted, they
would have said
faster horses.” –
Henry Ford

Recommended for you

You have to dig to find the
real problems and solutions.
Try out the 5 Whys Technique:
“The truck won’t start.”
“The battery died.”

Recommended for you

“The alternator
wasn’t working.”
“The alternator
belt broke.”
“The belt wasn’t
replaced on time.”
“We didn’t follow the
maintenance schedule.”

Recommended for you

How to validate you’re solving the
right problem:
1. Ask who will buy it?
2. Ask the 5 whys
3. Ask why now?
4. Ask why you?
The famous question from
Sequoia Capital: Why now?
Why not 2 years ago? 2 years from
now? What changed?
Example: Webvan vs Instacart.

Recommended for you

How to validate you’re solving the
right problem:
1. Ask who will buy it?
2. Ask the 5 whys
3. Ask why now?
4. Ask why you?
You found a real problem. Should
you be the one to solve it?
Startup Ideas and Validation
Don’t ignore aspirations

Recommended for you

It takes, on average, 10 years to
build a successful startup
Are you willing to dedicate a
decade of your life to this?
If you’re willing, the next step is to
evaluate the market
1. Inspiration
2. Knowledge
3. Environment
4. Problem
5. Market
6. MVP

Recommended for you

How many customers do you need
to be successful?
For example, if you want to do $1B
in revenue some day:
Sell product at:
$1 to 1 billion: Coca-Cola (cans of soda)
$10 to 100 million: Johnson & Johnson (household products)
$100 to 10 million: Blizzard (World of Warcraft)
$1,000 to 1 million: Lenovo (laptops)
$10,000 to 100,000: Toyota (cars)
$100,000 to 10,000: Oracle (enterprise software)
$1,000,000 to 1,000: Countrywide (high-end mortgages)
(from the Stanford Startup Engineering Course)
Market sizing techniques:
1. Research competitors
2. Use ad-targeting tools
3. Find a community
4. Do some good-old research

Recommended for you

Market sizing techniques:
1. Research competitors
2. Use ad-targeting tools
3. Find a community
4. Do some good-old research
Competitors are a form of
validation too.
Tools to research competitors:
1. Web analytics
Quantcast, Moz, Comscore, Alexa, SimilarWeb
2. Mobile analytics
App Annie, Apptopia, Xyo, Apptweak
3. Social analytics
Fanpage Karma, SpyFu, Google Trends, Twitonomy
4. Funding
CrunchBase, AngelList, Owler, Kickstarter
Market sizing techniques:
1. Research competitors
2. Use ad-targeting tools
3. Find a community
4. Do some good-old research

Recommended for you

Use ad-targeting tools to
explore market demographics
Ad-targeting tools:
1. Google Keyword Planner
2. Facebook Ads
3. LinkedIn Ads
4. Twitter Ads
Market sizing techniques:
1. Research competitors
2. Use ad-targeting tools
3. Find a community
4. Do some good-old research
There may already be a
community for your product

Recommended for you

Community tools:
2. Lanyrd
3. Subreddits
4. Quora topics
5. LinkedIn Groups
Market sizing techniques:
1. Research competitors
2. Use ad-targeting tools
3. Find a community
4. Do some good-old research
Research tools:
1. Newspapers, books, journals
2. Government reports, SEC filings
3. Google
4. Google Trends
5. World Bank Data
6. AYTM Surveys
7. Nielson Research
If the market is big enough, the
next validation step is the MVP

Recommended for you

1. Inspiration
2. Knowledge
3. Environment
4. Problem
5. Market
6. MVP
A Minimum Viable Product is not a
product. It’s a process.
“You know that old saw
about a plane flying from
California to Hawaii
being off course 99% of
the time—but constantly
The same is true of
successful startups—
except they may start out
heading toward Alaska.”
– Evan Williams

Recommended for you

Naïve view of product
A more realistic view of
product development
In a trial-and-error world, the one who
finds errors fastest, wins.
The MVP process is repeatedly ask
yourself two questions:

Recommended for you

1. What’s my riskiest
2. What’s the smallest experiment
to test it?
The smallest experiment doesn’t
have to be a product.
Explainer video MVP (Dropbox)

Recommended for you

Crowd-funding MVP (Pebble)
Wizard of Oz MVP (Zappos)
Piecemeal MVP (Groupon)
The smallest experiment does have
to be viable

Recommended for you

How to build an MVP
Let’s go through an example
1. Inspiration
2. Knowledge
3. Environment
4. Problem
5. Market
6. MVP
For more
info, see

Recommended for you

For a list of startup ideas, market
sizing tools, and MVP tools, see
Axis of Awesome
4 Chord Song
Light bulb (blue): Serge Saint
Light bulbs (many): Andrew Moore
Thomas Edison with bulb: Wikimedia
Isaac Newton: Wikimedia
Archimedes: Wikimedia
Thomas Edison: Louis Bachrach
Potted plant: Craig Sunter
Windows: Wikimedia
Mac OS: Wikimedia
Xerox Alto: DigiBarn
NLS Computer: Mother of All Demos
Journey: Wikimedia
Elton John: Wikimedia
Beatles: Wikimedia
Lady Gaga: Wikimedia
Information vs knowledge: gapingvoid
Everything is a Remix: Kirby Ferguson
Copy, transform, combine: Kirby Ferguson
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz: Wikimedia
Isaac Newton: Wikimedia
Alfred Russel Wallace: Wikimedia
Charles Darwin: Wikimedia
Elisha Gray: Wikimedia
Alexander Graham Bell: Wikimedia
Henry Ford: Wikimedia
Moleskine: Barn Images
Linus Pauling: Wikimedia
Glasses: Matheus Almeida
Walk in the park: Brian Smithson
Barbed wire: Alexandre Dulaunoy
Wayne Gretzky Game: Alan Kay
Blueprint: Will Scullin
References & image credits, part 1

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References & image credits, part 2
Egg: Kate Ter Haar
Meeting: Simon Blackley
Steve Blank: Wikimedia
Death Valley: 白士 李
Men shaking hands: Didriks
Toothpaste: William Warby
Colgate aisle: Fredrik Rubensson
Crest Pro Health: m01229
Listerine: Mike Mozart
Crowd: Scott Cresswell
Arm wrestling: U.S. Army Europe Images
Community: Kat
Clock: Earls37a
Evan Williams: Wikimedia
MVP car: Henrik Kniberg
Wayne Gretzky: Wikimedia
Paul Graham: Wikimedia
Lab experiment: UCL
Dean Simonton: UC Davis
Google Analytics: Blue Fountain Media
Coffee cup: OiMax
Truck: darkday
Report: Juhan Sonin

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