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5 ways deployments go
wrong and 5 solutions
“All happy cloud
deployments are alike;
each unhappy cloud
deployment is unhappy
in its own way.”
Leo Tolstoy
Site Reliability Engineer

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Configuration management II - Terraform
Configuration management II - TerraformConfiguration management II - Terraform
Configuration management II - Terraform

Terraform can be used to automate the deployment and management of infrastructure as code. It allows defining infrastructure components like VMs, networks, DNS records etc. as code in configuration files. Key benefits include versioning infrastructure changes, consistency across environments, and automation of deployments. The document then provides details on installing Terraform, using common commands like plan, apply and import, defining resources, variables, modules and managing remote state. It also demonstrates creating an EC2 instance using a generated AMI.

Introduction to Docker Compose
Introduction to Docker ComposeIntroduction to Docker Compose
Introduction to Docker Compose

This document introduces Docker Compose, which allows defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It discusses that Docker Compose uses a YAML file to configure and run multi-service Docker apps. The 3 steps are to define services in a Dockerfile, define the app configuration in a Compose file, and run the containers with a single command. It also covers topics like networking, environment variables, and installing Docker Compose. Hands-on labs are provided to learn Compose through examples like WordPress.

docker composedocker captain
Chaos Engineering - The Art of Breaking Things in Production
Chaos Engineering - The Art of Breaking Things in ProductionChaos Engineering - The Art of Breaking Things in Production
Chaos Engineering - The Art of Breaking Things in Production

This is an introduction to Chaos Engineering - the Art of Breaking things in Production. This is conducted by two Site Reliability Engineers which explains the concepts, history, principles along with a demonstration of Chaos Engineering The technical talk is given in this video:

chaoschaos engineeringchaos mesh
Co-founder of
At Gruntwork,
I’ve seen the
cloud adoption
journeys of
hundreds of
I’ve seen some go well.
I’ve seen some go poorly.
I've seen things you people
wouldn’t believe. DDos attacks
starting fires off the shoulder
of Ohio (us-east-2). I watched
C-suite foreheads glitter in the
dark near their Fargate bills.
All those moments will be lost
in time, like tears in rain...
Image credit: Blade Runner, Warner Bros, 1982

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DevOps Real-Time Projects | Edureka
DevOps Real-Time Projects | EdurekaDevOps Real-Time Projects | Edureka
DevOps Real-Time Projects | Edureka

YouTube Link: ** DevOps Certification Courses -** This Edureka PPT on ‘DevOps Real-Time Scenarios’ will discuss the various real-time Challenges that you encounter while adopting or implementing DevOps practices. Follow us to never miss an update in the future. YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Castbox:

slideshareedureka slidesharedevops real time scenarios
Salesforce DevOps: Where Do You Start?
Salesforce DevOps: Where Do You Start?Salesforce DevOps: Where Do You Start?
Salesforce DevOps: Where Do You Start?

1) DevOps aims to automate and integrate processes between software development and IT teams to increase efficiency. It emphasizes cross-team communication and technology automation. 2) When adopting Salesforce DevOps, organizations face challenges around lack of best practices, admin-friendliness of tools, complexity of Salesforce environments, and finding expertise. 3) There are two main approaches to Salesforce DevOps - building out a solution using Salesforce tools like DX and scripting, or buying an ISV solution. Building provides more flexibility while buying provides pre-built features and support.

Pentesting like a grandmaster BSides London 2013
Pentesting like a grandmaster BSides London 2013Pentesting like a grandmaster BSides London 2013
Pentesting like a grandmaster BSides London 2013

This document summarizes a presentation on pentesting like a grandmaster chess player. It discusses how chess grandmasters focus on individual skill through early and relentless practice, preparation through extensive study of opponents and scenarios, and performance through maintaining health and discipline. Specific chess players are discussed as examples, such as how Kasparov outprepared his opponent through thorough research. The document advocates pentesters similarly focus on individual hacking skills, in-depth target preparation, and optimized performance.

Why is it so hard?
Because everything has changed
about how we build software.
Before After
Dev team Write code, “toss it over the wall” Write code, deploy
Ops team Rack servers, deploy code Write code, deploy
Servers Dedicated physical servers Elastic virtual servers
Connectivity Static IPs Dynamic IPs, service discovery
Security Physical, strong perimeter, high trust Virtual, end-to-end, zero trust
Infra provisioning Manual Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools
Server configuration Manual Configuration management tools
Testing Manual Automated testing
Deployments Manual Automated
Deployment cadence Weeks or months Many times per day
Change process Change request tickets Self-service
Change cadence Weeks or months Minutes
The shift to DevOps and the cloud
Adopting the cloud without acknowledging
these changes leads to problems

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DevOps Overview
DevOps OverviewDevOps Overview
DevOps Overview

Recently I was asked to explain what dev-ops is at a large enterprise software vendor undergoing transformation. In these slides, I present the concepts, tools and mindset that drive DevOPS.

Azure DevOps CI/CD For Beginners
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Azure DevOps CI/CD For Beginners

Introduction to Azure DevOps DevOps Project - DevOps Playlist - Blog -

devopsazureazure devops
Introduction to CI/CD
Introduction to CI/CDIntroduction to CI/CD
Introduction to CI/CD

In this session we will take an introduction look to Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery workflow. This is an introduction session to CI/CD and is best for people new to the CI/CD concepts, or looking to brush up on benefits of using these approaches. * What CI & CD actually are * What good looks like * A method for tracking confidence * The business value from CI/CD

This talk is about 5 common causes of
cloud adoption failure…
Plus 5 solutions
based on the
patterns that
worked across
hundreds of
The 5 solutions
are part of the
1. Do it by hand
2. Do it live
3. Do it on my machine
4. Do it only on my machine
5. Do it once

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DevOps on AWS
DevOps on AWSDevOps on AWS
DevOps on AWS

The document discusses DevOps practices at Amazon Web Services (AWS). It begins with an overview of DevOps and how it has helped Amazon deploy code faster and more frequently. It then discusses specific DevOps tools and services offered by AWS, including AWS CodeCommit for source control, AWS CodeBuild for builds, AWS CodeDeploy for deployments, AWS CodePipeline for release orchestration, and AWS CodeStar for application development. The document explains how these services work together to enable continuous integration and continuous delivery workflows. It also discusses how AWS has implemented DevOps practices like infrastructure as code and monitoring within its own systems to deploy millions of times per day while maintaining quality, security and reliability.

CI/CD Tools Universe: The Ultimate List
CI/CD Tools Universe: The Ultimate ListCI/CD Tools Universe: The Ultimate List
CI/CD Tools Universe: The Ultimate List

Navigate the universe of CI/CD tools. As the fastest way to production, the CI/CD pipeline is now mainstream among software companies, forming the backbone of the modern DevOps environment. While DevOps handles the culture aspect, CI/CD focuses on the process and tools. With this guide, we hope to provide a clear overview of the various CI/CD tools categories and give a broad sampling of the various tools that are available.

cicdci/cdcontinuous integration
Learning Docker from Square One
Learning Docker from Square OneLearning Docker from Square One
Learning Docker from Square One

Being a newer technology, Docker has yet to make its way into some computer science training programs. College programs, bootcamps, and online resources have yet to jump onto the container train; so, what's the best way for newer engineers to learn Docker from square one? Chloe (former actress turned developer) tells her story about how she went from wondering "What's a Docker?" to helping teach others about Docker and instead asking "What?? You haven't heard of Docker?". This talk is perfect for anyone new to Docker looking for how to get started, or for those interested in learning how to teach Docker to new users.

1. Do it by hand
2. Do it live
3. Do it on my machine
4. Do it only on my machine
5. Do it once
Deploying by using the web console
for your cloud provider: “ClickOps”
Almost everyone starts this way.
Almost everyone regrets it.

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Devops Mindset Essentials
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Devops Mindset Essentials

First DRAFT of a DevOps presentation and posters covering the essentials for a DevOps mindset. Help improve the content by forking and contributing a pull request to

CI CD Basics
CI CD BasicsCI CD Basics
CI CD Basics

This document discusses the basics of CI/CD and the different pieces involved in a CI/CD setup such as wiring projects with build servers, setting up pipelines, and pipeline as code. It explains connecting the dots between a developer's machine, repository, CI server, end users, and connecting these pieces together in the final CI/CD pipeline picture.

cicdcontinous integration
Docker 101: Introduction to Docker
Docker 101: Introduction to DockerDocker 101: Introduction to Docker
Docker 101: Introduction to Docker

This document provides an introduction to Docker. It discusses why Docker is useful for isolation, being lightweight, simplicity, workflow, and community. It describes the Docker engine, daemon, and CLI. It explains how Docker Hub provides image storage and automated builds. It outlines the Docker installation process and common workflows like finding images, pulling, running, stopping, and removing containers and images. It promotes Docker for building local images and using host volumes.

Problems with ClickOps:
1. Slow
Hours of clicking to spin up a new environment.
2. No reuse
Every deploy must be done from scratch. No leverage from previous work.
3. No audit trail
All info trapped in one person’s head. No versioning.
4. Error-prone
Manual task = human error. Deployment problems. Snowflake servers. Can’t use tests.
5. Tedious
No one likes doing slow, repetitive, error-prone, risky work over and over again.
“Realizing your
DevOps Engineer left...
After deploying
everything via
Vasily Vereshchagin
Oil on canvas, 1887
Side note:
credit to Classic
Paintings for the
comic inspiration!

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Understanding docker networking
Understanding docker networkingUnderstanding docker networking
Understanding docker networking

The document discusses different Docker networking drivers including null, host, bridge, overlay, and macvlan/ipvlan networks. It provides examples of creating networks with each driver and how containers on different networks will connect and obtain IPs. Specifically, it shows how the bridge driver sets up a private Docker bridge network (docker0 by default) and how overlay networks use VXLAN tunnels to connect containers across multiple Docker daemons.

DevOps Powerpoint Presentation Slides
DevOps Powerpoint Presentation SlidesDevOps Powerpoint Presentation Slides
DevOps Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Showcase development processes and methods with our content ready Devops PowerPoint Presentation Slide. Focus on rapid application delivery using our visually appealing development and operations PPT visuals. The operating system PowerPoint complete deck comprises self-explanatory and editable PowerPoint templates such as need for DevOps, best practices, criteria for choosing a pilot project, DevOps goals, timeline for DevOps transformation, current state future state, 30-60-90 day plan, roadmap for DevOps, transformation post successful DevOps Implementation, RACI matrix, dashboard to name a few. Users can easily customize all the templates as per their specific project needs. Furthermore, you can also use this IT operations management presentation deck to encourage your team to adopt DevOps culture practices and tools. Demonstrate DevOps goals like Increase automation and standardize the process, reduce cost effort & time to market and so on. Download our system development lifecycle PowerPoint templates to present ways to make improved products faster for greater client satisfaction. Handle deficiencies with our DevOps Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Initiate action to acquire desired assets.

Abusing bleeding edge web standards for appsec glory
Abusing bleeding edge web standards for appsec gloryAbusing bleeding edge web standards for appsec glory
Abusing bleeding edge web standards for appsec glory

"Through cooperation between browser vendors and standards bodies in the recent past, numerous standards have been created to enforce stronger client-side control for web applications. As web appsec practitioners continue to shift from mitigating vulnerabilities to implementing proactive controls, each new standard adds another layer of defense for attack patterns previously accepted as risks. With the most basic controls complete, attention is shifting toward mitigating more complex threats. As a result of the drive to control for these threats client-side, standards such as SubResource Integrity (SRI), Content Security Policy (CSP), and HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) carry larger implementation risks than others such as HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS). Builders supporting legacy applications actively make trade-offs between implementing the latest standards versus accepting risks simply because of the increased risks newer web standards pose.  In this talk, we'll strictly explore the risks posed by SRI, CSP, and HPKP; demonstrate effective mitigation strategies and compromises which may make these standards more accessible to builders and defenders supporting legacy applications; as well as examine emergent properties of standards such as HPKP to cover previously unforeseen scenarios. As a bonus for the breakers, we'll explore and demonstrate exploitations of the emergent risks in these more volatile standards, to include multiple vulnerabilities uncovered quite literally during our research for this talk (which will hopefully be mitigated by d-day)." (Source: Black Hat USA 2016, Las Vegas)

Create a Service Catalog
A modern Service Catalog.
The modern Service Catalog:
1. Defined as code
Using tools such as Terraform, CloudFormation, Docker, Kubernetes, etc.
2. Designed for production use
Not a “5 minute demo,” but production-grade code.
3. Meet company requirements out-of-the-box
Scalability, HA, security, compliance (e.g., SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI, HIPAA), etc.
4. Tested to meet company requirements
Code reviews, static analysis, functional testing, policy enforcement, etc.
5. Infrastructure and app code
Defines templates and patterns for both infrastructure and applications.
This is your Cloud API

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Making Security Agile - Oleg Gryb
Making Security Agile - Oleg GrybMaking Security Agile - Oleg Gryb
Making Security Agile - Oleg Gryb

This document discusses challenges with integrating security into agile development processes and proposes solutions. It notes that traditional security approaches like threat modeling and penetration testing don't work well in agile environments with short release cycles. The document recommends automating security scans and tests to run with each code change. It also suggests integrating security findings into existing bug tracking tools to streamline remediation. The overall goal is to make security practices more agile and collaborative to improve cycle times for fixing issues.

Why the cloud is more secure than your existing systems
Why the cloud is more secure than your existing systemsWhy the cloud is more secure than your existing systems
Why the cloud is more secure than your existing systems

Talk presented by Ernest Mueller at LASCON 2010 on cloud computing security and why it's likely that the cloud is more secure than what you're doing right now.

cloud securitysecurityowasp
Agility Requires Safety
Agility Requires SafetyAgility Requires Safety
Agility Requires Safety

To go faster in a car, you need not only a powerful engine, but also safety mechanisms like brakes, air bags, and seat belts. This is a talk about the safety mechanisms that allow you to build software faster. It's based on the book "Hello, Startup" ( You can find the video of the talk here:

This is your API between the
cloud and your apps
Real-world example: Gruntwork Service Catalog
Example infrastructure template for EKS
Example application template for Node.js

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Practical Cloud & Workflow Orchestration
Practical Cloud & Workflow OrchestrationPractical Cloud & Workflow Orchestration
Practical Cloud & Workflow Orchestration

A presentation given at the 2011 Amazon AWS Genomics meeting held in Seattle, WA. This is a 30 minute talk I gave focusing mainly on practical tools, tips and methods for bootstrapping and orchestration on the cloud. Covers examples of: Ubuntu Cloud Init AWS Cloud Formation Opscode Chef MIT StarCluster

opscodeiaasamazon ec2
DevOpsSec: Appling DevOps Principles to Security, DevOpsDays Austin 2012
DevOpsSec: Appling DevOps Principles to Security, DevOpsDays Austin 2012DevOpsSec: Appling DevOps Principles to Security, DevOpsDays Austin 2012
DevOpsSec: Appling DevOps Principles to Security, DevOpsDays Austin 2012

DevOpsSec applies DevOps principles like decentralization, shared resources, and transparency to security. It focuses on reducing the mean time to detect (MTTD) security issues and mean time to resolve (MTTR) them. Automating security testing and integrating it into continuous integration helps detect attacks and issues earlier. Treating security operations like other services improves culture.

Us 17-krug-hacking-severless-runtimes
Us 17-krug-hacking-severless-runtimesUs 17-krug-hacking-severless-runtimes
Us 17-krug-hacking-severless-runtimes

This document discusses hacking serverless runtime environments like AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Auth0 WebTask. It begins by introducing the presenters and what will be covered. The document then explores how different vendors implement sandbox isolation and common attack techniques like persistence and data exfiltration. It examines specific runtimes like AWS Lambda in depth, investigating how to profile the environment, persist code, and escalate privileges. The document emphasizes that detection is difficult in serverless environments and provides examples of potential indicators of compromise. Overall, the document provides an overview of attacking and defending serverless architectures.

Key idea #1: Manage everything as
code in a Service Catalog.
Manual provisioning à Infrastructure as code
Manual server config à Configuration management
Manual app config à Configuration files
Manual builds à Continuous integration
Manual deployment à Continuous delivery
Manual testing à Automated testing
Manual policies à Automated policies (OPA)
Manual DBA work à Schema migrations
Manual specs à Automated specs (BDD)
Recall the problems with ClickOps:
1. Slow
Hours of clicking to spin up a new environment.
2. No reuse
Every deploy must be done from scratch. No leverage from previous work.
3. No audit trail
All info trapped in one person’s head. No reproducibility. No versioning.
4. Error-prone
Manual task = human error. Every environment a little bit different. No testing.
5. Tedious
No one likes doing slow, repetitive, error-prone, risky work over and over again.
Advantages of code:
1. Slow Fast
Computers can do in seconds what it takes a human hours to do.
2. No reuse Reusable
Leverage your previous work and the work of others. Evolve your code over time.
3. No audit trail Logged & versioned
Everything is in your version control system, including the full history of changes.
4. Error-prone Reliable
Code + automated tests + code reviews dramatically reduce errors.
5. Tedious Enjoyable
Writing code and being creative is more fun than repetitive, stressful, manual work.

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Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration

Today’s cutting edge companies have software release cycles measured in days instead of months. This agility is enabled by the DevOps practice of continuous delivery, which automates building, testing, and deploying all code changes. This automation helps you catch bugs sooner and accelerates developer productivity. In this session, we’ll share best practices (including ones followed internally at Amazon) and how you can bring them to your company by using open source and AWS services. Speaker: Raghuraman Balachandran, Solutions Architect, Amazon India

awssummitindia2017awsamazon web services
DevOps Tooling - Pop-up Loft TLV 2017
DevOps Tooling - Pop-up Loft TLV 2017DevOps Tooling - Pop-up Loft TLV 2017
DevOps Tooling - Pop-up Loft TLV 2017

Learn how to use AWS services to automate manual tasks, help teams manage complex environments at scale, and keep engineers in control of the high velocity that is enabled by DevOps. In this session, we will provide an overview of the various AWS development and deployment services and when best to use them. We will show how to build a fully automated infrastructure and software delivery pipeline with AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CloudFormation and AWS CodeDeploy. At the end of the session, a GitHub repository of AWS CloudFormation templates will be provided so you can quickly deploy the same pipeline to your AWS account(s).

Are Multi-Cloud and Serverless Good or Bad?
Are Multi-Cloud and Serverless Good or Bad?Are Multi-Cloud and Serverless Good or Bad?
Are Multi-Cloud and Serverless Good or Bad?

Is Multi-Cloud good or bad? How about Serverless? The answer to all these questions is Yes, sometimes. Whether you're new to all this or a long-time industry veteran, you'll surely come away from this approachable talk with a new understanding of cutting edge technology and actionable insights on how to make smart trade offs. Vancouver Cloud Summit 2024 (2024-04-22)

1. Do it by hand
2. Do it live
3. Do it on my machine
4. Do it only on my machine
5. Do it once
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "*",
"Resource": "*"
Making everyone an admin
Initially, most companies try to limit

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Serverless in production, an experience report (microservices london)
Serverless in production, an experience report (microservices london)Serverless in production, an experience report (microservices london)
Serverless in production, an experience report (microservices london)

AWS Lambda has changed the way we deploy and run software, but the serverless paradigm has created new challenges to old problems: How do you test a cloud-hosted function locally? How do you monitor them? What about logging and config management? And how do we start migrating from existing architectures? Yan Cui shares solutions to these challenges, drawing on his experience running Lambda in production and migrating from an existing monolithic architecture.

Serverless 101 in Montreal
Serverless 101 in MontrealServerless 101 in Montreal
Serverless 101 in Montreal

“Serverless” can be defined as a couple simple things: 1 - It’s a programming model for structuring applications as functions and events (basically a manifestation of microservices). 2 - It’s a cloud business model, where use is billed by the function call instead of by the provisioned server, so apps only pay when they run and for how long they run, eliminating over-provisioning and typically reducing costs. In this talk, we’ll cover the what, why and how of serverless, and learn more about it through running code. Throughout the session, we’ll focus on how the serverless model is being leveraged in the real world - not just toy functions and demos. Legacy enterprise apps - which are typically monolithic, written by large teams of Java and .Net devs, and resembling a bit of a mud ball - are being shaved down to take advantage of serverless, and we’ll be sharing some early results from those efforts. We'll discuss examples of how Fortune 50 companies are building their serverless projects on the Kubernetes and Mesos clouds they have already deployed. Le terme “Serverless” a plusieurs significations: 1 - un modèle de programmation pour structurer les applications en tant que fonctions et événements (essentiellement une manifestation de microservices); et 2 - Il s'agit d'un modèle d'entreprise Cloud, où l'utilisation est facturée par l'appel de fonction plutôt que par le serveur provisionné, de sorte que les applications ne paient que lorsqu'elles fonctionnent et pour combien de temps elles courent, éliminant le sur-provisionnement et réduisant les coûts associés. Dans ce discours, nous allons couvrir le quoi, le pourquoi et comment de Serverless, et en savoir plus à ce sujet en exécutant le code. Nous nous concentrerons sur la façon dont le modèle Serverless est utilisé dans le monde réel - pas seulement les fonctions et démos. Les applications d'entreprise héritées - qui sont généralement monolithiques, écrites par de grandes équipes de développeurs Java et .Net et ressemblant à un peu une grande boule de boue - sont rasées pour profiter de Serverless, et nous partagerons des résultats préliminaires de ces efforts.

Serverless in production, an experience report (FullStack 2018)
Serverless in production, an experience report (FullStack 2018)Serverless in production, an experience report (FullStack 2018)
Serverless in production, an experience report (FullStack 2018)

This document discusses considerations for making serverless applications production ready. It covers topics like testing, monitoring, logging, deployment pipelines, performance optimization, and security. The document emphasizes principles over specific tools, and recommends focusing on shipping working software through practices like embracing external services for testing instead of mocking.

serverlessawsaws lambda
But IAM is hard
Image from Why is AWS IAM So Hard? by Stephen Kuenzli
An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the
ListBuckets operation: Access Denied
(tweak the IAM policy)
An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the
ListBuckets operation: Access Denied
(tweak the IAM policy)
An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the
ListBuckets operation: Access Denied
And frustrating. It’s just “Access Denied”
over and over and over again.
The inevitable result: “F*ck it, we’ll do it
live!” and you make everyone an admin.
Cloud adoption fails - 5 ways deployments go wrong and 5 solutions

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Serverless in production, an experience report (London js community)
Serverless in production, an experience report (London js community)Serverless in production, an experience report (London js community)
Serverless in production, an experience report (London js community)

AWS Lambda has changed the way we deploy and run software, but this new serverless paradigm has created new challenges to old problems - how do you test a cloud-hosted function locally? How do you monitor them? What about logging and config management? And how do we start migrating from existing architectures? In this talk Yan and Diana will discuss solutions to these challenges by drawing from real-world experience running Lambda in production and migrating from an existing monolithic architecture.

awsaws lambdaserverless
Securing your Cloud Environment v2
Securing your Cloud Environment v2Securing your Cloud Environment v2
Securing your Cloud Environment v2

Jon Noble. Jon will give a brief overview of why you should consider security as part of your CloudStack deployment, why your approach to security needs to be different than in a traditional environment, and also talk about some of the motives behind the attacks – why they attack you and what they do once they have compromised a system.

securitycloudstackcloud computing
Debunking serverless myths
Debunking serverless mythsDebunking serverless myths
Debunking serverless myths

In this talk we debunk common myths and misconceptions about serverless - how cold starts works, serverless is not just about saving operational cost, think about control with responsibility, and think about vendor lock-in with the reward.

serverlessawsaws lambda
Problems with everyone is an admin:
1. Weak security
Huge blast radius from any mistake. Any compromised credentials may result in a
severe security incident. Any guard rails you put in place are ineffective.
2. Sprawl
Tons of new accounts and resources spun up and no one knows what they are for.
3. No consistency
Everything is configured differently: logging, networking, security controls, etc.
4. Difficult to fix it
If everyone is an admin, very hard to “undo” the damage: you don’t know what they’ve
done and you’re never 100% confident you’ve reined things in.
“Attempting to
get all the AWS
accounts under
Jacques-Louis David
Oil on canvas, 1799
Set up your Landing Zone as
early as possible

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Serverless in production, an experience report (Going Serverless)
Serverless in production, an experience report (Going Serverless)Serverless in production, an experience report (Going Serverless)
Serverless in production, an experience report (Going Serverless)

1. The document discusses best practices for making serverless applications production ready, including practices around testing, monitoring, logging, configuration management, and continuous integration/deployment. 2. It recommends integrating serverless applications with services like API Gateway, Kinesis, DynamoDB, and SSM Parameter Store and considering practices like centralized logging, distributed tracing, role-based access controls, and parameterizing configurations. 3. The document emphasizes the importance of testing at the unit, integration, and end-to-end/acceptance levels and having automated testing and deployment pipelines to catch errors and deploy changes quickly and reliably.

serverlessawsaws lambda
Managing WorkSpaces at Scale | AWS Public Sector Summit 2016
Managing WorkSpaces at Scale | AWS Public Sector Summit 2016Managing WorkSpaces at Scale | AWS Public Sector Summit 2016
Managing WorkSpaces at Scale | AWS Public Sector Summit 2016

Amazon WorkSpaces provides businesses with secure, managed desktops in the Amazon cloud, and offers an enhanced security posture, the ability to support the needs of a modern mobile workforce, and the flexibility to scale globally. In this session, you’ll hear about how organizations can simplify end user computing by moving desktops to the cloud. The session will cover identity and access management, network access and design, integration with on-premises IT infrastructure, application delivery, and the end user experience. Generalized deployment model and office in the box with a deconstructed network. You will also hear first-hand from customers who have implemented WorkSpaces and best practices for deploying Amazon WorkSpaces at scale. Topics will include security and network access, identity and access management, application delivery, and end user experience.

aws cloudawscloud
AppSec California 2016 - Making Security Agile
AppSec California 2016 - Making Security AgileAppSec California 2016 - Making Security Agile
AppSec California 2016 - Making Security Agile

Your security processes are just as good as its level of integration with SDLC. If your SDLC is agile, so should be security.

agile software developmentappsecsecurity
landing zone noun
/ˈlændɪŋ zəʊn/
A streamlined way to create new accounts in your cloud provider that are
configured out-of-the-box with best practices (e.g., authentication, authorization,
logging, monitoring, tagging, guard rails, etc.).
Key ingredients of a Landing Zone:
1. Account structure
2. Account baselines
3. Account vending machine
Key ingredients of a Landing Zone:
1. Account structure
2. Account baselines
3. Account vending machine
account structure noun
/əˈkaʊnt ˈstrʌktʃə(r) /
How to configure multiple inter-connected accounts in the cloud to provide
isolation, compartmentalization, authentication, authorization, auditing, and

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Dev Ops without the Ops
Dev Ops without the OpsDev Ops without the Ops
Dev Ops without the Ops

Do you need Ops in your new startup? If not now, then when? And...what is Ops? Learn how to scale ruby-based distributed software infrastructure in the cloud to serve 4,000 requests per second, handle 400 updates per second, and achieve 99.97% uptime – all while building the product at the speed of light. Unimpressed? Now try doing the above altogether without the Ops team, while growing your traffic 100x in 6 months and deploying 5-6 times a day! It could be a dream, but luckily it's a reality that could be yours.

Gruntwork Executive Summary
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Gruntwork Executive Summary

A brief overview of what we do at Gruntwork. Learn what we mean by "DevOps as a Service" and how you can get your entire infrastructure, defined as code, in about a day.

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Reusable, composable, battle-tested Terraform modules
Reusable, composable, battle-tested Terraform modulesReusable, composable, battle-tested Terraform modules
Reusable, composable, battle-tested Terraform modules

Listen up, developers. You are not special. Your infrastructure is not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You have the same tech debt as everyone else. This is a talk about a better way to build and manage infrastructure: Terraform Modules. It goes over how to build infrastructure as code, package that code into reusable modules, design clean and flexible APIs for those modules, write automated tests for the modules, and combine multiple modules into an end-to-end techs tack in minutes. You can find the video here:

Each cloud recommends different
account structures
Key ingredients of a Landing Zone:
1. Account structure
2. Account baselines
3. Account vending machine
account baseline noun
/əˈkaʊnt ˈbeɪslaɪn/
The basic set of controls installed in every account to enforce a common set of
best practices (e.g., authentication, authorization, logging, monitoring, tagging,
guard rails, etc.).
Description Examples
Authentication User identity, login, MFA IAM users & roles, SSO, IdPs
Authorization User permissions and access IAM policies & groups, ACLs, RBAC
Monitoring Audit logging, app logging, metrics CloudTrail, Elastic stack, Grafana
Networking IPs, routing, DNS, connectivity VPCs, NAT, Route 53, VPN, SSH, RDP
Hardening Network hardening, intrusion detection WAF, IPS, Squid Proxy, GuardDuty
Guard rails Limit what actions can be taken IAM policies, SCPs, OPA, AWS Config
Compliance Enforce compliance requirements SOC2, ISO 27001, CIS, PCI, HIPAA
Ownership Associate accounts & resources with teams Tagging, billing
Account baselines should handle:

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module "account_baseline" {
source = ""
enable_cloudtrail = true
enable_aws_config = true
enable_guard_duty = true
child_accounts = {
dev = ""
stage = ""
prod = ""
Define your account baselines as code
Key ingredients of a Landing Zone:
1. Account structure
2. Account baselines
3. Account vending machine
account vending machine noun
/əˈkaʊnt ˈvendɪŋ məˈʃiːn/
An official tool or process for spinning up new accounts which enforces each of
those accounts is configured with the appropriate account baseline.
Key ingredients for an account vending machine:
1. Self-service
Teams should be able to spin up new accounts for themselves on-demand.
2. GitOps-driven
Under the hood, manage accounts as code checked into version control.
3. Apply baselines
The vending machine ensures the proper baseline is applied to every new account.
4. Provision access
The vending machine not only creates accounts, but also grants teams access to them
(e.g., via SSO).

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hiringstart upentrepreneur
module "account_baseline" {
source = ""
child_accounts = {
dev = ""
stage = ""
prod = ""
# Add new account
example = ""
Example vending machine: update a
file, commit, CI / CD system deploys it
Key idea #2: Set up your Landing Zone
as early as you can.
1. Do it by hand
2. Do it live
3. Do it on my machine
4. Do it only on my machine
5. Do it once

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Video: Here's the showdown you've been waiting for: Node.js vs Play Framework. Both are popular open source web frameworks that are built for developer productivity, asynchronous I/O, and the real time web. But which one is easier to learn, test, deploy, debug, and scale? Should you pick Javascript or Scala? The Google v8 engine or the JVM? NPM or Ivy? Grunt or SBT? Two frameworks enter, one framework leaves. This version of the presentation has Japanese subtitles. For the English only version, see

javaweb developmentjavascript
Node.js vs Play Framework
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Video: Here's the showdown you've been waiting for: Node.js vs Play Framework. Both are popular open source web frameworks that are built for developer productivity, asynchronous I/O, and the real time web. But which one is easier to learn, test, deploy, debug, and scale? Should you pick Javascript or Scala? The Google v8 engine or the JVM? NPM or Ivy? Grunt or SBT? Two frameworks enter, one framework leaves. This is the English version of the presentation. For the version with Japanese subtitles, see

javascriptnode.jsplay framework
Deployments are done by humans
from their own computers
Even with IaC, relying on a person to do
deployments leads to problems
Problems with a person deploying:
1. Error prone
Manual process = human error. E.g., fat-fingering a command, forgetting some step.
2. Not reproducible
E.g., Wrong version installed locally, accidentally deploying uncommitted changes.
3. Low bus factor
Often only 1 or 2 devs can deploy. What if they go on vacation or leave the company?
4. Race conditions
Different devs accidentally deploy different code (e.g., different branches) = conflicts.
5. Not secure
Deploying arbitrary changes requires arbitrary—admin—permissions. We already know
what happens when you give too many people admin permissions.
“Realizing you
just ran terraform
destroy in prod.”
Gustav Courbet
Oil on canvas, 1845

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Do all deploys through a
CI / CD pipeline
GitOps-driven The pipeline is triggered by commits to version control
Defined as code The full workflow should be defined as code
Automated tests The pipeline should run pre-, post-, and during- deploy checks.
Preview environments Deploy the changes in each PR into an ephemeral environment
Promotion workflows Promote immutable artifacts across environments: e.g., dev à stage à prod
Approval workflows For some types of changes, require human approval for deployment to prod
Deployment workflows Blue/green deploys, rolling deploys, canary deploys, feature toggles
App and infra code Your need a workflows for both application and infrastructure code
Key CI / CD pipeline features:
The workflows for app & infra code are
similar, but with key differences.

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Video of the presentation: At LinkedIn, we have started to use the Play Framework to build front-end and back-end services at massive scale. Play does things a little differently: it's a Java and Scala web framework, but it doesn't follow the servlet spec; it's fairly new, but it runs on top of robust technologies like Akka and Netty; it uses a thread pool, but it's built for non-blocking I/O and reactive programming; most importantly, it's high performance, but also high productivity. We've found that the Play Framework is one of the few frameworks that is able to maintain the delicate balance of performance, reliability, and developer productivity. In the Java and Scala world, nothing even comes close. In this talk, I'll share what we've learned so far, including details of rapid iteration with Java and Scala, the story behind async I/O on the JVM, support for real time web apps (comet, WebSockets), and integrating Play into a large existing codebase.

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Application code Infrastructure code
Run locally
• Run the code on localhost
• Make a change, refresh
• Run the code in the cloud (sandboxes)
• Make a change, redeploy (use stages!)
Code review • Submit pull request with code changes • Submit pull request with code changes
• Static analysis: linter
• Functional tests: unit, integration, e2e
• Static analysis: linter, policy enforcement
• Functional tests: plan, integration
• Merge pull request
• Build immutable, versioned artifact
• Merge pull request
• Create git tag
CI config
• CI server has limited permissions
• CI server triggers K8S, ECS, EC2, etc.
• Isolated worker has admin permissions
• CI server triggers isolated worker
• Promote artifacts: e.g., dev à stage à prod
• Rolling, blue/green, canary, feature flags
• Promote tags: e.g., dev à stage à prod
• Plan, approve, deploy, hope
Workflows for app & infra code:
Key idea #3: The CI / CD pipeline is the
only thing that can deploy to prod.
No one has write access to prod (let
alone admin access) except the pipeline.
Key idea #4: The CI / CD pipeline will
only deploy vetted services from the
Service Catalog to prod.

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The document discusses LinkedIn's adoption of the Dust templating language in 2011. Some key points: - LinkedIn needed a unified view layer as different teams were using different templating technologies like JSP, GSP, ERB. - They evaluated 26 templating options and selected Dust as it best met their criteria like performance, i18n support, and being logic-less. - Dust templates are compiled to JavaScript for client-side rendering and to Java for server-side rendering (SSR) through Google's V8 engine, allowing templates to work on both client and server. - SSR addresses challenges like SEO, supporting clients without JavaScript, and i18n by rendering

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A look at the company behind the world's largest professional network. Learn about our products, technologies and culture.

The Catalog + Pipeline are the only path
to prod; the API between Devs and Ops.
Key idea #5: The CI / CD pipeline
protects its permissions for prod.
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "*",
"Resource": "*"
To deploy arbitrary infra changes, you
need arbitrary (admin) permissions!
Giving your CI server direct access to
admin permissions considered harmful.

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This is a BAD combination:
1. Everyone in your company can access your CI server
2. You use the CI server to execute arbitrary code
3. The CI server has admin permissions
Congratulations, everyone in your
company has admin permissions again!
And so do
outside your
The solution: only give admin
permissions to an isolated worker

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The isolated worker:
1. Is highly locked down
Unlike the CI server, no one at the company has direct access to the worker.
2. Can only be triggered by the CI server
The CI server only has permissions to trigger the worker via an API & stream logs from it.
3. Exposes a limited, locked-down API
The worker only allows you to run certain commands (e.g., terraform apply), in certain
repos, in certain branches, in certain folders, etc.
4. Minimizes the potential damage
If an attacker gets access to your CI server, the worst they can do is trigger a deploy on
your own code. They do NOT get admin permissions directly.
1. Do it by hand
2. Do it live
3. Do it on my machine
4. Do it only on my machine
5. Do it once
Only Ops is allowed to deploy

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The Ops team, trying to protect the
company, acts as a gatekeeper.
But that usually backfires:
Inevitably, the Ops team is overwhelmed
and becomes a bottleneck
So the Dev team finds a workaround…

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So Ops adds more process… but that just
makes things even more backed up.
“The Ops team
explains the new
95-step change
request process
to the Dev team.”
Ferdinand Pauwels
Oil on canvas, 1872

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In this talk, we will explore strategies to optimize the success rate of storing and retaining new information. We will discuss scientifically proven ideal learning intervals and content structures. Additionally, we will examine how to create an environment that improves our focus while you remain in the “flow”. Lastly we will also address the influence of AI on learning capabilities. In the dynamic field of software development, this knowledge will empower you to accelerate your learning curve and support others in their learning journeys.

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Key idea #6: Any team can deploy their
own infra + apps from the Service Catalog
The cloud is primarily a tool for Devs,
not Ops.
One of the biggest benefits of the cloud:
Devs can be more self-sufficient.

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Connectors integrate Apache Kafka® with external data systems, enabling you to move away from a brittle spaghetti architecture to one that is more streamlined, secure, and future-proof. However, if your team still spends multiple dev cycles building and managing connectors using just open source Kafka Connect, it’s time to consider a faster and cost-effective alternative.

Ops team as a gatekeeper: Devs
aren’t self sufficient, go slow.
Ops team as enabler: Devs are self-
sufficient, go fast.
Enable self-service safely via the Catalog
+ Pipeline: your API on top of the cloud.
Devs should have sandbox accounts
for easy testing, learning, etc.

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NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company

NBFC Software: Optimize Your Non-Banking Financial Company Enhance Your Financial Services with Comprehensive NBFC Software NBFC software provides a complete solution for non-banking financial companies, streamlining banking and accounting functions to reduce operational costs. Our software is designed to meet the diverse needs of NBFCs, including investment banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds. Key Features of NBFC Software: Centralized Database: Facilitates inter-branch collaboration and smooth operations with a unified platform. Automation: Simplifies loan lifecycle management and account maintenance, ensuring efficient delivery of financial services. Customization: Highly customizable to fit specific business needs, offering flexibility in managing various loan types such as home loans, mortgage loans, personal loans, and more. Security: Ensures safe and secure handling of financial transactions and sensitive data. User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be intuitive and easy to use, reducing the learning curve for employees. Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for additional manpower by automating tasks, making it a budget-friendly solution. Benefits of NBFC Software: Go Paperless: Transition to a fully digital operation, eliminating offline work. Transparency: Enables managers and executives to monitor various points of the banking process easily. Defaulter Tracking: Helps track loan defaulters, maintaining a healthy loan management system. Increased Accessibility: Cutting-edge technology increases the accessibility and usability of NBFC operations. Request a Demo Now!

nbfc softwarenbfc software solutionsnbfc software company
Development of Chatbot Using AI\ML Technologies
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Development of Chatbot Using AI\ML Technologies

A captivating AI chatbot PowerPoint presentation is made with a striking backdrop in order to attract a wider audience. Select this template featuring several AI chatbot visuals to boost audience engagement and spontaneity. With the aid of this multi-colored template, you may make a compelling presentation and get extra bonuses. To easily elucidate your ideas, choose a typeface with vibrant colors. You can include your data regarding utilizing the chatbot methodology to the remaining half of the template.

chatbot ppt
Tool Clouds Features
cloud-nuke AWS
Delete all resources older than a certain
date; in a certain region; of a certain type.
safe-scrub Google Cloud
Safely delete unwanted resources in a
GCP project
Azure Powershell Azure
Includes native commands to delete
Resource Groups
Run cleanup tools in cron jobs to remove
old resources in sandbox accounts
In prod, Devs deploy via self-service with
the Service Catalog + CI / CD Pipeline.
Key self-service features:
1. GitOps-driven
Everything is managed as code and driven by commits to version control. Allows code
review, testing, audit log, versioning, etc.
2. UI-driven (optional)
Web UI as a layer on top of GitOps layer to make it more accessible.
3. Focus on common use cases
E.g., Account vending machine, data store deployment, app deployment. Don’t have to
solve everything right away.
4. Access controls
Different teams can access/deploy different things. E.g., NetOps team might be able to
deploy networking, whereas app teams can deploy orchestration tools and data stores.
module "account_baseline" {
source = ""
child_accounts = {
dev = ""
stage = ""
prod = ""
# Add new account
example = ""
Example of self-service: update a file,
commit, CI / CD system deploys it

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Key idea #7: Any team can contribute
to the Service Catalog.
stage prod
Modern software involves many
moving pieces
If only Ops can add those pieces to the
Service Catalog, that’ll be a bottleneck
Automated tests:
✓ tflint
✓ tfsec
✓ steampipe
✓ checkhov
✓ Terratest
Passed: 6. Failed: 0. Skipped: 0.
Test run successful.
Instead, allow
everyone to contribute
and enforce company
requirements through
code reviews and
automated tests

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1. Do it by hand
2. Do it live
3. Do it on my machine
4. Do it only on my machine
5. Do it once
Not taking into account ongoing
maintenance work
stage prod
Not only are there many moving pieces,
but they’re all also constantly changing.

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Many companies assume that the initial
cloud deployment is the hard part.
It isn’t.
“Software maintenance
cost is increasingly
growing and estimates
showed that about 90%
of software life cost is
related to its
maintenance phase.”
Which Factors Affect Software Projects
Maintenance Cost More?
Sayed Mehdi Hejazi Dehaghani and Nafiseh Hajrahimi
If you don’t have a plan for maintenance,
all that code you wrote will rot.

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“Coming back to that
Terraform codebase
after 6 months.”
Eero Järnefelt
Oil on canvas, 1893
Set up
Key auto-update features:
1. Automation-driven
Updates are discovered and the code is updated automatically. No relying on a human
to remember it. Update cadence should be configurable.
2. GitOps-driven
The code is updated via automated pull requests.
3. Automated testing
You must have automated tests in place and running against each pull request to let
you know if the updated code still works.
4. Automated deployment
Once a pull request is merged, it must deploy automatically via the CI / CD pipeline,
promoting the update across environments: e.g., dev à stage à prod.

Recommended for you

Key idea #8: Updates are pushed to the
code via PRs, automatically.
Key idea #9: Code without automated
tests will rot.
How to do automated testing for infrastructure code
1. Do it by hand
2. Do it live
3. Do it on my machine
4. Do it only on my machine
5. Do it once

Recommended for you

Let’s recap:
Key ideas:
1. Manage everything as code in a Service Catalog.
2. Set up your Landing Zone as early as you can.
3. Only the CI / CD Pipeline can deploy to prod.
4. The CI / CD Pipeline only deploys from the Service Catalog.
5. The CI / CD Pipeline protects its admin permissions.
6. Any team can deploy infra + apps from the Service Catalog.
7. Any team can contribute to the Service Catalog.
8. Updates are pushed to the code via PRs, automatically.
9. Code without automated tests will rot.
Fail Description Solution
Do it by hand ClickOps Service Catalog
Do it live Everyone is an admin Landing Zone
Do it on my machine People deploying from their computers CI / CD Pipeline
Do it only on my machine Only Ops can deploy Self-Service
Do it once Not taking maintenance into account Automatic Updates
5 cloud adoption fails and solutions:
The 5 solutions
are part of the

Recommended for you

If you use this framework, here’s the
experience for your Ops team:
Step 1: Create a Service Catalog
Everything defined as code. Works for app + infra. You could build from
scratch or on top of an existing one (e.g., Gruntwork Service Catalog).
Step 2: Set up your Landing Zone
Set up your basic account structure, define account baselines, etc.
Step 3: Set up a CI / CD pipeline
Ensure it’s the only way to deploy to prod. Make it work for apps + infra.

Recommended for you

Step 4: Provide self-service
Enable all teams to deploy. Start with a GitOps solution. Add UI later.
Step 5: Set up automatic updates
PRs opened automatically. Automated tests in place for app + infra code.
And here’s the experience for your
Dev team:
Step 1: Scaffold a new app
Leverage vetted application templates from the Service Catalog and the
logic built in: e.g., service discovery, packaging, monitoring, testing, etc.

Recommended for you

Step 2: Deploy infrastructure
Leverage Self-Service + Service Catalog + CI / CD Pipeline.
Step 3: Iterate on the app
Leverage CI / CD built into the templates to deploy subsequent changes.
Step 4: Debug issues
Leverage monitoring, logging, alerting, etc. built into the templates.
Step 5: Stay up to date
Leverage auto update built into the templates. Automated PRs + tests.

Recommended for you

“The Cloud
you always
Thomas Cole
Oil on canvas, 1836

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Cloud adoption fails - 5 ways deployments go wrong and 5 solutions

  • 1. 5 ways deployments go wrong and 5 solutions Cloud adoption fails FAIL
  • 2. “All happy cloud deployments are alike; each unhappy cloud deployment is unhappy in its own way.” Leo Tolstoy Site Reliability Engineer
  • 6. At Gruntwork, I’ve seen the cloud adoption journeys of hundreds of companies
  • 7. I’ve seen some go well. I’ve seen some go poorly.
  • 8. I've seen things you people wouldn’t believe. DDos attacks starting fires off the shoulder of Ohio (us-east-2). I watched C-suite foreheads glitter in the dark near their Fargate bills. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Image credit: Blade Runner, Warner Bros, 1982
  • 9. Why is it so hard?
  • 10. Because everything has changed about how we build software.
  • 11. Before After Dev team Write code, “toss it over the wall” Write code, deploy Ops team Rack servers, deploy code Write code, deploy Servers Dedicated physical servers Elastic virtual servers Connectivity Static IPs Dynamic IPs, service discovery Security Physical, strong perimeter, high trust Virtual, end-to-end, zero trust Infra provisioning Manual Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools Server configuration Manual Configuration management tools Testing Manual Automated testing Deployments Manual Automated Deployment cadence Weeks or months Many times per day Change process Change request tickets Self-service Change cadence Weeks or months Minutes The shift to DevOps and the cloud
  • 12. Adopting the cloud without acknowledging these changes leads to problems
  • 13. This talk is about 5 common causes of cloud adoption failure…
  • 14. Plus 5 solutions based on the patterns that worked across hundreds of companies
  • 15. The 5 solutions are part of the Gruntwork Production Framework
  • 16. 1. Do it by hand 2. Do it live 3. Do it on my machine 4. Do it only on my machine 5. Do it once Outline
  • 17. 1. Do it by hand 2. Do it live 3. Do it on my machine 4. Do it only on my machine 5. Do it once Outline
  • 19. Deploying by using the web console for your cloud provider: “ClickOps”
  • 20. Almost everyone starts this way. Almost everyone regrets it.
  • 21. Problems with ClickOps: 1. Slow Hours of clicking to spin up a new environment. 2. No reuse Every deploy must be done from scratch. No leverage from previous work. 3. No audit trail All info trapped in one person’s head. No versioning. 4. Error-prone Manual task = human error. Deployment problems. Snowflake servers. Can’t use tests. 5. Tedious No one likes doing slow, repetitive, error-prone, risky work over and over again.
  • 22. “Realizing your DevOps Engineer left... After deploying everything via ClickOps.” Vasily Vereshchagin Oil on canvas, 1887
  • 23. Side note: credit to Classic Programmer Paintings for the comic inspiration!
  • 25. Create a Service Catalog
  • 26. A modern Service Catalog.
  • 27. The modern Service Catalog: 1. Defined as code Using tools such as Terraform, CloudFormation, Docker, Kubernetes, etc. 2. Designed for production use Not a “5 minute demo,” but production-grade code. 3. Meet company requirements out-of-the-box Scalability, HA, security, compliance (e.g., SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI, HIPAA), etc. 4. Tested to meet company requirements Code reviews, static analysis, functional testing, policy enforcement, etc. 5. Infrastructure and app code Defines templates and patterns for both infrastructure and applications.
  • 28. Infrastructure templates This is your Cloud API framework/ingredients/service-catalog/infrastructure-templates
  • 29. Application templates This is your API between the cloud and your apps framework/ingredients/service-catalog/application-templates
  • 30. Real-world example: Gruntwork Service Catalog
  • 33. Key idea #1: Manage everything as code in a Service Catalog.
  • 34. Manual provisioning à Infrastructure as code Manual server config à Configuration management Manual app config à Configuration files Manual builds à Continuous integration Manual deployment à Continuous delivery Manual testing à Automated testing Manual policies à Automated policies (OPA) Manual DBA work à Schema migrations Manual specs à Automated specs (BDD)
  • 35. Recall the problems with ClickOps: 1. Slow Hours of clicking to spin up a new environment. 2. No reuse Every deploy must be done from scratch. No leverage from previous work. 3. No audit trail All info trapped in one person’s head. No reproducibility. No versioning. 4. Error-prone Manual task = human error. Every environment a little bit different. No testing. 5. Tedious No one likes doing slow, repetitive, error-prone, risky work over and over again.
  • 36. Advantages of code: 1. Slow Fast Computers can do in seconds what it takes a human hours to do. 2. No reuse Reusable Leverage your previous work and the work of others. Evolve your code over time. 3. No audit trail Logged & versioned Everything is in your version control system, including the full history of changes. 4. Error-prone Reliable Code + automated tests + code reviews dramatically reduce errors. 5. Tedious Enjoyable Writing code and being creative is more fun than repetitive, stressful, manual work.
  • 37. 1. Do it by hand 2. Do it live 3. Do it on my machine 4. Do it only on my machine 5. Do it once Outline
  • 39. { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "*", "Resource": "*" } ] } Making everyone an admin
  • 40. Initially, most companies try to limit permissions…
  • 41. But IAM is hard Image from Why is AWS IAM So Hard? by Stephen Kuenzli
  • 42. An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListBuckets operation: Access Denied (tweak the IAM policy) An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListBuckets operation: Access Denied (tweak the IAM policy) An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListBuckets operation: Access Denied And frustrating. It’s just “Access Denied” over and over and over again.
  • 43. The inevitable result: “F*ck it, we’ll do it live!” and you make everyone an admin.
  • 45. Problems with everyone is an admin: 1. Weak security Huge blast radius from any mistake. Any compromised credentials may result in a severe security incident. Any guard rails you put in place are ineffective. 2. Sprawl Tons of new accounts and resources spun up and no one knows what they are for. 3. No consistency Everything is configured differently: logging, networking, security controls, etc. 4. Difficult to fix it If everyone is an admin, very hard to “undo” the damage: you don’t know what they’ve done and you’re never 100% confident you’ve reined things in.
  • 46. “Attempting to get all the AWS accounts under control” Jacques-Louis David Oil on canvas, 1799
  • 48. Set up your Landing Zone as early as possible
  • 49. landing zone noun /ˈlændɪŋ zəʊn/ A streamlined way to create new accounts in your cloud provider that are configured out-of-the-box with best practices (e.g., authentication, authorization, logging, monitoring, tagging, guard rails, etc.).
  • 50. Key ingredients of a Landing Zone: 1. Account structure 2. Account baselines 3. Account vending machine
  • 51. Key ingredients of a Landing Zone: 1. Account structure 2. Account baselines 3. Account vending machine
  • 52. account structure noun /əˈkaʊnt ˈstrʌktʃə(r) / How to configure multiple inter-connected accounts in the cloud to provide isolation, compartmentalization, authentication, authorization, auditing, and reporting.
  • 53. Each cloud recommends different account structures
  • 54. Key ingredients of a Landing Zone: 1. Account structure 2. Account baselines 3. Account vending machine
  • 55. account baseline noun /əˈkaʊnt ˈbeɪslaɪn/ The basic set of controls installed in every account to enforce a common set of best practices (e.g., authentication, authorization, logging, monitoring, tagging, guard rails, etc.).
  • 56. Description Examples Authentication User identity, login, MFA IAM users & roles, SSO, IdPs Authorization User permissions and access IAM policies & groups, ACLs, RBAC Monitoring Audit logging, app logging, metrics CloudTrail, Elastic stack, Grafana Networking IPs, routing, DNS, connectivity VPCs, NAT, Route 53, VPN, SSH, RDP Hardening Network hardening, intrusion detection WAF, IPS, Squid Proxy, GuardDuty Guard rails Limit what actions can be taken IAM policies, SCPs, OPA, AWS Config Compliance Enforce compliance requirements SOC2, ISO 27001, CIS, PCI, HIPAA Ownership Associate accounts & resources with teams Tagging, billing Account baselines should handle:
  • 57. module "account_baseline" { source = "" enable_cloudtrail = true enable_aws_config = true enable_guard_duty = true child_accounts = { dev = "" stage = "" prod = "" } } Define your account baselines as code
  • 58. Key ingredients of a Landing Zone: 1. Account structure 2. Account baselines 3. Account vending machine
  • 59. account vending machine noun /əˈkaʊnt ˈvendɪŋ məˈʃiːn/ An official tool or process for spinning up new accounts which enforces each of those accounts is configured with the appropriate account baseline.
  • 60. Key ingredients for an account vending machine: 1. Self-service Teams should be able to spin up new accounts for themselves on-demand. 2. GitOps-driven Under the hood, manage accounts as code checked into version control. 3. Apply baselines The vending machine ensures the proper baseline is applied to every new account. 4. Provision access The vending machine not only creates accounts, but also grants teams access to them (e.g., via SSO).
  • 61. module "account_baseline" { source = "" child_accounts = { dev = "" stage = "" prod = "" # Add new account example = "" } } Example vending machine: update a file, commit, CI / CD system deploys it
  • 62. Key idea #2: Set up your Landing Zone as early as you can.
  • 63. 1. Do it by hand 2. Do it live 3. Do it on my machine 4. Do it only on my machine 5. Do it once Outline
  • 65. Deployments are done by humans from their own computers
  • 66. Even with IaC, relying on a person to do deployments leads to problems
  • 67. Problems with a person deploying: 1. Error prone Manual process = human error. E.g., fat-fingering a command, forgetting some step. 2. Not reproducible E.g., Wrong version installed locally, accidentally deploying uncommitted changes. 3. Low bus factor Often only 1 or 2 devs can deploy. What if they go on vacation or leave the company? 4. Race conditions Different devs accidentally deploy different code (e.g., different branches) = conflicts. 5. Not secure Deploying arbitrary changes requires arbitrary—admin—permissions. We already know what happens when you give too many people admin permissions.
  • 68. “Realizing you just ran terraform destroy in prod.” Gustav Courbet Oil on canvas, 1845
  • 70. Do all deploys through a CI / CD pipeline
  • 71. Description GitOps-driven The pipeline is triggered by commits to version control Defined as code The full workflow should be defined as code Automated tests The pipeline should run pre-, post-, and during- deploy checks. Preview environments Deploy the changes in each PR into an ephemeral environment Promotion workflows Promote immutable artifacts across environments: e.g., dev à stage à prod Approval workflows For some types of changes, require human approval for deployment to prod Deployment workflows Blue/green deploys, rolling deploys, canary deploys, feature toggles App and infra code Your need a workflows for both application and infrastructure code Key CI / CD pipeline features:
  • 72. The workflows for app & infra code are similar, but with key differences.
  • 73. Application code Infrastructure code Run locally • Run the code on localhost • Make a change, refresh • Run the code in the cloud (sandboxes) • Make a change, redeploy (use stages!) Code review • Submit pull request with code changes • Submit pull request with code changes Test • Static analysis: linter • Functional tests: unit, integration, e2e • Static analysis: linter, policy enforcement • Functional tests: plan, integration Release • Merge pull request • Build immutable, versioned artifact • Merge pull request • Create git tag CI config • CI server has limited permissions • CI server triggers K8S, ECS, EC2, etc. • Isolated worker has admin permissions • CI server triggers isolated worker Deploy • Promote artifacts: e.g., dev à stage à prod • Rolling, blue/green, canary, feature flags • Promote tags: e.g., dev à stage à prod • Plan, approve, deploy, hope Workflows for app & infra code:
  • 74. Key idea #3: The CI / CD pipeline is the only thing that can deploy to prod.
  • 75. No one has write access to prod (let alone admin access) except the pipeline.
  • 76. Key idea #4: The CI / CD pipeline will only deploy vetted services from the Service Catalog to prod.
  • 77. The Catalog + Pipeline are the only path to prod; the API between Devs and Ops.
  • 78. Key idea #5: The CI / CD pipeline protects its permissions for prod.
  • 79. { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "*", "Resource": "*" } ] } To deploy arbitrary infra changes, you need arbitrary (admin) permissions!
  • 80. Giving your CI server direct access to admin permissions considered harmful.
  • 81. This is a BAD combination: 1. Everyone in your company can access your CI server 2. You use the CI server to execute arbitrary code 3. The CI server has admin permissions
  • 82. Congratulations, everyone in your company has admin permissions again!
  • 83. And so do hackers outside your company! of-how-weve-compromised-ci-cd-pipelines/
  • 84. The solution: only give admin permissions to an isolated worker
  • 85. The isolated worker: 1. Is highly locked down Unlike the CI server, no one at the company has direct access to the worker. 2. Can only be triggered by the CI server The CI server only has permissions to trigger the worker via an API & stream logs from it. 3. Exposes a limited, locked-down API The worker only allows you to run certain commands (e.g., terraform apply), in certain repos, in certain branches, in certain folders, etc. 4. Minimizes the potential damage If an attacker gets access to your CI server, the worst they can do is trigger a deploy on your own code. They do NOT get admin permissions directly.
  • 86. 1. Do it by hand 2. Do it live 3. Do it on my machine 4. Do it only on my machine 5. Do it once Outline
  • 88. Only Ops is allowed to deploy
  • 89. The Ops team, trying to protect the company, acts as a gatekeeper.
  • 90. But that usually backfires:
  • 91. Inevitably, the Ops team is overwhelmed and becomes a bottleneck
  • 92. So the Dev team finds a workaround…
  • 94. So Ops adds more process… but that just makes things even more backed up.
  • 95. “The Ops team explains the new 95-step change request process to the Dev team.” Ferdinand Pauwels Oil on canvas, 1872
  • 98. Key idea #6: Any team can deploy their own infra + apps from the Service Catalog
  • 99. The cloud is primarily a tool for Devs, not Ops.
  • 100. One of the biggest benefits of the cloud: Devs can be more self-sufficient.
  • 101. Ops team as a gatekeeper: Devs aren’t self sufficient, go slow.
  • 102. Ops team as enabler: Devs are self- sufficient, go fast.
  • 103. Enable self-service safely via the Catalog + Pipeline: your API on top of the cloud.
  • 104. Devs should have sandbox accounts for easy testing, learning, etc.
  • 105. Tool Clouds Features cloud-nuke AWS Delete all resources older than a certain date; in a certain region; of a certain type. safe-scrub Google Cloud Safely delete unwanted resources in a GCP project Azure Powershell Azure Includes native commands to delete Resource Groups Run cleanup tools in cron jobs to remove old resources in sandbox accounts
  • 106. In prod, Devs deploy via self-service with the Service Catalog + CI / CD Pipeline.
  • 107. Key self-service features: 1. GitOps-driven Everything is managed as code and driven by commits to version control. Allows code review, testing, audit log, versioning, etc. 2. UI-driven (optional) Web UI as a layer on top of GitOps layer to make it more accessible. 3. Focus on common use cases E.g., Account vending machine, data store deployment, app deployment. Don’t have to solve everything right away. 4. Access controls Different teams can access/deploy different things. E.g., NetOps team might be able to deploy networking, whereas app teams can deploy orchestration tools and data stores.
  • 108. module "account_baseline" { source = "" child_accounts = { dev = "" stage = "" prod = "" # Add new account example = "" } } Example of self-service: update a file, commit, CI / CD system deploys it
  • 109. Key idea #7: Any team can contribute to the Service Catalog.
  • 110. stage prod Modern software involves many moving pieces
  • 111. If only Ops can add those pieces to the Service Catalog, that’ll be a bottleneck
  • 112. Automated tests: ✓ tflint ✓ tfsec ✓ OPA ✓ steampipe ✓ checkhov ✓ Terratest Passed: 6. Failed: 0. Skipped: 0. Test run successful. Instead, allow everyone to contribute and enforce company requirements through code reviews and automated tests
  • 113. 1. Do it by hand 2. Do it live 3. Do it on my machine 4. Do it only on my machine 5. Do it once Outline
  • 115. Not taking into account ongoing maintenance work
  • 116. stage prod Not only are there many moving pieces, but they’re all also constantly changing.
  • 117. AWS is constantly changing The last S3 security document that we’ll ever need, and how to use it How To Keep Up With AWS Announcements
  • 121. Many companies assume that the initial cloud deployment is the hard part.
  • 123. “Software maintenance cost is increasingly growing and estimates showed that about 90% of software life cost is related to its maintenance phase.” Which Factors Affect Software Projects Maintenance Cost More? Sayed Mehdi Hejazi Dehaghani and Nafiseh Hajrahimi
  • 124. If you don’t have a plan for maintenance, all that code you wrote will rot.
  • 125. “Coming back to that Terraform codebase after 6 months.” Eero Järnefelt Oil on canvas, 1893
  • 128. Key auto-update features: 1. Automation-driven Updates are discovered and the code is updated automatically. No relying on a human to remember it. Update cadence should be configurable. 2. GitOps-driven The code is updated via automated pull requests. 3. Automated testing You must have automated tests in place and running against each pull request to let you know if the updated code still works. 4. Automated deployment Once a pull request is merged, it must deploy automatically via the CI / CD pipeline, promoting the update across environments: e.g., dev à stage à prod.
  • 129. Key idea #8: Updates are pushed to the code via PRs, automatically.
  • 130. Key idea #9: Code without automated tests will rot.
  • 131. How to do automated testing for infrastructure code
  • 132. 1. Do it by hand 2. Do it live 3. Do it on my machine 4. Do it only on my machine 5. Do it once Outline
  • 134. Key ideas: 1. Manage everything as code in a Service Catalog. 2. Set up your Landing Zone as early as you can. 3. Only the CI / CD Pipeline can deploy to prod. 4. The CI / CD Pipeline only deploys from the Service Catalog. 5. The CI / CD Pipeline protects its admin permissions. 6. Any team can deploy infra + apps from the Service Catalog. 7. Any team can contribute to the Service Catalog. 8. Updates are pushed to the code via PRs, automatically. 9. Code without automated tests will rot.
  • 135. Fail Description Solution Do it by hand ClickOps Service Catalog Do it live Everyone is an admin Landing Zone Do it on my machine People deploying from their computers CI / CD Pipeline Do it only on my machine Only Ops can deploy Self-Service Do it once Not taking maintenance into account Automatic Updates 5 cloud adoption fails and solutions:
  • 136. The 5 solutions are part of the Gruntwork Production Framework
  • 137. If you use this framework, here’s the experience for your Ops team:
  • 138. Step 1: Create a Service Catalog Everything defined as code. Works for app + infra. You could build from scratch or on top of an existing one (e.g., Gruntwork Service Catalog).
  • 139. Step 2: Set up your Landing Zone Set up your basic account structure, define account baselines, etc.
  • 140. Step 3: Set up a CI / CD pipeline Ensure it’s the only way to deploy to prod. Make it work for apps + infra.
  • 141. Step 4: Provide self-service Enable all teams to deploy. Start with a GitOps solution. Add UI later.
  • 142. Step 5: Set up automatic updates PRs opened automatically. Automated tests in place for app + infra code.
  • 143. And here’s the experience for your Dev team:
  • 144. Step 1: Scaffold a new app Leverage vetted application templates from the Service Catalog and the logic built in: e.g., service discovery, packaging, monitoring, testing, etc.
  • 145. Step 2: Deploy infrastructure Leverage Self-Service + Service Catalog + CI / CD Pipeline.
  • 146. Step 3: Iterate on the app Leverage CI / CD built into the templates to deploy subsequent changes.
  • 147. Step 4: Debug issues Leverage monitoring, logging, alerting, etc. built into the templates.
  • 148. Step 5: Stay up to date Leverage auto update built into the templates. Automated PRs + tests.
  • 149. “The Cloud you always wanted.” Thomas Cole Oil on canvas, 1836