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Your entire infrastructure.
Defined as code. In about a day.
How you want your team to
spend its time:
Building products, talking to
customers, making deals
How your team actually
spends its time:

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Full lifecycle of a microservice
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Full lifecycle of a microservice: how to realize a fault-tolerant and reliable architecture and deliver it as a Docker container or in a Cloud environment

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Kubernetes Basics
Kubernetes BasicsKubernetes Basics
Kubernetes Basics

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes including: 1) Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of containerized applications. It provides container-centric infrastructure and allows for quickly deploying and scaling applications. 2) The main components of Kubernetes include Pods (groups of containers), Services (abstract access to pods), ReplicationControllers (maintain pod replicas), and a master node running key components like etcd, API server, scheduler, and controller manager. 3) The document demonstrates getting started with Kubernetes by enabling the master on one node and a worker on another node, then deploying and exposing a sample nginx application across the cluster.

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Kubernetes 101
Kubernetes 101Kubernetes 101
Kubernetes 101

This document provides an introduction and overview of Kubernetes for deploying and managing containerized applications at scale. It discusses Kubernetes' key features like self-healing, dynamic scaling, networking and efficient resource usage. It then demonstrates setting up a Kubernetes cluster on AWS and deploying a sample application using pods, deployments and services. While Kubernetes provides many benefits, the document notes it requires battle-testing to be production-ready and other topics like logging, monitoring and custom autoscaling solutions would need separate discussions.

Deploying servers, fiddling with VPCs, subnets, and route tables, patching Jenkins security
vulnerabilities, trying to figure out how to run Kubernetes, building a CI / CD pipeline,
configuring SSH access, setting up monitoring & alerting, setting up log aggregation, setting
up end-to-end encryption, configuring automated deployment, writing bash scripts, …
Every tech company needs
infrastructure to run its software
stage prod
But infrastructure can get complicated
And you have to maintain it. Forever.

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Lessons learned from writing over 300,000 lines of infrastructure code
Lessons learned from writing over 300,000 lines of infrastructure codeLessons learned from writing over 300,000 lines of infrastructure code
Lessons learned from writing over 300,000 lines of infrastructure code

This talk is a concise masterclass on how to write infrastructure code. I share key lessons from the “Infrastructure Cookbook” we developed at Gruntwork while creating and maintaining a library of over 300,000 lines of infrastructure code that’s used in production by hundreds of companies. Come and hear our war stories, laugh about all the mistakes we’ve made along the way, and learn what Terraform, Packer, Docker, and Go look like in the wild.

devopsdockerinfrastructure as code
5 Signs your Mini Cooper Water Pump is Failing in Mountain View
5 Signs your Mini Cooper Water Pump is Failing in Mountain View5 Signs your Mini Cooper Water Pump is Failing in Mountain View
5 Signs your Mini Cooper Water Pump is Failing in Mountain View

Thus, the water pump is an important part of Mini Cooper for its smooth running. Moreover, it is keeping you safe on the road by running the coolant consistently through various parts to keep it at a safe temperature. When the water pump is failed, the engine will overheat or freeze poorly. Go through the slide to know about the signs of failed water pump in the Mini Cooper.

mini coopercar water pumpcar service
IT Infrastructure Automation with Ansible
IT Infrastructure Automation with AnsibleIT Infrastructure Automation with Ansible
IT Infrastructure Automation with Ansible

This document discusses automating IT infrastructure using Ansible. It provides an overview of Ansible and how it can be used to manage devices programmatically through infrastructure as code. Specific examples are given of how Ansible can be used to automate tasks like server deployment, configuration changes, backups and application deployments. The benefits of automation through tools like Ansible are reducing repetitive manual tasks and enabling infrastructure to self-heal through integration with monitoring systems.

Before, you had two primary
1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):
e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud
CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB
You get full control, but you have to
put everything together yourself
CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB
stage prod
Which means you have to deal with this

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Docker 101: Introduction to Docker
Docker 101: Introduction to DockerDocker 101: Introduction to Docker
Docker 101: Introduction to Docker

This document provides an introduction to Docker. It discusses why Docker is useful for isolation, being lightweight, simplicity, workflow, and community. It describes the Docker engine, daemon, and CLI. It explains how Docker Hub provides image storage and automated builds. It outlines the Docker installation process and common workflows like finding images, pulling, running, stopping, and removing containers and images. It promotes Docker for building local images and using host volumes.

Splunk Overview
Splunk OverviewSplunk Overview
Splunk Overview

Splunk provides software that allows users to search, monitor, and analyze machine-generated data. It collects data from websites, applications, servers, networks and other devices and stores large amounts of data. The software provides dashboards, reports and alerts to help users gain operational intelligence and insights. It is used by over 4,400 customers across many industries to solve IT and business challenges.

Zero Trust Best Practices for Kubernetes
Zero Trust Best Practices for KubernetesZero Trust Best Practices for Kubernetes
Zero Trust Best Practices for Kubernetes

on-demand: With adoption of containers, clouds, and distributed deployments, traditional perimeter-based security models no longer work. The sophistication and number of cybersecurity attacks is growing exponentially and Kubernetes carries significant risks of threat exposure if not properly secured. In this webinar, we explore the benefits of adopting a Zero Trust model to secure your Kubernetes infrastructure. Our presenters will share seven best practices to help you achieve your security goals, solving the most common Kubernetes security challenges in the most efficient way.

kubernetesnginx kubernetessecurity
2. Platform as a Service (PaaS): e.g.,
Heroku, Docker Cloud, Engine Yard
Rails MySQL GitHub
CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB
They hide all the lower-level details so
it’s easier to get started!
Rails MySQL GitHub
CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB
Heroku limitations
1. Can only use supported runtimes & versions (e.g., python-3.6.2 or python-2.7.13)
2. Can only use supported system software & libraries
3. Can only run web services (data stores and other services available only via paid add-ons)
4. Apps can’t access the shell
5. Devs can’t access servers via SSH
6. Local disk is read-only
7. Load balancing is HTTP/HTTPS only
8. Requests are limited to 30 seconds
9. Limited to one AWS region
10. App must boot in 60 seconds or less
11. Apps can be at most 100MB
12. Build must take less than 15 min
13. Logs are limited to 1500 lines unless you use supported (paid) add-ons
14. Manual scaling only
15. Pricing gets very steep as you scale up
16. Support only available on PST time zone
17. Limited control over security settings
But very hard to customize, debug,
and scale.
At Gruntwork,
we created a
third option

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Azure DevOps
Azure DevOpsAzure DevOps
Azure DevOps

This document provides information about Azure DevOps and DevOps practices. It discusses how DevOps brings together people, processes, and technology to automate software delivery and provide continuous value to users. It also outlines some key DevOps technologies like continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous monitoring. Additionally, the document shares how Azure DevOps can help teams deliver software faster and more reliably through tools for planning, source control, building, testing, and deploying.

Red Hat Openshift Fundamentals.pptx
Red Hat Openshift Fundamentals.pptxRed Hat Openshift Fundamentals.pptx
Red Hat Openshift Fundamentals.pptx

Here are the key steps to create an application from the catalog in the OpenShift web console: 1. Click on "Add to Project" on the top navigation bar and select "Browse Catalog". 2. This will open the catalog page showing available templates. You can search for a template or browse by category. 3. Select the template you want to use, for example Node.js. 4. On the next page you can review the template details and parameters. Fill in any required parameters. 5. Click "Create" to instantiate the template and create the application resources in your current project. 6. OpenShift will then provision the application, including building container images if required.

The Complete Guide to Service Mesh
The Complete Guide to Service MeshThe Complete Guide to Service Mesh
The Complete Guide to Service Mesh

Service meshes are relatively new, extremely powerful and can be complex. There’s a lot of information out there on what a service mesh is and what it can do, but it’s a lot to sort through. Sometimes, it’s helpful to have a guide. If you’ve been asking questions like “What is a service mesh?” “Why would I use one?” “What benefits can it provide?” or “How did people even come up with the idea for service mesh?” then The Complete Guide to Service Mesh is for you.

service meshaspen meshmicroservices
We offer a library of reusable, battle-
tested infrastructure code
Written primarily in Terraform, Go,
Python, and Bash
Pre-built solutions for AWS, Docker, VPCs, VPN, MySQL,
Postgres, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Kafka, ZooKeeper,
Monitoring, Alerting, secrets management, CI, CD, DNS, …
And a production-ready Reference
Architecture to put it all together

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Cloud Native In-Depth
Cloud Native In-DepthCloud Native In-Depth
Cloud Native In-Depth

This session introduces the key patterns in Cloud Native application development. It highlights the need of a unique architecture style, further, the fitment of DevOps, usage of Microservices and the runtime of Cloud Native application (* as a Service). The precautions of distributed computing gives insights of how to plan the application design and architecture.

cloud nativemicroservicesdistributed computing
Introduction to Amazon Web Services
Introduction to Amazon Web ServicesIntroduction to Amazon Web Services
Introduction to Amazon Web Services

This is an introductory presentation that helps answer the questions: What is cloud computing? How will cloud computing benefit my organization?

amazonamazon ec2amazon s3
Introduction to openshift
Introduction to openshiftIntroduction to openshift
Introduction to openshift

The document provides an introduction to Red Hat OpenShift, including: - An overview of the differences between virtual machines and container technologies like Docker. - The evolution of container technologies and standards like Kubernetes, CRI, and CNI. - Why Kubernetes is used for container orchestration and why Red Hat OpenShift is a popular Kubernetes distribution. - Key features of Red Hat OpenShift like source-to-image builds, integrated monitoring, security, and log aggregation with EFK.

The code is used in production by
dozens of customers
We regularly maintain and update the code.
Bump a version number to get better infra!
We also provide
And training

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What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...
What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...
What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...

***** Kubernetes Certification Training: ***** ​ This Edureka tutorial on "What is Kubernetes" will give you an introduction to one of the most popular Devops tool in the market - Kubernetes, and its importance in today's IT processes. This tutorial is ideal for beginners who want to get started with Kubernetes & DevOps. The following topics are covered in this training session: 1. Need for Kubernetes 2. What is Kubernetes and What it's not 3. How does Kubernetes work? 4. Use-Case: Kubernetes @ Pokemon Go 5. Hands-on: Deployment with Kubernetes ​DevOps Tutorial Blog Series:

devopsedurekakubernetes edureka
Kubernetes PPT.pptx
Kubernetes PPT.pptxKubernetes PPT.pptx
Kubernetes PPT.pptx

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called pods. Kubernetes masters manage the cluster and make scheduling decisions while nodes run the pods and containers. It uses labels and selectors to identify and group related application objects together. Services provide a single endpoint for pods, while deployments help manage replicated applications. Kubernetes provides mechanisms for storage, configuration, networking, security and other functionality to help run distributed systems reliably at scale.

Infrastructure as code: running microservices on AWS using Docker, Terraform,...
Infrastructure as code: running microservices on AWS using Docker, Terraform,...Infrastructure as code: running microservices on AWS using Docker, Terraform,...
Infrastructure as code: running microservices on AWS using Docker, Terraform,...

This is a talk about managing your software and infrastructure-as-code that walks through a real-world example of deploying microservices on AWS using Docker, Terraform, and ECS.

So you can use your favorite IaaS
CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB
With the easy-to-use abstractions of a
CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB
Rails MySQL GitHub
But since you have all the code, you
still have full control!
CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB
Rails MySQL GitHub
Why not write the code yourself? Or
hire a consulting company?

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New AWS Services
New AWS ServicesNew AWS Services
New AWS Services

A presentation covering three new services from Amazon Web Services: the new Application Load Balancer (ALB), recent updates to the EC2 Container Service (ECS), and the new Kinesis Analytics.

An intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon ECS
An intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon ECSAn intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon ECS
An intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon ECS

This talk is a very quick intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon's EC2 Container Service (ECS). In just 15 minutes, you'll see how to take two apps (a Rails frontend and a Sinatra backend), package them as Docker containers, run them using Amazon ECS, and to define all of the infrastructure-as-code using Terraform.

認知症にやさしいまちづくり ~セクターを越えたつながり~
認知症にやさしいまちづくり ~セクターを越えたつながり~認知症にやさしいまちづくり ~セクターを越えたつながり~
認知症にやさしいまちづくり ~セクターを越えたつながり~

2017.2.28 @ 東海大学医学部付属病院 2016年度認知症研修会『認知症と社会の在り方』

Do it yourself Consultant Gruntwork
Starting point From scratch From scratch
Leverage 2+ years of battle-
tested code proven in prod
Time to launch
3 – 12 months
(highly variable)
3 – 12 months
(highly variable)
1 – 5 days
(highly predictable)
Monthly cost
$16,000 – $32,000 / month
(2 devs, $100k – $200k / yr)
$32,000 – $64,000 / month
(2 devs, $100 - $200 / hr)
$500 – $2,995 / month
Docs, tests None None
Thorough documentation
and automated tests
Maintenance None None
On-going maintenance,
updates, security patches
Support None None Commercial support
10x higher quality
10x faster
10x cheaper
We can help you…
to the
security best
Define your
as code
DevOps, AWS,
“You are not special.
Your infrastructure is
not a beautiful and
unique snowflake. You
have the same tech debt
as everyone else.”
— your sysadmin,

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セクターを越えたつながりを創る ~ 富士宮プロジェクト、旅のことば、 アクションガイドブック ~
セクターを越えたつながりを創る ~ 富士宮プロジェクト、旅のことば、 アクションガイドブック ~セクターを越えたつながりを創る ~ 富士宮プロジェクト、旅のことば、 アクションガイドブック ~
セクターを越えたつながりを創る ~ 富士宮プロジェクト、旅のことば、 アクションガイドブック ~

2017.10.30 @臨床福祉専門学校 総合基礎医学「認知症に対する街づくり」 セクターを越えたつながりを創る 富士宮プロジェクト、旅のことば、アクションガイドブック 言語聴覚士(Speech-Language-Hearing Therapist (ST))を目指す学生のみなさんへ

認知症 言語聴覚士 まちづくり dementia friendly community
Elections in Britain
Elections in BritainElections in Britain
Elections in Britain

The document summarizes the British electoral system and election process. It discusses how: 1. Britain uses a constituency-based system where MPs represent particular geographical areas. Anyone can run as a candidate by declaring in one of these constituencies. 2. Elections follow formal arrangements, such as candidates submitting expense reports. Voters must be registered and at least 18 years old. 3. Campaigning is more subdued than in the US, with few rallies. The real campaign occurs nationally as parties focus on key issues. 4. Voting takes place on Thursdays at local polling stations. Results are counted and begin reporting overnight, with predictions of the new government by morning.

BigWeatherGear Group and Corporate Services Brochure 2013
BigWeatherGear Group and Corporate Services Brochure 2013BigWeatherGear Group and Corporate Services Brochure 2013
BigWeatherGear Group and Corporate Services Brochure 2013

Thank you for your interest in Group Sales. We have been in business for over 20 years selling high quality outdoor gear. We specialize in Government, Corporate, and Group volume orders. Our staff of experts can help you fill your gear needs whether they are basic or very specific. We have custom logo applications available on most of the products we carry.

group saleshelly hansenhelly hansen newport
stage prod
You need this
stage prod
And so does everyone else
Gruntwork Executive Summary
Start using battle-tested,
commercially-supported code

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Privacy is for losers 2016
Privacy is for losers 2016Privacy is for losers 2016
Privacy is for losers 2016

This document discusses privacy and how individuals freely provide their personal data to companies in exchange for free services and lower prices. It notes that companies then use this data for targeted advertising, retargeting, and other purposes to generate billions in revenue without compensating individuals. The document suggests ideas like personal clouds and data cooperatives to give consumers more control over their own data and ensure they benefit from its use and sale.

privacyeu safe havendatamixer
Technology Vision 2017 infographic
Technology Vision 2017 infographicTechnology Vision 2017 infographic
Technology Vision 2017 infographic

This document discusses key technology trends and issues according to Accenture's Technology Vision for 2017. Some of the major trends highlighted include the continued rise of artificial intelligence and how it will transform business through new user interfaces and by revolutionizing customer interactions. The report also examines the growth of digital platforms and ecosystems, how they are changing competition and requiring new ecosystem strategies from companies. Finally, the document outlines how technologies are increasingly being designed around human behaviors and enhancing people's lives.

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The Simple Sentence
The Simple Sentence The Simple Sentence
The Simple Sentence

The document defines a simple sentence and its key elements. It discusses the syntactic features of 5 sentence elements - subject, verb, complement, object, and adverbial. It then examines the semantic roles that the subject, object, and complement can take, such as agentive, affected, recipient, and current/resulting attributive. Examples are provided to illustrate each concept. The document concludes with exercises asking the reader to identify semantic roles and generate sentences using current and resulting complements.

Focus on your product and
Let us handle
the Gruntwork

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Gruntwork Executive Summary

  • 2. How you want your team to spend its time:
  • 3. Building products, talking to customers, making deals
  • 4. How your team actually spends its time:
  • 5. Deploying servers, fiddling with VPCs, subnets, and route tables, patching Jenkins security vulnerabilities, trying to figure out how to run Kubernetes, building a CI / CD pipeline, configuring SSH access, setting up monitoring & alerting, setting up log aggregation, setting up end-to-end encryption, configuring automated deployment, writing bash scripts, …
  • 6. Every tech company needs infrastructure to run its software
  • 7. stage prod But infrastructure can get complicated
  • 8. And you have to maintain it. Forever.
  • 9. Before, you had two primary options:
  • 10. 1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB
  • 11. You get full control, but you have to put everything together yourself CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB
  • 12. stage prod Which means you have to deal with this
  • 13. 2. Platform as a Service (PaaS): e.g., Heroku, Docker Cloud, Engine Yard Rails MySQL GitHub CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB
  • 14. They hide all the lower-level details so it’s easier to get started! Rails MySQL GitHub CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB
  • 15. Heroku limitations 1. Can only use supported runtimes & versions (e.g., python-3.6.2 or python-2.7.13) 2. Can only use supported system software & libraries 3. Can only run web services (data stores and other services available only via paid add-ons) 4. Apps can’t access the shell 5. Devs can’t access servers via SSH 6. Local disk is read-only 7. Load balancing is HTTP/HTTPS only 8. Requests are limited to 30 seconds 9. Limited to one AWS region 10. App must boot in 60 seconds or less 11. Apps can be at most 100MB 12. Build must take less than 15 min 13. Logs are limited to 1500 lines unless you use supported (paid) add-ons 14. Manual scaling only 15. Pricing gets very steep as you scale up 16. Support only available on PST time zone 17. Limited control over security settings But very hard to customize, debug, and scale.
  • 16. At Gruntwork, we created a third option
  • 17. We offer a library of reusable, battle- tested infrastructure code
  • 18. Written primarily in Terraform, Go, Python, and Bash
  • 19. Pre-built solutions for AWS, Docker, VPCs, VPN, MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Kafka, ZooKeeper, Monitoring, Alerting, secrets management, CI, CD, DNS, …
  • 20. And a production-ready Reference Architecture to put it all together
  • 21. The code is used in production by dozens of customers
  • 22. We regularly maintain and update the code. Bump a version number to get better infra!
  • 25. So you can use your favorite IaaS provider… CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB
  • 26. With the easy-to-use abstractions of a PaaS. CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB Rails MySQL GitHub
  • 27. But since you have all the code, you still have full control! CPU Memory Disk Drive Network Server DB Rails MySQL GitHub
  • 28. Why not write the code yourself? Or hire a consulting company?
  • 29. Do it yourself Consultant Gruntwork Starting point From scratch From scratch Leverage 2+ years of battle- tested code proven in prod Time to launch 3 – 12 months (highly variable) 3 – 12 months (highly variable) 1 – 5 days (highly predictable) Monthly cost $16,000 – $32,000 / month (2 devs, $100k – $200k / yr) $32,000 – $64,000 / month (2 devs, $100 - $200 / hr) $500 – $2,995 / month Docs, tests None None Thorough documentation and automated tests Maintenance None None On-going maintenance, updates, security patches Support None None Commercial support
  • 30. 10x higher quality 10x faster 10x cheaper
  • 31. We can help you… Launch your startup Migrate to the cloud Implement security best practices Achieve compliance (HIPAA, PCI) Define your infrastructure as code Learn DevOps, AWS, Terraform
  • 32. “You are not special. Your infrastructure is not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You have the same tech debt as everyone else.” — your sysadmin, probably
  • 34. stage prod And so does everyone else
  • 37. Focus on your product and customers
  • 38. Let us handle the Gruntwork