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None of us is as smart as all of us.
Keeping your ideas to yourself is
detrimental. Diversity of people
equals diversity of ideas.
Denise Jacobs
Creativity... thrives on diversity,
tension, sharing and collaboration.
Stefan Klocek, “Better Together”
A client-agency relationship
is symbiotic. Work alongside
your appointed agency so that
they play a vital role in your
vision and help you achieve
your company or organisational
objectives and KPIs.
There is no such thing as
a stupid idea! Discuss all
possibilities to achieve the
best outcome.
Invest in discovery workshops
and stakeholder meetings
with your suppliers and staff
so that all parties learn about
your culture, listen to ideas and
collaborate as one team.
1. Create together

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Building an enduring, multi-billion dollar consumer technology company is hard. As an investor, knowing which startups have the potential to be massive and long-lasting is also hard. From both perspectives, identifying companies with this potential is a combination of “art” and “science” — the art is understanding how products work, and the science is knowing how to measure it. At the earliest stages of a company, it comes down to understanding how a product is built to maximize and leverage user engagement. In this presentation, Sarah Tavel shares her "Hierarchy of Engagement" framework she uses to evaluate non-transactional consumer companies she is looking to invest in.

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Products are people.
Ash Donaldson
Google Self-Driving Car Project
Improve your website content
by instilling an engaging tone
of voice. Avoid writing long, dry
content full of technical jargons.
Make digital interactions
fun by introducing subtle
animations or transitions that
fit the brand’s personality.
Rewrite robotic system
messages and help instructions
to be clear, precise, friendly and
perhaps even with a dose of
appropriate humour.
2. Design for emotional engagement
Design for context not devices.
Derek Featherstone

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Don't let your blood, sweat, and pixels be overlooked, great creative doesn't sell itself. Every presentation is a story, an opportunity to sell not just your work, but what people actually buy — YOU. This presentation will walk viewers through three core aspects of winning at any presentation, Confidence, Comprehension, and Conviction. These concepts, central to your work as a creative professional, are backed by science and bolstered by thoughts from some of the world’s leading creative professionals.

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Display a phone number
during office hours, and a
contact form after hours.
Reprioritise information about
an event, such as logistics,
schedule and photos based on
whether it is leading up to the
event (logistics), during the
event (schedule) or after the
event (photos).
Present different help
information about getting to
one place, from car rentals to
walking instructions, depending
on how far the user is located
away from the destination.
3. Design for context
(time, location, proximity, device, state of mind, capabilities, activity & interests)
A form can be long if it matches
participant expectations.
Louise Bassett & Jessica Enders
Investigate whether the
type of language used in a
form matches user needs,
whether form length matches
expectations and whether the
form is understandable to all
target audiences.
Implement the WCAG
guide for accessibility to
make sure all users can
complete a form regardless
of any disability.
Empower research
participants to feel valued
and important to the user
research process to drive
accurate results.
4. Research user expectations
Innovate like a UX researcher.
Dan Szuc

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What does the future look like? Is it a dark space where we’re suffering from varying degrees of techamphetamine or are we heading towards a Utopian fantasy of abundance and harmony? Understanding that our basic human needs and wants barely change, we explore the future state of a range of topics; from our need for physical sustenance through to our age-long fascination of transcending the limitations of our biology. Looking at the future from a human perspective, our potential for greatness is teetering on a fine line between darkness and hope. We’re banking on the latter.

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The document discusses the growth and impact of social media. Some key points made include: - Social media usage, especially on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Flickr has grown tremendously in recent years in terms of time spent, content shared, and number of users. - Many large brands and organizations, including governments and the military, are actively using social media for marketing, outreach, and sharing information. - Younger generations are leading the transition to digital and social media usage that will continue to shape future media habits.

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Just because something has been
done the same way for 10 years
doesn’t mean it’s the best way to do it.
Constantly challenge the status quote
in every part of your current customer
experience to find new possibilities.
Observe your customer
behaviour and detect small
details in the activities of
your customers, suppliers and
partners that suggest new
ways of doing things.
Triggered by questioning, observing, networking and experimenting, you can draw
connections between questions, problems or ideas from unrelated fields, which form
the catalyst for creativity. Draw conclusions from connecting customer problems with
insights, and as a result, create new customer experience design solutions.
Get to know a diverse range of your
customers, not just your pre-determined
target market, to gain radically different
perspectives from individuals in order to
find new opportunities to innovate.
Constantly try out new
experiences, take things apart
and test new ideas. Failing fast
and failing often will result in
faster innovation and the ability
to find a better solution quicker.
5 traits of a
Don’t be afraid to ask people
what they are doing.
Chris O’Brien
Conduct in-depth interviews
with customers to find out
where their pain points lie.
Spend time observing your
customers in the real world.
Analyse and implement the
findings, ensuring you build
brand rapport with your
6. Consult directly with customers
Design for MAGIC.
Make magic moments.
Laura Naylor, Cliff Curry & Will Bates

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Start with a
classic story
Make the
product the
Keep your
shoot in
Be inventive
but keep it
Communicate the who,
what, where, when and most
importantly WHY of your
brand using the important
methods of storytelling and
meaningful UX design.
Communicate your vision
to your audience using
powerful triggers.
Use emotionally engaging
icons, images, video and
animation to communicate
with your audience.
7. Harness storytelling techniques
Answer human needs in a
brand-proprietary way.
Andrew Wight
Articulate your brand story
via identifying your brand
archetype and purpose.
Define your brand’s role in
your customer’s story, where
your customer is the hero,
you are the mentor and your
product or service is the gift.
Translate the story into
customer touchpoints.
8. Align the experience to your brand

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Brand Archetpyes -
Making sure you’re measuring
the right metrics is important.
Andrea Browne & Gillian Vogl
Understand the goals of
your organisation prior to
the development of an app
or website.
Help your company or
organisation understand and
set up reasonable metrics,
understanding context and
environment of line of enquiry.
Implement solutions based
on meaningful findings and
then measure the outcomes.
9. Define your goals and metrics
Building trust with
your customers leads
to brand loyalty.
Wesley Rodricks & Yuan Wang

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Karlyn Borysenko and I discuss the elements of putting together an impactful presentation and how to submit them to conferences. Originally presented at Penn State Web - updated and reshared at HighEdWeb 2016 in Memphis Tennessee.

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We often spend hours together on stuffs that don’t really matter in your next presentation. You need to unclutter, focus, provide insight and yes, tell a story to convey the big idea. When you stop wasting time on the things that don’t really add any value to you presentation, we finally start adding proper value to the message and objective of your presentation. So here goes a list of things on which you should not even spend a minute. Cheers!

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Love reading comics? You're not the only one. What about these stories about super-beings keep our eyes glued to the pages and our minds salivating for more? We explore in this deck how comic writers use these storytelling techniques and how you can apply it in your presentation.

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10. Build trust with persuasive design
What is an effective cue for
your customers to take action
without being annoying?
Increasing the frequency
of this cue may increase
a desired behaviour if it’s
relevant to their needs.
Is it easy for your customers
to take the desired action?
Are they limited by time,
money or effort? Making this
simple for them may induce
more actions.
What is motivating your
customers? What pain points
are you solving for them? It
is often easy for businesses
to assume their customers’
motivations without truly
understanding their problems,
hopes and fears.
How are you rewarding your
customers after they’ve taken
the desired action? Is the
reward worth the effort and
will they do it again? Building
the right rewards will set the
scene for repeat customers.
or come say hiTHANKS

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10 Insightful Quotes On Designing A Better Customer Experience

  • 2. None of us is as smart as all of us. Keeping your ideas to yourself is detrimental. Diversity of people equals diversity of ideas. Denise Jacobs
  • 3. Creativity... thrives on diversity, tension, sharing and collaboration. Stefan Klocek, “Better Together”
  • 4. A client-agency relationship is symbiotic. Work alongside your appointed agency so that they play a vital role in your vision and help you achieve your company or organisational objectives and KPIs. There is no such thing as a stupid idea! Discuss all possibilities to achieve the best outcome. Invest in discovery workshops and stakeholder meetings with your suppliers and staff so that all parties learn about your culture, listen to ideas and collaborate as one team. 1. Create together
  • 6. Google Self-Driving Car Project
  • 7. Improve your website content by instilling an engaging tone of voice. Avoid writing long, dry content full of technical jargons. Make digital interactions fun by introducing subtle animations or transitions that fit the brand’s personality. Rewrite robotic system messages and help instructions to be clear, precise, friendly and perhaps even with a dose of appropriate humour. 2. Design for emotional engagement
  • 8. Design for context not devices. Derek Featherstone
  • 9. Display a phone number during office hours, and a contact form after hours. Reprioritise information about an event, such as logistics, schedule and photos based on whether it is leading up to the event (logistics), during the event (schedule) or after the event (photos). Present different help information about getting to one place, from car rentals to walking instructions, depending on how far the user is located away from the destination. 3. Design for context (time, location, proximity, device, state of mind, capabilities, activity & interests)
  • 10. A form can be long if it matches participant expectations. Louise Bassett & Jessica Enders
  • 11. Investigate whether the type of language used in a form matches user needs, whether form length matches expectations and whether the form is understandable to all target audiences. Implement the WCAG guide for accessibility to make sure all users can complete a form regardless of any disability. Empower research participants to feel valued and important to the user research process to drive accurate results. 4. Research user expectations
  • 12. Innovate like a UX researcher. Dan Szuc
  • 13. Just because something has been done the same way for 10 years doesn’t mean it’s the best way to do it. Constantly challenge the status quote in every part of your current customer experience to find new possibilities. Observe your customer behaviour and detect small details in the activities of your customers, suppliers and partners that suggest new ways of doing things. Triggered by questioning, observing, networking and experimenting, you can draw connections between questions, problems or ideas from unrelated fields, which form the catalyst for creativity. Draw conclusions from connecting customer problems with insights, and as a result, create new customer experience design solutions. Get to know a diverse range of your customers, not just your pre-determined target market, to gain radically different perspectives from individuals in order to find new opportunities to innovate. Networking Associational Thinking Questioning ExperimentingObserving Constantly try out new experiences, take things apart and test new ideas. Failing fast and failing often will result in faster innovation and the ability to find a better solution quicker. 5 traits of a successful innovator
  • 14. Don’t be afraid to ask people what they are doing. Chris O’Brien
  • 15. Conduct in-depth interviews with customers to find out where their pain points lie. Spend time observing your customers in the real world. Analyse and implement the findings, ensuring you build brand rapport with your customers. 6. Consult directly with customers
  • 16. Design for MAGIC. Make magic moments. Laura Naylor, Cliff Curry & Will Bates
  • 17. Start with a classic story arc Make the product the hero Keep your shoot in mind Be inventive but keep it simple
  • 18. Communicate the who, what, where, when and most importantly WHY of your brand using the important methods of storytelling and meaningful UX design. Communicate your vision to your audience using powerful triggers. Use emotionally engaging icons, images, video and animation to communicate with your audience. 7. Harness storytelling techniques
  • 19. Answer human needs in a brand-proprietary way. Andrew Wight
  • 20. Articulate your brand story via identifying your brand archetype and purpose. Define your brand’s role in your customer’s story, where your customer is the hero, you are the mentor and your product or service is the gift. Translate the story into customer touchpoints. 8. Align the experience to your brand
  • 21. Brand Archetpyes -
  • 22. Making sure you’re measuring the right metrics is important. Andrea Browne & Gillian Vogl
  • 23. Understand the goals of your organisation prior to the development of an app or website. Help your company or organisation understand and set up reasonable metrics, understanding context and environment of line of enquiry. Implement solutions based on meaningful findings and then measure the outcomes. 9. Define your goals and metrics
  • 24. Building trust with your customers leads to brand loyalty. Wesley Rodricks & Yuan Wang
  • 25. 10. Build trust with persuasive design What is an effective cue for your customers to take action without being annoying? Increasing the frequency of this cue may increase a desired behaviour if it’s relevant to their needs. Triggers Is it easy for your customers to take the desired action? Are they limited by time, money or effort? Making this simple for them may induce more actions. Simplicity What is motivating your customers? What pain points are you solving for them? It is often easy for businesses to assume their customers’ motivations without truly understanding their problems, hopes and fears. Motivation How are you rewarding your customers after they’ve taken the desired action? Is the reward worth the effort and will they do it again? Building the right rewards will set the scene for repeat customers. Rewards