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Current State of JavaScript:
Chaos is the New Normal
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
Let’s assume
you are about to
launch a new website
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
Which framework should I use?
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
I get asked
this too often.
Please don’t
do that!
There is only
1 framework that is
good for SEO!
1 framework
SEOs and Googlers hate him!
He knows the perfect
setup for JS websites
With exponential
growth of JavaScript
With exponential
growth of JavaScript
How to be cool in 2018
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
The Big Three
Notable frameworks
Rest of the pack
Are they OK for SEO?
?? ??
Let’s hear framework
creators talk about
JavaScript & SEO
...if you care about
SEO, you still need to
have server-rendered
Jeff Whelpley
Angular U conference, June 22-25, 2015, Hyatt Regency, San Francisco Airport
“Angular 2 Server Rendering”
...we are generally able
to render and
understand your web
pages like modern
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
Indexing vs. Ranking
Can you
rank with a
JS website?
As Googlers would say
“there are factors at play here”
client rendered JS
Let’s search for Hulu’s exclusive shows.
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
Everyone hates him for telling the truth!
Here’s why you’re
wasting your time on
client-rendered JS
SEO – where the giants fight!
YouTube vs. Vimeo
Why is their
visibility declining?
without JS!
I’m about to
reveal the
YouTube secret
no one ever
told you.
YouTube is a
JS website…
YouTube with JS disabled
…and they are
prerendering for
Why would YouTube prerender
for Googlebot? Doesn’t
Google render JS just fine?
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SEO – it’s where the giants fight
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
What did they need React for?
Language switcher
Buttons on the bottom of the page
Client side login library
~300 lines of code written
~200 kB removed
50% performance improvement
Key problems with JavaScript
Where JavaScript lives? Real world problems.
Where JavaScript lives? Real world problems.
How many of you own ?
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
~200 KB to process
4 seconds
0.065 seconds
JavaScript vs. Crawler budget (crawl demand)
JavaScript vs. Crawler budget (crawl demand)
Oh no!
JavaScript vs. Crawler budget (crawl demand)
Oh no!
(…) Also, crawling &
indexing is currently
a bit slower than
static HTML (...)
Crawling and
JavaScript is not
a 0/1 thing
External Ajax callInline
dozens of different frameworks
their different configurations
inline vs. external
On top of that, there are hundreds of factors
affecting crawling and indexing
?How about Search Engines other than
Let’s start embracing chaos
Search Engines
guy @ Pubcon
our experiment
Fabrice Canel of
Bing said that
Bing processes
True story!
Patrick Stox @ DTD Conference 2018
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
Rich media cautions
don’t bury links to
content inside JavaScript
Rich media cautions
Graceful degradation
enable a clean down-
level experience so
crawlers can see your
Rich media cautions
Graceful degradation
Down-level experience
enhances discoverability
avoid housing content
inside Flash or JavaScript
– these block crawlers
form finding the content
It can process JS vs. It DOES process JS
1. Go to
2. Copy any text from the website
3. Try to find it in
4. Find everything BUT the
Or search for any content from
Google vs. Bing
Thanks, Dan Petrovic!
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
1.3% 0.8%
Google Bing Yahoo! Ask AOL
Search Engine market share
3.8% 0.8% 0.6%
Google Bing Yahoo! MSN DuckDuckGo
Search Engine market share
4.2% 1.0% 0.1% 0.1%
Google Bing Yahoo! T-Online
Search Engine market share
Let’s take a closer look at Google
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
JavaScript is REALLY easy to break
It’s all very shaky,
based on duct tape rather than…
Let’s start from
and their GitHub issue
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
url / / url /
The only thing that pages (…)
have in common is the number of
path segments in the url.
Igor Minar
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SEO Visibility
url / / url /
How much would that cost you? – is partial indexing in Google possible?
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
vs. Developers
vs. Search Engines
vs. Framework’s creators
Developers are confused af…
…We’ve created what will be
remembered as the world’s
most confusing JavaScript
survey ever.
…it contained only
1 question…
…but proved to be the most
difficult question you can
ask your developer.
Can client-side rendered JavaScript
websites rank high in Google?
Node.js developers group
ReactJS group
Angular2+ group
JavaScript group
Google is too close
to their technology
to see its flaws
(they are still #1 in
JS rendering tho).
Developers are
confused af…
SEO is the only way
to look at the Big
Facebook surveys
are useless ☺
Eat vegetables!
Can you rank well with a Client
Rendered JavaScript Website?
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
Quick check
JavaScript Enabled
JavaScript Disabled
React Native
How about
their rankings?
#1 for
Is there hope for client-rendered JS websites?
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
Ranking with a CSR JavaScript website
Ranking without it
Google Flights
Google Flights
Wrapping up
How can we summarize chaos?
Life is meaningless.
What’s the point?
Death is inevitable.
If can’t find you, do you even exist?
The REAL wrap up JS
The REAL wrap up JS
JS can kill
crawler budget
The REAL wrap up JS
JS can kill
crawler budget
JS websites have
ranking problems
Ranking well with
CSR JavaScript
websites is very
hard if not
Going back to the original question…
, really?
Which framework should I use?
…one that is Server Side Rendered?
We are still looking for a pioneer!

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