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Television Linked To The Web

                 Dorothea Tsatsou, Vasileios Mezaris, Ioannis Kompatsiaris

          Semantic personalisation in networked media:
            determining the background knowledge

                           Centre of Research and Technology Hellas
                              Information Technologies Institute

SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg                  
Towards networked media…

                                                              Social TV

                                                                                Second Screen content
                                                                                  push – breakthrough
                                                                                  with HTML5 mobile

                                           The rise of
                                            Smart TVs

                                                                                Second screen apps show related
                                                                                content without disturbing the TV view
LG SmartTV, pic courtesy

   2      SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg                           Information Technologies Institute
                                                                               Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
…to LinkedTV
                    TV v ie w

                                                     Interweaving TV and Web
                                                       content into a single

                                                                            Se c o nd
                                                                            s c re e n
    Web enrichment of TV
     content: a personal
     activity that will not
     disrupt TV viewing

3       SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg    Information Technologies Institute
                                                      Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Networked Media personalisation challenge

              Digital information overload
                                                        Most crucial:
                                                         management of data
                                                        Start: Background

                Digital information heterogeneity

4   SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg      Information Technologies Institute
                                                    Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Linked Open Data – Overview

Current trend for content interpretation, therefore gaining popularity for
  user preference representation

 DBPedia (different languages support)
           Broad coverage, shallow and inconsistent
 Freebase
           Google Knowledge Graph – content augmentation
           Community contributed
       YAGO
       …
       Domain-specific ontologies
           Geonames, MusicBrainz, …

    5       SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg   Information Technologies Institute
                                                         Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Linked Open Data – Advantages

     Broad coverage

     Structure over big data

     Community contribution,
           minimizing manual engineering needs
           evolving knowledge

     Interlinking of LOD vocabularies

6    SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg   Information Technologies Institute
                                                  Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Linked Open Data – Drawbacks

 Inconsistency
 Shallowness
 Lacking user-pertinent information

                     User: Football, Manchester United
                     Content: Chelsea FC
                     LOD KB: Chelsea FC  Football 
                     User(Football fan)-pertinent KB:
                      disjoint Manchester United, Chelsea FC

 “Unnecessary” volume in knowledge itself and mappings
         Scalability
         Privacy
             Server-bound storage and processing

  7       SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg     Information Technologies Institute
                                                         Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Formal Ontologies

 General upper level ontologies
        DOLCE, SUMO, BFO, PROTON, …
        Advantages:
            Rich expressivity
            Consistency and well-defined structure
            Efficient alignment support over middle and domain ontologies for cross-domain
             data handling
        Disadvantages:
            Generic
            Voluminous
 Ontologies for the media (TV) super-domain
        BBC Programmes ontology
        AVATAR ontology

 8       SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg          Information Technologies Institute
                                                             Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
User-specific ontologies & vocabularies

 Cognitive Characteristics Ontology
        Upper characteristics schema (skills, interests, competences…)

 OCUM (Ontological Cognitive User Model)
        Imager, verbalizer, …

        Personality, facial expressions, motion, social environment, topics

        Relationships between people, social networking attributes, interest
         expression schema

 9       SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg      Information Technologies Institute
                                                         Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Aligning LOD and formal ontologies

    Purpose:
        Unify relevant schemata under a more lightweight core ontology
        Unify individuals under a single type and mapping them to the uniform schema
    Individuals classification
        NERD ontology
            LOD mappings: Alchemy, DBPedia Spotlight, Extractiv, OpenCalais, Zemanta
    Schema alignment
        S-Match
            Class labels information
        AROMA
            Association rule mining
        BLOOMS
            Wikipedia & DBPedia for LOD schema alignment, can map to upper level formal ontologies
            BLOOMS+: contextual information to map LOD to PROTON
        LogMap
            Scalable automatic mapping & mappings consistency checking

    10   SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg                Information Technologies Institute
                                                                   Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Hypervideo content enrichment and linking
hypervideo to the web in LinkedTV                                            



                                              CONTENT ENRICHMENT

11      SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg         Information Technologies Institute
                                                           Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
The LinkedTV ontology (LUMO) design principles

 Homogenization of multidisciplinary and diverse information
 Scalable modeling and matchmaking
 Context modeling

 Reuse of existing vocabularies and schemata
 Use only the knowledge that means something to the user and for the
  user of a smart TV environment
 Expressive enough to make efficient inferencing
 Selective (automatic) domain specific knowledge incorporation
      Concept space based on more granular DBPedia subsets
 Mappings to classify content to the lightweight LUMO and not to
  represent preferences per se

 12    SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg   Information Technologies Institute
                                                    Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Towards LUMO: a snapshot

13   SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg   Information Technologies Institute
                                                  Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Minimizing the concept space

 Voluminous cross-domain information
 Multilingual content

                                Single conceptualisation
                              Avoid redundant steps in the
                                inferencing process

  dbpedia:’Building’ ≡                             de.dbpedia:Fußbal ≡’Civic Structure’ ≡                   dbpedia:AssociationFootball ≡
  lumo:Building                                    lumo:Football

 14   SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg         Information Technologies Institute
                                                         Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

                                                     Annotation-indexed fuzzy mappings

         Separate Mappings

<EquivalentClasses>                                          To not only concepts
<Class abbreviatedIRI="dbpedia:LOCATION"/>
<Class abbreviatedIRI="schema:Place"/>
                                                             but possibly plain
<Class abbreviatedIRI="lumo:Location"/>                      keywords, labels

  15    SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg          Information Technologies Institute
                                                            Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Future work:
Knowledge pulling and learning                                           

 Complexity minimization and scalability maximization upon
      Contextual knowledge pulling
          Location and time-based context
          Current viewing context

 Evolving knowledge and group-specific knowledge
      User clustering and learning cluster-specific knowledge (rules)
      Expressivity to support rules

 16    SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg      Information Technologies Institute
                                                       Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

 A more lightweight user-pertinent ontology: LUMO
      First version to be released by the end of the year under
 Encompassing content related and context (user characteristics,
  sensor-extracted data) related knowledge
 Emphasis on minimizing concept space yet maintaining sufficient
  expressivity and meaningful information
 Multilinguality support

 17    SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg      Information Technologies Institute
                                                       Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Thank you!

                                     Any questions?

18    SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg      Information Technologies Institute
                                                      Centre for Research and Technology Hellas

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LinkedTV tools for Linked Media applications (LIME 2015 workshop talk)
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LinkedTV D8.6 Market and Product Survey for LinkedTV Services and Technology
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Semantic personalisation in networked media: determining the background knowledge

  • 1. Television Linked To The Web Dorothea Tsatsou, Vasileios Mezaris, Ioannis Kompatsiaris Semantic personalisation in networked media: determining the background knowledge Centre of Research and Technology Hellas Information Technologies Institute SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg
  • 2. Towards networked media… Social TV Second Screen content push – breakthrough with HTML5 mobile The rise of Smart TVs Second screen apps show related content without disturbing the TV view LG SmartTV, pic courtesy 2 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 3. …to LinkedTV TV v ie w Interweaving TV and Web content into a single experience Se c o nd s c re e n Web enrichment of TV content: a personal activity that will not disrupt TV viewing 3 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 4. Networked Media personalisation challenge Digital information overload  Most crucial: management of data  Start: Background knowledge Digital information heterogeneity 4 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 5. Linked Open Data – Overview Current trend for content interpretation, therefore gaining popularity for user preference representation  DBPedia (different languages support)  Broad coverage, shallow and inconsistent  Freebase  Google Knowledge Graph – content augmentation  Community contributed  YAGO   …  Domain-specific ontologies  Geonames, MusicBrainz, … 5 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 6. Linked Open Data – Advantages  Broad coverage  Structure over big data  Community contribution,  minimizing manual engineering needs  evolving knowledge  Interlinking of LOD vocabularies 6 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 7. Linked Open Data – Drawbacks  Inconsistency  Shallowness  Lacking user-pertinent information User: Football, Manchester United Content: Chelsea FC LOD KB: Chelsea FC  Football  User(Football fan)-pertinent KB: disjoint Manchester United, Chelsea FC  “Unnecessary” volume in knowledge itself and mappings  Scalability  Privacy  Server-bound storage and processing 7 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 8. Formal Ontologies  General upper level ontologies  DOLCE, SUMO, BFO, PROTON, …  Advantages:  Rich expressivity  Consistency and well-defined structure  Efficient alignment support over middle and domain ontologies for cross-domain data handling  Disadvantages:  Generic  Voluminous  Ontologies for the media (TV) super-domain  BBC Programmes ontology  AVATAR ontology 8 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 9. User-specific ontologies & vocabularies  Cognitive Characteristics Ontology  Upper characteristics schema (skills, interests, competences…)  OCUM (Ontological Cognitive User Model)  Imager, verbalizer, …  GUMO  Personality, facial expressions, motion, social environment, topics  FOAF & FOAF-WI  Relationships between people, social networking attributes, interest expression schema 9 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 10. Aligning LOD and formal ontologies  Purpose:  Unify relevant schemata under a more lightweight core ontology  Unify individuals under a single type and mapping them to the uniform schema  Individuals classification  NERD ontology  LOD mappings: Alchemy, DBPedia Spotlight, Extractiv, OpenCalais, Zemanta  Schema alignment  S-Match  Class labels information  AROMA  Association rule mining  BLOOMS  Wikipedia & DBPedia for LOD schema alignment, can map to upper level formal ontologies  BLOOMS+: contextual information to map LOD to PROTON  LogMap  Scalable automatic mapping & mappings consistency checking 10 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 11. Hypervideo content enrichment and linking hypervideo to the web in LinkedTV Cubism Fauvism Expressionism CONTENT ENRICHMENT 11 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 12. The LinkedTV ontology (LUMO) design principles  Homogenization of multidisciplinary and diverse information  Scalable modeling and matchmaking  Context modeling  Reuse of existing vocabularies and schemata  Use only the knowledge that means something to the user and for the user of a smart TV environment  Expressive enough to make efficient inferencing  Selective (automatic) domain specific knowledge incorporation  Concept space based on more granular DBPedia subsets  Mappings to classify content to the lightweight LUMO and not to represent preferences per se 12 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 13. Towards LUMO: a snapshot 13 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 14. Minimizing the concept space  Voluminous cross-domain information  Multilingual content Single conceptualisation Avoid redundant steps in the inferencing process dbpedia:’Building’ ≡ de.dbpedia:Fußbal ≡’Civic Structure’ ≡ dbpedia:AssociationFootball ≡ lumo:Building lumo:Football 14 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 15. Mappings Annotation-indexed fuzzy mappings Separate Mappings <EquivalentClasses> To not only concepts <Class abbreviatedIRI="dbpedia:LOCATION"/> <Class abbreviatedIRI="schema:Place"/> but possibly plain <Class abbreviatedIRI="lumo:Location"/> keywords, labels </EquivalentClasses> 15 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 16. Future work: Knowledge pulling and learning  Complexity minimization and scalability maximization upon matchmaking:  Contextual knowledge pulling  Location and time-based context  Current viewing context  Evolving knowledge and group-specific knowledge  User clustering and learning cluster-specific knowledge (rules)  Expressivity to support rules 16 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 17. Conclusions  A more lightweight user-pertinent ontology: LUMO  First version to be released by the end of the year under  Encompassing content related and context (user characteristics, sensor-extracted data) related knowledge  Emphasis on minimizing concept space yet maintaining sufficient expressivity and meaningful information  Multilinguality support 17 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
  • 18. Thank you! Any questions? 18 SMAP 2012 • 3-4 December 2012 • Luxembourg Information Technologies Institute Centre for Research and Technology Hellas