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4/29/2016 SCADA System Architecture, Types and Applications­system­architecture­types­applications/ 1/10
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Know all about SCADA Systems
Architecture and Types with Applications
Advancements in Intelligent Instrumentation
and Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) /
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) have
made the process-control solutions in many of
the industries to be easily managed and
operated by utilizing the bene1ts of a SCADA
system. SCADA is popular in several
applications like process industries, oil and
gas, electric power generation, distribution and
utilities, water and waste control,
agriculture/irrigation, manufacturing,
transportation systems, and so on. Let us
know about the SCADA system‘s working
principle in brief from this article.
What is SCADA System?
SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition; it is an industrial computer-based control
system employed to gather and analyze the real-time data to keep track, monitor and control industrial
equipments in different types of industries. Consider the application of SCADA in power systems for
operation and control.
SCADA in power system can be de1ned as the power distribution application which is typically based on the
software package. The electrical distribution system consists of several substations; these substations will
have multiple numbers of controllers, sensors and operator-interface points.
SCADA System
In general, for controlling and monitoring a substation in real time (PLCs) Programmable Logic Controllers,
Circuit breakers and Power monitors are used. Data is transmitted from the PLCs and other devices to a
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4/29/2016 SCADA System Architecture, Types and Applications­system­architecture­types­applications/ 2/10
computer-based-SCADA node located at each substation. One or more computers are located at different
centralized control and monitoring points.
SCADA system usage have became popular from the 1960s with the increase in need of monitoring and
controlling the equipment. Early systems built using mainframe computers were expensive as they were
manually operated and monitored. But the recent advancements in technology have made-advanced,
automated SCADA systems with maximum ef1ciency at reduced cost, according to the alarming
requirements of the company.
SCADA Basics
Before discussing about the architecture of SCADA and different types of SCADA systems, primarily we
must know a few SCADA basics. Consider the block diagram of SCADA system shown in the 1gure which
consists of different blocks, namely Human-machine Interface (HMI), Supervisory system, Remote terminal
units, PLCs, Communication infrastructure and SCADA Programming.
Basics of SCADA
1. Human-machine Interface (HMI)
It is an input-output device that presents the process data to be controlled by a human operator. It is used
by linking to the SCADA system’s  software programs and databases for providing the management
information, including the scheduled maintenance procedures, detailed schematics, logistic information,
trending and diagnostic data for a speci1c sensor or machine. HMI systems facilitate the operating
personnel to see the information graphically.
Human-Machine Interface
2. Supervisory System
Supervisory system is used as server for communicating between the equipment of the SCADA system
such as RTUs, PLCs and sensors, etc., and the HMI software used in the control room workstations. Master
station or supervisory station comprises  a single PC in smaller SCADA systems and, in case of larger
SCADA systems, supervisory system comprises distributed software applications, disaster recovery sites
and multiple servers. These multiple servers are con1gured in a hot-standby formation or dual-redundant,
which continuously controls and monitors in case of a server failure for increasing the integrity of the
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3. Remote Terminal Units
Physical objects in the SCADA systems are interfaced with the microprocessor controlled electronic devices
called as Remote Terminal Units (RTUs). These units are used to transmit telemetry data to the supervisory
system and receive the messages from the master system for controlling the connected objects. Hence,
these are also called as Remote Telemetry Units.
4. Programmable Logic Controllers
In SCADA systems, PLCs are connected to the sensors for collecting the sensor output signals in order to
convert the sensor signals into digital data. PLCs are used instead of RTUs because of the advantages of
PLCs like ¹exibility, con1guration, versatile and affordability compared to RTUs.
Programmable Logic Controllers
5. Communication Infrastructure
Generally the combination of radio and direct wired connections is used for SCADA systems, but in case of
large systems like power stations and railways SONET/SDH are frequently used. Among the very compact
SCADA protocols used in SCADA systems – a few communication protocols, which are standardized and
recognized by SCADA vendors – send information only when the supervisory station polls the RTUs.
6. SCADA Programming
SCADA programming in a master or HMI is used for creating maps and diagrams which will give an
important situational information in case of an event failure or process failure. Standard interfaces are used
for programming most commercial SCADA systems. SCADA programming can be done using derived
programming language or C language.
Architecture of SCADA
Generally the SCADA system includes the following components: local processors, operating equipment,
PLCs, instruments, remote terminal unit, intelligent electronic device, master terminal unit or host
computers and a PC with human machine interface.
Architecture of SCADA
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The block diagram of SCADA system shown in the 1gure represents the basic SCADA architecture. The
SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems are different from distributed control systems
that  are commonly found in plant sites. When distributed control systems cover the plant site, SCADA
system cover much larger geographic areas.
Above 1gure depicts  an integrated SCADA architecture which supports TCP/IP, UDP and other IP based
communication protocols as well as industrial protocols like Modbus TCP, Modbus over TCP or Modbus
over UDP. These all work over cellular, private radio or satellite networks.
In complex SCADA architectures, there are a variety of wired and wireless media & protocols involved in
getting data back to the monitoring site. This allows implementation of powerful IP based SCADA networks
over landline, mixed cellular and satellite systems. SCADA communications can utilize a diverse range of
wired and wireless media.
The choice of the existing communication depends on the characterization of a number of factors. The
factors are remoteness, available communications at the remote sites, existing communications
infrastructure, polling frequency and data rates. These factors impact the 1nal decision for SCADA
architecture. Therefore, a review of SCADA systems evolution allows us to better understand many security
 4 Types of SCADA systems
There are different types of SCADA systems that can be considered as SCADA architectures of four
different generations:
1. First Generation: Monolithic or Early SCADA systems,
2. Second Generation: Distributed SCADA systems,
3. Third Generation: Networked SCADA systems and
4. Fourth Generation: Internet of things technology, SCADA systems
1. Monolithic or Early SCADA Systems
Minicomputers are used earlier for computing the SCADA systems. In earlier times, during the time of 1rst
generation, monolithic SCADA systems were developed wherein the common network services were not
available. Hence, these are independent systems without having any connectivity to other systems.
Monolithic or Early SCADA Systems
All the remote terminal unit sites would  connect to a back-up mainframe system for achieving the 1rst
generation SCADA system redundancy, which was used in case of failure of the primary mainframe system.
The functions of the monolithic SCADA systems in the early 1rst generation were limited to monitoring
sensors in the system and ¹agging any operations in case of surpassing programmed alarm levels.
2. Distributed SCADA Systems
In the second generation, the sharing of control functions is distributed across the multiple systems
connected to each other using Local Area Network (LAN). Hence, these were termed as distributed SCADA
systems. These individual stations were used to share real-time information and command processing for
performing control tasks to trip the alarm levels of possible problems.

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Presentaton on Plc & Scada

This document provides an overview of a presentation on programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. It includes an agenda that covers introductions to PLCs and SCADA, their classifications, elements, applications, and types. It also discusses the purpose of the research project, which is to develop teaching modules on general SCADA systems and PLCs using LabVIEW and wireless computers.

Scada systems basics winnie mbau
Scada systems basics winnie mbauScada systems basics winnie mbau
Scada systems basics winnie mbau

SCADA systems are used to monitor and control geographically dispersed systems. They involve data acquisition from sensors, transmission of data via communication networks to a central control system, data presentation through HMIs, and remote control of equipment. Key components include RTUs that interface with field sensors and devices, programmable logic controllers that connect to sensors and convert signals to digital data, and HMIs that present data to operators and allow control of the system. SCADA systems are commonly used in industries like oil and gas, water treatment, manufacturing, and electric power grids.

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Distributed SCADA Systems
The cost and size of the station were reduced compared to the 1rst generation system, as each system of
the second generation was responsible for performing a particular task with reduced size and cost. But
even in the second generation systems also the network protocols were not standardized. The security of
the SCADA installation was determined by a very few people beyond the developers, as the protocols were
proprietary. But generally the security of the SCADA installation was ignored.
3. Networked SCADA Systems
The current SCADA systems are generally networked and communicate using Wide Area Network (WAN)
Systems over data lines or phone. These systems use Ethernet or Fiber Optic Connections for transmitting
data between the nodes frequently. These third generation SCADA systems use Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLC) for monitoring and adjusting the routine ¹agging operators only in case of major decisions
Networked SCADA Systems
The 1rst and second generation SCADA systems are limited to single site networks or single building called
as sealed systems. In these systems, we can not have any risk compared to the third generation SCADA
system which are connected to the internet causing the security risks. There will be several parallel working
distributed SCADA systems under a single supervisor in network architecture.
4. Internet of Things
In fourth generation, the infrastructure cost of the SCADA systems is reduced by adopting the internet of
things technology with the commercially available cloud computing. The maintenance and integration is
also very easy for the fourth generation compared to the earlier SCADA systems.
Internet of Things
These SCADA systems are able to report state in real time by using the horizontal scale from the cloud
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computing facility; thus, more complex control algorithms can be implemented which are practically
suf1cient to implement on traditional PLCs.
The security risks in case of decentralized SCADA implementations such as a heterogonous mix of
proprietary network protocols can be surpassed using the open network protocols such as TLS inherent in
the internet of things which will provide comprehendible and manageable security boundary.
Applications of SCADA
SCADA systems are used for monitoring a variety of data like ¹ows, currents, voltages, pressures,
temperatures, water levels, and etc., in various industries. If the system detects any abnormal conditions
from any monitoring data, then the alarms at the central or remote sites will be triggered for alerting the
operators through HMI.
There are numerous applications of SCADA systems, but a few most frequently used SCADA applications
1. Manufacturing Industries
2. Waste Water Treatment and Distribution Plants
3. SCADA in Power System
1. SCADA In Manufacturing Industries
In manufacturing industries the regular processes like running the production systems to meet the
productivity targets, checking the number of units produced and counting the completed stages of
operations along with temperatures at various stages of the manufacturing process, and so on, are taken
care by using the SCADA application.
2. SCADA Application in Waste Water Treatment and Distribution Plants
Wastewater treatment plants are of different types such as surface-water treatment and a well water
treatment system in which many control systems and automation processes are involved in water
treatment and distribution systems. SCADA systems are used for controlling the automatic operations of
the equipment used like backwashing the 1lters based on the hours of working or amount of water ¹ow
through the 1lters.
Waste Water Treatment and Distribution Plants
In distribution plants the water tank levels, pressure of system, temperature of plant, sedimentation,
1ltration, chemical treatment and other parameters or processes are controlled using the SCADA
applications such as PLCs, PC based workstations which are connected each other using Local Area
Network (LAN) such as Ethernet.
3. SCADA in Power System
Power system can be de1ned as constituent of power generation, transmission and distribution. All these
sectors are needed to be monitored regularly for improving the system ef1ciency. Thus, the application of
SCADA in power system improves the overall ef1ciency of the system by providing the supervision and
control over the generation, transmission and distribution systems. SCADA in the power system network
increases the system’s reliability and stability for integrated grid operation.
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SCADA in Power System
Wireless SCADA
In large scale industries like power plants, steel plants and so on, many processes and operations such as
movement of conveyer belts for coal or product transport, boiler heat temperature, etc. are to be monitored
continuously and there is need to control the factors affecting these parameters. So, application of wireless
SCADA will provide better control over the required control systems and operations.
Wireless SCADA Block Diagram by
In this project 2.4 GHz wireless transmitter and USB receiver are used for sending and receiving the data
collected from the temperature sensors which interface with 8051 microcontroller.  If the temperature goes
beyond the set limit whether the low limit or high limit, then the microcontroller sends commands to the
relays to turn on or off based on the command signal.
Monitoring and controlling of multiple operations in maximum number of industries are being automatically
controlled by most advanced SCADA technology implementations. Already we are observing that many
industrial operations are automatically controlled using the application of SCADA system technology, but
still many researchers are working to develop more ef1cient SCADA systems for adopting full automatic
control of all types of industrial operations. Having any queries and ideas? Post your comments in the
comment section below for any technical help for implementing your ideas to develop real time projects.
Photo Credits:
SCADA System by synergistscada
Human-machine Interface by directindustry
Programmable Logic Controllers by openelectrical
Architecture of SCADA by protogenist
Internet of Things by ee.ethz
Waste Water Treatment and Distribution Plants by prizmaotomasyon
4/29/2016 SCADA System Architecture, Types and Applications­system­architecture­types­applications/ 8/10
About Tarun Agarwal
Tarun Agarwal is the Chief Operating Of1cer at Edgefx Technologies Pvt Ltd. He
has 8 years of experience in Customer Support, Operations and Administration.
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This document provides information about SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems. It discusses what SCADA is, the advantages of SCADA over HMI, the system concept of SCADA including RTUs, and future trends in SCADA. Specific topics covered include the history and purpose of SCADA, where SCADA is used, alarm features in SCADA, and applications of RTUs in remote monitoring and control.

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SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems monitor and control industrial processes that are distributed over large geographical areas. They progressed through 3 generations - from co-located control in the 1970s to networked systems connected to external networks in the 2000s. A typical SCADA system has hardware components like PLCs and field devices, and software for communication, interfacing, scalability, and functionality like access control, alarms, trending, and automation through scripting. SCADA provides cost-effective monitoring and control for industrial processes compared to distributed control systems.


This document discusses supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. It describes the typical hardware and software architectures of SCADA, including distributed databases, data servers, programmable logic controllers, and field buses. The document outlines common SCADA functions such as access control, human-machine interface, trending, alarm handling, logging, archiving, report generation, and automation. It also mentions SCADA development tools and data access mechanisms. In conclusion, the document states that SCADA systems offer more front-end functionality, efficient storage, and device-oriented configuration than distributed control systems.

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Scada system architecture, types and applications

  • 1. 4/29/2016 SCADA System Architecture, Types and Applications­system­architecture­types­applications/ 1/10 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Know all about SCADA Systems Architecture and Types with Applications Advancements in Intelligent Instrumentation and Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) / Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) have made the process-control solutions in many of the industries to be easily managed and operated by utilizing the bene1ts of a SCADA system. SCADA is popular in several applications like process industries, oil and gas, electric power generation, distribution and utilities, water and waste control, agriculture/irrigation, manufacturing, transportation systems, and so on. Let us know about the SCADA system‘s working principle in brief from this article. What is SCADA System? SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition; it is an industrial computer-based control system employed to gather and analyze the real-time data to keep track, monitor and control industrial equipments in different types of industries. Consider the application of SCADA in power systems for operation and control. SCADA in power system can be de1ned as the power distribution application which is typically based on the software package. The electrical distribution system consists of several substations; these substations will have multiple numbers of controllers, sensors and operator-interface points. SCADA System In general, for controlling and monitoring a substation in real time (PLCs) Programmable Logic Controllers, Circuit breakers and Power monitors are used. Data is transmitted from the PLCs and other devices to a HOME ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS EMBEDDED SYSTEMS ROBOTICS ANDROID OTHERS Hey, we just launched our brand new website with latest Electronics and Electrical Projects for Engineering Students!  Click Here to Visit
  • 2. 4/29/2016 SCADA System Architecture, Types and Applications­system­architecture­types­applications/ 2/10 computer-based-SCADA node located at each substation. One or more computers are located at different centralized control and monitoring points. SCADA system usage have became popular from the 1960s with the increase in need of monitoring and controlling the equipment. Early systems built using mainframe computers were expensive as they were manually operated and monitored. But the recent advancements in technology have made-advanced, automated SCADA systems with maximum ef1ciency at reduced cost, according to the alarming requirements of the company. SCADA Basics Before discussing about the architecture of SCADA and different types of SCADA systems, primarily we must know a few SCADA basics. Consider the block diagram of SCADA system shown in the 1gure which consists of different blocks, namely Human-machine Interface (HMI), Supervisory system, Remote terminal units, PLCs, Communication infrastructure and SCADA Programming. Basics of SCADA 1. Human-machine Interface (HMI) It is an input-output device that presents the process data to be controlled by a human operator. It is used by linking to the SCADA system’s  software programs and databases for providing the management information, including the scheduled maintenance procedures, detailed schematics, logistic information, trending and diagnostic data for a speci1c sensor or machine. HMI systems facilitate the operating personnel to see the information graphically. Human-Machine Interface 2. Supervisory System Supervisory system is used as server for communicating between the equipment of the SCADA system such as RTUs, PLCs and sensors, etc., and the HMI software used in the control room workstations. Master station or supervisory station comprises  a single PC in smaller SCADA systems and, in case of larger SCADA systems, supervisory system comprises distributed software applications, disaster recovery sites and multiple servers. These multiple servers are con1gured in a hot-standby formation or dual-redundant, which continuously controls and monitors in case of a server failure for increasing the integrity of the system.
  • 3. 4/29/2016 SCADA System Architecture, Types and Applications­system­architecture­types­applications/ 3/10 3. Remote Terminal Units Physical objects in the SCADA systems are interfaced with the microprocessor controlled electronic devices called as Remote Terminal Units (RTUs). These units are used to transmit telemetry data to the supervisory system and receive the messages from the master system for controlling the connected objects. Hence, these are also called as Remote Telemetry Units. 4. Programmable Logic Controllers In SCADA systems, PLCs are connected to the sensors for collecting the sensor output signals in order to convert the sensor signals into digital data. PLCs are used instead of RTUs because of the advantages of PLCs like ¹exibility, con1guration, versatile and affordability compared to RTUs. Programmable Logic Controllers 5. Communication Infrastructure Generally the combination of radio and direct wired connections is used for SCADA systems, but in case of large systems like power stations and railways SONET/SDH are frequently used. Among the very compact SCADA protocols used in SCADA systems – a few communication protocols, which are standardized and recognized by SCADA vendors – send information only when the supervisory station polls the RTUs. 6. SCADA Programming SCADA programming in a master or HMI is used for creating maps and diagrams which will give an important situational information in case of an event failure or process failure. Standard interfaces are used for programming most commercial SCADA systems. SCADA programming can be done using derived programming language or C language. Architecture of SCADA Generally the SCADA system includes the following components: local processors, operating equipment, PLCs, instruments, remote terminal unit, intelligent electronic device, master terminal unit or host computers and a PC with human machine interface. Architecture of SCADA
  • 4. 4/29/2016 SCADA System Architecture, Types and Applications­system­architecture­types­applications/ 4/10 The block diagram of SCADA system shown in the 1gure represents the basic SCADA architecture. The SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems are different from distributed control systems that  are commonly found in plant sites. When distributed control systems cover the plant site, SCADA system cover much larger geographic areas. Above 1gure depicts  an integrated SCADA architecture which supports TCP/IP, UDP and other IP based communication protocols as well as industrial protocols like Modbus TCP, Modbus over TCP or Modbus over UDP. These all work over cellular, private radio or satellite networks. In complex SCADA architectures, there are a variety of wired and wireless media & protocols involved in getting data back to the monitoring site. This allows implementation of powerful IP based SCADA networks over landline, mixed cellular and satellite systems. SCADA communications can utilize a diverse range of wired and wireless media. The choice of the existing communication depends on the characterization of a number of factors. The factors are remoteness, available communications at the remote sites, existing communications infrastructure, polling frequency and data rates. These factors impact the 1nal decision for SCADA architecture. Therefore, a review of SCADA systems evolution allows us to better understand many security concerns.  4 Types of SCADA systems There are different types of SCADA systems that can be considered as SCADA architectures of four different generations: 1. First Generation: Monolithic or Early SCADA systems, 2. Second Generation: Distributed SCADA systems, 3. Third Generation: Networked SCADA systems and 4. Fourth Generation: Internet of things technology, SCADA systems 1. Monolithic or Early SCADA Systems Minicomputers are used earlier for computing the SCADA systems. In earlier times, during the time of 1rst generation, monolithic SCADA systems were developed wherein the common network services were not available. Hence, these are independent systems without having any connectivity to other systems. Monolithic or Early SCADA Systems All the remote terminal unit sites would  connect to a back-up mainframe system for achieving the 1rst generation SCADA system redundancy, which was used in case of failure of the primary mainframe system. The functions of the monolithic SCADA systems in the early 1rst generation were limited to monitoring sensors in the system and ¹agging any operations in case of surpassing programmed alarm levels. 2. Distributed SCADA Systems In the second generation, the sharing of control functions is distributed across the multiple systems connected to each other using Local Area Network (LAN). Hence, these were termed as distributed SCADA systems. These individual stations were used to share real-time information and command processing for performing control tasks to trip the alarm levels of possible problems.
  • 5. 4/29/2016 SCADA System Architecture, Types and Applications­system­architecture­types­applications/ 5/10 Distributed SCADA Systems The cost and size of the station were reduced compared to the 1rst generation system, as each system of the second generation was responsible for performing a particular task with reduced size and cost. But even in the second generation systems also the network protocols were not standardized. The security of the SCADA installation was determined by a very few people beyond the developers, as the protocols were proprietary. But generally the security of the SCADA installation was ignored. 3. Networked SCADA Systems The current SCADA systems are generally networked and communicate using Wide Area Network (WAN) Systems over data lines or phone. These systems use Ethernet or Fiber Optic Connections for transmitting data between the nodes frequently. These third generation SCADA systems use Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) for monitoring and adjusting the routine ¹agging operators only in case of major decisions requirement. Networked SCADA Systems The 1rst and second generation SCADA systems are limited to single site networks or single building called as sealed systems. In these systems, we can not have any risk compared to the third generation SCADA system which are connected to the internet causing the security risks. There will be several parallel working distributed SCADA systems under a single supervisor in network architecture. 4. Internet of Things In fourth generation, the infrastructure cost of the SCADA systems is reduced by adopting the internet of things technology with the commercially available cloud computing. The maintenance and integration is also very easy for the fourth generation compared to the earlier SCADA systems. Internet of Things These SCADA systems are able to report state in real time by using the horizontal scale from the cloud
  • 6. 4/29/2016 SCADA System Architecture, Types and Applications­system­architecture­types­applications/ 6/10 computing facility; thus, more complex control algorithms can be implemented which are practically suf1cient to implement on traditional PLCs. The security risks in case of decentralized SCADA implementations such as a heterogonous mix of proprietary network protocols can be surpassed using the open network protocols such as TLS inherent in the internet of things which will provide comprehendible and manageable security boundary. Applications of SCADA SCADA systems are used for monitoring a variety of data like ¹ows, currents, voltages, pressures, temperatures, water levels, and etc., in various industries. If the system detects any abnormal conditions from any monitoring data, then the alarms at the central or remote sites will be triggered for alerting the operators through HMI. There are numerous applications of SCADA systems, but a few most frequently used SCADA applications include: 1. Manufacturing Industries 2. Waste Water Treatment and Distribution Plants 3. SCADA in Power System 1. SCADA In Manufacturing Industries In manufacturing industries the regular processes like running the production systems to meet the productivity targets, checking the number of units produced and counting the completed stages of operations along with temperatures at various stages of the manufacturing process, and so on, are taken care by using the SCADA application. 2. SCADA Application in Waste Water Treatment and Distribution Plants Wastewater treatment plants are of different types such as surface-water treatment and a well water treatment system in which many control systems and automation processes are involved in water treatment and distribution systems. SCADA systems are used for controlling the automatic operations of the equipment used like backwashing the 1lters based on the hours of working or amount of water ¹ow through the 1lters. Waste Water Treatment and Distribution Plants In distribution plants the water tank levels, pressure of system, temperature of plant, sedimentation, 1ltration, chemical treatment and other parameters or processes are controlled using the SCADA applications such as PLCs, PC based workstations which are connected each other using Local Area Network (LAN) such as Ethernet. 3. SCADA in Power System Power system can be de1ned as constituent of power generation, transmission and distribution. All these sectors are needed to be monitored regularly for improving the system ef1ciency. Thus, the application of SCADA in power system improves the overall ef1ciency of the system by providing the supervision and control over the generation, transmission and distribution systems. SCADA in the power system network increases the system’s reliability and stability for integrated grid operation.
  • 7. 4/29/2016 SCADA System Architecture, Types and Applications­system­architecture­types­applications/ 7/10 SCADA in Power System Wireless SCADA In large scale industries like power plants, steel plants and so on, many processes and operations such as movement of conveyer belts for coal or product transport, boiler heat temperature, etc. are to be monitored continuously and there is need to control the factors affecting these parameters. So, application of wireless SCADA will provide better control over the required control systems and operations. Wireless SCADA Block Diagram by In this project 2.4 GHz wireless transmitter and USB receiver are used for sending and receiving the data collected from the temperature sensors which interface with 8051 microcontroller.  If the temperature goes beyond the set limit whether the low limit or high limit, then the microcontroller sends commands to the relays to turn on or off based on the command signal. Monitoring and controlling of multiple operations in maximum number of industries are being automatically controlled by most advanced SCADA technology implementations. Already we are observing that many industrial operations are automatically controlled using the application of SCADA system technology, but still many researchers are working to develop more ef1cient SCADA systems for adopting full automatic control of all types of industrial operations. Having any queries and ideas? Post your comments in the comment section below for any technical help for implementing your ideas to develop real time projects. Photo Credits: SCADA System by synergistscada Human-machine Interface by directindustry Programmable Logic Controllers by openelectrical Architecture of SCADA by protogenist Internet of Things by ee.ethz Waste Water Treatment and Distribution Plants by prizmaotomasyon
  • 8. 4/29/2016 SCADA System Architecture, Types and Applications­system­architecture­types­applications/ 8/10 About Tarun Agarwal Tarun Agarwal is the Chief Operating Of1cer at Edgefx Technologies Pvt Ltd. He has 8 years of experience in Customer Support, Operations and Administration. SEARCH HERE! Search the site ... JOIN OUR LOYAL FAN BASE! Name Email BECOME SUBSCRIBER DOWNLOAD EBOOK WORTH 99$ Name Email Phone Number DOWNLOAD NOW TECHNICAL WORKSHOP
  • 9. 4/29/2016 SCADA System Architecture, Types and Applications­system­architecture­types­applications/ 9/10 FOLLOW US SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Edgefx Kits 722 videos Subscribe 14K CIRCLE US ON GOOGLE PLUS Edgefx Kits & Solutions Project Solutions for Engineering Students + 8,744 Follow +1 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK