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      Ron Reiter
Who am I?	

•  Ron Reiter	

•  HTML5 Google Developer

•  HTML5-IL	

•  Consultant, Freelancer

•  HTML5 is a platform for writing

•  Browser + Server = Web	

Why mobile web?	

•  Global mobile traffic now represents roughly 13% of Internet traffic	

•  Gartner research: In 2013 more than half of users will surf the web via

•  Nearly 1/3 of UK page views are from mobiles and tablets	

       NEED TO DO IT
Why HTML5?	

•  Cross platform development	

•  FirefoxOS	

•  PhoneGap	

•  Desktops run JavaScript with great

•  Devices are only getting stronger
   (Zuckerberg, kiss my *ss)

•  Millisecond grade interaction and animations	

•  HTML5 is not quite there yet
Why Multi-screen?
CSS Media Queries
CSS Media Queries - Before	

CSS Media Queries - After	

CSS Media Queries - After	

CSS Media Queries - After	

Important media queries	

•  print	
•  orientation	
•  min-­‐width	
•  max-­‐width	
•  min-­‐device-­‐width	
•  max-­‐device-­‐width	
•  -­‐webkit-­‐min-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐ratio	

Why is this better?	

•  Declarative CSS allows hardware acceleration	

•  Browser Optimizations	

•  Less ugly
Viewport meta tag	

•  This viewport tag disables mobile viewport


•  Use it when you build responsive interfaces
App or mobile web?	

•  You already have your website, and now you
   want to support mobile devices.	

•  Website	

   –  Easier maintenance	

•  Application	

   –  More abilities
What are my options?	

•  Change your current website to a responsive
   web site	

•  Your original website + Special website for
   tablets and smartphones	

•  Just make an app (HTML5, native, etc).
Responsive web UI Frameworks	

HTML5 Mobile First Applications
Mobile First Web Applications	

•  Make a mobile website	

•  Mobile application development platform	


jQuery Mobile	

•    Amazing mobile framework	

•    Themable	

•    Cross Platform	

•    Around for a while
jQuery Mobile Prototyping - Codiqa
How to start	

•  Create a new HTML page with:	




•  Or use Codiqa to download your app
How to use jQuery Mobile
What can jQuery Mobile do?
jQuery Mobile	

•  What can I do with jQuery mobile?	

•  Go to
   using your smartphone or tablet
Responsive Applications
Responsive Applications
Responsive Applications
Reflow Tables (web)
Reflow Tables (mobile)
jQuery Mobile Architecture &
jQuery Mobile Architecture	

AJAX Navigation	

•  Instead of changing the document location, we
    use $.mobile.navigate (saves history)	


AJAX Navigation	

•  Once we navigate, a “navigate” event is fired	

Navigating between loaded pages	


Creating a page dynamically	

jQuery Mobile + MVC	

•  Angular	


•  Backbone – we need a special router	


•  Ember + jQuery Mobile is a bit harder since
   both frameworks utilize a fair amount of
OK, I want an app!	

•  PhoneGap / Apache Cordova – Gives
   native API access from JavaScript	

•  PhoneGap was bought by Adobe, so that non-
   Adobe development is done in Cordova
PhoneGap Build	

•  Removes the need for compiling to all
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design	

•  Web sites with a simple UI need to adapt to
   multiple screen form factors	

•  Web sites are less complicated than web
   applications, but still very similar	

•  jQuery mobile is also a tool for responsive
   web design	

Twitter Bootstrap
Twitter Bootstrap	

•  UI framework is more straightforward than
   jQuery Mobile	

•  The UI elements are not as good for mobile as
   jQuery Mobile	

•  Mobile browsers do not behave well with
   advanced Bootstrap UI elements like jQuery
   Mobile does
How to make Bootstrap responsive?	

•  Add this to your Bootstrap app:	


•  And you’re ready to go!
Twitter Bootstrap Grid	

Bootstrap Grid (web)	

Bootstrap Grid (mobile)	



Example (web)
Example (mobile)
Responsive Design Bookmarklet
Viewport Resizer

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Multi screen HTML5

  • 1. MULTI-SCREEN HTML5 Ron Reiter
  • 2. Who am I? •  Ron Reiter •  HTML5 Google Developer Expert •  HTML5-IL •  Consultant, Freelancer
  • 3. HTML5 != WEB •  HTML5 is a platform for writing applications •  Browser + Server = Web !=  
  • 4. Why mobile web? •  Global mobile traffic now represents roughly 13% of Internet traffic •  Gartner research: In 2013 more than half of users will surf the web via smartphones •  Nearly 1/3 of UK page views are from mobiles and tablets BECAUSE YOU NEED TO DO IT
  • 5. Why HTML5? •  Cross platform development •  FirefoxOS •  PhoneGap •  Desktops run JavaScript with great performance •  Devices are only getting stronger (Zuckerberg, kiss my *ss)
  • 6. Why NOT HTML5? •  Millisecond grade interaction and animations •  HTML5 is not quite there yet
  • 10. CSS Media Queries - Before $(window).resize(  function()  {          if  ($(window).width()  <  480)  {              document.body.className  =  “smartphone”;          }  else  if  ($(window).width()  >=  480  &&  $ (window).width()  <  940)  {              document.body.className  =  “tablet”;          }  else  {              document.body.className  =  “desktop”;          }     });  
  • 11. CSS Media Queries - After @media  (max-­‐width:  479px)  {     }     @media  (min-­‐width:  480px)  and  (max-­‐width:  939px)  {     }     @media  (min-­‐width:  940px)  {     }      
  • 12. CSS Media Queries - After <link  rel="stylesheet"        type="text/css"  media="screen"  href="sans-­‐serif.css">     <link  rel="stylesheet"        type="text/css"  media="print"  href="serif.css">  
  • 13. CSS Media Queries - After @import  url(responsive-­‐retina.css)  (-­‐webkit-­‐min-­‐device-­‐ pixel-­‐ratio:  1.5),  (min-­‐resolution:  144dpi);  
  • 14. Important media queries •  print  /  screen   •  orientation   •  min-­‐width   •  max-­‐width   •  min-­‐device-­‐width   •  max-­‐device-­‐width   •  -­‐webkit-­‐min-­‐device-­‐pixel-­‐ratio    /  min-­‐resolution    
  • 15. Why is this better? •  Declarative CSS allows hardware acceleration •  Browser Optimizations •  Less ugly
  • 16. Viewport meta tag •  This viewport tag disables mobile viewport resizing: <meta  name="viewport”  content=”          width=device-­‐width,  initial-­‐scale=1.0,  maximum-­‐scale=1.0,  user-­‐scalable=no   ”>   •  Use it when you build responsive interfaces
  • 18. App or mobile web? •  You already have your website, and now you want to support mobile devices. •  Website –  Easier maintenance •  Application –  More abilities
  • 19. What are my options? •  Change your current website to a responsive web site •  Your original website + Special website for tablets and smartphones •  Just make an app (HTML5, native, etc).
  • 20. Responsive web UI Frameworks Responsive  Web  Sites   Mobile  First   Twi$er  Bootstrap   jQuery  Mobile  
  • 21. HTML5 Mobile First Applications
  • 22. Mobile First Web Applications •  Make a mobile website •  Mobile application development platform UI  Frameworks   jQuery  Mobile   Sencha  Touch   jqMobi   DOM  ManipulaMon   Frameworks   jQuery,  Zepto   MVC  Frameworks   Backbone.js   Ember.js   Angular.js  
  • 23. jQuery Mobile •  Amazing mobile framework •  Themable •  Cross Platform •  Around for a while
  • 25. How to start •  Create a new HTML page with: <link  rel="stylesheet"  href="­‐1.3.0.min.css"  />   <script  src="­‐1.8.2.min.js"></script>   <script  src="­‐1.3.0.min.js"></script>   •  Or use Codiqa to download your app
  • 26. How to use jQuery Mobile
  • 27. What can jQuery Mobile do?
  • 28. jQuery Mobile •  What can I do with jQuery mobile? •  Go to using your smartphone or tablet
  • 35. jQuery Mobile Architecture AJAX  /  Preloaded Web  NavigaMon   One  HTML,  Two  pages   Two  HTMLs,  Two  pages  
  • 36. AJAX Navigation •  Instead of changing the document location, we use $.mobile.navigate (saves history) $(“a”).on(“click”,  function(  event  )  {    event.preventDefault();    $.mobile.navigate  (  this.attr(“href”)  );   });  
  • 37. AJAX Navigation •  Once we navigate, a “navigate” event is fired   $(window).on(“navigate”,  function(event,  data)  {          //  load  new  content  using  AJAX   });  
  • 38. Navigating between loaded pages JavaScript:   $.mobile.changePage(“#page2”,  “pop”,  false,  true);   $.mobile.back();   HTML:   <div  data-­‐role=“page”  id=“page1”></div>   <div  data-­‐role=“page”  id=“page2”></div>  
  • 39. Creating a page dynamically JavaScript:    $(document.body).append('<div  data-­‐role="page"   id=”page2"><div  data-­‐role="content">'  +  content  +  '</ div></div>');   $.mobile.initializePage();   $.mobile.changePage(“#page2”,  “pop”,  false,  true);  
  • 40. jQuery Mobile + MVC •  Angular – adapter •  Backbone – we need a special router – •  Ember + jQuery Mobile is a bit harder since both frameworks utilize a fair amount of voodoo
  • 41. OK, I want an app! •  PhoneGap / Apache Cordova – Gives native API access from JavaScript •  PhoneGap was bought by Adobe, so that non- Adobe development is done in Cordova
  • 42. PhoneGap Build •  Removes the need for compiling to all platforms
  • 45. Responsive Web Design •  Web sites with a simple UI need to adapt to multiple screen form factors •  Web sites are less complicated than web applications, but still very similar •  jQuery mobile is also a tool for responsive web design – rwd.php
  • 47. Twitter Bootstrap •  UI framework is more straightforward than jQuery Mobile •  The UI elements are not as good for mobile as jQuery Mobile •  Mobile browsers do not behave well with advanced Bootstrap UI elements like jQuery Mobile does
  • 48. How to make Bootstrap responsive? •  Add this to your Bootstrap app: <meta  name="viewport"  content="width=device-­‐width,  initial-­‐scale=1.0">   <link  href="assets/css/bootstrap-­‐responsive.css"  rel="stylesheet">   •  And you’re ready to go!
  • 49. Twitter Bootstrap Grid <div  class=“container”>      <div  class=“row”>  <!-­‐-­‐  columns  must  sum  up  to  12  -­‐-­‐>          <div  class=“span4”>  …  content  …  </div>          <div  class=“span4”>  …  content  …  </div>                  <div  class=“span4”>  …  content  …  </div>      </div>   </div>  
  • 50. Bootstrap Grid (web) span4   span4   span4  
  • 51. Bootstrap Grid (mobile) span4   span4   span4  
  • 55. Responsive Design Bookmarklet