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Introduction to HTML 5.0
Part 1 - Markup
Nir Elbaz
Introduction to HTML 5.0
Nir Elbaz 2
The hottest technology!
More than just a
presentation markup language
Cross platform
• HTML 5 - The new standard for HTML
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> What Is It And How Did It Get Started?
Nir Elbaz 4
November 1995
HTML 4.01
December 1999
1995 20091999
May 2001
Web Forms API
December 2012
HTML 5 1st Final Draft
October 2009
2004 2006

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Introduction to HTML and CSS
Introduction to HTML and CSSIntroduction to HTML and CSS
Introduction to HTML and CSS

The document provides an agenda for a workshop on HTML, CSS, and putting them together. It covers HTML topics like semantic tags, comments, and best practices. It then discusses CSS topics such as IDs vs classes, floats, shorthand, and putting HTML and CSS together with project structure and layouts. The workshop aims to give an introduction to HTML, CSS, and how to structure websites using these languages.

Bootstrap ppt
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Bootstrap ppt

Bootstrap is a front-end framework that makes building responsive, mobile-first websites faster and easier. It provides pre-built UI components and design templates for common tasks like navigation, typography, forms, buttons, images, and more. Developers and designers can use Bootstrap to quickly prototype and build sites without custom coding.

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Introduction To PHP
Introduction To PHPIntroduction To PHP
Introduction To PHP

This document provides an introduction and overview of PHP, including: - PHP allows developers to create dynamic web content that interacts with databases. - It covers PHP syntax, variables, operators, decision making and looping statements, arrays, strings, and getting/posting data. - The final section discusses using MySQL database with PHP, including data definition language, data manipulation language, and queries. It also mentions installing Wamp server for local development.

• Plan 2014
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> What Is It And How Did It Get Started?
Nir Elbaz 5
Require at least two browsers to completely
pass HTML 5 test suites
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> What Is It And How Did It Get Started?
Nir Elbaz 6
• HTML 5 rules:
– New features should be based on HTML, CSS,
DOM, and JavaScript
– Reduce the need for external RIA plugins (like
Flash*, Silverlight etc.)
– Better error handling (backwards compatibility)
– More markup tags to replace scripting
– HTML5 should be device independent
– Dev. process should be visible to the public (ML)
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> What Is It And How Did It Get Started?
Nir Elbaz 7
What’s New in HTML 5?
• Less header code
• More semantic HTML elements
• New / obsolete HTML elements & attributes
• Form validation
• Deprecated HTML elements & attributes
• Cross device
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> What Is It And How Did It Get Started?
Nir Elbaz 8

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CSS3, Media Queries, and Responsive Design
CSS3, Media Queries, and Responsive DesignCSS3, Media Queries, and Responsive Design
CSS3, Media Queries, and Responsive Design

This document discusses responsive web design using CSS3 media queries. It begins with an introduction to media queries and their syntax for modifying CSS based on screen width. It then covers examples of adapting layouts, images, and other design elements for different screen sizes. Finally, it addresses techniques for supporting older browsers that do not support media queries, such as using conditional comments or JavaScript libraries.

web designmedia queriesresponsive web design
Intro to HTML and CSS basics
Intro to HTML and CSS basicsIntro to HTML and CSS basics
Intro to HTML and CSS basics

This document provides an overview of HTML and CSS topics including: - A brief history of HTML and CSS standards from 1990 to present. - Descriptions of common HTML elements like <body>, <head>, <img>, <a>, and lists. - Explanations of CSS concepts like selectors, properties, units, positioning, and layout fundamentals. - Details on CSS topics like the box model, centering content, semantic HTML, and flexbox. The document serves as a course outline or reference for learning HTML and CSS fundamentals.

Introduction to JavaScript (1).ppt
Introduction to JavaScript (1).pptIntroduction to JavaScript (1).ppt
Introduction to JavaScript (1).ppt

This document introduces JavaScript, explaining that it allows for interactivity on web pages by manipulating the browser and reacting to user actions. It is embedded in HTML and executes on the client side for fast interactions without a connection. JavaScript statements can include code combined with HTML tags. The document also discusses using JavaScript with HTML forms to process and display user input on the page.

What’s New in HTML 5?
• New APIs:
– Integrated APIs:
• Video & Audio
• Inline Editing
• Offline Application
• History API
• Web Protocol
• Drag & Drop
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> What Is It And How Did It Get Started?
Nir Elbaz 9
Relies (heavily) on JavaScript
– Associated APIs:
• Geolocation
• Local Storage
• Web Workers
• Web Sockets
• Messaging
What’s New in HTML 5?
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> What Is It And How Did It Get Started?
Nir Elbaz 10
What’s New in HTML 5?
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> What Is It And How Did It Get Started?
Nir Elbaz 11
What’s New in HTML 5?
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> What Is It And How Did It Get Started?
Nir Elbaz 12

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This document provides an overview of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) including: - CSS handles the look and feel of web pages by controlling colors, fonts, spacing, layouts, backgrounds and more. - CSS versions include CSS1 for basic formatting, CSS2 for media styles and positioning, and CSS3 for new features like colors and transforms. - There are three ways to apply stylesheets: inline with HTML tags, internally within <style> tags, and externally with <link> tags. - The Style Builder in Microsoft allows applying styles through a dialog box with options for fonts, backgrounds, text, positioning, and other properties. Basic CSS syntax uses selectors and properties to

cascading style sheetswebstyle builder
Basic HTML
Basic HTMLBasic HTML
Basic HTML

The document provides information about HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): 1. HTML is the standard markup language used to create web pages and defines the structure and layout of a web page. 2. HTML uses tags to annotate text with semantic information like headings, paragraphs, links, quotes, etc. and the tags are enclosed in angle brackets. 3. Basic HTML tags include <html>, <head>, <title>, <body>, <h1>-<h6> for headings, <p> for paragraphs, <a> for links, <img> for images, and <br> for line breaks.

htmlsayan deyuniversity of calcutta
Css Ppt
Css PptCss Ppt
Css Ppt

This document provides an overview of various CSS topics including comments, colors, text formatting, positioning, and cross-browser compatibility. It explains concepts like using hexadecimal color codes, text properties like alignment and decoration, positioning elements with static, relative, absolute and fixed positioning, and strategies for aligning elements and dealing with browser inconsistencies.

Moving to HTML 5.0
Nir Elbaz 13
HTML5 Page Structure
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 14
• HTML 4 page structure 
HTML5 Page Structure
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 15
• HTML 5 page structure 
HTML5 Page Structure
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 16
• Migrating from HTML 4 to HTML 5
1. Change the Doctype
2. Shorten HTML tag
3. Change the charset meta tag
4. Shorten SCRIPT & STYLE tags
5. Shorten LINK tags
6. Convert DIVs to semantic elements (not all of them)
7. Use new elements / attributes
8. Remove obsolete elements & attributes
9. Fix CSS rules

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Html basics
Html basicsHtml basics
Html basics

HTML is a markup language used to describe and structure web pages. It uses tags to define headings, paragraphs, links, images, and other content. An HTML file contains a head and body section. The head contains meta information about the page like the title. The body contains the visible page content. Common tags include headings, paragraphs, links, images, and divs to group content. Attributes provide extra information about elements.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) allows styling and layout of HTML documents by separating the presentation from the content, making it possible to change the look of an entire website by editing one CSS file. CSS uses selectors to apply specific styles to HTML elements via declarations that set properties like color, font, size and more. Styles are defined in CSS files and can be applied to HTML documents via internal, external, and inline styling methods.

css idcsslists
Html / CSS Presentation
Html / CSS PresentationHtml / CSS Presentation
Html / CSS Presentation

about this presentation: 1) this presentation was a quickie for non-tech employees, who wanted a basic understanding of html/css, as it related to a white-label SAAS product; 2) the back-end/front-end definitions relate to the specific application (it's inaccurate if node.js is in the picture)

Semantic Elements
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 20
Semantic elements are Not design elements!
Semantic Elements
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 21
• Why is it good for?
– Code Standardization
– Accessibility
– SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
– Semantic Web 3.0
Easy to consume
Semantic Elements
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 22
Semantic Elements
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 23
• More semantic HTML tags
– Results: <output name="result"></output>
– Progress bar: <progress id="p" max=100><span>0</span>%</progress>
– Measurement gauge: <meter value=6 max=8>6 blocks (out of 8)</meter>
– Details & summary: <details><summary>…</summary></details>
– Images & captions: <figure><img src=“…” /><figcaption>title</figcaption></figure>
– Dates & times: <time pubdate datetime="2012-06-10T14:28-08:00"></time>
– Menus & commands: <menu type="toolbar"><command type=“radio” /></menu>
– Highlights: <p>Task requires <mark>3 programmers</mark>.</p>

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HTML/CSS/java Script/Jquery
HTML/CSS/java Script/JqueryHTML/CSS/java Script/Jquery
HTML/CSS/java Script/Jquery

The document provides an overview of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. It describes what each technology is, examples of common tags and syntax, and how they are used together. HTML is a markup language used to define the structure and layout of web pages using tags. CSS is used to style and lay out HTML elements, and can be linked externally or embedded internally or inline. JavaScript can be used to add interactive elements and dynamic behavior to HTML pages client-side. jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies tasks like HTML document traversal and manipulation, events, animations and Ajax.

Java script
Java scriptJava script
Java script

JavaScript was designed to add interactivity to HTML pages. It is a scripting language that is usually embedded directly into HTML pages and allows for dynamic text, event handling, reading/writing HTML elements, and validating form data. JavaScript supports both client-side and server-side scripting and was originally developed by Netscape under the name LiveScript before being renamed. It provides programming capabilities to HTML authors and allows for dynamic content, user interaction, and validation without server requests.

Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript
Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScriptWeb Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript
Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript

With the commercialization of the web, web development has become one of the blooming industries. Learning web development enables you to create attractive websites using HTML, CSS, JQuery and JavaScript. Web development includes developing simple and complex web-based applications, electronic businesses and social networking sites. Being a web developer you can deliver applications as web services which is only available in desktop applications.

Semantic Elements
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 24
Semantic Elements
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 25
• DOs & DONTs
1. Don’t use section as a wrapper for styling
2. Only use header and hgroup when they’re
3. Don’t wrap all lists of links in nav
4. Not every image is a figure
5. Figure can be more than an image
Semantic Elements
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 26
• The role of DIV element
– Only use section and article elements when
sectioning content is appropriate
– Only use the aside for related content
– Headers and footers are for grouping heading or
footer content
– nav elements should not be used for every
navigation grouping
– DIVs can be used to group related content
Error Handling
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 27
• Spec defines what browsers should do while
• Processing well-formed markup
• Processing badly formed markup! new! new! new!
• Not that interesting if you’re writing valid
• An HTML5 (text/html) browser will be flexible
in handling incorrect syntax
– designed so that old browsers can safely
ignore new HTML5 constructs
– browsers will produce the same result in the case
of incorrect syntax

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Bootstrap 5 ppt
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History Why bootstrap Getting started containers Grid basic Typograpy Colours Tables Images Alerts Buttons Progress bar Spinner Pagination Listgroups Cards Dropdowns Collaps Navs Carousel Modal Tooltip Popovers Toast Scrollspy Offcanvas Utilities Bootstrap 5 forms

New Elements & Features in HTML5
New Elements & Features in HTML5New Elements & Features in HTML5
New Elements & Features in HTML5

HTML5 is a new version of HTML that includes new elements and features. It introduces elements for embedding graphics and media, like <canvas> for drawings and <video> and <audio> for media playback. It also includes new form input types, drag and drop functionality, and geolocation. HTML5 provides semantic elements to better describe content. It enables offline web applications and web storage. While browser support is still evolving, many new HTML5 features can already be used today.

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HTML presentation for beginners
HTML presentation for beginnersHTML presentation for beginners
HTML presentation for beginners

The document discusses the basic syntax and structure of HTML documents. It covers the main components of HTML including: 1. The DOCTYPE declaration which identifies the document type 2. Elements which contain the content and are wrapped in tags 3. Attributes which provide extra information about elements 4. Comments for annotating the code It provides examples of basic HTML code including the skeleton of an HTML document with headings, paragraphs, lists, links, and other common elements.

Page & Form Elements and Attributes
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 28
Page & Form Elements and Attributes
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 29
• New elements & attributes (highlights)
– Input types
• tel – phone numbers
• search – search bars
• email – email addresses
• range – range of numbers
• color – color picker
• date – picker (datetime TZ, date-local, week, time, month)
• time – time picker
• file – upload multiple files
• url - links
Page & Form Elements and Attributes
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 30
• New elements & attributes (highlights)
– Input types
Unsupported browsers default to text. Implementation is different between supported browsers!
Page & Form Elements and Attributes
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 31
• New elements & attributes (highlights)
– Attributes
• placeholder – sets place holder string for input elements
• data-* – custom element attributes
• autofocus – focus control during page load
• autocomplete (on / off) – stores input for future use
• multiple – allows multiple values in file / email inputs
• list – offers predefined values but accepts free text
• form – allows placing an input outside the form

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Html Ppt
Html PptHtml Ppt
Html Ppt

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used to define the structure and layout of web pages using a variety of tags and attributes. Some key points covered are: - HTML documents use tags like <html> enclosed in angle brackets to describe headings, paragraphs, links, images, and other content. - Tags normally come in pairs with opening and closing tags. - HTML can be used to format text, add images and tables, create lists and forms, structure pages using divs and frames, and more. - CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is often used to define styles and layouts, separate from HTML content. - Forms allow users to enter data through

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Introduction to HTML
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Introduction to HTML

Week 9 Lecture slides and audio for ITB/N Organisational Databases, Semester 1, 2008, QUT, Brisbane, Australia.

Page & Form Elements and Attributes
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 32
• Obsolete tags & attributes (highlight)
– Presentation elements such as <font>, <center>,
<blink>, <dir>, <basefont>, <big>, <strike>
– Presentation attributes including align, border,
hspace, vspace
– <frame>, <frameset>, <layer>, <ilayer>
– <applet>
– <marquee>, <bgsound>, <noscript>
Page & Form Elements and Attributes
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 33
• Form validation (1 of 4)
– required – valueMissing
– type – typeMismatch
– pattern – patternMismatch
– maxLength – tooLong
– min – rangeUnderflow
– max – rangeOverflow
– step – stepMismatch
– setCustomValidity(message) – customError
Page & Form Elements and Attributes
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 34
• Form validation (2 of 4)
– Custom validation is possible by JS checking
– Turning form validation off
• novalidate form attribute
• Empty value formonvalidate submit button attribute
• Form validation (3 of 4)
– Customized validation error messages
• Error message can be modified using the invalid input
event handler:
• Appearance can be modified just a little (:invalid, :required)
Page & Form Elements and Attributes
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 35

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Dreamweaver Notes
Dreamweaver NotesDreamweaver Notes
Dreamweaver Notes

The document provides instructions for creating a website template in Fireworks and Dreamweaver, including setting up the template file, inserting placeholder text and navigation, applying CSS styles, and creating individual pages from the template. Key steps are to set the local and images folders in Dreamweaver, import navigation from Fireworks, add layers and text, style elements with CSS classes and tags, save as a template, and then generate new pages based on the template.

Intro to html
Intro to htmlIntro to html
Intro to html

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the code that defines the structure and layout of web pages on the internet. Tim Berners-Lee created HTML and the World Wide Web in 1989 at CERN. HTML uses tags to give instructions to web browsers on how to display text, images, and other content on web pages. Common HTML tags are used to define headings, paragraphs, lists, links, and tables.

Html 5 introduction
Html 5 introductionHtml 5 introduction
Html 5 introduction

HTML5 is the next generation of HTML that will be the new standard, as the previous version was released in 1999. HTML5 is still a work in progress but is supported by most modern browsers. HTML5 was a cooperation between the W3C and WHATWG to create a new version that reduces the need for plugins, has better error handling, and includes new elements and APIs. Some of HTML5's new features include canvas drawing, video and audio playback, offline storage, and new form controls.

• Form validation (4 of 4)
– JavaScript to the rescue:
• elem.checkValidity (method, bool)
• elem.willValidate (attribute, bool)
– The control is an input, select, or textarea
– The control is not disabled and not readonly
– The control is not of type hidden, button, reset, or submit
• elem.validity.valid (attribute, bool)
• elem.validationMessage (attribute, string)
Page & Form Elements and Attributes
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Getting Started With HTML5
Nir Elbaz 36
Introduction to HTML 5.0
Part 2 – APIs
Nir Elbaz
Advanced Client Side Programming
Nir Elbaz 39
• Empowering web applications:
– Dozens of WGs working on new APIs
– We don’t need any plugin – HTML 5 is enough!
– As HTML 5 itself, not all APIs are final
Intro to HTML 5 APIs
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 40

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Introduction à HTML 5
Introduction à HTML 5Introduction à HTML 5
Introduction à HTML 5

Objectif général : Découvrir quelques nouveautés du HTML5 Objectifs opérationnels : Connaître les avantages du HTML5 Utiliser les nouveaux éléments de structuration Utiliser les nouveaux éléments conteneurs Utiliser les nouveaux éléments de contenu incorporé Utiliser les nouveaux éléments et attributs de formulaire

html 5numbernav
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Nnnnooemi pool riooss 1c

HTML 5 by Sergiy Baydachnyy (Microsoft Ukraine)

html 5
Intro to HTML 5 APIs
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 41
• Key features
– Web pages container for 2D graphics
– Pixel-by-pixel rendering resolution dependent
– Manipulated via scripting (Javascript)
– Supported in IE 9+ & all other popular browsers
– Once drawn, it is “forgotten” by the browser
Canvas Element
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
• Canvas basic template
Canvas Element
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
43Nir Elbaz
• Canvas reference surface
• Drawing rectangles
fillRect(x, y, width, height);
strokeRect(x, y, width, height);
clearRect(x, y, width, height);
Canvas Element
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 44
Set colors:
fillStyle = “color” || “rgba()”
strokeStyle = “color” || “rgba()”
Line style:
lineWidth = 1.0
lineCap = “butt” || “round” ||”square”
lineJoin = “round” || “bevel” ||”miter”

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Intro to html 5
Intro to html 5Intro to html 5
Intro to html 5

This document provides an introduction to HTML 5, including: - A timeline of web technologies from 1991 to 2009 and the introduction of HTML 5. - An overview of the new structural elements in HTML 5 like <header>, <nav>, <article>, <section>, <main>, <aside>, and <footer>. - Descriptions of other new elements in HTML 5 like <video>, <audio>, <canvas>, and changes to existing form controls.

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FrameMaker and the DITA Open Toolkit
FrameMaker and the DITA Open ToolkitFrameMaker and the DITA Open Toolkit
FrameMaker and the DITA Open Toolkit

The document discusses using the DITA Open Toolkit (OT) to publish DITA content from Adobe FrameMaker. It provides an overview of the OT, explaining that it is a Java-based framework for processing DITA into various formats. It outlines the steps to set up the OT for use with FrameMaker, including installing Java, setting the JAVA_HOME variable, and selecting the DITA version. It also demonstrates how to generate output from FrameMaker using the OT and explains how to add new OT plugin transformations.

FrameMaker and numbering
FrameMaker and numberingFrameMaker and numbering
FrameMaker and numbering

Develop a numbering system, apply it to templates, test it. See how to develop books with complete numbering. Explore the 1-2-3s, the A-B-Cs, and more

adobe framemakeradobetcsframemaker
• Drawing stuff
– Rectangles
– Shapes
– Arcs
– Quadratic & Bezier curves
– Text
– Images
Canvas Element
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 45
• Manipulating images
– Get the image data using
getImageData(x, y, width, height)
– Extract the array out of the image data
– Modify the image data array
– Re-draw the modified image data using
putImageData(imageData, x, y)
Canvas Element
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 46
The getImageData() method requires that the image is hosted on a web server
with the same domain as the code executing it
canvasShapes.html http://localhost:82/demo/
• Styling
– Global alpha
– Shadows
– Gradient
• Linear, Radial, Pattern
Canvas Element
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 47
• Canvas composition
Canvas Element
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 48

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This document provides an overview and introduction to using markup languages and the oXygen XML editor software. It discusses what markup languages are, different types of markup like procedural and descriptive markup, and examples of markup in HTML and XML. It also outlines the initial setup and creation of a basic project in oXygen XML editor, including creating a new project file, adding folders, and validating a simple "Hello World" XML file with a root element and DOCTYPE declaration.

Introduction to html 5
Introduction to html 5Introduction to html 5
Introduction to html 5

This document provides an introduction to HTML5 and discusses some of its new features. It begins with an overview of HTML5 and its updated document structure, then describes several new HTML5 elements such as <header>, <nav>, <article>, <section>, <figure>, and <footer>. It also discusses new form attributes, input types, and multimedia capabilities such as audio, video, and geolocation. Finally, it briefly mentions features like drag and drop, SVG graphics, canvas drawing, and server-sent events.

• Canvas transformation
– Translate
– Rotate
– Scale
– Transform
Canvas Element
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 49
• Canvas animation
– Determine optimal FPS
– Draw a shape on canvas
– Clear canvas
– Redraw a shape on canvas
Canvas Element
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 50
Canvas Element
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 51
• Key features
– Web pages container for 2D graphics
– Vector graphics - resolution independent
– Manipulated via scripting & CSS
– Supported in IE 9+ & all other popular browsers
SVG Element in a Nutshell
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs

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Looking into HTML5
Looking into HTML5Looking into HTML5
Looking into HTML5

The document discusses the evolution of HTML5 from XHTML and highlights new HTML5 elements, audio/video capabilities, and the Canvas element. Key points include: HTML5 aims to address shortcomings of XHTML by simplifying the language; new semantic elements like <header>, <nav>, <article> are introduced; audio and video can be embedded but browser support is limited; the Canvas element allows for dynamic 2D graphic scripts and drawings on the page.

History in HTML
History in HTMLHistory in HTML
History in HTML

This document discusses various markup languages and tools for analyzing textual documents, including TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) tags, topic modeling, optical character recognition, and metadata standards like MARC and Dublin Core. It provides examples of using TEI tags to encode text and presents resources for mining textual sources and analyzing their contents using computational methods.

digital historyteidigital humanities
A history of html
A history of htmlA history of html
A history of html

The document provides a history of HTML, describing how Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web at CERN in 1989 using HTML as the publishing language. It discusses how developments in communications technology in the 1990s, including the rise of hypertext, growing internet usage, and the domain name system, created conditions ripe for the Web's invention. The chapter also explains how HTML has evolved from a simple language with few tags in the early 1990s to a more complex system enabling rich web pages today.

web development
• SVG vs. Canvas comparison
SVG Element in a Nutshell
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
53Nir Elbaz
Canvas SVG
Pixel based (similar to image element) Vector based (similar to Flash technology)
Single HTML element (the whole canvas) Multiple graphical elements which become
part of the Document Object Model (DOM)
Modified through script only Modified through script and CSS
API does NOT support accessibility SVG markup and object model directly
supports accessibility
Resolution dependent Resolution independent
No API for animation Good support for animations via scripting &
CSS animations
• So… SVG or Canvas?
SVG Element in a Nutshell
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
54Nir Elbaz
Video & Audio Elements
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 55
Text-only Web
Midi & GIFs
Real Player &
Windows Media
• The history of HTML 5 video element
– You had to use the ugly <object> element in order
to include videos
• You had to add the <embed> element, too
• The right plugin must be installed in order to play the file
• Plugins are the cause of instability issues
• Poor display when layout overlaps the plugin area
• The media data is inaccessible (dom)
Video & Audio Elements
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 56

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An Intro to Mobile HTML5
An Intro to Mobile HTML5An Intro to Mobile HTML5
An Intro to Mobile HTML5

This document provides an introduction to HTML5 and discusses the evolution of the web. It notes that the web is changing from a single device experience to a multi-device one, and from thin clients to thick applications. It shows how browser platforms and programming languages have diversified for smartphones. The document highlights how HTML5 is bringing new capabilities like geolocation, video, audio and graphics to the web in a standardized way. It encourages keeping up with browser support and using polyfills and frameworks. Finally, it speculates about how the mobile web may gain access to device APIs and become more like a mobile platform itself.

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Demystifying HTML5
Demystifying HTML5Demystifying HTML5
Demystifying HTML5

This document provides an overview and history of HTML5, summarizing some of the key new features in 3 sentences or less: HTML5 aims to simplify HTML markup and make it more semantic with new elements like <section> and <nav>. It also introduces new JavaScript APIs, richer media like <audio> and <video>, and the <canvas> element for drawing. The development of HTML5 was a collaborative effort between browser vendors to create a common standard that is backwards compatible and supports modern web applications.

Html,CSS & UI/UX design
Html,CSS & UI/UX designHtml,CSS & UI/UX design
Html,CSS & UI/UX design

The document outlines an agenda for a session on HTML, CSS, and UI/UX design. It includes a quick revision of HTML and CSS standards and practices. It introduces HTML5 best practices regarding semantic elements. It defines what UI/UX is and why it is important. It discusses some UI principles to follow, such as keeping designs simple, straightforward, and focused on context while guiding users and providing feedback.

html5ux/uiui principles
• 1st class citizens – no plugins needed!
• Full access to file’s data
• Multiple codecs supported & integrated fallback
plan to support all major browsers:
Video & Audio Elements
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 57
Video & Audio Elements
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 58
• Video formats
• Audio formats
• Codecs & old browsers support
– we can add links to other formats of the same file,
so that it can be played in any browser, using the
source tag
– We can add to the source tags the object element,
in order to support old browsers as well
Video & Audio Elements
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 59
• Samples
Video & Audio Elements
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 60
Video & canvas Adding subtitles to video file

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HTML5 History & Features
HTML5 History & FeaturesHTML5 History & Features
HTML5 History & Features

HTML5 presented at the Fox Valley Computing Professionals on December 14, 2010. Explores the history, philosophy, and drama behind this popular new spec for the web, and looks at some of the key new features.


Many are eagerly waiting for HTML5. What about you? Are you ready for this phase of advanced browsing experience and interactions; Are you ready to engage and delight your customers with a unique experience? Cygnet Infotech welcomes you to this webinar to help you gear up for the "What", "When" and "Why" about HTML5. Join this 35 min session to learn more. What You Will Learn in this Webinar - HTML5 - What is it all about - Reasons for moving to HTML5 - The Top 10 Tags in HTML5 - Browser Support for HTML5 - Working with HTML5 - How to move current websites to HTML5 - HTML5 for Mobile Applications - Q&A If you want to us to cover anything specific in this webinar, leave your message or suggestions at

webinarwebinar html5html5
The Future of the Web: HTML5
The Future of the Web: HTML5The Future of the Web: HTML5
The Future of the Web: HTML5

Work on HTML5 began in 2004 through a collaborative effort between the W3C and WHATWG. It introduces new semantic elements, supports embedded video and audio, introduces the canvas element for drawing, and improves forms. While the specification is still in development, browser support is increasing and many of the new features can be used now to have cleaner code and stay ahead of changes. However, lack of support in some browsers and the evolving specification mean disadvantages include things may change and not work everywhere.

Inline Editing
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 61
• contenteditable
– Attr, turns an element into an editable area
– Can be applied to almost any element
– No need to build several views for view & editing
– Can be applied even to <style> element
– Save / undo changes can be done by JavaScript
• Introduction
– More people are experiencing the web in motion
– This increase the likelihood of connectivity issues
– Offline API allows creation of websites that give
your users a continuous experience
• App Cache: HTML, CSS, JS & images
• Storage: local/sessionStorage, Web SQL
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 62
• Benefits
– Offline browsing - users can navigate your full site
when they're offline
– Speed - cached resources are local, and therefore
load faster.
– Reduced server load - browser will only download
resources from the server that have changed.
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 63
• Going offline (1 of 2)
– Manifest – simple text file which specifies the files
that browser should store in cache
• A manifest can have three distinct sections:
– CACHE – listed files will be explicitly cached after they're
downloaded for the first time
– NETWORK - listed files require a connection to the server and
hence all requests to these resources bypass the cache
– FALLBACK - specifies fallback pages if a resource is
inaccessible (1st URI is the resource, the 2nd is the fallback)
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 64
Your web server must have the extension .manifest
MIME TYPE: text/cache-manifest

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Prof. Erwin M. Globio gave a presentation on HTML5 that covered: 1) The history and development of HTML5 by groups like WHATWG and its adoption by W3C. 2) New features in HTML5 like audio, video, and canvas elements to enable richer content as well as geo-location APIs for mobile apps. 3) Issues with older standards like HTML4 and XHTML2 that HTML5 aims to address and improve cross-browser compatibility. 4) Questions around browser support for HTML5 and implications for web designers in adopting the new standard.


This document provides an overview of Internet Explorer 9 and HTML5 for developers. It discusses what HTML5 means and includes new tags. It covers the history of HTML5 and how it came to be. The presentation demonstrates several new HTML5 features such as canvas, drag and drop, local storage, and multimedia capabilities without plugins. It also discusses whether HTML5 is right for applications with limited resources or those targeting mobile audiences.

Ease into HTML5 and CSS3
Ease into HTML5 and CSS3Ease into HTML5 and CSS3
Ease into HTML5 and CSS3

HTML5 and CSS3 offer some great features that everyone is clamoring to use. However, not everyone can simply rip apart their site and redo all of their markup and styling across the board. There are some quick wins, especially with CSS3, to be had that you can integrate into your site without rewriting your whole entire site.

Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 65
First line (mandatory)
First section is CACHE
Allows URL paths
Use # to comment
• Going offline (2 of 2)
– To tell the browser to look for a manifest, add the
manifest attribute to the html element
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 66
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" manifest="/offline.manifest">
• How it really works? (1 of 2)
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 67
• Requests “
• Returns index.html
• Parses index.html and requests all assets in page, including the manifest
• Returns all requested assets
• Processes the manifest and requests all assets ONCE AGAIN
• Returns all requested assets
• Application cache has updated, triggers an event stating so
• How it really works? (2 of 2)
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 68
• Re-requests “
• Detect that it has local cache for this page and serves it locally
• Parses index.html and requests all assets in local cache
• Requests the manifest file from the server
• Returns 304 code notifying the browser that it hasn’t changed

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C# Advanced L09-HTML5+ASP
C# Advanced L09-HTML5+ASPC# Advanced L09-HTML5+ASP
C# Advanced L09-HTML5+ASP

The document discusses various web technologies including HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, ASP.NET, MVC pattern, and more. It provides an overview of each topic with definitions and examples. It also includes a brief history and future directions of web standards.

Html5 n css3
Html5 n css3Html5 n css3
Html5 n css3

This document provides an introduction and overview of HTML5 and CSS3. It begins with an agenda that will cover new elements, features, browser support, tutorials and demos. The document then discusses several new features in HTML5, including the canvas element, audio/video elements, new input types, forms elements and attributes, and web storage. It also covers new features in CSS3, such as animations, backgrounds/borders, text effects, transformations, and multiple column layout. The document describes how to use CSS in HTML and some new user interface properties in CSS3.


HTML : 1 Introduction to HTML, HTML Tags, Lists and Image HTML Anatomy, HTML Structure (The <html> tag, Head, Page Title, Body), Headings, Divs, Attributes, Displaying Text, Line Breaks, Unordered Lists, Ordered Lists, Images, Anchor Tag. ] 2 Tables Introduction to Tables, Create a Table, Table Rows, Table Data, TableHeadings, Table Borders, Spanning Columns & Rows, Table Body. 3 Forms & Validations Introduction to HTML Forms, Input (Text , Email, Password, Range, Checkbox, Radiobutton, Date & Time), Label, Select Tag, Textarea element, Submit Form, Form Validation

history of htmlhtml formshtml 5
• Introduction
– History API allows developer to browse and
manipulate the URL collection user has visited
– It is not a new concept. Existing methods:
// Check the length of the history stack
// Send the user agent forward
// Send the user agent back
// Send the user agent back (negative) or forward (positive)
// by a given number of items
History API
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 69
• The problem
– URL identifies a unique resource
• You can directly link to it
• You can bookmark it
• You can share it
– Dynamic Ajax web applications (SPA architecture)
refresh page fragments w/o URL change
• URL change will refresh the whole page
History API
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 70
• The solution
– Push / pop history items to the browser
– Attach data to each entry
– Manipulate URL in browser’s location bar w/o refresh
– Listen to browser’s Back button
History API
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 71
Essential for SPA!
• Introduction
– There are several non-http protocols, such as the
mailto: protocol
• Web authors can use a mailto: link when they want
to provide a convenient way for users to send an email
• browser should launch the default desktop application
for handling email
• Web-based protocol handlers allow web-based
applications to participate in the process too
Web-Based Protocol Handlers
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 72

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Prueba ppt
Prueba pptPrueba ppt
Prueba ppt

HTML 5 defines the fifth major revision of HTML and reflects efforts to study contemporary HTML implementations and deployed content. It aims to address issues with previous specifications and enhance HTML to better support web applications. New features include enhanced semantics, multimedia elements like video and audio, client-side storage, and geographic location detection. Compatibility is ensured through supporting older HTML parsing but some features require checking browser support through methods like feature detection libraries.


HTML 5 defines the fifth major revision of HTML and reflects efforts to study contemporary HTML implementations and deployed content. It aims to address issues with previous specifications and enhance HTML to better support web applications. New features include enhanced semantics, multimedia elements like video and audio, client-side storage, and geographic location detection. Compatibility is ensured through supporting older HTML parsing but some features require checking browser support through methods like feature detection libraries.


HTML5 introduces several new features that reduce the need for plugins, make error handling easier, and allow for more semantic markup. Some key features include the <canvas> element for drawing, <video> and <audio> elements for media playback, and local storage support. HTML5 also includes new form controls and content elements like <article>, <header>, <nav>, and <section>. The <figure> element specifies self-contained content like images. HTML5 aims to be device-independent and have a more visible development process.

• Introduction
– Same idea as the protocol handler, just for content
(MIME types)
– The code below will open all *.playtech links using
pt.html web page (handler)
Web-Based Content Handlers
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 73
• Introduction
– An old concept which was first introduced in IE
– Adopted by all other browsers
– Allows to drag items and drop them anywhere
Drag & Drop
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 74
Magnetic Poetry
• Key features
– Get the geographical position of a user (appx)
– Requires user’s approval (safety)
– Great for providing location based services
– Supported by IE 9+, Firefox, Safai, Chrome, Opera
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 75
• How does it work
– IP based: old-fashion, inaccurate & unreliable but
always available
– GPS: Very accurate but is only available on open
– Wi-Fi based: Very accurate and available even in
buildings but requires several Wi-Fi spots
– Cellphone: Location is set by its distance from
cellular antenas
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 76

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New in html5
New in html5New in html5
New in html5

This document discusses the new features in HTML5, including new structural elements like <section>, <header>, and <footer>; new inline elements like <mark> and <time>; new form field types like date and time; and some elements that have been removed. It provides a brief timeline of web technologies and overviews of the new elements and features in HTML5.


The document discusses HTML5 and its features. It provides an overview of the history and development of HTML5. It describes several key HTML5 APIs and features including offline storage, multimedia, graphics and 3D, real-time connectivity, device access, semantics, and CSS3 styling. It also discusses polyfills that can be used to enable HTML5 features in older browsers and lists some resources for learning more about HTML5.

Custom Development in SharePoint – What are my options now?
Custom Development in SharePoint – What are my options now?Custom Development in SharePoint – What are my options now?
Custom Development in SharePoint – What are my options now?

Since Microsoft has released SharePoint 2013 with a whole new application development methodology, there has been some confusion and frustration in the community on what the best approach for customizing SharePoint for developers. In this session, we will look at the options, new and old, and discuss the pros and cons. We may even see some novel approaches you haven’t thought about yet.

sharepointsharepoint saturdaysharepoint 2013
• Introduction
– Storing data associated with an application is
fundamental in nearly all applications
– Up until now
• Store on the server side (database server)
– Extra resources
– Split between locations
• Store in cookies
– Very limited
Data Storage
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 77
• localStorage & sessionStorage (1 of 6)
– Key features
• Store string typed key-value pairs on client side
• Unlike cookies, data is not sent to server
• ~5MB per domain (4KB per cookie)
• sessionStorage: short-term, tab (window)
• localStorage: long-term, browser
• Doesn’t work in private-mode
• Don’t use for sensitive data store!
• Supported in IE 8+ & all other popular browsers
Web Storage
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs >> Data Storage
Nir Elbaz 78
• Introduction
– Working with web database
• There are several proposals for we database
– WebSQL DB (Deprecated)
» A real relational database, based on SQLite and uses
» Supported in Chrome, Safari & Opera
– IndexDB (Settled down few months ago)
» SQL implementation independent
» Supported in FF, Chrome & IE 10
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs >> Data Storage
Nir Elbaz 79
• Introduction
– API for posting messages between domains
– Not restricted by the same origin policy
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 80
Messaging API
Web Sockets API Web Workers API

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New in html5
New in html5New in html5
New in html5

This document summarizes the new features in HTML5, including new structural elements like <header>, <footer>, and <nav>; new inline elements like <mark> and <time>; new form field types like date, time, and number; and some elements removed from earlier HTML versions. It provides a brief timeline of web technologies and introduces key new multimedia elements in HTML5 like <video>, <audio>, and <canvas>.

htmlnew html5html5
HTML5 features & JavaScript APIs
HTML5 features & JavaScript APIsHTML5 features & JavaScript APIs
HTML5 features & JavaScript APIs

Turbocharge your applications with HTML5 features and its JavaScript APIs. Simplify tasks that weren’t possible previously. Understand how to tap the full potential of HTML5 features in your web applications using: HTML5 features, File API, Video, Location API, Application Cache API, Local Storage API, Animating the User Interface, Web Workers.

Headless cms architecture
Headless cms architectureHeadless cms architecture
Headless cms architecture

This document discusses headless CMS architecture, including its pros and cons. A headless CMS separates the content management system from the presentation layer, allowing content to be delivered via API to any device. Benefits include frontend flexibility, improved user experience through animation and components, and ability to take advantage of new technologies. Challenges include increased dependencies, need for synchronous releases, building interfaces from scratch, and requiring more skills. The document also provides examples of implementing headless architectures with WordPress, Drupal, and Symfony. It stresses the importance of common documentation and avoiding issues in the development process.

headlessuse case
• The problem
– When executing scripts in an HTML page, the page
becomes unresponsive until the script is finished
– This is a major bottleneck preventing applications
from being ported to client-side JavaScript
Web Workers
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 81
• Introduction
– A JavaScript that runs in the background (isolated thread)
– Runs independently of other scripts – no affect on UI!
– The code needs to be contained in a separate file
– Workers have the ability to spawn child workers
– Workers must follow the same-origin policy
– There are two kinds of web workers:
• Dedicated Workers
• Shared Workers
Web Workers
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 82
Web Workers
Workers HAVE access to
• The navigator object
• The location object (R)
• XMLHttpRequest
• setTimeout()/setInterval()
• The Application Cache
• Importing external scripts
using importScripts()
• Spawning other workers
• All core JS function
• Web sockets
Workers do NOT have access to
• The DOM (not thread-safe)
• The window object
• The document object
• The parent object
Nir Elbaz 83
• Introduction
– Web sockets give a full duplex connection
between server and client
– Connection is real time, constantly open 
messages are sent immediately
– Crucial for real-time applications
– Polling  Pushing
Reactive  Proactive
Web Sockets
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 85

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Hello, AngularJS 1.3
Hello, AngularJS 1.3Hello, AngularJS 1.3
Hello, AngularJS 1.3

AngularJS version 1.3 includes performance improvements that make it 4.3 times faster and reduce garbage by 73% for DOM manipulation. It has over 1000 documentation improvements, 400 bug fixes, and discontinued support for IE8. New features in 1.3 include one-time binding, ngModelOptions, ngAria, ngMessages, new validator pipelines, ngTouch, and more. The document provides an overview of changes in 1.3 and discusses upcoming versions like 1.4 and 2.0.

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Dalek.js - Automated cross browser testing with JavaScript
Dalek.js - Automated cross browser testing with JavaScriptDalek.js - Automated cross browser testing with JavaScript
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A short introduction to one of the most easy-to-use cross browser testing tool. DalekJS helps you write simple instructions to drive either headless browser or real browsers, to see if your application works as expected

Web Sockets
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 86
Very low latency in comparison to XMLHttpRequest
+ tiny data packets (no headers required)
• Stream API
• Orientation
• Crypto
• WebNotifications
• requestAnimationFrame
• Halt on page visibility
• Contacts
Additional APIs
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> New APIs
Nir Elbaz 87
And many more…!
• CSS 3
• Vibration
• WebCL
• Web Audio
Moving to HTML 5.0
Nir Elbaz 88
• Work still in progress
– None of the browsers support 100% HTML 5
– Many APIs, elements & attributes are still drafts
Current Status
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Browsers Compatibility & Support
Nir Elbaz 89

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This document discusses the keyword "this" in JavaScript and how its value is determined. It provides examples of how "this" refers to the global window object, a calling object, or can be undefined. It also demonstrates how "this" refers to a DOM element when used in an event handler. The document concludes that "this" generally refers to the global context, but can refer to a new object when used with "new" or a member object when called as a method, unless asynchronous.

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A short introduction to AJAX technology with an emphasis on the use with jQuery library & platform

• Define the browsers you wish to support
• Check browsers’ support status occasionally
(HTML5Test, FindMeByIP, ringmark, CanIUse…)
• Choose features according to the LCD rule
• Consider using polyfills – HTML5PLEASE,
HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills
• Don’t ignore your old-fashioned users – Always
provide fallback!
• Use the Modernizr & yepnope
Using HTML 5 Wisely
Moving to HTML 5.0 >> Browsers Compatibility & Support
Nir Elbaz 90
Moving to HTML 5.0
Nir Elbaz 91
Nir Elbaz
Appendix: Flash vs. HTML5
• Business application
• Accessibility websites
• General websites
• Branded microsites
• Play public video files
Use Flash
• Advanced 3D gaming
• Content that requires DRM
• Display complex animations
• High-end entertainment
Nir Elbaz 93

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Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world
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Implementations of Fused Deposition Modeling in real world

The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

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Appendix: Media Queries
Moving to HTML 5.0
Nir Elbaz 94
• Display optimization per device
– specifies what media/device the element is
optimized for
– Supported in all major browsers
– This attribute can accept several values
<element media=“value”>
Appendix: Media Queries
Moving to HTML 5.0
Nir Elbaz 95
• Operators
• Devices
Appendix: Media Queries
Moving to HTML 5.0
Nir Elbaz 96
• Values (1 of 2)
Appendix: Media Queries
Moving to HTML 5.0
Nir Elbaz 97
• Values (2 of 2)

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Appendix: Same Origin Policy
Moving to HTML 5.0
Nir Elbaz 98
Source page URL:
Appendix: Resources
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Comparison Table of DiskWarrior Alternatives.pdf

To help you choose the best DiskWarrior alternative, we've compiled a comparison table summarizing the features, pros, cons, and pricing of six alternatives.

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BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdfBT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf

Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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