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Intro to @viewport & other new
Responsive Web Design CSS features
Andreas Bovens | Opera Software | @andreasbovens | #SOTB4
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Empowering the "mobile web"
Empowering the "mobile web"Empowering the "mobile web"
Empowering the "mobile web"

This document discusses empowering the mobile web. It begins by defining the mobile web as the web experienced on mobile devices, with considerations for usability and responsiveness. It then addresses concerns about the web versus native apps, and outlines Mozilla's solutions including their app ecosystem with installable apps, the Firefox OS mobile platform, and APIs that allow web apps to access device capabilities. The document also covers developer experience tools and techniques to improve web app performance.

Web versus Native: round 1!
Web versus Native: round 1!Web versus Native: round 1!
Web versus Native: round 1!

In this talk, Chris Mills discusses the historic problems with web apps and which technologies are stepping up to fill the holes. This includes device APIs such as Web Activities, Camera, device orientation and nfc, offline apps (which are finally looking realistic thanks to service workers), installable apps, and high quality games and other immersive high performance experiences using such features as Web audio API, Pointer lock, asm.js and Emscripten.

APIs, now and in the future
APIs, now and in the futureAPIs, now and in the future
APIs, now and in the future

APIsNow, and in the future discusses the evolution of browser JavaScript APIs. It describes how early APIs allowed new features like geolocation and canvas but more were needed to compete with native apps and improve multimedia, performance, and internationalization support. New APIs like Service Workers and Fetch help enable offline functionality while standards like WebRTC improve media capabilities. The talk argues the web is progressing through continued standardization of device and other APIs.

Opera Mini for
Java & BlackBerry
Intro to @viewport & other new Responsive Web Design CSS features
Opera Max for Android
Intro to @viewport & other new Responsive Web Design CSS features

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Angular를 활용한 웹 프론트단 개발과 2.0에서 달라진점
Angular를 활용한 웹 프론트단 개발과 2.0에서 달라진점Angular를 활용한 웹 프론트단 개발과 2.0에서 달라진점
Angular를 활용한 웹 프론트단 개발과 2.0에서 달라진점

Angular를 활용한 웹 프론트단 개발과 2.0에서 달라진점은 Angular 2.0에서 컴포넌트 기반 아키텍처로 변경되었다고 설명했습니다. Angular 2.0에서는 타입스크립트를 사용하며 컴포넌트, 디렉티브, 템플릿 등의 개념이 도입되었습니다. 또한 Angular 2.0

Bootstrap과 UI-Bootstrap
Bootstrap과 UI-BootstrapBootstrap과 UI-Bootstrap
Bootstrap과 UI-Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for building responsive mobile-first projects. It provides predefined grid and layout components, forms, buttons, navigation menus and other interface elements for a consistent user experience across devices. The framework is open source, supports all major browsers, and can be easily customized.

Yearning jQuery
Yearning jQueryYearning jQuery
Yearning jQuery

The document discusses a screencast on using jQuery for designers, noting that the screencast will cover getting started with jQuery, DOM navigation and manipulation, events, Ajax, and tips. It provides Remy's contact information and encourages asking questions during the screencast. The document also lists various jQuery resources like documentation, blogs, tutorials, and forums for getting help with jQuery.

Four new CSS features to optimize
websites for different devices.
Four new CSS features to optimize
websites for different devices.
viewport-percentage lengths
resolution media queries
object-fit & object-position
CSS image values
How did we get here?

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Responsive Web Design e a Ubiquidade da Web
Responsive Web Design e a Ubiquidade da WebResponsive Web Design e a Ubiquidade da Web
Responsive Web Design e a Ubiquidade da Web

Não é nenhum segredo que o mundo está cada vez mais móvel. As vendas de PCs caíram em 20% desde 2008, e em 2015 é esperado que o acesso à Internet por dispositivos portáteis supere o acesso por desktops. A Web pode ser acessada de qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora. Mas com tantos modelos de dispositivos—tablets, notebooks, netbooks e smartphones—como fazer com que seu produto funcione em todos? O Responsive Web Design—um conjunto de técnicas e ideologias—promete solucionar este problema, oferecendo o mesmo conteúdo em todas as plataformas, da melhor maneira. Nesta palestra, serão ensinadas técnicas de design, front e back-end para que seu site seja usável e acessível por todos, sem limitar-se a modelos, tamanhos de tela ou versões específicas.

The DOM is a Mess @ Yahoo
The DOM is a Mess @ YahooThe DOM is a Mess @ Yahoo
The DOM is a Mess @ Yahoo

The document discusses the messy and buggy state of the DOM across browsers and strategies for writing cross-browser JavaScript code. It notes that nearly every DOM method has bugs or inconsistencies in some browsers. It then covers strategies like feature detection, graceful fallback for missing features, simulating features via workarounds, monitoring for regressions, and having a robust test suite to prevent regressions in one's own code. The overall message is that the DOM is messy and one needs to "know your enemies" by thoroughly testing code in all target browsers.

SenchaCon 2016: Want to Use Ext JS Components with Angular 2? Here’s How to I...
SenchaCon 2016: Want to Use Ext JS Components with Angular 2? Here’s How to I...SenchaCon 2016: Want to Use Ext JS Components with Angular 2? Here’s How to I...
SenchaCon 2016: Want to Use Ext JS Components with Angular 2? Here’s How to I...

This document discusses how to build applications that combine Ext JS components with Angular 2. It provides an overview of the new Angular 2 bridge for Ext JS, which allows Ext JS grids, trees, charts and other components to be used in Angular 2 apps. It demonstrates how to create Angular 2 components that utilize Ext JS components like grids, select fields and charts. It also shows how to create non-visual Ext JS classes like stores that can be used by the Angular 2 application. The document concludes with a demo of a sample Angular 2 application integrated with Ext JS.

angularweb app developmentext js
fluid layouts
basic html
fluid layouts
fixed layouts
basic html
tables & lots of hacks
fluid layouts
fixed layouts
basic html
tables & lots of hacks
fixed CSS widths
fluid layouts
fixed layouts
liquid / fluid layouts
basic html
tables & lots of hacks
fixed CSS widths
%, em-based CSS widths, 


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Symfony tips and tricks
Symfony tips and tricksSymfony tips and tricks
Symfony tips and tricks

A quick overview of tips, tricks and code snippets for developers using Symfony and all its ecosystem, from Monolog to Doctrine. Learn how to become more productive and discover some rarely used options and features.

Introduction to WebGL and WebVR
Introduction to WebGL and WebVRIntroduction to WebGL and WebVR
Introduction to WebGL and WebVR

This document discusses WebGL and WebVR. It provides an introduction and overview of WebGL 1.0 and 2.0, including key features and APIs. It also covers how to get VR devices and handle rendering for VR using WebVR, including handling eye parameters, view matrices, and timewarp. Code examples are provided for common VR rendering tasks. The document concludes by noting the rapid growth of VR and encourages developing with these web technologies.

How to ship customer value faster with step functions
How to ship customer value faster with step functionsHow to ship customer value faster with step functions
How to ship customer value faster with step functions

Learn all about AWS Step Functions and how to use them to model business workflows and ship customer values quickly. In this session, we will talk about what is Step Functions, how to model business workflows as state machines, real-world case studies, and design patterns. By the end of this webinar, you should have a good idea of where Step Functions fit into your application and why you should use them (and why not!) to model workflows instead of building a custom solution yourself.

awsaws lambdaserverless
fluid layouts
fixed layouts
liquid / fluid layouts
responsive web design
basic html
tables & lots of hacks
fixed CSS widths
%, em-based CSS widths, 

%, em-based CSS widths, 

media queries and more
responsive web designexample
’00 ’10
on Google Trends
responsive web design
’00 ’10
but interestingly enough, it’s not such a new idea…
on Google Trends
responsive web design

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Web Frontend development: tools and good practices to (re)organize the chaos
Web Frontend development: tools and good practices to (re)organize the chaosWeb Frontend development: tools and good practices to (re)organize the chaos
Web Frontend development: tools and good practices to (re)organize the chaos

The document discusses organizing frontend assets in Rails applications. It recommends using Bower for frontend packages instead of gems. Rails Assets provides a bridge between Bower and Bundler. Autoprefixer can be used instead of Compass to add vendor prefixes. Grunt or Gulp can be used for task automation. Sass and BEM methodology are recommended for writing scalable, maintainable CSS code. Key aspects include separating concerns, naming conventions, and modular file structure.

jQuery Anti-Patterns for Performance & Compression
jQuery Anti-Patterns for Performance & CompressionjQuery Anti-Patterns for Performance & Compression
jQuery Anti-Patterns for Performance & Compression

The document discusses various jQuery anti-patterns that can negatively impact performance and compression. It describes caching selections, using document fragments to append content outside of loops, avoiding unnecessary re-querying of elements, and leveraging event delegation with delegate() instead of binding individual handlers. The document emphasizes optimizing selector syntax from right to left, avoiding universal selectors, and detaching elements from the DOM when manipulating them to improve speed.

jQuery from the very beginning
jQuery from the very beginningjQuery from the very beginning
jQuery from the very beginning

Presented at phpXperts seminar 2009, Bangladesh. A real quick start for jQuery learners.

Karl Gerstner
“Programme entwerfen”
“Gerstner defined a design “programme” as a set of rules for constructing a
range of visual solutions. Connecting his methodology with the new field of
computer programming, Gerstner presented examples of computer-
generated patterns that were made by mathematically describing visual
elements and combining them according to simple rules.”
— Ellen Lupton, Thinking with Type (2nd edition), 2010, Princeton Architectural Press, p165
Karl Gerstner, Programme entwerfen, 2007. Copyright 2007 Lars Müller Publishers — used with kind permission.
FFWD to today
Image from by Addy Osmani for HTML5 Rocks. CC-BY 3.0.

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An in-depth look at jQuery
An in-depth look at jQueryAn in-depth look at jQuery
An in-depth look at jQuery

This document provides an overview of jQuery, a JavaScript library. It discusses what jQuery is and is not (a library, not a framework), its basic features like selecting elements and chaining methods. It also covers jQuery's main functionality areas like selections, DOM traversal, DOM manipulation, attributes/CSS, events, and animation. The document provides examples for these areas and discusses useful techniques like event handling, namespacing, custom events, and event delegation that can be used with jQuery. It concludes with ways jQuery itself can be extended, such as adding new functions, selectors, or animation properties.

Massimo Artizzu - The tricks of Houdini: a magic wand for the future of CSS -...
Massimo Artizzu - The tricks of Houdini: a magic wand for the future of CSS -...Massimo Artizzu - The tricks of Houdini: a magic wand for the future of CSS -...
Massimo Artizzu - The tricks of Houdini: a magic wand for the future of CSS -...

The way that banner is rendered is really bland. That animation performance is lackluster to say the least. Maybe you're still unsatisfied with grid. CSS has always suffered from a slow-paced evolution but it's probably coming to an end. Houdini is a project that aims to expose the internals of CSS engines to developers, in order to create new and performant ways to extend CSS. We'll see the current state-of-the-art and some neat examples, to conclude with a glance to what the future holds for us.

codemotioncodemotion milan 2018technology
The specs behind the sex, mobile-friendly layout beyond the desktop
The specs behind the sex, mobile-friendly layout beyond the desktopThe specs behind the sex, mobile-friendly layout beyond the desktop
The specs behind the sex, mobile-friendly layout beyond the desktop

This document discusses methodologies and techniques for optimizing websites for mobile devices, including using responsive design with CSS media queries. It presents three main approaches: building a separate mobile site, making no changes, or optimizing the main site for mobile. The bulk of the document then focuses on how to use CSS media queries to optimize websites, covering features like width, height, and orientation. It also discusses related techniques like viewport meta tags and approaches being considered for future standards.

media queries + meta viewport
media queries + meta viewport
article, aside {width: 100%;}
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
article {float: left; width: 68%;}
aside {float: right; width: 30%;}
@media screen and (min-width: 800px) {
article {padding: 20px;}
Mobile browsers apply a default
zoom to deal with legacy web

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Responsive Websites
Responsive WebsitesResponsive Websites
Responsive Websites

Introduction to Responsive Web Design Includes a sample project built from scratch in Node.js using LESS available on Github

web designresponsive web designmobile
CSS3 Media Queries: Mobile Elixir or CSS Snake Oil
CSS3 Media Queries: Mobile Elixir or CSS Snake OilCSS3 Media Queries: Mobile Elixir or CSS Snake Oil
CSS3 Media Queries: Mobile Elixir or CSS Snake Oil

CSS Media Queries have received a justifiable amount of hype lately. However, do they really represent a new way to take your web content mobile or do they promise more than they deliver? In this session senior author James Williamson breaks down media queries, how to use them, and where they belong in your mobile development medicine chest.

media queriesweb developmentcss3
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and TechniquesResponsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques
Responsive Web Design: Clever Tips and Techniques

Responsive Web design challenges Web designers to adapt a new mindset to their design and coding processes. This talk provides an overview of various practical techniques, tips and tricks that you might want to be aware of when working on a new responsive design project.

cssweb design and developmentresponsive
Mobile browsers apply a default
zoom to deal with legacy web
Mobile browsers apply a default
zoom to deal with legacy web
Triggering “wrong” media queries…
to the rescuemeta viewport
<meta name="viewport"
to the rescuemeta viewport

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Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web DesignResponsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design allows sites to adapt to different screen sizes and devices. Key techniques include using flexible layouts with relative units, media queries to apply styles conditionally, responsive images, and grid systems. The viewport meta tag controls scaling. Flexbox and grids help build flexible layout structures. Tables can be made responsive by scrolling or rearranging content for small screens. Mobile-first and content-focused approaches support responsive goals.

media queries@viewportresponsive tables
Meta layout: a closer look at media queries
Meta layout: a closer look at media queriesMeta layout: a closer look at media queries
Meta layout: a closer look at media queries

The document discusses media queries and responsive web design. It covers topics such as media types, logical operators, media features, viewports, layout strategies, and new CSS layout mechanisms. Throughout the document, B. Rowser engages in a comedic back-and-forth dialogue to help explain and expand on the concepts around responsive design. In the end, the document emphasizes thinking about design principles and systems rather than specific layouts.

mobilismmedia queriescss
Responsive web design
Responsive web designResponsive web design
Responsive web design

This presentation introduces responsive web design which allows websites to automatically adapt their layout to different screen sizes. It discusses using a flexible grid system, flexible images and media, and media queries to create a single adaptive design. The strategy is to use a linear mobile-first approach and progressively enhance the design for larger screens using media queries. This allows the site to work on any device while providing the best experience for each form factor.

web designcssmedia query
<meta name="viewport"
article, aside {width: 100%;}
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
article {float: left; width: 68%;}
aside {float: right; width: 30%;}
@media screen and (min-width: 800px) {
article {padding: 20px;}
meta viewportmedia queries +
<meta name="viewport"
applied on screens
with width >= 800px
article, aside {width: 100%;}
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
article {float: left; width: 68%;}
aside {float: right; width: 30%;}
@media screen and (min-width: 800px) {
article {padding: 20px;}
meta viewportmedia queries +
<meta name="viewport"
applied on screens
with width < 800px
article, aside {width: 100%;}
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
article {float: left; width: 68%;}
aside {float: right; width: 30%;}
@media screen and (min-width: 800px) {
article {padding: 20px;}
meta viewportmedia queries +
<meta name="viewport"
applied on screens
with width < 480px
article, aside {width: 100%;}
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
article {float: left; width: 68%;}
aside {float: right; width: 30%;}
@media screen and (min-width: 800px) {
article {padding: 20px;}
meta viewportmedia queries +

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Responsive design: techniques and tricks to prepare your websites for the mul...
Responsive design: techniques and tricks to prepare your websites for the mul...Responsive design: techniques and tricks to prepare your websites for the mul...
Responsive design: techniques and tricks to prepare your websites for the mul...

Websites are viewed on all kinds of devices, in all kinds of browsers. In this presentation, I explain how you can adapt your site to these different environments, using modern browser hooks and techniques. I cover the various aspects (and some gotchas) of the viewport mechanism and media queries, and shed a light on how new CSS3 properties allow you to optimize images and videos for multiple screens.

responsive designmedia queriesmobile
Adaptive layouts - standards>next Manchester 23.03.2011
Adaptive layouts - standards>next Manchester 23.03.2011Adaptive layouts - standards>next Manchester 23.03.2011
Adaptive layouts - standards>next Manchester 23.03.2011

This document discusses making websites responsive for different devices. It covers using CSS media queries to apply different styling based on screen width, height, and other device features. It also covers using viewport meta tags to control zooming and scaling on mobile browsers. The goal is to build sites that can adapt their layouts across various devices like phones, tablets, and desktops.

Pinkoi Mobile Web
Pinkoi Mobile WebPinkoi Mobile Web
Pinkoi Mobile Web

This document discusses best practices for mobile web development. It begins by noting limitations of mobile devices like less CPU/memory and smaller screens. It then provides tips for configuring the viewport, using media queries to separate styles, and detecting device properties in JavaScript. The document also covers HTML5 features like geolocation, media capture, and input types. It gives recommendations for images, gestures, and performance optimizations like minimizing redirects, requests, files sizes and using Gzip compression.

pinkoicoscupmobile web
<meta name="viewport"
by setting 1:1 zoom,
media queries are
triggered as intended!
article, aside {width: 100%;}
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
article {float: left; width: 68%;}
aside {float: right; width: 30%;}
@media screen and (min-width: 800px) {
article {padding: 20px;}
meta viewportmedia queries +
After it was introduced in Safari, support for
viewport meta also landed in Opera,
Android browser, Firefox, Chrome, etc.
meta viewport
nice, but it’s not a real standard…
Safari had a long-time, infamous
scaling bug when changing orientation.

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Rwd slidedeck
Rwd slidedeckRwd slidedeck
Rwd slidedeck is the biggest Russian knowledge bank about presentations. We publish best presentations.

Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.
Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.
Responsive Web Design tips and tricks.

This document summarizes Vitaly Friedman's talk on responsive design techniques and tricks. The talk covered resolution independence using SVG/icon fonts, content choreography with Flexbox, compressive images that maintain quality at different sizes, conditional loading of assets based on breakpoints, and lazy loading of JavaScript and social buttons. It also discussed maintaining aspect ratios for images and videos across screens, and serving different video files for different devices. The overall message was that responsive design requires a new mindset and pragmatic solutions rather than rigid rules.

web designweb developmentgraphic design
Devon 2011-f-1 반응형 웹 디자인
Devon 2011-f-1  반응형 웹 디자인Devon 2011-f-1  반응형 웹 디자인
Devon 2011-f-1 반응형 웹 디자인

The document discusses responsive web design, which involves creating websites that automatically adapt their layout to different screen sizes and devices using flexible grids, flexible images and media, and media queries. The key ingredients of responsive web design are a flexible grid-based layout, flexible images and media that resize appropriately, and media queries which allow the application of CSS styles based on characteristics of the device. Responsive design aims to provide an optimized viewing and interaction experience across a wide range of devices without the need for separate mobile sites.

Browser makers have to support both
comma & semicolon delimiters as everyone
mixes them up.
Certain viewport edge cases are handled
differently by each browser.
Certain properties are not supported
e.g. user-scalable=yes|no
Android browser (& later Opera) added a
target-densitydpi property, which
was later discontinued.

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Designing for mobile
Designing for mobileDesigning for mobile
Designing for mobile

The document provides an overview of key considerations for designing mobile applications and websites. It discusses whether to build a mobile web or native app, addresses issues of screen size and resolution including pixel density, and emphasizes the importance of usability testing through wireframing and prototyping. Design decisions like whether to use vectors or raster images and how to handle orientation are covered. The document lists resources for mobile design patterns, guidelines and tools to use for wireframing prototypes.

Building mobile apps with the ArcGIS api for Javascript, Esri, Andy Gup and A...
Building mobile apps with the ArcGIS api for Javascript, Esri, Andy Gup and A...Building mobile apps with the ArcGIS api for Javascript, Esri, Andy Gup and A...
Building mobile apps with the ArcGIS api for Javascript, Esri, Andy Gup and A...

This document provides an agenda for a presentation on building mobile map applications. It will cover 3 approaches to mobile map apps, frameworks for building them like CSS3 and HTML5, and hybrid map apps. It introduces the two presenters, Antoon Uijtdehaag and Andy Gup, and covers topics like why build mobile apps, demos of mobile apps, usage statistics, approaches, frameworks, and hybrid apps. It also includes questions that may come up around topics like panning and zooming maps, loading map layers, performance, and using GPS in surveys.

Great Responsive-ability Web Design
Great Responsive-ability Web DesignGreat Responsive-ability Web Design
Great Responsive-ability Web Design

With great power, comes great responsive-ability web design. Responsive web design (RWD) will be demystified. Believe it or not, it's more than just media queries, although those will be discussed. It starts with proper UI design and application architecture, and then the dive into CSS - but not too deep! You don't have to be an expert to do RWD, but it helps to have some idea of what you are doing.

responsive designresponsive web designmedia queries
Internet Explorer interpretes
width=device-width as
width=320 for compatibility reasons.
Safari on iPad applies a 1.333× zoom in
landscape mode even although
width=device-width is set.
width=device-width, initial-scale=1
forces a 1× zoom. Say what?
realstandard…Safari on iPad applies a 1.333× zoom in
landscape mode even although
width=device-width is set.
And when we thought things were
stable, Safari introduced a new,
minimal-ui property.

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Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web DesignResponsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

The document discusses responsive web design and how it offers a way forward to design work meant for different experiences across a gradient of devices. It provides examples of using CSS media queries to serve different stylesheets based on screen width and other device features. This allows content to adapt to different screens from mobile to desktop in a fluid, responsive way.

lightning_talkcssweb design and development
Responsive Web Design & APEX Theme 25 (OGh APEX World 2014)
Responsive Web Design & APEX Theme 25 (OGh APEX World 2014)Responsive Web Design & APEX Theme 25 (OGh APEX World 2014)
Responsive Web Design & APEX Theme 25 (OGh APEX World 2014)

Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and development should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. The practice consists of a mix of flexible grids and layouts, images and an intelligent use of CSS media queries. What are CSS grids and media queries, how do they work and how integrate these in my APEX application design? These are the questions I want to answer during my presentation, build an example explication using Theme 25, the responsive theme provided in Oracle Application Express 4.2.

oracleresponsive web designogh
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web DesignResponsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design refers to a website designed to adapt to whatever device a visitor is using. Responsive web sites are designed to provide an optimal viewing experience across all platforms. In this presentation, you'll find benefits and basic principles of Responsive Web Design.

You get the idea…
So, we thought (in 2011):
Why not make a CSS spec for this?

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Responsive webdesign WordCampNL 2012
Responsive webdesign WordCampNL 2012Responsive webdesign WordCampNL 2012
Responsive webdesign WordCampNL 2012

A presentation for WordCampNL on the importance of accessible, useable websites and how to achieve that with responsive webdesign.

Progressive Web Apps: Opera's perspective
Progressive Web Apps: Opera's perspectiveProgressive Web Apps: Opera's perspective
Progressive Web Apps: Opera's perspective

Progressive Web Apps: Opera’s Perspective discusses Opera's views on progressive web apps (PWAs). Some key points covered include: - PWAs are well-suited for Africa due to their lightweight nature and ability to work offline/with unreliable networks. - Opera Mini, used by millions in Africa, now supports PWA features when using standard web views but not its "Extreme" compression mode. - The document outlines various user experience patterns for PWAs, such as prompting installation, setting display modes, handling offline content, and using push notifications. - It also briefly discusses the display mode media query, experiments with PWA interfaces, and recommends the pwa

mobilebrowserprogressive web apps
Fast & Furious: Speed in the Opera browser
Fast & Furious: Speed in the Opera browserFast & Furious: Speed in the Opera browser
Fast & Furious: Speed in the Opera browser

From its early days, Opera has focused on providing its users with a snappy browsing experience on a wide range of hardware and OSes. In this talk, I look at the latest versions of Opera for desktop, Opera Mobile and Opera Mini and explore how they make web pages super fast.

So, we thought (in 2011):
Why not make a CSS spec for this?
CSS Device Adaptation / @viewport

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SVG in Opera’s desktop, mobile & TV browsers — edition 2011
SVG in Opera’s desktop, mobile & TV browsers  — edition 2011SVG in Opera’s desktop, mobile & TV browsers  — edition 2011
SVG in Opera’s desktop, mobile & TV browsers — edition 2011

Demos available on For a long time now, Opera has been committed to implementing SVG in its desktop and mobile browser products. Over the last year, we have been focused on improving the performance of our SVG implementation, while adding new features as well, including support for embedding SVG in HTML5. Our Opera Dragonfly debugger has matured as well and is now a powerful tool for debugging SVG on desktop as well as on mobile. In this presentation, I give a status update of Opera's SVG implementation and introduce some of the latest changes to our Opera Presto engine. I also show demos and practical examples of how SVG can be mixed with other technologies to create compelling web applications.

Building rich apps with HTML5 and friends
Building rich apps with HTML5 and friendsBuilding rich apps with HTML5 and friends
Building rich apps with HTML5 and friends

This is the presentation I gave at Gulltaggen as part of the "Three In One - Story, Technology and Team work" session:

SVG in the Opera browser
SVG in the Opera browserSVG in the Opera browser
SVG in the Opera browser

My presentation for SVG Open 2010. Textures from (CC by 2.0) and (CC by-nc 2.0)

media queriessvgstandards
So, we thought (in 2011):
Why not make a CSS spec for this?

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Mobile web development techniques (and Opera's developer tools)
Mobile web development techniques (and Opera's developer tools)Mobile web development techniques (and Opera's developer tools)
Mobile web development techniques (and Opera's developer tools)

This document discusses mobile web development techniques and Opera's developer tools. It outlines three approaches to catering websites for mobile users: doing nothing, creating a separate mobile site, or creating one site that works for all devices. Key techniques discussed include using the viewport meta tag to control zoom levels, media queries to apply different CSS styles based on screen width, and keeping mobile design in mind from the start to simplify layouts. The document promotes the goal of a "one site holy grail" that works seamlessly across devices and concludes by introducing Opera's developer tools for testing mobile webpages.

media queriesm2eumobile
Opera and the Open Web platform
Opera and the Open Web platformOpera and the Open Web platform
Opera and the Open Web platform

The document discusses the history and evolution of web browsers and standards. It notes that early browsers in the 1990s included Mosaic and Netscape Navigator. In the late 1990s, Internet Explorer and Netscape competed using both open and closed standards. HTML5 was developed in the 2000s to better support web applications and add new elements like video. The document also discusses approaches to making websites mobile-friendly, including responsive design using viewport meta tags and media queries.

Opera Widgets for Desktop and Opera Dragonfly
Opera Widgets for Desktop and Opera DragonflyOpera Widgets for Desktop and Opera Dragonfly
Opera Widgets for Desktop and Opera Dragonfly

This is the presentation I gave on the "An Evening with YDN and Opera in Oslo" event ( Opera Widgets for Desktop are available in our latest alpha build from

meta name=viewport content=width=device-width
@viewport {
width: auto;
Corresponds to
meta name=viewport
content=width=device-width, initial-scale=2
@viewport {
width: auto;
zoom: 2.0;
Corresponds to
meta name=viewport
content=width=device-width, user-scalable=no
@viewport {
width: auto;
user-zoom: fixed;
Corresponds to
meta name=viewport
content=width=device-width, user-scalable=yes
@viewport {
width: auto;
user-zoom: zoom;
Corresponds to

Recommended for you

for widths up to 400px:
meta name=viewport content=width=400
for widths larger than 400px:
meta name=viewport content=width=device-width
Corresponds to
@viewport {
width: 400px auto;
meta name=viewport content=width=device-width
and page orientation is locked to landscape.
@viewport {
width: auto;
orientation: landscape;
Corresponds to
To try it out, turn on “experimental
web platform features” in
opera:flags or chrome:flags.
resolution media queries

Recommended for you
What’s in a (CSS) pixel?
1 device px
What’s in a (CSS) pixel?
Macbook Aire.g.
1 device px 2,25 device px
What’s in a (CSS) pixel?
Macbook Aire.g. HTC Desire

Recommended for you

1 device px 2,25 device px 4 device px
What’s in a (CSS) pixel?
Macbook Aire.g. HTC Desire iPhone 4
1 device px 2,25 device px 4 device px 9 device px
What’s in a (CSS) pixel?
Macbook Aire.g. HTC Desire iPhone 4 HTC One
1 device px 2,25 device px 4 device px 9 device px
What’s in a (CSS) pixel?
this makes graphics look blurry…
(unless you serve oversized ones that are scaled down)
1 device px 2,25 device px 4 device px 9 device px
this makes graphics look blurry…
(responsive image spec)

Recommended for you

1 device px 2,25 device px 4 device px 9 device px
this makes graphics look blurry…
resolution media queries
(responsive image spec)
1 device px 2,25 device px 4 device px 9 device px
1 dppx 1,5 dppx 2 dppx 3 dppx
What’s in a (CSS) pixel?
(can) use dots per ‘px’ unitsresolution media queries
body {background: url(bg.png) 0 0 repeat;}
@media (screen and min-resolution: 2dppx) {
body {background-size: 50% !important;}
@media (screen and min-resolution: 3dppx) {
body {background-size: 33.3% !important;}
resolution media queries
body {background: url(bg.png) 0 0 repeat;}
@media (screen and min-resolution: 2dppx) {
body {background-size: 50% !important;}
@media (screen and min-resolution: 3dppx) {
body {background-size: 33.3% !important;}
resolution media queries
Pattern from by Getdiscount. CC-BY-SA 2.0.

Recommended for you

body {background: url(bg.png) 0 0 repeat;}
@media (screen and min-resolution: 2dppx) {
body {background-size: 50% !important;}
@media (screen and min-resolution: 3dppx) {
body {background-size: 33.3% !important;}
resolution media queries
body {background: url(bg.png) 0 0 repeat;}
@media (screen and min-resolution: 2dppx) {
body {background-size: 50% !important;}
@media (screen and min-resolution: 3dppx) {
body {background-size: 33.3% !important;}
resolution media queries
resolution media queries
Very useful to optimize background
graphics and other resources for hi-dpi
If this looks familiar…
It’s very similar to device-pixel-ratio,
but resolution is standardized, and
comes without quirky vendor prefixes.
However, for now, use both…

Recommended for you
object-fit  object-position CSS image values
Photo from by Butz.2013. CC-BY 2.0.

Recommended for you

img {
object-fit: fill;
img {
object-fit: contain;
img {
object-fit: cover;
overflow: hidden;
img {
object-fit: cover;
overflow: hidden;
object-position: 20% 50%;

Recommended for you

img {
object-fit: cover;
overflow: hidden;
object-position: 60% 50%;
Very useful to make small adjustments to images.
Note: there is some overlap here with responsive
image use cases. Best practices need to emerge.

Recommended for you

viewport-percentage lengths
100 × 100

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