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UW-SLIS CES Webinar April 6, 2015
• What is Responsive Web Design?
• Definition & History
• How do I DO Responsive Web Design?
• Tips & Tricks & Jargon
• Where do I go to learn more about Responsive Web
• Resources, Bibliography, SLIS/CES web course
• Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at
crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and
navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide
range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).
[Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]
• Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at
crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and
navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide
range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).
[Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]
“adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid,
proportion-based grids”

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Fundamental JQuery
Fundamental JQueryFundamental JQuery
Fundamental JQuery

This document provides an overview and agenda for a jQuery training session. It introduces jQuery as a JavaScript library that simplifies tasks like HTML document manipulation. It then covers various jQuery basics like selectors and events. The document also summarizes how jQuery can be used for animations, scrolling, forms, images, and more. Examples are given throughout to illustrate jQuery concepts and APIs.

jquerytrainingintroduction to jquery
Whirlwind Tour of SVG (plus RaphaelJS)
Whirlwind Tour of SVG (plus RaphaelJS)Whirlwind Tour of SVG (plus RaphaelJS)
Whirlwind Tour of SVG (plus RaphaelJS)

Marc Grabanski gave a whirlwind tour of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), covering the basics of SVG including elements, embedding SVG, features like DOM structure and filters, demos of transformations and animation, and tools like RaphaelJS. The presentation provided an overview of SVG and highlighted its advantages like scalability, accessibility, and use of HTML and CSS. Examples of various SVG elements, embedding methods, and features like filters and transformations were demonstrated.

raphaeljssvgvector graphics
Intro to OOCSS Workshop
Intro to OOCSS WorkshopIntro to OOCSS Workshop
Intro to OOCSS Workshop

Let’s face it… while CSS is as basic a language as you can get, it can be a challenge to master - especially when it comes to implementing large scalable projects. Without some sort of framework, it’s easy to end up in specificity spaghetti with severely duplicated code, browser performance issues, and generally unmaintainable, unsemantic, and unscalable CSS code. Adopting a design pattern like OOCSS will help you eliminate these nightmares and make crafting your CSS a joy once again. This workshop will examine the importance of a modular CSS architecture, profile the core principles of OOCSS, allow you to try your hand at module implementation, and touch on a few of the pros and “cons” of the system.

cssoocssmodular architecture
• Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at
crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and
navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide
range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).
[Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]
“adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid,
proportion-based grids”
“flexible images”
• Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at
crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and
navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide
range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).
[Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]
“adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid,
proportion-based grids”
“flexible images”
“CSS3 Media Queries”
• Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at
crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and
navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide
range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).
[Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]
“adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid,
proportion-based grids”
“flexible images”
“CSS3 Media Queries”
<meta name=“viewport" content="width=device-width">

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Real World Web components
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Real World Web components

The document discusses web components, which include HTML templates, custom elements, shadow DOM, and HTML imports. Web components allow the creation of reusable custom elements with their own styles and DOM structure. They provide encapsulation and help avoid issues with global namespaces. While browser support is still emerging for some features, polyfills exist and frameworks like Polymer make web components accessible today. Web components represent an important evolution of the web that will improve how code is structured and shared.

DRY CSS A don’t-repeat-yourself methodology for creating efficient, unified a...
DRY CSS A don’t-repeat-yourself methodology for creating efficient, unified a...DRY CSS A don’t-repeat-yourself methodology for creating efficient, unified a...
DRY CSS A don’t-repeat-yourself methodology for creating efficient, unified a...

Slides for a talk at the ConFoo 2012 conference in Montreal. I explain a simple yet powerful CSS architecture that avoids duplication and increases design consistency by grouping shared properties together rather than redefining them over and over. In the process I explain preprocessors like LESS and SASS, as well as the OOCSS fad, pointing out how they are insufficiently standards-compliant.

codingcssfrontend development
Accessibility - A feature you can build
Accessibility - A feature you can buildAccessibility - A feature you can build
Accessibility - A feature you can build

From jQuery San Diego, held Feb 12-13 2014, my talk on web accessibility for web developers. I cover basic techniques, introduce screen readers and ARIA, and go over testing. The goal is to demystify accessibility so we can weave it in to applications today.

a11yaccessibilityjquery san diego
• Choices:
• Mobile site
• App
• Responsive
• Choices:
• Mobile site
• App
• Responsive
• Choices:
• Mobile site
• App
• Responsive
• Choices:
• Mobile site
• App
• Responsive

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Html5 public
Html5 publicHtml5 public
Html5 public

HTML5 is a new version of HTML that aims to improve the semantic structure and functionality of web pages. It introduces new elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, and <footer> to better define page sections. While browser support is still evolving, many modern browsers support key HTML5 features. The HTML5 specification is developed by the World Wide Web Consortium to advance web standards.

Responsive Enhancement
Responsive EnhancementResponsive Enhancement
Responsive Enhancement

Responsive Webdesign is much more than squishing containers and setting breakpoints. Performance is often a big problem. How to achieve performance with progressive enhancement, conditional loading and RESS. Original Slideshow:

rwdresponsive web designress
What is jQuery?
What is jQuery?What is jQuery?
What is jQuery?

jQuery is a fast, light-weight, and feature-rich JavaScript library. The main purpose of jQuery is t...

slider jqueryjquery downloadjquery plugins
• Choices:
• Mobile site
• App
• Responsive
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

• Magic! Sort of
• Tells browser to adjust to
size of device
<meta name="viewport"
content="width=device width”

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[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover
[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover
[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover

This document provides an agenda and overview for an HTML5 and CSS3 workshop. The agenda includes explaining differences between HTML5 and XHTML, building with HTML5 elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, <aside>, and <footer>, bringing back semantic HTML tags, figures and captions, editable elements, drag and drop, HTML5 metadata like microformats, and page structure. It discusses syntax changes in HTML5 and introducing new elements and attributes to improve semantics and accessibility.

Optimizing Sites for Mobile Devices
Optimizing Sites for Mobile DevicesOptimizing Sites for Mobile Devices
Optimizing Sites for Mobile Devices

Slides for my Adobe MAX 2011 presentation on Optimizing Sites for Mobile Devices. In this hands-on lab, I explore the concept of developing a mobile strategy that approaches mobile as an equal partner in the design process, and explores techniques to help site content deploy across devices and contexts.

media queriesmobileoptimizing
Responsive and Fast
Responsive and FastResponsive and Fast
Responsive and Fast

This document discusses strategies for improving website performance. It begins by showing examples of slow loading pages and notes that responsive web design (RWD) does not inherently improve performance—proper implementation is important. Several tips for optimizing performance are provided, such as concatenating files, minifying code, compressing images, using responsive images, optimizing font and image sizes, and inlining critical CSS. The document also covers topics like bandwidth versus latency, measuring performance, and how HTTP/2 may impact current best practices. The overarching message is that performance should be a priority considered throughout the design and development process.


• Magic! Sort of
• Tells browser to adjust to
size of device
<meta name="viewport"
content="width=device width”

• Magic! Sort of
• Tells browser to adjust to
size of device
<meta name="viewport"
content="width=device width”

• Magic! Sort of
• Tells browser to adjust to
size of device
<meta name="viewport"
content="width=device width”
Responsive Web Design

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[edUi] HTML5 Workshop
[edUi] HTML5 Workshop[edUi] HTML5 Workshop
[edUi] HTML5 Workshop

This document provides an agenda for an HTML5 workshop. The agenda includes discussions of differences between HTML5 and XHTML, building with HTML5 syntax like DOCTYPEs and character sets, and features like audio/video, geolocation, forms, and accessibility. It also outlines exercises for validating HTML5 markup and exploring new HTML5 elements.

State of jQuery June 2013 - Portland
State of jQuery June 2013 - PortlandState of jQuery June 2013 - Portland
State of jQuery June 2013 - Portland

The jQuery Foundation coordinates work on the jQuery project, including code, documentation, infrastructure, and events. It is a non-profit organization funded by conferences, donations, and memberships. The Foundation maintains jQuery and related projects like jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, and QUnit on GitHub. jQuery 1.x continues to support older browsers while jQuery 2.x supports modern browsers, with both versions maintaining API compatibility. Major releases in 2012 included jQuery 1.9 in January and jQuery 2.0 in April.

JsViews - Next Generation jQuery Templates
JsViews - Next Generation jQuery TemplatesJsViews - Next Generation jQuery Templates
JsViews - Next Generation jQuery Templates

Come and see the future of jQuery Templates, as it moves from Beta1 towards a V1 product. The new jQuery Templates is taking two forms: JsRender – lean and mean, for fast rendering of templates as strings, and JsViews – for powerful interactive browser apps in which Data Link and Templates work hand-in-hand. See how with declarative data linking and templating together, creating powerful data-driven UI is easy, whether using MVVM patterns or binding directly to JSON, and whatever the richness or complexity of the underlying data. jQuery UI is already building its future data-bound widgets on top of this technology. With JsViews and JsRender integration between jQuery UI controls and your own data and UI becomes trivially straightforward.

jquerydata linktemplates
Responsive Web Design
• Escaping the CSS box model!
<div id=”outerwrap">
<div id="header">
<div id=“bodycontent”>
<div id="footer">
• Grid
• Makes content columns swing below each other to fit on
smaller, narrower, screen

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Take Your Markup to 11
Take Your Markup to 11Take Your Markup to 11
Take Your Markup to 11

Presentation for the Denver HTML5 Users Group on advanced HTML techniques. Focuses, specifically, on semantic markup (POSH), new HTML5 structural elements, microformats, microdata and ARIA landmark roles

poshweb standardsmicroformats
Digital Media Night - Responsive Web Design
Digital Media Night - Responsive Web DesignDigital Media Night - Responsive Web Design
Digital Media Night - Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design, die Zukunft des Web! Virtualtrends veranstaltet mehrmals im Jahr die Digital Media Night. Auf dieser Veranstaltung vermitteln wir Wissen aus der Branche und informieren über aktuelle Trends.

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Responsive mobile shopping 06.2016
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Wie entwickeln sich die Kundenbedürfnisse im mobile-shopping? Aktuelle Erkenntnisse und Gestaltungshinweise für Shopbetreiber. Wie setzen sie responsive Design um, welche Vorgaben sollten beachtet werden. Wie erreichen Sie ZIelgruppen.

online shoppingresearchweb design
• New HTML5 element <section> Defines a section in
the document
• Sizing done in CSS
• Col and span aren’t only for tables anymore
• Table is a display property in CSS3 that says, “Let
the element behave like a <table> element”
• New HTML5 element <section> Defines a section in
the document
• Sizing done in CSS
• Col and span aren’t only for tables anymore
• Table is a display property in CSS3 that says, “Let
the element behave like a <table> element”
• New HTML5 element <section> Defines a section in
the document
• Sizing done in CSS
• Col and span aren’t only for tables anymore
• Table is a display property in CSS3 that says, “Let
the element behave like a <table> element”
• New HTML5 element <section> Defines a section in
the document
• Sizing done in CSS
• Col and span aren’t only for tables anymore
• Table is a display property in CSS3 that says, “Let
the element behave like a <table> element”

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Einführung in die Besoderheiten des Responsive Webdesigns.

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Bericht eines strategischen Research-Projektes von Haruki für Stuffle im User Experience Roundtable Hamburg 8/15.

by uxHH
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Behind Every App we build, each successful product we engineer, there is strong customer bonding and a great team - where the vision and purpose is shared, technology is carefully chosen and managed and the focus is kept unflateringly on the experience of one person we do all this for - end user. Breathtaking design and user experience is a hallmark of the websites and applications we build. You can understand more about our design philosphy and some of our work in the attached presentation

mobile app designwebsite designawesome designs
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design
• Used to mostly be screen or print
• Hide nav when printing
@media print { #navigation { display: none; } }.
• [W3Schools] Media queries look at the capability of the device, and
can be used to check many things, such as:
• width and height of the browser window
• width and height of the device
• orientation (is the tablet/phone in landscape or portrait mode?)
• Resolution
• You can also have different stylesheets for different media

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Facit Digital | Mobile User Interface Design
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Facit Digital | Mobile User Interface Design

Über Webdesign lässt sich streiten – nicht allerdings über die Menüführung und den Umfang der Inhalte bei mobilen Internetseiten. Zu dieser Aussage führen die Ergebnisse einer Studie des Marktforschungsinstituts Facit Digital, bei der die Websites von vier Automobilherstellern auf ihre unterschiedliche (mobile) Nutzererfahrung hin analysiert wurden. / Das beste geräteübergreifende Surferlebnis bietet Porsche.

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Webinhalte aktivierend und übersichtlich präsentiert: Für den Relaunch der AGRAVIS Konzernwebsite hat TWT ein modernes, hochgradig valides und mobiloptimiertes Design kreiert.

by TWT
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Überblick für Responsive Webdesign. Wann kann es einzesetzt werden? Wo sind die Vorteile gegenüber anderen, mobilen Varianten?

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Präsentation vom 18. Webdev Fulda Treffen:

"Gefahren von Webdesign Trends - erst nachdenken, dann coden." Vortrag auf de...
"Gefahren von Webdesign Trends - erst nachdenken, dann coden." Vortrag auf de..."Gefahren von Webdesign Trends - erst nachdenken, dann coden." Vortrag auf de...
"Gefahren von Webdesign Trends - erst nachdenken, dann coden." Vortrag auf de...

Aktuelle Trends der Webentwicklung sowie die vermeintlich überall verfügbare hohe Bandbreite verleiten Agenturen, aufwändig produzierte Websites zu gestalten – ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste in Usability, Performance und Kompatibilität. In diesem Talk werden negative Beispiele genannt und wie diese Stolperfallen vermieden werden können. Ebenso soll anhand positiver Beispiele aufgezeigt werden, wie sowohl Zielgruppe als auch deren vielfältige technische Ausstattung in die Konzeption einbezogen werden kann. Im Vortrag waren einige Videos integriert, die hier natürlich so nicht zu sehen sind. Es wird ein Video des Talks geben, einfach mal beim Webkongress Erlangen auf der Seite schauen.

Responsive Design Whitepaper
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Responsive Design Whitepaper
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design
• Bootstrap
• Word Press Responsive themes
• All sorts of code generators & downloads –
• Responsive Grid System
• GitHub -

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Responsive Web Design am Beispiel von Virato (Social News Aggregator)

In diesem Kurzvortrag gibt Markus Dermietzel (Senior User Experience Designer bei curtis newton gmbh, vor 2013 bekannt als dw capital gmbh) Einblicke in das Responsive Web Design des Social News Aggregators Dazu erschien im Juli 2012 ein Online-Artikel auf Bei Fragen melden Sie sich bei (Chérine De Bruijn).

web designresponsive web
Responsive Webdesign
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Responsive Webdesign

Was Responsive Webdesign meint, ist klar: Ein Layout, das sich flexibel an die Bildschirmgröße des Clients anpasst. Für einen perfekten Auftritt auf dem Smartphone ebenso wie dem UltraHD-TV. Was so schön klingt, birgt aber auch viele Fallstricke. Der Vortrag wird einige von ihnen Vorstellen: Von extravaganten Kundenwünschen, überraschender Browser-Inkompatibilität und der Verwendung von iFrames bis hin zu responsiven HTML-Newslettern. Abgerundet wird der Talk durch verschiedene Beispiele für den Workflow, Testing-Strategien und dem Thema SEO im Zusammenhang mit Responsive Webdesign.

responsive designhtmlseo
Mobile reseach presentation uxcampdc 01052012
Mobile reseach presentation uxcampdc 01052012Mobile reseach presentation uxcampdc 01052012
Mobile reseach presentation uxcampdc 01052012

The document discusses the need for Snagajob to develop a mobile job search solution. It notes that while mobile visits have increased significantly, they currently only drive 2% of applications. It then outlines Snagajob's initial mobile efforts, competitors' focus on mobile, and research showing the growing importance of mobile. The document proposes a user-centered design process starting with understanding users through interviews. It presents a persona of a potential user and insights from job seeker interviews. Initial prototype sketches are shown along with plans for further refinement and testing, with the goal of quickly building an initial mobile solution.

• Bootstrap
• Word Press Responsive themes
• All sorts of code generators & downloads –
• Responsive Grid System
• GitHub -
Responsive Web Design
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Wie aus: "Wir wollen einen Relaunch" eine nutzerorientierte, responsive Website wird, und welche Herausforderungen dabei auftreten. Eine Betrachtung des Prozesse, der Tools und Ergebnisse aus Agentursicht.

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How to engage with your customer community
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How can you leverage the power of fans and followers to impact your core business? What are best practices to decrease support cost or spark innovation with the means of online communities? Thinking E-Business in new Models.

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Responsive Web Design - What You Need to Know to Get Started

Responsive web design (RWD) uses fluid grids and flexible images to provide optimal viewing experiences across different devices. It involves using media queries and conditional CSS to progressively enhance a website for different screen sizes rather than separate mobile sites. Key aspects of RWD include flexible grids, media queries, and flexible images and media. Popular frameworks like 960 Grid System help build flexible layouts. More websites are adopting RWD to create responsive designs that work on any device.

Responsive Design: What is it? How do we do it? How much will it cost?
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Responsive Design: What is it? How do we do it? How much will it cost?

Presentation given at the North Carolina Tech4Good Conference in Chapel Hill, NC – June 7, 2013 While responsive design may sound like a buzzword, it has real implications for your nonprofit’s website. This session will cover: • responsive design principles • provide several illustrations of responsive design done well (from small to large • nonprofit sites and a few commercial examples) • explain the process of planning for, and implementing responsive design • discuss ways to retrofit an existing site to responsive • the respective level of effort for responsive projects Additionally, we will share several tools that we have found helpful in the planning, design and implementation phases. Confluence focuses on website design and development using open source content management systems for nonprofits and organizations. We have implemented several responsive sites for our clients over the past 18 months and have invested heavily in training our staff in this important discipline.

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Great Responsive-ability Web Design
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Great Responsive-ability Web Design

With great power, comes great responsive-ability web design. Responsive web design (RWD) will be demystified. Believe it or not, it's more than just media queries, although those will be discussed. It starts with proper UI design and application architecture, and then the dive into CSS - but not too deep! You don't have to be an expert to do RWD, but it helps to have some idea of what you are doing.

responsive designresponsive web designmedia queries





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SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013
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SEF 2014 - Responsive Design in SharePoint 2013

Presented with Christian Ståhl Everyone is talking about responsive design. But are you really ready to bring SharePoint to mobile and tablets? While you may have an idea of what your site will look like when finished, there are many basic concepts and pitfalls that aren’t always outlined in the “How To’s”. In this session, we will go through foundational steps to planning a responsive SharePoint site including how to handle a hybrid content scenario that uses publishing and team sites. You will learn what tools and templates can make your life easier during design, build and testing. If you are excited about the capability of bringing SharePoint to any device but not sure where to start, check out this session to get the foundational understanding of the concept, best practices and examples to get you started.

responsive designrwdmicrosoft sharepoint
Building Responsive Websites with Drupal
Building Responsive Websites with DrupalBuilding Responsive Websites with Drupal
Building Responsive Websites with Drupal

Everyone is going mobile these days and Drupal is no exception. There are lots of techniques for building mobile-friendly websites with Drupal from full-blown mobile applications to using a mobile-specific theme. Responsive design is a simpler way of designing for mobile. The goal of responsive design is to design a site so that the layout adapts to the width of the user's screen, making websites usable on all kinds of devices from mobile phones to large monitors. This webinar will discuss how you can apply responsive design techniques to a Drupal website and will include the following topics: * Steps to building a responsive Drupal 7 theme * Challenges when designing a responsive layout * Drupal elements that are particularly challenging to adapt * CSS techniques for responsive design * Responsive Drupal base themes

drupalresponsive designweb design
Creating a Responsive Drupal Theme: Presentation from DrupalCamp Montreal 2012
Creating a Responsive Drupal Theme: Presentation from DrupalCamp Montreal 2012Creating a Responsive Drupal Theme: Presentation from DrupalCamp Montreal 2012
Creating a Responsive Drupal Theme: Presentation from DrupalCamp Montreal 2012

Everyone is going mobile these days and Drupal is no exception. There are lots of techniques for building mobile-friendly websites with Drupal from full-blown mobile applications to using a mobile-specific theme. Responsive design is a simpler way of designing for mobile. The goal of responsive design is to design a site so that the layout adapts to the width of the user's screen, making websites usable on all kinds of devices from mobile phones to large monitors. This session will discuss how you can apply responsive design techniques to your Drupal website and how to make design choices that work within a responsive framework. Topics will include: Steps to building a responsive Drupal 7 theme Challenges when designing a responsive layout Drupal elements that are particularly challenging to adapt CSS techniques for responsive design Responsive Drupal base themes

• W3Schools Responsive
• W3Schools Responsive
• W3Schools Responsive
• A List Apart -
• Content Strategy for the Web – 2nd ed. 2012 book,
Kristina Halvorson
• CES web course "Designing Mobile & Responsive
Experiences” starts June 1

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Responsive web design ppt
Responsive web design pptResponsive web design ppt
Responsive web design ppt

This document discusses the history and concepts of responsive web design. It covers topics like fluid grids and layouts, flexible images and videos, media queries, and the advantages of responsive design. The key points are: - Responsive web design allows websites to automatically adjust to different screen sizes through fluid grids and layouts, flexible images and media queries. - Media queries allow different CSS styles to be applied based on screen width and orientation. - Responsive design helps create a better user experience by optimizing websites for various devices like desktops, tablets and phones.

responsive web design
Approaches to Responsive Wen Design & Development
Approaches to Responsive Wen Design & DevelopmentApproaches to Responsive Wen Design & Development
Approaches to Responsive Wen Design & Development

Responsive design provides an optimal viewing experience across devices by using fluid grids and layouts, flexible images and media, and media queries. Key elements include fluid grids based on percentages, media queries that detect device capabilities and alter styles, and flexible typography that scales with the base font size. Popular frameworks like Bootstrap simplify the process but can limit customization. Plugins also help add responsive features to sites.

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Developing for Responsive Design - Frederic Welterlin
Developing for Responsive Design - Frederic WelterlinDeveloping for Responsive Design - Frederic Welterlin
Developing for Responsive Design - Frederic Welterlin

This document discusses responsive design and how it has evolved from Tim Berners-Lee's original vision of a universal linked information system. It defines responsive design as a web development approach where design and development respond to the user's behavior, environment, screen size, platform and orientation. The presenter discusses crafting responsive user experiences using flexible grids, flexible media, and media queries. He provides examples of when responsive design is and isn't warranted, using sites like Ford and United Airlines as examples. The presenter concludes by noting responsive design is still evolving and different solutions may be needed based on user needs and business tasks.

razorfishweb design and development
“But that kind of design thinking
doesn’t need to be our default.
Now more than ever, we’re
designing work meant to be viewed
along a gradient of different
experiences. Responsive web
design offers us a way forward,
finally allowing us to “design for the
ebb and flow of things.” Ethan

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Responsive Web Design

  • 1. 1 An introduction for Libraries UW-SLIS CES Webinar April 6, 2015
  • 2. TODAY’S AGENDA • What is Responsive Web Design? • Definition & History • How do I DO Responsive Web Design? • Tips & Tricks & Jargon • Where do I go to learn more about Responsive Web Design? • Resources, Bibliography, SLIS/CES web course 2
  • 3. WHAT IS RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN? • Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones). [Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia] 3
  • 4. WHAT IS RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN? • Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones). [Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia] “adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids” 3
  • 5. WHAT IS RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN? • Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones). [Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia] “adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids” “flexible images” 3
  • 6. WHAT IS RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN? • Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones). [Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia] “adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids” “flexible images” “CSS3 Media Queries” 3
  • 7. WHAT IS RESPONSIVE WEB DESIGN? • Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones). [Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia] “adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids” “flexible images” “CSS3 Media Queries” <meta name=“viewport" content="width=device-width"> 3
  • 9. HOW WE GOT TO RESPONSIVE • Choices: • Mobile site • App • Responsive
  • 10. HOW WE GOT TO RESPONSIVE • Choices: • Mobile site • App • Responsive
  • 11. HOW WE GOT TO RESPONSIVE • Choices: • Mobile site • App • Responsive
  • 12. HOW WE GOT TO RESPONSIVE • Choices: • Mobile site • App • Responsive
  • 13. HOW WE GOT TO RESPONSIVE • Choices: • Mobile site • App • Responsive
 TAG • Magic! Sort of • Tells browser to adjust to size of device <meta name="viewport" content="width=device width” />
 TAG • Magic! Sort of • Tells browser to adjust to size of device <meta name="viewport" content="width=device width” />
 TAG • Magic! Sort of • Tells browser to adjust to size of device <meta name="viewport" content="width=device width” />
 TAG • Magic! Sort of • Tells browser to adjust to size of device <meta name="viewport" content="width=device width” />
  • 22. FLUID LAYOUTS • Escaping the CSS box model! <div id=”outerwrap"> <div id="header"> <div id=“bodycontent”> <div id="footer"> • Grid • Makes content columns swing below each other to fit on smaller, narrower, screen
  • 25. SECRET OF COLUMNS • New HTML5 element <section> Defines a section in the document • Sizing done in CSS • Col and span aren’t only for tables anymore • Table is a display property in CSS3 that says, “Let the element behave like a <table> element”
  • 26. SECRET OF COLUMNS • New HTML5 element <section> Defines a section in the document • Sizing done in CSS • Col and span aren’t only for tables anymore • Table is a display property in CSS3 that says, “Let the element behave like a <table> element”
  • 27. SECRET OF COLUMNS • New HTML5 element <section> Defines a section in the document • Sizing done in CSS • Col and span aren’t only for tables anymore • Table is a display property in CSS3 that says, “Let the element behave like a <table> element”
  • 28. SECRET OF COLUMNS • New HTML5 element <section> Defines a section in the document • Sizing done in CSS • Col and span aren’t only for tables anymore • Table is a display property in CSS3 that says, “Let the element behave like a <table> element”
  • 32. CSS3 MEDIA QUERIES • Used to mostly be screen or print • Hide nav when printing @media print { #navigation { display: none; } }. • [W3Schools] Media queries look at the capability of the device, and can be used to check many things, such as: • width and height of the browser window • width and height of the device • orientation (is the tablet/phone in landscape or portrait mode?) • Resolution • You can also have different stylesheets for different media
  • 44. TOOLS • Bootstrap • Word Press Responsive themes • All sorts of code generators & downloads – • Responsive Grid System • GitHub - %93&q=responsive+web+design
  • 45. TOOLS • Bootstrap • Word Press Responsive themes • All sorts of code generators & downloads – • Responsive Grid System • GitHub - %93&q=responsive+web+design
  • 57. RESOURCES, WEBSITES • W3Schools Responsive html/html_responsive.asp
  • 58. RESOURCES, WEBSITES • W3Schools Responsive html/html_responsive.asp
  • 59. RESOURCES, WEBSITES • W3Schools Responsive html/html_responsive.asp
  • 60. EVEN MORE - • A List Apart - • Content Strategy for the Web – 2nd ed. 2012 book, Kristina Halvorson • content-strategy.html • CES web course "Designing Mobile & Responsive Experiences” starts June 1 continueed-DesignMobile.htm
  • 61. THANK YOU! QUESTIONS? “But that kind of design thinking doesn’t need to be our default. Now more than ever, we’re designing work meant to be viewed along a gradient of different experiences. Responsive web design offers us a way forward, finally allowing us to “design for the ebb and flow of things.” Ethan Marcotte