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Resin Java Web Server
                        Outperforms C-based NginX

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RESIN PRO   Web Profile   Health System   Cloud Support
NginX 1.2.0 versus Resin
                  4.0.29 Performance Tests
     •The following will be covered:
         • Resin validation as the single best solution for web server
           and application server
         • Tools used in benchmark testing
             • httperf
             • AutoBench
         • Results from performance testing Resin 4.0.29 and NginX

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Resin outperforms NginX

         • Reputation as fast, lightweight and powerful Java
             application server

         • Known to be faster and more reliable under load than
             Apache HTTPD

     •Benchmark tests between Resin and NginX
         • Both yielded competitive figures
         • Resin leads testing with:
             • Fewer errors

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Profiling JavaScript Performance
Profiling JavaScript PerformanceProfiling JavaScript Performance
Profiling JavaScript Performance

Presented at Web Unleashed 2019 More info at Luke DeWitt REDspace Overview JavaScript’s popularity has exploded over the last decade, taking it from a laughable scripting language to one that powers much of the web today. Because it’s so flexible and so easy to learn, it’s extremely popular with new developers looking to cut their teeth in programming. However, these strengths are also weaknesses, as it’s incredibly easy to write bad JavaScript without even knowing it. A lot of these newer developers jump from “Hello, World!”, to TodoMVC in order to find the library that makes their life easier. By doing this, they skip over some of the important details of not only how JavaScript works, but also how to optimize its performance to ensure the best user experience. The Chrome profiler is a very handy tool that not a lot of developers have experience with. In this talk, we’ll take a beginner’s look at the profiler tool and examine how to use it to best improve your web application, and identify bottlenecks in your code without having to rely only on console.log statements. Objective To help developers understand how to better make use of the JavaScript profiler. Target Audience Any JavaScript developers Assumed Audience Knowledge Basic JavaScript Level Beginner / intermediate Five Things Audience Members Will Learn Javascript inner-workings Profiling concepts Identifying bottlenecks Profiling node applications Tooling

javascriptweb development
Introduction to WebSockets
Introduction to WebSocketsIntroduction to WebSockets
Introduction to WebSockets

WebSocket is a protocol that provides bidirectional communication over a single TCP connection. It uses an HTTP handshake to establish a connection and then transmits messages as frames that can contain text or binary data. The frames include a header with metadata like opcode and payload length. WebSocket aims to provide a standard for browser-based applications that require real-time data updates from a server.

HyperLight Websites
HyperLight WebsitesHyperLight Websites
HyperLight Websites

Presented at FITC Toronto 2019 More info at Chris Zacharias imgix Overview The average website loads over 1.5MBs of content per page, making over 75 requests. Many popular websites are serving over 5MBs just to load their homepages. And these numbers represent measurements taken AFTER compression is applied. The full weight of many popular websites is pushing 20+ MBs these days. In an era where performance truly matters to the end user experience, web developers need techniques to help curtail this bloat in data down the wire. No matter how well you optimize, there is no better way to than to delete things you do not need. How does one determine what is essential to the user experience and what is not? One answer Chris posits is to develop a hyper-lightweight version of your website which will provide critical insights into your specific performance priorities. This is a process that he has leveraged on many projects, in particular at YouTube to reduce the size of the video watch page from 1.5MBs to 100KBs. In this talk, Chris will take real-world web pages and show techniques for dramatically reducing their page weight and for identifying areas to optimize, while outlining the key steps to doing this well. Objective Learn a process for building a hyper-lightweight version of your website for establishing reasonable performance budgets, grounded in reality, to work from. Target Audience Web developers Assumed Audience Knowledge HTML, CSS, Javascript, some server-side awareness. Level Intermediate Five Things Audience Members Will Learn How to analyze a web page for performance issues A holistic approach to deconstructing an existing website A clear process for building a hyper-lightweight version of your website Translating your findings into real performance priorities Establishing a realistic performance budget

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Benchmark Tools

     • Industry standard tool and methodology
         • Httperf
             • httperf is tool produced by HP for measuring web server performance.
                 The httperf tool supports HTTP/1.1 keepalives and SSL protocols.
         • AutoBench
             • a tool for automating a comparative benchmark test against two a web
             • Runs httperf against each host.
             • Increases the number of requests per seconds on each iteration.
             • Delivers output in a format that can be easily consumed by spreadsheet
             • The command autobenchd is used to run a daemon on client machines.
             • The autobench_admin command drives many clients to run test at same
                 time by communicating with autobenchd.

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Test Setup Overview

         • The only change that was made was the
             worker_processes were set to 8 for NginX to improve
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Hardware Software Specifications

     • Client HW/OS specs:
          • i7 4 core / 8 HT, 2.8 GHZ, 8Meg Cache, 8 GB RAM.
          • Ubuntu 12 / Linux Kernel 3.2.0-26-generic
     • Server HW specs:
          • i7 4 core / 8 HT, 2.8 GHZ, 8Meg Cache, 8 GB RAM.
          • Ubuntu 12 / Linux Kernel 3.2.0-26-generic
     • Test software
          • Autobench 2.1.1
          • httperf 0.9.0
     • Software under test:
          • Resin Pro 4.0.29
          • nginx 1.2.0
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0K Test - Command Line
                    ./ 300000 2000 20000 1000 0k

                    --clients xen:4600,lancre:4600
                    --uri1 /file_$5.html
                    --host1 ch_resin --port1 8080
                    --uri2 /file_$5.html
                    --host2 ch_nginx --port2 80
                    --num_conn $1
                    --num_call 10
                    --low_rate $2
                    --high_rate $3
                    --rate_step $4
                    --timeout 3
                    --file out_con$1_start$2_end$3_step$4_$5.tsv

         (Above is used to setup 300,000 connections at a rate of 20,000 to 200,000 requests per
         Each iteration increases the rate by 10,000 from 20,000 to 200,000.)


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Web frameworks don't matter

This document discusses best practices for designing, scaling, and maintaining large-scale web applications. Some of the key points made include: having a consistent and flexible data model, loosely coupling components for easier testing and replacement, using caching strategies like page fragments and memcached, and emphasizing development practices like version control, testing, and monitoring performance. The document advocates for a modular architecture with components like load balancers, reverse proxies, caching layers, and asynchronous job queues.

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This document provides an overview and introduction to Apache Camel, an open-source integration library. It discusses what integration is and why it is difficult. It then introduces Apache Camel as a lightweight integration library that uses enterprise integration patterns and components to provide routing, mediation, and transformation capabilities. The document provides examples of how to define integration logic in Camel using Java and XML domain-specific languages. It also discusses Camel's support for enterprise integration patterns, pre-built components, testing framework, and management capabilities.

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This document provides an overview of Apache ActiveMQ, an open-source messaging server. It discusses ActiveMQ's features such as high performance, high availability, multiple protocols and transports. It also covers tools for benchmarking and performance tuning ActiveMQ brokers, including the ActiveMQ Performance Module, jms-benchmark, JMSTester, JMeter and OS monitoring tools. The document is intended to help understand how to approach performance tuning of ActiveMQ brokers.

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Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0
                  0K file - requests per second

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Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0
                       0K file - Response Time

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Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0
                        0K file - IO throughput

Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0
                            0K file - Errors

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Using Apache Camel as AKKA
Using Apache Camel as AKKAUsing Apache Camel as AKKA
Using Apache Camel as AKKA

The document discusses using Apache Camel and Apache Karaf to build distributed, asynchronous systems in a similar way to AKKA. It provides examples of building a dynamic routing system using Camel routing and JMS, as well as a modular ETL system for processing CSV files using a configurable, hot-deployable mutation framework. The examples demonstrate how to achieve scalability, modularity, and asynchronous behavior without deep knowledge of the underlying technologies through an event-driven architecture based on messaging.

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This document discusses how to integrate Grails applications with various enterprise systems and processes. It covers integrating Grails with build tools like Ant and Maven, managing dependencies, connecting to legacy databases, deploying applications, and integrating with Spring frameworks for messaging, web services, and other enterprise features. Grails can work with many external systems through plugins, custom ORM mappings, and by treating Grails as a Spring application. This allows Grails applications to fit into a variety of enterprise environments and development processes.

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1K Test - Command Line
                    ./ 200000 1000 10000 250 1k

                    --uri1 /file_$5.html
                    --host1 ch_resin --port1 8080
                    --uri2 /file_$5.html
                    --host2 ch_nginx --port2 80
                    --num_conn $1
                    --num_call 10
                    --low_rate $2
                    --high_rate $3
                    --rate_step $4
                    --timeout 3
                    --file out_con$1_start$2_end$3_step$4_$5.tsv
                    0 0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789
                    1 0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789
                    2 0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789
                    3 0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789
                    4 0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789
                    5 0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789
                    6 0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789
                    7 0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789
                    8 0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789
                    9 0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789   0123456789

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Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0
                  1K file - requests per second

Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0
                       1K file - Response Time

Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0
                        1K file - IO throughput

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Introduction to Apache Camel
Introduction to Apache CamelIntroduction to Apache Camel
Introduction to Apache Camel

Apache Camel is a powerful open source integration framework that allows developers to focus on business logic by hiding complexity. It supports over 80 components and 19 data formats, and provides a domain-specific language for integration patterns in Java, XML, and Scala. Camel routes can be run in standalone applications or deployed to various containers.

Introduction to Apache Camel
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Introduction to Apache Camel

We start with an introduction to what Apache Camel is, and how you can use Camel to make integration much easier. Allowing you to focus on your business logic, rather than low level messaging protocols, and transports. You will also hear what other features Camel provides out of the box, which can make integration much easier for you. We look into web console tooling that allows you to get insight into your running Apache Camel applications, which has among others visual route diagrams with tracing/debugging and profiling capabilities. In addition to the web tooling we will also show you other tools in the making.

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Torquebox OSCON Java 2011
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The document summarizes TorqueBox, which allows Ruby applications to run on the JBoss Application Server. TorqueBox combines JRuby and JBoss AS to provide features like clustering, load balancing, high availability, messaging, background jobs, and long-running services to Ruby applications. It allows Ruby applications to leverage Java libraries and tools while retaining the simplicity and flexibility of Ruby.

Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0
                            1K file - Errors

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Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0
                  8K file - requests per second

Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0
                64K file - requests per second

Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
     • - Resin vs. NginX
     •Resin Java Web Server Outperforms C-based

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TorqueBox allows developers to build and deploy Rack and JRuby applications on JBoss Application Server. It provides features such as background processing, scheduling, services and clustering out of the box. TorqueBox makes use of JRuby's Java integration to provide a fast Ruby runtime and access to Java libraries and tools. It aims to provide all the capabilities of a full application server while allowing developers to work in Ruby and avoid technologies like XML, Java code and WAR files. Setting up TorqueBox involves downloading the distribution, exporting some environment variables and using Rake tasks to deploy and manage applications.

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Event Driven Architecture with Apache Camel

This presentation describes Event Driven Architecture(EDA) support in Camel, and scalability features like SEDA and Akka support in Camel.It starts with an overview of Camel and introduces its simple syntax

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This document provides an overview of HTML5 WebSocket technology. It discusses limitations of traditional HTTP and how WebSocket enables full-duplex communication by reducing overhead and latency compared to alternative techniques like polling. The WebSocket API and protocol are introduced, along with browser support and server library options. Key benefits of WebSocket include unlimited connections per server, very small overhead, and true real-time bidirectional communication across the web.


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Resin Outperforms NginX

  • 1. Resin Java Web Server Outperforms C-based NginX Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 2. Open%Source,%Reliable%and%Lightweight% Java%EE%Applica;on%Server% RESIN PRO Web Profile Health System Cloud Support
  • 3. NginX 1.2.0 versus Resin 4.0.29 Performance Tests •The following will be covered: • Resin validation as the single best solution for web server and application server • Tools used in benchmark testing • httperf • AutoBench • Results from performance testing Resin 4.0.29 and NginX 1.2.0 Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 4. Resin outperforms NginX •Resin • Reputation as fast, lightweight and powerful Java application server •NginX • Known to be faster and more reliable under load than Apache HTTPD •Benchmark tests between Resin and NginX • Both yielded competitive figures • Resin leads testing with: • Fewer errors Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 5. Benchmark Tools • Industry standard tool and methodology • Httperf • httperf is tool produced by HP for measuring web server performance. The httperf tool supports HTTP/1.1 keepalives and SSL protocols. • AutoBench • a tool for automating a comparative benchmark test against two a web servers. • Runs httperf against each host. • Increases the number of requests per seconds on each iteration. • Delivers output in a format that can be easily consumed by spreadsheet tools. • The command autobenchd is used to run a daemon on client machines. • The autobench_admin command drives many clients to run test at same time by communicating with autobenchd. Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 6. Test Setup Overview •Configuration • The only change that was made was the worker_processes were set to 8 for NginX to improve Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 7. Hardware Software Specifications • Client HW/OS specs: • i7 4 core / 8 HT, 2.8 GHZ, 8Meg Cache, 8 GB RAM. • Ubuntu 12 / Linux Kernel 3.2.0-26-generic • Server HW specs: • i7 4 core / 8 HT, 2.8 GHZ, 8Meg Cache, 8 GB RAM. • Ubuntu 12 / Linux Kernel 3.2.0-26-generic • Test software • Autobench 2.1.1 • httperf 0.9.0 • Software under test: • Resin Pro 4.0.29 • nginx 1.2.0 Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 8. 0K Test - Command Line Arguments ./ 300000 2000 20000 1000 0k autobench_admin --clients xen:4600,lancre:4600 --uri1 /file_$5.html --host1 ch_resin --port1 8080 --uri2 /file_$5.html --host2 ch_nginx --port2 80 --num_conn $1 --num_call 10 --low_rate $2 --high_rate $3 --rate_step $4 --timeout 3 --file out_con$1_start$2_end$3_step$4_$5.tsv (Above is used to setup 300,000 connections at a rate of 20,000 to 200,000 requests per second. Each iteration increases the rate by 10,000 from 20,000 to 200,000.) 0k.html html> <body> <pre></pre> </body> </html> Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 9. Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0 0K file - requests per second Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 10. Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0 0K file - Response Time Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 11. Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0 0K file - IO throughput Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 12. Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0 0K file - Errors Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 13. 1K Test - Command Line Arguments ./ 200000 1000 10000 250 1k autobench_admin --clients, --uri1 /file_$5.html --host1 ch_resin --port1 8080 --uri2 /file_$5.html --host2 ch_nginx --port2 80 --num_conn $1 --num_call 10 --low_rate $2 --high_rate $3 --rate_step $4 --timeout 3 --file out_con$1_start$2_end$3_step$4_$5.tsv 1k.html html> <body> <pre> 0 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 1 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 2 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 3 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 4 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 5 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 6 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 7 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 8 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 9 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 0123456789 </pre> </body> </html> Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 14. Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0 1K file - requests per second Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 15. Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0 1K file - Response Time Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 16. Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0 1K file - IO throughput Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 17. Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0 1K file - Errors Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 18. Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0 8K file - requests per second Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 19. Resin 4.0.29 vs NginX 1.2.0 64K file - requests per second Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server
  • 20. Links • • - Resin vs. NginX •Resin Java Web Server Outperforms C-based NginX Caucho Home | Contact Us | Caucho Blog | Wiki | Application Server

Editor's Notes

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