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Introduction to Docker
January, 2016
• Introduction to Docker, Containers, and the Matrix from Hell
• Why people care: Separation of Concerns?
• How Docker works?
• Technical explanation
• Containers vs VMs
• Basics of Docker System
• Docker File
• Docker CLI Commands
Static website
Web frontend
User DB
Queue Analytics DB
Background workers
API endpoint
nginx 1.5 + modsecurity + openssl + bootstrap 2
postgresql + pgv8 + v8
hadoop + hive + thrift + OpenJDK
Ruby + Rails + sass + Unicorn
Redis + redis-sentinel
Python 3.0 + celery + pyredis + libcurl + ffmpeg + libopencv + nodejs +
Python 2.7 + Flask + pyredis + celery + psycopg + postgresql-client
Development VM
QA server
Public Cloud
Disaster recovery
Contributor’s laptop
Production Servers
The ChallengeMultiplicityofStacks
Production Cluster
Customer Data Center
The Matrix From Hell
Static website
Web frontend
Background workers
User DB
Analytics DB
QA Server
Single Prod
Public Cloud
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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Why docker | OSCON 2013
Why docker | OSCON 2013Why docker | OSCON 2013
Why docker | OSCON 2013

Docker, Containers, and the Future of Application Delivery document discusses: - The challenges of running applications across different environments due to variations in stacks and hardware ("N x N" compatibility problem). - How Docker addresses this by allowing applications and their dependencies to be packaged into standardized software containers that can run consistently across any infrastructure similar to how shipping containers standardized cargo transportation. - The benefits of Docker for developers in building applications once and running them anywhere without dependency or compatibility issues, and for operations in simplifying configuration management and automation.

Hypervisor "versus" Linux Containers with Docker !
Hypervisor "versus" Linux Containers with Docker !Hypervisor "versus" Linux Containers with Docker !
Hypervisor "versus" Linux Containers with Docker !

Hypervisor "versus" Linux Containers! Docker is an open-source engine that automates the deployment of any application as a lightweight, portable, self-sufficient container that will run virtually anywhere. Less hardware, less pain and more scalability in production, on VMs, bare-metal servers, OpenStack clusters, public instances, or combinations of the above. "Do more with less " and this is all that matters! Automation of server and applications deployments never had been so easy and fast that ever. Also brings produtivity to a new level, in the DataCenters and Cloud Environments. Francisco Gonçalves (Dec2013 ( )

server automationdata-center automationdocker
Docker introduction & benefits
Docker introduction & benefitsDocker introduction & benefits
Docker introduction & benefits

Docker allows for easy deployment and management of applications by wrapping them in containers. It provides benefits like running multiple isolated environments on a single server, easily moving applications between environments, and ensuring consistency across environments. The document discusses using Docker for development, production, and monitoring containers, and outlines specific benefits like reducing deployment time from days to minutes, optimizing hardware usage, reducing transfer sizes, and enhancing productivity. Future plans mentioned include using Kubernetes for container orchestration.

Cargo Transport Pre-1960
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Also a matrix from hell
Solution: Intermodal Shipping Container
…in between, can be loaded and
unloaded, stacked, transported
efficiently over long distances,
and transferred from one mode
of transport to another
A standard container that is
loaded with virtually any
goods, and stays sealed until
it reaches final delivery.
Static website Web frontendUser DB Queue Analytics DB
QA server Public Cloud Contributor’s
Docker is a shipping container system for
Customer Data
…that can be manipulated using
standard operations and run
consistently on virtually any
hardware platform
An engine that enables any
payload to be encapsulated
as a lightweight, portable,
self-sufficient container…

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Containers vs. VMs: It's All About the Apps!
Containers vs. VMs: It's All About the Apps!Containers vs. VMs: It's All About the Apps!
Containers vs. VMs: It's All About the Apps!

There has been much hype about whether Containers will replace Virtual Machines for use in Cloud architectures. We’ll look at the strengths of each technology and how they apply in real-world usage. By taking a top-down (Application-first) approach to requirements analysis, versus a bottoms-up (Infrastructure-first) approach, we can see how unique architectures will emerge that can balance the needs of Developers, DevOps and corporate IT.

Why Docker
Why DockerWhy Docker
Why Docker

Configuration management tools like Chef, Puppet, and Ansible aim to reduce inconsistencies by imposing and managing consistent configurations across environments. However, they do not fully address issues related to dependencies, isolation, and portability. Docker containers build on these tools by adding standard interfaces and a lightweight virtualization layer that encapsulates code and dependencies, allowing applications and their environments to be packaged together and run consistently on any infrastructure while also providing isolation.

Docker presentation
Docker presentationDocker presentation
Docker presentation

Docker provides a standard way to package applications into containers that are portable and can run on any infrastructure. The containers isolate applications from one another and ensure that dependencies and configurations are included so applications always run the same. This allows developers to build applications once and deploy them anywhere without worrying about compatibility or missing dependencies. It also allows operators to configure applications once and run anything on their infrastructure efficiently by eliminating inconsistencies between environments.

cloud computingvirtualizationapplication containers
Static website
Web frontend
Background workers
User DB
Analytics DB
QA Server
Single Prod
Public Cloud
Docker eliminates the matrix from Hell
Why Developers Care
• Build once…(finally) run anywhere*
• A clean, safe, hygienic and portable runtime environment for your app.
• No worries about missing dependencies, packages and other pain points during
subsequent deployments.
• Run each app in its own isolated container, so you can run various versions of libraries
and other dependencies for each app without worrying
• Automate testing, integration, packaging
• Reduce/eliminate concerns about compatibility on different platforms, either your own
or your customers.
Why Devops Cares?
• Configure once…run anything
• Make the entire lifecycle more efficient, consistent, and repeatable
• Increase the quality of code produced by developers.
• Eliminate inconsistencies between development, test, production, and customer
• Significantly improves the speed and reliability of continuous deployment and continuous
integration systems
• Because the containers are so lightweight, costs, deployment, and portability issues
normally are associated with VMs
How Docker Works
��� You can build Docker images that hold your applications
• You can create Docker containers from those Docker images
to run your applications.
• You can share those Docker images via Docker Hub or your
own registry

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How we dockerized a startup? #meetup #docker
How we dockerized a startup? #meetup #docker How we dockerized a startup? #meetup #docker
How we dockerized a startup? #meetup #docker

Docker in production, for real! The Yuzu startup, helped by Vixns, chose to have a docker infrastructure with Mesos/Marathon/Consul. From the development environment to our prod monitoring, we share our mistakes, successes, workflows and tools.

Docker 101 : Introduction to Docker and Containers
Docker 101 : Introduction to Docker and ContainersDocker 101 : Introduction to Docker and Containers
Docker 101 : Introduction to Docker and Containers

This document provides an introduction to Docker and containers. It discusses why containers are useful for software deployment given changes in the industry. Containers provide lightweight isolation of applications and their dependencies. Docker is a tool that manages containers running on the same operating system kernel. Key Docker components include the client, server, images, and containers. Popular use cases of Docker include Google running over a billion containers per week and Finnish Railways saving 50% of cloud costs with Docker.

#docker #containerization #paas #cloud
Mobycraft - Docker in 8-bit by Aditya Gupta
Mobycraft - Docker in 8-bit by Aditya Gupta Mobycraft - Docker in 8-bit by Aditya Gupta
Mobycraft - Docker in 8-bit by Aditya Gupta

Mobycraft is a Minecraft client-side mod to manage and visualize Docker containers in Minecraft. This mod can be installed in any standard Minecraft client and allow young kids to learn Docker fundamentals in a fun way. It allowed a 13-year old boy to apply his Minecraft modding skills to pick up Docker concepts such as Engine, Machine, Swarm, and Remote API. This project became a great bonding experience between a father and a son. It allowed them to engage in fun and geeky conversations, such as code reviews and tooling discussion, and thereby building memories for a lifetime.

More technical explanation
• High Level—It’s a lightweight VM
• Own process space
• Own network interface
• <<machine container>>
• Low Level—It’s chroot on
• Container=isolated processes
• Share kernel with host
• <<application container>>
• Run everywhere
• Regardless of kernel version
• Regardless of host distro
• Physical or virtual, cloud or not
• Container and host
architecture must match*
• Run anything
• If it can run on the host, it can
run in the container
• i.e. if it can run on a Linux
kernel, it can run
Containers vs. VMs
Hypervisor (Type 2)
Host OS
Host OS
Containers are isolated,
but share OS and, where
appropriate, bins/libraries
…result is significantly faster deployment,
much less overhead, easier migration,
faster restart
Why are Docker containers lightweight?
Original App
(No OS to take up
space, resources,
or require restart)
Modified App
Copy on write
capabilities allow us to
only save the diffs
Between container A
and container A’
Every app, every copy of an
app, and every slight modification
of the app requires a new virtual server
Copy of App
No OS. Can
Share bins/libs
Basics of the Docker system
Docker Engine
Host 2 OS (Linux)
Host 1 OS (Linux)
Docker Image

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Introduction to Containers and DockerIntroduction to Containers and Docker
Introduction to Containers and Docker

The document introduces containers and Docker. It discusses the problems with traditional virtualization approaches for managing and deploying code. Containers provide a lightweight virtualization method that packages code and dependencies together so the application runs reliably from one computing environment to another. Docker is a tool that makes it easy to create, deploy and run containers. The document provides examples of using Docker to build container images from a Dockerfile, run containers, link containers together using Docker Compose, and share container images publicly on Docker Hub.

Getting started with docker (2017)
Getting started with docker (2017)Getting started with docker (2017)
Getting started with docker (2017)

Getting Started with Docker * 2017 Trends * * Containers * Docker - Docker image - Docker container * Docker Compose * Docker Cloud * Docker insights and statistics Link:

Docker 101 - High level introduction to docker
Docker 101 - High level introduction to dockerDocker 101 - High level introduction to docker
Docker 101 - High level introduction to docker

This document provides an overview of Docker containers and their benefits. It begins by explaining what Docker containers are, noting that they wrap up software code and dependencies into lightweight packages that can run consistently on any hardware platform. It then discusses some key benefits of Docker containers like their portability, efficiency, and ability to eliminate compatibility issues. The document provides examples of how Docker solves problems related to managing multiple software stacks and environments. It also compares Docker containers to virtual machines. Finally, it outlines some common use cases for Docker like application development, CI/CD workflows, microservices, and hybrid cloud deployments.

Changes and Updates
Docker Engine
Docker Engine
Host is now running A’’
Mod A’’
Host running A wants to upgrade to A’’.
Requests update. Gets only diffs
Mod A’
Docker File
• Like a Makefile (shell script with keywords)
• Extends from a Base Image
• Results in a new Docker Image
• Imperative, not Declarative
• A Docker file lists the steps needed to build an images
• docker build is used to run a Docker file
• Can define default command for docker run, ports to expose, etc
Docker CLI Commands
Thank You!

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Docker - Portable Deployment
Docker - Portable DeploymentDocker - Portable Deployment
Docker - Portable Deployment

Docker is a system for running applications in lightweight containers that can be deployed across machines. It allows developers to package applications with all dependencies into standardized units for software development. Docker eliminates inconsistencies in environments and allows applications to be easily deployed on virtual machines, physical servers, public clouds, private clouds, and developer laptops through the use of containers.

Introduction to Docker - 2017
Introduction to Docker - 2017Introduction to Docker - 2017
Introduction to Docker - 2017

This document provides an introduction to Docker and discusses how it helps address challenges in the modern IT landscape. Some key points: - Applications are increasingly being broken up into microservices and deployed across multiple servers and environments, making portability and scalability important. - Docker containers help address these issues by allowing applications to run reliably across different infrastructures through package dependencies and resources together. This improves portability. - Docker provides a platform for building, shipping and running applications. It helps bridge the needs of developers who want fast innovation and operations teams who need security and control.

Intro Docker october 2013
Intro Docker october 2013Intro Docker october 2013
Intro Docker october 2013

This document provides an introduction and overview of Docker. It discusses why Docker was created to address issues with managing applications across different environments, and how Docker uses lightweight containers to package and run applications. It also summarizes the growth and adoption of Docker in its first 7 months, and outlines some of its core features and the Docker ecosystem including integration with DevOps tools and public clouds.


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  • 2. Agenda • Introduction to Docker, Containers, and the Matrix from Hell • Why people care: Separation of Concerns? • How Docker works? • Technical explanation • Containers vs VMs • Basics of Docker System • Docker File • Docker CLI Commands
  • 3. Static website Web frontend User DB Queue Analytics DB Background workers API endpoint nginx 1.5 + modsecurity + openssl + bootstrap 2 postgresql + pgv8 + v8 hadoop + hive + thrift + OpenJDK Ruby + Rails + sass + Unicorn Redis + redis-sentinel Python 3.0 + celery + pyredis + libcurl + ffmpeg + libopencv + nodejs + phantomjs Python 2.7 + Flask + pyredis + celery + psycopg + postgresql-client Development VM QA server Public Cloud Disaster recovery Contributor’s laptop Production Servers The ChallengeMultiplicityofStacks Multiplicityof hardware environments Production Cluster Customer Data Center Doservicesandapps interact appropriately? CanImigrate smoothlyand quickly?
  • 4. The Matrix From Hell Static website Web frontend Background workers User DB Analytics DB Queue Development VM QA Server Single Prod Server Onsite Cluster Public Cloud Contributor’s laptop Customer Servers ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • 6. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Also a matrix from hell
  • 7. MultiplicityofGoods Multiplicityof methodsfor transporting/storing DoIworryabout howgoodsinteract (e.g.coffeebeans nexttospices) CanItransport quicklyandsmoothly (e.g.fromboatto traintotruck) Solution: Intermodal Shipping Container …in between, can be loaded and unloaded, stacked, transported efficiently over long distances, and transferred from one mode of transport to another A standard container that is loaded with virtually any goods, and stays sealed until it reaches final delivery.
  • 8. Static website Web frontendUser DB Queue Analytics DB Development VM QA server Public Cloud Contributor’s laptop Docker is a shipping container system for code MultiplicityofStacks Multiplicityof hardware environments Production Cluster Customer Data Center Doservicesandapps interact appropriately? CanImigrate smoothlyandquickly …that can be manipulated using standard operations and run consistently on virtually any hardware platform An engine that enables any payload to be encapsulated as a lightweight, portable, self-sufficient container…
  • 9. Static website Web frontend Background workers User DB Analytics DB Queue Development VM QA Server Single Prod Server Onsite Cluster Public Cloud Contributor’s laptop Customer Servers Docker eliminates the matrix from Hell
  • 10. Why Developers Care • Build once…(finally) run anywhere* • A clean, safe, hygienic and portable runtime environment for your app. • No worries about missing dependencies, packages and other pain points during subsequent deployments. • Run each app in its own isolated container, so you can run various versions of libraries and other dependencies for each app without worrying • Automate testing, integration, packaging • Reduce/eliminate concerns about compatibility on different platforms, either your own or your customers.
  • 11. Why Devops Cares? • Configure once…run anything • Make the entire lifecycle more efficient, consistent, and repeatable • Increase the quality of code produced by developers. • Eliminate inconsistencies between development, test, production, and customer environments • Significantly improves the speed and reliability of continuous deployment and continuous integration systems • Because the containers are so lightweight, costs, deployment, and portability issues normally are associated with VMs
  • 12. How Docker Works • You can build Docker images that hold your applications • You can create Docker containers from those Docker images to run your applications. • You can share those Docker images via Docker Hub or your own registry
  • 13. More technical explanation • High Level—It’s a lightweight VM • Own process space • Own network interface • <<machine container>> • Low Level—It’s chroot on steroids • Container=isolated processes • Share kernel with host • <<application container>> • Run everywhere • Regardless of kernel version (2.6.32+) • Regardless of host distro • Physical or virtual, cloud or not • Container and host architecture must match* • Run anything • If it can run on the host, it can run in the container • i.e. if it can run on a Linux kernel, it can run WHY WHAT
  • 14. App A Containers vs. VMs Hypervisor (Type 2) Host OS Server Guest OS Bins/ Libs App A’ Guest OS Bins/ Libs App B Guest OS Bins/ Libs AppA’ Docker Host OS Server Bins/Libs AppA Bins/Libs AppB AppB’ AppB’ AppB’ VM Container Containers are isolated, but share OS and, where appropriate, bins/libraries Guest OS Guest OS …result is significantly faster deployment, much less overhead, easier migration, faster restart
  • 15. Why are Docker containers lightweight? Bins/ Libs App A Original App (No OS to take up space, resources, or require restart) AppΔ Bins/ App A Bins/ Libs App A’ Guest OS Bins/ Libs Modified App Copy on write capabilities allow us to only save the diffs Between container A and container A’ VMs Every app, every copy of an app, and every slight modification of the app requires a new virtual server App A Guest OS Bins/ Libs Copy of App No OS. Can Share bins/libs App A Guest OS Guest OS VMs Containers
  • 16. Basics of the Docker system Source Code Repository Dockerfile For A Docker Engine Docker Image Registry Build Docker Host 2 OS (Linux) ContainerA ContainerB ContainerC ContainerA Push Search Pull Run Host 1 OS (Linux) Docker Image Run
  • 17. Changes and Updates Docker Engine Docker Image Registry Docker Engine Push Update Bins/ Libs App A Base Image Host is now running A’’ Container Mod A’’ AppΔ Bins/ Bins/ Libs App A Bins/ Bins/ Libs App A’’ Host running A wants to upgrade to A’’. Requests update. Gets only diffs Container Mod A’ Bins/ AppΔ
  • 18. Docker File • Like a Makefile (shell script with keywords) • Extends from a Base Image • Results in a new Docker Image • Imperative, not Declarative • A Docker file lists the steps needed to build an images • docker build is used to run a Docker file • Can define default command for docker run, ports to expose, etc