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Progressive Enhancement Building accessible web pages  or What is a Turducken? Bruce Morrison Brisbane Web Design - 17 June 2010
How things used to be done.
Graceful Degradation
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This document discusses various front-end tooling that can help developers work smarter and more efficiently. It recommends embracing tools like terminal shells and customizing browsers with developer tools. Popular tools are also mentioned like Sublime Text, which can be extended with plugins, packages and themes. Automating workflows with build tools like Grunt and package managers like Bower is also recommended to avoid tedious and repetitive tasks. Overall the document promotes maximizing productivity by leveraging the power of front-end tools.


This document provides an overview of a webinar that teaches absolute beginners how to build their own website. The webinar will use a free HTML5 Bootstrap template and customize it with images, text, and icons to create a responsive website that can be viewed on all devices. Attendees will learn basic HTML and CSS and how to host their finished website online for free using a Bitballoon account, but the webinar will not provide a full tutorial on building a site entirely from scratch or teaching the languages in depth.


This document contains information about Michael Peteichuk, a front-end developer born in 1989 from Uzhgorod, Ukraine. He has over 3 years of experience in IT and over 2 years experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. His skills include technologies like HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular and tools like Git, Grunt and Gulp. He has worked as a junior front-end developer at BoostSolutions since 2016 and as a freelancer from 2015-2016.

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A brief introduction to responsive web design presented to Biomedical Communications (MScBMC) students on March 15, 2013.

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Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise
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Doing Modern Web, aka JavaScript and HTML5 in the Enterprise

Some Practices and Principles to help get enterprises on the right track building modern web applications.

How to optimize and speed-up your website. The complete guide.
How to optimize and speed-up your website. The complete guide.How to optimize and speed-up your website. The complete guide.
How to optimize and speed-up your website. The complete guide.

We believe that in world of web design speed is strength. Faster the website is the better the overall user experience. Here is the guide for optimizing your website prepared by FROGRIOT digital studio. Years of experience in single presentation. Enjoy it!

Presentation CSS
Behavior JavaScript
Turducken! Yum!
Core Principles

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This document provides an introduction to web development. It discusses what web applications are and why they are used. It then explains how the request-response cycle works in web development. The document outlines the different aspects of back-end web development and provides suggestions on how to get started in the field, including possible career options and paths. It compares online and offline approaches to learning web development.

Dynamic website
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Dynamic website

The document summarizes a student's web development project where they built a dynamic website using HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, and SQL. It outlines the technologies used including the laptop specifications, development tools, hosting, and databases. It also details the estimated time spent on various aspects of the project, challenges encountered, technologies learned, and future goals to implement original proposed ideas for the site.

CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control
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CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control

This document discusses the differences between CSS and JavaScript and when each is most appropriate to use. It argues that CSS is often underestimated in favor of JavaScript solutions. CSS has advanced significantly with features like calc(), media queries, animations/transitions, flexbox, grid, variables and more. These powerful features allow many tasks to be accomplished with CSS alone without needing JavaScript. The document encourages embracing the "squishiness" of the web and considering CSS more when building interfaces.

Basic  content  should be accessible to all browsers
Basic  functionality  should be accessible to all browsers
Sparse, semantic markup contains all content
Enhanced layout is provided by externally linked CSS

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The Need For Speed

The document discusses ways to improve website performance by reducing page load times. It identifies several factors that affect performance like request size, response size, number of components, and bandwidth. It then provides recommendations to shrink the response size through compression and optimization, reduce the number of requests by merging files, and minimize third-party scripts when possible. Specific techniques mentioned include minifying assets, using content delivery networks, browser caching, and tools for testing and monitoring performance.

barcampstroudweb performance
Dynamic Website
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The document discusses the evolution of web browsers and their impact on the advancement of the World Wide Web. It outlines the development of early browsers, the "Browser Wars" between Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator that drove innovation, a period of stagnation for Internet Explorer 6, and a second "Browser War" between Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and other browsers. It also provides details on building a dynamic website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP and SQL.

Joomla wireframing Template - Joomladay Netherlands 2014 #jd14nl
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Joomla wireframing Template - Joomladay Netherlands 2014 #jd14nl

Using a Joostrap template, Philip will be explaining & demoing how you wire frame a website right in your browser and why it will save you load's of time. There are no fancy plugins here! This is wire framing for your client, built directly in your browser & saving you untold hours messing around in other software. It is so hard sometimes, trying to get across to a client with a few drawings how the functionality of something could work. Wire framing directly in the browser gives your client a working wireframe/prototype where they can interact with links, pages & concepts. Not only that, but after client approval, you just have to style your working wireframe/prototype or switch to the template that is using the same module positions... It's a win win situation!

Enhanced behavior is provided by unobtrusive, externally linked JavaScript
End user browser preferences are respected
Greater accessibility Better SEO  Usable site on more browsers and devices 

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The document discusses Angular, a web application framework that aims to address issues with traditional JavaScript development such as messy code, difficulty testing, and poor maintainability. It notes common problems that arise in complex web apps and introduces Angular as a solution. The core concepts of Angular are described as declarative UI, extensions to HTML through directives, heavy data binding, and imperative app logic written in JavaScript with dependency injection. Demonstrations are provided and achievements of Angular are listed as simple markup without JavaScript, easy to test logic components, and automated testing support. Key takeaways cover data binding, filters, unit testing, mocking HTTP calls, routing, and services.

Front end for back end developers
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The document discusses various web developer tools including: - Firebug for inspecting and editing HTML, CSS, debugging JavaScript, and monitoring network activity. - YSlow for optimizing web page performance by reducing HTTP requests, compressing components, optimizing caching, and minimizing payload size. - Page Speed by Google for optimizing caching, minimizing round trips, reducing request overhead and payload size, and optimizing browser rendering. - Web Developer extension for adding developer tools to Firefox and Chrome browsers. It also mentions validators for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and the importance of performance optimization like minimizing HTTP requests to reduce page load time.

DevPira2019 - Blazor
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DevPira2019 - Blazor

C# do backend ao frontend com Blazor. This document discusses using C# and the Blazor framework for both front-end and back-end development. It introduces the basic architectures of Blazor WebAssembly and Blazor Server Side models, including their use of DOM, Razor Components, .NET Core, and SignalR. Advantages and disadvantages of each Blazor model are also presented. Resources provided include links to documentation on Blazor architecture and a demo project.

blazorweb assemblyc#8
Requires upfront planning Can be difficult to execute
<a href=&quot;;      class=&quot;external&quot; > An external site </a> Content

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Having Fun with Local WordPress Development

The document discusses the benefits and challenges of local WordPress development. Some key advantages of local development are that it allows testing changes without risking breaking the live site and is generally faster than making edits directly to the live site. Potential downsides include transferring large databases and files to the local environment and clients not being able to see work in progress. It provides tips for setting up a local development environment using software like XAMPP or MAMP and migrating an existing live site to local development.

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My Top 10 Secret Weapons for Frontend Development
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My Top 10 Secret Weapons for Frontend Development

The document is a presentation by Geoffrey Plitt about his 10 secret weapons for frontend development. It introduces Plitt as a former Google engineer and current CTO who will discuss tools like Slim for better HTML, SASS for better CSS, CoffeeScript for better JavaScript, and CodeKit for putting it all together. The presentation promotes additional tools like Knockout for better MVC, HeadJS for better JavaScript loading, Proxino for JavaScript error handling, and PubNub for better fan-out capabilities. It concludes by thanking the audience and encouraging them to follow Plitt online.

Presentazione del centro
Presentazione del centroPresentazione del centro
Presentazione del centro
Presentation a.external  {    background:transparent      url(../images/external-link.png)      no-repeat scroll right center;    padding-right:17px; }
Behavior $(document).ready(function(){    $(&quot; a.external &quot;).click(function() {;      return false;    }); });
Links Wikipedia A List Apart Smashing Magazine Dev.Opera

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The document introduces the four-leaf clover taxonomy instructional design model used by Univirtual for online courses. The model includes four stages: 1) information, 2) laboratory, 3) check, and 4) customization. Each stage includes specific learning activities and educational functions to maximize effectiveness and promote the social construction of knowledge. The model aims to provide a structured yet flexible approach to online course design and delivery.

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This document outlines a 3D animator's business plan to work as a freelancer in the UK or Singapore, establishing a strong reputation through networking and an online portfolio on sites like Blogspot, CGSociety, and DeviantArt, as well as social media. The animator has skills in modeling, texturing, rigging, lighting, and composition in software like Maya, Photoshop, After Effects, and Premiere Pro. Their goals are to deliver high quality services professionally, gain experience, and become an animation supervisor within 5 years by targeting the TV/film, gaming, advertising, and commercial industries.

Gourab Framework
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The document discusses thoughtless acts and their implications for design. It presents a methodology for understanding thoughtless acts by examining how they relate to human cognition, emotion, memory, culture, trends, ability, habit, personality, and environment. The goal is to enable designers to realize these connections viscerally so they can better inform the design of proportions, form, space, sound, color, texture, vibrations, smell, touch, and temperature.

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Progressive Enhancement

Editor's Notes

  1. Who has Heard of progressive enhancement? Heard of graceful degradation? Remembers the browsers wars and building for IE first and then making it look ok on other browsers? Knows what a turducken is?
  2. First a look at how things used to be done.
  3. Sounds kind of nice but believe it is wasn&apos;t! Build your site to work in the most popular browser (IE) then make it work in other browsers 
  4. Created a finished product then retro fit to work in other browsers
  5. Ask users to upgrage their browser Best viewed in IE5 Text only alternative site
  6. The term Progressive enhancement was coined Steven Champeon in 2003  Attempts to create websites that &amp;quot;work&amp;quot; on the widest number of browser platforms older browsers mobile devices
  7. Reverse of GD Start simple and add complexity
  8. Content is marked up with  good semantic (x)HTML
  9. Add presentation with CSS
  10. Add behavior with JavaScript
  11. The base layer is the xHTML (chicken) Add the presentation using CSS (duck) Add and behaviors/interaction using JavaScript (turkey)
  12. There are 6 core principles of PE
  13. End user browser preferences are respected
  14. Say we want external links to be indicated as such and open in a new window when clicked.
  15. Linked into the HTML There are CSS selectors now that 
  16. Linked into the HTML
  17. Linked into the HTML