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Programmatic Mobile First
programmatic is data
programmatic is mobile
history and definitions
Warply programmatic ad network
payments and wallets

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2016 Asia Pacific mobile programmatic advertising report by Vpon
2016 Asia Pacific mobile programmatic advertising report by Vpon2016 Asia Pacific mobile programmatic advertising report by Vpon
2016 Asia Pacific mobile programmatic advertising report by Vpon

This document provides an overview and summary of mobile programmatic advertising trends in Asia Pacific from January to June 2016 based on data from Vpon's mobile DSP, DMP, and analytics platform. Some key findings include: - Top inventory sources in the region were China, Indonesia, and Japan, accounting for 60% of total bidable inventory. - Banner ads remained the most common format but native and video saw stronger growth. - Gaming and e-commerce drove most performance-based mobile advertising spending. - Marketers cited benefits of programmatic buying like better targeting, faster execution, and real-time optimization.

advertisingbig datacross border
The CNN Greece Case study
The CNN Greece Case studyThe CNN Greece Case study
The CNN Greece Case study

CNN Greece's mobile strategy focuses on native advertising formats within their mobile app. They send over 30,000 push notifications per day with an open rate of 6.3%. Their strategy utilizes behavioral and geographical user data for targeted mobile ads. While ad blockers present a challenge, CNN sees opportunities in more engaging native ad formats and improved targeting. They are also exploring crowd-sourced journalism through mobile with a new "iReport" feature for Greece.

mobilemobile marketingmarketing and advertising
Why [Mobile] [In-app] Programmatic? A Marketer's Guide
Why [Mobile] [In-app] Programmatic? A Marketer's GuideWhy [Mobile] [In-app] Programmatic? A Marketer's Guide
Why [Mobile] [In-app] Programmatic? A Marketer's Guide

What do buyers need to know about how RTB works, what "premium" means for mobile inventory, mobile attribution, and more? It's all here in our handy guide.

mobilemobile appsmobile marketing
• WHAT ? Automated buying, placement and
optimisation of media inventory
• HOW ? Media buying decisions taken impression
by impression, user by user
• WHY ? Data Driven
1st Party Data 2nd Party Data 3rd Party Data
1st Party Data 3rd Party Data
marketing cloud
re-marketing re-targeting

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The international state of Programmatic
The international state of ProgrammaticThe international state of Programmatic
The international state of Programmatic

Während viele noch etwas verhalten gegenüber Programmtic Buying sind, charakterisiert und beeinflusst Programmatic Buying – der automatisierte Ein- und Verkauf von Werbeplätzen – und die damit einhergehende Marketing-Automatisierung, die Marketing-Branche nachhaltig. Unklar ist für viele, in welcher Form und in welchem Umfang es sie selbst und damit ihren Job und ihr Daily Business betreffen wird.

Create - Day 2 - 13:30 - Programmatic 101 with David Frew, IAB UK
Create - Day 2 - 13:30 - Programmatic 101 with David Frew, IAB UKCreate - Day 2 - 13:30 - Programmatic 101 with David Frew, IAB UK
Create - Day 2 - 13:30 - Programmatic 101 with David Frew, IAB UK

This document discusses programmatic advertising and issues related to it. It provides definitions of key terms like programmatic trading. It also summarizes data on the growth of programmatic advertising in the UK, finding that it accounted for 45% of online display advertising in 2014, up from 28% in 2013. The document also examines factors that may continue driving future growth of programmatic and discusses some concerns of media owners, like fraud, data leakage, and lack of viewability standards.

Руководство для маркетологов от Google
Руководство для маркетологов от GoogleРуководство для маркетологов от Google
Руководство для маркетологов от Google

Руководство для маркетологов по созданию эффективных рекламных кампаний. Помимо ценных советов, в нем содержатся успешные кейсы ведущих мировых брендов.

mobile ad network GR
mobile ad network CY
share of impressions
mobile web
mobile apps
source: Warply Ad Network
share of attention
source: Warply Ad Network, emarketeer

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programmatic Buying in Mobile Advertising

74% of marketers are now using programmatic media buying on mobile for retargeting users, 62% use it for performance marketing and 61% for branding. •  This represents a huge opportunity for the industry to build targeting and measurement solutions that deliver greater effectiveness and efficiency for upper-funnel campaigns. Of those not using programmatic, the biggest barriers for adoption are complexity of the ecosystem (58%), skills shortage (42%) and lack of education (33%).

Introduction to Ad Tech
Introduction to Ad TechIntroduction to Ad Tech
Introduction to Ad Tech

This document provides an introduction to advertising technology (ad tech) by exploring its historical development and key components. It discusses how the relationships between advertisers, publishers, and consumers have grown more complex over time with the introduction of elements like ad servers, ad networks, ad exchanges, and supply-side platforms that facilitate programmatic advertising. It also touches on related terminology, technological challenges of ad tech systems, and common issues like traffic fraud.

marketing and advertisingengineeringinternet
Programmatic and RTB industry preview 2016 - Trends and challenges
Programmatic and RTB industry preview 2016 - Trends and challengesProgrammatic and RTB industry preview 2016 - Trends and challenges
Programmatic and RTB industry preview 2016 - Trends and challenges

This slideshow is focusing on what we expect happening in the ad industry this year including ad fraud issues.

digitalgoogle adwordsrtb
ad impressions in
mobile web
ad impressions
in apps
unique mobile devices
source: Warply Ad Network
ad blocking
source GlobalWebIndex
increase during Q4 2015
because of mobile iOS
ad network
(advertiser side)
ad server
(RTB Client)
(RTB Server)
ad network
(publisher side)
ad server
Data Broker
Buy Side Sell Side
American Football
Auto Enthusiasts
Avid Runners
Engineering Enthusiasts
Food & Dining Lovers
Health & Fitness Enthusiasts
High Net-Worth Individuals
Home & Garden Pros
New Mothers
Parenting & Education
Pet Owners
Photo & Video Enthusiasts
Social Influencer
Spanish Speakers
Sports Fans
Tech & Gadget Enthusiasts
Business Professionals
Personal Finance Geeks
Real Estate Follower
Small Business Owner
Sports Fans
Avid Runners
American Football Fans
Business Travelers
Flight Intenders
Leisure Travelers
Catalog Shoppers
In-app Purchasers
Mobile Payment Makers
Value Shoppers
Casual and Social Gamers
Entertainment Enthusiasts
Hardcore/Midcore Gamers
Movie Lovers
Music Lovers
News and Magazine Readers
Slots Players
TV Lovers

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Programmatic Advertising For Dummies
Programmatic Advertising For DummiesProgrammatic Advertising For Dummies
Programmatic Advertising For Dummies

Clueless about programmatic advertising? We've got you covered. Learn about how programmatic ad buying works in the most simplest form possible.

advertisingmobile advertisingadvertising mobile technology
Mobile Programmatic Platform by Exebid.DCA
Mobile Programmatic Platform by Exebid.DCAMobile Programmatic Platform by Exebid.DCA
Mobile Programmatic Platform by Exebid.DCA

The document discusses the growing use of mobile internet in Russia and advantages of mobile programmatic advertising. Some key points: - By the end of 2015, over 93 million Russians were active mobile internet users. 64% of mobile internet traffic in Russia was through mobile devices. - Mobile users are increasingly using their smartphones and tablets to access the internet and watch online videos. They spend an average of 98 minutes per day on their mobile devices. - Mobile programmatic advertising offers advantages like precise geotargeting, user segmentation, and support for multiple ad formats. It allows advertisers to reach over 40 million unique Russian mobile users.

programmaticdigital marketingmarketing and advertising
Programmatic Advertising for Beginners
Programmatic Advertising for BeginnersProgrammatic Advertising for Beginners
Programmatic Advertising for Beginners

Programmatic advertising involves buying and selling digital ad space through an automated bidding process run by machines. It allows advertisers to target specific audiences in real-time across many digital channels like display, social media, video and mobile using automated software. Some key benefits of programmatic advertising include cost efficiency, transparency into where ads are running, and better targeting capabilities to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, behaviors and more. Major brands have seen success using programmatic advertising to precisely target consumers most likely to be interested in their products or services.

programmaticprogrammatic advertisingprogrammatic 101
targeting - device
targeting - location
mobile only targeting data points
native ads - homepage

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Introducción Programática mobile
Introducción Programática mobile Introducción Programática mobile
Introducción Programática mobile

Programmatic mobile media buying is growing rapidly and will account for 62% of all ad spending and 70% of programmatic spending by 2016. Programmatic buying allows ads to be bought, placed, and optimized automatically on an impression-by-impression basis using data to target audiences. While targeting can be predetermined by humans, ad placement is determined algorithmically in real-time auctions. Mobile programmatic buying is more developed than desktop and over half of digital media engagement occurs on mobile apps rather than mobile web.

Mobile Advertising Trends Report 2015
Mobile Advertising Trends Report 2015Mobile Advertising Trends Report 2015
Mobile Advertising Trends Report 2015

The document is a mobile advertising trends report that summarizes key trends in the mobile advertising industry in 2015. It discusses the growth of programmatic buying and real-time bidding, and how they provide benefits like streamlining the mobile ad process and enabling on-the-fly optimization. However, it also notes limitations in targeting and ad formats for mobile programmatic buying. The report also examines new and improved mobile display ad formats like mobile rich media, video ads, and native ads that are gaining traction. It then provides breakdowns of mobile ad spending trends by different industries.

mobile marketingmobile advertising best practicesmobile engagement
Branding & Performance 2017 - The future of search
Branding & Performance 2017 - The future of searchBranding & Performance 2017 - The future of search
Branding & Performance 2017 - The future of search

Infográfico relacionado à apresentação sobre o futuro do search, de Lynne Kjolso, no evento Branding & Performance 2017.

native ads - timeline
native ads - inbox
native ads - vertical video
native ads - awards

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IAB Europe Virtual Programmatic Day Deck
IAB Europe Virtual Programmatic Day DeckIAB Europe Virtual Programmatic Day Deck
IAB Europe Virtual Programmatic Day Deck

The Virtual Programmatic Day is an online event that explored the growth drivers and barriers of programmatic in Europe and provided guidance on areas such as mobile, data and transparency. This is the deck used at the first edition of this event held on November 9, 2017.

iab europevirtual programmatic dayprogrammatic
Linked Display Programmatic Buying
Linked Display Programmatic BuyingLinked Display Programmatic Buying
Linked Display Programmatic Buying

The document discusses programmatic advertising, noting its projected strong worldwide growth of 34% in 2016. It states that programmatic buying allows advertisers to efficiently reach large audiences at scale but brings complexity as the number of technology providers has grown by 98%. The challenges of ensuring ads reach the right audiences with high viewability and in a brand-safe environment are discussed. The document then promotes LinkedIn's programmatic display ads as a way for advertisers to combine efficiency, control, and measurement to reach quality professional audiences at scale in a premium context.

Reality Advert Slideshare
Reality Advert SlideshareReality Advert Slideshare
Reality Advert Slideshare

Reality Advert aims to bring together content and platform providers along with advertisers, helping them to design and execute integrated, location aware, campaigns through various web and mobile channels. In addition, allows users to manage and monitor their traffic and statistics and presented advanced geomarketing reports.

mobile advertisement3d warehouseaugmented reality
native ads - prestitials
adaptive creatives - weather
adaptive creatives - audiences
parentstech & gadget

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Open Source GIS and Modeling Tools
Open Source GIS and  Modeling ToolsOpen Source GIS and  Modeling Tools
Open Source GIS and Modeling Tools

This document discusses open source GIS and modeling tools. It covers topics like addressing the map changing problem, defining temporal spatial databases, and integrated modeling and spatial data. Open formats, modeling, and the OGC and OPEN MI partnership are also mentioned. Spatial enabled services, standards, and the map changing problem are summarized. The document provides examples and diagrams about OPEN MI, model linking, and supporting open source tools and communities. Future steps discussed include parallel computing modeling, model optimization, and linking sensors and models.

Entrepreneurship for Physicists
Entrepreneurship for Physicists Entrepreneurship for Physicists
Entrepreneurship for Physicists

This document provides advice for physicists interested in entrepreneurship. It discusses how starting a startup is similar to choosing a PhD topic, in that one should pick something they are passionate about and define a tractable problem. It also notes that the adoption curve for new products follows a Gaussian distribution, while product sales over time follow a logistic curve. Additional analogies are made between business concepts like disruption, product-market fit, startup financing, and idea replication to physics concepts like quantum tunneling, plasma etching, fusion reactions, and quantum entanglement. The document concludes by providing contact information for a startup company called Warply that is hiring.

eDMO Our proposal for Greek's strategic tourism marketing.
eDMO Our proposal for Greek's strategic tourism marketing.eDMO Our proposal for Greek's strategic tourism marketing.
eDMO Our proposal for Greek's strategic tourism marketing.

Our proposal for a centralized eRepository with mobile clients on Greek's strategic tourism marketing.

location awaremobilestrategic marketing
customer id
advertising id
permission marketing

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Open Source Mobile Development
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Open Source Mobile Development

Mobile enablement of popular CMS like drupal and wordpress. Mobile development with open source platforms like android, maemo as well as cross platform code generators like phonegap and mosync.

Warply Features
Warply FeaturesWarply Features
Warply Features

A marketing toolbox that goes beyond rich ad formats, powers up monetization, loyalty and consumer engagement for marketeers and publishers, through all screens

segmentationpush notificationsmobile marketing
Enter2013 Travel Industry Context Marketing
Enter2013 Travel Industry Context MarketingEnter2013 Travel Industry Context Marketing
Enter2013 Travel Industry Context Marketing

This document discusses context based marketing and Warply, a mobile marketing toolbox. It summarizes that traditional mobile advertising like banners is underperforming. Warply allows brands to directly send interactive push notifications to engage customers. It offers segmentation tools to target messages based on factors like location and user behavior data. Case studies show campaigns on Warply achieving redemption rates up to 80% and 10x consumer reach with lower budgets.

travel and tourismcontextlocation aware apps
mobile retention
mobile wallets
programmatic is data
programmatic is mobile

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Chatbots - A new era in digital banking
Chatbots - A new era in digital bankingChatbots - A new era in digital banking
Chatbots - A new era in digital banking

We describe the conversational UI trends in various verticals and mobile banking in particular. Presented at finovate NBB hackathon 2016.

mobile bankingchatbotfintech
The Chatbots Are Coming: A Guide to Chatbots, AI and Conversational Interfaces
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The Chatbots Are Coming: A Guide to Chatbots, AI and Conversational Interfaces

2016 is the year of all things conversational. Chatbots, suddenly, are everywhere. Driven by the explosion in popularity of messaging apps like Kik, Slack and Facebook Messenger, chatbots are quickly becoming a core part of the software product mix. So does your business need a chatbot? This deck will help you understand the massive opportunity for companies who are bold enough to start building chatbots of their own. (Already au fait with chatbots and looking for a software team to help you with yours? Skip to slide 47 to see some of the chatbots we've built at TWG for our clients and ourselves.)

by TWG
messaging appsproduct managementsoftware development
Millennial Mobile Media Capabilities 8.08
Millennial Mobile Media Capabilities 8.08Millennial Mobile Media Capabilities 8.08
Millennial Mobile Media Capabilities 8.08

The document discusses the opportunities for mobile advertising. It notes that consumers are increasingly attached to their mobile devices, providing opportunities for advertisers to reach engaged audiences. It outlines various mobile advertising formats and solutions offered by Millennial Media to connect advertisers with mobile audiences. Case studies are presented showing successful mobile campaigns for Ford and Warner Bros. that exceeded expectations.

Programmatic Mobile First

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